Chapter 14
The next morning I silently stepped out of the bed, while Jess was still asleep, While I walked to the bathroom, I saw Jess’s corset on the floor. When I picked it up, I felt the smooth fabric as a counterpart of the stiff busks. I couldn’t resist to stretching the corset around my middle and of course I couldn’t fasten it, the feeling was nice. I put the corset on the desk in the room and took a long and hot shower.
I had almost finished when I saw a very sleepy Jess stepping into the bathroom. She took out her headgear and put it on the sink before joining me under the shower and embracing me. The shower had a good effect on Jess waking up and after about ten minutes I turned off the shower and started drying off Jess, making sure I didn’t miss a spot of her body.
While I started dressing Jess was drying her hair. When Jess finally left the bathroom she took her corset and stepped in front of me, turning her back to me: “Can you lacce me up pleasse?” Jess asked, while she wrapped the corset around her body. “You have to sstawt at the bottom wowking upwawdss.”
I was pleased in multiple ways. First of all was the presence of Jess, but also the fact that she volunteered in wearing a corset and last but not least for letting me lace her up. I slowly tightened the laces and doing so, I heart Jess taking a deep breath. “A little tightew pleasse,” she said when I thought it couldn’t be any tighter.
I tightened the laces a bit more and made a knot, before I turned Jess around and gave her a big hug. I felt the contrast of soft and flexible skin and the rather rough corset. After a long kiss Jess handed me two small padlocks:
“Hewe I have two padlockss. I want uss to lock the fiwsst padlock on the Pont dess Awtss, alsso known ass the love lock bwidge. I think it would be nicce to vissit that bwidge today.”
“Okay,” I said: “and the second one?”
“I want you to put the ssecond lock thwough the open wivets at the top of my cowsset,” Jess said while she looked me straight in the eyes.
“You want me to do what?” I said, clearly surprised by Jess’s request.
“I want you to usse the ssecond padlock to lock the cowsset onto me, sso I’m not able to take off the cowsset by mysself,” Jess repeated with a timid voice.
Still amazed, but not wanting to spoil the moment by raising more questions, I turned Jess around and tested the laces again.
“Okay,” I said: “but before I’ll put the padlock on, I have to tighten the laces again, because the rivets aren’t close enough.”
Silently Jess turned around so I could untie the knot and started to pull the laces even tighter from the bottom upwards. It took some effort and Jess body was struggling, but she didn’t complain. Seeing the way her body reacted, I think she just liked it.
After tying up the laces, I took the padlock and with a firm click, the lock closed. I took the key and put it in my pocket.
“I have to be careful that I throw the correct keys into the water on the love lock bridge,” I joked.
Jess started to dress, so we could have some breakfast. It took Jess a little longer than normal to dress, mainly because she was struggling with her balance because of tightness of the corset that was even more than yesterday, giving her even a bigger challenge. I walked behind Jess into the breakfast room and it surprised me that the lock was showing clearly through her shirt. It made me kinda proud.
During our breakfast I couldn’t hold my curiosity any longer and asked Jess: “What is it like to wear a corset? It doesn’t look that comfortable to me, so why did you decide to wear one the whole weekend and why did you want me to lock it onto you?”
“Well, to be honest, I was intwigued by cowsets fow a long time and I know nowmally men awe tuwned on by women in cowssetss, although I don’t know why. When you ssuwpwissed me with thiss twip to Pawiss, I thought it wass a nice moment fow my next challenge and sstawted to look fow a cowsset. You know it wassn’t that eassy to decide what kind of cowsset I wanted, thewe awe sso many diffewent typess. I decided to go to a lingewie sstowe that wass alsso advewtissing with cowssetss and having a chat ovew thewe, I quite quickly came to the conclussion that I would pwobably like a cowsset that iss not cweating a wassp taille, but one that iss dessigned to keep youw body sstwaight. Aftew ssome fitting, I decided to go fow a sso called ovewbusst cowsset.
The fiwsst time I wowe it, wass a little sscawy actually, becausse ass sshe might have sseen, the cowsset changess the way you awe able to move youw body, sso it affectss youw balance. I wass alsso wowwied that the lacing would sshow and that people would weact.
I wass ssuwpwissed to find out that weawing a cowsset givess me the ssame feelingss of weawing bwacess. My cowsset doess sshow if ssomeone lookss closse enough. The padlock hass mowe ow lessss the ssame effect ass headgeaw. It iss a cuwiossity, but people awe too asshamed to quesstion you about it.
Bessidess the lookss the cowsset iss wowking the ssame ass my bwacess. It issn’t weally uncomfowtable, but ssometimess annoying and it affectss my daily activitiess. Actually the fact that they awe glued in ow locked iss a bit of a tuwn on. I think it iss the feeling of being ssubmissssive and give ssomeone elsse the powew ovew you to decide what you can ow cannot do.”
“Well, to be honest, I was intrigued by corsets for a long time and I know normally men are turned on by women in corsets, although I don’t know why. When you surprised me with this trip to Paris, I thought it was a nice moment for my next challenge and started to look for a corset. You know it wasn’t that easy to decide what kind of corset I wanted, there are so many different types. I decided to go to a lingerie store that was also advertising with corsets and having a chat over there, I quite quickly came to the conclusion that I would probably like a corset that is not creating a wasp taille, but one that is designed to keep your body straight. After some fitting, I decided to go for a so called overbust corset.
