
Author Topic: All in the family  (Read 16506 times)

Offline r1r1r12000

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #15 on: 04. October 2024, 20:25:06 PM »
“And that’s it!” Annette gave Morgan a dazzling smile.  “Congratulations!  I’m so excited for you!”  Annette’s enthusiasm was infectious.  Morgan smiled back.

“Thankth!” she said, the lisp surprising her.  “Oh! I gueth I’ve got to get uthed to thpeaking with all of thith,” Morgan gave an embarrassed laugh.

“It’s an adjustment,” Annette agreed.  “You look like you’re dressed for work?  I can help you take your headgear off.”

Holding the pouch stuffed with her headgear and all its straps, Morgan stepped out into the lobby.  She checked her phone.  She had just enough time to make it to work, at least if there were no traffic delays.

And of course, in Houston, there were.  Morgan jogged up to the back entrance of the pharmacy, typed the security code in the door, and hurriedly clocked in for her shift.  She was only a couple of minutes late.  Traffic had been nuts, so she’d had to concentrate on the road, and now the afternoon rush at the pharmacy was in full swing, so there was still no chance to check out her new braces in a mirror. 

Morgan had been feeling all around them with her lips and tongue while she drove, but there’d be no chance to slip away to the bathroom and see what it looked like.

“There you are,” said Mariana, the lead pharmacy tech, “go work a register,” she ordered, bustling away.  Mariana, when she wasn’t harried by customers, was Morgan’s friend.

Morgan logged in to the register, pulled the “Closed” placard from the counter, and, awkwardly smiling at her first customer, said “How can I help you?”

The four hours of her shift went by in a blink.  When she had time to think about it, Morgan was glad the pharmacy had been slammed.  She’d never really had a chance to be self-conscious, since she was so focused on work.  Even though she was aware of her lisp, none of the customers had seemed to care.  The only time her braces had been mentioned at all was by a young woman in a University of Houston t-shirt who smiled to show off her own metallic braces to Morgan and gave a thumbs-up as Morgan handed over her prescription, saying “Love the colors!”

Morgan walked in the kitchen door of her house feeling confident again.  Jeff was in the kitchen, pulling more of his frozen lasagna out of the oven.  Carrie was leaning against the counter, sipping from a canned beer.  Her eyes lit up, her round cheeks dimpled, and she gave Morgan a heavy metal smile of genuine pleasure.

“Hey sweetie!” Carrie’s elastics stretched at the corners of her mouth as she smiled.  “Your text message made my day.  I’m so proud of you.”  She put the beer on the counter and stepped across the kitchen to give Morgan a hug.

“Aww, thankth Mom,” Morgan said, giving Carrie a broad  smile.  Carrie’s eyes registered surprise before she smiled again at Morgan.

“I’m really proud of you,” she said again, hugging her daughter.

“U of H colors,” Jeff nodded, placing plates of lasagna on the table.  “Nice.”

“Do you mind me asking what changed your mind about getting braces?” Carrie asked, gently.

“Elithe thaid loth of people in the pharmathy program get bratheth,” Morgan explained, “tho I don’t need to worry about being the only one.  And Elithe got bratheth, too.  Thorry,” she put her hand over her mouth, blushing, “I have a big lithp.”

“I’m not having trouble understanding you, sweetie,” Carrie said, reassuringly.

They ate dinner, chatting about their days; Jeff and Carrie expertly weaving forks past their elastics.  Morgan struggled, realizing for the first time all day that the large acrylic bite block behind her front teeth was the only thing that made contact with her bottom teeth, forcing her to chew by mashing food between the bite block and her lower front teeth.  She snagged her elastics a few times with the tines of her fork, slingshotting lasagna and meat sauce across the table.

After a while, Jeff and Carrie having cleared their dishes and tidied the kitchen as Morgan laboriously chewed, she put her fork down.

“I am thuppothed to wear headgear,” Morgan announced to her parents.  “Twelve hourth a day minimum, but ath many hourth ath pothible when I can.  I’m going to put it on now, and if you thee me without it, can you help remind me to wear it?”

“Sure, honey,” Jeff said.  Carrie nodded her assent.

