
Author Topic: Story: Champ  (Read 17398 times)

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #15 on: 21. November 2024, 21:50:03 PM »
13. No more home office
After I got my braces, I worked completely from home. Today is the day I finally have to go to the office and face my coworkers with my newly acquired braces. I talked to Peter last night and he agreed to support me on my first day in the office with my braces. It is good to have someone as supportive as him as a friend, though I am still a little nervous about meeting my coworkers.

Before I go to the office, I make sure that I clean my braces thoroughly so that my coworkers will not be able to see any food left in my braces. It takes me a while to clean them. Even though I know it has to be done, it is still a lot of work. Finally, I am happy with the way my teeth look and go to the office. During the drive, I think a lot about the reaction of my colleagues. What reassures me is remembering Peter's first day with braces. That day, no one seemed to care about them. I may have been the only person who talked to him about his braces.

I walk next to Lisa, the receptionist, and greet her, trying not to show my braces. I think she noticed them, but she does not say anything about them and just greets me. Peter is already in our room. When I arrive he smiles at me and gives me a good look at his braces with the blue elastics. I smile back and try not to show too much of my braces. Then he gives me a hug and says, "Welcome to the braces club. You look good with them." I know he is trying to be supportive, but I don’t think my braces look good.

I do not care much about the look of my braces. But what really bothers me are the expanders. They make it hard for me to talk and they are so obvious when people look at me. I want to talk to Peter more about them, but he has some important work to do. So we will have to talk later. And I have to admit that he looks so confident with his braces.

I start the day by going through my mail. There are not that many important mails in my inbox. Yet one mail sticks out, it is from my boss and it is an invitation to a meeting this afternoon. Normally, my boss does not invite me to meetings, especially not on short notice. I am curious about what he has to tell me. My first day in the office and I already have a private meeting with my boss. This is pretty unusual, but I will see what he wants to tell me. I get along pretty well with him, so I am not expecting any trouble. The only thing is that my meeting with him on my first day in the office with braces and expanders is bad timing.

My thoughts about the meeting with my boss are interrupted by Peter, "Tim, sorry I did not have time to talk to you. How are you doing with the braces?" I was hoping Peter would talk to me and reply, "I think I am doing well with the braces. But the expanders are next level. They make my mouth feel so full. And they cause a lot of pain. And cleaning them is another story.” Peter hugs me again and says, "I feel for you. You know I got my braces in small steps. First I started with removable braces, then I got fixed braces for only two weeks, and then I decided to have them for longer. I even got my TPA on another day. You, on the other hand, got them all at once, plus these expanders.”

Knowing his story, I know what he is talking about, "Thank you Peter, that really is a lot to handle. I hope I can handle it all. And I am really lucky to have you as a supporter and Lynn as my favorite orthodontist.” As soon as I mentioned Lynn, I knew I may have done something wrong. When Peter heard that name, his face turned almost pale white and he looks really unhappy now. That was my fault, I shouldn't have mentioned that name. Peter sees the expression on my face and tells me, "Sorry, it is not your fault. I am still not over losing Lynn as a girlfriend. I liked her so much and I was such an idiot." Now I hug him and tears stream from his eyes.

After a while he calms down and I am able to talk to him again. "Peter, I met her and she is a wonderful person. I know why you miss her so much," I tell him. Peter turns to me, "Thanks Tim, it was all my fault. I don't know why, but I slept with Alex and cheated on Lynn. I am the dumbest person on the planet and I do not even know why I did it. This is so humiliating.”

I know he is telling the truth, so I reply, "Peter, I know you are deeply regretting this, but I think you may have hurt Lynn in a way that is beyond healing or will take a long time to heal. He hugs me and cries again, "Tim, you are right. I think I need to focus on other girls. You know, it is kind of easy for me to get other girls thanks to my braces, but I still want Lynn back. Maybe that will not happen and I should really think about other girls.”

Compared to Peter, my problems seems minor. My only problem is the pain caused by my expanders, tough Peter has to deal with the breakup with his favorite girl and their relationship looks like it is beyond repair. This does not help me deal with my expanders, but I also want to help Peter, but I have no idea how to help him. I know he has spent many nights with other girls, but the only girl he wants is Lynn.

On my first day in the office with braces, I met only a few of my coworkers. I saw most of them at dinner in our canteen. I was there with Peter and no one talked to me about my braces. They all seemed to notice them, but were too polite to mention it. Peter had told me this would happen, but now I was experiencing it first hand. Peter had told me about the empty toilet in the basement, so I went there after dinner to brush my teeth. It was good to do it in private because I didn't want anyone to see me.

After dinner, my mind focuses on the upcoming meeting with my boss. I don't know what he wants from me, and I am a little nervous. He doesn't know about my braces, so they will be a surprise for him. However, I am not sure what he is going to tell me. This is not good for me because I usually plan ahead. This time, however, it will be a surprise to me.

I walk into my boss's office and he greets me, "Hi Tim, nice to meet you. Please have a seat." I do as I am told. He continues, "Tim, you are doing such a great job. I think you are one of my best employees.” Okay, at least he is not going to fire me. But why did he ask me into his office? I will find out very soon.

Then he tells me about a project our company is doing in a city 200 kilometers up north. The project is not going very well. And he thinks they need additional support to complete the project. He then tells me that I am the ideal person to fix this project. I will have to stay there for at least six months. I immediately realize that this would interfere with my training for the Sauna World Championships. On the other hand, I know that this is a great opportunity to show my true potential and that being successful in this project would be a great boost to my career.

With some hesitation, I agree to help this project. The company would pay for my accommodation and I will be able to go home on weekends. At least I will be able to train a little at home. Of course, this project would interfere with my job at the local sauna. I knew my boss there will be not very happy, but I still do not want to lose the opportunity this project gives me. If only this project was offered to me after the World Championships. Before that, it causes a lot of trouble.

As I am leaving, I notice that Lisa, the receptionist, has already left the office. As I reach the parking lot I see Peter's car pull away and I think I could spot Lisa on the passenger seat. Looks like Peter is trying to make up for losing Lynn with another girl. I felt sorry for him, but I am also a little jealous. I really like Lisa and she is also a candidate to be my girlfriend. But Peter was faster and took her first. Peter has again used the power of his braces to get a girl. I am not angry with him, but I am jealous and reminded myself that I have to be faster next time.

On the way home I think a lot about the new project and about Peter. The new project will have a huge impact on my training. And it will give me a great a chance to show my full potential. The downside is that I will not see Peter a lot, I am used to him and like his supportive attitude. And I plan to pack my things, because my shift on the project will start in two days.

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #16 on: 21. November 2024, 21:50:38 PM »
14. The project
The two days leading up to the project were absolutely brutal for me. I had to pack my stuff for the trip and clean my apartment. I do not like to come back to a dirty apartment, so I had to make sure everything was perfect. Then I had to talk to my boss at the sauna place. I had to tell him that I would not be able to do any shifts during the week. He was not happy to hear that I would only be available on weekends.

During the project I will live in a small apartment rented by my company. So at least I do not have any additional expenses because of the project. I had also read some of the documentation provided by those already working on the project. They were implementing a new materials management system to replace the company's older system. The project had started out very ambitious, but was quickly scaled back after the first serious problems were discovered. The main problem, as with most of these projects, was the integration of legacy systems still used by the company and the need to change the company's internal processes.

As soon as I arrived at the company, they dragged me into a large meeting room. In the room were all the key players involved in the system and my colleagues who were already working on the project. Everyone presented the status of their work and the problems they were working on. My role would be to work as a quality manager and help them prioritize the biggest issues. As I listened to their presentations and the conversation, I soon discovered what their biggest problem was. My company's team and their team were not speaking the same language. They were using different terms for the exact same things.

Although my role was designated as Quality Manager, I knew that I would be spending most of my time translating between the two parties. On the plus side, the atmosphere was good. People communicated in a friendly manner and treated each other with respect. This was a good sign, as I had seen other projects that were more like a war zone.

I briefly introduced myself to the team and expressed my confidence that we could bring this project to a good conclusion. I had twisted my expander the other day and this time I felt a lot of pain. So I was glad I didn't have to talk too much. I hoped that the pain would mean that the tooth was moving and that I might be able to avoid surgery. I really hate the idea of breaking my jaw into pieces and I imagine the pain.

I had asked someone to show me their old system and then the new system in its current state. A girl of about twenty-five got the job of showing me the systems. She looks pretty normal, with brown hair and an okay body. She is not fat or thin. However, she wasn't interested in small talk. Looks like she is in a bad mood today, I hope it will improve in the next few hours. I will be working with her a lot and it would be nice to have someone to talk to.

