
Author Topic: At long last!  (Read 32746 times)

Offline MikeB

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At long last!
« on: 29. July 2011, 07:31:55 AM »
It’s been about 30 years in coming, but it happened. Like many folks here, I concealed my love of braces for my entire life. I’ve been interested in braces since I was a kid – maybe six years old. I remember drawing pictures of braces and hiding the paper, only to take it out and look at it every so often when no one was around.  I junior high and high school I was always attracted to the girls with braces, though I unfortunately never dated any of them.

In my twenties, I had a female friend who had a mouth full of metal. I hung around her mainly for that reason, though she was a pretty cool chick all around. One night we ended up in bed making out, and she let me run my fingers over her braces. Damn sexy!  I’m pretty sure she figured out that I like braces. But we drifted apart after she started dating the brother of one my close friends.

I had a ten-year relationship with a woman, but I never told her of my braces fetish. At one point her dentist recommended she wear a nightguard while sleeping because he suspected she was grinding her teeth at night. The nightguard was a pretty good turn on, being very like a retainer, but she was VERY uncomfortable with me asking her to leave it in during sex. She was sexually very conservative, and that relationship eventually ended badly.

A year and a half ago I struck up a conversation with a not-so-attractive woman in a bar. She was very funny and smart but not hot…but she had a mouth full of new braces.  I kissed her that night, and even felt her braces against my lips. We ended up doing some making out and “heavy petting” one night, but I didn’t really get to experience her braces much beyond looking at them. I moved into the city, though, and she stayed behind in her suburb and once again I drifted away from a braces girl.

I’ve had a girlfriend – let’s call her “Kerri” – for a year or so now. We recently moved in together, and shortly after we shacked up, I had a lot to drink and revealed to her my fetish. I was (and still am) very shy about loving braces, but I really wanted to tell her. So much so, in fact, that I’d written a page-long Word document called “Confessions” detailing how much I love adult women in braces. Despite my drunkenness, I couldn’t bring myself to verbally tell her, but after much agonizing, I showed her the document. She took it amazingly well!

Now, Kerri is a very sexually adventurous (and also a strikingly pretty woman with a great smile and little need for real braces). She’ll do pretty much anything sexual, and this is part of the reason I confessed to her – I thought she might actually be willing to do something with it. She actually empathized with me for keeping my secret for so long – decades! – and said she was honored and flattered that I chose her to tell my secret. By the end of a long talk, she said she was excited to help me pursue my fetish by wearing fake braces.

The issue kind of dropped there, about four months ago, and I began to think that maybe she’d also had too much to drink and didn’t remember much of the night. But a month ago, we were on vacation. As we stood in a very crowded brewpub, she sort of pointed to her mouth and said, “So, random question. When am I getting my braces?”

Whoa! After I recovered from  my shock, we talked about it a bit. I rattled off a bunch of excuses, not actually telling her that I thought she’d forgotten about the whole thing. But after we returned from vacation, I ordered up a set of fake braces. The impression kit arrived just as I was about to leave on a short business trip, but I did give her the package, saying we could do it when I returned. She picked me up at the airport after my trip and we scooted to the local pub to have a beer and chat. Halfway into our first beer, she said, “So I made some really nice impressions of my teeth this morning.” Even better!

I mailed off the impressions the next day, and right now I’m impatiently waiting for the fake braces to arrive. I’m excited, but still a little nervous about it. Kerri did her best the other night to assuage my concerns, saying some amazing things like:

“You shouldn’t be embarrassed about this. Sure, it’s a little kinky, but it’s not really that weird.”

“I’ll wear the braces as much as you want. I’ll wear them out on dates, to the pub, when we go dancing. Whatever and whenever you want.”

“You can do anything you want to me with my braces on. Anything. Yes, you can make videos. I’ll do anything for you.”

“I’m looking forward to this, Mike, I really am!”

Yikes! Fake braces, get here quickly!

