
Author Topic: CJDL on tour  (Read 17525 times)

Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #75 on: 02. January 2025, 17:34:54 PM »
Chapter 54

A quick rewind for a moment: They arrived in Oslo at tea-time the day after the awards ceremony. After checking in, and letting the girls from The Debs settle in, they all met up and had dinner in the hotel.

"So, Ziggy, these are The Debs: I had a chat with them on the flight over, and they are very willing to chat to you about their experiences of the music scene in London."

"Oh, thanks guys... It's a big step to take, relocating from Scotland and all that, it's just a bit scary!"

"Linda showed us a video of you playing with them during rehearsals" said Debbie, the leader of the Debs, "and you seem pretty capable, and pretty confident, I really don't think you'd any problems finding a half-decent band to play with somewhere in London. Yeah, you might need to jump around bands a few times, but that's kinda like any normal job..."

Linda asked the four 'Debs' about the whole music scene in London, which was good, because they were far more active in it than Carol, Jenny and Dianne had been. The smile on Ziggy's face indicated that she was becoming a lot more positive about moving to London, and becoming a professional musician.


It was at breakfast the following morning - the morning after the Oslo performance - when Linda asked the others: "So, we all agreed then?

"Yes, so you going to ask them?" asked Dianne.

"Why not. Ben, you should come over too." Ben and Linda walked over to where the four Debs, and their manager, were eating breakfast.

"Hi again. Well done on last night... Umm, we have an idea that we think you'll like..."

"Oh yeah, what's that then?" asked Debbie.

"Well, I know you're performing at Vixen, ..."

"Yeah, about that: any chance you guys could introduce our set at Vixen?"

"I don't see why not!"

"Hey, thanks! Sorry, you were about to say?"

"Yeah, you guys doing anything the weekend after Vixen?". Debbie looked at their manager.

"I don't think so..."

"Oh good, so how would you like to be our support band?"

"Those are your last 3 concerts, at Wembley Arena aren't they?"

"That's right: Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday evening. We'd like you to open the show for us with a 30 minute set. And your own instruments, of course." There were suddenly 4 very excited girls, no longer eating breakfast! Last night they had played 3 songs at the the huge Unity Arena here in Oslo, but Wembley: that was almost as big, but in England!


After Oslo, and with The Debs back in London, they headed southwards, to Copenhagen in Denmark, then Hamburg in Germany, followed by performances in Amsterdam and Antwerp.


The girls' coach arrived at the hotel a few minutes before the other one with the crew, so they had all checked in when it pulled in. Linda had noticed a lady, late 20s, maybe early 30s, was waiting in reception with a small suitcase, and looking at the people coming in, as if she was waiting for someone. Finally the person she was waiting for came in: it was Simon, one of the guys who looked after their drums and guitars.

"So, who's the lady, do you know?" Linda asked one of the other crew members.

"Oh, that'll be Simon's wife, it's their 10th wedding anniversary, so he invited her over for a few days".

"Oh lovely... and thanks for that: I think I need to do something!". The first thing Linda did was to call Brian and have a quick conversation. "No, that's fine!" was Brian's response. Linda went over to them just as they were checking in.

"So, Simon, I believe this is your wife: nice to meet you, I'm Linda."

"Linda is the 'L' Of CJDL..." explained Simon.

"Oh, right, nice to meet you, I'm Yvonne!"

Linda noticed that Simon had just picked up his door-card. "Can I have a quick look at your door-card please?" asked Linda. Simon passed it over to Linda. "Yeah, you really don't want that one, why don't you take this one instead, I can manage in yours." She passed over her own room-card to Simon. "Enjoy the room, and make sure to have a nice meal in the restaurant tonight, and charge it to the room. Happy Anniversary!"

"You sure?" asked Simon, with a beaming smile.

"Of course I am. Your missus has come to visit you for a special occasion, it's the least I can do. And I'm sure you'll enjoy the room so much more than I ever would!"

