
Author Topic: Story: Champ  (Read 17399 times)

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #30 on: 28. November 2024, 22:47:39 PM »
25. Waiting for the weekend
I decide that I need to be open with Sarah, so the first thing I do on Monday is tell her about Tamara. She hugs me and says, "I'm so happy for you. I know you always wanted a girl. And from the look on your face, she must be amazing.” I smile with a dreamy face, "Yes she is. I so hope she is the one for me." Sarah just smiles in my direction.

After that, the project needs our full attention. By following our test plan, the test team has found two major issues. These issues need to be addressed because we would be out of compliance with some important legal requirements. So we spend the rest of the day working on these issues.

We finish quite late that day, and when I get to my rented apartment, I decide to call Tamara. I need to hear her voice and I am sure that she is expecting me to call her. When I call her, she immediately picks up the phone.

Our phone call lasts two hours and is filled with topics that young lovers talk about. But I also learn something new from her. Her internship at Lynn's office will end at the end of this week and she will return to the university to finish her studies. The next week will be a free week for her and so she asks me, "Would you like to join me on a short trip to the south?"

The idea of enjoying a vacation with her sounds extremely good, but I have to think about work: "I would love to join you, but I do not think I can take a week off at this critical time for my project. I am so sorry." I can hear the sadness in her voice as she says, "I understand, but I would have loved to go on vacation with you." I respond, "Tamara, please don't be sad. We can plan another vacation."

I have to fight back tears because I do not want to disappoint her. However, I see no chance of a vacation in the coming weeks. There is just too much work to do and the project is still in a critical phase. It would be unfair to my colleagues and to Sarah if I went on vacation now.

Even through the phone, her sadness is touchable. I tell her, "This is not what I want to do, but I cannot leave my colleagues alone at this time. That would be a very bad move on my part. I don't want to be that guy." She stopped crying and says, "Tim, I understand. I was just hoping we could take a vacation. And I guess it is nice of you not to want to be an a-hole and leave your colleagues with all the work."

The next morning brings more bad news. The test team has found two more major problems. This tells us that our test plan is working, but it is still a shock to discover so many critical bugs. Sarah is also upset and tells me that she has more bad news to tell me at lunch.

Curious what Sarah is going to tell me, I go to lunch with her. First we eat and drink a Coke. She doesn't want to tell me the bad news on an empty stomach. But this waiting makes me anxious and even a little angry with her. Couldn't she just tell me the news? There is no point in making me wait so long.

Finally, she tells me, "The factory will be closed next week for maintenance." I do not know why this is such bad news, but she continues, "The union is quite strong in our company, and they think that if the workers are not allowed to work, then no one else should be allowed to work either. So this means that we will not be able to work on the project all next week.”

This is bad news for the project, of course, but I realize that it is extremely good news for me. It takes a lot for me to hide my happiness and play the professional, "Oh my God, what are they thinking? This is terrible for the project and the company. You really need a new and working material management system. Your company is losing a lot of money without it."

Luckily for me, Sarah did not notice my happiness. Maybe she is too angry and worried about the project. "Okay, we need to get back to work and get as much done as possible," she says, heading for the office building. She had left her aligner box on the table, so I pick it up for her.

I can hardly wait to finish work and tell Tamara about my unexpected free week. Of course I want to join her on her trip. Like yesterday, she picks up the phone very quickly and I start, "You have no idea what happened today. I have a week off and I want to go on your trip."

At first I hear nothing from her. She must be shocked by this surprise. Then she starts talking enthusiastically about our trip, not missing a detail. I can feel on the phone that she is very happy and I am happy too.

Then she changes the subject, "A study group at my university needs a test subject. And you know we talked about how I never had fixed braces. I will get them on Friday afternoon. Of course they will take them off right away, but I am excited to get them anyway."

I do not know what to say to that and so I say, "I would love to see you with braces. We can be braces buddies for an hour or so." This excites her even more, "Oh, that would be fantastic. You have to come and see me get braces. That would be so cool." My little prank about her having to try fixed braces goes in an unexpected direction. I never expected her to get braces. I just wanted to tease her like she did me with the face mask.