My braces are killing me. They haven't hurt this much since the day they were installed. This is not a good time to be distracted by braces. I need to focus on this project. There is still a lot I do not know and I have to learn it fast. Saving this project would really impress my boss and can have a big impact on my career. So I force myself to focus on the work and push the pain away. This is really hard work, man do I regret getting braces right now.

She is really good at explaining things and I soon have a good impression of the old system. It doesn't look too bad, but it has a few quirks. The main problem is that it was written in a very old programming language by someone who used to work at the company. That person has left the company, and they are left with a system that no one really understands. So they had to do something if they wanted to make changes in the future.

Dealing with in-house developed systems and replacing them with a standard solution is a typical job for my company. Sometimes the old developer is still around to answer questions, but this time he is not available. She did not mention the reason for his unavailability and I do not want to ask.

I ask her a bunch of questions about the old system and she gives me very good insight. I also notice that her mood has changed. She is more open now and finally smiles sometimes. When she smiles, her teeth look strange to me. It takes me a while to figure out the reason. She wears clear aligners to straighten her teeth. Was she trying to hide them at first, or is she one of those people who needs time to warm up when talking to strangers? Honestly, I do not know. Anyway, she feels better now and she looks so much better when she smiles.

My braces are still killing me and I need some painkillers, unfortunately I left them at home. I have to ask her if she knows where the nearest drugstore is. This may be an inappropriate question in this business setting, but I really need those painkillers. I turn to her, giving her a good look at my braces, "Can I ask you something? Do you know where the nearest drugstore is? My braces are hurting and I need some pain killers."

She smiles at me and to my relief replies, "It's only two blocks away. When you get to the entrance, just head north and you will find it easily. And if you want, I can give you one of my painkillers." I accept her offer, and the prospect of having my pain relieved soon helps a lot. I should have asked her sooner.

She watches me take the pill and says, "When I saw your braces, I wondered if they hurt.” I nod and tell her, "I just got them recently and they hurt from time to time. I also have expanders on my upper and lower jaw and they can hurt a lot, especially after the screws are turned. And thank you for the pill. You have helped me so much.”

She looks at me and removes the aligners from her teeth, "I have braces too, but mine are less noticeable. I admire your courage. It takes a lot of courage to wear braces as an adult. And by the way, my name is Sarah." I reply. "You can call me Tim." After a pause, I add, "You know, my orthodontist didn't give me much of a choice. She says I really need them to prevent problems in the future. I also wanted clear aligners, but I ended up with these." I point my finger at the braces in my mouth.

Sarah says, "Come on, let's take a break. We can get something to eat and we can buy you some more painkillers." That is a very good idea and I say, "That sounds like a good plan. Let's go. I am getting hungry and I think I need more painkillers today. I do not know why, but today my braces hurt more than ever.”

We pack our bags and head to the mall. The food there is pretty good and on Sarah's advice I buy an extra toothbrush and some toothpaste. And of course a package of strong painkillers. She shows me where to brush my teeth at the mall and does so before putting her aligners back in.

The rest of the day is pretty tiring. Sarah shows me the status of the new system and I quickly realize there is a lot to do. We are the last to leave the office that evening and all I want to do is go to bed. I'm glad Sarah didn't offer to take me to a bar or something. I think she is just as exhausted as I am. I don't even want to eat, the only thing I want to do is sleep. And I am glad that I met Sarah, she seems to be a nice person. I really hope she is unattached.

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #17 on: 21. November 2024, 21:51:23 PM »
15. Adjustment
The next two weeks are a crunch time that usually only happens to game developers. It basically means that all you do is work, sleep, and eat while you work. I even worked on weekends. I worked mostly with Sarah and I think we have identified the biggest bugs in the system and are working on a plan to fix them.

The plan we presented to the team can be described as waiting for the real plan. Of course, it is a bit more than that. We have identified three major problems in the project. The team will work on those issues while we work on a more comprehensive plan. To address the communication issues, the team also needs to write a glossary. This will help with the communication issues in the project. Everyone will use the same term for the same thing.

The only free time I spent was at the local sauna. I wanted to watch the performances of their sauna masters and see if I could learn something from them. Other than that, I didn't find any time to practice. If I really want to become a world champion, I have to change that. The biggest and most important competition of my life is not far away.

Because I was away from my hometown, I had to postpone my orthodontist appointment. I am the first patient on Monday morning. I drove home Sunday night and will be driving back immediately after the appointment. I have never had an orthodontic adjustment before, so I am excited to see what will happen today. And there is this elephant in the room. The treatment plan mentioned an optional face mask. I really hope I can avoid that fate. I have seen pictures online and they look pretty scary.

I walk into Lynn's office and am greeted warmly by Ann, "Welcome Tim, I hope you are doing well. I smile at her, "Good morning Ann, I think I am fine. Since I've been taking painkillers almost every day, my braces haven't hurt as much lately. I am not sure if I should tell them this. Maybe I shouldn't take so many pills. I decide not to and head for the treatment room where Lynn is waiting for me.

Lynn leads me to the treatment chair. I know they don't have much time for me this morning as they had to fit my appointment into an already tight schedule. I don't mind if it doesn't take long because I really need to get back to work. In the chair, Lynn inspects my braces and mumbles something, mostly to herself and Tamara, the assistant. What I can decipher is that she seems quite pleased with my progress.

"Tim, everything looks good so far. Your expanders are doing their job and I am pretty sure we can avoid surgery." Then she looks in Tamara's direction, "Remove his wire and give him a chance to brush his teeth without it. We will stay with the same wire and you can put it back in after he brushes his teeth.” I was expecting them to change the wire, but they are the experts and I am sure they know what they are doing.

"Okay Tim, let's remove this wire," Tamara says. She puts a lip spreader in my mouth and starts working on my teeth. It doesn't take her long and she presents me with the wire that was in my mouth. She smiles at me and tells me I can brush my teeth now. She walks me to the sink and hands me a toothbrush. Then she takes a tooth model out of the cabinet and says, "I'm going to show you some tips on how to brush your teeth. I have seen that you have some problems with brushing your teeth. This is normal, I will just show you how to do it properly.

It feels a little humiliating to be told that you are not brushing your teeth properly. I know that some of the problems may be because I am overworked. And I have often brushed my teeth when I was half asleep. Tamara is really nice and I like the way she presents the brushing techniques to me. I really like her, but unfortunately she is too young for me. Otherwise I would have asked her out. Her explanations really helped and my braces are so much cleaner than they were before. Tamara is also happy and I am allowed to return to the chair.

When I return to the chair, Lynn is working on another patient. It is a young boy and I see that he has to wear a face mask. Those look scary on the Internet, but they are even scarier in real life. I really hope I do not have to get one for myself. The expanders and braces are enough for me and I do not want another device.

It doesn't take Tamara long to reattach my wire. I really like being treated by her and she does a great job. And it feels much nicer to have the wire back in. Without the wire, the brackets were scratching my cheeks quite a bit. Tamara then says, "Please wait for Lynn, she has to check my work and I think she also has some additions for your braces. That last sentence really shocks me. I do not want any more appliances and especially no face mask.

I only have to wait two minutes for Lynn, but the prospect of getting more equipment really shocks me. I think my face is paler than usual and Tamara seems to have noticed my panic as well. Then Lynn comes over to my chair and says, "Sorry Tim, we don't have a lot of time today. I can tell you that your treatment is going really well. I think you will soon notice a gap between your front teeth. This is because your expanders are doing their job. I think we can start with your rubber bands today. They will help us align your jaws better.”

Just rubber bands, life seems to come back into my body. I look at them and say, "I was really afraid I was going to get a face mask today. They look so uncomfortable and I do not want to wear one." Lynn laughs, "I was wondering why you looked so scared. That explains a lot to me. No, I think we can avoid a face mask and surgery for your treatment. If things continue to go so well.” Then she takes out a pack of rubber bands and starts putting them on my mouth.

Then she tells me, "Please continue to turn your expanders and come back in four weeks. Tamara will show you how to attach your rubber bands and be sure to wear them at all times except when eating or brushing your teeth. She then walks away and talks to another patient, a young girl with removable braces, accompanied by her mother.

Tamara returns to my chair and apologizes, "Sorry, I didn't mean to shock you. I didn't know you were expecting a face mask." I am not sure if she is telling the truth, maybe she was teasing me, but I reply, "Apology expected, now show me how to use these rubber bands.” She smiles at me and shows me the package of rubber bands. There is a sketch of teeth on the package and she has marked the teeth where I should attach the rubber bands.

The pattern for me is to start on my upper first molar and work my way down to my lower canine. I have to use the same pattern on both sides. Tamara tells me that this would help move my lower jaw back and my upper jaw forward, thus fixing my Class III bite. Then she teases me again and says, "A face mask would do something similar, but with a lot more force.” I usually love being teased by girls, but today it is too much. I had already imagined myself wearing the dreaded face mask. I am so happy that I only have to wear rubber bands.

