
Author Topic: A Woman's Story  (Read 25503 times)

Offline FinallyBraced

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A Woman's Story
« on: 14. June 2017, 22:01:31 PM »
Hello!  I have been reading posts here for a long time, but am now registered.  I am a female who loves braces.  I understand there are some fake females on here, but I am definitely a real one!  I want to tell you my story, but it is rather long, so I will do it in pieces.

Part 1 - Like many of you, I have loved braces since I was a kid, long before I ever heard the word "fetish."  When I was a pre-teen and my friends started getting braces, I was fascinated.  I asked them lots of questions and asked them to show me what they had.  I tried making fake braces in the garage.  I'm lucky I didn't swallow a paperclip! 

When I was about 13, my mother asked my dentist if I could get at least one wire across my upper front teeth.  My bottom teeth were straight, but my upper teeth were a little crooked and had spaces between them.  The dentist said that I didn't need braces because I would probably get my upper teeth capped after I was 18 and that would be sufficient.  That was bad advice, but it was a long time ago.  I continued to like braces and I really wanted braces, but I didn't say anything.  Later in my teen years, I called orthodontists I found in the phone book and asked about their free consultations.  But I never took action.  I guess I was shy.  Or I couldn't figure out how to tell my parents that I wanted to see an orthodontist.  I was too embarrassed to talk to the dentist about my need for braces or to talk to my parents about it.   In high school, if a nice boy had wanted to be my boyfriend and told me that he wished I had braces, I could have made it happen.  This was my first missed opportunity to get braces.  (If this is of interest to you, I will continue with Part 2 later.)

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #1 on: 15. June 2017, 00:46:29 AM »
I would really appreciate hearing more of your story. There are very few people who are willing to tell their story, and I know that many people would enjoy hearing yours.

Offline MetallicTaste

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #2 on: 15. June 2017, 01:23:49 AM »
I want more  :D

Offline blue_bio

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #3 on: 15. June 2017, 01:32:54 AM »
Cool beginning. I guess there are a lot whoms braces fetish started like this.
I would love to heare more from you!

Offline bradhov

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #4 on: 15. June 2017, 03:23:32 AM »
Great intro - look forward to reading more.

Offline Cassandra

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #5 on: 15. June 2017, 05:18:04 AM »
Hello from another woman who likes braces. We do exist! (No I'm not fake either)

Offline FinallyBraced

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #6 on: 15. June 2017, 07:20:31 AM »
Part 2 - I think in the 1970s and earlier years, braces were more or less reserved for kids with really bad overbites or really crooked teeth.  Braces are much more commonplace now, and mothers tell me that dentists just assume their kids will have braces when they are teenagers. 

I felt vain or silly wanting braces when my teeth weren't that bad.  However, the spaces between my teeth were not the greatest either.  I went to college and one of my roommates had full mouth metal braces into her 20s.  I usually think that braces look really great on young women, but she didn't look very good in the braces.  My other roommate had very crooked teeth and wanted nothing to do with braces.  I remember stopping by the orthodontist's office with my braced roommate a few times when she had an appointment or had to pick up elastics, but I don't remember considering asking for a consultation.  I was more interested in college studies and boyfriends and was not thinking about braces then.  And, I was still very hesitant/shy/embarrassed to ask a dentist about braces.   

A few years after college, when I was about 27, I got a great job and moved to another state.  I also got a new dentist.  This practice was more modern and high tech than I had seen in the past.  When the hygienist was cleaning my teeth, the dental floss kept breaking.  She said, "Your teeth are really tight in the back.  But I don't know how we'd fix that except with braces.  Wouldn't that be fun?"  I was thinking, yes, that might be fun.  But I just nodded and that was it.  Later, unprompted, the dentist suggested veneers to fix the spaces between my front teeth.  Veneers were new then or at least new to me.  I was shocked by the amount of tooth reduction that would be required to place veneers, so I declined.  Why didn't I say, "I would prefer braces.  Could you refer me?"  Again, I was just too embarrassed to ask. Here I was, living in a new state with a great job.  It would have been the perfect time to get braces.

I still thought braces were very cool and beautiful and sexy.  I always wanted full mouth silver braces and was not keen on the new "clear" brackets that were starting to show up.  I also wanted headgear, although I knew that my dental issues would never require that.

I was so stupid.  Now, it would be commonplace for someone to talk to a dentist about all of the available options for fixing spaced or crooked teeth.  And nobody would be embarrassed about wantingbraces or wanting perfect teeth.  But in those days, I was too timid to even ask.

This was my second missed opportunity.

Offline libtech

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #7 on: 15. June 2017, 10:51:11 AM »
Please continue if you have more...

