
Author Topic: I am wondering...  (Read 31489 times)

Offline webstruggler

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I am wondering...
« Reply #15 on: 12. February 2004, 23:34:29 PM »
Quote from: "Saladin"
Quote from: "carla44"

Where are all the english speaking people. Just post so I can post to.

Hey there, I would be one. :D

I believe most people here are here for the pictures and movies, not to talk about it.  There is a very large stigma in the States about having any sort of sexual fetish.  If you publically admit that you find braces attractive, even if only on adults, you're often branded a pe**phile.  Given the penalties for pe**philia here, it's no surprise that many people want to remain quiet.  

I agree: the fear of being misunderstood as a pe**phile will keep many from admitting their fetish, but not only egal problems like in the  States will contribute to this reservation - friends and relatives who could find out may also be a reason.  I personally could not think right now of an elegant way communicating this secret part of me to anybody outside this community. And in an open forum like this you never know who may read it, many of us will feel more secure for example in the restricted forum of this site.

Most of us will have spent lots of time - early in the beginning of their first realisation of this fetish - considering why they like braces. As it has been said below, those who first noticed they were not alone when browsing the Mouth Jewelry site from 1997 on, might have had an urge to communicate then, at least I did, and have emotionally settled a bit meanwhile. Without a could place to talk, you won't talk unless driven a very strong impulse to do so. This is a good place to talk now, so I will be happy to reflect on the whole issue a bit once in a while, but rather in the member section or direct communication.

Hi Carla, another reason for the sparse english contributions may be that quite many people do understand and post short segments in english language but intrinsically are native german speaking people. That's what Marty expressed to me, too recently.
But at the end of the day, I am sure that anyone who feels only moderately comfortable writing english, when addressed will happily respond.... at least I will.

Offline webstruggler

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Re: I am wondering...
« Reply #16 on: 13. February 2004, 00:01:57 AM »
Quote from: "mrortho"

Quote from: "FallFromBrace"

Something else that really works for me is when the girl is either proud or confident with her braces and shows them off like this: (too bad these aren't all metal)

I've never had braces myself, but I've liked them on females for as long as I can remember 8)

Ps - Check out my webshots page if you want to see more of her...* c e n s o r e d *

When a girl with braces has confidence and the ability to flaunt their metal it is very cool. When they purposely want to show off their smile, or they play with their retainers/removable appliances, it's really hot too. If they have elastics hooked on, they sometimes 'fight' their elastics and you can see them stretching their mouth open over and over.
I like seeing braced chicks chew gum too, even though they shouldn't.  :wink:

This is exactly what attracts me about the braces thing: beauty in anyone, is the combination of looks to some extend, the eye of the beholder (we know that) and to a larger extend the self-confidence and self security by the person  lived out toward others. And if a good looking woman, or even someone not that well endowed has the confidence to proudly present or at least not to bother about  something which is commonly considered a flaw of prettiness, then this is true beauty.
Since this aspect is augmented the more deliberate the decision for braces was, it is easy to understand why I like adult or near adult wearers most.

Offline webstruggler

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I am wondering...
« Reply #17 on: 13. February 2004, 01:09:38 AM »
Quote from: "bracket1965"
i'd love to know if anybody of you tried to shoot some pictures themselves... got a hint how to do it????

It depends whether you want to integrate the braces wearer in taking the picture or not.
A fellow braces fan from the Netherlands (dbf site, unfortunately down now) showed us how easily you can embrace (nice pun, isn’t it?) many girls into the project just by asking them, however, the mean age of his photographed may have been around 13, more grown-ups will likely be more reluctant.

Alternatively you get yourself a decent camera with a lens of at least 105 (-200) mm focus length and a not too noisy shutter mechanism and you go for places where people are both smiling and are distracted at the same time. My best experiences were buskers and street performers, street parades, VIP show ups and tourist attractions in lively cities/areas. This will enable you to mix in the crowd, change position easily and wait for a good moment to come. Long time ago I posted few of my pics done this way to the extraordinary german site “Braces Online”  Look for pictures 25-32 in album 3, pics 1-7 in album 5 or pics 33 and 34 in album 7 to get an impression.

btw: these photos are now more than ten years of age, and I would be most amazed if there was any feed-back sometimes in terms of someone recognizing herself and telling us about then and now, and her attitude towards the braces and so on.... pretty unlikely though.....

Good luck,


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I am wondering...
« Reply #18 on: 13. February 2004, 18:17:12 PM »
thank you a lot.

Picture 29 in the above mentioned braces online album 3 was one of the very first braces pictures that impressed me. A very good looking woman and a great shot !!!

The problem with digital cameras (or at least the one I have) seems to be that the shutter responds very slowly. I mostly end up with portraits of girls with closed mouths  :(

Offline webstruggler

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I am wondering...
« Reply #19 on: 13. February 2004, 23:23:37 PM »
Quote from: "bracket1965"
thank you a lot.

Picture 29 in the above mentioned braces online album 3 was one of the very first braces pictures that impressed me. A very good looking woman and a great shot !!!

The problem with digital cameras (or at least the one I have) seems to be that the shutter responds very slowly. I mostly end up with portraits of girls with closed mouths  :(

Glad you liked it!
Shutter response is one major downside of digital cameras. Unless you pay something like > €1000 you will quite likely end up with hidden smiles instead of flashing ones. Same with my digital. For this purpose you are better advised to revitalise the old SLR and have old-fashioned prints made.

