
Author Topic: Braces in my early 30s  (Read 8052 times)

Offline Bracesagain

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Braces in my early 30s
« on: 06. April 2022, 02:03:51 AM »
New poster here, but I’ve been reading posts for many years now. I wanted to share my life experience with everyone here and maybe even motivate or encourage someone else to do the same!

I have liked braces since I was a kid and get turned on when I see them on girls, etc. I myself had braces before as a teen and remember enjoying them but sadly only had them for 2 years. My fascination for braces never went away but my treatment was over and I couldn’t do anything about it. So the braces came off but I still watched braces videos, looked at pictures, things like that.  Over the years, my teeth slowly shifted back because I didn’t wear my retainers.

I never seriously considered getting braces again. I have a job, friends, family, and felt some embarrassment if I were to get braces especially now that I am in my 30s. Plus it is so expensive and it can be inconvenient in reality.  But since my teeth shifted back a little bit I went ahead and did a free orthodontic consultation. The orthodontist said that I could get braces again since my teeth were pretty crooked and my bite was not perfect.

I thought about my decision nonstop for a few days. On the one hand, getting braces would mean having to walk into work with a mouth full of metal and explaining to my coworkers and possibly feeling embarrassed. It’s also not cheap. And the reality can be inconvenient, like flossing is harder, eating is more painful, and my teeth and gums will feel sore and trapped. But on the other hand, I could not resist the urge and temptation to be braced again. To feel the metal along my teeth. To feel the pressure of the metal brackets. To lick the brackets and touch them with my fingers. To stare at my metal braces in the mirror for hours.

In the end, I decided to get the braces. I couldn’t resist. I went to my bonding appointment and had to hold my pants tight because I was getting excited when they started putting on my brackets. When they finished putting the bracket on every tooth and pulled off the mouth opener and I felt all of my new brackets for the first time, I instantly felt an immense amount of pleasure. Once they started putting in my wires I felt a slight tug on each tooth and it felt so right. And when they put on each circular ligature on each bracket I felt like my teeth were being tugged and bonded and I felt so much pleasure.

For those of you who haven’t had braces before, it is truly an unbelievable experience and I highly recommend it. If you have the chance to experience it, please do it. I did feel some embarasssment from having to show my coworkers and friends, but it’s really nothing compared to the joy you feel 24/7 from your metal braces. Waking up to the feeling of braces, then brushing your teeth and seeing the shiny metal, and then eating something and feeling the slight pressure on your teeth. And at night, flossing and cleaning every bracket and staring at them up close. And of course, all day just randomly staring at the braces or playing with them in your mouth.

I do feel a bit worried for the day I have to get them off again but until then, I am truly enjoying and treasuring every day. Let me know if you have any questions about my experience or need any advice! Hope this helped someone. If you are debating getting braces, please let me know if I can help in any way. 

Offline bracessd

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #1 on: 06. April 2022, 17:01:56 PM »
@bracesagain Good for you to move forward and get braces again! What is your treatment plan/time? Are you going to share pics?

Offline Bracesagain

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #2 on: 07. April 2022, 00:36:14 AM »
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, bracessd!

My treatment time is estimated around 1.5 years. Nothing crazy planned, just upper and lower metal braces and likely rubber bands at some point to fix my bite. No appliances from what I heard but I might see if I can buy a reverse pull headgear to wear every so often for fun.

I personally don’t like sharing photos online for privacy reasons but I will do my best to respond to any questions from anyone.

On a side note I had a big company dinner today and everyone saw my braces. I was feeling a little bit shy but it ended up okay and I am still 100% happy with my decision to get braces.

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #3 on: 07. April 2022, 16:58:43 PM »
Very nice

Offline dominek000

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #4 on: 09. April 2022, 00:47:30 AM »
I will get in 2 months braces with herbst and expander :/ Can you tell me something about this?
How it is to get them all. I have 3 disadvantages so the treatment will be hard

Offline Bracesagain

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #5 on: 13. April 2022, 02:12:18 AM »
I’ve never had a herbal appliance or an expander. It does sound exciting with all the metal in your mouth. I could imagine feeling the herbst arms and licking the expander on the roof of your mouth… but in reality it will probably be a bit painful/inconvenient for cleaning.

Good luck with your treatment. I think the best advice I can give is to enjoy it while you have the braces / appliances since they will be gone one day.

Offline giacc

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #6 on: 13. April 2022, 18:04:43 PM »
I never had braces but since i was a teen i love girls in braces. 3 or 4 years ago, during a routine visit, ortho tell me if i want to have fixed braces but i didn't found courage and he gift me only a plastik block for night guard ... i used sometimes but not long. Same weeks ago i found courage to take a fake braces on bracesshop... and i'm exciting to receive it

Offline Bracesagain

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #7 on: 14. April 2022, 01:30:12 AM »
Congratulations on your fake braces giacc! Hope you enjoy.

