I have many favourites. That is why I work on expanding TheArchive.
I write stories for my own enjoyment. When others enjoy them as well, it makes the story that much better for me. Many times I will write a story because of something that I would like to happen to me.
I wrote "Could it happen" because I was sitting in the dentists office and then the chair, and it was one way to keep myself entertained and distracted.
Sometimes a story will just have something a little unusual to it that I like. "Braces and dentures" was one of those.
We have some very talented authors here, some who have sent me the original copies of their stories. Other members have sent me stories or links to stories that they have found. It is very much appreciated when they do. Anyone that has a story that they think should be added is encouraged to send it to me.
I won't list all the stories that I like because the list would be too long, that is what TheArchive is for.
My goal when I write a story is to write something that is at least half as good as what others have written before me.
As an author, it is always greatly appreciated when someone makes a kind comment about one of my stories, even if it is a comment about something that they think could have been done differently.