
Author Topic: My first truly public headgear adventure.  (Read 28969 times)

Offline DemBones

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My first truly public headgear adventure.
« on: 04. August 2012, 18:26:09 PM »
I’ve finally had a very public headgear adventure.  Scary as hell.

As a teenager, I’ve had the classic railway-track braces, and along with that, the finest torture implement since the iron maiden: a cervical headgear.  I fricking HATED that thing.  I remember the day I got it, it kinda sucked, the next day I wore it to school… and never again.  I refused point-blank to wear it to school. 

In fact, I refused point-blank to wear it. 

But I was just a lad, and every now and then my mum would grumble at me and I’d wear the damn thing, but one thing I refused to do was wear it out in public.  I had the public experience at the ages of 12, 13 and they were all negative.  I could feel the stares of thousands of eyes and I just could not handle it.

However,  as “early teenage” gave way to “puberty” and I start discovering girls, and these strange things I later learned were called “fetishes”, I started to develop a mild and inexplicable enjoyment of the occasional headgear-session.  I’m a bit of a bondage nut, have been my entire life, and I started to see braces, and headgear, as a very interesting form of bondage. 

When I was 17, my 1st set of braces, along with my much hated cervical headgear, were removed and that was that.  I had braces twice more since that – I’ve had an incredible amount of problems with my teeth and jaws – but never had the headgear. 

Fast-forward a good couple of years where I’m now a grown man.  I still have my teeth problems, and about 3 years ago I gotten a new retainer to prevent me from getting railway tracks a FOURTH time.  But I managed, somehow, to get my ortho to give an interlandi headgear with it.   (Other mentions of my headgear/braces adventures are on these pages, so you are free to look them up.)

Anyway, I’ve indulged in my headgear from time to time, but the ghastly childhood memories of the thousands of stares always prevented me from going public.  I’ve had two or three public appearances, but really, nothing to write home about.   Every time I went “public” with my gear it was at places where the chances of being seen was slim to none.  (an adventure of mine here:
Anyway, I have a few friends who share my love for the kinky side of life.  I was huge in the BDSM scene a few years ago, but I basically totally withdrew from the lifestyle.  I still think kink, but I hardly ever do anything.  I still see my friends though, and one of these is a lady who knows my fetishes and my odd thing for braces and headgear.  I wear it whenever we have a visit, which is cool.  Its not often, maybe 6 times a year, if that many, but basically for the last 2 years I don’t think she’s seen me without it.  Often times when we visit I lock it on (yes, I managed to get it lockable -;msg75169 ),  and I give her the key so that I can’t take it off.  This is a nice little mindphuck.

Right – 500 words of back-story later, we get to the fun part.  A few days ago my friend and I were just chatting via MSN, and we started “teasing” each other with our fetishes.  I had her do something for me, (not going to go into specifics, as she’s not here, and that will just be impolite and unfair towards her)  and in turn, she asked me to wear the my headgear.  And we chatted the night away, both of us in some kind of fetish for the other one’s enjoyment.   Then she said to me, out of the blue: “Come over to me on Wednesday.  Bring your headgear, I’m taking you public.”  No “hey, do you want to play”, no “why don’t we try something”, it was basically an order.  No room for negotiation, no asking me my opinion, no nothing.

Did I crap myself? You bet your arse I did!

Where?  At a mall.  How long?  As long as  she wants to.  Do I have a say in this?  Yes, I can say no.  but if I say yes to this, its on her terms – its all-or-nothing. 

So I have two largely sleepless nights.  I consider this thing.  I had my headgear now for about 4 odd years, and never did a “deep” public experience.  Do I have enough guts to do it?   Come Wednesday morning  (We both are self-employed, no office hours for us!) I arrive at her place, headgear in hand, and we sit and talk it through.  I can pull out, I don’t have to.  I take a deep breath, and nod.  Yes, let’s do this.  I put in my retainer, my headgear with the locking straps (as explained above) and she uses a cable-tie to lock it in place.  (I drew the line at an actual physical padlock for this adventure) .  I’m unable to remove this thing from my mouth and head now. 