Offline FinallyBraced

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #8 on: 16. June 2017, 08:27:15 AM »
Part 3 - My career continued and I moved to another state and got another new dentist.  (I have been to many different dentists due to moving around a lot; I am only mentioning a few here.  I really don't like switching dentists but it was necessary.)  This dentist was not much older than I was, maybe in his mid-30s, and he wore braces!  What a great opportunity that would have been!  I could have said, "I see you have braces.  I am thinking I should do that myself.  What do you think?"  But I didn't.   I am really not a shy person, but I guess I always had a block when it came to dentists.  I had a crush on this braced dentist.  But I didn't dare ask about the braces.  This was my third missed opportunity.

Soon, I met the love of my life.  He was 39 and his dentist said he really needed orthodontic treatment.  His teeth did not look bad, but he had a serious overbite and probably other issues that would have required a few years of braces.  I asked him if he would consider it.  He said he would consider it, but he was not keen on it.  I told him that I thought he should, and if he did, I would also get braces and we could do it together.  He was not interested, and so neither of us got braces.  But, I was still very interested in getting braces and I always fantasized about having braces or being with a partner with braces during intimate times.  I had brought up the subject with my partner and I had asked.  No luck.  This was my fourth missed opportunity, but this time it wasn't my fault!  I tried.

Offline castleg

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #9 on: 16. June 2017, 08:47:43 AM »
 :) :)its great~

Offline bradhov

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #10 on: 17. June 2017, 05:28:58 AM »
Love story so far - cannot wait for future installments

Offline FinallyBraced

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #11 on: 17. June 2017, 07:08:11 AM »
Part 4- Five years later, I was not very happy.  Things were not going well with my boyfriend and I decided to take the plunge.  But I did not go to my regular dentist, even though he had worn braces and I liked him very much.  Again, I just felt like I was asking for something odd or vain or...  I don't know.  But I had met a dentist on my job who did both cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics, although he was not an orthodontist as such.  But that is what his ad said he specialized in.  So, I made an appointment and drove to another town.  I laid it out -- I don't like my teeth.  I want to get braces or cosmetic dentistry or whatever I need to do to fix the spaces.  He examined me carefully and said, "Braces will not help you."  He told me that he suggested veneers but that cosmetic resin bonding might do the trick.  I was disappointed, but I believed what he said and opted for the bonding.  He did a great job, and at age 35 my teeth looked quite good.  I was pleased, despite not being able to have braces.  About 10 years later, I had the bonding redone and it looked good.  By this time I was about 45 and didn't think that "braces could help me."  This seems really weird now -- that so many dentists had said I didn't need braces or had not mentioned it at all. 

Perhaps when you are over 30 or so they just assume you don't want to do it?    Any insight into this would be appreciated.

Do dentists still think that braces are only for the worst cases?  What do you think?  I really want to know.  To be continued.

Offline Jonny 12

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #12 on: 20. June 2017, 17:05:06 PM »
Hi finallybraced,enjoying your story and hope there's more to come.So you had veneers rather than braces because the dentist told you braces were not needed for you.Nowadays their are many adults wearing braces.But with your veneers you could get fake braces or retainers from the braces shop here.This would give you the feeling of the metal or plastic (retainers)you long for.I had braces when I was at school removable large plastic plates with double wires over the front teeth,they made my teeth a little bit straighter,but several years later I broke one of my top front teeth playing football and my dentist replaced all four teeth with crowns.They looked much better than before.I hope theirs more of your story to come.

Offline FinallyBraced

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #13 on: 21. June 2017, 03:13:58 AM »
Part 5 -  Soon I noticed that my teeth were starting to shift and move in my mouth.  My bottom teeth especially where moving forward, and my the spaces between my top two teeth was back, despite the bonding.  I told my dentist (a different one) that I needed braces on my bottom teeth because they were shifting forward.  I talked to the hygienist about it.  Although I saw this dentist once or twice a year for many years, and mentioned this problem more than once, they didn't take me seriously and didn't seem to care that my teeth were moving.  Don't get me wrong, he was an OK dentist.  But he never talked to me about anything and usually just looked for cavities and went to the next patient.  Again, I didn't push hard enough.  I should have demanded braces or a retainer on my bottom teeth so that they would not continue to move.

Offline MikeB

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Re: A Woman's Story
« Reply #14 on: 21. June 2017, 22:00:32 PM »
This is an interesting story, so thank you for sharing it. It's very much in contrast to my wife's experience. When her regular dentist told her that she was silly for considering braces, as her teeth were fairly straight, she booked (without referral) consults with seven different orthodontic practices. Every last one was happy to offer her a treatment plan involving braces, though the plans varied a little. These places are in business to make money, and my wife's experience is that they're happy to collect a patient's dollars to correct any deficiency, no matter how small.