
Author Topic: Story: Carol  (Read 41272 times)

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #60 on: 25. March 2023, 20:27:36 PM »
Chapter 35 - Dancing 101

CJDL are now starting their second week in Korea. They knew that there was the possibility of another TV appearance, but the the next two weeks were going to be a bit different for them, as they would be learning to dance properly. Whilst they had in teh past had a choreography tutor, to help them prepare some specific (and usually fairly simple) routines for when they went on tour, they had never done any sort of 'basic dance' training, so that's what the had specifically asked to be shown in the next two weeks.

They had gone to bed soon after the live stream and the singing practice the previous night, so were able to get up in plenty of time, and had arrived at the 'school' a bit before 8:00 (which is when the day starts). Apart from Paige and callum, who were with them to film what happened, they were alone. For teh first time since arriving in Korea, the 4 Korean girls weren't with them, to help explain things, and to translate if needed.

Luckily, someone was waiting for them at the school, and he spoke really good English. He explained that they had managed to adjust their normal class schedules, and they would therefore be joining a small class of other students, amost all of whom could speak at least some English. He gave them a timetable, but explained that they had asked a couple of the students to act as 'chaperones' for them.

"So, would you like to meet you teacher and class-mates?" he asked. He led them to the room where the other students and teacher were already talking: he knocked on the door and led them in.

"Hello and welcome, I'm Hajoon, perhaps you can intoduce yourselves to us all?"

Jenny looked at Carol, as if to say 'Heck, we might as well...', So carol started: "Hi everyone, I'm Carol..." Jenny continued: "I'm Jenny", "I'm Dianne", "and I'm Linda... and we are CJDL!" The students all applauded and cheered: they knew exactly who they were, in fact most of them had seen their set on Saturday.

"And this is my brother Callum, and Paige, who works with the band," explained Jenny. "They are going to film us some of the time, for a possible documentary about our trip to Korea: if anyone doesn't want to be in the video, please tell Callum or Paige, and they'll make sure you are not shown."

"We were just discussing how training to be a singer in England is very different to how we do things here.." said Hajoon.

"Oh, yes, very different," replied Carol.

"Maybe you could explain how you trained to get to become a pop group? I think we'll all find it quite interesting."

Carol explained how, up until they were 16, music was just one of many subjects they did at school, although most of them played music at home to. "When we were sixteen, we went to a 'sixth form college', where we could specialise in what subjects we wanted to study: we all did some form of music, I know Jenny also did 'music tech', but that's where Jenny, Dianne and I met. Linda was actually in the year below us, she did music too, but she only joined the band a few months ago."

"So when you say music... just music? No dancing or performing?"

"Some students specifically studied dance, and we did a couple of very simple 'beginners dance' classes, but otherwise no. After that, we spent a year at a 'music school', where we learned more of the practical stuff about being a pop band."

"And when you left, they helped you record your first song, and get a recording contract and that sort of thing?"

"No. We recorded a couple of demos in that year at Music School."

"So how did you get to 'debut', and get a record deal and all of that?"

"With difficulty, and with help from our parents. It wasn't easy. We all worked part-time jobs for a while. Then we were lucky, and got a 'residency' for 3 months. Then we - well Jenny's dad actually, he was, and still is, our manager - got us a record deal."

"It sounds quite different from here in Korea then?"

"It is. The girls in Jelly Fish explained to us how things work over here, and from our perspective, it seems a lot more 'controlled', but is seems like it's a much more 'complete' system. You teach the students how to sing, how to dance, how to sing and dance at the same time, how to perform. And several years later, you produce a load of 'idols'. And that is good, if that's what you want to be..."

"Is that what YOU wanted to be?" asked Hajoon.

"I'm not sure. But it's certainly not what we are now. I know that K-pop Idols are very popular here, but in Europe, the music is very different. I'm not saying that what you guys are doing is at all bad, it's just not what we in England are used to. It's just different, and from what Taeyang told me, your system works very well for people like her!"

"So, you asked to do some basic dance training.. and from what you just said, I can understand why you've asked for that. Although, I saw you all on TV last week with Jelly Fish, and you did pretty ok"

"That was two days of solid training for one very simple bit of dancing. And as you said, it was 'ok'. Not 'good' or  'great', but 'ok'.  We know we can't expect a lot in 2 weeks, but we'll take whatever you can teach us! If you can teach us some of the basics, then we can build on that when we get back home."

Hajoon smiled. "Sounds like you all have a good positive attitude, and if you're willing to work hard - and you're all professionals, so I think you'll be willing to work hard - I'm sure we can teach you all something helpful. So, welcome to our school!"

After talking for a bit, they started working with the other students on some of the basics they needed to know, and it was clear that their enthusiasm to learn was inspiring the Korean students to maybe work harder than they might otherwise have done.

During a short rest break, Hajoon came over to them. "is this the sort of thing you weere hoping for?"

"Absolutely!" replied Carol.

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #61 on: 28. March 2023, 01:40:15 AM »
Chapter 36 - We do it for the fans

So, they had all spent a large part of the morning working fairly hard in their dance class, had just had some lunch, and had gone into the large hall. At one end was a stage, set up ready for a band. They all looked at each other... Dianne was the first to move, walking over to the stage, up onto the stage, then sat behind the drum kit. She picked up the drum sticks, and started to drum a gentle beat. Linda was next: she went up, and found the bass guitar: the amp was off, so she turned it on, and started playing a bass line along with Dianne. Next was Carol, who went up and did the same with a normal guitar. Finally Jenny went up, and turned on the keyboard, and the amp it was plugged into. A few people were looking at them, but clearly this sort of thing happened quite a bit.

Paige was also there, and had already picked up her camera and was videoing.

"Rollerskates?" asked Jenny. Everyone nodded. "Ok, one, two, three, four...." said Jenny relatively gently, and the four of them started to play 'Sexy Yellow Rollerskates' - the original CJD version they played at the festival. They were a couple of lines into the song when the PA suddenly came to life: Carol looked to the back, and could see someone up on the balcony giving them the 'thumbs up'. By now, everyone had stopped and was watching: they had all realised exactly who was playing. Not some group that was yet to 'debut', but the popular English group they had heard was visiting them for a couple of weeks, and that many of them had seen at the festival on Saturday! As the song ended, the small crowd in the hall all cheered and applauded. Four smiling faces looked out: yes, this was fun!

"Hi everyone, we're CJDL!" said Jenny. "Did you all enjoy that? We did!!" Another cheer went up.

"You know" said Carol when things had quietened down a bit, "I think this could be a good time to share some of our experience with you guys - would you guys like that?".

"Ok, well first of all - whoever that is that's running the PA up there: thank you!" The four girls bowed to the tech guy in thanks, then took off the guitars, and put everything back where it was before. Then Carol went and sat down at the front of the stage, with the other three joining her.

"So, here's a question for you all: why did we just do what we just did?" asked Carol.

"Because you like showing off?" suggested one person.

"Absolutely NO to THAT! Anyone else?"

"Because you like playing?"

"That's part of it....". There were a few more suggestions.

"So, as we were all growing up, I think we all realised that we had been given a gift. We can all sing. We can all play a load of instruments. Jenny there is really amazing at writing music, and Dianne and I are good with the words. Linda there hasn't been with the band all that long, but she's starting to discover that she's able to write music and words too. We believe that we were given these gifts for a reason, and that's why we honour our God, who gave us these amazing gifts, by using them. So we use our gifts to bring joy to our fans, to people like you. As we were playing a few minutes ago, I could see lots of smiles on your faces. And THAT is why we do it: for the people who are watching us and listening to us. So, try to remember that: you are NOT performing to become rich; you are NOT peforming to make yourself look good.... its for your fans, and without any fans, you simply don't exist... never forget that!" said Carol.

"Yeah, so also remember that when you go out, with your 'band' clothes on: you belong to your fans. Don't ignore them... without them, you'd be absolutely nothing." said Jenny. "Hey, Paige, come over here a moment!". Still filming, Paige joined the four girls. "Ok, give me the camera...". Jenny took the camera from Paige - it was something she often did, even when on stage. "So, Paige, tell these guys how you first met me....".

Paige spent a couple of minutes explaining the story of how a small group of them from college had gone to the park, and had met Jenny, and had a great time, discovering along the way that Jenny was an amazingly normal person. She explained how the group of them became Jenny's 'superfans', doing stuff for her. How they would almost 'coach' the other fans into behaving, allowing Jenny - and the others - to meet them when out and about.

"So, how do they all feel after being able to meet us?"

"I think they love it!" she said with a smile.

"So, why are you with us here today?"

"Because I work for you guys?"

"And how did that happen?"

"Well, at one of your last shows in London, you got a load of the kids from college - I guess I should explain that I was at the same college where all four of the girls here went - to join you in singing and dancing, and I was on stage with you, videoing you for the streaming. And when I left college, you asked me to work for you."

"You know, I realise I've never actually asked you: do you enjoy working with us? And if so, why?"

"Yes, it is amazing. Why? I guess it's such fun to see you bringing joy to so many people... to your fans!"

Jenny turned the camera around, and scanned the students. "Never forget your fans, that's our message for today!"

"Absolutely! Hey, want to do something like this again tomorrow?" asked Carol. A cheer went up. As the crown dispersed, an older man came over and introduced himself: he was the 'headmaster'.

"Ladies, it is a pleasure to finally meet you all! I was planning to talk with you about what 'master classes' you can do for us, but that was a GREAT idea, thank you. And by all means, feel free to use the kit on the stage again!

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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #62 on: 02. April 2023, 21:23:10 PM »
Chapter 37 - Any new songs?

"So, I got an email from your record company earlier..." said Brian.

"Oh, I guess that's a follow-up from your late-night calls last week?" said Jenny.

"Yes, partly. So, three things. The first one is that they now have sub-master copies of the version of 'roller-skates' you over-dubbed on Friday, plus they've agreed with the TV company here to use footage from the TV show last week as the video. If you have no violent objections, they plan to release it quietly in the UK this week: I don't think they are expecting it to be especially big, but you never can tell. They just feel it would be stupid to ignore an opportunity like this."