And then she takes me by the hand, and leads me to her car, and takes me to the local mall.   In the parking lot she asks me one more time if I want to go through with this.  I nod, and step out of the car.  She smiles at me, and from her pocket takes out a nail-clippers, the one we would use to snip open the cable-tie holding my headgear on.  She puts it on the car’s dash-board and locks the car. 

Now I’m in. 

I consider myself a reasonably good writer, but I do not think I can describe the feelings I felt at that moment.  Just sitting here, typing it, remembering it, my stomach feels all funny and fluttery, my hands are shaking, my heart is pounding as if I’d just taken a run with Usain Bolt.  It was one of the most intense feelings I’ve felt in my life. 

Then she takes me by the hand and leads me into the mall…  I’m not sure my feet touched the floor.  I felt all floaty and woozy, and I’m sure a million people stared at me – though no one gave me a second glance.  We go to a coffee shop and, mercifully,  go to the smoking area, (I do not smoke though my friend does) which is nearly deserted.  I could “hide” in the deserted smoking area. 

My friend orders a coffee and I order a beer, and then she orders a meal!  I am unable to eat with my retainer in.  Sitting there, watching her eat, my stomach growling, was one of the most thrilling-yet-disturbing feelings of my life.

We sat there for about 2 hours, just chatting about everything from braces to beer to her boyfriend, and then she says “enough hiding, time to get out of here”.  Again, she takes me by the hand and leads me outside, and I’m in the hustle and bustle of the main area of the mall.  As a man of 37, I felt like a boy of 5, and while I’m not the biggest of blokes around, I felt about 3 feet tall.  I felt as if I had a big pink neon sign strapped above my head saying “look at me, look at me”. 

Then she went to the ladies’...   Leaving me for the 1st time alone in the mall.  There I stood, alone, and I realised just how much “protection” she was giving me.  while I was with her, it was somehow okay.  Scary, but okay.  Standing there alone with this thing on….  Well..

I’ve felt fear before.  Once I felt fear when doing a shark-dive, without a cage, on the coast of Mozambique (7 ragged-tooth sharks coming up to sniff you to find out what the heck you are has a way of loosening the bowels).  I felt fear when I got a phone call to tell me my dad was in a car accident.  All the scary moments of my adult life – I doubt I was ever as scared as this.  I don’t know why, its just bloody headgear, but…it was still a knee-watering experience. 

She came out of the loo, and drove me home. 

We were in the mall for about two and a half, 3 hours.  It wasn’t a big mall.  And it was at a “poorer” part of town.  It was on a Wednesday morning.  It was not too busy, and the type of people there are not usually the type to care too much about appearances.  And yet, it was scary as hell. 

I won’t do it again.  Ever.

We’re talking about going to a more upmarket place on a Friday afternoon next…

…and again, unlike most of the stories on this website, this adventure is 100% true.  Here is a picture my friend took with my BlackBerry. You can see some people in the background of the coffee shop.  You can also see the “locking strap” I mentioned earlier coming from the face-bow hook.  Sorry for the pixellation, but I am a professional, and I’m also an ugly bastard.

Offline coffeemate

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Re: My first truly public headgear adventure.
« Reply #1 on: 06. August 2012, 00:43:10 AM »
Sounds like it was a pretty great experience. Where would you go next?

Offline tommorowdies

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Re: My first truly public headgear adventure.
« Reply #2 on: 14. August 2012, 02:02:25 AM »
unlike most of the stories on this website, this adventure is 100% true. 

Hey! My stories are true too!  :P

Cool storey tho....

Offline brenner

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Re: My first truly public headgear adventure.
« Reply #3 on: 17. December 2013, 22:06:46 PM »
Very cool. When you have others, please post here. Thanks ...


