
Author Topic: Ellie's treatment  (Read 72785 times)

Offline castleg

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #75 on: 12. October 2023, 21:25:21 PM »
Great story, waiting for the update :-* :-* :-*

Offline metalfoxy

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #76 on: 17. October 2023, 00:39:46 AM »
The next week was hard as I attempted to adjust to all my new appliances. My speech had got no better and although my friends were polite I could tell they were embarrassed for me. School was incredibly difficult and I found myself withdrawing slightly. I spent more time at home with Jessica who was actually very sympathetic and was cooking me lot of soups to eat so I didn’t have to chew.
My dad came home a few days later and I could see he was shocked by it all and later that evening I heard him and Jessica whispering about my treatment. I felt embarrassed to my core, even in my own home I felt uncomfortable with my family seeing me like this.
My saliva was still building up despite the device being in my mouth a week now and I found myself dribbling at night.
I was supposed to have my headgear in from 8pm-6am but I couldn’t stand Jessica or Dad to see me in it so I often didn’t put it in until 10pm but I figured a couple of hours couldn’t make a difference.
Finally the week was over and my appointment was the next morning for a cleaning with the hygienist which I was nervous about as my teeth were still throbbing. Usually it only took a few days to settle but because the expander and the headgear were keeping everything moving it was as painful as the day after having everything fitted.
As Jessica’s car pulled up outside the office she reached into her bag and pulled out my headgear pouch, my eyes widened and I began to shake my head but Jessica quickly put her hand on my knee and silenced me “remember, it’s his rules – all appliances to be worn when you’re in the office”, I sighed loudly and used the car mirrors to get it into the molar tubes, Jessica then helped me to quickly put the three straps over my head, behind my head and round my neck then secured them to the facebow “good girl”. My shoulders stooped as we got out the car and I walked with my head down until we got to the office and waited to check in. The receptionist smiled broadly at us, showing off her own gleaming white teeth “good morning, what’s your name please?”. Usually Jessica checked me in but she turned to me and encouraged me to speak, I took a deep breath “iiii eeeyyyeee gaaaavvviiisss”, Jessica grimaced at me slightly then faced the receptionist “Ellie Davis” the receptionist checked her computer, great I can see you’re here for a cleaning and a check with John – unfortunately there was an emergency this morning so clinic is sightly delayed but please take a seat and we will be with you as soon as we can be”. We turned the corner and my heart sank again as I realised the delay with clinic meant a nearly full waiting room, everyone stopped and stared as I sat down but tried to pretend they hadn’t. Jessica tried to strike up a conversation with me but I didn’t want everyone to hear my lisp to a murmured responses until she finally got the message and flicked through a magazine. Around 10 people came and went while I sat there and each time somebody new turned up my cheeks burned with shame again, most of them were younger teens and I instantly felt very uncool.
Finally my turn came, they called me back and I sat down quietly in the chair, the hygienist appeared and smiled warmly at me while pointing at my facebow “good job wearing that in the office today, I’ll pop it out in a minute, just relax and I will be done quickly today”. I nodded and let her recline my chair slowly, I opened my mouth just as she put the lip spreader in. she moved my face side to side, having a good look inside my mouth “john said you had the full works and he was NOT joking, poor girl” I grunted in response – unsure what to say.