In the bathroom, Morgan leaned toward her mirror, grimacing at herself as she saw her orthodontia for the first time.  The bright red ligatures were definitely eye-catching and the shiny metal brackets and wires were impossible not to notice, but Morgan realized she didn’t hate how her smile looked with braces.  It was different, metallic and obvious, but not bad.  She opened and closed her mouth, seeing the rubberbands on the sides stretch.  The bite block hung down, visible below and behind her top front teeth, the translucent acrylic making it look a bit like an ice cube stuck in the roof of her mouth.  She bit down, seeing how only her bottom four front teeth could touch it, the rest of her teeth half an inch apart.  The expanders in the roof and floor of her mouth made a hard, irregular surface for her tongue.  Morgan’s tongue had been tracing the arms and expansion screws of the appliances all day, trying to get used to its new home.

She unpacked the headgear pouch Annette had given her and, after several missed attempts, aimed the ends of the facebow into the tubes on her top molars, then strapped the bright red combination straps around her head.

Monday morning, Morgan used the parking permit she’d received in the mail to open the gate across from the pharmacy building.  She pulled her battered Kia into the student parking area and carefully double-checked the backpack she’d packed last night.  Brand-new laptop with the school’s required specs, Elise’s binder of study materials, large water bottle, lunch-bag with soft foods, a toothbrush and baggie of elastics.

Smiling, excited, Morgan locked her car and walked with a bouncy step toward the building and the door with a placard reading “Pharmacy 1st Year Class.”

Online napacaster

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #16 on: 05. October 2024, 16:55:52 PM »
Great story!

Offline r1r1r12000

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #17 on: 01. November 2024, 22:13:30 PM »
The lobby of the pharmacy school was crowded with excited men and women – mostly a few years younger than Morgan – who milled about a bit nervously.  Morgan followed signs with arrows directing her to a series of folding tables set up along the wall.  At the first table, she signed in, then moved down the wall to a table piled with tote bags with the school logo.  At the third table, Morgan smiled, surprised to see Elise manning the station next to a computer and a camera on a tripod.
“Hey Elithe!” Morgan greeted her mentor.  “I’m tho exthited!” she gave Elise a nervous metallic grin.

“Yay! You’re here!” Elise smiled back at her, the pink twin block appliances holding her lower jaw in its awkward propped-open and thrust-forward position.  Elise tilted her head, noticing Morgan’s smile.  “And you got your bratheth!  Great color thoithe!” she nodded approvingly.  “I’m doing ID phototh for all the new thtudenth,” Elise explained, gesturing to the wall by the camera. 

“Ok!”  Morgan placed her backpack on Elise’s table and turned to face the camera.  Elise clicked on the mouse.

“Big thmile!” Elise instructed.  The camera flashed.  The card printer on the table next to Elise hummed and dropped Elise’s new ID card in its tray.

Elise handed Morgan her ID card and a pharmacy school lanyard.  “Go to room 116, the big lecthure hall over there,” she pointed.  “Have fun today!  Congratulationth!”

Morgan clipped her ID card to the lanyard and looked at the picture Elise had just taken.  It was an extreme close-up of Morgan’s head, with surprising clarity and lighting.  Morgan recognized her curly, dark hair and dimpled cheeks.  Her broad smile showed the metallic braces, bright red ligatures, clear plastic bite plate, and elastics in detail.  As Morgan slipped the lanyard over her head and followed the crowd of new students into the lecture hall, she realized she wasn’t embarassed by her ID picture.  It seemed somehow appropriate.  A new school year, a new career, a new look.

The lecture hall was a wide room with long tables running in a semicircle around the podium at the front.  Each row was up several steps from the one before it.  The earlier-arriving students had mostly filled the back rows.  Morgan saw a friendly-looking face in the middle of the front row opposite the podium and headed to the neighboring empty seat.

“Mind if I thit here?” She asked, slipping into the cushioned lecture-hall seats attached by swinging arms to the tables.

“Go ahead!” the strikingly-pretty blonde young woman gestured toward the empty desktop next to her.  “What’s your name?” she asked as Morgan unpacked her laptop computer.


“I’m Sarah,” the blonde woman said.

“Good to meet you, Tharah...thorry...Tharah,” Morgan tried again, doing her best to enunciate, the bulky bite plate and expanders blocking her tongue.  “New bratheth,” she explained, gesturing lamely toward her mouth.

“No worries!” Sarah brushed off Morgan’s apology.  She smiled at Morgan with bright white, healthy, crooked teeth.  “Are you as nervous about this year as I am?” she asked, her voice lowered as if confessing something embarrassing to Morgan.

“Good morning, first year class!” a woman spoke into the microphone at the podium directly in front of Sarah.  Morgan looked up to see a middle-aged woman in a business suit whom she recognized from her interview.