After she showed me how to add the rubber bands, it was my turn to practice attaching them. She had shown me two techniques, the first was to simply use a finger to add the rubber band and the other was to use a special tool. I try both techniques and I think the one using just my finger works best for me. Tamara is pleased with my practice session and I am allowed to leave.

Before I leave the office, I have a quick chat with Ann. She congratulates me on the progress of my treatment. I can clearly see the retainers she is wearing. I wonder if she wears them more than necessary to appear supportive to anxious patients. In the end, I get an appointment in four weeks, as the first patient on Monday morning. It is really nice of them to fit me into their tight schedule. I am sure not every orthodontist would be so kind.

Then I hurry to my car. I have only three hours before the first meeting, and according to my navigation system, I will arrive only ten minutes before the meeting. I really hope there are no more traffic jams on my route. My new rubber bands are also noticeable, they have already started to pull on my teeth. I have to make sure I take some painkillers before the meeting. I should have done it early this morning, but I was in a hurry.

I manage to get to the office in time for the meeting. I am not sure if my colleagues will notice my new rubber bands. And I don't think anyone would mention them anyway. Except maybe Sarah, who knows a lot about my treatment. We have talked a lot about my treatment over the past two weeks, and we have compared her treatment to mine.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #18 on: 21. November 2024, 21:52:04 PM »
16. Loosing track
This project is really taking up my whole life. I am still on a work, eat and sleep schedule. I have no time to do anything else. It all started with me wanting to achieve three goals: fix my teeth, get a girl and become world champion. Now it looks like I am failing at least two of those goals because this project is taking up all my time. Obviously I need to change this, but I don't know how to do it at the moment.

The only goal I am making progress on is fixing my teeth. This is easy as all I have to do is turn the expanders and change the rubber bands from time to time. Of course, brushing my teeth takes a bit longer. I think I'm getting on well with my treatment and the braces haven't hurt as much lately. I have almost stopped taking painkillers.

Shortly after my first fitting I noticed a small gap between my front teeth. I think this is a very good sign that my treatment is going well. I even wrote to Lynn and she assured me that it was indeed a good sign and that I should keep up the good work. Sarah also noticed the gap and told me it looked funny. She has also been very supportive over the last few days.

With so little time left for training, the goal of becoming a world champion seems almost unattainable. I need to work on my technique, improve my physical fitness, and develop a choreography for my performance. I will be competing against the best sauna masters in the world and my training is not enough for that.

I watch some videos to get inspiration for my choreography and to see some good techniques. And I think a lot about the competition in every free moment. Like when I brush my teeth and braces, when I drive my car or when I go to the bathroom. But it all seems to be not enough. At least I have decided on the costume I want to wear. I will wear a butler's suit. I hope this will make me look different from the other contestants.

And getting a girl is also a long way off. I have had two girls in the last few weeks, but I am not sure what to think about these encounters. Tessa only wanted me because I looked so vulnerable and weak. When she told me this, I did not like the idea at all. After all, I am a man and I do not want girls to think of me as a weak person.

And I don't know if Sandra hurt me even more. The first night she was really nice and I wanted to get to know her better. I really liked her invitation to her house. But what happened at the house shocked me. She really liked the things she did to me, but it was just too much for me. The good thing is that at least I had two girls.

Sarah and I are still working on the overall plan for the project. There are so many things to consider and we have already discovered so many issues that need to be addressed. When you turn over a stone, you discover even more problems behind that stone. The fun part is working with Sarah, I really like being with her. The only thing I do not know is if she is single. She is a bit secretive about her personal life. The only personal thing I know about her is her aligner treatment.

Something unexpected happened today. While we were working on our plan, Sarah asked me, "Do you want to go to a bar after work?" This was really a surprise to me because she hasn't shown any signs of wanting to meet me in private. Of course I replied, "I would love to go to a bar. Do you know a good place?" She suggested a bar near our office and I agreed. I was so happy to finally meet her outside the office.

We enter the bar together and I can see why she suggested this bar. The bar looks modern and clean, but also has a unique style. This is really a nice place to spend an evening with a good looking girl. I ask her, "What would you like to drink?" To my surprise she replies, "Let's have a pitcher of beer." Of course I order the pitcher.

I toast her and she takes a big gulp from her glass. Looks like she has some experience in drinking. Then she takes out her aligners and puts them in her retainer box. She says, "Oops, I forgot to take them out. I am not supposed to wear them when I drink anything but water. I point to my rubber bands and braces and say, "I do not have to take out my rubber bands and I cannot take out my braces.” She laughs, "Looks like one of the advantages of fixed braces.” I laugh at her joke, but I still want to be able to take off my braces like she can with her aligners.

We stay at the bar for quite a while. She really drinks a lot of beer and we discuss various topics. Then she asks me if I want a coffee. I immediately realized what she is talking about and suggests we go to my place. Neither of us are fit to drive due to the amount of beer we have had, so we take a taxi to my rented apartment.

When I close the door to my apartment, she immediately starts kissing me. She is an amazing kisser. I really like kissing her and being kissed by her. At first it is just our lips meeting, but soon her tongue is exploring my mouth. I can feel it touching the brackets of my braces. Later her tongue goes deeper and comes in contact with my expanders. I really like what she is doing and I get the feeling that she wants to go further.

There is something I have to do now, "Sarah, I have to brush my teeth and change my rubber bands.” She says, "Sure, I hope you have an extra toothbrush for me. I have to brush my teeth too.” Of course I have a toothbrush for her, you can never have enough toothbrushes when you have braces.

She watches me carefully as I brush my teeth. With her aligners she is much faster than me and I want to clean my teeth properly. She has a fascinated look on her face as I carefully brush each tooth and bracket. She is even more fascinated when I put a new set of rubber bands on my braces. Then she inserts her aligner and I can hear a click as they snap into place.

With the aligners in place, she drags me into my bedroom. Soon I am not wearing any clothes and neither is she. What happens next is one of the most intense moments of my life. Her body is so hot and she helps me to explore my body even better. This girl is really amazing and I hope this night never ends.

We both wake up the next morning still cuddling. I love the way her body feels. Unfortunately it is quite late and we do not have time to repeat last night. Instead we both take a shower and get ready for work. There is not even time for breakfast as we are already quite late.

No one should be able to tell that we spent the night together. So she takes the bus to the office while I take a taxi to the office. Our cars are still parked near the bar, but we can take them home after work because the bar is not far from our office building.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #19 on: 22. November 2024, 02:12:38 AM »
Great story!

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #20 on: 24. November 2024, 21:06:43 PM »
17. Sarah
Spending the night with Sarah was an amazing experience. I really enjoyed being with her. And this time I am not thinking about marrying her right away. I want to let our relationship grow slowly. After all, I have plenty of time, because this project is going to take a long time, and I have plenty of time to get to know her better. It feels really good to have another girl in my life. Now that I finally started looking for her, I am finding her. I was really too passive in looking for girls in the past.

I had to turn my expanders this morning and it was really painful this time. When I arrive at the office, Sarah notices that I am in pain and she also notices that the gap between my front teeth has widened. When I touch my teeth with my finger, I can now feel the gap. Obviously my expanders are doing their job. If only they could do it with less pain. Or is it the rubber bands that cause the pain? I cannot tell, there is just so much pain in my mouth.

Sarah wants to help me with the pain. Whenever we are alone, she kisses me and that really helps to distract me from the pain. She is an amazing kisser and I love how she takes the pain away. I feel really lucky to have met her on this project. Without her this would be a rather boring project and I would only be participating to boost my career. With her, this is an amazing project and I look forward to what comes next.

This workday is amazing. I enjoy every moment of it. When no one is watching us, Sarah kisses me. I love those moments when I can feel her close. So far, this is one of the best work days I have ever had. The downside is the pain from my braces. I expected pain from them, but this was more than I expected. Without Sarah and her kisses, this would be a miserable day.

Sarah had suggested that we have lunch at a restaurant where they serve a variety of soups. Eating soup was a very good idea considering the pain from my braces. I do not think I can eat any hard food today. The restaurant is not far from our office, but Sarah is sure that we will not meet any other colleagues there.

Sarah is right, we are almost alone in this restaurant. So we have a lot of time to kiss each other. And the soup tastes really good and goes well with my braces. During the meal I watch Sarah remove her aligners. I can only remove the rubber bands. I would love a break from these braces. I am really jealous that she is able to straighten her teeth with clear aligners. Life is not so easy for me, I still have to wear these braces and painful expanders.

