
Author Topic: dream orthodontic treatment  (Read 87347 times)


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dream orthodontic treatment
« on: 22. March 2010, 09:04:26 AM »
Ok, this is more of a creative exercise, what is your true fantasy braces?

Don't worry about what you currently need, (or not). It's ok to combine appliances/treatments that would not be practical in the real world. Use as much detail as you like, and also think about pre/post treatment. Feel free to modify and/or update posts as needed. How would such a treatment affect your quality of life? If cost and/or health was not an object would you really do a possibly extreme treatment?

Have fun!


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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #1 on: 22. March 2010, 09:28:52 AM »
My ideal (so far):

pre-treatment would be a brief discussion of- a traditional approach is best, be patient and cooperative and the results will be maximized

full size edgewise brackets bonded to the front teeth and canines

bands used on the bicuspids and molars, including the second molars

headgear begun at the second month- traditional elastic strap, no nugear type, wear should be at least 14 hours/day

long finishing/tuning stage, need to allow for the roots to establish themselves

I realize that this is not a very aggressive plan, but I wanted to get the general idea set for future posts. Have fun and lets hear what you have to say!

Offline alecia86

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #2 on: 23. March 2010, 22:22:43 PM »
Well, I don't know much about fixed braces, so I don't really know the terminology, but something along these lines.

Fixed braces
Cervical headgear
Bite plates

I'd also like to get my teeth into an activator or bionator at some point. I love the idea of all that plastic.

I guess my retainer will have to do for now *sigh*

Offline John Doe 21

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #3 on: 23. March 2010, 22:48:32 PM »
My dream orthodontic treatment:

First off pre-treatment, the orthodontist should be a strict woman who is not that keen on sharing information and does not like to talk and discuss the options with me. On the first appoitment she looks at my mouth and immidiatly sees treatment is needed, and goes on with making impressions, x-rays and photos. Then on the second appoitment the orthodontist immidiatly pulls out an activator like this one: required wear time should be around 14 hours a day. Then after month or two months the wear time is increased to all the time except for situations in which wearing it would either be completly unpractical or even dangerous like sports or eating. Then after a year orso, out of the blue impressions have to be made again the ortho does not take the time to tell for what they are but the next appoitment that is pretty clear.  Because the next appoitment she pulls out this activator complete with a high pull headgear this one i will wear for another year the same amount of time as the normal activator. Then i get started on fixed braces, first off just regular iron fixed braces soon followed by an cervical headgear for 14hrs a day.

Offline alecia86

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #4 on: 23. March 2010, 22:54:22 PM »
@ John Doe 21

Now those appliances looks like fun!

Offline Chris_UK

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #5 on: 23. March 2010, 23:31:00 PM »
brackets, bands, lipbumpers, a double interlandi headgear which for a while i would like to have 24/7 and upper and lower expanders

Offline archie

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #6 on: 25. March 2010, 17:44:30 PM »
I like John Doe's pre treatment sketch, and, after having gone through the preparations I would like to be "suprised" with a traditional cervical headgear to be worn 24/7, except for showers, brushing, eating etc. Then, after having worn that for a month, she would add a high pull strap in order to make it a combination headgear, with abour 16-18 hours a day with the high pull. After having worn the headgear for about six months, she would fix clear braces with strong cross elastics, and "only" 16 hours headgear wear for a year. Then perhaps a herbst appliance for another year or so. I would also like to fit in a facemask, but I'm not sure where...


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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #7 on: 26. March 2010, 00:59:12 AM »
Great postings so far, keep them coming!

I like the idea of "surprise" treatments that members have suggested as well as taciturn orthodontists.

How about an initial consult with a 'friendly' orthodontist who recommends something mild, (clear brackets, invisalign, etc.). The payment/contract would be secured, pretreatment performed, (impressions, x-rays, spacers, etc), and the next appointment made.

The following appointment would be with a different orthodontist :o who would then fit highly visible, bulky appliances, (metal braces, headgear, activator, etc.). If you protest to the 'new' treatment, you would simply be shown the contract you had previously agreed to, (cleverly written in such a way that you have to accept your treatment).