“Welcome to the beginning of your pharmacy career!  I’m Dr. Segura, the Dean of Students.  Most of us met during your interviews last spring.  It is truly a pleasure to have you all here to begin a challenging, but rewarding program.”

Morgan felt the table jostle slightly under her elbows and turned to her right to see a tall, dark-haired man in jeans and boots trying to quietly take the seat next to her.  When she made eye contact, he gave her an embarrased shrug.

Dr. Segura continued on with her speech, introducing several other administrators and staff members. Then, at 9 o’clock, said “That is really it for our formal orientation.  You’ll find information about the white coat ceremony this week in your welcome tote bags.  And, now it’s time to get to work!  Dr. Miyazaki will have your first lecture in Pharmacology.”  Dr. Segura smiled self-consciously at the scattered applause as she left the room.  Dr. Miyazaki turned out to be a muscular, fast-moving man who plugged a flash drive into the podium computer and immediately began the first lecture.

By 12:30 when the morning lectures finished, Morgan’s brain and typing fingers were tired.  She yawned, feeling the rubber bands stretch tight between her jaws, and pushed her arms against the edge of the table, twisting her back from side to side.

“I guess we eat on campus, huh?” Sarah asked, looking at the time on her phone.  “The next lecture starts in 30 minutes.”

“There were thome tableth in the lobby out there,” Morgan pointed.  “Want to eat with me?”  she stood up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.  The man who had slipped in late stood up to let them pass.  Morgan realized he was older than the other students, with faint traces of gray in the stubble on his face.  “I’m Morgan,” she said, extending her hand and smiling at him.

“Ian,” he said, shaking her hand and nodding, still looking slightly embarrased.

“Do you want to eat with uth?” Morgan gestured to Sarah.

“Sure, ok,” Ian nodded, stuffing a notebook in his backpack.  He looked back at Morgan, finally smiling.  “Thanks.”  Morgan was surprised that Ian had full metal braces on extremely crowded teeth, globs of wax caked on several brackets, and elastics that looked similar to Morgan’s.

“So, what’s your story?” Sarah asked Morgan as the three of them settled around a small circular table on the edge of the lobby.  Sarah unwrapped a protein bar.

“I’ve been a pharmathy tech for eight yearth,” Morgan said, “while I worked my way through undergrad.  I’m tho exthited to be here!  How about you, Ian?” she asked, catching him struggling to remove his rubberbands with his index finger.  Ian blushed.

“Um, this is a career change for me,” he explained, his lips moving awkwardly over his metal brackets.  “I was a high school teacher most recently.  Some sales jobs before that.  My wife says pharmacy had better stick,” he gave a genuine smile.  “We have two little kids, so it’s time for me to have a career.”  He shrugged.  “What about you, Sarah?” he asked.

“No interesting backstory like you guys,” Sarah said.  “I just graduated from UT and I got in to pharmacy school, so here I am!”

Morgan ate the pudding she’d packed, careful to avoid her rubber bands as she inserted the spoon in her mouth.  She pursed her lips, licking pudding off of her brackets.

“Are you both coming to the white coat theremony on Friday?” she asked, pointing to the announcement she’d found in her tote bag.

“Oh, definitely!” Sarah said.

“Yeah,” Ian said.  “My wife wants to bring the kids.  It’s after their bedtime, so sorry in advance if they’re fussy,” he gave another shrug and a metallic grin.  “Um, Morgan...weird question for somebody I just met, but if those are Impala rubber bands you have, can I have two of them?  I forgot to bring the little baggie with more.”

“Oh! Thure!” Morgan reached in her backpack for her tiny package of elastics.

“Aww!” Sarah smiled at them as she stood up from the table.  “You’re rubber band buddies now!”

Offline ortho218

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #18 on: 06. November 2024, 11:18:30 AM »
Really enjoying this story, keep it up  :)

Offline radian

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #19 on: 08. November 2024, 14:29:22 PM »
I really appreciate this story. I can't wait to read about embarrassing showing their braces time for the family and especially Morgan in family moment or at University.

Offline anton08

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #20 on: 08. November 2024, 20:49:51 PM »
A very well written story with a lot of potential of what to come.  :)

Offline r1r1r12000

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #21 on: 10. November 2024, 19:55:05 PM »
Thank you for the comments!

Yes, there will be some embarrassing braces moments to come, Radian!

Offline r1r1r12000

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #22 on: 10. November 2024, 19:59:15 PM »
“Thlow down, Grathie!” Morgan called out, laughing, to her younger cousin.  Morgan was not used to wearing heels and Gracie was making a beeline for the hotel ballroom so quickly Morgan was afraid she’d turn an ankle.

