For Headgears only once or twice, because in France it is in principle not worn during the day only at night unlike some countries.
For retainers it is more frequent. I remember that at the primary school several girls of my class wore it, at midday we went to lunch in the canteen and one of the girls took it away to eat ... she put it in a glass because she had not storage box apparently. I found it repulsive.
There was also another girl in my class who had one, she made it come and go in her mouth and it made noise. Strangely she did not bother me, she was a very pretty girl.
Later (adolescent stupidity) I made fun of girls who had braces. we had lots of nicknames like "Barbed wire" for example ...
Otherwise I have a lot of devices: activators, bionator, headgears and facemask but I never put it in public.