
Author Topic: Dianne really needs to get some braces  (Read 16925 times)

Offline Sparky

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Re: Dianne really needs to get some braces
« Reply #30 on: 12. January 2024, 17:21:39 PM »
Chapter 23

"Hello again Stuart!" said Linda with a smile, as she opened the door.

"Ah, right, Linda, I remember you now! You became Fiona's drinking partner on that tour, didn't you?"

"Boy, you make it sound like we got pissed every night, but it wasn't anything like that!"

"I know. But I do know that Fiona appreciated having your company. Anyway, I guess you've already been talking with Fiona..."

"Don't worry, we're not trying to talk her OUT of anything... in fact, I think we've been talking her INTO doing things! Anyway, come down to our music room.... someone is organising some fresh hot drinks for us."

"So, Fiona, what have they talked you into so far?" asked Stuart as he went and sat down with everyone. Stuart had been looking at the house and the music room as he came in, and was suitably impressed.

"You know, Stuart, it makes a change when something like this happens to meet a group of people who want to do what's good for everyone, rather just pass it on to their lawyers!"

"Oh, don't worry, we'll be getting Amanda to make sure all the i's are all dotted, and the t's are all crossed..." said Jenny smiling widely, showing off her silver smile. "But only when you're happy with our ideas. I'd much rather our money - and your money for that matter - stays in our own pockets. I mean, Amanda is a lovely lady, but..."

"Anyway, Stuart, I guess I should introduce everyone...." suggested Linda. After the introductions, they shared what they had already been talking about, and continued bouncing ideas around.

"Ok, is there somewhere Fiona and I can have a short chat together?" asked Stuart.

"Sure, let me take you to my office. Maybe after you've spoken, you and I can sit and start talking about a few more details. I have no doubt that the girls will be happy to entertain Fiona!"

"So, if we're all going to sing together, how about we start now. I'm thinking you could have a go at singing 'Get Working'... I mean, you already know some of the words!" suggested Dianne.

The whole group had spent the last hour or so having an amazingly positive conversation. The girls had very quickly warmed to Fiona, and Fiona had clearly warmed to them, and both sides were looking forward to working together. Whilst CJDL's main priority for the next few weeks were to get ready for the tour, if they put off a joint single until after their tour (and, from the public's perspective, if Fiona had appeared with CJDL on tour, the timing would make sense), there wasn't actually a LOT more they would need to do before the tour.

Callum went a printed out the words and music for Fiona, and the girls started to play. When they got to the third verse, Fiona smiled, recognising her words. By the third verse she had picked up the tune, so joined in the singing.

"Ok, guys, how does it sound with Fiona singing?" asked Dianne.

"Surprisingly good, actually." replied Callum. "Tell you what, why don't you run through it another couple of times, but you guys hold back, and let Fiona lead the vocals?".

"I'm ok with that..." said Carol. Callum grabbed an audio recorder, and set it going. It felt a bit strange for the girls to let someone lead the vocals, it wasn't something they did very often. Ok, yes, they had done it with Jelly Fish, but that was a bit different.

Callum played the recording back to them all. "Ok, so I need to practice it a bit more...." said Fiona, "but it seemed to work fairly ok..."

Dianne smiled. "You kidding? That was actually pretty amazing, you picked it up really well. I guess we're going to have to learn 'Escape the City' now."

"Hey, I already know the bass part, as well as the backing vocals!" said Linda, also now smiling.

Fiona stood there, looking at the four girls. Four girls all wearing shiny metal braces. She HAD to say something. "Ok, ladies, I'm going to bite: what IS it with all four of you having braces?" The four girls started to laugh, and were quickly joined by Callum, Paige, and Jenny herself.

"Well, I got braces over a year ago, so they're nothing new to me..." said Jenny.

"We'd been trying to persuade Dianne for some time that having braces wasn't a big deal, and after being over in Korea, where it so happens that an orthodontist looked at all of our teeth, and then prompted by Northern Girls..." started Linda

"Hang on, you what?" said Fiona.

