Curious how and why you think your braces kink began??
For me I'd always been the type who is scared of changes to appearance. Braces, for whatever reason, seemed particularly mortifying...having these seemingly permanent brackets put on, visible to everyone, making you lisp, etc. I was told by a dentist at 13 that I need braces and I remember how horrified I felt at that thought. Me? In braces? Never! I was so so embarassed at the thought of having them on me but also super fascinated by them at the same time, sometimes watching videos of them getting installed and really noticing classmates who got them. Wondering how they must feel. I think I found them attractive on others soon after too, but didn't admit it since I thought it was weird.
I never would've gotten them when younger but now as an adult I'm planning on getting metal braces soon and beyond excited!!
How about you all?