She notices that I am in pain and gives me an even more passionate kiss. Oh God, I love it when she kisses me. We both go to the bathroom in the restaurant to brush our teeth. With my pain today, brushing is not so easy for me. Every time the toothbrush touches the brackets, the pain increases and it takes me a while to finish brushing. I come back from the bathroom with a fresh set of rubber bands. And she is wearing her aligners again. The aligners are hard for a stranger to see, but I can spot them very easily.

We spent the rest of the day working on the project. But we kiss each other every chance we get. I love touching her aligner with my tongue. The plastic is so soft and smooth. I have never kissed a girl with Hawley retainers before, but I think this is different. There is less plastic in her mouth and of course no labial bow. Maybe one day I can kiss a girl with Hawley retainers. Besides, I really enjoy exploring her aligners. And she loves my braces too, her tongue has touched every part of them.

I was expecting an invitation tonight, but for some reason Sarah did not invite me. Maybe she wants to let things grow slowly. I think she might be right. With the last two girls I was really fast and it all ended rather badly. So maybe a slower approach is better for me. Even though I really want to feel her body. On the one hand I really want to wait for her, but on the other hand I can feel my desire. My body is ready for her.

The next morning I meet Sarah in the office. She seems much more distant. She kissed me, but I think she did it with more passion yesterday. Her kisses were almost out of this world and for me she is the perfect kisser. But the kisses I get today are more like ordinary kisses and they lack the passion.

I have no time to talk to her privately. Today we have to present the comprehensive plan to the team. Fortunately, my braces are not hurting me at all today. So I can talk to the team without any pain. The team has some questions about the plan, but they all agree that it is a very good plan to fix the problems the project is facing. And Sarah is a very good help in presenting the plan. She has a natural ability to focus a team on the most important issues.

Toward the end of the day, Sarah takes me to a conference room. Since it is late, we have the room to ourselves. No one will disturb our conversation. I hope she will invite me for another coffee, maybe at her place.

Then she looks at me and says, "Sorry Tim, I had a fight with my boyfriend the day before yesterday and we broke up. That's why I wanted to spend the night with you. Last night we talked and decided to stay together. You know that he is not happy with me spending almost my whole life on this project. But yesterday I was able to convince him that I will soon be able to reduce the work on this project.” I heard her say this, but I could not believe it. Was she just another girl who abused me? This time I had to stand in for her boyfriend. This time it was not my braces that hurt me, it was my brain that almost exploded.

I do not want to give up, "Please Sarah, I love you and I want to be with you.” She looks at me with a knowing look, "Tim, I still love my boyfriend and I want him back. I am so sorry for hurting you yesterday." Then she kisses me and it feels so good. Then I cannot hold back my tears and I start to cry.

She tries to stop me, but not very successfully. I tell her with tears in my eyes, "I really loved you and now you drop me. Please leave your boyfriend and take me.” I know she will not dump her boyfriend, but I have to try. She replies, "Tim, I still like him and I do not want to break up. We can still be friends and share some kisses, but I want to be with him.”

This is devastating news for me. Once again, a girl has used me for her own personal gain. This time as a substitute for her boyfriend. I know Peter thinks braces attract girls, but is it worth it if they just abuse me? My thoughts are interrupted by her kissing me. I try to ignore what she told me and enjoy the kiss. She seems to have no problem sharing kisses with two boys. And I think maybe I should kiss her, just for the amazing experience.

I don't know why, but I decide to forgive Sarah for playing with me. After all, she is a nice girl and I feel good around her. Oh God, I am so desperate for a girlfriend that I am willing to take any straw. But she has a boyfriend and I know that I am only her second choice. I will have to look for another girl soon, but today I want to enjoy her kisses.

I have to ask her the question, "Is your boyfriend okay with this?" She smiles at me and says, "Sure, we have an open relationship now. That was one of my conditions. He is fine as long as we practice safe sex.” Hearing that is very exciting for me. I have never shared a girl with another boy before. I reply, "It's okay with me as long as it is okay with him. I do not want to cause a breakup. And I definitely need some distraction.”

We lock the conference room and lower the blinds. No one will be able to see what we are doing. Soon our clothes are on the floor. She has such an amazing body and I really enjoy what happens next. I can even ignore the fact that she has another boyfriend. It is just wonderful to be with her. Maybe braces are not the tool to get a girlfriend, but at least they help to have fun with a girl.

Soon after, we leave the office. She goes back to her boyfriend and I go back to my apartment alone. The good thing for me is that we presented the plan to the team. So maybe the workload will shift to the rest of the team and I can finally focus on training again. I am confident it will work out. And if it doesn't, I will still reduce my work on the project and focus on the Sauna World Championships.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #21 on: 24. November 2024, 21:20:21 PM »
18. Back to Training
Our refined plan is working. Now the workload has shifted to the other team members, leaving me and Sarah much more time for our personal lives. She is spending more time with her boyfriend and their relationship has improved. We still exchange a few kisses from time to time, but nothing more has happened since that night in the conference room.

I am fine with just the kisses from her. I do not need anything more as long as she is in a relationship with another boy. And it is also clear to me that I do not want an open relationship. I want a girl just for me. So I have to look for another nice girl and I deeply hope that my next relationship has less surprises, like lesbian girl and so on.

So my plan is to find another girl and get back to training. I am not able to practice in the sauna during the week. Instead I work on my fitness. Now that I know that I will be appearing in a butler suit, it is clear that I need to be extra fit. The suit will make me sweat a lot, so it will be even more strenuous than a normal sauna session. At least I will go home every Friday and start practicing in the sauna again. I am really looking forward to it.

Claudia welcomes me when I arrive at the sauna. I really like being back in my training sauna, technically it is work but I enjoy it so much. And it is also nice to meet Claudia. She hugs me, "Oh Tim, it is so good to have you back. We have really missed you and many guests have asked for you.” I smile at her, giving her a good look at my braces, "Good to see Claudia. I missed you too."

She is a little surprised, "Wow, your braces are doing their job. You have a huge gap now." It is good that she mentions the gap, I was wondering how obvious it is. "I'm really glad they work too. And I already have rubber bands to fix my bite," is my reply. Then I open my mouth and show her the rubber bands. She says, "I'm so happy for you. I hope you are not in much pain.”

Then I remember that her son also needed orthodontic treatment, "How is your son's treatment going? Does he have his braces?" Claudia seems happy that I remembered this detail, "He got his braces two weeks ago. Top and bottom braces. They are no big deal for him and he likes that he can change the color. Another thing is the headgear he got. He has to wear it overnight and it is a big struggle for me to get him to wear it. We fight about it almost every night.”

I can imagine Claudia chasing her boy with the headgear in her hand. It must be very stressful for her and her son. "I am glad to hear that he is doing well with the braces. And I think he will get used to the headgear soon," I reply, not sure if you can ever get used to headgear. She says, "Maybe you are right. I am just a little tired of fighting.”

Then my boss comes around the corner and tells us to get back to work. And he also tells me that he is happy to have me back at least for the weekend shifts. I prepare the supplies for my first sauna infusion today. I will be using lemongrass as the scent in combination with ice and of course water.

It feels so good to finally be back in a sauna. I love that everyone is watching me, I almost feel like the center of the universe. The guests enjoy the three sauna rounds and I am happy with the practice I get. I did really well with the heat management. I managed to increase the heat with each round, which made the third round intense. However, no guest had to leave the sauna early because of the heat. This is exactly what I wanted to achieve.

The rest of my day flies by. My training is going really well and I am getting more and more confident for the World Championships. And I am now confident enough to wear my braces in front of strangers and be the center of their attention. I didn't feel that confident the first day I wore my braces. I was distracted by what people might think about my braces. Now I have accepted them as a part of me.

Speaking of braces, the pain is gone. I still have to turn my expanders and change my elastics, but I do not need painkillers. Brushing and flossing is still a struggle, but I am getting better at it. It feels good to have my teeth fixed without the pain of the first few weeks. And the gap between my front teeth looks funny. The rest of my treatment should be the same as it is now. Please no more pain and constant need for painkillers. Just rotate the expanders and change my rubber bands. Yes, that would be great.

Except for the gap, I cannot see any difference. My teeth still look crooked. And the archwire seems to accentuate the crookedness even more. Looking at the wire, I suspect that this wire is not able to do the job. The wire is thinner than any I have seen on other braces. Maybe the next time I go to the orthodontist I will get a thicker wire. A thicker wire is certainly needed, but should I look forward to getting one? Now that the pain is finally gone. I will ask for a thicker wire at my next appointment, even if it contradicts my wish for painless treatment.

I really hope Tamara will change my wire. She is such a nice girl and I like being treated by her. And I like it even more when she teases me. I am sure that on my next visit she will tease me about wearing a face mask. I would really like to be with her. But I have to forget this. There is no way I will have a relationship with a teenager. I have to find another girl or wait for her to grow up. No, I will look for another girl, I cannot wait any longer.