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: At long last!
« Reply #1 on: 10. November 2011, 12:27:25 PM »
Yeah, cool storey, happened with me aswell. My gf found picture of girls with braces on my pc and was a bit upset at first. I guess upset that I has a fantasy that she wasnt part of. We talked about it and now thats years long behind us... She wears fake braces, headgear, whatever, when I want. Shes now going through the process of getting real ones, partially to please me.

I think its just important to affirm to her that you find her atractive without the braces too. If you have enough trust she will know that. The thing is a partner often finds it a turn on when you find her incredibly attractive, thats why they wear lingerie etc. Also ask her if she has any fetishes or fantasies she wants realized. if you can tease them out of her and get her relaxed with her own ideas you can combine the 2 and she'll get a fantasy done for her too! For example I got my gf to tell me that she likes role playing with a man whos wearing a smart suite and being a forcefull 'work boss' figure. So, she can be my sexy secretary employee with braces, its a win win situation!

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: At long last!
« Reply #2 on: 10. November 2011, 12:32:46 PM »
Infact I would go as far as saying.. To anyone who wants it but is too embarassed to tell a girl..dont worry about it! If they think youre weird then theyre not the girl you wanna be with. You wanna be with someone who can accept you for who you are and what you like. After all theyre gonna want all their sexual fantasies satisfied so why wouldnt they return the favour? Honesty and trust is the key.

Offline DemBones

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Re: At long last!
« Reply #3 on: 10. November 2011, 17:01:16 PM »
"If they think youre weird then theyre not the girl you wanna be with. " 
Exactly that!! It helops top be honest - it cuts though the bullcrap!

Offline MikeB

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Re: At long last!
« Reply #4 on: 15. November 2012, 23:34:05 PM »
So I’m finally returning to my old post from when I first ordered the fake braces for Kerri. I just wanted to fill in the curious parties (probably one each in Atlanta, London and Berlin) about how it’s gone and how much fun we’ve had so far.

The braces themselves came out great, very realistic and convincing-looking, though there was a slight problem with my order (more on that later). I have to confess with some shame that I ordered them from a now-defunct competitor of the sponsor of this site. But the quality of the fake braces is excellent. They’re composed of metal braces on an Essix-type acrylic “retainer.” Kerri reports that they are very comfortable, and she’s able to speak without any noticeable degradation in her speech. In the very beginning, she had a slight issue with “s” sounds, but that only lasted about ten minutes and she adapted.

I admit that when the braces first arrived, I was a little bit (okay, a lot bit) nervous about her seeing my excitement levels when she wore them. As I mentioned in my previous post from a year ago, revealing my odd orthodontic interest to her was a difficult task, and I had mixed feelings about seeing her in braces. It was a weird mix of eager anticipation and borderline dread. I mean, here was a moment I’d been awaiting for decades – a gorgeous real-life woman with BRACES! – yet I still had some trepidation about her seeing just how excited I’d was about this admittedly very offbeat interest.

In the end, though, she was just super cool about it. Things got pretty exciting on the couch that night, I have to say! That weekend we went out and actually made a video of her driving to her fictitious orthodontist to “get braces,” coming out of the office and revealing her “new braces” to me, and being at home looking at/touching/talking about her braces. Kerri turned out to be a fine little actress, too! We’ve gone on to make some more videos, some in a sort of YouTube style, with her talking about her braces like they’re real along with some others that are bit more…adventurous.

A couple of the videos have involved Kerri wearing cervical headgear, which I enjoy seeing very much. This is where the problem with the braces came into play. I ordered the braces with buccal tubes for headgear, but they arrived without the tubes despite me paying $20 extra. (The company went belly-up very shortly after we received the braces, incidentally, so I was never able to get any kind of compensation for the missing buccal tubes.) I was able to modify the facebow to attach to the braces, however, and it’s a reasonably secure arrangement. It has survived a lot of kissing and some, uhhh, more vigorous activities. She won’t wear the headgear in public, but she’ll wear it in our home pretty much whenever I ask.

