
Author Topic: New Braces  (Read 6121 times)


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New Braces
« on: 19. July 2015, 07:50:24 AM »
Hey Everyone.....after about 20 years of thinking about it...contemplating it and wondering what it would be like,I finally went to see an orthodontist about 6 months ago.

My teeth were pretty much OK,but a little cosmetic work would help correct things...I've always liked the look of them on other people and had a bit of a fascination on what they would be like to wear.

So i took the plunge......Last Friday my ortho put some spacers in and on Monday I went back for another appointment to finally my get braces fitted. I chose metal Damon's over the ceramic's as they stain and the metal ones I was told were a lot easier to look after...After 20 years,today was the day

After about 20 mins in the waiting room (I was Early) the asst led me to the chair,rinsed out my mouth and had me put the lip stretchers in. After that my ortho came in and cemented in the brackets and attached the archwires.with these little silver rubber bands.The lip stretchers were removed and the first thing i did was run my tongue over both the upper and lower set of my new braces.I didn't quite know what to expect but they felt a lot smoother and a lot less intricate than I had imagined.The hooks that lined each side of my uppers and lowers felt a little different from the other brackets and the archwires did feel a little tight,but they were finally on.Nothing really prepared me for when my ortho gave me a mirror so I could finally see how they looked. It took a while, but finally it sunk in that for the next 15 months or more  that when people looked at me the first thing they would see is my mouthful of me they looked fantastic and I was so pleased with what I had just done.

After it all sunk in,the ortho gave me a little talk about what to expect for the first few days,what to eat and how to keep your teeth clean while wearing braces.She then asked me what color elastics I would prefer....I didn't think I would need these at first,but she informed me it necessary...I'm not fond of colors,so I just went for the clear Rabbit elastics...they felt good,a little bit tight and wearing elastics do make your braces a little bit more noticeable but after a week of having them in,I do like them...

So that was last Monday and I am still getting used to having my braces...I still like looking at them...I like to show them off and would love to chat with someone who has the same experience.....

Offline Embracer

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Re: New Braces
« Reply #1 on: 19. July 2015, 09:50:12 AM »
I thought Damon braces didn't use rubber ligatures. Can you post a picture?

Offline kelly-Marie

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Re: New Braces
« Reply #2 on: 24. July 2015, 23:11:46 PM »
Hey there glad your enjoying your new braces I think your very lucky well done you! I would love to pictures as well if you can finally are you a boy or girl? Just curiouse

Offline coffeemate

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Re: New Braces
« Reply #3 on: 19. March 2016, 00:29:29 AM »
Congratulations on taking the plunge!

So many posters here wonder if they could convince an orthodontist to put them in braces - any tips for how you did it?

Offline Cassandra

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Re: New Braces
« Reply #4 on: 24. May 2016, 20:17:21 PM »
@coffeemate, I am pretty sure an orthodontist wouldn't need much convincing to put someone in braces. That's how they make their money, isn't it? It's like taking your car to the mechanic and being like, does it need anything? Anything at all? Anything need to be replaced, upgraded... anything? No mechanic in their right mind would be like, nope, everything is fine, bye bye. They will at least change your oil. And probably your air filters or something.

Same thing. Unless you honestly have perfectly straight teeth and a perfect bite. Do you?

Offline coffeemate

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Re: New Braces
« Reply #5 on: 15. June 2016, 04:13:53 AM »
@Cassandra, my teeth and jaws are pretty much in perfect shape - my dentist is always amazed that I never had braces. But that's a very good point.
I'm also thinking about situations in which a little interproximal shaving would take care of mild crowding just as well as braces would, or where some bonding would take care of a small gap.