I had another training session on Sunday. It went really well. The guests were very happy and I was happy too. And Claudia and my boss had surprised me. After the guests had left, they allowed me to perform in front of them. I was able to show them the performance I had planned for the Sauna World Championships. They had even organized a butler's suit for me.

As I expected, wearing a suit made it more difficult to perform in the sauna. Not only did I sweat more, but my ability to move was limited. But it was still a nice surprise from them and it helped me a lot. Since it was a private session, I was also able to videotape the performance. I will be able to watch the video next week and find things to improve. But still, I think there is not that much to improve. I already did really well.

Now I am working on the project again. I feel so much better now that I have my personal life back and I am back to training. Sarah is also in a much better mood. The stress of the last few weeks has left her. But she is still together with her boyfriend. I am happy for her, but it means that I have to find another girl. As a bonus we still kiss from time to time. It feels so good when her tongue explores my mouth and plays with my brackets.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #22 on: 24. November 2024, 21:37:39 PM »
19. Close to the WM
We are now less than four weeks away from the World Championship. I am so excited and looking forward to the competition. My training has been so intense and I am more than ready to perform. World Champion sounds like a nice title and there is only one person that can stop me and that is me. If I can perform at this level, then there is no one who can beat me. Wow, I am so confident now. Just a few weeks ago I couldn't train at all because the project was taking up my time. Now I am back to training and better than ever.

It is now Monday morning and I am on my way to my second braces adjustment. I have been doing really well with the braces the last week. And they had made it a lot easier for me as they did not cause much pain. Changing the rubber bands and turning the expanders felt like routine now. And the gap is now huge. Maybe I can stop turning the expanders soon. That would be a big step in my treatment.

Like last time, I am the first patient to arrive at the office. Ann is already there and looks a little tired. When she sees me, she cracks a smile for me and allows me to spot the wire of her retainer. She wears her retainer very well. Maybe she likes to wear it like Peter likes to wear his braces and rubber bands. Or maybe she just feels comfortable to wear them at an orthodontist office.

"Good morning Tim, good to see you. I hope you are doing well," she says. "Good morning, I feel good today. And nice to see you again," I reply. She thinks for a moment and then asks me, "And how are your braces?" I smile as I show her my gap, "I think they are doing their job and I haven't had any problems or pain in the last week.” She smiles, "That's a nice gap you have there. Good to see progress. I think Lynn is ready for you. You can go to the treatment room."

As I walk to the treatment room, I think about Ann. She is a really nice girl and she is my age. And I think she is also single. She would be perfect for me, but for reasons I do not know, I am not attracted to her. But there is one thing I would like to know about her. I want to know if she likes to wear her braces. Maybe Peter knows a trick to find out, I have to ask him.

My thoughts are interrupted by Lynn, "Hi Tim, please sit down" I do as she says and soon I am lying in the chair with my mouth wide open. At first Lynn is busy inspecting my mouth and does not speak at all. She also looks a little tired and sad. Maybe she is still not over Peter. I hope they will find a way to repair their relationship. They are perfect for each other. If only Peter hadn't been such an idiot and cheated on her with that other girl.

Lynn has finished checking my teeth and smiles at me. I see that she is now wearing pink elastics on her braces. The pink color suits her very well. I am curious if I will be able to have colors on my braces too. Then Lynn stops me and says, "Tim, you are a lucky man. Your expanders did a fantastic job. It is a good thing we started your treatment as soon as we did. You are still young enough to achieve significant movement with your expanders.”

She pauses for a moment and looks much happier now, "I have good news for you. You can stop turning your expanders. They have done their job. We will leave them in for three to four months so that your bone can heal and everything stays in place" Then Tamara enters the room with another patient. It is the boy from last time with the face mask. Looks like he is on the same schedule as me.

Lynn continues, "Tamara will remove your archwire and you will be able to brush your teeth properly. And I can see that you are brushing better now," I interrupt her, "I haven't seen any improvement in my teeth, just the huge gap. Will I be getting a thicker wire to fix it?" Lynn laughs, "Oh, you are a little impatient. Let me check it out for you." She looks at the computer screen next to the chair and then back into my mouth.

After checking, she says, "Okay, now you have the thinnest wire possible. I think we can start with a thicker wire today. I originally planned to do this for your next appointment, but given the speed of your movement, I think we can do it today." Hearing this makes me happy, I really want to progress with my treatment, "Thank you Lynn." She says loud enough for Tamara to hear, "Tamara can do it after you brush your teeth.”

Lynn then goes to the boy with the face mask and Tamara comes to my chair. "Morning Tim, looks like you have a nice gap." I reply, "Thank you, Tamara." I was expecting her to tease me, but maybe more with a possible face mask for my treatment. Maybe she avoided that because the boy with the mask is still in the room and he doesn't look too happy to be wearing it. Who could blame him? I would die if I had to wear one.

"Okay, let's remove these wires," she says and starts working in my mouth. It feels really good when she touches me. It is a pity that she is too young for me. Soon she has the wires in her hand. I run my tongue over my teeth. The brackets feel much rougher without the wire. I look forward to having a wire again, this time thicker.

"Tim, you can brush your teeth now," she says. I go to the sink and she follows me. I start to brush my teeth and Tamara inspects what I am doing. When I am finished she hands me a pill and says, "Chew this for a while and spit it out, it will show us if you still have plaque on your teeth.” At first I hesitate, but then I do as she says. The pill doesn't taste good and I'm happy when she finally lets me spit it out.

Then she points to the mirror, "The blue and purple dots on your teeth are plaque. It looks like you are doing a good job. Your teeth look much better than last time." I smile at her, "I tried to follow your instructions and it looks like you are a good teacher." She then tells me to rinse thoroughly and brush my teeth again. The rest of the pill needs to be removed from the surface of my teeth.

"OK, follow me to the chair and let us put this wire in," she says with a stern undertone. She holds a wire in her hand that looks exactly like the last one. She begins to probe it into my mouth. After a few adjustments and cuts, she is satisfied. Then she inserts it into my mouth for the last time and closes the doors on my brackets. She repeats the same procedure with the wire on my lower jaw.

"You are done and Lynn will check my work. And then you are ready for your face mask," she says. I know two things right away. One, the boy with the mask has left the room, and two, she is joking. I give her a knowing look and she decides to leave.

Lynn checks my new wires and seems satisfied with the fit. "OK Tim, keep wearing your rubber bands and make an appointment in four weeks. And keep up the good work. You are one of my best patients." I am happy to hear this, "Thank you Lynn and you are my best orthodontist," she laughs and hands me a pack of fresh rubber bands before she goes to the next patient.

Ann is very busy when I schedule the next appointment. So she doesn't talk much, but she's still very friendly. First patient Monday morning in four weeks. It is good that they help me so much with my tight schedule. It would be much worse if I had to drive home during the week for an appointment and then have to drive back. I like this office and the people who work here. I can see why Peter fell in love with Lynn and decided to work part-time at the office.

Now the next big thing is the World Championships. I will mainly work on my fitness until the competition. And just repeat what I have been practicing for the last few months. No new towel-waving technique or anything like that. The focus has to be on the things I already know. I don't think experimenting with new things will help.

Already at lunch I can feel the new wire working. There is no real pain this time. I can just feel my teeth being pushed into the right position. That is so nice. I am on my way to have my teeth fixed and the pain is gone. I am so grateful for what Lynn and Tamara are doing for me. And of course for Peter, who gave the initial kick start.

I met Sarah just before closing and she was interested in my last orthodontic appointment. I told her about the new wire and that I no longer have to turn my expanders. And God, she made me so horny. I had to kiss her and she did not refuse my attempt. We shared a few passionate kisses.

But kisses were not enough. I needed more from her. Soon we had locked up a conference room again and made sure that no colleagues were in the offices next door. And then we made love. I said before that I did not want to learn new things, but I learned a lot in that conference room. She is definitely amazing and I enjoy everything she does to me. It really is a shame she has a boyfriend.

We leave the conference room and she says to me "I'm going to tell George everything we did and I'm sure it will make him horny as hell." It is the first time she has mentioned his name. I feel a little jealous knowing the treatment he will get that night. "Thanks Sarah, I enjoyed it too," I reply, trying not to sound jealous. Then we part ways and I know what she will be doing tonight.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #23 on: 24. November 2024, 21:50:40 PM »
20. World Championships
Finally, I am here at the so-called "Aufguss WM", also known as the Sauna World Championships. The World Championships are held in Austria in a place where there are lots of saunas and every one of them is amazing. I am staying in a hotel next to the venue and have decided to get there a day earlier than most of my opponents. This gives me time to explore the place thoroughly.