It takes her a while to convince me to come, but I finally agree to meet her at the university on Friday afternoon. This will make the already tight schedule for the project even tighter, but she really wants me to be there for her braces day. And for her, it is really just a day with braces. I try to imagine what she will look like with braces. Will she get colors for her braces? And I have to kiss her braces. We cannot miss this opportunity and I like kissing her anyway.

The rest of the week is as miserable as crunch time on an IT project can be. Sarah's bosses expect us to just work faster and make up for the lost week. Sometimes bosses can be crazy, and Sarah's bosses are no exception. Of course, they fail to see that their mismanagement at the beginning of the project caused the project to be late. Instead, they just want us to fix the project.

There has also been a change in Sarah's treatment. I know she has to wear rubber bands for twelve hours a day, but she had never worn them in the office before. Now she has started wearing them at work. Maybe she now has to wear them for longer.

I am curious why she is wearing them at the office, so I ask her, "I noticed that you are wearing your rubber bands at work. What is the reason for that?" At first she jokes, "I just want to be like you and have these amazing rubber bands that you wear so proudly."

Then she tells me the real reason, "You see, when I get nervous, I start playing with my rubber bands. My boyfriend is very supportive of my treatment, but he does not like me playing with my bands. I had to stop wearing them during the day. So I have to make up the time by wearing them at the office."

I had seen her playing with the rubber bands. This is no big deal to me because I do it myself sometimes and I had seen Peter do it quite often. Speaking of Peter, he sents me messages from time to time. And he always attaches a picture to these messages. He is always with a girl and he is smiling on the photo. It is always a different girl, so I think he is not in a relationship. To me it looks like he is trying to compensate for the loss of Lynn by getting as many girls as he can.

Then it's my turn to make a joke: "As long as you don't play with my rubber bands, I don't mind you playing with your rubber bands.” She laughs and says, "Let's get back to work. We have a lot to do."

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #31 on: 28. November 2024, 22:56:22 PM »
26. Braces day
The orthodontic department is located in a side wing of the university building. Tamara and some other students are waiting in front of the building. When I arrive, there is some construction going on outside the building. Workers with welding machines are repairing a part of the building. I cannot see what they are working on and I want to concentrate on Tamara anyway.

The study group is supervised by a Professor. And it took Tamara a while to convince the Professor that I could watch the exercise. Finally I was allowed to join them. The other students had to agree as well, but none of them seemed to care. As far as I can see, none of them is wearing braces. However, all of them had extremely straight teeth, I guess they had all had orthodontic treatment in the past.

"So how are you feeling on your big day?" I ask her. She replies, "I'm just curious to see how they feel on my teeth. But I don't think it's a big deal because I'll get them off in no time." Despite her confident answer, I can still sense that she is a little nervous. In fact, more than a little nervous, as I can see her hand shaking slightly.

The room we are in now is equipped with four treatment chairs and a lot of other chairs for onlookers. There are eight students in the room, plus me and the professor. The professor quickly introduces herself to me as Maria Frey. And then she looks at me, "May I ask you a question?" I reply, "Sure."

She continues, "Two of our students haven't practiced taking impressions on someone wearing braces. Could you do them a favor and let them practice taking impressions on you?" I look at Tamara and the look on her face tells me that the only answer is yes. So I quickly agree and Professor Frey leads me to one of the chairs.

I sit in the chair and Professor Frey tells Bob and Janine what to do. Apparently, these are the students who have no experience in taking impressions. She explains the process to them in detail and it is too much for me to follow. The only thing that sticks in my mind is when she tells them that I am the ideal candidate because the expanders will make it especially difficult to take the impressions.

So I lie here in the chair and Bob puts the impression tray in my mouth. He tells me to breathe through my nose to avoid the gag reflex. He is right, as long as I breathe through my nose, I can handle the tray. With the tray in my mouth, I fully understand why Lynn has switched to 3D scans for her patients.