The four girls had a very quick discussion. "Ok with us!" said Carol.

"Good. Second thing: they are looking forward to your next single, and they were wondering if you have anything new in the pipeline that you think might be suitable, or if there's a particular track on your last album you feel would make a good single. They're not looking for an immediate answer, but maybe something you guys can chat about?"

"Hey, Linda, you definitely get a say in this one!" said Dianne.

"Yeah, but you did ask me last time, but yeah, I know I wasn't actually a band member at the time." replied Linda.

"And a final one: they were asking, not pushing in any way, how you were getting on with your new material?"

"I don't know about the others," said Dianne, "but I've been getting ideas the last few days, listening to all the Korean stuff around us. I'm hoping I might get some time the next week or two to work on it, along with the others. And that's before I add in the stuff I was doing before we came here. Anyone else getting inspired? Well, apart from Jenny, who I KNOW was inspired when we were up at forty thousand feet!"

"Yeah, that was FAR more import than any CJDL song though!" said Jenny, smiling.

"Ok, I'll let them know that you're all working hard!"


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #63 on: 09. April 2023, 22:58:28 PM »
Chapter 38 - It's charts day again

Carol, Jenny, Dianne and Linda had spent the Tuesday morning doing more dancing. Rather than simply learning a dance routine - which is the sort of thing they would do with a choreographer when preparing for a tour - they had gone back more to the basics, understanding how to use their bodies, and how best to carry out various dance moves. At college, they had only done a tiny amount of dancing, so they were all very much enjoying being able to do this... and of course, it's part of the reason that Carol had suggested that they do it.

And while they were dancing, Paige and Callum were recording what they were doing. Much of it was a bit boring, but it they could tell that they were quickly getting into the swing of things, and that it would be interesting later on to watch their progress. And as a bonus, they had a couple of bits where the girls had fallen over whilst trying stuff!

Through the morning they had several breaks - dancing is pretty physical, so breaks are essential. Finally it was lunchtime, and like yesterday, they went to the cafeteria to get some food. Whilst they were eating, Jenny's phone rang: it was her dad. He had been called by the radio station, and they wanted to talk to them again on the chart show. Jelly Fish were elsewhere, and had been contacted separately, but they wanted to talk with both Jelly Fish and CJDL, like they had last week.

"I've given them your phone number, so expect a call, similar time to last week."

"So, did they say where Jelly Fish is in the chart?"

"No, but I'm guessing there's an interest since the new joint version of 'Rollerskates' got released on Saturday"

"Oh, yeah, of course....".

Normally having a new song release was a much bigger thing for them: they would have worked on it for ages, been in the studio to record it, then recording a video, then discussing a release date with their record company, then watch it climb the charts. But this time, it was Jelly Fish who had done almost all of that, they had just 'popped in' to a recording studio to add their voices to the existing song: time taken? Under 30 minutes! Yes, they had been on TV - but that was to support Jelly Fish's version of the song - and been at the Park Festival, but that was playing their own music, with Jelly Fish simply 'guest appearing'.

After having some food, they went into the big hall, where they discovered that someone was playing the chart show through the PA system. Suddenly they was a large "ooohhh.." from almost everyone on the hall. As you'd expect, Paige was recording, in case anything interesting happened.

"What's wrong?" Carol asked one of the other students.

"Oh, Jelly Fish has dropped right down to 15! And they're not playing it for some reason."

"That can't be right..." said Carol, "They want to speak to us again this week. Maybe something has happened with the new version.".

"What do you mean?"

"We over-dubbed the Jelly Fish version on Friday evening, so it now has all eight of us singing, and it got released on Saturday."

"Ah, ok..."

Suddenly the audio was faded down, and the guy she had just been talking to called up to the guy running the mixing desk in Korean, and the audio came back on again. "I told him that we needed to keep listening..."

They sat with the other students, listening to the chart show: it was interesting to hear what music was popular in Korea. They had got to number 5 when Jenny's phone rang: it was the radio station, and hearing the show playing in the background, they asked if they could all go somewhere quieter.

"Got to go somewhere quiet, that's the radio station...." said Carol to the guy she had been chatting with. The four girls, along with Paige and Callum, went off to one of the small practice rooms that was empty, and waited with the phone on speaker. Paige had set up the tripod, and was by now filming the four girls.

"Hello... can we just do a sound-check with you all...." asked a voice on the phone.

"Sure thing, say when..."

"We're ready now.."

"In that case, hi, I'm Jenny, and I'll let the others all say something too."

"Hi, this is Carol, I hope I'm ok."

"This is Linda..."

"And I'm Dianne, I'll keep speaking a bit more, so you can make sure the levels are right. How are we sounding?"

"That is perfect, thank you very much. So, the presenter will be speaking live with both you and Jelly Fish at the end of the next record...". The audio went back to the feed of the show, the song ended, and the presenter introduced the next song. A couple of the minutes later a voice came on to say "Please be ready, we'll be with you soon..."

The record ended, and the presenter came on, saying something in Korean, then he spoke English. "So, that was the number two in the chart, and we have a brand new number one...". The four girls looked at each other with huge smiles: if Jelly Fish were down at number 15, and there was a new number one, and they were waiting on the phone, then it could mean only one thing.

"... so what is this new record? Well it is completely unexpected, it was only released on Saturday, but it has sold so well that after only three and a half days, it's gone straight to number one: it's Jelly Fish singing with the English band CJDL, and on the line we have both bands. First of all, Jelly Fish, sorry that your version dropped to number 15, but how do you feel?"

"We were very confused when we heard our version was at number 15, but also knew you wanted to talk with us, so yeah, it's great to continue being at number one, but it's great that it's also with CJDL!"

"CJDL, how do you feel?"

"Well, for Carol, Dianne and me, this is not our first number one. However, Linda only joined the band fairly recently, so this is actually her first number one! I think Linda needs to have a quick scream!".

Linda screamed out, as suggested. "It's absolutely amazing," said Linda, "and my first number one has happened in Korea, how crazy is THAT?"

"Well, congratulations to all eight of you! So lets hear this new version of 'Sexy Yellow Rollerskates.". The music played, then the presenter came back on the phone again. "Thank you all very much for that, especially to you, Linda, I hadn't realised it was your first number one!".

They ended the call, and walked back to the large hall, where they entered to a big round of applause from all the students.


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #64 on: 10. April 2023, 20:08:26 PM »
Chapter 39 - Braces for Yun Hee?

The four girls, Callum and Paige had got back to their apartment after a day of dancing, and were relaxing with a cup of coffee. Brian and Lisa had gone out for the day as tourists with Mike and Ben, and were expected back at some point soon, when Yun Hee came into their apartment.

"Hey, Carol, Jenny, are you free after school tomorrow?" asked Yun Hee. "They've organised an appointment at the orthodontist at 4:30pm, and I was hoping you'd come with me..."

"I'm very happy to come along with you," replied Carol, "how about you, Jenny?"

"Yeah, why not, that's the least we can do for you!"

"Thanks, I really appreciate it: to be honest, I'm a little apprehensive, and knowing you guys have been through having braces, I know that any advice you give me wlll be for personal experience. Actually, I have some questions I'd like to ask, if you don't mind?"

"Ask away..." said Carol.

"So, when I went with you on Sunday, Jenny, we had a bit of a chat about braces, and you said that I should get metal brackets, rather than those invisible aligners... Carol, what's your thoughts?"

"Well, I'm probably not quite as knowledgeable as Jenny about braces, I got 'free' braces when I was a teen. But from what I've heard, whilst the clear aligners seem to be a good solution, you always need to remove them if you want to eat, or even have a drink that's anything more than water... then brush your teeth before you put them back on again - otherwise all the nasties on your teeth are inside the aligners and will mess up your teeth. With metal braces, like Jenny's, and what I had too, then yes, you're supposed to brush your teeth after eating, but to be honest, it's probably only a bit worse than when you don't have braces, and eat something but don't brush. And you can drink what you like. But that side of it's really only half the story for you."

"What do you mean?" asked Yun Hee.

"Well, the way I understand it, part the reason Jenny got the braces she has - and she could have had much smaller metal brackets - was that she wanted to make a statement..." Carol looked over at Jenny."

"Yeah, she's right! I decided that, if was going to have braces, I wanted there to be no doubt that I had them. Come on, I know you hardly know me, but you know how I love a bit of media and fan attention. From what I've learnt since, clear aligners would have been a right pain in the butt, and hardly anyone would have seen them. And as I said on Sunday, after a couple of weeks they didn't really hurt my cheeks any more."

"Look," continued Carol, "You'll get a LOAD more interest from everyone, and that is ALWAYS good for people like us, you can never have too much publicity! Jenny's right about the discomfort: after a few weeks you almost forget you have them. There is, of course, one big downside to metal - or ceramic - brackets, and that's that it does take longer to brush your teeth."

"Get a water pic!" suggested Jenny, "Best think I did. Plus loads of those tiny flossing brush things. Hang on....." Jenny popped into her bathroom. "this is the water pic, sprays water on your teeth, and more importantly between them. And these things are so easy to use..." she passed Yun Hee  pack of the tiny brushes.

"Ah, yes, I've seen these - they really help do they?"


"I wish I'd had those when I had braces, I don't ever remember seeing them. I had to use floss, that was a right pain! I bet those are LOADS better!" commented Carol.

"Oh, they are!" said Jenny. "So, have we persuaded you that you need to get metal brackets then? The ortho will assume that you'll want them to be as invisible as possible, so I have no doubt that top of his list will be aligners, followed by ceramic braces, so you'll need to be firm.... but we'll both be there for you!"

"Yes, I've actually been thinking about it a bit, and yes, I'd like to try and be like you, and be bold about them!"

"Of course, unless you also also get a headgear, you'll never QUITE be as bold as I was!" said Jenny, with a massive smile!

"Hey, did you ever show her any of the videos of you onstage with headgear?"