With Simon and his wife on their way to the lift, Linda went over to the concierge. "Hi, can you do me a favour please? Can you send a nice bottle of bubbly up to room 723, and charge it to the room? It was my room, but I just swapped it with a member of our crew whose wife is visiting, it's their wedding anniversary."

"Ah, right, yes I can do that for you. Can I just get you to sign a slip...." Luckily he had realised both from the room number, and from having seen Linda checking in, that she was one of the band.

"Make it something nice! And can you say it's from CJDL with our love?" said Linda as she signed the slip.


"Erm, Linda, where are you? Dad said something about swapping rooms..."

Linda explained what she'd done. "So, I'm in 205, where are you, I'll come up to you."

"We're in mum and dad's suite, 729" replied Jenny. "By the way, lovely gesture!"

"Ok, I'll be there in a few minutes". Linda grabbed her phone and bag, and caught the lift up to the 7th floor. On the way to room 729, she passed 723, so she stopped and knocked on the door: Simon answered it.

"Just checking your room is ok for you..." said Linda, smiling.

"It is amazing, thank you so much. And I'm assuming it was you who organised the bubbly for us? That was a really pleasant surprise!" said Simon.

"I can not tell a lie, it was me. Well, enjoy the evening! No doubt we'll see you down in the restaurant...

"Hey, is that... Linda?" said Simon's wife, coming to the door. "Linda, thank you SO much, the room is lovely... I hope your room is ok for you?"

"I'll be honest, I actually feel 100% at home in a 'normal' room. In fact, hotel rooms are still a bit of a novelty for me! I'm sure Simon can explain..."


"Hey, what took you?" asked Jenny when she finally got to room 729.

"Just checking that Simon and his wife were settled in!" She explained about the bubbly too.

"You are a big softy! Not sure I'd have thought about the bubbly!"

"It's just nice to be in a position where we can do something nice for someone who deserves it."

"Yeah, I keep forgetting that this is still relatively new to you! So, Ziggy is getting all fired up about moving to London, she had a great time chatting to the Debs the other day."

"Yeah, I've noticed that. We need to do another run-through with Ziggy for her performance for Vixen, I think it's gonna go down well."

"You're looking forward to playing it too, aren't you?"

"I can not deny it, I am... Shame Baby Metal aren't there, so we could do something with them."


Offline Sparky

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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #76 on: 04. January 2025, 19:22:15 PM »
Chapter 55

After their performance on the Wednesday evening in Antwerp, they drove through the night down to Calais, then through the tunnel again: compared to their previous trip through the tunnel, the girls were all very quiet, if not actually asleep: a 3 hours plus concert is a lot of work physically, and they were all quite tired, sleeping most of the way. Which was actually lucky, because on the Thursday afternoon, they had to be at a TV studio for rehearsals ready for an appearence on a popular chat show that evening. With their tour almost done, and them due to headline at Vixen on the Saturday, followed by their final concerts the next weekend, they were very much in demand.


"So, we spoke to them over 3 months ago, since then they have been very busy touring around the UK then across Europe... yes, I'm talking about CJDL and Northern Girls, who have been touring together as 'Eight girls with Braces'. Well, their tour is almost over, but they returned to England today, ready to play at the Vixen Festival on Saturday, and we're lucky have them with us tonight..." the audience applauded.

"Having eight girls here at once to start with could be a bit too much, even for me, so let's start by welcoming The Northern Girls!"

Taylor, Erin, Kate & Meg walked onto the studio floor, and sat down. "Welcome to the show, ladies. Our audience may not know a lot about you, so maybe you could introduce yourselves, and tell us a bit about yourselves.?"

"Well, I'm Taylor, I'm the 'frontman' for the band, I play guitar and sing, and these guys

"Hi, I'm Kate, bassist in the band, also sing"

"I'm Meg, I'm also a guitarist, and singer"

"And I'm Erin, I play the drums, and sometimes sing too!"