“Your ceremony’s about to start, Mor!” Gracie held the door to the room open, giving Morgan an excited metallic smile.  Gracie’s braces had baby-blue ligatures this month.  Morgan, her parents, and Gracie’s mother – Morgan’s aunt Vanessa - all hustled into the mostly-filled ballroom.

“I guess we’ll take a seat,” Carrie said.  She gestured toward the front of the room.  “Looks like the pharmacy students are over there,” she said to Morgan.  “I’m so proud of you!” she smiled, her cheeks dimpling and braces flashing as she hugged her daughter.  “We’ll come to you after,” she said.

“Congrathulathionth, Morgan!” Elise lisped to her as Morgan reached the front of the room with reserved seating for students.  Elise was dressed up for the first time Morgan had seen, in a black dress slightly too short for a school event, thick, bumpy makeup covering her acne, and a nametag reading “2d Year Usher” hanging around her neck.

“Thankth, Elithe!” Morgan grinned at her ‘big sister,’ “where do I thit?”

“There’th one theat left,” Elise gestured to the last seat in the reserved section adjacent to the aisle.

Morgan slipped into the chair and looked back for her family.  Gracie waved excitedly from the back corner of the room.

“Hi Morgan,” Ian said quietly from her left, giving an awkward wave. 

Hearing Morgan’s name, Sarah turned from the row ahead.  “Hi! Thought you might not make it,” she said with a crooked smile.  “Hi, Ian!  Congratulations you guys!”

Dr. Segura stepped to the podium.  “Good evening families and friends.  Good evening, first year pharmacy class!  We are here this evening for a ceremony to mark your entry into the pharmacy profession.  The emblem of the healthcare professions is the white coat.  Tonight, you will receive your white coat, marking you as a professional entrusted with the health of your community...”

After Dr. Segura’s speech, several of the professors went to stand next to the podium beside Dr. Segura.  At the front of the room, Elise led the first-year students out of their rows of seats, past the podium where the professors helped each student into a white coat.  Elise directed them back into their seats until all the students had received a coat.

When all 100 students had received a white coat, the audience applauded and families came forward for hugs and pictures.  Morgan, Sarah, and Ian, who’d shared the front row in the lecture hall all week, milled around together near the front of the ballroom.

“Did your wife and kidth come, Ian?” Morgan remembered.  Ian, a head taller than most of the crowd, scanned around, then laughed, showing his braces still covered in wax blobs.

“Yeah, they’re headed this way,” he pointed.  Morgan and Sarah spotted a short, chubby Hispanic woman wearing heels, high-waisted black slacks, and a shimmery crop top that revealed a few inches of her soft midriff being pulled at each hand by two little boys in matching clothes who were tugging her with determined faces.  As Ian’s wife followed her sons, Morgan could tell she must be about Ian’s age.  Her thick, curly dark hair, cut short and tucked behind her ears, was streaked with gray hairs.  She had a nose stud that glinted in the ballroom’s lights, and large, dark eyes that looked at her husband with pride and amusement.  Morgan had the immediate sense that she really liked this woman already.

“They wanted to come sit with you during the ceremony,” she said to Ian.  “It was all we could do to wait,” she looked up at him tenderly for a moment.  Ian bent down to kiss her.

“Umm,” Ian looked at Morgan and Sarah, “this is my wife Victoria.”  He looked back at her, “this is Morgan and Sarah from my class.”

“I’d shake your hands, but the monkeys will run around the room if I let go,” Victoria said wryly, the little boys still tugging on her arms.  “It’s good to meet you both,” she said sincerely, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she smiled. 

Morgan was surprised to see that Victoria wore braces like her husband.  In fact, she noticed, Ian and Victoria had matching green ligatures and both had large blobs of wax stuck to multiple brackets.  Victoria’s braces seemed more prominent and complex, Morgan thought.  Her brackets looked larger and, where Ian’s wires zigzagged between his crooked teeth, Victoria’s teeth seemed so jumbled the wire couldn’t reach all of them, and thick springs filled the areas where the wire skipped a tooth.  Victoria had class II triangle elastics like Morgan’s and Ian’s, and she also had an elastic making a square between her four front teeth on top and bottom.  It seemed to be difficult for her to close her lips over her teeth and braces.  Morgan saw Victoria strain her lips closed, awkwardly wriggling them over her brackets.   Then, after a moment, relax them, letting her mouth hang slightly open, braces, springs, wax, and stretching elastics on display.