"No, I didn't. So, Yun Hee, not only did I have headgear, and wear it out in public, I even wore it on stage. The first time I wasn't even performing as CJDL, I was 'guesting' with 'Three Play', that's the band that Mike's with. You should ask him about it when he gets back!"

"I was in the audience with Ben and Dianne, it complemented the rest of the costume very nicely! Hey, Callum, got a moment?"

"Sure, what do you want?"

"You able to find the vid of Jenny at that Three Play gig, the one where she came on in the pink dress and braces?"

"Sure, give me a moment.... " Callum smiled as he went and got his laptop, then spent a minute or two searching. "This one?" he asked, and played the video that someone in the audience had taken.

"Oh, yeah, wow! I see what you mean! I bet they weren't expecting that!"


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #65 on: 13. April 2023, 20:19:08 PM »
Chapter 40 - Radio Croydon

The others soon arrived back, and they all ate dinner together at the apartment. The person who cooked for them was actually quite good, and they all agreed that, whilst it ws nice to go out for a meal, it perhaps wasn't the healthiest way to eat, so eating 'at home' was a good option.

"Tell you what, we really must go out and eat at one of those street places, in a tent!" said Carol.

"Yes, I think we might be arranging that later this week" replied Ahnjong.

"Oh, excellent!"

A bit after dinner, Carol called Tom during his show, and they had a relatively quick chat off air about what she and the others were up to. They also agreed to do something more substantial, with all the other girls, the following week, their last week in Korea, but decided that they would have a quick chat now.

"So, the time's coming up to half past one here in Croydon, which I'm thinking means it's about half past eight in the evening over in Seoul... and that's where Carol Danvers, and the other members of CJDL are right now. Hello there, Carol!"

"Hi Tom, and a big 'hello' to all the Radio Croydon listeners from Korea!"

"So, what's been going on, Carol?"

"Well, if you remember, the reason we came over here was because a Korean girl band called Jelly Fish were at number 2 in the charts with one of our songs, and they wanted us to go on TV with them. The day after we got here last week, they were up at number one, which was even better."

"And are they still at number one this week, or are we too early in the week?"

"Well, sort of..."

"Sort of?"

"Well, you see, THEIR original version went down to number 15, but...."

"Oh, come on Carol, stop teasing us all!"

"So last Friday, we over-dubbed their original recording, so it's now got all eight of us singing on it. And it made number one today!"

"Oh, nice! I bet you weren't expecting that were you?"

"Well, I think we hoped it might get to number one, but we weren't expecting it to happen this week, not so soon!"

"Ok, so well done on that. I guess the big question is whether we're going to hear the song here in the UK?"

"Yes, we heard earlier that our record company will be releasing it, so just make sure you play it! We're a poor and destitute British girl band, we need the cash!" said Carol, starting to giggle.

"Nah, pop starts are never poor! Anyway, it's evening in Korea, so where are you right now?"

"Well, most of us are staying in a nice apartment, and next door to that is the apartment where the four girls from Jelly Fish live, and that's where we are now!"

"When you say 'we', who do you mean?"

"Well, why don't I get everyone to introduce themselves? Let's start with Jenny's parents..."

"Hi, I'm Brian..." "and I'm Lisa, and we're CJDL's managers."

"Hi everyone, I'm Callum, I'm Jenny's brother."

"I'm Paige, I work with the band..."

Next was Mike and Ben, then Carol got the four girls from Jelly Fish to introduce themselves.

"And finally...." said Carol... "I'm Linda...", "I'm Dianne...", "I'm Jenny...", "and I'm Carol... so that makes us, erm, LDJC? Bah, you all KNOW who we are!". Tom laughed.

"You told me earlier that you're staying over there for another two weeks: what are you doing?"

"We started some dance classes yesterday, and they'll be going on this week and next week: I'm already getting aches in muscles I never knew I had, but we're enjoying it, and we're all looking forward to the rest of our dance training!"

"Well, I hope you all enjoy yourselves over there: maybe we can chat again next week, and find out how things are going for you..."

"I'm sure we can do that!" replied Carol.

"Well, Carol, and the rest of you, thanks for calling in and letting us know what's been going on. I actually managed to get a semi-official copy of your Korean number 1 hit, so let's play it: Jelly Fish vs CJDL, and Sexy Yellow Rollerskates!".


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #66 on: 14. April 2023, 21:40:05 PM »
Chapter 41 - Hi mum! Hi sis!

Everyone else was either still in Jelly Fish's apartment, or in the lounge of CJDL's, so Carol went into the bedroom.

She dialled the number, and after 4 rings it was answered. "Hi mum!"

"Carol, lovely to hear from you!"

"Hey, go get your tablet, then we can see each other...."

"Ok, I'm ready!" said her mum a minute later. Carol called her again.

"Sorry I've not called, it's been a bit busy!"

"Of course, you're over in Korea, aren't you! How's it going?"

"Well, as I said, last week was rather busy..." and she explained about the dance practice and the TV programme, then about the appearance at the Park Festival. "Hey, you'll never guess who I bumped into on Sunday.... We had gone out for lunch in small groups for lunch, and Taeyang suggested we could go to the park down by the river. So rather than get a taxi, we caught a bus, and we met Nabi, remember her?"

"Yes, I do, a lovely Korean girl who you were at college with.. what's she doing there?"

"Well, she's from Seoul, but she's working for a commercial bank, and they offered her a 2 year placement over here. So she came back with us, and spent the evening with us all."

"How amazing...."

"How's dad? How's his back?"

"His back seems to be ok again, which I think he very happy about, and of course, he's at work right now. So, what's Korea like then?"

"Not really had a chance to see a lot, after all, we are working... well, now we're back at school. But I think we'll be doing some sight-seeing at the weekend. The others - so Jenny's parents, and Jenny and Dianne's boyfriends have been able to have a bit of a look-around already."

Carol and her mum chatted for a while: Carol got on pretty well with her mum. Well, she got on well with her dad too, but he wasn't there to talk to.

"Hey, have you spoken with Rosie recently? You know she really does like it when you call her. You ought to go see her sometime!"

"I was actually going to try calling her after we've finished talking. Hey, I'll try and call you at the weekend, then I can say hi to dad... but tell him I called, and give him a big hug from me, will you?"

"Don't worry, I will...."

"So what have you been doing then?"

Her mum told Carol about the stuff she'd been doing for a couple of local charities, and how she'd met up with some friends for lunch earlier today.

"Well, mum, it's good to talk to you." said Carol a little later. "I'll call you again soon...."

Carol felt really positive after chatting with her mum, so decided to call her sister, Rosie.

"Hey, Carol, I thought you were in Korea?"

"I am, but thought I ought to call you. Just been having a lovely chat with mum!"

"Oh, good, she said she'd not heard from you for a couple of weeks..."

"The last couple of weeks have been stupidly hectic, but things are a bit quieter now. So how's Natalie been at school?"

"Oh, she's settled in nicely, seems to be really enjoying it. And Sam is enjoying his pre-school too. So, come on, tell me all about Korea, and what you've been up to..."

Carol gave her a run-down of the last couple of weeks, preparing for the trip, the flight, and the last week in Korea, and told her about bumping into Nabi.

"It's a small world, isn't it, I bet you got a surprise when you saw her?"

"Oh, yeah...."

"So, last time we chatted, you said something about a radio DJ you kinda fancied... any news there?"

"Not really. I called into his show earlier, and things were good between us, but it's hard to go for a coffee when I'm out here, and he's still in Croydon."

"Something tells me you really do like him... am I right?"

"Yes, of course you are, you've always been able to 'read' me, haven't you!"

They chatted a bit more. "Hey, you really must come up and see us again sometime, it's been ages, and I wanna see my little sis!"

"You're right, it HAS been a while. I'll really make an effort when I'm back, coz I'd like to see you too. And the kids."

"You could always bring Tom with you..."

"Yeah, just need to persuade him to be my boyfriend first!"

"You know, next time you do a tour, you need to play in Leicester, then we can come and see you!"

"Hmm, I can imagine the conversation: 'Ok, it's important that we do a gig in Leicester'. 'Why Leicester?' 'Coz my sis lives there, and wants to come and see us!'. Is there anywhere big in Leicester we could play? That's usually the problem."

"Well, there's De Montfort Hall... but I don't think it's all that big."

"Maybe we should do a few gigs at smaller places, it would be nice. That's why I love going to the open-mic evenings at the local pub."

"You're doing open-mic evenings? That sounds like fun for you..."

"It is, it's nice and intimate, and I'm getting to know a few of the people who come along too. That's actually where I first met Tom. But they've been amazingly good at not telling too many people that I go along. It's actually this Thursday - it happens every 2 weeks - and I'm  hoping to record something to send them tomorrow!"

"There's a pub near us does an open-mic night, you could go along when you visit us..."

"Oooh, yes, another reason for me to come and visit then...."


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #67 on: 15. April 2023, 20:56:47 PM »
Chapter 42 - Yun Hee goes to the ortho

By the Wednesday, the 4 girls were getting into the swing of the dance classes. It was quite intense, but they were learning a lot of stuff, and learning how their bodies could balance and stretch in different ways.

At lunchtime they played another one of their songs in the hall, and then chatted with the students again. After lunch, they did their first 'masterclass', where the talked about the British, and European music scene, and how people become musicians - very different from the way K-idols get trained - but it seemed sensible to explain how other countries 'train' their musicians.

After their classes, the mini-coach with Yun Hee and one of the admin / security team on it arrived to collect the four girls, Callum and Paige: after dropping off Jenny, Carol and Yun Hee at the orthodontist's office, the others went back to the apartment. It had been decided that, as this was something personal for Yun Hee, Paige and Callum would not be filming them.

Carol had no idea what to expect, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the Orthodontist had a very modern office. Yun Hee checked in at reception, and all three of them went into the waiting room: a very pleasant and comfortable experience. There was no doubt that this was not only a provate practice, it was a pretty up-market one too! I guess that being a #1 k-pop idol has it's perks!