"So, we're from Canada, from Toronto. We've been together for about four years now. Meg and Erin were in a band, but their other two members had left, so were looking for some other people to join them... We read about it online, and after 'trying out', Kate and I joined them."

"Four years, I guess you all get along ok then! So, you're here in Europe with CJDL on a 3 month tour, how did that all come about?"

Taylor explained that they had done several Canada & US tours, but last year had done one in Asia and Australia / New Zealand. "The last bit in Australia was fine, but we weren't very happy with the Asian part. I think a big part of it was the language issues: we were using an Asian crew, and there was a bit of a language barrier: we had been wanting to come to Europe for a while, but were a bit wary about the language issues, so started looking to see if there was another band we could tour with."

"CJDL? How did you find them?"

"Online searching. Listening to their music, and their social media. They hit us as having a lot in common with us, even though our music styles were a little bit different. So we got in touch."

"And they said yes, I'm assuming?"

"At first, it was tentative, so we came over to visit them, but more importantly play with them, get to know them. Didn't take us long to all decide we would do what was needed to make a tour a reality."

"As I understand it, you don't actually have a support band to warm up your audience, just you and CJDL. How did that come about?"

"It was the big question we all had: both of us are 'big' bands, so what should we do? We considered having a support band, but that would either have made for a very long concert, or we'd have less stage time. So we came up with the idea of a combination of playing together, and playing by ourselves.. we even play a couple of each other songs!"

"And I'm assuming the idea works, I've heard some very positive reviews."

"Yes, it does, in fact a lot better than we expected. I think God has blessed us with that."

"Which brings me to an important point: all eight of you are active Christians: how does that affect your music?"

"Well, funnily enough, we start the show with a worship song, and CJDL sometimes end the show with another worship song, but the rest is just normal music: we were all given the gift of music, so we write music, and we play it, and it seems that we're doing it right."

"I hear there are several... 'interludes' in the show shall we say? I'm thinking about the 'Crew Karaoke' for example"

"Ah, yes, that seems to be surprisingly popular. We simply get one of our stage crew to sing a song with one of the band, whilst others provide the backing music."

"We have a video here of one example, one of your crew singing 'Poker Face'...". The video played.

"Yes, that's Tim, he helps to set up the technical stuff for our performances, and like a load of the stage crew, he sings and plays in a band... in fact, they take delight in being allowed to use our kit to have jam sessions after they have set up, and some are really good!"

The host talked with Northern girls a bit more, before welcoming CJDL onto the show, at which point the Northern Girls took a back seat. In the background, someone brought on a small table, on which there was a red button.

"Hello ladies, it's lovely to have you on the show: I hear the tour is going well?"

"Yes, it is" replied Jenny. "Just got Vixen, then 3 last performances at Wembley Arena, which we're really looking forward to."

"You've played Wembley Arena a few times now, haven't you?"

"Yes, in fact, when we started the tour at the O2, that was the first time we'd played there. But especially looking forward to the Saturday performance..." as Jenny replied, Linda looked over at the red button.

"Yes, that's an afternoon performance... tell us about that..."

"Well, there's a couple of groups of fans we realised had problems coming to an evening performance. The first is younger teenagers, so we thought it would be nice to do a performance where younger kids could come along with their parents. The second group that have issue with late performances are our disabled fans, so we've set things up to make it easy for them to come along too!"

"And I believe you gave them both some discounted prices too?"

"Yeah, for example, the carers coming with a disabled fan got an almost free ticket. Plus we're organising a load of volunteer helpers for the day for them, as well as a Sign Language Interpreter. We just want to 'pay it back' to a group of fans who normally just get ignored."

"So, changing the topic: Linda, how are you now? You were involved in a car accident when you were up in Aberdeen..." A couple of pictures came up showing the badly dented taxi.

"Yeah, I ended up with my leg in a cast!" Another picture came up. "Hey, what's the red button for?" asked Linda.