To be continued…

Offline MikeB

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Re: At long last!
« Reply #5 on: 15. November 2012, 23:34:56 PM »
Kerri and I like to go out to watch games and play billiards. We located a pub not too far from our home that seemed pretty low-key. We started going there with Kerri wearing the braces. This has worked very well over the last year, and we’ve become “regulars” at this pub. We’ve never eaten there, since she can’t eat with the braces in, but she has no issues with drinking beer. Everyone at the place completely believes that she is actually wearing braces, of course, and we’ve occasionally had to go to some lengths to keep our little secret. I suspect, like adults with (real) braces, she’s usually thought of as “the girl with the braces.” In fact, Kerri has lately started working the braces into bits of conversation, because she knows I enjoy it. For example, when talking to one of the servers the other night, Kerri referred to herself as “the crazy girl with the braces” just because she knew I’d like it!

We also have to be cautious and have stories ready to go, should we need to maintain the braces fiction under questioning. We prearranged a story about our wedding ceremony back in March, as an example (“her orthodontist agreed to take the braces off for the wedding and honeymoon, and gave her a clear retainer to wear”). And we have other tales ready in case someone asks which ortho she uses, when she’s getting her braces off, etc. This is actually kind of fun, because it’s like having our own “dirty little secret.”

The downside of this pub is that we’ve now been going there over a year, we’re going to start pushing up against a braces removal date soon, for the sake of realism. The other thing is that we’ve become a little intertwined with some of the people at the pub. We gave a piece of furniture to one of the servers. Another server is also a hair stylist, and Kerri has started going to her salon. I do think it’s VERY cool that Kerri wore the braces to get her hair cut, without me and completely out of the context of our little pub visits. Kind of a turn-on, actually! But now our plan is to find a new “braces pub” and to have Kerri “get her braces off” at the current one. I’ve actually gotten reasonably skilled at fabricating Essix-type retainers myself, so I’ll make her a clear “retainer” to wear for a little while at the current pub, just in case anyone asks.

The other issue we’ll run into when she “gets her braces off” is that her teeth aren’t perfectly straight. She has a beautiful smile, don’t get me wrong, but her teeth just aren’t exactly perfect. So the story we’ve concocted is that she got the braces more to fix a crossbite and some TMJ issues, and didn’t want to wear the braces another year to get her teeth perfectly aligned. I don’t know if anyone will buy it, but I doubt anyone will notice or ask about her slightly imperfect teeth, anyway. (Of course, I wish I could convince her to get real braces, but I doubt that will ever happen.)

To be continued…

Offline MikeB

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Re: At long last!
« Reply #6 on: 15. November 2012, 23:35:30 PM »
We’ve also done a few other things as “Mike and the Braces Girl.” We went to Virginia for a visit with family a couple of months ago, and I discreetly slipped her braces into her checked luggage. She surprised me by wearing the braces all day when we went into DC to watch a Nationals baseball game! That was a remarkable day, and was amplified by the fact that the very pretty bartender at the post-game pub wore (real) braces. Kerri playfully teased me and said, “I thought I was your braces girl. Now I feel like I have competition.” And things just got better that night!

We always bring the braces when we leave town, since obviously that’s a good way to wear them when she has a minimal chance of running into someone she knows, like at the aforementioned Nationals game. Sometimes the braces come out, sometimes they don’t, but Kerri knows she should always have them when we’re on a road trip.

I’ve taught myself (thanks, YouTube!) how to change the ligatures and archwires on the braces, so we get to have fun with that. Like for the NBA playoffs last season, I changed the ligs to light blue because we were rooting for the OKC Thunder. I’ve changed them to some other colors, like pink, though right now I’ve settled on a darker shade of gray. I like when the braces are more noticeable! And I’ve done some different archwires, too. The braces came with a pretty thin wire, but I’ve changed that to a twist flex wire and a thick rectangular wire at times. I’ve also learned to add crimpable hooks, do archwire bends and loops and other fun things to make the braces stand out more, though I always try to look out for Kerri’s mouth comfort and haven’t gotten too outrageous.