It wasn't long before a youngish lady came through and asked Yun Hee to go with her. Yun Hee explained that she wanted both Carol and Jenny to come with her, and when she realised that they were English, she spoke to them in English. "Hello Carol, Jenny, it's nice to meet you. Please, come on through!". Carol had assumed that she was the ortho's assistant, but she was in fact the orthodontist.

In the surgery, she asked them to sit down and  then introduced herself: "Hello, I am Bong-Cha, I am a qualified orthodontist, and I would like to understand why you are here. I know that your two friends are English, so I will try to speak English, but I may have to speak Korean at some point."

"Well..." explained Yun Hee, "I've had these crooked teeth for several years, and I would like to have nicer teeth".

"Ok... do you have any specific problems? I'm thinking about maybe pain, or discomfort, or even problems eating."

"Not really. I sometimes have problems biting some things, but I think that's simply because my teeth are just crooked." she replied, smiling and letting Bong-Cha see the obvious problem.

"Well, that is good to hear. Is there anything else you would like to tell me?"

"I don't really think so right now... I assume you'll be looking at my teeth in more detail?"

"Yes, I was going to suggest that you could come over to the treatment chair, and let me take a look at your teeth. Then I'll scan your teeth, so we can see them on the computer screen, and I can explain the option for treatment".

Yun Hee went and sat in the large chair. "It's probably simpler if you two wait here for the moment, but when I scan her teeth, you are welcome to come over and watch on one of the screens!" said Bong-Cha. A younger, and quite pretty, girl came over. "This is my assistant, Mishil."

Mishil looked at Yun Hee, then looked over at Carol and Jenny, and suddenly realised who they were. "Excuse me," said Mishil, "but are you who I think you are?"

"Well, it depends who you think I am... if you think I'm one of the girls in Jelly Fish, then yes. And Carol and Jenny are in CJDL, they're the English girls that are visiting us." explained Yun Hee.

"I guess you saw us all on TV last week?" asked Jenny.

"Yes, I did! It is so amazing to meet you!"

"Sounds like we need to all do some selfies before we leave, doesn't it?" suggested Carol.

"Sorry," said Mishil, "I interrupted!"

"That's ok, I don't mind!" replied Yun Hee: she was still getting used to the idea that, as a successful pop idol, people would now recognise her.

Bong-Cha started to speak in Korean to Yun Hee. "Don't worry, I'm just explaining to Yun Hee what I'm about to do," she added afterwards.

Mishil gave Yun Hee a pair of dark glasses, then Bong-Cha lay the chair almost flat, and lifted Yun Hee up. After adjusting the bright lamp, she started speaking to Yun Hee again in Korean, clearly asking her to open her lips, and do certain bites and jaw movements. Next she fitted Yun Hee with lip-spreaders, and started to look at her teeth in more detail, finally removing the lip-spreaders.

"Your teeth are all in excellent condition, and whilst your teeth are not particularly straight, your mouth does not seem to actually be crowded. The width of both your top and bottom jaws are both good, and they fit together reasonably well: this means that your treatment should be fairly simple. Let me scan your teeth, and then I can make sure my feelings are correct. Carol, Jenny, please come over and watch on the screen over there...."

After re-fitting the lip-spreader, Bong-Cha took the wand that Mishil had passed to her, and started to scan Yun Hee's mouth and teeth. Of course, whilst Carol and Jenny had seen her - quite crooked - front teeth, they had never actually looked right into Yun Hee's mouth, so they found it interesting to see what her teeth really looked like. As Bong-Cha had explained, her teeth were not actually over-large, and seemed to fit her mouth well. One of her upper pre-molars was definitely a bit out of line, with two of her lower premolars being slightly out of line too,  but most of the issues seemed to be with Yun Hee's front 12 teeth.

It was clear that Bong-Cha was very familiar with the scanner, because she was able to get a really good scan of Yun Hee's teeth very quickly. With the scanning done, Mishil removed the lip-spreaders, and Bong-Cha sat the chair up again, whilst at the same time turned off the bright light.

"I'm going to spend a few minutes using the computer to move Yun Hee's teeth into something very close to a final result: I need to confirm that there's enough space. You are very welcome to watch!".

All three girls watch on in fascination as Bong-Cha manipulated the teeth, moving them into much nicer positions: the end result looked very good.

"As I thought, there is enough room... so, come back over and let's talk....". The four of them went back to the chairs on the other side of the room.

"So, you are an excellent candidate for clear aligners. I see from your notes that you are a singer, so that would work well for you..." suggested Bong-Cha. Yun Hee was silent.

"Actually, Yun Hee specifically doesn't want clear aligners," said Jenny.

Bong-Cha looked a bit surprised. "But I assumed...".

"I would actually like braces similar to what Jenny has..." explained Yun Hee. Jenny smiled, showing off her braces.

"You see," explained Jenny, "there's several reasons for getting braces. Yes, the most obvious is to get your teeth straightened, and whilst I needed an upper expander and headgear to start with, I too could have had clear aligners for the rest of my treatment. But, like Yun Hee, I'm a singer in a well-known girl-band, and I wanted to make a statement. To tell our fans that 'there's nothing wrong with having braces!'. As I said, I was offered clear aligners, as well as white ceramic braces, and I refused both."

"Ah, OK, I was wondering why someone in your position had metal brackets - and I notice that they aren't small metal brackets either. And your friend, Carol, has traditional retainers too..."

"Actually, it's more than a retainer," explained Carol, "there's a spring clasp here, to move my canine tooth back into position - I had braces several years ago, and everything was fine, until I spotted that tooth had moved a tiny bit. Yes, I guess I could have had clear aligners, but to be honest, while they are described as 'invisible', by the time you get those little bumps on the teeth, they are actually surprisingly visible. And I knew Jenny was happy showing off her braces to the world, so I decided that I might as well make my braces a bit more visible too!"

Bong-Cha smiled (showing off a 'perfect' set of teeth!). "I admire you both, many people in your position would go for the aligners, but I understand your reasons. So, Yun Hee, you are certain you'd like to have metal brackets?"

"Yes, I would. I want to be proud of the fact that I am having my teeth fixed!"

"Ok, I can certainly treat you with metal brackets. The brackets that Jenny has are relatively large, and there's much smaller brackets available, although I suspect Jenny will tell me - quite correctly - that your treatment would take a bit longer with smaller brackets. They would, of course, be less visible. And if you REALLY want your braces to be visible, I could specially order some even larger brackets for you!"

Yun Hee smiled. "No, I don't think I would like to go with anything bigger!"

"Jenny, I saw that you have molar rings on your rear teeth.."

"Molar bands, you mean? Yes, I do. I needed them for my headgear."

"Ah, ok. Yun Hee, you won't actually need to have molar bands like Jenny does, as I won't need to move your molar teeth at all. Which means I could fit your braces this afternoon, if you like?"

Yun Hee was actually a bit surprised: she had assumed that she would need to come on another occasion to get her braces fitted. After getting over the shock and surprise, she smiled. "Yes please..."
"You know, she's so lucky," commented Jenny, "no molar bands means no separators!"

"Oh, yeah, I remember those!" said Carol, wincing.

"What's separators?" asked Yun Hee.

"Oh, little tiny rubber rings they put between your molars, to make them move apart a bit, so the ortho can fit a metal band around the tooth. They may only be small, but they really hurt for a day or two!" explained Jenny.

"Before I can treat you, I need to complete a treatment plan for you to sign." said Bong-Cha. "FY Entertainment have already agreed that they will be paying for your treatment, you are just signing to accept the actual treatment. And I'm sure FY will be happy with your choice of braces, as it will actually save them some money!"

Having signed the treatment plan, Yun Hee put the dark glasses on again, and lay back in the treatment chair while Bong-Cha cleaned her teeth, etched them, and one-by-one glued the 24 brackets to her teeth. As Bong-Cha did this, she explained to Yun Hee what she was doing. With the brackets now fitted, Mishil temporarily removed the lip-spreader, allowing Yun Hee to both rinse her mouth out, as well as have a feel of her brackets with her tongue.

"To start with, I will fit a very gentle wire." explained Bong-Cha. "Then, as your teeth get straighter, I'll fit stronger wires. I would also suggest that you might want to consume some pain-killing tablets when you get home."

"I'd definitely agree with her on that!" said Jenny. "Also take some before you come for an appointment: when she fits a new archwire, it will hurt... I say that from my own experience!"


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #68 on: 16. April 2023, 17:53:43 PM »
Chapter 43 - Yun Hee's braces

"So, now you have a big decision to make," said Bong-Cha.

"Ligature colours?" said Jenny and Carol at the same time.

"Ah, 'lig-a-tures', I was wondering how that word was pronounced!" said Bong-Cha. "Yes, what colour err... lig-a-tures... would you like?"

Yun Hee looked over at Jenny and Carol. "What do you think?".

"I guess it depends on what sort of 'look' you want." said Jenny. "Black or dark blue ligs are nice. If you want to be bright, then neon yellow, green or orange can be fun."

"And you can always mix them up. I remember mixing light blue and pink...." added Carol

"I guess I'd like them to be very obvious."

"In that case, mix up the neon colours! I assume they have some?"

"You mean like these?" said Mishil, holding out several different colours.

"And don't worry, you'll need to come back for your first check-up appointment in just 3 weeks time, so you can change the colours then." said Bong-Cha.

Yun Hee lay back in the chair again, lip-spreaders in her mouth, as Bong-Cha fitted her archwires, along with a mix of brightly coloured ligatures. Finally, Mishil passed Yun Hee a hand-mirror. As Yun Hee looked at her newly braced teeth, she was positively glowing.

"Yes, they look amazing! Thank you!" she said.

"So, I think we need to start teasing your fans... let me take some pictures that you can post, plus I need some for our social media too....".

Jenny took several close-up pictures, the first showed a smile with some brackets just visible. Then bigger smiles, showing all the braces. Then some full-face ones.

"What I did, was to just post a picture like this one, no comment: I was surprised how quickly people started commenting."