Bob repeats the process with my other jaw and I think he does a really good job. However, the process is still uncomfortable and I am happy as the second tray leaves my mouth. The professor seems quite pleased with Bob's performance and tells me that I will receive a model of my teeth afterwards.

Then it is Janine's turn. I can feel that she is very nervous and Professor Frey gives her a lot of corrections. This second round of taking impressions is really stressful for me. It takes forever because Professor Frey keeps correcting Janine while taking the impressions. If Janine had been the first student, I wouldn't have allowed Bob to take the impressions.

Professor Frey then tells us what happens next. Four students will receive fixed braces on their upper and lower jaws from the other four students. I am happy to learn that Bob will be placing Tamara's braces. Janine will be one of the students receiving braces.

The professor then explains the rest of the exercise. The four students receive their braces. They will practice brushing their teeth and then the braces will be removed. Giving them time to practice brushing sounds like a good idea. After all, they will be instructing patients on brushing techniques and a little practice seems reasonable.

The four students take their seats in the chair. I am allowed to sit next to Tamara and watch the procedure. This is a fantastic opportunity to observe the procedure from a different position. So far I have only been on the side receiving the braces.

First, Professor Frey asks him to take a 3D scan of her teeth. I do not understand why the scan is needed, but the professor is about to explain. She tells him that he will have a scan or a dental model when he does this on a real patient, and so a scan will make this practice session more realistic.

The procedure for taking the scan is simple. I think Bob must have done this many times. At the end of the procedure, Bob asks Tamara, "Would you like me to send you the scan?" Tamara agrees and gives him her e-mail address. After sending the scan, Tamara is finally ready to get her braces.

Following Professor Frey's instructions, Bob applies a sealant to Tamara's teeth. The sealant will protect her teeth while she has braces. And of course, it will also protect them during the removal process.

Another liquid is put on her teeth. Bob tells me this is the glue for the brackets. After carefully applying the glue to the teeth, he uses a UV light to activate the glue. As far as I can tell, he is doing really well and Professor Frey has no corrections for him. I can tell that the other students are having more trouble.

Bob shows me the tray of Tamara's brackets. I can see that these are standard brackets and she will be able to wear colored elastics with them. Then he asks me to hold the tray while he places them on her teeth.

He carefully places the brackets on her teeth, making sure they are in the correct position. When he is satisfied, the professor takes a quick look at the positioning and says, "You did a good job placing the brackets and her almost perfect teeth. You can now bond them and attach the archwire."

Bob does as he is told. For the second time he uses the UV light and this time the light bonds the brackets to her teeth. Tamara has been very calm throughout the procedure, but I can tell she is nervous. She breathes slowly through her nose to calm herself down.

Bob tells me that he is going to use a thick finishing wire on her braces. These wires are usually used at the end of a treatment, but given her near-perfect alignment, they would be a good fit for her braces. He then begins to cut the archwire for her upper braces and after a few minor adjustments is happy with the fit.

He then uses pink elastics to attach the wire to her brackets. He hadn't asked her for a color choice, but given the short time she'll be wearing her braces, that's fine. He then repeats the same process for her lower jaw. I like the way the braces look on her. I think the pink elastics look really good on her.

Professor Frey then makes a final check of her braces. Then she says, "Well done, Bob. And Tamara, please come back in two hours to have them removed. I believe this is your first time with fixed braces. I suggest you practice brushing your teeth and eat something. This can be a valuable experience when you are dealing with real patients."

As far as I can tell, the other students are way behind Bob and it will take them a while to catch up. Tamara goes to the sink and takes a good look at her braces. She says nothing. As far as I can tell, she looks excited and nervous at the same time. I hope she gets the most out of this experience because I agree with the professor that it will help her with future patients.

Tamara looks at me and says, "Come on, let's go to the cafeteria. I want to try eating with them." She then leaves the treatment room and I follow her to the cafeteria. I quickly check to make sure I have my travel toothbrush and hope Tamara has hers.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #32 on: 29. November 2024, 02:11:43 AM »
Ah, Tamara has braces-now to talk her into wearing them for more than a couple of hours.