The jury has an office on site and I decided to visit them. Most of the people there know me from other competitions. They welcomed me and a nice girl was appointed to show me around. She is very pretty and introduces herself as Martha. I like her blonde hair and the way she speaks. And her teeth look great. I hope my teeth will look like that after my treatment.

Martha walks me around and shows me the important places on the site. She shows me the sauna where the competition will be held. The room where the contestants can store their things and of course the showers. She is very good at showing me around. I ask her if she wants to share a drink with me and she agrees.

There is a small bar on the site and we go there at her suggestion. It was obvious that everyone in the bar knew her very well. And all the boys are staring at her and at me. At her because they like her looks and at me because they are jealous. Their jealous looks are amazing, I feel so proud of myself and my new ability to get around with girls.

She asks me a lot of questions about the competition. She is particularly interested in my motivation, "Why did you decide to take part in this competition? What motivates you as a young adult?" I answer, "I have always liked being in a sauna and I could immediately tell what the sauna master was doing right and where he could improve. So I wanted to become a sauna master myself. And I have to admit that there is another motivation. I really want to call myself a world champion and this is my chance." She seems satisfied with my explanation, but keeps asking me questions all evening.

We finally leave the bar and she takes me to my hotel. I ask her if she wants a coffee. To my surprise she says, "Sorry Tim, I really like you, but there is one thing I do not like at all. It is your braces. I had braces for almost six years as a child and teenager, and I cannot stand the sight of them. Sorry, you are a nice guy, but we will never be a couple as long as you wear braces" Wow, that hurts, but I try to stay calm, "Sorry to hear that. I guess I will say good night and see you tomorrow."

I lay awake in my hotel room for quite a while. Did she really dump me because of my braces? This feels terrible. I understand that she must have terrible memories of her treatment. Six years sounds long to me. But is that really a reason to dump me? I am just trying to fix my teeth, and according to Lynn, treating my problems is unavoidable. My mind goes around and around until I finally fall asleep.

The next day, after lunch, the judges present us with the rules of the competition. There are no big surprises. There is a time limit of 14 minutes and exceeding it will be punished with a deduction of points. They will focus on heat management, originality of our costumes, and safety. This is basic stuff and mostly the same as any other competition.

I chat with the other contestants. They all know me from previous competitions and most of them are men, except for one older woman. So no need to look for a girl in this group. They also give me the impression that they know I am the one to beat at the competition. And not everyone is happy about that.

Finally the competition starts and it is my turn. We are not allowed to watch our competitors, so I just have to concentrate on my performance. I enter the sauna in my butler suit. I can see that some of the judges are smiling. It looks like my costume is unique and that is a good sign.

I give them a short introduction of what is going to happen, "I am Butler Tim and I am your sauna master for tonight. We will do three rounds and we will be done in less than fourteen minutes." Then I start with the first infusion. I carefully pour the water onto the stones and feel the heat spread throughout the sauna. With the towel I spread the heat around the room. I immediately know that I have achieved the heat I wanted.

For the second round, I use a little more water. The heat in the room should increase slightly. This time I use a different towel waving technique. This technique focuses more on the guest in the sauna and allows them to feel the increased heat. I take a short break before the third round and smile at the judges. By now they have all seen my braces. I do not mind, in fact I think they should be able to see my braces, as it makes me look more confident than if I hid them.

I try to make the third round as intense as possible. I use a combination of ice and water. The heat is rising in the sauna and I can see that the judges are enjoying it. Just before the heat becomes unbearable, I use the towel to even out the heat in the sauna. So far I am very satisfied with my performance. I tell them, "We are finished and you can enjoy the afterburn for three minutes."

As I leave the room, I see that I have met the time limit almost perfectly. My performance took 13:55 minutes, which is close to the maximum allowed time of fourteen minutes. I think my performance went really well and the judges seemed impressed as well.

As usual, I was the last contestant. So shortly after my performance, the award ceremony took place. I managed to take a shower and change my clothes and now I am waiting for the results. I really hope that I am the winner of this competition. I have trained so hard and I know that my performance was great and flawless.

Third place goes to Gordon. He used a clown costume for his performance. I know he is very good, but usually his costumes are not outstanding. Second place goes to the old lady named Jenny. She was dressed as a witch and her performance must have been very good. Now only the first place is open and I really hope that I am the one.

The judge says, "And the winner is, Butler Tim. Tim really impressed us with his performance. We could hardly deduct any points from him. He is only one point away from the maximum score. Congratulations Tim and thank you for a great performance." It is starting to sink in that I am the World Champion. I finally achieved one of my goals. This is amazing.

Of course the other competitors are also congratulating me. This is an amazing night and I am sure we will be celebrating all night long. Gordon is the first to offer me a beer. I cannot tell you how much I drank that night, but it must have been a lot. I had a beer with Jenny and then with Gordon again. It was a great party and I am the world champion.

The next morning I wake up. To my surprise I have no headache. Looks like headaches are for losers and not for world champions. The only thing that is disgusting is the taste in my mouth. I'm sure I didn't brush my teeth before falling asleep. I almost run to the bathroom to brush and floss my teeth. And I have to put on new rubber bands and I do not know where the old ones are. For sure they are not in my mouth and I must have lost them last night.

On the nightstand is the trophy I received yesterday. I really am the world champion. It feels amazing to have finally achieved this goal. It is quite late and I have a quick breakfast after waking up. Then I have to go home to be ready for my next week of work. The drive home flies by and I enjoy every moment of it.

I have finally accomplished one of my goals. I am working on the second goal of fixing my teeth. So far it looks very promising. The third goal seems to be the most difficult. Either the girl is gay, too young, has a special need, has a boyfriend, or does not like my braces. This is a real challenge and frustrates me a lot.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #24 on: 25. November 2024, 21:41:31 PM »
21. Surprise
Like other braces wearers, I have my next adjustment this morning. It is the Monday morning after the World Championships and I pull into the parking lot of my orthodontist's office. There I have a surprise encounter. As I pull my car into my favorite parking space, I see another car pulling into the lot. At the wheel is Tamara. I cannot believe what I am seeing. I always thought she was sixteen years old, but she must be older if she is allowed to drive a car.

I need to find out how old she is. Should I ask her directly or should I ask Lynn? I am not sure what to do, but I have to find out how old she is. She is an amazing girl and if she is old enough then I would love to have her as my girlfriend. Yes, I have to find out.

The braces haven't been a big deal for me for the past four weeks, I felt the thicker wire doing its job, but there was no real pain at all. I really hope it stays that way for the rest of my treatment. I remember the first few weeks and they weren't good at all.

As I walk from the parking lot to Lynn's office, I see Lynn. I decide to ask her, "Lynn, sorry, this may be an inappropriate question, but how old is Tamara?" Lynn looks a little surprised but says, "She's twenty-two." Boom, this hits me very hard. Tamara is a year older than me. I tell her, "I thought she was sixteen. Lynn looks a little confused, "She is a student and wants to be an orthodontist. She is in her internship semester in my office. And she is definitely older than sixteen."

I search for words, but I cannot find them, so I just say, "OK." Lynn smiles, "You really like her. And I understand that you thought she was a teenager. She is not a teenager and she is older than you. So if you like her, please ask her out." I think I have never received better advice. Sure, I will ask her out, "Thanks Lynn, you really helped me out.” She just smiles at me and I can see her pink elastics.

My task now is to find the right moment to ask Tamara out. I would love to have a date with her. Today I am in the office earlier than ever. When I arrive at reception, it is Ann who shows me into the waiting room. I don't mind sitting in the waiting room because I can think about Tamara and how I can get a date with her.

Ann then tells me that I need to go to the X-ray room first. She says that Lynn needs a new x-ray and a dental scan. Tamara is already waiting for me. When she sees me, she smiles at me immediately. Oh, what a lovely smile she has and those perfectly aligned teeth look amazing too. I just love seeing her this morning. Meeting her on a Monday morning is definitely the best thing that can happen to a man like me.

At first I am not sure, but I think Lynn has arranged this for me. She wants me to spend some time alone in a room with Tamara. First Tamara instructs me about the x-rays. The procedure is the same as for my consultation, so I have no problem following her instructions. The biggest challenge is waiting for the right moment to ask her out. And I have to ask her out, I have to find out if she likes me.

The next step is to have my teeth scanned. Tamara tells me to sit on the chair next to the x-ray machine. She puts the laptop and scanner on a table next to the chair. Then I have to open my mouth while she scans my teeth. Like last time, I can see a 3D model of my teeth on the laptop screen. The only difference is that they are now decorated with braces and expanders. Looking at the screen, I can hardly believe I have all this in my mouth.

