
Author Topic: Kip & Lainey’s Christmas – 1 of 3  (Read 2112 times)

Offline napacaster

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Kip & Lainey’s Christmas – 1 of 3
« on: 20. December 2024, 16:23:00 PM »
Kip & Lainey’s Christmas – 1 of 3

By: NapaCaster

Hi! Let me introduce myself. I'm Elaine Thompson, but I go by Lainey and a couple of other monikers, too—more on that in a minute. I'm trained as a nurse, but I now manage my husband's highly successful sports medicine practice. In my spare time, I enjoy writing, and I'm a rather unique author when it comes to my subject matter—I write in two vastly different genres. My husband, Dr. Kip Thompson, is a third-generation doctor but likely the last Dr. Thompson in the family since we chose not to have children due to our busy professional lives. That's not to say that we are not very active in our community, especially when it comes to helping kids.
For Kip and me, it was the typical romance between a young medical student and an equally young nursing student. With his education taking many more years than mine, I worked a part-time job in nursing to get experience in the field while taking classes in business, literature, and psychology, which really paid off for me later on. Kip and I got hitched the year before he graduated, and let's see, that has been over twenty happy years ago. There is really nothing exceptional about either one of us when it comes to our appearances or lifestyles—we live a simple life, though we splurge on nice vacations every year.

I think Kip is a handsome man, despite his crooked teeth, which I wish he would get fixed, and he still finds me as cute as the day we met. However, these days I carry a few extra pounds and have a lot more wrinkles—I'm plain, but certainly not unattractive. With my kind manner and ever-present smile, I'm what most guys would call cute. The only things that really stand out about me are my thick glasses, frizzy black and rapidly graying hair, and my orthodontic braces that I got about a year ago—I kind of look like a nerd, but Kip says I'm a sexy nerd. My orthodontic braces are nothing too complicated, just good old-fashioned metal braces and cervical headgear. Sleeping in my headgear was problematic for me, so I simply get my sixteen hours a day in during waking hours. Braces and even headgear are no big deal as an adult, something I wish Kip would understand. The important thing about us is that we are very much still in love after all these years and that we are well respected in both the medical and local communities.

Now, about me being an author... I started out writing books for children and teens about medical-related topics. They're short stories that I illustrate myself to help youth cope with various injuries and medical conditions. My first books were based on my personal experience: getting glasses when I was ten, breaking my wrist falling off my bike when I was twelve, and wearing a Milwaukee brace all through middle and high school. I published these books under the pseudonym 'Miss Lainey,' and they are very successful. I then began to write about more serious and intense subjects, such as amputations, paralysis, cancer, and chronic illnesses like EDS. With my nursing experience, along with input from Kip, my books are extremely medically accurate but understandable for the age group I’m writing for. This is where my study of psychology and literature has come in very handy.

After I got my orthodontic braces and headgear, I wrote my first book for adults, which was on that subject. This was the first subject that I had written about other than wearing glasses that I was currently experiencing as I wrote. It was a comedy based on some of the funny things that happened after getting braces. Mixed in were helpful hints on oral care and coping with those occasional odd comments or insults. Along the way, I looked online at message boards and websites for the experiences others had with their braces, and I found something interesting—there are people with orthodontic fetishes out there in this world. Thinking about it, I have noticed some people that seem to have more than a passing interest in my braces and headgear. I have had a few interesting conversations with strangers.

As I was writing that book, for some reason, I began to have erotic thoughts that became a short story about a woman in her early thirties who had to get braces—her teeth were a real mess. She was a very average-looking woman, a lot like me, who was single and not having any luck with long-term relationships—she longed to get married and have a family before it was too late. After getting her braces and headgear, men were very interested in her, and she was always being asked out. The story ends up with her meeting a man who is not only attracted to her appearance and personality, but to her orthodontia, too. He reveals his fetish, and she begins to understand how he feels. They get married and start a family, with the man enjoying his wife wearing her retainers—his main fetish—and living happily ever after. I posted this story on a message board, and it was really popular, so I decided to continue with the theme of people being attracted to and enjoying things that most people would find at least mildly unpleasant. It was fun to write these stories, and, well, I found them exciting to write, but I never told Kip about these stories and how I felt about them or that I longed to live some of them out myself.

A few more short stories followed, which were also very popular. Despite these types of erotic thoughts being foreign to me, I enjoyed writing my stories. Kip and I have a very romantic and loving relationship, but it is nothing out of the ordinary—we are about as vanilla as a couple can be. However, the subjects I was writing about really piqued my curiosity, and I began to spend many hours online discovering the world of medical fetishism. It was strange but interesting, and I began to write more stories about things like paralysis, casts, braces, and amputees, but the people and their partners in my stories enjoyed their situations and often had their romances renewed.
I began to publish my erotic stories online under the name 'Miss Naughtia.' To my surprise, I soon had an immense following, and I felt compelled to tell Kip how I was spending my spare time. I know he was wondering what I was writing about since I had been writing so much without anything for him to edit. You see, he edits all my children's books but has no knowledge of my adult stories or my desire to experience some of the things I wrote about.

I was so nervous to reveal this secret part of my life to Kip, but I did, and he took it well. In fact, he was excited to read my stories, and he told me he very much enjoyed them and that I am an extremely gifted author in this genre. The only other comments he made were about some technical details that I had gotten wrong and suggested that he be my consultant and copy editor for not only my children's stories but my erotic stories as well. After revealing this little secret part of my life, nothing about our relationship changed, and the only time we talked about my erotic stories was when we were editing or Kip asked me how many watchers I had gained on DeviantArt. We never talked about experiencing any of the scenarios for ourselves or anything like that, but I wanted to. Writing these stories has revealed a part of me I never knew existed. However, this all changed on our way home from a Halloween party at the local children's hospital.