The cleaning didn’t take long at all but hurt all the time with how tender my teeth are. She sat me up and let me rinse and then disappeared. Jessica whispered quickly “I wonder if John has any other surprises in store for you today?” my stomach dropped as I hadn’t even thought about that – I thought it was a simple check. Before I’d had chance to run through any of the possibilities John came right “right then ladies let’s see what’s happening with that busy mouth of yours”. I opened and closed obediently as John poked around and let him slip the facebow in while hoping there was nothing to be added. Finally he took a few measurements, slipped my headgear straps on and sat down next to me. “it all looks good, the bite plate is in a good position for now – as your top jaw expands more we may have to move it slightly but for now it’s great. There isn’t any jaw movement from the headgear yet but it’s only been a week – we will just keep an eye on it. Keep up the good work – actually while you’re here, I’m going to give those expanders an extra couple of turns today.” He reached behind him quickly and grabbed the tool, he opened my jaw and did two turns on the bottom and three on the top. The pressure was there immediately again and I winced slightly as my jaws attempted to close. “your lower jaw is looking great actually, not long until we have reached where I want that to be expansion wise. I’ll check that next week. Now any questions either of you?” Jessica shook her head and then they both looked at me expectantly ‘ IIII shhhillll caaaarrr gaaalllk welllll” “you still can’t talk well? Well it’s a big change for your mouth and you’re very early on – it will get easier but practicing is key.” Jessica piped up quickly “she has been more quiet, I think she’s embarrassed”. John nodded solemnly “I can understand that but the more you talk the easier it is. Keep talking regularly, reading aloud, chatting to friends. Your tongue will adapt but we may need to accept that this could be close to your new baseline for speech while you have these devices” I nodded quietly and murmured a thank you as John showed us out.
We walked through the waiting room which was still busy and straight out into the car park. I climbed in the car and immediately took out my headgear. I wiggled my jaws slightly, trying to stretch them out but the pain remained. “still sore?” I nodded sadly “ok come on, you can’t have a day off for every appointment but you may as well wait until lunchtime now before heading back to school. I’ll make us something soft to eat while you freshen up” I mumbled gratefully as Jessica drove back home and I wallowed in self pity. I rushed up to my bedroom to inspect my expander and see if I could notice any difference but I couldn’t. I tried smiling in the mirror a few times but it horrified me so I instead tried to practice heading the metal mess by closing my lips. I realised I had been upstairs a while so headed back down and heard Jessica finishing off a phone call, as I turned the corner she smiled at me “so, that was school – I told them you’ll be in at 1pm buuuut I was remembering what John said and so I took it upon myself to tell them at school about your speech problems and I’ve asked them to encourage you to speak during classes and to interact with the class more!” my temper flared as I heard that “WAAAAT, gaaattsss nooo faaaaiiirr, iiii shhhoouund shoooo shhhthuupiddd” Jessica shook her head “no you don’t, you sound like a sensible girl who is undergoing some intensive medical treatment right now. People will understand. Sure it might be a shock at first but they’ll soon get used to it. You need to practice.” Tears welled in my eyes but I blinked them away and sat silently as I ate my soup. Finally Jessica grabbed the bowls and told me it was time to go, I grabbed my school bag and slumped to the car. The journey went quickly and we were pulling up outside school in no time. Jessica rubbed my shoulder and encouraged me to get out the car. I felt the nerves building up as I walked back into school but knew I needed to get it over and done with.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #77 on: 17. October 2023, 04:33:04 AM »
It's nice to see the story continue.