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Re: My first truly public headgear adventure.
« Reply #4 on: 09. October 2015, 14:46:58 PM »

First, please excuse me for my english as i'm not english native.
I have fake braces since 2 years I wore the metal upper and lower braces occasionaly, always when i'm alone for shopping, and only when i'm far from home so no one can recognize me.
Wearing headgear outside is even more diificult.
I wore it two times before this summer but on very short period, while jogging and one time in a supermarket but only in the parking and the commercial gallery for few minutes before being unable to go further and leaving.
But this time, i was decided to do it. So i enjoyed of three days at the end of july, alone without my family in a family holiday house i had to go for some works and where i don't go anymore than one time every two years. The house was empty because others members of my family had gone for 5 days.
The house is ideally located near from shops by feet and where i don't know much people
So on wednesday in the beginning of the afternoon i decided it was time .
I put on my metal braces and my headgear which is a j hook headgear A traditionnal blue j hooks headgear with white cheekpads. What would happen if i met a neighbour while going out of the house ? As i don't know them very much and they don't know me much more,i imagined i would tell them i have to wear that "stupid" brace because i have braces since more than 2 years and that it doesn't work so i have to wear the headgear which is the last chance to avoid surgery. I would also add that i have to wear it at least 14h per day so i wear it outside It's very important for me to have a credible story to tell to secure me if i have to explain. I have to be in a character to enjoy my headgear public experience.
I went out but no neighbour was on my way I started to walk in the street which was desert at this hour. The next avenue wasn't desert : there was some traffic and i had to stop at a crosswalk.
My heart was beating very strong with the feeling that all stopped car drivers were looking at me, which, in fact, was wrong.
I crossed the road, the most exciting was to come, no reverse gear now, i was in front of a little supermarket.
I walked through the parking and in font of the main entrance i met for the first time, very closely, three people talking together .
They did't seem to look at me.
At this time i was about to enter the supermarket No gallery just the entrance, the time had come.
Now i was inside , the supermarket is fairly small so it's very difficult to hide in the linears. The first thing i noticed was that even at this hour, there was numerous people in , workers or clients and that due to the small size of the shop, it would be impossible to avoid very close visual contact. At least 20 people were in that small shop .
I walked to the fruits and choose a melon. I felt the look of people around me. I felt the embarassment of some of these people, wondering what the hell i had on my head and mouth. I felt so excited and pressured.
I bravely took my time and breathe deeply to go on to the snacks and drinks row.
This row was empty, which allowed me a rest, to quiet down before going to the cashier.
The worst was to come.
Only one checkout was opened
There were 4 people waiting. I was the fifth And a sixth client had now taken range behind me, i was prisonner of the queue.
The time was becoming very long as one of the clients had lots of articles and complicated drinks to buy maybe for a restaurant which required some administrative checking, that was very very long.
Imagine you can't move or leave the queue which is very narrow and that people can peer you very closely for long minutes staring at your blue straps and your metal j hooks.
I managed to avoid any visual contact standing concentrated on my plastic bag.
After the longest ten  minutes of my life, it was my turn.
The cashier was very concentrated on my articles and didn't seem to notice anything about me.
At that time she suddenly raised her head up.
I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my breast.
"Can i check your plastic bag is empty please ?"
"Yes for sure " i stammed in a very distintctive voice which suprised me.
"Ok , 12€50 " She wasn't concerned by me at all!
I paid cash and last little torture, she managed to give my money back in numerous little coins which took her eternity seconds to find in her money. I quickly took my money and went out of the shop.
I had done it !
You can't imagine the feeling of freedom when going out of the shop, even now i was in the street and still had to come back to home.
Done ! I was telling myself "i did it"
I did not spend more than 15 minutes in the shop but il felt like it was an eternity.
I was so excited that i can't remember the come back to home.
I juste remember i did't meet any neighbour .
I would say i loved the experience and would encourage all the braces fans to try it one day.
I enjoyed so much that my decision was taken : tomorrow i would go to one of the biggest supermarket of the town , 15 minutes by feet from home, with my headgear.
See you next !

Offline coffeemate

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Re: My first truly public headgear adventure.
« Reply #5 on: 19. March 2016, 00:12:22 AM »
Excellent update to this thread - thanks for sharing.

Offline mec

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Re: My first truly public headgear adventure.
« Reply #6 on: 28. July 2016, 10:31:32 AM »
You are so brave, i only wear my headgear in public driving my van...
But i'm not so brave to go in full of people places...

Offline bracesfanza

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Re: My first truly public headgear adventure.
« Reply #7 on: 15. October 2016, 05:43:45 AM »
Cool story.