As usual for the Halloween party, I dressed up as 'Miss Lainey, the Story Fairy.' This year was my first time wearing my braces and headgear to this event where I give away books and sign autographs for the kids, along with doing a few magic tricks. This has been a tradition for me since I began writing children's books many years ago. Kip dresses up as 'Dr. Clowne' wearing oversized scrubs, clown shoes, and makeup with a red wig with hair almost as frizzy as mine. He puts on a show fumbling with and dropping oversized medical instruments that he 3D printed while handing out treats—it's great fun and brings smiles to sick and injured kids faces.

On the way home, things got interesting. While stopped at a traffic signal, Kip looked over at me and said, "You know, Lainey, those braces of yours sure add a sparkle to your smile. You really do look great wearing them and your headgear... Well, let's say I really like it, honey. I'm glad you took the plunge; you're prettier than ever and will have the perfect smile you have dreamed of in a few more years." This was the first time that Kip had ever commented on my braces other than to ask if they hurt after I got my wires changed or my headgear adjusted. Oh, I guess there is the occasional discreet comment that there is some food caught in them, but that's all. This is the first time he commented on how I look, good or bad, wearing them, and he definitely thinks I look good.

In a playful yet seductive voice, I asked Kip, "So you think my braces and headgear are sexy? I do too, honey. I love wearing them, and I think they make me look younger, too. You probably like that, having a wife that looks fifteen years younger than you." This left him speechless and turning fire engine red. "It's OK, honey. I'm glad you feel that way since I feel a lot like the woman in the last story I wrote."

"Yes, Lainey, I actually do. That last story you wrote... Well... I found it rather exciting." Kip was referring to a story about a woman who got braces and really enjoys wearing them. Then her husband expresses that he loves how she looks with braces. The story ends with her husband, who badly needs braces, begrudgingly getting them and their romance reignited after many long years of marriage. 

Something that I've mentioned is that Kip's teeth are a mess. Crowding, overbite, crossbite, and tongue thrusting, especially when he's frustrated or angry. He knows he needs braces and should get them before any further damage occurs to his teeth. Our dentist has been telling both of us to get braces, so I did, but Kip has refused to even go in for a consultation.

"So do you want to live out that story, Kip?" I playfully inquire as I imagine Kip with a mouthful of metal—he'll look so sexy, and I know he'll need appliances that will make him lisp badly, too. "I already have braces and love them, and you professed your admiration of my new smile. The only thing left is for the stubborn husband to visit the orthodontist himself."
"I will, Lainey. I'll call Dr. Norton in the morning. No more putting it off, but what do you think? How will I look? What will it be like?" I can tell that Kip is nervous, even a bit scared about the possibility of getting braces.

"I think it's an excellent idea, Kip. It is something you really need to do for your long-term dental health. There will be times it hurts and will be uncomfortable, but that is part of orthodontic treatment. As to how you will look? I can't wait to see you in braces. I wonder what it will be like to kiss you and explore whatever Dr. Nelson puts into your mouth. I love you, Kip, and I hope things turn out just like in the story I wrote."

"Me too, Lainey. That was my second favorite story that you ever wrote. I have to admit I have been turned on by your braces since the minute you got them, and I have been torn about getting them myself, but now the decision has been made."

Something that Kip just said piqued my curiosity: "Kip, you said that was your second favorite story; what's your favorite one?"

"Oh, it's the one about the woman who breaks both legs just before traveling for a Christmas holiday, and her husband had to take care of her. At least you were kind to her and let the one cast be a walking cast so she wasn't confined to a wheelchair. Oh, and the way you described and illustrated the candy cane stripes on her casts—so cute and festive."

At this point, we are arriving home, and Kip just pulled the car into the garage."Would you like to live out that story on our holiday, Kip? I would wear casts for you and let you take care of me. It would be a lot of fun, and just think of the attention we would get."

"If you are willing, Lainey, I would love it. To see your legs in casts with your cute toes sticking out would be a dream come true for me. I think about it all the time since reading that story. Those stories of yours have awakened something inside me."

"Me too, Kip. I guess we have both begun to explore new thoughts since I began writing, and now we are going to live some of them out. It will be so much fun to wear a couple of casts for a while with my brace-faced husband taking care of me. Of course, I would take care of his needs, too, distracting from the pain and discomfort in his mouth." Damn, this is going to be quite the experience, and I know I'll get to enjoy seeing Kip in braces for a long time—his teeth are really jacked.


Over the next couple of weeks, we never talked about Kip getting braces or me wearing casts. I thought he would bring it up when I gave him my latest story to proofread, but he didn't. I didn't want to push things; maybe Kip is having second thoughts. However, that was not the case, as I found out the day before Thanksgiving.