"Ok, so over in Korea, one of the girls in the band we were working with, Jelly Fish, she needed braces, and we sorted out for her to get them. A few days later, one of Jenny's brackets came off, so we all went to see the same ortho on the way home. While we were there, she looked at all of our teeth." explained Carol. "I was already wearing a retainer - one of my teeth had shifted a tiny bit - so clearly my teeth were fine. However, Linda had a very slight issue, and Dianne..."

"Yes, I desperately needed to get my teeth fixed" continued Dianne. "I had some rather extreme braces as a kid, and the idea of having braces again as an adult wasn't an especially nice thought... So I wasn't planning on doing anything..."

"So, then Northern Girls came over to visit us" explained Jenny, "and all of THEM had braces: it turned out that one of them NEEDED braces, and the other three got them to support her. A few days later, these two offered to get braces too, to support Dianne. You have to admit, it does look pretty cool, when we all smile together!"

"Of course, it DOES raise a big question..." said Linda, "I mean, can we actually let Fiona sing with us if she doesn't have braces?". Fiona had a bit of a worried look on her face. "Joking, JOKING!" said Linda. "So, yeah, now you know why we have braces. And I'm really looking forward to the publicity shots with Northern Girls in a few weeks time! Should get us a few extra column inches in some of the papers!"


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Re: Dianne really needs to get some braces
« Reply #31 on: 15. January 2024, 14:42:14 PM »
Chapter 24

They had all decided to 'park' the copyright claim for a few weeks, to let the four girls get their new album recorded, and then Brian called a very short press conference (without the girls) to simply announce that they had received a copyright claim against the band's recent single - 'Get Working'- and that they were already in tough with Fiona Lewis' management with a view to discussing a suitable settlement. All of which was 100% technically true, just a few weeks out of date!!

This conveniently lead to a TV chat show appearance a week later, where the four girls and Fiona discussed the whole topic of copyright, and then they sang 'Get Working' with Fiona on lead vocals: the press reports were VERY favourable, both about the way the whole thing had been handled, but especially praising the performance.

Also, one day sometime about now, Jenny walked into the kitchen, where everyone else had also just arrived to grab some lunchtime sandwiches.

"Umm, need to run an idea past you all.... Actually TWO ideas..." said Jenny.

"Yeah, go on..." replied Carol.

"Well, I've been talking with dad. And Ben. And we were wondering how you'd feel about Ben joining 'the management team', maybe with a view of him taking over as our manager in the longer term, if things work out..."

"Wow, that's a bit out the blue..." said Linda.

"Not really... well not for me and Ben, it's something we've been chatting about for a while, and he thinks he up for it. Our thought was that he's going to on the tour with me anyway, so why not work with mum and dad, and learn about what the role entails, and help them do stuff. Let's be honest, there's gonna be plenty to do on the tour" explained Jenny.

"In concept, I'm ok, I have a lot of time for Ben, he's surprisingly level-headed and sensible" replied Dianne. "My only question is whether he's actually up to the job, but I guess he and we will all know when he's been part of the team for a bit."

"Oh, right, yeah. He's not gonna want to do it if he's not feeling up to the job. Ok, let's split it into two bits: are we ok with Ben becoming a full-time member of the team? And if things go right, any worries about him taking over as our manager? The first one needs to happen  reasonably soon, the second is quite a bit away."

"What's your mum and dad think?"

"Dad has said that he's like to hand over the reins at some point, but he needs to be sure we've got the right person, and he likes Ben, he thinks it will work. The tour will give him a chance to see how well Ben can cope too."

"I must admit that I'd feel a LOT happier if Ben was actually married to you... you got a date for it yet?"

"I have, and I can pretty much guarantee that we'll be hitched by the end of the tour. Which nicely leads me on to the second idea....."


Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Dianne really needs to get some braces
« Reply #32 on: 16. January 2024, 23:04:11 PM »
I'm finally getting caught up on all my reading. Things are really progressing for the girls and things are getting ready to happen. I like the direction things are going and there are hints of some exciting things in the future.