"Yes, that sounds like fun!". While she posted that first pic onto the Jelly Fish page, Jenny and Carol organised some selfies of all of them with Bong-Cha and Mishil, and some with just Yun Hee with Bong-Cha and Mishil.

Jenny posted a picture of Yun Hee's mouth on the CJDL site: "Someone just got braces....". It was morning in England, so she expected to get some responses pretty soon. "Hey, anything on your page yet?"

"Yes, a couple of people asking who it is, and if they are actually braces..."

"Leave it a bit, then put a second picture up, but no comment..."

Yun Hee's phone 'pinged'. "Ah, Ji-Ho is here...". Ji-Ho was one of the drivers that FY employed, he had driven them a couple of times before. They went out, and as they got to the car, Ji-Ho got out, and opened the door for them. This was one of the company's quite well-sized limos, with plenty of room for the three of them. As Yun Hee got in the car, she smiled at Ji-Ho.

"Oh, wow, you got the braces already!" he said. While Ji-Ho drove them back to the apartment, the three girls were watching the Korean and English social media. The English media went a bit like this:

- Oh, who's that then?"
- Can't be Jenny, she already has braces. Did Carol get proper braces again?
- No, that's not Carol. Hey, is it one of the Jelly Fish girls?
- Yes, definitely not one of OUR girls!
- Yeah, didn't Jenny say that one of the Korean girls wanted braces?

Jenny decided to make another post, with a picture of the three of them she'd taken:
- The girl super-group 'Jelly Fish vs CJDL' welcomes it's latest brace-face!
- Hey, isn't that Yun Hee?
- Yes, definitely Yun Hee: hey, Yun Hee, your braces look really cute!
- All those Jelly Fish girls look cute anyway!
- Nice smile there, Yun Hee!

"Well, our fans seem to like what you've done, how's your fans reacting?

"They seem to be a little confused..."

"Good, time for you to post that next picture....". The second picture, showing a full smile with braces also got a good response. It wasn't long before they arrived back at the apartment: clearly the other three girls had spotted the posts, and were all over Yun Hee as she walked into the apartment.

"Oh, wow, you got them already!"

"How do they feel?"

Yun Hee was smiling wide, showing her metal brackets: she was so pleased by the reactions she had got so far.

"It's getting busy online" said Ahnjong, "they are wondering who it is!"

"Maybe it's time for me to come clean?" said Yun Hee. She posted the full face picture she'd taken earlier, then the one with her, Carol and Jenny. "Thank you, Carol and Jenny, for coming with me to get my braces! Do you think they suit me?" she asked. Of course, that was a silly question, and the social media feed went mad...

"Hey," said Paige, want to really give your fans something to talk about? Why don't you  live stream to them...".


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #69 on: 17. April 2023, 19:10:02 PM »
Chapter 44 - Wednesday evening: Open Mic Recording

So, this next chapter describes the recording that they all made later on that Wednesday evening, but I decided it was more fun to write it from the perspective of the next evening, when it got played at the Open Mic Night at the pub!


It's Thursday night at The Crown, so once again it's Open Mic Night.

"Hi everyone" said Steve, the guy who did the sound, and basically ran the event. "So, I have some bad news and some good news for you all. The bad news, that you probably worked out for yourselves already, is that Carol Danvers can't make it again tonight, some feeble excuse about 'being over in Korea'. The good news is that she sent me something she recorded yesterday to play to you all instead, and I'll guarantee that you're all going to love it! So watch the TV screens, and enjoy!"

"Hi everyone" said Carol on the video. "Sorry I can't be with you again this week, but as you probably heard, I'm over in Korea with the girls, and it's more than a 10 minute drive to come over to The Crown! So I thought it would be fun to send you a video instead. Ok, let me start by introducing Linda, you've heard me mention her before. This is a song that Linda started to write... well, just before I came along to the Open Mic Night for the first time... ready Linda?"

The camera had panned out when she introduced Linda, and the two of them started to play acoustic guitars (that belonged to Jelly Fish) then sang together. When they finished, the crowd at the pub all applauded.

"Right, so maybe it's time to introduce everyone that's here. I should explain that everyone except Jenny's parents - they're our managers - are staying in the apartment next door, and we're currently all squeezed into Jelly Fish's apartment! So, this is Linda, who you just saw playing with me. Then we have Jenny, and her Fiance Ben..." as she spoke, Paige, who was behind the camera, zoomed in to Jenny and Ben. "Then there's Dianne, and her fella, Mike... and Callum, Jenny's brother. Behind them is Jenny's mum & dad, they are our managers. Behind the camera is Paige...". Paige walked around to be in front of the camera, and waved.

"And finally, let me introduce the four girls from Jelly Fish: we are are jointly number one in the Korean charts with them with one of our songs, which is why we're all here... so say hi to Ahnjong, Min Jee, Taeyang and Yun Hee".

"So, I asked if a couple of the Jelly Fish girls could sing us some sort of traditional Korean song... so over to Min Jee..."

"Hi everyone! This song is a traditional Korean romantic folk song, called 'The Story of Kap Do-li and Kap Soo-ni', we hope you like it!". While Min Jee and Yun Hee played guitar, all four of them sang the song. At the end, everyone in the pub clapped again, as did everyone else on the recording.

"Wasn't that lovely?" said Carol, who then paused for a few seconds. "Next up is something special, but I think I need to explain a bit about it first. Over the last year or more, Jenny has been 'given' some amazing worship songs from God. Now, you're probably poo-pooing that idea, but let me explain: Jenny is really great at writing music, but she'd be the first to admit that she's not so good at doing the words..."

"Oh, I'm crap at writing lyrics!" said an off-screen Jenny.

"So if she writes a worship song, and it has beautiful words, then clearly it wasn't her writing them, and that leaves one other 'person' who could have, and that's God! So, anyway, we're on the plane on the way over here, up at about 35 thousand feet... so maybe that makes up a bit closer to God? I had just woken up after a bit of a sleep, and went over to see Jenny: she was wide awake, writing music and words on her laptop... I took a look, and could see that it was a 4-part acapella song, and it didn't look particularly simple."

"That's one hell of an understatement!" said Linda loudly, also off-camera.

"So, we've been practising it since then, we've managed to sing it correctly just twice so far... so we're hoping to make it the third time tonight!". There was a slight cut in the video, and the video now showed Carol, Linda, Jenny and Dianne standing in a line. "Are we ready?" asked Carol. We hear a few notes being sung, and the video cuts again.

"Take two?" asked Carol. Another cut.

"Third time lucky?" asked Carol. Yet another cut.

"Ok, girls, let's hold hands.... Dear God, once again I think we need to admit that we need your help! We really want to sing this song to praise you, so... please?". A short pause, then Jenny starts to sing. Over the next few minutes we hear a quite spectacular song: in some places the girls are singing the exact same thing together, in others they are singing harmonies, in others they are singing different things, almost against each other, and in other bits there's even a hint of discord. The four of them finish singing at exactly the same time.

The girls stood in silence for a moment, then everyone else on the video started to clap, as did everyone at the pub.

"It's interesting, but the only times we've managed to actually sing that has been after showing a little humilty to God." said Carol. "I think the message has finally got through to us!"

Ahnjong joined Carol in front of the camera. "Tell you what, we gave it a few tries too, and we managed to sing about 3 or 4 lines before we went wrong! Respect you you guys, that was amazing!"

"Thanks, Ahnjong!" said Carol, with a big smile on her face. "Right, so last song coming up, and as you know, I love to end with one that you can all sing along to. However, before I go any further, I think I must ask your forgiveness for what I'm about to do! Most of these guys here have no idea what's about to happen... Ahnjong and Taeyang do, coz they're gonna be playing it, and Paige knows half of what's about to happen, so she can point the camera at the right people. I'll get Callum to put the words on the video for all of you when he edits it, so you can all sing along, and I have some words here on a pad that I'll show everyone here. This song is actually American, I think, but a certain Korean YouTube video made it rather popular... So, before we start, let me show the camera the words for the first verse...."

Carol moved closer to the camera, so noone else there could see, and turned the first page, to reveal 2 words: 'Baby Shark'. Paige smiled as she saw it, and the crowd at the pub all cheered, realising what was about to happen.

Carol turned to Ahnjong and Taeyang: "Ok, when you're ready!". As they started to play, the words 'Baby Shark' appeared on the video, and the camera started to pan in on Jenny, then Carol showed them all the words, at which point everone in the apartment reacted.

"Ok, let's go...." said Taeyang... "Baby shark, do do, do do do do... Baby shark, do do, do do do do... Baby shark, do do, do do do do... Baby shark!". The camera zoomed back to reveal everyone doing small 'shark mouth' actions. Carol turned the page for the second verse.... The camera zoomed in on Jenny's mum. "Mummy Shark, do do, do do do do... " they all sang... as did pretty much everyone at the pub.

Next verse was, of course, 'Daddy Shark' (with much larger 'biting jaws' actions), followed by 'Brother Shark'. With the family all covered, it was 'Boyfriend Shark' for Ben, 'Lovers Sharks' for Dianne and Mike, 'Cameraman Shark' for Paige, followed by 'Linda Shark' and 'Carol Shark'. All the time, people were making 'biting jaw' movements, and singing and laughing.

The camera now turned to the four local Korean girls, and the words on screen were now 'Jelly Fish...', with everyone now doing strange 'wobbling' actions.

Finally, it was the last verse... 'We're All Done! do do, do do do do...'. By now, in both the pub and on the video, there was a lot of laughing and clapping.

"I really am so sorry for doing that to you all, but it just HAD to be done! By the way, they've had over 12 BILLION views for that on YouTube, and earned a HUGE amount from it... maybe we need to post OUR version online?" said Carol. "Well, I hope you all enjoyed our performance from Korea, I'm hoping to be there with you in person in 2 weeks time. Bye for now!" The camera panned back, showing everyone waving.

While the noise at the pub slowly subsided, Kevin went up on the stage: he was still grinning.