“You too!” Sarah said, brightly.  “Ian said this ceremony is after your kids’ bedtime, so I’m glad they could come,”

“Aww, they wouldn’t have missed it,” Victoria grinned awkwardly up at Ian around her orthodontia.  “They’re both so proud of their daddy.  I guess we all are,” she leaned her head gently against Ian’s shoulder.

“Picture time!” Gracie said, hurrying through the crowd with her phone out.

“Okay, Thweetie,” Morgan laughed, drawing Gracie close and smiling metallically as Gracie extended her arm to take a picture with her cousin.

“I’m so proud of you!” Carrie said, hugging Morgan.  Jeff joined the hug, patting his daughter on the back.

“Can I take a family picture for you?” Sarah asked Morgan.  Morgan and Gracie both handed Sarah their phones.  Morgan’s parents, Gracie, and Vanessa all gathered around Morgan, smiling at  Sarah.

“Ian, do you guys want to get in?” Sarah asked.

“Will you take it on my phone?” Victoria asked, handing Sarah her phone.  Ian’s family stood next to Morgan’s family, the little boys bouncing with excitement.

“Ok,” Sarah said, holding up Victoria’s phone.  “One, two three...” she switched phones and took pictures on Gracie’s and Morgan’s phones.  “Wait,” Sarah said, smiling curiously as she handed back the phones.  “Do every single one of you all have braces?”

Victoria and Ian looked at Jeff and Carrie, Vanessa, Gracie, and Morgan.  They all gave each other metallic smiles that broadened in to laughing as they saw each others’ braces.

“I guess so!” Victoria laughed.  “Hopefully we’ll all be done with them before you guys take a graduation picture!”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #23 on: 11. November 2024, 04:44:26 AM »
Thank you for this story.  It is a fun read.  A LOT of people have braces.  Surely there will be a few twists in their treatment plans.

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #24 on: 11. November 2024, 17:54:32 PM »
Surely they'll persuade Sarah to join into the "Braces Club" ;)

Offline r1r1r12000

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #25 on: 01. December 2024, 19:58:50 PM »
Morgan parked in the dark outside the pharmacy building.  She sipped from the straw in her coffee mug, yawned, and unstrapped her headgear and stuffed it in her backpack.

Halfway through her first semester of pharmacy school, she’d figured out that if she left home by 5:30 in the morning, she could predictably make it to school in under an hour.  Arriving early meant she had quiet study time before class, but it played havoc on her night-owl habits.

Sleepily, Morgan climbed the steps to the school’s lobby.

“Hi Alithe,” she smiled to the middle-aged security guard who worked the morning shift.

“Good morning, Morgan,” Alice said, her dark eyes crinkling with a genuine smile.

At the pharmacy school library – mostly blonde-wood tables, some comfortable study chairs, and meeting rooms now that the textbooks were electronic – Morgan swiped her ID card at the turnstile, thankful the building had 24 hour access.

“Hi, Elena,” Morgan greeted the bleary-eyed undergrad work-study student who worked the checkout desk.  The younger woman gave Morgan a tired metal smile, pieces of a Starbucks muffin stuck to her braces.  They’d bonded earlier in the year over a brief conversation about wearing braces.

“Hey, Morgan,” Elena said.

In their normal study room, with large windows overlooking the parking lot, Morgan found Sarah and Ian already studying.  Sarah had earplugs in and was sitting, feet in fluffy socks curled under her, on the carpet in the corner of the room, concentrating on her handwritten notes.  Ian, at the table, waved to Morgan, sipped his coffee, and turned back to his open laptop.  This morning was the first midterm exam and Morgan had noticed that the library had more than its usual early-morning scattering of students.

Two hours later, as they began packing up for their exam at 8:30, one of the other first-year students tapped on the doorframe and smiled nervously at Morgan.

“Hi Cammy, what’th up?” Morgan asked.  Cammy – like Morgan and Ian one of the older career-changing students in the class – was a very heavyset pretty blonde former elementary school teacher in her thirties who’d fallen into a mother-hen role with her classmates.

Cammy looked around the room, then over her shoulder as if she wanted to make sure the conversation was private.

“I have to get braces.  I’m going today after our exam,” she grimaced and perched on the chair between Morgan and Ian.  “How awful is it?  Be honest,” she tucked her double chin down and raised her shoulders like she was bracing for a blow.