All our staff had gone home early, and I had finished all my work, so I went looking for Kip. He was not in his office, but I heard noises from the supply room. Upon entering, I found Kip filling up a large box with stockinette, padding, and cast tape. There were also a couple of different styles of cast shoes and sandals on the table, which he threw in the box, along with a pair of red aluminum crutches—my favorite color. I knew what he was gathering supplies for but didn't ask about them. Instead I asked him if we were going to stop for dinner on our way home—I didn't want to mention anything about getting casts. As he picks up the large box full of casting supplies, he said, "Yes, Lainey, dinner sounds good. Grab your crutches and we'll go; I'm hungry." I picked up the pair of crutches, which fit me perfectly—Kip has an eye for adjusting crutches and choosing the correct-sized braces—and I followed him to the car on crutches, not bearing any weight on my left leg. I was a bit wobbly, and I think I'll use my crutches until Kip decides it's time for me to get my casts, which I hope is soon.

When we got into the car, I took my shoe off my left foot—I'll pretend I have a sprained ankle this evening. Kip seemed to enjoy seeing me crutching around when we went to dinner, but he didn't say anything. When we got home, I continued my charade for the rest of the evening and even used my crutches when I got up in the night to go to the bathroom.

On Thanksgiving, I continued to use my crutches around the house. I was having a lot of fun, and I could tell Kip was enjoying it too. Every time I got up to do something, crutching became easier and easier, and I was becoming quite comfortable using them. At around one in the afternoon, my fun had to end since we were delivering Thanksgiving meals to shut-ins, something the local medical association sponsors with assistance from the hospital. The hospital provides the food, and doctors and nurses volunteer to deliver it. We have been doing this for over fifteen years.

After we delivered the thirty meals assigned to us, we returned to the hospital for a late Thanksgiving dinner with all the other volunteers. On the way home, we talked about our day, and Kip very nonchalantly mentioned that he had a consultation with Dr. Nelson, my orthodontist, a few weeks ago. He said that he will be getting his spacers on Monday, then he will get his braces and appliances the following Monday. However, Kip made no mention of when he planned to apply my casts. December is a quiet month in our clinic, so I take the month off to work on my writing projects. A couple of leg casts won't slow me down at the computer, so I hope Kip casts me sooner than later.

I'm so excited, and I hope both Kip and I find my casts and his braces as thrilling and erotic as the characters in my stories did theirs.

Offline jxox

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Re: Kip & Lainey’s Christmas – 1 of 3
« Reply #1 on: 20. December 2024, 18:31:41 PM »
Cool start, can't wait for more.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Kip & Lainey’s Christmas – 1 of 3
« Reply #2 on: 21. December 2024, 04:04:10 AM »
Cool start, can't wait for more.

Glad you are enjoying it! I like your work, too. More on Sunday and Tuesday.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Kip & Lainey’s Christmas – 1 of 3
« Reply #3 on: 22. December 2024, 17:41:11 PM »
Kip & Lainey’s Christmas – 2 of 3

By: NapaCaster

Over the next couple of days, I used my crutches and pretended to have a badly sprained ankle. I even got an Ace bandage from the first aid kit and had Kip wrap my ankle for me before we went Black Friday shopping. I spent the entire day on crutches and did quite well, but my arms got a bit tired—I'm a nurse and know to never let my underarms take my weight while on crutches. Saturday, the only thing we did was go grocery shopping, and I continued to use my crutches and wrap my ankle, wondering when I would get my casts.

On Sunday morning, Kip and I got dressed up nicely to go to brunch as we always do. I put on black nylons and had Kip wrap my ankle, which we both seem to enjoy but haven't talked about. Then, since it was a cool morning, I put a bright pink sock over my bandaged ankle to draw attention to it. I put on a nice dress, got my headgear situated, and put a rather daring, for a woman on crutches, high-heeled ankle strap pump on my right foot. I really liked how I looked, but I had to adjust my crutches for the shoe I was wearing.
When we got to the restaurant, the hostess, who knows us well, asked about my ankle. I said I sprained it pretty badly and would be on crutches for a while. As she led us to our table, she warned me to be careful wearing such a high-heeled shoe on my good foot. I laughed it off, but it gave me an idea to encourage Kip to get me into my casts—I still had no idea when he planned to apply them.

Once home, as Kip was helping me out of the car, I made like I rolled my ankle and put my weight on my left leg. Kip caught on right away as I cried out in pain and said I think I broke my right ankle and further injured my left leg. Kip asked if I could walk, and I said no, the pain was too great. He carefully picked me up, and I left my crutches behind as he carried me into the house and laid me down on our bed.

Once on the bed, Kip removed the shoe from my right foot and the bandage from my left ankle. We continued our role-playing with Kip examining my right ankle, proclaiming that I had torn ligaments in my ankle and a broken foot. He then carefully examined my left leg, diagnosing me with a partially torn Achilles tendon and a fractured fibula. As he examined my fictitious injuries, I would cry out in pain on occasion. Then, he discussed my treatment, which would be a short leg cast on my right leg and a long leg cast on my left with my foot in plantarflexion. Just as in my story that had inspired us to do this, at this point I broke down in tears. However, I just couldn't keep it up and began to laugh, with Kip joining in.

I then asked Kip what his plan was for me, and he said it would be exactly as I had written in my story. I was happy to hear that since it means wearing various casts over a rather long period of time. I just hope I love wearing casts as much as the character in my story did. Once I'm casted and people see me, I'm stuck in them for at least six weeks. Kip told me to go take a nice long bath since I would only be taking sponge baths for a while.

I got undressed and took a long, hot bath, knowing that I would be in casts for a long time for my 'injuries.' After I bathed, I put on panties and a t-shirt and found Kip in our spare bedroom with a tarp spread across the bed with boxes of cast tape all over the place. I lay down and know what is coming next—hell, I know everything that will happen over the next several months; it's all been written, and I wrote it.