Offline cbraces522

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #78 on: 17. October 2023, 19:08:20 PM »
This is my favorite keep going please!

Offline RetainedJms

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #79 on: 18. October 2023, 22:04:25 PM »
Yep my favourite ongoing story too, love it! Keep up the awesome work, can’t wait for the next instalment!
Braces, bare feet, ball gags and bondage!

Offline bracessd

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #80 on: 19. October 2023, 17:29:35 PM »
Great job @metalfoxy

Offline hopeful4adultbraces

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #81 on: 28. November 2023, 17:28:27 PM »
This is one my favorite stories, very well written!

Offline aktivator82

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #82 on: 29. November 2023, 17:15:45 PM »
This story is one of my favorites. So i can't wait for the hext chapter. Hopefully there will be somenone

Offline metalfoxy

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #83 on: 06. December 2023, 21:15:49 PM »
The couple of weeks were awful. At home I was wearing the headgear about 8 hours a day – I couldn’t manage any more. At school all my teachers were choosing me to read out loud and encouraging me to answer questions in classes. My friends were becoming more embarrassed of me by the day. I couldn’t eat properly with them at school because of how the bite plate sat in my mouth and I still slurped to swallow. My speech was still really bad and most of the time they couldn’t understand me.
I spent more time at home now, isolated away in my bedroom.
After a month of the headgear it was time to head back to john’s office for my weekly cleaning and headgear.
After having my cleaning I sat waiting for John to arrive. He layed the chair back and began to examine. He was unusually silent during the exam- not bothering to make any chit chat. He changed the wires in my top and bottom jaw to much thicker ones and I knew my teeth would be aching tonight.
After a couple of minutes he rolled his chair back, looking between me and Jessica – “how has the headgear been?”. I gulped slightly before answering “ok – I’ve been weaing it every night” It wasn’t technically a lie. Jessica rolled her eyes “I have gone into her bedroom and have to remind her to put it in EVERY night. She definitely isn’t hitting 10 hours a night. I would predict more like 6”. John sighed heavily but I began to protest quickly – “no It’s always 8 hours, I just cant manage the 10.” John stopped me immediately –‘ you just said you’re wearing it as directed, now 8 hours – I am more inclined to believe Jess. I shouldn’t have to remind you of this but you are on the compliance programme. This is the one and only warning I will give you. Wear it as directed or I will wire it in so you can’t take it out. To make up for lost time you need to wear It 16 hours a day. That’s from 4pm until 8am. No taking it out, no breaks. 7 days a week”.
I was too scared to argue back at this point and layed there as he put it back in my mouth. As it was already 3.30 he argued that I may as well keep it in now and although I had done it many times before I couldn’t stop my cheeks burning as I walked out the room.
Jessica led the way to the car and I followed behind quickly, my head dipped. The minute I was back in the car I stared in the mirror. Jessica looked at me sympathetically but said ‘well it’s better than wearing it to school, plus it’s really not that big of a deal. Nobody is going to judge you for trying to better your oral health Ellie”. I knew she was trying to get under my skin but I wasn’t going to let her, I bit my cheek to stop myself crying and nodded slightly before slumping back in my seat. I stared out the window the whole way home.
As we pulled into the driveway our neighbour was there with her children. As I got out the car they were all staring at me, Jessica shouted over to them “she has to wear the headgear all the time she’s not at school. As you can imagine – she’s a bit upset”. The neighbour smiled politely while the children continued to stare and I quickly ran inside the house to hide.

Offline aktivator82

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #84 on: 07. December 2023, 21:25:23 PM »
Really great that there is a new chapter. It was really nice. I think we will see a wired headgear soon  >:D

Offline RetainedJms

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #85 on: 12. December 2023, 23:41:33 PM »
Thanks for the update as always! Poor Ellie, that’s a lot to put up with, especially always getting picked on to read and speak infront of all her classmates. What a nightmare with a mouth full of such intrusive appliances! I hope she finds a way to keep up with her headgear hours or her schooldays are only going to get more difficult!
Braces, bare feet, ball gags and bondage!