"Red button?" He looked around at the button, which had an 'Emergency Use Only' sign on it. "Ah, that one... no idea!" He turned back to Linda: "But you only missed the one performance..."

"Well, technically I was there, although only for the last 10 minutes. But no, that evening our team - and by that I mean the technical team as well as the other 7 girls - pulled out all the stops to make sure our fans still had a great evening." As she spoke, she openly looked at the red button.

"So you were performing for what? Six Weeks? With your leg in a cast..."

"Yes, we had to drop a couple of bits - I clearly couldn't dance or get around too easily -  and rejig several more, and I had my own 'tour sofa' to laze on... and I HAVE to say a big thanks to our dancers, they did a load of stuff to help me continue to perform... ah, yes, that's me on my sofa!" she said as a picture came up. Again, she looked at the red button.

"So how long ago did you get the cast removed?". That's when Linda stood up.

"No Linda, don't....." said Dianne.

Linda sat down again. "That was in Helsinki, so almost two weeks ago. I had 4 sessions of intensive physio over 4 days, and kept it up for a bit longer over in Sweden and Norway, but after a week, I was starting to feel good enough to perform without a stick."

"And how is it today?"

"Amazingly good: I'll be dancing at Vixen!" She paused a moment. "It no good...." said Linda, standing up again.

"No, Linda, don't! It says 'emergency use only!" said Carol. They had played this game many times now, and knew what to do.

"But what do they mean?"

"Well... emergencies..."  Linda walked over to the button, and hovered her hand over the button, and looked at the audience.

"Should I?" she asked. The audience shouted out a combination of 'No!' and 'Do it!' and other things. "What's the worst that could happen?" and she pressed the button. The RPG song started to play, and the four Northern Girls got up and started dancing. When the music stopped, Erin walked over, and pressed the button, saying "you guys should dance too!".

However, it was the chat show host who got up and danced, to a big round of applause. He then pressed the button, making CJDL do the dance. The audience loved it!

"Ok, let's settle down again... now where was I?" he asked, shuffling his question cards. "ah, yes....  So, not content with being on tour, you guys also made a flying visit back to London to present an award last week..." A short video played.

"That was a great night" explained Jenny, "being able to tell The Debs how good they were! Then we took them back with us, and they performed with us in Oslo. They will be at Vixen too, so if anyone is there, do go and watch them!"

"So, Vixen.... how you feel about that? Looking forward to it?"

"Absolutely!" replied Carol. "We did a couple of festivals over in Germany and Poland, but this is back on home ground."

"Originally you were due to play earlier on, but you got 'promoted' I believe?

"Yes, 'Cold Turkey' had to pull out, so we were asked if we would headline: we were hardly going to refuse, were we?"

"But you'll be playing a shorter set than you are used to..."

"Yes, although we did get a bit more by headlining! So we've had to remove a load of songs, but the 'red button' you just saw is still in!"

"So, you planning to see any other groups performing at Vixen then?"

"Well, *I* am. Whilst these guys aren't turning up until Saturday morning, Zac and I are going there tomorrow morning, and we'll be trying to mix in with the crowds... so, if you manage to recognise me, yes, do say hello: all I ask is that you're polite, and understand that I might be on my way somewhere... in which case, just walk with me! So, we're all around on Saturday, and in the afternoon you will probably see us hanging around the stage where The Debs will be performing."

"So, it sounds like there's at least two bands that people need to see then, The Debs, and you. Now, before we ask you to sing for us, I have a question to ask: how's the braces treatment doing?" They briefly explained the background.

"Well, my teeth are doing very well!" said Linda. "And I think Jenny's are probably all done too, she's had her braces since forever. Dianne?"

"Still a load more to do, but a load better than they used to be. And I'm used to the braces now, so it's no big deal."


"Mine are really just retainers, so no change...". He also asked the Northern Girls about their treatment.

"So, I'm not sure how you're planning on performing, because all your kit is on it's way to the festival..."

"No problem! We don't need music to sing to!"