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Re: Dianne really needs to get some braces
« Reply #33 on: 17. January 2024, 03:13:00 AM »
Yes, many seeds are being planted. Some may grow bigger, some may never happen. The 'Dianne' thread will pause soon, to be taken over by a bit of Linda's story... I was going to write up the TV appearance, but decided that getting braces into it might be hard. However, when the Canadian girls join them, they can have a much more fun interview with all 8 of them!

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Re: Dianne really needs to get some braces
« Reply #34 on: 27. January 2024, 16:26:51 PM »
Chapter 25

Another day in the life of a top girl pop-group... this day is something like a month or so after their original braces fitting appointment.

The four girls will be going for their first braces appointment since getting braced, and the appointment is at 2:30pm. So, this morning they've all been working on the words for a new song, when Brian walked in to the music room.

"So, just had an interesting email...."

"You always reckon that your emails are interesting..." said Jenny, pulling her dad's leg.

"Ok, so I just got a BORING email... which I followed up with a short BORING phone call." He paused a moment, if only to see the girl's reaction... "Would you like to do some adverts?" asked Brian.

"Let me guess... cosmetics? Perfume?" suggested Jenny


"It would be nice if it was for a car, and we all got brand new cars..." said Dianne, hopefully.

"Sadly not as exciting as that. It's for breakfast cereals."

"Breakfast cereals?"

"Yes, a brand new range of healthy and eco-friendly cereals."

"Not a certain brand that used to have a green and red rooster, is it?"

"No, the other one...."

"Ah, that's not so bad then... do go on...".

Brian explained what he knew about the product. "I think it fits your image well. And they are offering a pretty good package. They are looking initially for a couple of video adverts for TV and online, then a load of pictures they can use in print and online. Then, assuming the ad campaign goes well, more in the future"

"What's the timescales? I'm assuming it would be pre-tour?"

"Yes, they understand that we are going to be pressed for time, and reckon we could probably do the videos in a single day, and the pictures in half a day, if not on the same day. I think you can manage that."

"Any mention of sponsorship or product placement?" asked Jenny, smiling. She clearly had an idea...

"You thinking of maybe in song videos?" asked Brian.

"That's one possibility, but I was thinking more for the tour... there's gonna be tour adverts, so there's clearly an opportunity for sponsorship there. But I was also thinking of during the tour itself."

"I can't see them paying much for you to just eat their cereals at breakfast!"

"Oh come on dad, use your imagination. Northern Girls just finish their set, we're on next, and then, say, Carol walks onto the stage, a dish in one hand, a pack of cereals in the other...".

Brian smiled. "Jenny, you have too vivid an imagination! But I must admit, the concept is interesting.... although you might alienate your fans..."

"That's a good point." Jenny took a breath, then continued: "How about we give the money for THAT bit to charity, make it obvious on the backdrop? Come on, it would be a fun thing to do! What do we think girls?"


I realise that, whilst telling the story, I have neglected to comment on Dianne's braces, and the reason is actually quite simple: despite having metal brackets, a lip bumper, upper headgear and elastics, Dianne has not made a fuss about wearing them, and the others have not been at all negative about them either. Which means that whilst Dianne is wearing the headgear and so on a lot of the time, it's just become the 'new normal'. She finds it hard to sing with them all in, so when she's doing any singing, the elastics, lip bumper and interlandi headgear all get taken out, and put into a safe place over at the side of the music room. Plus she has to remove them when eating too.

Dianne's comfort with wearing her 'extras' has even extended to her posting a small number of pictures of her wearing her headgear. The fan response was surprisingly positive: for a long time, the fans had made gentle comments about Dianne needing to get her teeth fixed, and now she was actually getting them fixed, her fans had rallied around and supported her. The fact that Carol and Linda were now also sporting braces no doubt helped a lot too!

So, this afternoon was their first visit back to their ortho for a check-up and 'tightening'. Linda had recently got herself a new car.... well, not actually 'new', but new to her, so she volunteered to drive them all off to the ortho.