"Wow, what can I say? For a start, I will say that there's NO WAY that I can beat THAT! Completely amazing, and Steve, please tell Carol that we all thoroughly enjoyed what they did! So, what can I sing you? Maybe I should start with..." and he started to strum his guitar.. "Baby Shark, do do do...", and quickly stopped again. "Ok, maybe not....." he added with a giggle.

The next day a new CJDL video appeared online... it was their 'Baby Shark' performance, editted down by Paige and Callum.


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #70 on: 18. April 2023, 16:05:05 PM »
Chapter 45 - Jelly fish go back to school

On the Wednesday night, after they had recorded the video for the open mic night, Carol and Dianne went and spoke to the four Jelly Fish girls.

"Didn't you say you're free tomorrow?" asked Carol.

"Yes, we are, why?" asked Min Jee

"Would you like to come to school tomorrow lunchtime, and have lunch with us?" said Carol.

"Something tells me it's more than just lunch...."

"Yeah, we've been doing these lunchtime sessions in the hall, and we were thinking that, if you'll do it, you can come and share your experiences since you left school, debuted, and got to number one. I get the feeling that the other students don't really get the chance to talk with guys like you, and I think it would help them a lot. Oh, and we can play 'RollerSkates' first'!"

"But surely you've already explained it?"

"We can share our experiences of what happened to us, but that's in another country, with a VERY different way of doing things... You can tell them about the way it has been here, for you. So, you up for it?"

Thus, after their morning dance classes finished, the eight of them (plus Callum and Paige of course: they weren't going to miss a good filming opportunity!) had lunch together at the school's canteen (where their presence caused quite a stir).

Carol stood up, and spoke loudly over the noise: "Hey, everyone, come to the hall in about 10 minutes, you've seen who's here, and they want to share their experiences with you. Oh, and we'll probably want to play a song first!"

On the way out, Carol spotted the guy who had done the PA for them before. "Can you help us again today?" she asked.

"Sure, no problems, give me 5 minutes!" he replied.

"Thanks. We'll go get the stage stuff ready.". While Paige got the two cameras set up, Callum helped the girls get 4 mics on their stands set up at the front of the stage, then they checked out the instruments. By that point, the PA guy was upstairs and ready for them, so they did a quick sound check.

Jenny came to the front of the stage, and spoke into one of the mics. "Hi everyone! Ok, so today you're going to get the 'proper' version of 'Sexy Yellow Rollerskates', and then the chance to speak to the 8 girls who are currently at number one! It's probably been a while since they've been here at school, so give the girls from Jelly Fish a big cheer!". Already there was quite a crowd gathered in the hall, with more of them coming in, and they all cheered: many of them knew Ahnjong, Min Jee, Taeyang and Yun Hee, and were pleased at their success.

Before they started to sing, Ahnjong said a few words in Korean, basically saying hello to the many people they knew. Then it was into the song, which the 4 CJDL girls played, and the 4 Jelly Fish girls sang. The other students cheered and clapped as they finished.

"Ok, everyone, did you enjoy that: your own personal perfomance by the girl-mega-group known as Jelly Fish vs CJDL!" asked Carol. There was another cheer. "So, we invited Ahnjong, Min Jee, Taeyang and Yun Hee here today to talk to you all, and answer your questions, specifically about the difference from being here at school, to being out in the big world, with a number 1 hit. Don't feel you need to speak English just for us, I think it's going to be better for you if you just speak Korean... unless you have a question for us too, that is! So, we'll all sit down on the front of the stage, and let's get a couple of mics sorted out...
Ahnjong  and Taeyang started, by describing some of the practicalities of what had happened to them since leaving the school. Then they asked for questions. There were several questions, which the Jelly Fish girls answered, then a girl asked a question in English: "You've spent over a week now with the girls from England: what have you learned from them?"

"Oh, yes, that's a nice question...." replied Min Jee. "Well, one thing they taught us, I think it was actually the second day they were here, was how important our fans are, and how good it can be to actually go and talk with them. We all went to the gardens at the National Museum, and met up with a small crowd of our fans. We took pictures, we talked. Carol asked us all questions, then we let the fans ask questions too. To be honest, I think we enjoyed it as much as the fans did."

"Yes, Min Jee is right," added Yun Hee, "I was a bit scared of meeting our fans, but they were actually very nice to us, and appreciated us spending our time with them. So there's another thing I learnt, specifically from Jenny and Carol: now that we are in a position of 'relative power', it's actually ok to use that 'power' to do things."

"What do you mean?" asked the girl. "Can you be more specific?"

"Jenny, maybe you would like to answer that question?" said Yun Hee.

"Sure. Carol had been chatting with Taeyang, and she had told us that Yun Hee wanted to have her teeth fixed, but that there was an FY Entertainment rule that they wouldn't allow idols to get braces. Fifteen years ago, that was possibly a reasonable rule, but things have changed since - changed a lot. So, yes, we 'used our power', and had a word with their manager, sort-of hinting that the company ought to review their rules if they wanted a certain visiting group of English girls to stay happy!". That comment raised a laugh. "It wasn't a contentious thing, but was something that needed to be fixed. You don't have to actually hold a protest, you just need to hint that it might be better for everyone, if someone actually listens to what you say. One of FY's bosses spoke to us later on, he was really nice about it... and that's why Yun Hee now has her braces!"

"Hey, Yun Hee, what's it feel like having braces? I see you've been teasing your fans!" said another guy.

"I'm really glad to have them... I rather like the look, you know! Jenny was right, these metal brackets look ok! My cheeks are feeling a bit sore right now, but Jenny says that will go away in a few days. And yes, our fans have been really good about them. It was Jenny who suggested that I should 'tease' our fans!"

"I can still remember the day Jenny posted some similar pictures... it was about a month after we'd finished our tour, and she'd told noone that she was getting them. Hey, Jenny, do you think your being so open about them has helped?" commented Carol

"If it has made it easier for just one kid to cope with getting braces, then it was worth doing! And I get the feeling it made it easier for you to get your new retainer too."

"Yes, it did. So, yes, don't be scared to carefully use the power you get, just use it wisely. Hey, Jenny, Dianne, Linda: what have you learnt as a result of meeting our four hosts?"

"Remember to enjoy the moment!" replied Dianne. "It's easy to forget that, but I've been reminded about how it was for us. Hey, Linda, this was actually your first number one, that was a special 'moment' for you too...."

"Yes, whilst the other girls had a hit while I was working with them, I wasn't a member of the band at the time, and so THIS was my first number one. And I'm trying very hard to remember how it feels. It's an amazing feeling."

All the while they were answering questions, various of the students were taking pictures and videos - after all it's not every day a top idol band drops in for lunch!

"How has it been working with another group of girls?" asked another guy. "That's for ALL of you?"

"Well, we've worked with a couple of other bands before, but this is quite different" explained Jenny, "because Jelly Fish and us, we're so different now - I'm thinking musically - but hearing their sort of music, and other Korean music around us, I think it's inspired us to think a bit differently. I know I have a few ideas buzzing around in my head...."

"I've really enjoyed learning about how people become musicians in England, it's so different from all of this..." said Taeyang, pointing around at the school. "And, if we ever get over to Europe to perform, I think it will help us understand the other bands we would meet a lot better. You know, I can think of something else I have learnt, specifically talking to Carol, and it goes back to 'using your power for good'. You probably don't know, but I enjoy sketching and drawing, and Carol has been pushing me to sell some of my drawings to help some charities. It's something I had never thought about before, but she's right, it's something I ought to do. It will be good for the charity, and I have no doubt it will be very good for us too!" Taeyang paused a moment. "You asked about working with another group: it has been nice to talk to someone else that you respect, and take on some of their experiences and ideas, and I think I'll be more open to other's ideas in the future too! I'm really glad they came over to Korea."

The questions reverted to being in Korean for a while: clearly all the students were enjoying being able to talk to Ahnjong, Min Jee, Taeyang and Yun Hee. Finally, one of the students said "Hey, everyone, we really need to get ready for classes this afternoon. To the eight ladies here on the stage, can I just say a big thank you, I think we've all enjoyed asking you questions, and more importantly you have given us some really good answers!". He, and all the others started to clap.

As the students slowly left the hall, the 'headmaster' came over to them, and gently bowed. "Ahnjong, Min Jee, Taeyang and Yun Hee, it is good to see you all again! Congratulations on making number one. And thank you for coming in today to talk to the students: I was listening in, and there were some really good questions and answers there." He then turned to the CJDL girls, and bowed. "And to our English ladies - thank you for organising it: I've heard some very good feedback from many people, not just about these lunchtime sessions, but it seems our staff and our students have enjoyed your 'master-classes' too!"


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #71 on: 19. April 2023, 22:45:03 PM »
Chapter 46 - Thursday evening - call from a TV production company.

The last few days of dancing had been fun for the CJDL girls, but a bit tiring. In the evening, Jenny and Ben along with Dianne and Mike had gone off with Brian and Lisa for a 'couples meal out', while the rest of them had opted to join the Jelly Fish girls for dinner in their apartment.

After dinner Paige, Callum, Linda and Carol went back to their own apartment, and were sat drinking some beers, when Paige's phone rang.

"Hello, this is Andrew Fisher from BD Media Production in London, is that Paige Turner?" said a voice on the phone.

"Yes, that's right."

"So, I spoke with Brian Stevens earlier on about a possible CJDL documentary, and he had some video sent over for us to look at. But he said you were driving things, so to speak to you..."

"Ah, ok... hey, look, Callum also needs to hear whatever we talk about, so why don't we make this a video call, then everyone can listen in?"

"Sure, go ahead!"

Paige pressed a few 'buttons', and got the video call working. "So, I'm Paige... let me introduce the rest of who's here..." Paige pressed a couple more buttons to activate the front camera. "This is Callum, he looks after a lot of the technical stuff, and we have Linda and Carol here too!" Carol was taking a sip of beer when Paige pointed the camera at her.

"Oh, sorry, did I call at a bad time?"