Offline metalfoxy

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #86 on: 11. January 2024, 12:23:21 PM »
Life was getting busy as I prepared for the last term of school. I had a lot of after school clubs which meant I wasn’t always home at 4pm. Jessica packed my headgear every day for me but there was no way I was wearing that around people at school. It was only the day before my cleaning that I began to get a bit nervous. It had been a month since John told me I needed to wear my headgear for 16 hours a day. I still wasn’t making more than 10-11 hours a day if I was being realistic. I knew that it might take a couple of months longer to get the effect he wanted but if I was going to be wearing braces anyway it was better than wearing headgear all day.
Little did I know John was serious about wiring it in.
I went for my weekly clean and the hygienist said I had to be careful as my teeth were showing some early signs of decay. She advised me to brush properly, floss regularly and to use my waterpik.
As I waited for John to come in I began to fidgety. He came in and him and Jessica exchanged glances. He layed the chair flat and removed the headgear.
He ‘hmm’ and ‘ahh’ as he looked around my mouth.
After a while he kept me laying totally flat but moved his chair round so he could take to me.
“your bottom expander has done its job – your jaw is exactly where I want it. Your top jaw now needs to catch up. We will keep the bottom one in for a while just for retention – maybe only a month or so. But we need to step up the top expander. Instead of 1 turn I want you to do it once in the morning and once at night. At weekends I want a lunchtime one in there too. The top jaw really isn’t moving as quickly as I’d like and to be honest we can’t move your teeth until the jaw is wider. Now for the serious business” He looked at Jessica who smiled smugly at me “I talked to Jessica about the headgear and she didn’t think you were hitting anywhere near your goal. Looking at the progress today I’d say she is correct. Now this headgear really is the easier option for you. I gave you a warning last time, today I’m going to tie it in. that means you won’t be able to remove the facebow. I am also going to change the strap, you will now have the neck strap and a cap – that will help to spread the force properly. Since you will have the headgear in 24/7 you may as well have it connected 24/7. Now I will give you 1 hour a day off – that’s to shower and brush your teeth. The cap I’m going to give you had a chip installed. That means I will be able to monitor it. Anything less than 23 hours a day and I will move you to the next stage of the compliance plan and trust me – you won't like that.”
Tears gathered in my eyes and I tried to protest but john quickly put a lip spreader in which muffled my speech. Tears slipped down my cheeks and my shoulder began to heave with the sobs. I knew this was a possibility but I never really believed it would come to this.
Finally he had tied it in, and sat me up again. He connected the neck strap and then pulled out the cap for the combined headgear. Not only was the headgear not removeable but now there was plastic all over my face and there was no hiding the fabric cap sitting on the crown of my head. John had done two turns on my upper expander and then with the new pressure of the headgear my whole mouth was throbbing already. I turned to him “peaaaaase untie iiiiit, I pwooomise to waaaae it”. John shook his head “I gave you a warning, you chose not to listen – this is the consequence. Remember you need to connect the straps 23 hours a day and turn the expander 2 x a day during the week, 3 on weekends. I won't be here at your next cleaning so I will see you to review in 2 weeks. Let’s try and turn this around before the summer break ok?”. Jessica thanked him and promised she would keep an eye on me, then ushered me out. As we reached the car she made me stand and took a photo of me, I rolled my eyes internally but knew I had to just go along with her or it would make my life even worse. We climbed in the car and drove home in silence – I had no intention of speaking to her and letting her try to patronise me. When we got home I stomped upstairs  and prepared to hide in my bedroom for the rest of the evening. I layed down on my bed and began crying, feeling sorry for myself – quickly after my phone buzzed indicating that I had been tagged in a Facebook post. My heart sunk as I saw it was Jessica that tagged me, I instinctively knew that it was going to be something awful. I clicked onto facebook and immediately saw a photo of me staring back at me. It was the photo Jessica had taken outside of the car. My eyes were bloodshot and my cheeks were tear stained, most obviously though was the shiny headgear poking out of my lips, wrapped around both cheeks. Jessica had written “this little one learned a hard lesson today – follow the rules or face the consequences. @Ellie was supposed to be wearing her headgear at night only but didn’t bother and now the poor girl has to wear it 24/7. Not a happy bunny here today.”
My cheeks burned with shame and my tears began to fall again, after a few seconds I pulled myself off the bed and stormed downstairs “TAKE IIIT DOOOON, NOOOW. GIISSSS ISSSS SOOO EMBARRASSSIIINNG. EVERRRONE WILL SEE”. Jessica smirked at me “oh darling, everyone is going to see anyway – you’re at school tomorrow. I thought this would just ease you in, some of your friends and their parents will see it before you have to show up there and it’ll answer some of the questions”. I couldn’t believe she had done it and to lie and pretend it was for my own good was even more insulting, the tears ran freely now “I HATE YOU”. I stormed back upstairs, slamming the door and pulling my duvet over my head. I watched as Jessica’s post got hundreds of likes and comments – most people were shocked saying they 1) didn’t know I had headgear, 2) they didn’t know headgear was even used anymore 3) didn’t know headgear could be wired in. Everyone was sympathetic but I knew it wouldn’t be like that at school tomorrow – I knew I would be a social outcast tomorrow.
I refused to go down for dinner, staying in my room and eventually drifted into a restless sleep. My alarm went off but I turned it off, deciding there was no way I was going to go into school today. Jessica had another ideas though and was adamant there was no way I was staying at home – she told me she had anticipated this and had booked an appointment with the headteacher to talk to them about my headgear and tell them all about my schedule.
I finally relented and got up to brush my teeth, I disconnected the headgear from the straps and instantly felt the relief. This was short lived though as I started to brush my teeth and with every stroke I felt the pain in my mouth increasing again. I went downstairs and refused breakfast as I knew I couldn’t eat with the pain I was in. Jessica rolled her eyes and said “well we are still going to be turning your expander”. My eyes filled with tears but I blinked them back – determined not to let Jessica see that she had upset me. I stood there with my mouth open while she clicked the expander, I knew the pain would start to build up again over the next couple of hours. Jessica checked the straps and cap were connected properly then led me out to her car, ready for the drive to school.

Offline anton08

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #87 on: 11. January 2024, 13:20:00 PM »
A wired in headgear - this topic is now very old.

A much newer attempt could be an electronically controlled wearing time schedule with some spikes poking into the cheeks, when at a programmed time the headgear would not be in place.