Our private time in the X-ray room is almost over. I realize it is now or never and ask her, "Tamara, would you like to go to the movies with me?" She smiles and says, "I would love to." I cannot describe how happy I am, "So is Saturday at eight okay for you? We can meet in front of Kaufmann's movie theater." She replies, "I cannot wait until Saturday and yes, I would love to meet you there.”

Then I sit in the chair and Lynn looks at my teeth. From the look on her face, she is happy. But it takes her a while to finish her inspection. Finally she says, "Tim, everything looks really good. There is nothing to change this time. The new wire is still doing its job and the expanders are keeping your teeth from moving back into their original position," I ask her, "So you are not going to change anything today?"

"Yes, everything is going well. And your X-ray looks very good. Your bone is already healing from the movement caused by the expanders. Your treatment is going very well," I reply, "Thank you Lynn, that is good to hear," I realize she has more to say, "Tim, there was a reason for the x-ray and the scan. I would like to make a small change to your treatment.” Not now, but after we have removed your expanders. I immediately think of the face mask and panic rises inside me.

"Will I get a face mask?" I ask in a panic. She shakes her head, "No. I have read a study and the study strongly suggests that we use another device after the expanders. The device is called a transpalatal arch for your upper jaw and a lower lingual arch for your other jaw." Then she opens the desk by the treatment chair and shows me two tooth models.

"Look, this is the transpalatal arch, or TPA for short. It will help us maintain the space we have created with your expanders." The device is a small wire that runs along the gum of the upper jaw. It is attached to the molar bands. And there are two little arms that go forward to the upper canines on either side. The device looks much smaller than the expanders and I know Peter wears something similar.

Lynn points to the other model, "This is the lower lingual arch or LLA as we call it. It does the same thing as the TPA for your upper jaw." Indeed, the appliance is very similar. The main difference is that there is only one wire. The wire runs from the molar bands all the way along the arch just behind the lower teeth. It is quite obvious how this device can be used to maintain space.

"So what do you think of these devices?" Lynn asks me. I liked the idea of just wearing normal braces after the expanders. I do not like the prospect of getting other devices. But I reply, "Definitely not looking forward to it. But I guess if you think I need them, I will get them." Lynn looks really happy when she hears this, "You will not regret this. I love these devices and I know they will help you a lot with your treatment."

I do not know what to ask her about the appliances. So instead I ask her, "Can I brush my teeth without the wire? It really helps to clean behind the wire on the brackets." Lynn replies, "Sure, Tamara can take your wire out and you can brush your teeth. I know how much that helps. As you may have seen, I have braces too." I know this is just a joke.

What happens next is the same as at my last adjustment. Tamara removes my wires and I brush my teeth. Then she inspects my teeth and attaches the wire to my upper and lower jaw. It feels so good to be treated by her and I am really looking forward to Saturday. I will get to meet this amazing girl for the first time in private.

I will schedule my next appointment in four weeks. Ann is happy to schedule me for Monday morning. She is also a nice girl and I hope she gets a boyfriend soon. Although I am looking forward to meeting Tamara on Saturday. I am so excited and do not know what I will do until Saturday. It is only five days until I meet Tamara again, but for me it feels like forever.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #25 on: 25. November 2024, 21:50:01 PM »
22. Anger management
When I arrive at the office, I can immediately tell that Sarah is in a bad mood. And she immediately tells me the reason, "Those stupid testers. I gave them a detailed test plan. And what have they done? They used a different plan and that plan is not working." I interrupt her, "Please calm down and show me the results." She takes a deep breath and says, "Sorry, I am so angry at them. Why didn't they just follow the plan?"

She then shows me the plan and the results they have produced. I can see immediately that we have lost three weeks of testing. The plan they used was terrible and therefore the results were unusable. Now I understand why she is so upset. I have to calm myself down because I can feel exactly the same anger she is feeling.

I ask, "Why did they use that plan? Our plan was so much better and it took us two weeks to develop it?", Sarah replies, "You are not going to like the answer. They told me they had always used this plan for the old system, so they used it for the new one.”

This is just a lame excuse for not reading the new plan. I cannot understand why they are so lazy. This is a disaster and we need to work on a plan to fix it. But at the moment neither Sarah nor I are in a state to think properly. We both need to calm down.

I suggest we leave the building and have an early lunch together and maybe a walk in the park. Sarah is happy with that, "Sure, let's go. I need some fresh air." We leave our surprised colleagues behind and walk towards our favorite restaurant.

At the restaurant I order two large beers for us. Normally I do not drink in the morning, but today I need a drink. Sarah does not complain. On the contrary, she is pleased with my order and when it arrives, she takes a big gulp. When she realizes that she has not toasted with me, she says: "Sorry, but I needed this.” I fully understand and take a big gulp myself.

We both order a large burger and fries. This is our favorite meal here. The burger here tastes really good and the fries are always just right. We both enjoy our food, but we do not talk much. We have lost our words over the events of this morning.

After dinner we both go to the bathroom to brush our teeth. Sarah will then put her aligners back on and I will put a new set of rubber bands on my braces. While adding the rubber bands I take the opportunity to inspect my braces after my adjustment today.

As far as I can tell, not much has changed. I am still on the same wire and the gap between my front teeth is still visible. I look at the expanders and try to imagine how the TPA and LLA will look in my mouth. Of course they are much smaller, but I would still be wearing appliances behind my teeth.

Thinking about my treatment has calmed me down. I do not quite understand why. After all, Lynn had given me an unexpected surprise for my treatment. Maybe it is because of the other surprise. Tamara is a year older than me and we are going to the movies this weekend. And maybe I can kiss her.

Sarah has also calmed down considerably. Maybe it was the beer that helped her. We still decide to go for a walk in the park and not talk about anything work related. Just us walking in the park and enjoying the sun.

Sarah asks me about my appointment this morning. I quickly tell her what was done and that I will be getting the TPA and LLA. She is very interested and wants to know every detail. There is only one detail that I leave out. I do not tell her about my date with Tamara.

I decide to ask her about her treatment, "So how is your treatment going?" She looks happy that I asked, "I had an appointment last week and my orthodontist was very pleased with my progress. And I got something new for my aligners."

I do not know what else she could get for her aligners, so I ask her, "What else did you get?" She looks at me and says, "I got a new set of aligners. They require attachments on my teeth to straighten them better." And then she takes off her top aligner and points to one of her teeth with her index finger. I can see small clear dots on many of her teeth. These must be the attachments she mentioned. On a normal morning, I would have discovered these attachments without her telling me.

"Looks kind of cute. Do they hurt?" I ask her. "No, they do not hurt at all. Getting them was easy. The only thing is that I need more force to push the aligners onto my teeth," she says as she inserts her upper aligner. I can tell she needed a little more force than usual. Other than that, the aligners look just like her previous ones.

"And I have even more," she says. I don't know what it could be, and I have to ask her. Before I can ask her, she tells me, "I have rubber bands for my aligners and I have to wear them fourteen hours a day.” I cannot believe what she is telling me, so I say to her, "You have to show me.”

Sarah takes out her two aligners and shows them to me. Now I can see little hooks on them. These must be the hooks for the rubber bands. She then makes a sandwich with her aligners. While in this position, she attaches a rubber band to each side of the aligners. Still forming a sandwich, she puts them back in her mouth. Very carefully, she pushes the aligners onto her teeth while still forming a sandwich.

After this demonstration, she smiles at me and gives me a very good look at the aligners and rubber bands. The combination looks kind of weird, but cute at the same time. I hadn't expected her to wear rubber bands with clear aligners. In fact, I didn’t knew it was possible.

We lost track of time and both of us suddenly realized that we had to get back to the office. We need to find a solution to the mess the test team has made. Neither of us is looking forward to it.

Back at the office, we agree that we need to arrange a meeting with the whole team. They need to know what happened and they need to help us. Help, in this case, simply means that they will have to work a lot harder to make up for the time lost. We set the meeting for 8 o'clock the next morning.

After arranging the meeting, we both leave early. We are just not in the mood to do anything productive today. Our anger levels are still too high.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #26 on: 25. November 2024, 21:57:55 PM »
23. Cinema
We got the team back on track over the course of the week. And finally, the test team agreed to work with the new test plan. It was not us that convinced them, I think it was the shocked look on everyone's face at our crisis meeting when the others saw what the test team had done.

The week flew by and soon I was standing in the sauna on Friday night. I had to work that Friday because I wanted to be free for my date with Tamara on Saturday. Oh God, I am so excited. I am really looking forward to meeting this red haired beauty again.

Saturday morning and afternoon were painful, I was so nervous about my date. I haven't been this nervous in a long time. In fact, I cannot remember when that was. But I am also excited because I have a date with such an amazing girl.

I brushed my teeth thoroughly before going to the movies. I made extra sure they were clean. I didn't want to present dirty teeth to a future orthodontist. And of course I put in a fresh set of rubber bands, because she knew I had to wear them 24/7.

