Life is strange – how many times have you thought about a friend only to have them phone later that evening, or think about a movie only to have it on TV a week later?
Well, Saturday morning I was thinking about public headgear sightings. You don’t see any. The last time I saw a headgear in public (Apart from myself) was about 2 years ago. And before that – heck knows! But I was thinking, I’ve never – EVER – seen a facemask sighting. In fact, I’ve never seen a facemask apart from you tube…
That very self-same morning, at a nursery in Johannesburg, my braces-radar kicked in. I have no idea why I had the compulsion to look around, but I did, and there it was! Girl of about 12, 13, wearing a red reverse-pull.
I was pleasantly surprised at the sighting, but more perplexed as to the irony of my thinking about it and then seeing it only a few hours later.
I still prefer “normal” headgear to facemasks though…