I have a retainer and braces fetish on adult women,I always notice them it's the first thing I look for when a woman smiles the women normally have great teeth when they have retainers probably because they've had fixed braces first,I think this fetish comes from when I had braces/retainers as a teenager,I remember having to have 6 teeth out to make room for a brace,it was a plastic plate and quite big with no bar over my teeth,it had wires inside to push my teeth forward it was removable,the next one did have a bar over the teeth it was also removable,the last one had a bigger plate it really did fill the roof of my mouth it also had two bars over the teeth at the front which really did make you feel you had a mouthful,I had these for 2- 3 years,I must admit looking back I really enjoyed all the treatment even having impressions taken,I think this is where the fetish comes from.anybody replying to this posting keep it on the site no emails my wife does not know.