Kip started with my right leg and applied a picture-perfect white short cast with a toeplate. Kip does a great job with casts and, unlike some doctors, takes great pride in applying neat and comfortable casts to his patients. My cast was no different with my ankle at the perfect ninety degrees, the sole of my cast perfectly formed to my high arch and padded just right in all the right places. Kip always makes walking casts extra thick, especially the toeplate, so it doesn't break down with hard use, and my cast will see hard use. After my cast was fully cured and wasn't feeling so warm anymore, Kip finished it off by folding two-inch green cast tape in half and applying it to my cast, making it appear as a candy cane—it looked so cute, and my cast felt really good, too. With my right leg in a fully cured and extremely comfortable cast, Kip got to work on my left leg.

Applying a long leg cast alone is a real challenge; Kip usually has two assistants when he applies them to ensure perfection. However, it was just him and me today, with me being a compliant and helpful patient. My leg would be immobilized with my knee at about twenty degrees of flexion and my ankle in full plantaflexion since my story involves a partial Achilles tear. After Kip applied the stockinette and padding, all I could do to help was to keep my knee and ankle positioned properly. He got to work, and soon my leg was in a perfectly fitted cast that was very comfortable and extremely form-fitting. As he was applying the final layers of white fiberglass, Kip incorporated a metal toe protector bar since this cast wasn't for a foot injury and doesn't have a toeplate—it's just like the cast in my story. A toe protector is something he commonly incorporates in a leg cast when a patient has K wires protruding from their toes or their toes simply need protection. Finally, he used some two-inch tape, folded in half, to apply a red candy cane stripe to my cast.

Kip rested my second cast on a pillow that was stuffed inside a garbage bag as he cleaned up the bedroom. We didn't speak, and I just lay there enjoying how my casts felt. I was extremely aroused since the back of Kip's hands had brushed against my panties several times as he applied my cast. My mind was going wild, and I haven't been aroused like this in years. Finally, Kip said with a mischievous smile and seductive voice, "Let's get you into bed, and Dr. Kip will try to help you ease your pain." He carefully picked me up and carried me to our bedroom and set me on the edge of the bed, my left leg sticking out in front of me. He carefully took off my headgear, something he has never taken the initiative to do before, and I lay down. He helped me get comfortable on the bed, then he removed my panties and got naked himself. He got in bed with me and we kissed, with him exploring my braces with his tongue, and then we made passionate love. It was an orgasm like I had never experienced before.

After our encounter, we cuddled and talked for a while. We both expressed how much we were enjoying my casts and how much fun, yet challenging, the next few months will be for us, but we didn't talk about Kip getting braces. After an hour or so, Kip got dressed and helped me dress and put my headgear back on me. He put the black cast sandal on my right foot and handed me my crutches, then helped me to stand. I began to crutch around the room, which was different with my left leg hanging there uselessly in a heavy cast and my lower right leg and foot also immobilized in a cast. However, the shape of the sole of the cast sandal made things a bit easier, and I was soon feeling fairly confident crutching around in my casts.

The rest of the day was like any other Sunday, but I had casts on both of my legs. Since I have been on crutches for the last several days, I could get around quite well, but I was careful since I couldn't cheat and use my left leg at all. Kip cooked dinner, we watched a movie, then went to bed, but not to sleep. It's been years since we made love twice in one day, let alone only hours apart.

The next morning, Kip made sure I was going to be OK home alone all day. I said that I would be and I would have something delivered for lunch. I took off my headgear and we kissed, and as I was putting it back on and he was walking out the door, Kip said he would be late getting home—he has his appointment with Dr. Norton to get his spacers placed.

After Kip left, I crutched to my writing room and got to work, starting a new story. It took me a little while to get comfortable, and I had to push a box under my desk with my crutch to rest my casted left leg on; otherwise, my cast put pressure on my thigh. Before I knew it, I was starting to get hungry—it was one in the afternoon already. I ordered a burger and fries to be delivered, and you should have seen the look on the Uber Eats driver's face when I answered the door in my casts and on crutches, along with my metallic smile and headgear. She couldn't keep her eyes off me, and instead of rushing off, she made small talk while looking me over and asking what my casts and braces are like to wear—I think she might be a fan of Miss Naughtia.

When Kip got home, I could tell he was experiencing discomfort from his spacers. He didn't want to eat dinner, stating he had a very large lunch since he knew his teeth would be very sore. Kip asked how I was doing, and I put on a sad face and said that my legs were very sore since they had been injured so badly and that I hated being in casts and on crutches. He playfully suggested that Dr. Kip could take my mind off my pain, and I said that Nurse Lainey would do all she could to ease the discomfort in his mouth. Kip followed me to the bedroom, where I did my best to ease Kip's real discomfort, and he eased my fantasy pain.


On Wednesday, I called Dr. Norton's office to see about getting my adjustment done on Monday when Kip gets his braces. My teeth are always a bit sore after an adjustment, so it was only fitting that I be in discomfort at the same time as Kip. I also asked about prolonging my treatment so it lasts as long as Kip's. I thought Dr. Norton would find the request odd, but she didn't and said this was a common request from braced couples. She then asked if I was sure that I wanted to more than triple the number of years I'll be in braces, and I said I was very sure. Dr. Norton laughed and said that she understood.