“Aww, good for you!” Morgan smiled.  She stood up and slung her backpack over her shoulder.  “It’th not bad – honetht – you’ll be fine.  Ian and I are thurviving,” she grinned at Ian.

“She’s right, Cammy,” Ian said reassuringly as they walked toward the classroom.  “Your teeth will probably be sore for a couple days.  Nothing Tylenol can’t handle.  And everything will feel weird under your lips for a week or so.  Eat some soft food today, but two weeks from now you’ll feel totally normal.”

“I’m so embarrassed about how I’ll look,” Cammy confessed.  “Do you ever get self-conscious?”

“Oddly, no,” Morgan said, giving a serious answer.  “I put off getting braceth becauthe I wath worried about the appearanthe.  But onthe I got them, I’ve felt comfortable about mythelf.  Now, I think they look kind of cute,” she shrugged.

“They do look cute – on you,” Cammy said dubiously.  “I just hope I can pull it off, too.  I’m worried what my husband will think”

“I may be able to make a guess,” Ian grinned.  “My wife has braces.  Before she got them, I thought she was beautiful.  Now I think she has braces and she’s beautiful.”

“That’s so sweet!” Cammy patted Ian’s elbow.  She turned back to Morgan, “I have to get braces because of some jaw issues.  So it won’t be just braces.  I’m going to have some other ‘appliances,’” she said with finger quotes. 

As she was finishing her exam, Morgan spotted Cammy signing out of the exam at the front of the room.  Morgan gave a small wave and an encouraging smile.

“Poor Cammy, she seemed so nervous,” Sarah said sympathetically at lunch.

“I know!” Morgan said, unwrapping her sandwich.  “Hopefully Cammy will come back today tho we can all reathure her it’th no big deal.”

“So why did you and Victoria get braces together anyway, Ian?” Sarah asked.

“Well, actually because she was self-conscious about the whole thing, too,” Ian said.  “Her dentist has been telling her she needs braces for, like, 25 years.  And when she left the law firm and started working as an in-house counsel, she finally had  time for orthodontist appointments.  And it’s not like I didn’t have crooked teeth, too,” he shrugged.  “So I volunteered to do it with her.”

In the afternoon, there was a hole in the schedule before the second midterm, so Morgan, Ian, and Sarah went back to their study room to cram.  Morgan felt prepared for the midterms.  She’d discussed it with Ian; they both seemed to feel less difficulty preparing than the younger students.  He speculated it was because they were both used to working full-time and now they could “clock in” and “clock out” of study time as well.

“Cammy!” Sarah said, looking up with a smile from her seat on the floor.  “How did it go?”

Cammy sat at the table next to Morgan.  Morgan noticed her eyes were red as if she’d been crying.  Morgan touched Cammy’s arm.

“Hey, Cammy, what happened?”

“I’ll be okay,” Cammy said.  “It’s just...a lot.”  She gestured to her mouth and smiled awkwardly at Morgan.  Morgan saw Cammy’s new, stainless-steel braces with baby-blue ligatures.  She noticed that Cammy’s round cheeks, which had seemed somehow distorted when she sat down, were held well away from her braces by large metal rods that looked like hydraulic pistons, the ends of which extended out the corners of her lips.  The metal rods seemed to force Cammy’s lower jaw forward, giving her face a bulldog appearance and somehow prevented her from closing, leaving her jaw propped open awkwardly.  Cammy slurped back saliva, blushing.

“Aww, I love the baby blue,” Morgan complimented.  “Good choithe.”

“Thanks,” Cammy looked down at the table.  “Nothing hurts.  It just feels so...weird.

Offline ortho218

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #26 on: 02. December 2024, 12:47:52 PM »
Love it! Very well-written. I like the idea of an educational setting where its totally normal to have braces as a young adult

Offline r1r1r12000

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #27 on: 13. December 2024, 22:09:03 PM »
“Really?” Kelly asked, sounding resigned.

“Really,” Dr. Carter nodded to her.  “Sorry to confirm the bad news,” she shrugged.

“Well!” Kelly exhaled.  “Now we know what to do.  When should I make my next appointment?”

Dr. Carter looked up, calculating in her head.  “Give me about a month from today.  I’ll send the 3d scans to the surgeon.  He and I will meet to plan the surgery and when that’s finalized, I’ll get the bonding trays made for you.”

“Ok! Thanks, Dr. Carter,” Kelly said, with a wry smile.  She transferred from the dental chair back to her wheelchair with a practiced movement and headed out to her car.