"Good afternoon!" said the girl on reception. She was a lot less surprised than the first time they had all visited. The fact that Dianne was wearing headgear didn't phase her at all - if you're a receptionist at an ortho, you're going to see all sorts of strange 'stuff', including headgear, so it kinda just becomes 'normal'. "You're a little early, so why not go through to the waiting room. Would you all like coffees? Or teas?" Yes, definitely NOT an NHS practice!

She took their order, and a few minutes later brought them through. "I just checked: I'm afraid Mr Bright is running a few minutes late today" she explained.

"That's ok..." replied Jenny.

"So what do I expect today then?" asked Linda. "It's alright for you three, you've all done this before."

"True" said Carol. "A lot of people call it a 'tightening', but it's not really. It's partly a checkup, to see how well your teeth have started to move. More importantly, changing your ligs... and in your case, the elastic that's inside your mouth... they lose their 'stretch' after a bit. The problem is that new elastics means the pressure returns, so can make you sore. That's why we reminded you and Dianne to 'pop some pills' earlier, to reduce any pain. It's not going to be an issue for me, my teeth aren't being moved"

"Yeah, mine have don't most of their movement" added Jenny, "so I'm not getting much discomfort when my ligs get changed either. So, do you reckon there's been any movement yet?"

"It's hard to tell, but I think so. What about you, Dianne?" replied Linda.

"Oh, my teeth have definitely started to move: I have a gap where I didn't have one before, and another gap has got smaller..."

"So, I guess the 64,000 dollar question is 'how you feeling about having actually got braces?'" asked Carol.

"Only 64,000 dollars? What about inflation...." replied Dianne, smiling. "I'll be honest, the responses I've had to having braces have been loads more positive that I thought they would be, even this headgear. I'm starting to understand why you never seemed to have a problem when you wore your headgear... and in your case, you were even MORE open about it!"

"I was thinking that 'being a bit of a show-off' would be a better description!" commented Carol. "The thing is that, being who we are, if we can make wearing braces a bit more acceptable, and not something to be nasty about, then we've done something worthwhile! So, Linda, your braces aren't as 'obvious' as Dianne's, plus it's your first time... how's it going for you?"

"Apart from the initial pain and soreness, they are ok. No bad comments yet... And you're right, if we can be 'braces ambassadors', then we are doing some good."

The conversation went quiet for a moment, then Linda started to hum the tune of 'Braces Buddies', and it wasn't long before all four of them were sing the song out loud. In fact, Angela, David's assistant, was wondering what was going on as she approached the waiting room, and heard the singing, and got quite a pleasant surprise when she opened the door. A few seconds later, the girls ang the last notes of the song, and Angela applauded. "Wow, I just got my own personal performance! Anyway, David is ready for you, if you'd all like to come on through..."


Offline Sparky

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Re: Dianne really needs to get some braces
« Reply #35 on: 30. January 2024, 14:37:16 PM »
Chapter 26

"Ladies, it's good to see you all again! I've not heard from any of you, so I'm assuming none of you have had any problems?" asked David.

4 girls with beaming metal smiles looked at David. "No, I think we've been ok. Even Dianne seems to have coped ok with all the metalwork you gave her!" commented Jenny.

"Oh, good. So, I guess the important things I need to do is see how Dianne and Linda are getting on with their treatments. But why don't we start by taking out all of your old ligatures and archwires, so you can all have a good brush and floss. Knowing Jenny, I'm sure she has encouraged you all to bring your toothbrushes along today?"

"I treated us to a set of 4 new toothbrushes, and a fresh tube of toothpaste" said Dianne, taking them out of her bag.

"Ok, well, Dianne, why don't I start with you....". Dianne got into the chair, which David reclined. Before removing the ligatures, he took a quick look at her teeth and braces. "Ok, now can I ask you to remove your headgear and lip-bumper, and pass them over to Angela?" Davis watched as Dianne took them out, her elastics too, then looked again at her teeth. "You seem to be managing to keep your teeth well cleaned, so well done..."