Another cool part of all this is that Kerri has been trying to understand my orthodontic interest (obsession?) and has started reading the braces-oriented books written by Catherine Aimes. She just began one called “Love and Braces,” and I like to think she’ll get some neat ideas from the book, or at least a better understanding of my quirky interest. I think she’s doing this partly because she has a strong interest in another sexual niche, and I’ve been reading up on that for a while so I can please her in that way. Without getting too detailed or risqué, we’ve lately tried to blend our bedroom interests.

What’s in the future for Mike and the Braces Girl? A new pub, as I mentioned. I’ve managed to acquire some other headgear types, including a high-pull and an Interlandi, so we’ll play around with those. We’ll definitely make some more videos, especially since I like to have them as entertainment when I travel on business. I’m slowly teaching myself to make fake braces (harder and more equipment-intensive than I thought!), so we’ll have some orthodontic variations to look forward to. And since we had such a great day at the Nationals game, I’ll have Kerri wear her braces to a few spring training baseball games, which will make the them even more fun than they usually are!

Basically, what I’ve taken away from all this fun is that I’m REALLY glad I spoke up and told Kerri about my orthodontic interest, even though it was a difficult conversation for me. It’s led us down a road that has been full of enjoyment and pleasure for both of us, and I recommend that anyone with a similar interest be equally open with their romantic partner.

This has turned into quite a long series of posts – my apologies to anyone who has nodded off. Anyway, if any of you folks would like to discuss this in even more excruciating detail, feel free to PM me about it.

Offline Razorx

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Re: At long last!
« Reply #7 on: 02. October 2014, 20:38:35 PM »
This is a big bump, I came across this post through Google despite lurking on this forum for years. Your posts are so well written and I can relate to them so well that I can't help but reply and share my experiences. This is going to be a massive post, I just feel like putting this all on paper even if nobody cares.

Like you, I have been very shy with my braces fetish for almost my entire life. I first discovered how braces on an attractive woman make me feel at the age of 8 thanks to a magazine cover which featured a small picture of a braceface. The quality was poor but I was very intrigued by the woman pictured. Unfortunately the magazine disappeared shortly afterwards and with no internet back then I was stuck and couldn't explore this interest any further. I'd occasionally meet some girls at school who wore braces but this was not yet a fetish of mine but more of a fascination. Like you, I would spend time with them chiefly for this reason but I'd be very shy of looking at their smile while we spoke so as not too seem overly interested. I was too scared of them finding out about my fascination because I assumed that any interest in their braces would be suspicious. Now I know it's quite the opposite, it's common for people who wear braces to talk about their experiences.

As internet and braces content became more accessible I started to explore this interest and it turned into a fetish. Roughly in 2007, as social networking came along, one of my friends who I hadn't seen for a long time uploaded a picture of her with braces. I got in touch with her and called her up one night when I was in a club. We met that night, she invited me over and we kind of flirted a bit. Since it was already very late I had to go back home but we kissed for goodbye and that was the first time I felt braces on my lips. The kiss was so brief and happened so unexpectedly I didn't have time to think what I was feeling so I analysed it when driving home. It was very intriguing and I wanted more. Sadly, it was the last kiss with that girl when she had braces. A few months later I ended up at a new year party with my friends from college. We got pretty drunk and then this amazing girl with a mouthful of metal started showing an interest in me. We'd known each other for about a year and she started talking about how I didn't "do anything" last time we were on a trip with our group despite her giving out strong signals. This came as  a surprise but I was only too happy to oblige. That night we spent about 4 hours kissing and hands down, it was the most intense and amazing erotic experience of my life. If you told me before that day that kissing could be better than sex, I would laugh. She was incredibly pretty, she was the best kisser I could possibly imagine and she had braces which I could feel on my lips all the time (some of you may know that this is not always the case). Being rather drunk, I told her that night that I might have a braces fetish but tried to make it sound like I had just discovered it and wasn't too sure about it. Her reaction to this was neutral and we carried on. I would give a lot to re-live that night despite my current spouse - more on her later.