An hour of traffic later, she put on her white coat in the parking lot of the pharmacy school, smoothed the coattails around her legs, checked her reflection in her cell phone camera, brushing her thick, dark-red hair over her left shoulder, swung her backpack onto her lap and headed inside.

The first-year pharmacy class was beginning to trickle into the lecture hall when Kelly arrived.  She smiled at them, feeling excited again.  She’d been flattered when Dr. Segura had asked her to teach, but she hadn’t thought much about it after she planned her lectures over the summer.  Kelly plugged her USB drive into the computer at the lectern and arranged her slides.  She found a microphone she could clip to her lapel and turned to wait for the rest of the students to arrive.

Most of the students headed as far back as they could get in the room, hiding behind open laptop screens or engrossed in their phones.  A group of three students came in together, greeted Kelly politely, and sat at the front.  A beautiful blonde sorority-girl type, an older guy, tall and tired-looking.  Kelly thought to herself that he could be one of Tony’s friends.  And a chubby Hispanic girl with short, curly dark hair and kind eyes whose metal braces Kelly immediately noticed.

“Thank you so much for attending an evening lecture to accommodate my schedule,” Kelly began, smiling at the class.  “I’m Dr. Kelly Hanrahan.  I’ll be your Professional Practice professor for a series of 6 monthly classes this year.  In my day job, I’m the Chief Oncology Pharmacist at MD Anderson Cancer Center.  I was a first year student in this room, oh,” she calculated, smiling, “fourteen years ago.  Most of my time I spend with these guys,” she said, projecting the family photo they’d taken in the summer.  The photographer had captured Sofie in mid-air just as she’d jumped out of Tony’s arms trying to get to Kelly.  Both Tony and Kelly’s faces were captured in a state of shock, while the little girl, her springy red curls pointing in all directions, laughed happily. 

“Aww,” much of the class said in unison.

“Thanks,” Kelly smiled at them.  “In Professional Practice, my job is to teach you how to actually get through a day as a pharmacist.  All the non-scientific parts of our profession that the administration apparently thinks can fit into 6 three-hour lectures.  So,” she advanced the slide, “an ethical dilemma for you.  Something you could face on day one in retail pharmacy or in an institutional setting…”

During the break at 7:30pm, Morgan had questions for Dr. Hanrahan, but, unlike any of their other lecturers, multiple students had come forward and clustered around the professor wanting to discuss the subject more.  Shrugging at Sarah, Morgan went to the restroom instead.

“She’s really good,” Sarah said, walking down the hall beside Morgan.

“Yeah, if only our other profethorth had the thame enthuthiathm,” Morgan agreed.

They slipped past Ian back into their row just before the break ended.  Dr. Hanrahan looked up at the circle of students still waiting to speak to her, excused herself, and rolled over to Morgan.  Morgan looked up, surprised.  Dr. Hanrahan gave her a friendly smile.  She had glinting green eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across her nose.

“We’re really enthoying your lecthure,” Morgan said, sincerely, gesturing toward Ian and Sarah.

“Thanks,” Kelly said, feeling her cheeks blush slightly.  “I was really excited when Dr. Segura asked me to do it.”  She sat up, looking directly at Morgan with a look of intense but non-judgmental curiosity.  “I noticed several folks in the class have braces,” she began.  The buzzing of her phone alarm sitting on her lap interrupted her.  She looked down at the phone.  “Damn.  Time to get started.  Another time, then,” she said to Morgan, spinning around to return to the front of the room.


On Friday night, Morgan – already strapped into her headgear since she’d gotten in her car at school – sat at the kitchen table, eating pizza with her parents.  Jeff had ordered nearly every topping and Morgan was leaving a pile of dropped olives and peppers on her plate as she tried to eat the overloaded slices.  Carrie and Jeff had given up and switched to knives and forks.

“We had our firtht Profethional Practithe lecture thith week,” Morgan said, wiping tomato sauce from her lips and facebow.

“Was it good?” Jeff asked.

“Yeah!” Morgan nodded.  “The profethor ith a younger woman and wath really interethting.  You could tell the had thoroughly planned her talk.  She workth at the canther thenter.  I’m thinking about athking her if I can thadow her for our intro to clinic hourth.”

“That’s good!” Carrie smiled enthusiastically.  “It’s a good idea to find mentors and role models.  Your Dad and I aren’t going to be much help giving you professional guidance,” she said guiltily.


The week before Thanksgiving, Morgan arrived for the second Professional Practice evening lecture early.  She’d prepared her thoughts on a notecard, but she still felt a bit nervous about asking Dr. Hanrahan if she could shadow at the cancer center’s pharmacy.  When Ian and Sarah walked in after eating their dinner in the common area, Morgan was already unpacked and ready for class.