"Ok, so what are you going to sing for us then?"

"This is the song we open the show with," explained Linda, "I start it off by myself..."

"You walk all by yourself onto the stage to open your show? Sounds scary!"

"It would be if I was alone, but I know God is there with me: when I briefly close my eyes, I feel his arms around me, and he gives me an encouraging few words. When I open my eyes again, any worries I had are gone, and I'm ready to sing! So, the song we open with is a worship song by a guy called Matt Redman called 10,000 reasons. But.... before we start our shows, we always start with a quick prayer, is that a problem tonight?"

"No, go for it!" replied the host.

The Northern Girls came behind CJDL, putting their hands on their shoulders, and Carol, Jenny, Dianne and Linda held hands. "Dear Lord, thank you for the gifts of music that you have given us: it has been amazing to use your them to entertain so many people across Europe: please be with us as we entertain the audience here. And give Linda a special big hug tonight! Amen!" said Dianne.

"Thank you... so 8 Girls with Braces, and 10,000 reasons!"

Linda walked over to the small stage area by herself. As she got to the correct position, she closed her eyes a moment. When she opened them she just said "Thank you Lord, that felt nice!", then she started to sing. After the first couple of lines, Taylor got up, and walked over to join Linda. Slowly they all got up and joined in the singing, kneeling at the end of the song.


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #77 on: 05. January 2025, 19:40:41 PM »
Chapter 56

The end of the tour was in sight! They were back in England with just 4 performances left: the last three were lined up for Wembley Arena, but the other one was a very different performance: they were headlining the Vixen Festival on the Saturday evening.

The festival started on the Thursday evening, with a few low-key bands lined up. Most of the 'team' had decided to come along for just the day, on the Saturday, but Linda, along with Zac,  had decided to come on the Friday, arriving at lunchtime: they had brought her old tent and sleeping bags, and were going to camp in the general camping area. For the first time in a long time, they were actually alone: no other band members, no stage crew, no Paula filming them. Just Linda and Zac.

To help with the 'subterfuge' of not being spotted, Linda had dug out some old clothes, her hair was tied back in twin ponytails, and she was wearing some heavy goth-style makeup, all set off by an old Metallica tour shirt and some old scruffy jeans that had been sat in Linda's drawer for the last year or three. It would take a very dedicated CJDL fan to work out that it was her!

They found a space to pitch the tent. "Any problems with setting up here?" Linda asked the couple on the adjacent tent.

"No, fine with us! Want a hand? I'm Terry by the way, this is Viv."

"Oh hi... Linda and Zac". Linda had decided to use their normal names... yes someone MIGHT work it out, but that didn't REALLY matter. With their tent all set up, and their rucksacks inside, they went off to explore.

"It feels so weird, being a punter for a change, rather than a performer!" said Linda.

"Is it a good feeling?" asked Zac.

"Ummm... yeah it is, actually. So who we gonna see?"

"I was thinking that maybe we need to start with food, along with a beer... just got your best interests at heart." said Zac, looking at Linda and smiling. For the last few months, their relationship had been a bit of a long-distance one, apart from the few days Zac had with Linda on tour. And before that, Linda had been busy getting ready for their tour. So it was nice to finally be able to spend time with her.

Whilst Zac and Linda had spoken online a lot, Zac was still a bit apprehensive about the whole idea of being involved with a pop star - you hear all sorts of stories about what goes on, and more importantly what can happen to the partners, or more specifically, ex-partners of pop stars. But Linda DID seem to be a bit different. Heck, how many people like her would be so relaxed about being out in public at a big festival?

They found a food stall that seemed to be doing reasonably healthy food - there was lots of green stuff around - and found somewhere to sit, somewhere without anyone nearby.

"You know, despite all our calls, I realise I don't actually know all that much about you... and I suspect you don't know much about me, apart from what's on Wikipedia!" said Linda.

"Sounds like an excuse to do something about that, now that your tour is nearly over".