When Kip got home that night, he had a gift for me. It wasn't something from the story we are living out, but something he thought would be practical—a brand new manual wheelchair in my favorite color, red. He helped me to sit in it, then adjusted the leg rests to support my casted limbs, and I tried rolling around the house. I really liked my wheelchair, and it will let me do so much more—there is not a lot you can do while on crutches and in two casts, one of which prevents you from even touching the ground with your toes.


By Thursday, Kip's spacers weren't bothering him too much, and he was back to eating fairly normally. He also said that everyone knows that I had a bad 'accident' over the weekend and that I'll be in casts for several months. We had not discussed telling people about our adventure, but I didn't mind. I'll get to go back to work wearing casts in January, which will be a lot of fun.

I also ventured out of the house on my own today, too. I wanted Mexican food from a place that doesn't do deliveries, so I had Uber deliver me. My lunch was great, but I don't recommend more than one margarita when you are in casts and on crutches—I had to have the waiter help me out to my Uber when I left, and the driver had to help me into the house. I did have a lot of fun, and I loved the attention I got and just how it felt to be in public wearing my casts. I've seen kids out and about wearing multiple casts, but never an adult like me.


Over the weekend, with Kip's orthodontic spacers not bothering him, we went out to eat several times. He wanted to enjoy some of his favorite meals before getting braces since he is worried about pain and discomfort. I used my wheelchair and enjoyed having him pushing it for me, which he also enjoyed. When we went to brunch on Sunday at the place we always go, I used my crutches and cast sandal. The hostess was shocked to see me in my casts and asked what happened. I told her that I should have heeded her advice about not wearing such a high-heeled shoe while on crutches and told her my story about how I ended up in my casts and the extent of my 'injuries.' As I told my story, I got a bit aroused, and I think Kip was getting worked up, too. All the attention I have been getting is rather addicting—there will be more casts, and who knows what else is in my future, too? Oh, the attention I have been getting from Kip has been amazing, too.



Well, it's Monday, and that means I'm getting an orthodontic adjustment, and Kip will be getting braces, too. I'm no expert, but I know Kip's treatment will be rather extreme. I'm worried that he will be in a lot of pain for a while and will find his appliances extremely uncomfortable. I don't want to see him miserable; I just want to see him in braces and speaking with a bit of a lisp—I'm not into pain and suffering. As we enjoyed our breakfast, Kip was nervous, but he also seemed excited.
I used my crutches and cast sandal today since the procedure rooms at the orthodontist's are rather small for a wheelchair to maneuver in. The receptionist was really curious about my casts and about what had happened to me. I told the story of what happened, and she said my story is like something she read online; then she stopped speaking and turned bright red. She might be another Miss Naughtia fan.

Anyway, I had to tell my story to both the assistant and Dr. Nelson before work in my mouth began. All that I got done today was new archwires and ligatures—I chose red and green for the holiday, and so they match the stripes on my casts. No adjustments were made to my headgear since I asked for my treatment to be prolonged for as long as Kip is in braces.

With the work in my mouth done, Kip and I traded places, and clean instruments were brought out. There was also a tray with Kip's fixed appliances, a bag of elastics, and headgear sitting on it. It looks like he will be getting a palate expander with a tongue crib on his upper teeth, but not much more than that except for headgear and elastics. I was glad he wasn't getting too much put in his mouth and told him that he would do fine with his braces and appliances. Kip smiled nervously, the last time I would see him smile without metal on his teeth for many years.

Dr. Nelson and her assistant got busy in Kip's mouth removing his spacers, cleaning and polishing his teeth, then placing his tongue crib and expander on his upper molars. It seemed to slip right in place, and then it was removed. Cement was applied, and the appliance was replaced in his mouth, with the cement being cured with the special blue light. Then his lower molar bands were placed, along with metal brackets on the rest of his teeth. Finally, his archwires were secured with red and green ligatures just like mine. However, his upper archwire was different from mine; it has small hooks soldered to it between his upper central and lateral incisors. We would both soon find out what these were for.

With all these things cemented into Kip's mouth, the cheek retractor and suction were removed. Dr. Nelson raised the chair, and I could see Kip exploring the brackets, bands, and his other hardware on his teeth with his tongue. Dr. Nelson asked Kip how things felt; he responded with much less of a lisp than I expected.

"It all feels fine, Doctor. There's a lot of pressure, but it hurts a hell of a lot less than those spacers did when I first got them. My mouth feels really full with my expander, but it seems to fit really close to the roof of my mouth; I'm not lisping as bad as I thought I would." I was glad Kip wasn't in too much discomfort, and he looks and sounds great with his braces. I love his new smile, and I hope he does, too.

Now we found out what the little hooks are for on his upper archwire—they are for his J hook headgear. The doctor explained that he will, like me, need to be in his headgear sixteen hours a day, but more is better if he can manage it. The doctor fit the black high pull straps over Kip's head and attached the J hooks from the straps to the hooks on Kip's archwires. He looked adorable with the little wires coming out from between his lips, curving up along his cheeks, and unlike my headgear, it appears he is very kissable while wearing it. Kip commented that he didn't feel too much more pressure on his teeth, but the hooks between his lips and the straps on his head felt strange, but not in a bad way.

Finally, Dr. Nelson applied elastics from Kip's lower canines to his upper second premolars. These did cause him some discomfort, but he said it wasn't too bad, which I was happy to hear. With Kip all braced up, we got instruction on turning his expander, and we thanked the doctor and her assistant and were on our way.

