

Have you ever seen headgear in real life?

Yes (elaborate below)
64 (84.2%)
12 (15.8%)

Total Members Voted: 51

Voting closed: 29. November 2004, 05:24:13 AM

Author Topic: Have you ever...?  (Read 37114 times)


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Have you ever...?
« on: 29. November 2004, 05:24:13 AM »
Have you ever seen someone with headgear in real life?

I have... once!:

Back when I was going to high school (probably around grade 10) I used to have to catch the train to school. Occassionally these primary school kids would catch the same train, and for a while there, there was this girl who had headgear. It must have been her last year of primary because after that year, I never saw her again. I always wondered which high school she went to.

Offline acornjohn2001

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« Reply #1 on: 29. November 2004, 08:49:48 AM »
I´ve seen headgear a few times. All of them were tourists in Prague. Almost every person were children from ten to fourteen. But two of them were older. One about sixteen and the other about eighteen. One of my friend had headgear. I see it on the shelf but she didn´t want to put it on. She was 24 and she had large overbite.

Offline hein

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Re: Have you ever...?
« Reply #2 on: 29. November 2004, 12:35:33 PM »
Quote from: "FallFromBrace"
Have you ever seen someone with headgear in real life?

Once I just had to look in the mirror... As I live in the Netherlands headgear are a common sight. Saw a gril with headgear yesterday. I regulary see them when I bike to my work (school childeren going to school) or when I go shopping.


Offline Sparky

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« Reply #3 on: 29. January 2005, 20:23:13 PM »
My wife wore braces and hg for a while before we got married


Offline anton08

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« Reply #4 on: 30. January 2005, 09:42:22 AM »
This has happened even a bit more often in the past. I remember back to the 80th people wearing headgear in public even as adults.
A friend of mine had to wear it as well. So we went to Munich for the first outing, it was easier in a town where nobody knew her. Lateron she got used to headgear in public and was amused about silly people staring at her so obviously.

Offline Quetzqual

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« Reply #5 on: 30. January 2005, 18:11:26 PM »
The first student in my class that got any kind of orthodontic treatment was a girl in 3rd grade that got a headgear. Too bad she wore it mostly after school and we didn't see each other apart from school.

Offline ploki666qc

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« Reply #6 on: 31. January 2005, 00:51:12 AM »
Me I remember that the brother of my friend ever had it when I went to my friend home.

Offline archie

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« Reply #7 on: 03. February 2005, 19:37:29 PM »
Yes, I've seen it in the mirror, actually. Rarely wore it in public though, although it happened, which was not such a big case as HG was common where I went to primary and junior high (late 80s, early 90s) - during that period I believe I saw at least 20 other kids wearing HG at school, most of them much more frequent than me (I only wore it to catch up on hours prior to appointments at the orthodontist's and would never have worn it in public hadn't it been such a common sight).

Interesting fact, though, there were two orthodontists back where I am from, and you could see who were patients where as one (mine) used metal brackets on the lower jaw and clear on the upper, while the other one used clear ones on both. I never saw anyone else having my orthodontist wearing HG in public (except, of course, at the orthodontist's office). Don't know if he was old-fashioned, or what. It is true, though, that after I moved town I've never seen any kids with HG.

country boy

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« Reply #8 on: 05. March 2005, 01:13:27 AM »
Knew one girl that had to wear it at night but would never wear it around the house when anyone was over or in publlic.

Offline MD

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« Reply #9 on: 05. March 2005, 02:56:43 AM »
Headgear was normal 10-15 years ago.
Nowadays I hope to see highpull headgear, because there's mostly an activator included.

Offline gunter8888

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« Reply #10 on: 07. April 2005, 19:44:51 PM »
I have seen it many times.  A close friend of mine had HG when we were in grade school.  I recall finding it on the coffee table at his house one afternoon, slipping the facebow into my mouth and wondering what it would feel like to have it tightly attached to braces.

In Jr. High there was a beautiful, blonde girl who wore a blue denim neck strap with white force modules everyday.  I found her so fascinating because at the time braces, and especially headgear, were still considdered somewhat "geeky" and she was far from being a nerd.

Online sibbi1de

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« Reply #11 on: 14. October 2005, 11:19:43 AM »
In Vienna a woman around thirty passed me by on a bridge wearing headgear. I noticed her already 200 meters ahead of me so I got lots of time to look at her. Wenn she passed me I had to turn around and see the neckstraps. I was fascinated and impressed of her self-consciousness. That was about ten years ago but I still remember very clearly ...

Offline ami_de_votre

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« Reply #12 on: 28. January 2006, 21:16:34 PM »
saw some girls with them @ school and highschool


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« Reply #13 on: 05. March 2006, 15:38:40 PM »
i see everyday a girl with headgear.
it´s the daughter from my girlfriend


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« Reply #14 on: 11. March 2006, 19:52:29 PM »
My best friend when we were 12/13 years old wore one in the evenngs and at night. When I was in Junior High school, there were a couple of guys and two girls who wore their cervical headgear to school every day. One girl wore hers for almost two years. I knew two guys who wore cervical headgear to high school. One of them wore his every day for almost a year.

In the 80's I used to see kids with headgear - mostly cervical but a few with high pull - at shopping malls and at fairs and carnivals.

When I was at University, a local orthodontist apparently required full time headgear wear. I saw several kids around town wearing cervical headgear. One boy who walked across the university campus to go home from his school wore a cervical headgear every day for two years. I would meet him as I returned to my apartment from my last class of the day.

I'm not sure I could count all the times I have seen headgear. It has, however, been very rare to see headgear recently. The last time I actually saw a kid wearing one was coming out of the orthodontist's office that is near my dentist's office.

I have only seen one or two adults wearing headgear. The last one I remember was a 20-something woman at Walt Disney World a few years ago. I was completely startled that an adult would wear headgear at a place like that.