The first time I wore it, was a little scary actually, because as she might have seen, the corset changes the way you are able to move your body, so it affects your balance. I was also worried that the lacing would show and that people would react.
I was surprised to find out that wearing a corset gives me the same feelings of wearing braces. My corset does show if someone looks close enough. The padlock has more or less the same effect as headgear. It is a curiosity, but people are too ashamed to question you about it.
Besides the looks the corset is working the same as my braces. It isn’t really uncomfortable, but sometimes annoying and it affects my daily activities. Actually the fact that they are glued in or locked is a bit of a turn on. I think it is the feeling of being submissive and give someone else the power over you to decide what you can or cannot do.”
“Okay, I think I understand,” I said, while drinking my coffee. “Not that I am up to now that I know how to, but how would you react if I lock your headgear, so you’re not able to take it of the moment you want to?”
Again Jess’s reaction surprised me: “I have thought about locking my headgeaw ass well. I have found a few wayss to mowe ow lessss lock them in place, but didn’t have the newvess to talk about it up to now. I sseawched the intewnet and found out that it iss vewy wawe to have a fixed headgeaw. I found a few cassess whewe the headgeaw wass actually wiwed in.
Mosst of the sstowiess on intewnet whewe people claim to have headgeaw wiwed in awe fake. Thewe awe a few wayss to do sso. Fiwsst iss that the facebow can be welded onto the molaw bandss. Fow the ssituation you awe looking fow, that issn’t a possssibility, becausse then you have to wemove the molaw bandss and glue them back on.
Anothew way iss to usse metal wiwe and wiwe it awound the facebow and the tubess on the molawbandss. It sseemss twicky to wiwe it in ssuch a way that the wiwe sstayss fiwmly on the facebow and doessn’t sslide of. It sseemss doable if you have bwacess on youw uppew jaw, becausse then you can loop the wiwe behind the awchwiwe. Unfowtunately I have no bwacess on my uppew jaw, sso too bad….
Next you can bent the endss of the facebow behind the molaw bandss. Alsso not a ssuitable ssolution fow now, becausse the bending iss hawd to undo. Thiss iss mowe a long-tewm ssolution.
Ass none of thesse ssolutionss sseem to fit the goal you’we looking fow, I have thought about anothew way. It iss not completely tampew-pwoof, but it might wowk.
I ssupposse you awe familiaw with the ssmall tie-wwapss. You can loop a ssmall tie-wwap thwough the metal twiangle of the necksstwap awound the facebow. If you pull it tight, the tie-wwap cannot passss the colowed cap at the end of the facebow, sso the necksstwap iss fiwmly attached to the facebow and thewefow cannot be wemoved. Dissadvantage iss that the tie-wwapss can be cut quit ssimple, sso I can wemove it. You cannot pwevent that, but if you usse a bwight colow fow the tie-wwap, you can ssee fwom a disstance that they awe sstill in place. Anothew dissadvantage iss that you cannot take a sshowew ow sso, because you cannot wemove the necksstwap.
If you want to twy to lock my headgeaw in place, you’we welcome. Actually I have bwought ssome tie-wwaps in my ssuitcasse.”
“I have thought about locking my headgear as well. I have found a few ways to more or less lock them in place, but didn’t have the nerves to talk about it up to now. I searched the internet and found out that it is very rare to have a fixed headgear. I found a few cases where the headgear was actually wired in. Most of the stories on internet where people claim to have headgear wired in are fake.
There are a few ways to do so. First is that the facebow can be welded onto the molar bands. For the situation you are looking for, that isn’t a possibility, because then you have to remove the molar bands and glue them back on.
Another way is to use metal wire and wire it around the facebow and the tubes on the molarbands. It seems tricky to wire it in such a way that the wire stays firmly on the facebow and doesn’t slide of. It seems doable if you have braces on your upper jaw, because then you can loop the wire behind the archwire. Unfortunately I have no braces on my upper jaw, so too bad….
Next you can bent the ends of the facebow behind the molar bands. Also not a suitable solution for now, because the bending is hard to undo. This is more a long-term solution.
As none of these solutions seem to fit the goal you’re looking for, I have thought about another way. It is not completely tamper-proof, but it might work.
I suppose you are familiar with the small tie-wraps. You can loop a small tie-wrap through the metal triangle of the neckstrap around the facebow. If you pull it tight, the tie-wrap cannot pass the colored cap at the end of the facebow, so the neckstrap is firmly attached to the facebow and therefor cannot be removed. Disadvantage is that the tie-wraps can be cut quit simple, so I can remove it. You cannot prevent that, but if you use a bright color for the tie-wrap, you can see from a distance that they are still in place. Another disadvantage is that you cannot take a shower or so, because you cannot remove the neckstrap.
If you want to try to lock my headgear in place, you’re welcome. Actually I have brought some tie-wraps in my suitcase.”
I was completely overwhelmed by Jess’s story. First of all I wouldn’t have expected Jess to allow me to wire in her headgear and secondly I was impressed by the study Jess had done.