We stopped and had soup for lunch since Kip wasn't too sure about something he had to chew much. His teeth were not really hurting, and he didn't want them to start hurting now. After we ate, Kip drove me home, and we brushed our teeth. I helped Kip put his headgear back on, and then I kissed him. His J hooks certainly didn't interfere with kissing, and I explored all the new hardware in his mouth, which was extremely arousing for both of us. Too bad he has to get back to the clinic, or I would have had him in the bed right then. Damn, he looks so good with his new hardware, and his little lisp is just too cute.

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Re: Kip & Lainey’s Christmas – 1 of 3
« Reply #4 on: 24. December 2024, 17:22:50 PM »
Kip & Lainey’s Christmas – 3 of 3

By: NapaCaster

So far, Kip has done great with his braces and headgear. He has decided that he'll spend his eight hours without his headgear while at work and wear it the rest of the time. Unlike me, Kip has had no trouble sleeping in his headgear. He says he will wear it as close to 24/7 as possible on weekends just as I wear mine. We both plan to wear our headgear full time on our Christmas trip, too. He has not been having too much discomfort, but he's still getting used to brushing his teeth after every meal or snack. We'll see how his teeth feel after we turn his expander after dinner tonight. Friday evenings will be when we turn his expander, and he wants me to do it for him. It will be fun to be an active part of his treatment—I'm so excited, but I hope I don't hurt him.

I'm doing great with my casts. At this point, they have become part of me, and I really love how they feel on my legs. In fact, at times, I wish the cast on my right leg went all the way to my crotch, too, but that would mean being wheelchair bound all the time. I like using my wheelchair, but I enjoy using my crutches more. Every day, when I'm not writing, I get an Uber or Lyft and go somewhere, usually at least out to lunch and to get groceries for dinner. I can cook dinner while in my wheelchair, and Kip has really been enjoying my cooking, soft foods, of course, for his tender mouth.

I've also had a few visitors and even stopped in at our clinic one day after lunch. Everyone was so happy to see me and liked the colorful casts that Kip applied to my legs. However, I get the impression that not everyone thinks I'm really injured, but nothing was said about it. I got some interesting questions for our senior nurse, Gladys, that’s for sure. Oh, and the way she smiled at me as I left, I know she knows. I probably should have waited another week before stopping in.


After we ate dinner tonight, Kip and I brushed our teeth, and then I turned his expander for him. I didn't know whether to go slow or fast, so I went slow as to not shock his teeth. As I turned the device, Kip let out a little moan but said it was not painful, just a hell of a lot of pressure on his teeth now. I knew he enjoyed what he was feeling when he asked me if I wanted to go to bed early. We went to bed, and it was more intense than ever, and I did my best to get his mind off of his mouth. 


The next week passed slowly since we were both excited about leaving on our trip. I continued to go out as much as possible, and I also did a lot of writing, exploring new ideas. I hope Kip likes them and wants to live out some of the things I'm writing about. I know that I do.

I have also had a lot of visitors bringing me little gifts. One friend knitted me toe warmers that fit nicely on my casts. Another brought me thick wool socks, and Gladys sent some crutch pads home with Kip for me. I'm loving my casts, and I'm really comfortable wearing them. Aside from being alone with Kip and my casts, my favorite thing is telling people my story, but I do feel a little guilty that the whole thing is a lie.

Turning Kip's expander this week went well. He said there wasn't as much pressure as before, and he found it quite pleasurable like the character in my story did when his expander was turned. Kip still only wears his headgear when away from our clinic, but I hope that he starts wearing it at work when I return to the office. However, the important thing is that he is no longer having much discomfort from his braces, and his speech has improved, boosting his self-confidence. I'm so happy for him—he really needed to get braces—and I love the fact that we love seeing each other wearing them. I love Kip's new smile, and I get to enjoy it for years.


After brunch on Sunday, we began to pack for our trip. We are not going too far, only a two-hour drive, to a small town that has a big Christmas festival. When we booked our trip, we had no idea that I would be in a couple of festive casts and that Kip would also be in braces and headgear. We're staying at a small inn, so I'm sure that between my casts and our braces and headgear, we will get quite a bit of attention. There will be a lot of fun and romance.

After we packed, Kip suggested that I use a catheter on our trip. This was not something in my story, but I immediately realized it would make things easier and more convenient. I have had a catheter before, back in nursing school. We practiced on each other in those days, and I and a few other girls decided to keep our catheters for a few days so we could understand what life was like with one. Kip and I were dating then, and I even made love to him with it inside me. Sex felt different yet exciting and a bit daring with my catheter; it was uniquely pleasurable, so I didn't hesitate to allow Kip to cath me.

 The drive to the Christmas festival was enjoyable. The traffic was light, and so was the snowfall. I had thick wool socks on over my casts and a closed-toe cast boot on the cast on my right leg; my toes were cozy and warm. When we arrived, the inn was right out of the Hallmark channel, complete with a kindly older couple, Harry and Margie, who owned it. I carefully crutched inside and sat down in front of the fireplace, taking off my cast boot and socks to let my toes enjoy some fresh air and the warm fire. Margie doted over me, bringing me hot chocolate and asking all about my casts, braces, and headgear while Kip got us checked in. She was so kind and caring—telling my story made me feel bad since it was all a lie. However, it was still very exciting, as it always is when I talk about my casts and braces. She even asked me all about Kip's braces and headgear—she had never seen J-hook headgear before. At least our braces are something that we both really need to wear.