Have fun & good luck,

Offline ploki666qc

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I am wondering...
« Reply #20 on: 02. March 2004, 06:47:11 AM »
I think that I started to like braces when all the girls in high school I found beautiful had them one after the other. I won't find a girl attractive that I wouldn't find attractive because she have braces. BUT if a girl I find cute and she has braces that would surely put her in front of the others. But it's sure that cuter then average girl with braces will be as cute as cuter one. phew... I'm getting complicated here ;). Like most of us, I think that almost straight teeth with braces is really the best way they can be.

In the first year I had internet (my first pc was a p2 300 when it was popular but I don't remember the date) I decided to see if I was normal and search for braces. Then I found Mr. Mouthwear and I was so happy to see that I wasn't alone.  

I'm still having a problem about looking at this site and talking about it. What would people say if they find that I find girl with braces attractive. That's the only secret that I keep from my girlfriend (even after 4 years together).

I'm a bit paranoid about people discovering this secret. I'm alone to use a  specific browser at home and I still erase history and cache every 2 days or so to be sure no one look at this.

This message make me feel better about it since I can tell my secret without being laughed at, or categorized in the abnormal category.

Another subject,  I guess is that some people don't realize there is some level about fetishism. Some people are really compulsive about getting pictures of people and such. But that's often in relation with the age and maturity level.

Sorry about the bad english. I'm from Quebec and I'm sleeeepy so it must sound strange in some part.


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I am wondering...
« Reply #21 on: 03. March 2004, 04:23:30 AM »
Quote from: "ploki666qc"
I'm still having a problem about looking at this site and talking about it. What would people say if they find that I find girl with braces attractive. That's the only secret that I keep from my girlfriend (even after 4 years together).

I think you should tell your girlfriend, especially after 4 years... I told my girlfriend after about 6 months and she offered to get fake braces from RBC when we can afford it... So what I'm trying to say is that if you're honest and open, it will all work out for the best :wink:

Offline ploki666qc

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« Reply #22 on: 03. March 2004, 04:30:28 AM »
Well I'll try to get the subject into context someday.  Thanks for your help on that. I don't expect an answer like your but who knows what she'll say.


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I am wondering...
« Reply #23 on: 04. March 2004, 05:27:07 AM »
Honesty is the best policy... Especially in a 4-year relationship 8)

Offline ploki666qc

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« Reply #24 on: 04. March 2004, 12:37:31 PM »
Well that's the only secret I keep from her I think we have some honesty roling here ;).


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Saladin is right
« Reply #25 on: 24. May 2004, 21:12:18 PM »
I think saladin had it exactly right above, there is a stigma attached to fetishes and no one wants to be so branded.

Offline John Doe 21

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I am wondering...
« Reply #26 on: 26. May 2004, 16:41:36 PM »
i prefer the cervical headgear on nice girls

Offline moogvo

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I am wondering...
« Reply #27 on: 10. December 2004, 16:50:39 PM »
I told my ex about my "Braces Fetish" . At first, she didn't seem to have a problem with it. She wore full upper dentures. I made the suggestion that she get another set made with brackets and the likes on them for "play time". It would have been ideal. They would have more than "Looked" real.

At first, she was willing, but as time went by, she started suspecting that everyone with braces turned me on. The truth is that I don't have just a braces fetish, but a mouth fetish I suppose. Braces and other silver stuff really grabs my attention, but truthfully, I really have a pretty teeth fetish as well. Anyway, She would constantly ask me what the difference between a 10 year old and a 20 year old with braces was. eventually, she admitted that my fetishes turned her off.

We had a daughter that had horribly crooked teeth. She refused to put braces on her because of her fear of my "thing"... (She actually isn't MY daughter, but I did raise her since she was 11.)

The woman I am married to now is not only receptive, but tells me that whenever I want her to go get braces, she will be more than willing to go get them for me.

She also has a daughter (8 years old) who has horrible teeth and will most definately need braces. When we talk about it, it makes me a bit uncomfortable because somewheree in the back of my mind I am waiting to be accused all over again, but it never seems to be a question.

Honesty is most certainly the best policy. It is better to come clean with your likes now, brfore she finds hundreds of pictures of it on your computer and comes up with her own conclusions.

I, too have been lookiing at braces on the net since '96. Infact, it was the only reason I bought my first computer.

I am a bit more bold now than I used to be. The other day, I saw a woman with braces at a party and told her that I thought she had a really pretty smile. At first, she covered her mouth and hid them from me, but once she realized that I was telling her the truth, she opened right up and told me all about the procedure and how they felt. The more interest I showed, the more she opened her mouth and showed them to me. I would have felt wierd taking pictures tho...

At the end of the night, she thanked me for making her feel "pretty". I was the DJ at that party.

I think that the reality is that more people like braces than will admit it. Let's face it, how many of you will admit it to a friend?

It's like the old "foot fetish" (which I also have)... Most men do infact have a foot fetish. I don't know why... it is really nothing more than an elongated hand with stubby fingers, but there is something about nicely painted toes that is attractive to most guys... How many of them openly admit to it? I don't. Only to my wife, who by the way likes the attention I give her feet.

There... I just admitted a bunch of things to a bunch of people I don't know! ;)