"Not at all, we've all had dinner, and now we're just relaxing with some beers. So, you saw the stuff that Callum sent you then?"

"Yes, we have: there's some amazingly intimate footage you have there, something we don't see very often, and it's enough to tell us that we'd absolutely love to work with you on this. Hey, Carol, that bit where you told that record producer 'what's what': my respect there!"

"Hey, don't be too nasty about Yu-Eye, she's actually a great singer, and a nice person too" said Linda.

"Oh, I'm sure she is, but it was just nice to see you guys being in control of things. Anyway, Paige,  what's your actual relationship with the band? I'm guessing that, if you're drinking beers together, it's pretty close?"

"Yes, I work for the band, I look after a lot of the media and press releases and stuff, and when I discovered about a week and a half ago that we were all coming to Korea, I just felt it should be documented."

"Oh, so the trip was only arranged recently, I hadn't realised. So it's just you doing the camera then? I'm not implying it's a bad thing, just a question..."

"I'm doing most of it, but Callum often runs the spare camera, and we have some GoPro's too, that capture some fun bits, and sometimes the girls do bits on their phones too. Am I doing it ok?"

"Oh, absolutely! I mean, it's clear that you've never really had any proper professional training, but that doesn't matter, the footage is actually very good, and it has a nice 'raw' feeling to it at times. So don't change, keep on doing what you're doing!" Paige had a big smile on her face. "So, how many hours of video do you reckon you have so far?"

Callum was thinking... "So, we've been here a week, and Paige, you must have done about 2 to 4 hours most days, if not more, then more the day we flew out, then a load extra on Saturday, and several cameras.... must be about 30, maybe even 40 hours so far. Although I suspect the daily amount will go down a bit from now... Is that enough?"

"Oh, yes, that is plenty enough!"

"So, is anything else you think we should be doing?"

"I'd say to avoid the sort of stuff that we can just get from mainstream media, it's the close-up intimate stuff that will make this interesting. Hey, done any interviews with the band yet?"

"No... not quite sure I'd be much good at that either" suggested Paige.

"Hey, how about we just interview each other?" suggested Carol.

"Now that could be an interesting angle, so yeah, why not? Yes, we can do more formal interviews when you're back in England, but you guys doing them there, well, it's just going to 'fit-in' better. A quick suggestion, I know it will be hard, but try and keep the questions as second-person as possible... so 'you' rather than 'we'... make it an interview rather than a conversation. By all means do some chats too, but keeping the actual interviews second-person will make it a lot easier to edit them down. So, how's it going there, over in Korea, what are you actually doing there?"

Paige explained about the song, and Jelly Fish, and the Park Festival, and the dance lessons.

"When you go on TV, I'm assuming you can take back-room footage, but not out on the studio floor?"

"That's right.."

"In that case, if you are able to get any contacts at the TV company, it would be useful, then we'll have an easier job getting some of the TV footage."

"I'll try and do that," said Callum, "I suspect someone will want the girls on TV again before we come back to England"

"Well, it has been great talking to you all! I guess we just need to negotiate the details with Mr Stevens... hey, Callum, would I be right in saying he's he your dad?"

"Yeah, Jenny's my sister, and mum and dad are the band's managers, so yeah, you need to talk with dad..."

"In that case, I'll say goodbye for now. Nice to have seen you all! Ladies, have a great time over there, and just make sure Paige films all the good bits!!"


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #72 on: 02. May 2023, 23:24:49 PM »
Chapter 47 - It's the weekend!

On the Thursday, Brian explained that they had been asked if they could go on a TV show, which would have been recorded on the Saturday afternoon, but they all put their foot down.

"We've been busy this last week. Yes, it's been fun, but it's been tiring, and we need some 'down-time'. Plus we need to catch up with you guys on being tourists! I'm not coming all this way, to not see some of the sights!" Jenny told her dad when the question came up. 

Her mum and dad understood what she meant. "There's also some talk about a TV show one evening mid-week, you guys going to be ok with that? Plus they'd like to have you on the radio in the bit before the chart show, on Tuesday."

"I'm ok with the TV, as long as it's after school: the guys at FY have been really good about giving us this opportunity, I don't want to p*ss them off... we've actually learnt a lot this week, and I'm really looking forward to next week. As for the chart show, that's in the middle of the day, so we won't have the time to go to the radio studios." replied Jenny.

"Maybe they can come to the school?" suggested Linda, "I'm sure we could use one of the training rooms".

"If we do it at school, then we should do it in the hall, get all the other students there too! I'm sure the 'headmaster' won't mind, as long as we give them a bit of publicity!" suggested Jenny.

"You know, from the day I first met you Jenny, I've noticed that you've always had a good business head on you, haven't you?" said Linda.

"I obviously taught her well then!" said Brian with a smile. "Ok, leave it with me, I'll speak with everyone who I need to..."

"Thanks dad!"


So, finally, it was Friday, classes had finished for the week: it was the weekend. No dancing classes. No lunchtime sessions with the students. No master-classes.

"So, we have a busy weekend lined up for you, which I think you're all going to enjoy," said Taeyang. "But I hope you guys still have some energy left in you today?"

"Why, what are we about to do?" asked Dianne.

"We thought we would take you to Hongdae, it's a district near the university, and there's lots of things to do there..."

"Like?" asked Dianne.

"Well, there's a pretty cool market. And street food in the market! Games places. We could go to a noraebang if you like too..." suggested Teayang.

"A what?" asked Linda.

"Oh, a karaoke room."

"Yeah, we HAVE to do that! I wanna see you guys sing some metal, or something strange like that!" suggested Paige.

"There's usually a load of street performers around too." added Min Jee. "And we can end up at a club, if you haven't fallen asleep by then! You guys up for it?"

The general consensus was "Yeah!". They had organised two fairly young security guys to come with them: they had told them that they would be part of the group, and to dress accordingly (rather than being a couple of 'guys in suits'!).

"By the way," added Ahnjong, "don't go too mad tonight, we have things for us to do tomorrow morning too! You have a load of 'tourist stuff' to catch up on!"

"I hope you're both coming along too?" Jenny asked her mum and dad. They looked like they maybe didn't want to. "Oh, come on, guys, when was the last time you saw us do Karaoke?"

The two security guys arrived: as requested, they had dressed suitably, and all 14 of them went down to the small coach that was pretty much always ready for them. On the way, they had a conversation, and it was suggested that it would be difficult for all of them to stay together, so maybe split up into two groups, and one of the security guys would be with each group. The issue was that, unlike a fan meeting, where the other people's behaviour would be relatively predictable, tonight they would be in public, in a fairly busy area. They accepted that, at some point, they would get recognised (so made sure to have pens with them!!), but such things could happen at almost any time.

Clearly, Paige and Callum wanted to take some good video, but didn't really want to carry all the camera kit around, so decided to leave the larger cameras on the bus (which would park nearby, allowing to get them later on if needed) and just took the go-pro's with them... Callum gave one to each of Mike and Ben, and told the girls to 'use their phones if they got inspired'!

For the first part of the evening, they wandered around the market, and whilst there were several looks, no one actually approached any of them, and the girls bought quite a few local 'knick-knacks', plus tried a few of the snacks.

The road opened out to a large plaza, where there was a group of six dancers, a mix of guys and girls, dancing to music from a 'boom box', and, of course, collecting money from the passers-by. They watched them dancing for three songs, then Min Jee went and had a word with one of the dancers when they finished the dance: there was smiling, and a couple of nods of agreement.

"Ladies," said Min Jee, "I hope you're all up for this, I just volunteered us: we're going to dance with these guys, we all know the song!". The other seven of the girls actually liked the idea: it was one thing to dance in a studio - be that a dance studio or a TV studio - but they had never actually danced out in public like this before. Callum, Paige, Mike and Ben got themselves into suitable positions to use the GoPro's, and the girls took their places, joining the other six dancers. The music started, and all 14 of them danced to Sexy Yellow Roller Skates. At the end, there were huge smiles on all of their faces, and the assembled crowd cheered and applauded.

"That was FUN!" said Linda, giving Jenny a high-five.

"Yeah, it was," replied Jenny, "it's so different being so close to everyone!"

"Of course, it does mean that our 'cover' is probably blown!" commented Carol.

"Look, we're not in a rush, I say we hang around for 10 minutes, let them all take all the pictures they want: publicity is always good for us..."

Taeyang had a word with one of the security guys, who went and spoke to the crowd: yes, he realised that they probably recognised who the girls were, and whilst they were actually on an evening out, the girls would hang around and let them take pictures or selfies for a few minutes. And while the crowd did so, the four guys kept filming on the GoPro's.

"You set us up there, didn't you?" Dianne said to Min Jee a bit later.

"In a way, yes. I knew there would be some dancers here, and I actually knew that guy I spoke with, so it was easy to ask him. But I think you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

"Absolutely! I don't think any of us have ever danced in public like that before, it was fun! Brings a whole new meaning to 'dancing for our supper'... so where ARE we eating?"

"There's a place not far away that Ahnjong and I have been to before: simple, but great food." Min Jee was right: the place was very simple, probably one of many family-run restaurants, and the food was excellent. Of course, after eating, Yun hee, Jenny and Carol all needed to go to the loo to sort out their braces.

"Hey, Yun Hee, how's the braces feeling? You've had them for 3 days now, and you seemed to cope ok with eating tonight!" asked Carol.

"The soreness of my actual teeth has almost gone, my cheeks are still a bit sore though..." she replied. "I'm still getting used to how to actually clean my braces after eating though."

"Hey, watch me, I'm quite used to it now...". Jenny coached Yun Hee in how to make cleaning her braces a bit easier.

Of course, things were a LOT simpler for Carol: she just needed to quickly clean her mouth out, and put her retainers back in again!

"That's one thing I'm looking forward to, when I get retainers," said Jenny.

"Yeah, compared to having brackets, a retainer is a doddle!" replied Carol.


"So, our suggestion is that we go to a typical bar, and have a beer, then we can try out some Karaoke...." said Yun Hee.