As I was talking with Margie, I saw Kip and Harry go outside, and they soon returned with Harry pushing my wheelchair with our bags on the seat. I put my thick sock back on my right foot, then my cast boot. I accidentally dropped my other sock; Margie picked it up and, without asking, put it on my left casted foot. I thanked her, and as I stood, my skirt rode up, revealing my catheter bag. Margie saw it and blushed as I awkwardly straightened my skirt. 

Kip and I got settled in our room, which had a small fireplace. Kip built a fire, and I once again let my toes enjoy the warmth as Kip unpacked our bags. Since the main festivities don't' start until tomorrow, we just relaxed in our room until supper time, but we did enjoy some sandwiches that Margie brought us for lunch.

It was nice to simply relax and talk without any distractions. Kip's associate is taking care of any emergencies, and I left my laptop at home so I wouldn't be inclined to write. We talked a lot about the feelings we were having, the first of many conversations like this on our trip. Neither of us had any idea why I liked wearing casts or why Kip liked seeing me and making love to me in my casts. We talked about our braces, and Kip admitted to me that when he first saw me with braces and headgear, he was instantly turned on but too embarrassed to tell me. Now, with the things we have read online, we understand that there are a lot of people like us, and while it can't be considered normal, it's definitely not unusual.

When it got near to five in the evening, we got ready for supper. Breakfast and supper are served family style, and we were hungry. Since we were not going outdoors, I simply put on my cast sandal and no socks. I wanted to show off my toes since I got my nails done—red and green with some art and toe rings, too—they look really cute.

Dinner was excellent, as was the conversation with the folks we shared our table with. My casts were a real topic of discussion, with people asking if I was in pain, how long I would be in them, and, of course, what happened. Our headgear and braces were quite the topic, too, and both Kip and I enjoyed talking about everything. However, I did notice a young couple that simply listened intently and sometimes whispered to each other. When Kip and I took off our headgear to eat and then put them back on afterward, the young woman stared at us and blushed, and the man put his arm around her. I might try and have some fun with them if I get a chance; I'm rather mischievous at times.

The next morning we had breakfast with the same folks as we had dinner with the night before. The young couple sat nearby, but too far away to talk to Kip and me, but their eyes were on us all the time. After breakfast, we went to our room to brush our teeth, and then we would explore the small shops in town and the arts and crafts village, with local vendors selling their wares. Since we would be going into small stores, I thought using crutches would be best, so I put on my warm socks and my closed-toe cast boot. I hate covering up my toes, and I'll definitely have to have a cast adventure again in warmer weather.

When we were leaving the inn, the young couple was sitting by the fire, and they got up when we walked, well, I crutched, out the door. As we visited the shops, we noticed the couple was following us but keeping a distance. Everywhere we went, they went. If we stopped to rest or have a snack or drink, they also did so nearby. We had a great day; I did really well on crutches in the light snow, and we picked up quite a few souvenirs and gifts for friends.

That evening at supper, there were some new guests that had arrived that day, and we sat with them. I got tons of questions about my casts and about what happened, which I enjoyed answering. Kip fielded the questions about our braces since he has so much more going on in his mouth than I do. Once again, the young couple sat close enough to overhear what Kip and I were saying but too far to converse with us.

The next few days were much the same as the previous. We visited shops and enjoyed a fruitcake tasting. I always carry copies of my 'Miss Lainey' children's books and handed out quite a few to kids in casts or with disabilities. It was nice to bring smiles to the little faces. Kip even talked me into getting my picture taken with Santa Claus, which was a bit awkward in my casts, but it was a cute picture. Also, like in previous days, the young couple from the inn was always within sight but would lower their heads if Kip or I looked their way.

Evenings were spent around the fire drinking hot chocolate or having cocktails, chatting with other guests, and then Kip and I would go to our room to cuddle and chat—our evening always ended with lovemaking. On Christmas Eve we went caroling, then roasted marshmallows over a large fire pit in the town square. It was so romantic with Kip there cuddling me in the cold night air. Christmas Day was a bit of a different schedule with a light breakfast and a full spread for dinner that evening. Once again it was fun talking to other guests, who, like Kip and I, didn't have any other place to go on Christmas. 

Most of the other guests went home the day after Christmas, but we planned to stay another few days just to relax. It's good for him to be away from our clinic and for me to be away from the computer. However, watching that young couple watch us had a story forming in my head that I'm excited to write. We are having such a good time, and our romance is at a new level thanks to our braces and my casts. However, finally it was time to head home. We got packed up and thanked Harry and Margie and their small staff for their hospitality that went above and beyond what we expected with a rather large tip left behind in our room.

Oh, by the way, you know how I said I can be a bit mischievous? Well, I was sitting by the fireplace in the lobby warming my toes while Kip went for a walk. The young couple had set their bags close enough to me while they were checking out that I could reach over and drop one of my 'Miss Naughtia' business cards in one of their tote bags. On the back I had written 'No Sprain, No Gain,' the title of the story I'm living right now. When they approached to grab their bags, I put my thick sock on my right foot, but I 'accidentally' dropped my other sock.

I looked to the couple, smiled my metallic smile, and asked, "Could one of you please help me? I dropped my sock." They both turned red and looked at each other, then the young woman nervously picked up my sock and handed it to me without saying a word. I simply said, "Please, if you would, put it on my foot for me. My toes are getting cold." I wiggled my exposed toes, and the woman carefully put the sock on my foot. I smiled and thanked her, and she nervously smiled, revealing her extremely crooked teeth.