If your teeth are indeed crooked or your bite is off, you should consider real braces. It’s truly a joy to wear real metal braces!

Offline JB_Brace_Lover

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #8 on: 24. April 2022, 06:45:56 AM »
Congratulations on your fake braces giacc! Hope you enjoy.

If your teeth are indeed crooked or your bite is off, you should consider real braces. It’s truly a joy to wear real metal braces!

 I think he is talking about real braces.

On another note I am doing the same and worried about the same thing. I don't like the feel of plastic so that puts invisalign out of the question.
I have fakes mounted to a thick retainer bought from here so metal looks ok. I guess ceramic is an option too but they stain easier.

I talked to my general dentist and got a bit tight in the pants too,
I may have to work out a way of hiding that.
Discord JB91#1748)

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #9 on: 25. April 2022, 22:36:36 PM »
If you wear jeans it hides it pretty well. For me it was okay, except when they put in the archwires and the little ligature bands to bond the wire onto the brackets, that pressure felt insanely pleasurable and I’m pretty sure my jeans showed a little bulge in it. But I dont think the orthodontist noticed.

Offline bloony

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #10 on: 25. April 2022, 23:49:50 PM »
On a side note I had a big company dinner today and everyone saw my braces. I was feeling a little bit shy but it ended up okay and I am still 100% happy with my decision to get braces.

Did someone say something about your braces?

I'm now in braces for 4 weeks and I'm feeling still a bit shamed in public and in meetings, trying to hide the metal and just to grin instead of smiling. So far only one has addressed me about my braces, so I'm feeling inscure what other peolple might think of me... does anyone have any tips?

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #11 on: 25. June 2022, 20:55:28 PM »
Bracesagain, how is your treatment going? Have you had an appointment or two so far?

Offline Bracesagain

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #12 on: 26. July 2022, 00:18:41 AM »
Bracesagain, how is your treatment going? Have you had an appointment or two so far?

Hi, thank you for checking in on me. Treatment has been fantastic so far. I’ve had two appointments and I love going to the appointments because I get fresh colors on my braces and of course I love the tightened pressure on my teeth.

My appointments have been fairly plain though. No power chains, no rubber bands, no appliances. I do think I’ll get power chains and rubber bands eventually but I’m not sure how I can get an appliance. I’d love a herbst or expander (in my dreams) but can’t think of any way to get my ortho to put one of these in my mouth. Any recommendations or ideas?

Offline hercimur

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #13 on: 26. July 2022, 01:15:16 AM »
I do think I’ll get power chains and rubber bands eventually but I’m not sure how I can get an appliance. I’d love a herbst or expander (in my dreams) but can’t think of any way to get my ortho to put one of these in my mouth. Any recommendations or ideas?

Hmm, I'm thinking that there's absolutely no chance for this to happen if it's not part of your treatment plan.  Possibly a slight chance if you try the honest approach.  Idk.  I'm sure that orthodontists are aware of orthodontic fetishes (hopefully, my saying that this is a fetish for you does not offend.)  Worst case is that you suffer some embarrassment and get rejected.  Seems like the right ortho might be willing to accommodate you if you are willing to pay for it and possibly sign some sort of statement or waiver.  I think a professional's main concern would be ethics and the possible legal repercussions of performing unneeded treatment.  If you can get past that hurdle, along with mustering the courage to start the conversation, you might have a slim chance of achieving your dream.   

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Re: Braces in my early 30s
« Reply #14 on: 25. August 2022, 04:21:36 AM »
Hi, thank you for checking in on me. Treatment has been fantastic so far. I’ve had two appointments and I love going to the appointments because I get fresh colors on my braces and of course I love the tightened pressure on my teeth.

My appointments have been fairly plain though. No power chains, no rubber bands, no appliances. I do think I’ll get power chains and rubber bands eventually but I’m not sure how I can get an appliance. I’d love a herbst or expander (in my dreams) but can’t think of any way to get my ortho to put one of these in my mouth. Any recommendations or ideas?

How impatient or not do you get waiting for your next appointment? I had my first appointment after getting my braces just last week, and both waiting for that one and already I want the next appointment to come quickly. At least part of that is I am eager to see the progress with my teeth. At my appointment last week, they gave me a rectangular wire; the ortho said it's "a little stronger", and the assistant said it might feel a bit tight when she closed the doors on the brackets. Those were understatements! It felt so tight (but not painful) once she got all of the brackets closed. The first few days after getting this wire, the tightness has felt reminiscent of having a powerchain. That tightness sensation has gone down some in the last day.

My understanding is that, other than rare exceptions, it's usually recommended to wait until a patient is in thick wires before giving them powerchains or elastics, so you may need to wait a couple more appointments before that happens. And not to burst your bubble, but I wouldn't count on being able to talk the ortho into giving you an appliance that isn't really part of your plan. At the very, very least, I imagine you'd have to pay more if that happened.