I arrived at the theater early and checked the menu. I quickly decided to take her to see this new romantic comedy. I wanted to see her laugh. And for the romantic part, I hoped she would like to get closer to me. Oh, I would kill for a kiss from her.

And then she arrives, I have only seen her in her work clothes, but today she looks different and even better. When she arrives, she hugs me and I can feel her amazing body. Then she says, "Tim, thank you for inviting me. I have been looking forward to this all week."

It feels so good to meet her and I tell her, "I've had a stressful week at work and I was really looking forward to today." She smiles and jokes, "I hope you wore your rubber bands. Work stress is no excuse." I love the mischievous smile she puts on her face, "Of course I did. I am a good boy."

Before the movie starts, I buy us some popcorn. She has to tell me that pop corn is not good for my braces and then hands me some. Then we finally sit down and I think I might be watching her more than the movie. She looks stunning today.

The movie is really good and Tamara seems to enjoy it. On several occasions she laughs and I can see her smile. I really like seeing her smile. She looks even better when she smiles. And I can see her teeth, they look perfect to me. I want to have such straight teeth after my treatment.

During the romantic part, she puts her arm around me and our faces come close to each other. However, she does not initiate a kiss and I do not want to force her. It is so good to be close to her, I can wait until she is ready for a kiss.

In the final scene, her body comes very close to me. And she puts her arm around me again. Finally, she kisses me on the cheek. This is the moment I was waiting for. To feel her lips on my cheek feels so good. Her lips are so soft and she is the girl I wanted to be with for so long.

I decide to kiss her back. I slowly put my arm around her and kiss her on the cheek. I would like to kiss her on the lips, but maybe she is not ready for that and I do not want to ruin anything. We are the last to leave the theater.

We stand outside the theater and I ask her, "Would you like some coffee? I am famous for my coffee." I hope this is not too much pressure for her, but I really want her in my apartment. She says, "I would love some coffee, but I will sleep on the couch.”

She has made her statement and I am okay with that. More than fine, actually. After all, she will come to my apartment and we will be able to talk and kiss more.

I close the door to my apartment and she immediately starts kissing me. And this time our lips meet. At first it is just our lips, but soon her tongue explores my mouth. And my tongue is allowed to explore her mouth as well.

We stand there kissing for almost half an hour and then she finally says, "I've never kissed a boy with braces before. And it felt amazing." I don't want to comment on the braces part yet, so I say, "I liked kissing you and I don't think I've ever kissed a redheaded girl before." She laughs and gives me a quick kiss.

But then I have to ask her about braces, "Did you have braces as a child? Your teeth look so straight," she says, "I had removable braces as a child. I didn't need fixed braces. However, my treatment lasted over three years and at some point I had to wear a headgear."

"Did you like your braces as a child?" I ask her. She laughs, "I think that was when my fascination with dentistry and orthodontics began. I always wanted to work with people's teeth. I cannot tell you why, but I always wanted to work in that field."

"So you give people fixed braces and expanders without ever having that experience? Is that even allowed?" I try to copy her mischievous smile, but I am only partially successful. She laughs, "I'm sure it is allowed.”

As an afterthought, she adds, "Maybe I should try fixed braces." She starts to kiss me again and her tongue explores my mouth. This time she also plays with my rubber bands. I love everything she does. This has to be the best day of my life.

Being so close to her, my body responds to her. When she senses my excitement, she points to the most aroused part of my body and says, "That will have to wait.” My short reply is, "Sure!"

I understand she wants to wait. It is just hard for my body to understand. We agree that she will sleep on the couch and I will sleep in my bed that night. I am so happy that I was able to kiss her and I don't mind that she doesn't want to join me in my bed.

We brush our teeth together. While I brush my teeth, she watches me closely. She definitely has a thing for teeth and braces. And I love being watched by her. Okay, I love everything she does as long as she is near me.

Then she goes to my couch and I go to my bedroom. I have some really wild dreams that night. A girl as beautiful as she is in my apartment and it really has an effect on my imagination. I am definitely ready for more and I hope she is ready soon.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #27 on: 25. November 2024, 22:17:51 PM »
24. Sunday
The next morning I am the first to wake up. A quick sniff through the living room door shows me that Tamara is still asleep. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps.

I decide to make breakfast for us. Hopefully the sound of my preparations will not wake her. The door to the kitchen and living room is closed. So there is at least some noise protection.

When I am finished, I decide to check on her again. Now there is more movement on the couch and I think she is starting to wake up. I leave her in this state, and about fifteen minutes later I hear that she has left the couch.

Tamara comes out of the living room, still looking a little tired. She sees me in the kitchen and says, "Good morning, Tim," and then goes straight to the bathroom.

She looks much fitter when she comes out of the bathroom and I can see that she has done her hair. Then she gives me a kiss on the cheek and says, "Thanks for making us breakfast. And sorry if I don't talk much. I need some time to wake up in the morning."

During breakfast we talk about yesterday's movie and other trivial things. We both eat a lot that morning. I like to watch her while she talks. She is such a fantastic person and I want her to be my girlfriend. I really hope things don't get messed up like they did with the last girls.

It is a beautiful morning and we decide to go for a walk in the surrounding forest. I know a good vantage point that gives a good view of the surrounding area and so we go there. She doesn't talk much as we walk, but to me it looks like she's enjoying it.

The view from the lookout is amazing as always and she says, "Thank you for showing me this place. I have never been here before." I ask her, "Shall we sit here for a moment and enjoy the view?" She agrees and we sit on the next bench.

There is something nagging in me and I want to apologize to her or at least explain to her, "I liked you when I first met you. The reason I didn't ask you out was because I thought you were barely sixteen. I am sorry, but you look so young."

"This happens to me a lot and I am kind of used to it. However thanks for the apology and the apology is accepted," she says with a smile. That was much easier than I expected. I had ignored her approaches for months because of the misunderstanding, and I think that must have annoyed her.

My thoughts are interrupted when she kisses me on the lips. This time she uses her tongue quite intensely and our kiss lasts a very long time. Before I got my braces, I had expected kissing with braces to be difficult, but in fact I had kissed more girls while wearing braces than without. And with Tamara it is even better than with the other girls.

We sit on the bench for a while, laughing, talking and kissing. This place is magical and I do not want to leave it, because I am here with the girl I love. I have to be really careful with our relationship because I do not want to lose her.

Then she asks me, "Tim, how do you feel about your braces? We put a lot of stuff in your mouth." I am glad she asked me about my braces, "I can tell you the first few weeks were really hard. The expanders caused so much pain and I only survived because of the painkillers. But now I am used to them and I think they are okay.”

Tamara seems to be looking for the next question and asks me, "Do you dream of taking them off?” I laugh, "Definitely, I am looking forward to the end of my treatment. But I want to keep them as long as they are needed.” She hugs me and says, "You are so brave.”

Then I decide to ask her something, "So you give other people fixed braces, but you never had them. Isn't that kind of weird?" She laughs and I can see her beautiful teeth, "Of course I wondered who they would feel, but after all it is a medical device and you only wear it when you need it.” She pauses for a moment, then adds, "And I had removable braces and a headgear for three years. So I do not consider myself inexperienced. I just never had fixed braces."

I want to tease her more, "Isn't there some kind of practice at the university where you learn how to put on fixed braces?" She tells me, "There are study groups at the university and I have put braces on many other students. It just never happened that I got them for myself. I always got impressions or X-rays or 3D scans. So, yes, I have never had fixed braces and I am a little curious about how they feel."

I want to kiss her again, but first I want to tease her a little more. So I tell her, "Maybe you should try her at your next study group. This may be your last chance for this great opportunity.” I do not expect her to want to try fixed braces and she replies, "Tim, stop joking. Let's kiss." We kiss again for several minutes. And now it is my turn to put my tongue in her mouth. Kissing her on this bench is just an amazing experience.

Then suddenly I look at my watch and see that it is already quite late. I have to work in the sauna this afternoon and there is not much time left for us to go home and for me to go to work. I tell her about my work and then we leave the bank and go to my apartment.

Before she leaves, I ask her if she would like to come to work with me and watch my performance in the sauna. She says that she would like to see me work in the sauna sometime, but not today. We agree to meet next Friday. Unfortunately, we cannot meet earlier. She has to work in Lynn's office and I have to work on the project three hours away from her.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #28 on: 26. November 2024, 23:09:49 PM »
And the facemask??

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #29 on: 27. November 2024, 10:46:07 AM »
And the facemask??

I understand there is a lot of teasing in this story regarding face mask. Tamara teases Tim with a possible face mask and Lynn does not stop her. I am also guilty of teasing my readers.

I can say, that this story is not over yet and it is a braces stories. So you can expect more braces content here.