A few years ago, I met my current girlfriend and almost certainly my future wife. I remember the first time we met - she was amazing to talk to, we had an instant connection with each other, the likes of which I had never experienced before; I could see that she was hiding her teeth all the time, only to discover a few dates later that her teeth were pretty crooked and she was rather ashamed of them. Along the way I noticed how she kept wearing high heels which is a big turn on for me and this got me even more attracted to her. I have always been very slow at bonding with girls so any help in attracting me to this amazing woman was welcome. A few months in, when we were pretty much already in a relationship, she mentioned how she'd like to get braces. I remember the moment I heard that - it was a pretty big shock for me. Here I am, about to get two years of heaven if things go as planned. She didn't bring the subject up for many weeks and I was too scared to bring it up myself and tell her how I'd like that, so a few months later I decided to give her the money she needed to get braces (they're not that expensive over here) together with a letter explaining how I thought it'd be great for her to finally have straight teeth, like she had always wanted, and that she needn't have to wait until she saves up for this herself. I was still very ashamed of my fetish and said nothing about it. Fast forward a few months and she got them - first metal on the top. I was acting a lot leading up to that day - encouraging her that she'd look great and it'd be over in a jiffy. The day she was getting them I was very nervous and she could see something was wrong. Rather than tell her what was going on in my head, I told her it was because I wasn't sure whether I'd like her new appearance (yes, a very stupid thing to say, but that's all my fatigued brain could come up with, without exposing the real reason).  I went with her to the orthodontist and sat in the waiting room while she was asked into the office. After 10 minutes which seemed like an eternity I asked whether I could go into the office and take a look at what's going on. I did, and couldn't believe my eyes - my life long dream was becoming a reality. After she left the office and we drove back home, I told her how I really liked her new smile and that it looks great on her. It took quite a while until she actually believed me but I was thrilled to see that she was no longer concealing her smile. For the first time ever, I could see her smiling properly. Throughout the next few weeks I would often bring up the matter of how I liked her braces and I would frequently run my tongue against them or even touch them with my finger. She then said that perhaps this is a turn on for me and I said something along the lines of "I think it might be", still hiding my true feelings. One of the amazing things about this girl, as with yours, is that she is very open to anything that turns her partner on. So while I found this fetish to be something I was ashamed of, she encouraged me to explore it, quite possibly having already found out that there is such a fetish and that I have it. Now, when we are watching a film together she will very often take my fingers and one by one massage them with her brackets. At first I pretended to quite like it but would chicken out half way through so as not to show how big of a turn on it was for me in case she found it too weird. I don't anymore but still conceal how exciting this is to me. This is why I envy you so much because despite being shy about this matter yourself, you seem to have "come out" fully and are benefiting from this.

Now onto the matter which motivated me to write this post - why you're incredibly lucky and why I actually envy you. My missus will eventually get her braces off and although she says she will wear them for as long as I like, I can't find it in me to prolong her treatment. Recently her orthodontist said it's probably time to remove her bottom braces which are the ones that show when she speaks. To me personally, as much a turn on as the top ones. I told her how this made me sad without going into any more details - again, I'm ashamed of this fetish despite having a very understanding spouse. She responded with "but I'll keep the top ones on, those are the ones you can see, right?". I couldn't find it in me to open up fully and didn't continue the conversation. The great thing about fake braces which your spouse is wearing is that there doesn't come a point where you have them taken off and that's that. So despite me experiencing the real deal, it will soon be a memory which I'll return to through pictures.

I am 100% sure that if I told my girlfriend how I really felt about her smile, she'd get fake braces to wear alongside her retainers, or she'd keep her braces on for another year. She'd definitely accept this but I'm just too shy / too ashamed of how it may sound to her. I have read your story with great interest because I can relate to most of it except for the most important part where you actually opened up to her. Very inspiring read.