
Author Topic: Adult Ceramic Braces Timelapse Video to Correct Gap and Overbite  (Read 1977 times)

Offline Proffessional_Sail

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Adult Ceramic Braces Timelapse Video to Correct Gap and Overbite
« on: 11. November 2020, 14:21:47 PM »
I got braces when I was 26 to correct my teeth, which had a gap and an overbite. I took a picture on the same day of each month for 20 months to show my progress and then a follow up a year later (remember to wear your retainer!) Sorry the picture quality isn’t great, but I hope someone finds it helpful. I'd really recommend getting braces no matter how old you if you're really insecure about the way your teeth look like I was. I was really really worried about getting braces because of what people would think about me as an adult man wearing them and I put off getting them for years. However, once I finally bit the bullet and got them fitted, I soon realised that people just don't care at all. The one or two year process of having braces is worth it once they're out because I'm now never insecure about smiling like I used to be and I smile in photos, which is a good feeling. There's a timelapse below. Let me know if you've got any Qs about the process - I'm happy to help if I can.

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Re: Adult Ceramic Braces Timelapse Video to Correct Gap and Overbite
« Reply #1 on: 11. November 2020, 17:35:08 PM »
Nice video, man! Congrats for your smile!