Offline metalfoxy

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #88 on: 11. January 2024, 13:29:53 PM »
Monday morning came and I was sat in John’s waiting room again, I felt pretty confident knowing I had kept the cap attached whenever I could – only removing it when I was showering or brushing my teeth (and sometimes when the pain just got too much). After waiting for what felt like forever I was called back – I sat down and glanced around while the lip spreader was put back in.
John came in, greeted Jessica and practically grunted at me.
He had me open and close many times, then he checked the chip “Hmm, seems like you’re only hitting 21 hours a day?” I protested quickly but he immediately stopped me.
“I really don’t know what else to say Ellie – I think I’ve been very fair here so far. You have so much of my time and attention but still you can’t even put in the work? Your facebow isn’t removeable, so it’s not like you can forget. At this point this is total disobedience. Jess said this would happen but I gave you the benefit of the doubt – how wrong I was!” My cheeks flushed red and tears welled in my eyes – I was trying my best but nobody understood how hard this all was. I tried to explain to john that the pain was too much sometimes but he just put his hand up and turned to Jessica “Can we talk?”, she nodded her head quickly and smirked at me as she walked out, my stomach was doing flips as I lay there awaiting there return.
It didn’t take long until John returned with some paperwork in his hand and Jessica following behind with a very smug look on her face.
He sat down beside me and pointed to the paperwork – “remember this that you signed all those months ago, agreeing to treatment?” I nodded sheepishly, “well, remember you’re on the compliance plan?” I nodded again but my heart rate sped up, knowing something bad was about to come – but then again, I already had awful appliances that I had to wear 24/7 – how much worse could it get?!
John flipped to a page halfway through and pointed “The paperwork you signed directly says if you do not follow instructions you will be entered into the final phase of compliance. Did you read what that entails?” I shook my head, glancing between him and Jessica and bravely said “No, but to be honest I think I am done with all of these appliances – I never wanted any of these anyway…” John’s eyes showed his bemusement as he began again “OH, to the contrary – you are only just getting started with your treatment, in fact – we start today”. Confusion was evident on my face and I turned to Jessica for some clarification but she keenly avoided my gaze. John started speaking again “In case you didn’t know – the final phase of compliance is entering my residential programme, You will stay here Monday – Friday, myself and my team of trainee orthodontists will work on you each day, we will have our assistants monitor your use of the appliances – they will reinsert them each time you have them out. You will also be used as the subject of my online teachings – videos, webinars, facebook advertising – all of those cool things. Now the best bit is you will get rid of all of these appliances – we start from the absolute beginning, trying all different things and seeing how they respond, we try older appliances and compare them to newer ones so we can learn how far off the track we have gone from the originals. It takes a long time, not everything works exactly right so it’s trial and error but we WILL get you that perfect smile.” My heart was hammering in my chest “what? No? you cant! What about school? What about weekends? I am NOT staying here!”. John looked at me sternly – “It isn’t here exactly – it’s at the local hospital, you will stay on the ward overnight and come to the maxillofacial clinic daily. That’s where I spent 50% of my time and besides – that’s where all the trainees are based. You will do online school in between your appointments with us – you will have all the time in the world for your school work. Weekends you will return home – an integration so you don’t lose track with family. That is your test too, to see how you can cope back at home” I scoffed slightly “ There is no way this is legal, no WAY you can do this!” I turned to Jessica for help but she totally ignored me, John smiled slightly “Of course we can, 1) it is in the documentation you signed and 2) it’s no different to any other hospitalisation. Imagine this was for your mental health – you come into a clinic and stay so you get the right treatment so you can go home healthy. You don’t go home until you’re healthy. You need the help with this right now and we are here to do that, now you couldn’t manage it as an outpatient so we offer it as an inpatient – that is what is so unique about my practice. Now let me go and gather the models of the appliances, he walked out and returned a few minutes later with some different appliances and tooth models – I glanced at them quickly and they all looked like torture devices, he moved them out of sight and picked up the first plastic device. “Now the stages will go something like this…”

Offline RetainedJms

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Re: Ellie's treatment
« Reply #89 on: 11. January 2024, 22:45:01 PM »
Oh wow @metalfoxy this story never ceases to entertain! Poor Ellie, locked up with no way of escaping her orthodontic nightmare. I can’t wait to see what her new residential treatment is going to look like. All that time just to be experimented on, comparing the effects of different devices no matter how intrusive or humiliating! Keep up the amazing work writing and thanks for sharing with us!
Braces, bare feet, ball gags and bondage!