"I'm very ok with that idea! So, how you feeling about having a pop-star as your girlfriend then?"

"You know, I was thinking the same thing a moment ago. A lot depends on which day you ask me, but generally I think I'm ok with it, you seem to be a fairly 'normal' sort of person when you're away from the stage!"

"I guess I've not been a pop-star for all that long... back when I was a session musician, I was a VERY normal person. Ok, I got to do short tours with people like Fiona, but I was always in the background... in fact, just like the last tour I did with CJD."

"Don't you mean 'CJDL'?"

"No. Back then I wasn't actually a formal member of the group, it was only at the end of the tour I got 'promoted'! Ok, yeah, they asked me on the tour, of course."

"Tell you what, your 'disguise' seems to be working well!"

"I suspect part of it is that most of these people aren't actually our fans, so have no idea what I look like. I mean, do you know what, say, Dua Lipa actually looks like? And then Dua Lipa without makeup and fancy clothes? I'm not sure I would!"

"Fair comment. So, you have a few day 'off work' next week, what you doing?"

"'Off work'? I wish!. Ok, Zac, I know that I can trust you to keep quiet about things, but I need to specifically ask you to tell no one... and I MEAN no one!... about what I'm about to tell you."

"Yeah ok. It must be something big if you're specifically asking me..."

"Oh, it IS big, and we don't want this getting out, so you don't even tell your mum or your boss! Ok?"

"Ok, I promise."

"Thanks!". Linda looked around, she really didn't want anyone to overhear. "The show next Saturday is in the afternoon for a reason...."

"Yeah, so kids and others can go..."

"Well, that's the cover-story. The REAL reason is that Ben and Jenny are getting married, on stage, in front of a lot of people. Plus we'll be streaming it. But it needs to be kept as a surprise for everyone, ok?"

"Ok, yeah, that IS a biggie, isn't it? So how many know already?"

"Well, the two bands, obviously, and currently about three members of the road crew. We'll be telling the rest, reminding them that their contract means they must stay quiet about it, on Friday. So this week, we need to rehearse the songs we'll be doing, and Ginger from Darkest Knights will be dropping by the mansion too. Plus the 3 members of road crew will be there, to work on the visuals. So, sadly, not much of a week off..." Linda not only said this extra quietly, she was keeping an eye on anyone else who might be anywhere near.

Zac now also realised that his relationship with Linda was good, if she felt ok about sharing such information.

"So, is the mansion 'off limits' for me this week?"

"Not at all. You know, whilst I'm really looking forward to Saturday - it will be fun for so many reasons - I looking forward to next Monday even more. I'll be able to lie in, not worry any more about travelling or sound checks, or packing my suitcase to leave the hotel... And being able to spend to IRL time with my boyfriend!". Linda leaned over, and kissed Zac. It had been quite a while since Linda had had a boyfriend: yes, she's had a few 'short term relationships' over the last few years, but not someone like Zac. She thought back to when she first met him: she hadn't actually been looking to meet someone, but he just 'turned up' at the right place, at the right sort of time. Her biggest worry was that he might get scared of her life, but so far, he seemed to be ok. The next month would be fairly normal at least.

Of course, once the tour was over, she'd need to tell him her OTHER big secret: Trevor had been in touch, and had confirmed that she would be in the next series of 'Singer behind the Mask'. But she'd deal with that when the tour was finally over!


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Re: CJDL on tour
« Reply #78 on: Yesterday at 23:31:50 »
I am sometimes tempted to write a chapter something like this:

The girls have just come onto the main stage at the Vixen festival, when there is a shout: "Bomb!". Moments later there is a massive explosion, with the stage (and everyone on it) being thrown up in the air. There is screaming and shouting, and moments later the whole stage collapses on itself.

That would be a great way to end the story wouldn't it?

(It's the sort of thing they would do in the last episode of the series, to allow them to renegotiate all the actor's salaries down, and boot out whoever they want!)