"Tell you what," said Callum, "Would one of you like to come with Paige and me: we could do with getting the better cameras and tripods to record you all doing karaoke, and we don't want to get lost!"

"What do you mean 'you all', you're gonna be singing too!" said Taeyang. "But sure, I'll come with you."


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #73 on: 04. May 2023, 21:22:03 PM »
Chapter 48 - Karaoke

Paige and Callum set up the two main cameras on their lightweight tripods, and also put three of the GoPro's around too: not only did they want to see whoever was singing, they wanted to see people's reactions.

"So, who wants to start?" asked Taeyang.

"I think mum and dad should!" said Jenny, "while we look to see what else we can sing to..."

"Well, what English stuff do they have?" asked Brian.

"Let me see..." said Min Jee, typing on the keyboard, and managing to get a list of English stuff. "Do you know... 'Elton John'?".

Brian smiled. "Yes, he's very well known in England!" Brian took a look at the list. "Hey, Lisa, want to be Kiki Dee?"

"'Don't go breaking my heart?' Yeah, ok...." replied Lisa. Thus it was that Brian and Lisa started off the evening with a duet.

"Can it sort by 'duets'?" asked Jenny. Moments later, Jenny and Ben sang 'You're the one that I want' from Grease: Ben was surprsingly in tune, and of course Jenny was pitch perfect. Dianne and Mike did 'I got you babe', the classic Sonny and Cher song - despite being in a band, Mike's singing wasn't all that great, but noone cared! While they were singing, their tray of drinks arrived.

"Ok, we something for Callum and Paige to sing.... hey, how about 'you don't bring me flowers, that should be easy enough for both of you!"

After doing duets, the 4 CJDL girls challenged Jelly Fish to a couple of Spice Girls songs. In return, CJDL had to sing Bananarama. Then it was Pussycat Dolls, followed by All Sints, and Atomic Kitten... and then someone found some old 60's songs, including some Supremes songs, and stuff like that.

"Ok" said Min Jee, "I think it's time for you to sing some K-Pop songs!"

"What, in Korean?"

"No, don't be silly, there's plenty in English!". So they sang some Blackpink, Miss A, Sistar, and a few other female K-Pop bands. Then the Jelly Fish girls found some  male K-Pop stuff for the guys to sing!

"Shame no-one can speak Japanese... I just found a couple of Baby Metal tracks!" exclaimed Ben.

"Baby Metal?" asked Callum.

"Never heard of Baby Metal?.... you gotta look them up on YouTube! 'Give me chocolate' is great!". Ah, finally, some 'Darkest Knights' stuff...." said Ben joyfully. "Jenny, fancy doing some 'Darkest Knights' songs?"

"Only if you sing them with me. Then after that, maybe Mike can join us?".

Carol had a word with Taeyang. "Looking for some anime songs - any idea if there's any on here?"

"Should be - looking for something in particular?"

"Yeah, what's that big song that Yu-Eye did?"

"Ah, yes, know the one you mean: you gonna have a go singing it?"

"No, I'd like to hear Linda sing it: you weren't there when we dubbed 'Roller Skates', but Yu-Eye played it then, and Linda sang to it, she was pretty good, just didn't know all the words."

"Ah, here you go... Linda, Carol says this next one is for you.....". This time, Linda sang the song flawlessly, hitting all the high notes perfectly, gaining herself a big round of applause from everyone else there.

They all had a great couple of hours both drinking and singing: they even got the two security guys singing too! Finally, they arranged for their coach to collect them nearby.


Back at the flat, with the two security guys gone, and Brian and Lisa dropped off at their hotel, most of the girls sat in the lounge, drinking a variety of things, including beer and coffee, although Jenny and Dianne had already left with their fellas.

"Well, thank you Taeyang for organising this evening... what you got lined up for us tomorrow then?" asked Carol

"Well, I think Ahnyong has organised an e-bike tour of Seoul for us all tomorrow morning."

"I'm so glad you put the letter 'e-' in front of the 'bike' word there, I'm not sure how much energy I'll have tomorrow! But yeah, that actually sounds like a great idea. I trust you have something special lined up for lunch?" said Linda.

"Yes, we're going have a wander around the big market, and then have lunch there too."

"Oh, great, at last!" said carol.

"Oh, this isn't one of those 'restaurants in a tent' that you want to try out, this is real street food, eat it while we walk, or sit at tiny tables.... don't worry, we'll find you a 'pop-up-bar' later in the week!"

"And after lunch?"

"More sight-seeing around Seoul, then somewhere special for dinner! You're gonna be busy tomorrow, but I think you'll enjoy it!"


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Re: Story: Carol
« Reply #74 on: 06. May 2023, 19:06:20 PM »
Chapter 49 - Saturday

"Ok, before we go, I need to do a quick clothing check:" said Ahnyong, "No heels, sandals or silly shoes? No, that's good. Socks above the ankles - don't ask! - yup! No-one is drunk, are they? Right, let's go!". There were 16 of them in total: the two 'security' guys from last night were with them again, not forgetting Brian and Lisa.

The e-bike ride was enjoyed by all: they had effectively split into 2 groups, with 2 guides, although they didn't all stay in their original group. The bike ride lasted 2.5 hours, and took them to some rather out-of-the-way parts of Seoul, that you would not normally have expected to see.

"Thank you, Ahnyong, that was really good!" said Carol.

"Yes, it was, thanks for organising it!" added Linda.

Next, they went to the Namdaemun Market, which was BIG, a mix of actual small individual shops, shops in a big hall, and smaller 'portable' stalls. As well as food (cooked and raw) and clothes, there were places selling anything and everything you could think of.

For lunch, they ended up in a building that contained lots of places making food, all of which had counters with stools at the front. "Just sit down wherebver you like - probably best in groups - and choose what you want, then we'll pay for it!" were the instructions from Taeyang.

"This food is GREAT!" said Carol, who was clearly enjoying the different tastes.

"Yes, but it really gets stuck in my braces!" said Yun Hee.

"It doesn't matter," said Ben, who had been admiring the food that Jenny had in her braces, "you still look cute!"

After lunch, Yun Hee, Jenny and Carol all went and found a toilet, where they could brush their teeth, and make sure there was nothing still stuck in their teeth: this wasn't as easy as it sounds, as the 'mirrors' were made of metal, and were badly scratched... so Jenny and Yun Hee had to help each other out a bit! It goes without saying that they all had fun doing this!

In the afternoon, they went on another, very different, tour of Seoul, this time in a small bus, and visited one of the many palaces in the city. Whilst several people did spot them during the day, no-one interrupted them: I think they realised that, as part of a large group, they wouldn't want to be interrupted... so they didn't.
"Ok, you've been keeping quiet about this evening," said Carol, back at the apartment, "What you got lined up for us this evening?"

"We are going to take you all up to the Namsan Tower, where you can look across the city, and we're having dinner up there. Park Hon Su will be joining us, and our two friendly security guys are coming along too."

"Oh, that's the big tower up on the hill, isn't it? Nice! I bet the views will be good!" replied Carol.

"Yes, they are, especially from the viewing area. And I guess they will have made sure the restaurant has good views too!"

The 16 of them went to the bus, which took a slight detour to collect Park Hon Su and his wife, and then went to the Tower. Well, when I say 'the tower', they were dropped off at one of the cable car stations: there they got onto a cable car that took them up to the tower, along the way, giving them some amazing views.

"Wow, that's amazing!" said Dianne, looking over the city from the cable car.

"So, is the restaurant up the top?" asked Jenny

"There IS a restaurant up the top, but it's a French style place, and we thought you'd prefer something that did Asian or Korean food, so we're going to 'Cheiljemyeonso': it's a Korean Noodle place, but it closes at 9 o'clock, so we thought we would eat first, then we can go and visit the observation deck afterwards, so you'll get to see Seoul at night. But we have almost an hour before our booking at the restaurant, so we can have a good look around first!" explained Taeyang.

The cable car reached the top, and they got out. "Especially for Jenny and Ben, and Dianne and Mike, we need to go visit the 'Love Lock Bridge'...." suggested Taeyang. After the two couples bought their locks, the 'locking on' of the locks became a good photo opportunity, during which time quite a few other people had recognised them, and also wanted photos of Jelly fish and CJDL. At the same time, Paige and Callum were filming too.

"It's ok," said Taeyang to their two security guys, "I expected this, we have time...", so the eight girls posed for the small crowd, while the security guys kept watch. The four girls from Jelly Fish had learnt from Jenny and the others that, if they made time for their fans, their fans would not only remain calm, but be much more willing to let them go afterwards. They even got the two security guys to take some pics on their fan's cameras.

The views over Seoul from there, and all around the tower were spectacular, and eventually they made it to the restaurant, where their 'table for 18' was ready for them. Whilst it was a 'chain restaurant', both the food and the service were good. After that, they went to the observation tower, and - as promised - the night-time views over the city were amazing.

"Well, I'm a bit tired, but I have absolutely enjoyed today!... so what we doing tomorrow then?" asked Linda, on the bus back home.

"Well, we thought we'd give you a more gentle morning, so let you all get up a bit later." said Hon Su. "Now, remember the day you met your fans, at the National Museum: you didn't get much time to look in there, so we thought we might like to spend an hour or two there. After that, we have been invited to a very nice restaurant for lunch."

"Invited? Who by?" asked Linda

"Remember Mr Park Ben Jin - he's that boss of FY you met after the filming at the TV studios? Well, he's invited us all, along with Yu-eye, for lunch. I think you'll enjoy it!"

"Oh, ok... You know by now that I'm a BIG fan of your food!" commented Carol.

"Yes, and because of that, we decided that, in the afternoon, you need a bit of exercise, so we're going to take you out to Bukhansan National Park... we can either walk, or rent some bikes, but there's some great trails out there!" said Yun Hee, smiling

"Oh, how far away is that then?"

"Less than 10km... It's a really big place, so we're only going to see a tiny bit of it, but I think you'll enjoy it!"

"Wow, you're so lucky, you have so much nature so close!