With all this extra hardware, how much would your social life be affected? Think about the reactions from friends, family, co-workers, teammates, etc. Would it be more interesting to have this occur before a major event, such as a reunion?

Offline Sparky

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #8 on: 27. March 2010, 00:40:35 AM »
Hey, TinGrin...

You'll find many of my thoughts for treatment pop up in my stories.... now you know why I'm enjoying writing the stories.

In a few "story" months, Mike is going to get a mouthful... maybe not my own ultimate fantasy, but should be a fun combination, and will provide noticible social challenges for him!

So you're just gonna have to keep reading, aren't you!!! :-)


Offline nicklovesbraces

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #9 on: 28. March 2010, 22:43:07 PM »
i would love to start off with normal, traditional brackets, but then the orthodontist decides for some reason or an other to switch to full bands with some sort of headgear for 16-18 hours a day. lots of elastics involved too. braces for about 3 years, headgear for 1 and a half of those years. after the braces are off maybe a bionator or frankel device for another 2 or 3 years

Offline Christian2

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #10 on: 10. April 2010, 16:00:08 PM »
I have to say that I had my dream treatment. First, I got an activator for about one year. Then I got combination headgear (only combination headgear on the molares) for about 8 months. After that, I got fixed braces (multiband, above and below). After three months, to the fixed braces were added ... guess ... combination headgear and four elastices. I had to wear this for about one other year. Then a retainer.
The best time in my life was when I had to wear the fixed braces above and below with elastics and combination headgear. You may imagine how excited I was at three in the afternoon, when I got back from school directly to my room to pull on the headgear for the rest of the day.

Offline duncombec

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #11 on: 28. May 2010, 23:47:38 PM »
I have always preferred braces on other peopke to getting them myself, so my own dream treatment would be as little as possible required to do the job!

If I was designing something for somebody else though, it would depend on how much I liked them. I do like the idea of orthodontist's keeping quiet about length of treatment and appliances that need to be worn, and I also quite like the idea of patients having to arrive early for their appointments and not be picked up until afterwards (say 15 mins either side?). Also no removal because teeth look good, they have to be all problems solved.

If it was a friend, I'd say metal brackets & wire, powerchains, some form of device (Herbst, lip bumper etc) and combination headgear which they had to wear to school from time to time (say, if they didn't make their hours for the rest of the week). Three years or so plus retainers.

If it was somebody I disliked, then I'd look forward to them getting a metal mouth: full bands on both jaws, thick archwires, a ban on coloured ligatures, the same form of "extra-device" plus a combination headgear they had to wear all of the time except when playing sport (i.e. including school), but with a really obvious strap colour (e.g. black for blonde hair, yellow for dark hair, perhaps orange, green or even pink if they were really bad patients). Fixed retention after treatment over, so, 5 years or so?

Offline teasy1869

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #12 on: 10. June 2010, 00:05:41 AM »
I like the idea of "John Doe 21" - except for the fact, that the orthodontist should wire in one of the removeable appliances (without further notice, of course) 

Offline bernal1789

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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #13 on: 12. June 2010, 09:13:43 AM »
.....the orthodontist should be a strict woman who is not that keen on sharing information and does not like to talk and discuss the options with me. On the first appoitment she looks at my mouth and immidiatly sees treatment is needed,......

I agree with this, I would like something like that, but also, I realise that there is always the need that should be "indicated to" not asked by the patient. I mean, the power in the relation with the ortodontist (a female, always) is on her side, and used by her.
I would say too, she should prescript some device that cause lisp and trouble to speak. And visible. Heagear and expanders should do that perfectly. I like more the idea of fixed thing, that do not allow the patient to remove them.


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Re: dream orthodontic treatment
« Reply #14 on: 05. October 2010, 17:07:44 PM »
I would want my treatment to be a surprise on a routine dental checkup, and by a braced female ortho, first I'd want to be in an activator with high pull hg, 24 hours a day and unremovable, I would want this to continue for 6 months and then to have fixed upper and lower brackets with bands at the back, bulky expanders for both jaws, a herbst and a wired in double interlandi headgear, I'd want this for 2 years, followed by hawleys. During the whole treatment, the only time I want to not have my head encased in headgear is when the ortho is taking it off for me to inspect my other appliances and adjust them.