"I persuaded her to get herself a water-pik, like I have..." said Jenny. David deftly removed all the ligatures, and then the archwire. Clearly Angela had been warned what was about to happen, as she had line up 4 metal trays, each with one of the girls names on. She had already placed Dianne's facebow and lip-bumper into the first one, and now added her two archwires.

"There's some floss over at the sink too" said Angela, "help yourself."

"Oh, my, I'd almost forgotten how much easier it is to floss without the wire in the way!" commented Dianne, as she started to brush her teeth. Linda was next in the seat.

"Mmm, you've been cleaning yours well too. How have you managed with the two screws in your palate?"

"Oh, annoying as hell to start with, and the brackets hurt my cheeks the first week or so, but I almost forget about them now. But as Dianne just said, flossing isn't easy!" David started by removing the elastics between the buttons on Linda's two molars, and the two mini-screws. After that, he removed the yellow ligs from her teeth, finally taking out her archwires, which he passed to Angela. After she had been sat up, she got out of the seat and joined Dianne at the sink.

"You know, it's not that often I get to treat so many patients at the same time!" commented David. "Yes, I'll often have a mum or dad with two children. I even have a mum with two daughters being treated. But for together is quite rare. I mean, I can treat you individually, if you prefer..."

"That would be SOOO boring!" said Jenny. "Go on Carol, you go next...."

"Well, I'm assuming your 'treatment' has been pretty uneventful..." said David.

"Absolutely. No pain or discomfort, except for the brackets digging into my cheeks: it's that sort of thing that you forget from your earlier treatment" commented Carol.

"And, like Linda and Dianne, you are brushing well" commented David as he removed her ligs and archwires. "Ok, Jenny, your turn... I KNOW your teeth will be beatuful and clean, they always are!". Jenny got into the chair, where her ligs were removed.

"Oh, that feels nice" said Dianne, returning from giving her teeth a good floss between the teeth, and then a brush. With Dianne replacing Jenny in the chair, he proceeded to do a scan of Dianne's teeth, so he could compare it to the initial visit.

"I think we should take some pics for our fans" suggested Linda, who had just returned from flossing brushing her teeth. She got her camera from her bag, and went over to Dianne, still in the chair, being scanned. She expected Dianne to try and stop her taking pictures, but she actually said nothing, so she took a wide angle of Dianne in the chair, then got closer, then took a couple of pics of the scan on the screen.

"I guess I should let you take some close-ups, shouldn't I?" said Dianne once the scanning was done. It was interesting how Dianne's attitude to her braces had change over the past weeks: before getting them, she was very apprehensive, but now she seemed to have fully accepted them, being very chilled about pictures being taken.

The girls gathered around as David showed them all Dianne's progress on the screen: you could see slight movement of her lower teeth. "Something tells me that you've been wearing your headgear and elastics quite a bit, your lowers have been moving well. I hope you took some painkillers before you came, because I'm going to upgrade your archwires to something slightly bigger, which is likely to cause a bit of soreness"

"Oooh, yes, I remember that many months ago!" commented Jenny.

"But otherwise, keep doing what you're doing. So, are you all having matching ligatures again? If so, what colour are you going for this time?"

"Funnily enough, we talked about that on the way here." said Carol. "When we go on tour, we'll need you to give is something a bit special - in fact, we may bring in the four ladies from Northern Girls, to get their ligatures changed for the tour too. But this time we'd like to go with that blue neon colour you had last time, if you still have enough?"

Angela went and got the ligatures out. "These?" she asked.

"Yep, they're the ones!"

"That fine, we've got plenty of them!"

Dianne sat patiently as David fitted her with new archwires, and add the ligatures. No pain yet, but she remembered back to when she was a teen, and how the aching or soreness would usually take an hour to kick in.


"Ok, Linda, cam I take a look at you now, please?". Linda got into the char, and opened her mouth, letting Jenny take some pictures. Then, David scanned Linda's teeth.