When Dr. Hanrahan arrived, Ian, Sarah, and Morgan were sitting in the front row of the mostly empty classroom.  She was dressed informally today, in jeans and a sweater, her large backpack sitting on her lap.

“Dr. Hanrahan, hi!” Morgan said, her voice breaking with nerves.  “May I athk you a quethion?”

“Sure!  What’s up?” the young professor asked, rolling over to Morgan’s table.  “I remember meeting you last month!” Dr. Hanrahan smiled.  Morgan’s eyes widened.  Today, Dr. Hanrahan had a mouthful of large metal braces.  The brackets were definitely the largest Morgan had ever seen – certainly larger than Morgan’s own braces – and seemed to hide most of Dr. Hanrahan’s teeth from view.  Each bracket, even on the professor’s front teeth, had a large hook like the ones Morgan used to attach her elastics.  She had bright green ligatures that almost matched her eyes, and large globs of wax pressed over the huge brackets and their hooks.

“When did you get bratheth?” Morgan asked, her surprise making her forget her planned conversation.

“About 45 minutes ago,” Dr. Hanrahan said, giving a relaxed metallic smile.

“Join the club,” Ian chimed in encouragingly, smiling with his own braces.

“Thanks,” Dr. Hanrahan grinned at him.  “That’s actually what I was going to talk to you about at the last class,” she looked at Morgan, “but I ran out of time.”  She moved her lips awkwardly around the new metalwork.  “I saw your braces and I was going to ask you for tips – it seems like a lot of people at the pharmacy school have braces right now.”

“Yeah, I think there are eight or ten in our clath,” Morgan agreed.  “What tipth would you like?”

“Well, I happened to notice you have some kind of appliance,” Dr. Hanrahan gestured toward her own mouth as if she had the same apparatus as Morgan.  “I’m going to have surgery in a year or so, after these braces have gotten my teeth ready, and I’ll be wearing a series of splints for the whole rest of my treatment.  How do you eat with appliances in your mouth?” She asked Morgan with a serious look.  “I love food!” she laughed.

“Oh!” Morgan said.  “I eat anything I want, now,” she nodded.  “But when I firtht got them, it wath hard to chew.  Plan on a liquid diet at firtht.”

“Yay,” Dr. Hanrahan said, raising her fists in mock excitement.  “Glad I have that to look forward to.”

“Yeah,” Morgan commiserated.  “But you don’t theem thelf-conthiouth, at leatht,” she tried to be encouraging.  “A lot of people feel really embarathed the firtht day they have bratheth.”

“You’re right, I’m really not,” Dr. Hanrahan nodded.  “I guess I’ve just had enough practice not to feel ashamed at needing a medical device,” she said matter-of-factly, with no reproof in her voice.

Morgan, embarrassed, went pale.  Her eyes widened.  Dr. Hanrahan looked at her for a moment, then laughed, her green eyes and green braces both glinting in the fluorescent room lights.

“You didn’t offend me,” she said reassuringly to Morgan.  “And I’m not laughing at you either, sorry,” she explained.  “Your face looks just like Tony’s – my husband – the day we met.” She chuckled at the memory.  “It was a blind date.  He came from his hospital after work over to the common room here to pick me up.  My friend who set us up said he’d been telling her he planned such a fun date for us.  And I hadn’t done anything fun for like six months - first year of pharmacy school, right?  So when he introduced himself, I said ‘I heard you have a fun date organized for us; what did you plan?’ and his face did that,” she nodded her head at Morgan.  “He went white, eyes bugged out, and he whispers... ‘rock climbing.’” 

She laughed again.  Sarah audibly sucked in her breath.  Ian said “Oh God,” wincing with second-hand embarrassment.

“Yeah,” Dr. Hanrahan said.  “We went dancing instead.  I guess it turned out all right,” she smiled.  “But anyway,” she turned back to Morgan, “you said you had a question for me?”

“Yeth,” Morgan nodded.  “Can I obtherve with you for my clinical hours?”

“Of course!” Dr. Hanrahan seemed pleased.  “I’d love to have you!”

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #28 on: 14. December 2024, 03:38:44 AM »
Nice to see another chapter. Thank you!

Offline radian

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Re: All in the family
« Reply #29 on: 17. December 2024, 20:05:01 PM »
I Agree. This story is captivating and I can't wait to discover what happens next.