Once home, Kip removed my catheter for me; I didn't want to have it in for too long and develop a problem with leakage. The next day, it was time for my casts to be changed—I had been in them for one month already. Kip cut my casts off, and boy, were my legs a mess of long hair and smelly dead skin. I guess that since I had been so active, I sweated more than most people do when wearing casts. With no actual injury, Kip helped me walk to the bathroom for a hot bath. My right ankle and foot were really stiff, as was my left knee, but I could bend it a little. However, my left ankle and foot seemed to be locked in full plantar flexion. 

During my bath, I got my legs cleaned up but didn't shave them. From experience with our female clients, shaving at cast changes causes a lot more itching when they get their new cast. In the bath, I did get my left ankle to loosen up, which is good since my new cast will have less plantar flexion. After my bath, Kip helped me to our spare bedroom, which has become our cast room. He placed me in new casts made with glow-in-the-dark white tape since we'll be going to a New Year's Eve party. The cast on my right leg was exactly as before, but the one on my left leg had my ankle at more of a neutral position, but not ninety degrees.


The New Year's Eve party we went to was a lot of fun. It was in a neighboring city with over ten thousand people gathering for a smaller version of the Times Square Ball Drop. The weather was warmer and dry, so I only needed to use my knitted toe covers and my new cast sandal—my old one was almost completely worn out. I loved how my casts glowed with their eerie blue-green glow under the black lights in the club and then shined brightly outside in the dark. Despite the large crowd, I was never jostled or crowded, so I had no trouble getting around on crutches, which I prefer to my wheelchair. People wanted to sign my casts, but I declined as I prefer to keep my casts looking fresh and clean.


Well, with Christmas and New Year's over, it is time to get back to reality—a new reality that involves casts and braces for Kip. Since I had told so many people about my casts and had been seen in them, I would have to experience exactly what I had written in my story. Now, don't think I'm complaining—I am loving being the woman in casts and braces, and Kip is loving his new smile and taking care of his casted wife. This is so much fun, and I wish we had discovered recreational casting years ago.

I started back to work at our clinic and also began writing a story inspired by that young couple from the inn. Everyone at our clinic, and our clients, were very kind, and I settled into my usual routine, albeit in two casts and on crutches. Another part of getting back to reality was Kip's first orthodontic adjustment. We scheduled our adjustments for the same day, and I had been thinking of what I could tell Dr. Nelson to convince her to give me a tongue crib. Kip had his work done first and simply got new archwires and blue ligatures. Dr. Nelson was happy with the progress he has made with his expander, too.

When it was my turn in the chair and Dr. Nelson seemed to be examining my tongue and upper front teeth. She said that it appeared that I was beginning to have a tongue-thrusting habit and recommended a tongue crib. I'm getting the lisp-inducing appliance I desired without asking, and I know why: when I'm aroused or have an orgasm, I press my tongue against my teeth, and these things are happening quite often these days. 

My archwires were removed, and two bands were removed from my upper molars, which were replaced with a tongue crib that Dr. Nelson quickly fabricated for me. My new archwires were placed and secured with hot pink ligatures. When I spoke, the large appliance in my mouth made me lisp badly, which Kip found hilarious, as did I. We left Dr. Nelson's feeling a bit of pressure on our teeth and laughing about my lisp—it's worse than Kip's lisp ever was, and he got not only a tongue crib but an expander as well.


The four weeks in my new casts flew by, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I almost exclusively use my crutches but do use my wheelchair so I can carry things on my lap. But now it was time for another cast change into my final pair of casts. After our employees went home, we gathered the necessary material from our supply room—I would wear black casts with black stockinette for the next month.

When we got home, Kip removed my well-worn, dirty, and smelly casts, and then I took a long hot bath. My knee and ankles were stiffer than before, and my left leg was quite atrophied, with my right leg looking almost normal since the muscles are always straining against my cast as I walk. After my bath, Kip put me in bilateral short leg casts with toeplates, and they felt and looked wonderful. He strapped new cast sandals on my feet, and I took my first steps on two feet in months. I was a bit wobbly at first, but soon got the hang of walking with both my ankles locked at ninety degrees. My toes looked so cute sitting on display on their toeplates, too. 


Life in my double walking casts was fun. I still couldn't drive, but I had no problems walking even long distances in my casts without crutches. Doing things at the office was like normal, and, like with my other casts, I always wore skirts and dresses to show them off. Kip really enjoyed seeing me moving around so freely and easily despite my casts, and I loved how it felt to wear them. Having two different kinds of casts at the same time felt strange, but two identical casts felt perfect. I think in the future I'll always wear casts in matching pairs.

I actually enjoyed these casts for six weeks instead of four. They were so comfortable and easy to live with. But finally it was time for them to be removed, and that was a sad evening; I even cried. Getting those casts cut off was like losing an old friend, and I worried that Kip wouldn't give me the attention in the bedroom like he had while I was casted. Once my casts were off, I took a hot bath and shaved my legs, then Kip fitted me with ROM boots to stabilize my ankles as I regained my strength. 


After a few weeks, my ankles were getting stronger, and I could wear flat shoes. In another few weeks I was back in heels, and we're planning out our next adventure. Kip is doing really well with his braces, and he now wears his headgear to work like I do. It's nice that he doesn't wear his headgear to bed anymore so it’s easier to kiss and cuddle. Oh, by the way, my lisp is still as bad as the day I got my tongue crib, and our relationship and bond are stronger than ever, too.