"I'm not expecting anywhere near as much movement from your teeth, but I'm hoping that those two molars have started to rotate...let's take a look... Ah, excellent, it's not a lot, but if you look carefully you can see a slight change." David refitted the same archwires to Linda's teeth, holding them in place with fresh neon blue ligatures, then, after checking that the two mini-screws were still secure in her palate, fitted the two small lengths of powerchain between them and the buttons on the inside of her teeth.

"If you want, you can come in sooner for a 5 minute appointment, and I can just change those elastic powerchains I just put in... the elastic looses its stretch fairly quickly, so changing them would help yout two molars to rotate a little quicker. Your choice... just phone reception. I can often squeeze a 5 minute appointment in the same day too."

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind. You done with me?"

"Yes, I am. Who wants to go next?"

"I will..." offered Jenny. David lay Jenny back, then scanned her teeth.

"Well, as expected, just a tiny bit of movement. To be honest, there's not a lot left to do to your teeth, so maybe between now and next time you can take a close look at your teeth to see if you're happy. If there's anything you think needs doing, then we can discuss it.... after all, from what you said last time, you're not actually desperate to get them off, are you?"

"No... something tells me I'll be done in... about 5 months, when the tour is over!". David fitted her archwires back, held in with more of the bright blue ligatures.

"Ok, Carol, just you to do! I won't bother to scan your teeth, as I'm assuming that nothing has moved."

"No, not that I have noticed."

"It's not very often that a patient goes from having retainers and straight teeth, back to having metal braces." David leaned Carol back, and re-fitted her archwires and new blue ligatures.

"Angela, would you like to take a couple of group pictures, like you did last time?" asked Linda

"Sure... You know, I love it when you guys come in, it's so much more fun than most people!"

As Linda posted the pics of them all with their new bright neon blue ligatures, Jenny asked David "So, when's your next patient due in?"

David checked the computer. "In principle, as soon as you go, they already checked in."

"So, who are they? As in age and sex?"

"Her name is Mari, and she's 16. She'll be with her mum, I guess"

"Can we wait here and surprise her? We'll go as soon as we've said 'hello'?" asked Jenny.

David smiled. He knew Jenny well, having treated her for over a year now, and knew that they would probably relax Mari, who he remembered was often a little nervous.


Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Dianne really needs to get some braces
« Reply #36 on: 31. January 2024, 08:14:08 AM »
I'm looking forward to what they do with the cereal ad campaign, and how the tour goes with Northern Girls.

Offline Sparky

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Re: Dianne really needs to get some braces
« Reply #37 on: 08. February 2024, 20:11:08 PM »
> I'm looking forward to what they do with the cereal ad campaign,

They will have a bit of fun with that!

> and how the tour goes with Northern Girls.

All I know is that the girls will be quite exhausted after the tour, and some of will be going 'dark' for a bit... but that is ANOTHER story to be told.

So, back to this story...


Chapter 27

So, this chapter is a short "round-up" chapter, before I move the story to another thread, "Linda"... where we'll be looking at things from Linda's perspective.

So, here's a list of stuff that happened over the next week or so:

- When they got back from the orthodontist's, Dianne's new drumkit had arrived. So that kept Dianne busy for a bit, what with setting it right, discovering what clever stuff it could do, and setting up a load of 'user profiles' so the others could press a couple of buttons and have their own setups available.

- They went on TV with Fiona, and talked about their copyright issues.

- Linda and Callum went to the airport to meet Yu-Eye: she was staying at 'the mansion' with the others. They gave her a gentle first day, to let her body and brain get used to the time shift, but after that, she started working with the girls, getting them ready to go into the recording studios.

- Following earlier discussions between Brian and Andrew Fisher from BD Media Production, a man with a camera started joining them to video what they were up to. He set up several cameras in the music room to capture them as they rehearsed, plus followed them around a bit with a more portable camera. For the moment, the filming was quite low key, but once the girls started rehearsing with Northern Girls, he would do more. Of course, on tour, he would be with the girls quite a lot: whilst they could easily use the front-of house recordings for their actual performances, what the fans would REALLY want to see is the girls backstage, at the hotels, and whilst travelling.

We'll see a lot more in the next story, as I said, from Linda's perspective.