Offline anton08

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #33 on: 29. November 2024, 06:53:01 AM »
Is it possible that she may wish to wear her braces for her week of vacation?  ;D

Or will the building be closed on her return due to construction problems? ;)

Anyhow the story is very well written.

I can´t wait for the next chapter!

Offline xxxforce

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #34 on: 29. November 2024, 13:17:19 PM »
Also i have a slight presentiment that her braces will stay on a bit longer, maybe the professor asks her to keep them a while to correct the last imperfections if she wants to (I believe she definitely wants ;) or something else happens - let's see ;)

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #35 on: 29. November 2024, 17:53:17 PM »
Thank you guys. So we have many options:
- Tamara wants to keep them longer
- Tim talks her into longer wear time
- Construction work blocks braces removal
- Professor wants her to keep them
- Braces are removed
- An unknown option

Let's see what happens.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #36 on: 29. November 2024, 18:16:24 PM »
As a writer myself, I love to see what my readers speculate might happen. Makes it fun to toss in an unplanned twist to the story.

Offline Charlie0186

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #37 on: 29. November 2024, 19:07:48 PM »

- An unknown option

I feel sure the workers welding something or other might be relevant!  Great story.

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #38 on: 30. November 2024, 00:30:55 AM »
27. Braces experience
She stops right in front of the cafeteria and I tell her, "Not so fast. I want to see your braces." She turns to me and opens her mouth. I can see the braces on her teeth. They look similar to my braces, except she wears them on perfectly straight teeth and she does not have expanders. Then I see the wire and I think Bob was right. This is a really thick wire and it barely fits into the slot on her brackets. There is another difference in her archwire. While mine is round, hers is square.

Then I ask her, "Can I kiss you?" She says, "Go ahead, what are you waiting for?" I put my arm around her and our lips meet. I try to be very careful because I do not want to hurt her. What starts as a gentle kiss slowly builds in intensity. She is a fantastic kisser, even with braces.

The first kiss with braces is not enough for her. She initiates another kiss and invites my tongue to explore her braces. It is indeed a fascinating feeling to run my tongue around her brackets. And I notice that she enjoys it as well. This little braces experiment turns out to be fun. I hadn't expected this when I suggested she try braces. And I am so jealous that she can take them off in no time.

We stand there for a while with our bodies very close together. Her body reacts to me being close to her and my body is no exception. I know she wants to take things slowly, but I am ready for her now. Having her in bed tonight would be wonderful. But I have to respect that she wants to wait. And God, I will not risk losing her.

It is a Friday afternoon, so we are almost alone in the cafeteria. It will be Tamara's first and last meal with braces, and she is carefully choosing what to eat and drink. She finally decides on a strawberry cake and a baguette. For drinks, she chooses a coffee and a non-braces friendly Coke. I choose a coffee and a small raspberry pie.

We sit at our table and she says, "I'm really excited. I have never eaten anything with braces before. I wonder how it feels and if it hurts.” I cannot tell her if it hurts because my braces were more extreme than hers from the beginning. For me, eating was definitely painful in the first few weeks. I just tell her, "Go ahead and try it.”

I watch her put the first piece of cake in her mouth. She is very careful and does it very slowly. I'm sure she doesn't know what to expect. I just watch as she eats her first piece of cake with braces. She does not have any serious problems with her simple braces, but it is funny to watch her look insecure. After a while she finishes the cake and looks at me. Me, who hadn't even started to eat my cake.

I ask her, "Did you enjoy eating your first cake with braces?" She smiles at me and says, "I guess so. It was really weird at first and I didn't know what to expect. In the end, it was not much different than eating without braces." I see that she has a lot of food stuck in her braces and I am sure she will have fun brushing them. Then I start eating my cake and drinking my coffee.

She looks a little hesitant to start with the baguette. This food is much harder than a simple cake and I am sure she knows that. So she sips her coffee and drinks some of the coke for a while. Then I jokingly ask her, "You've been looking at your baguette for a while. Is there something wrong with it?"

She laughs, "To be honest. I am a little scared. I chose this food because it is much harder to eat. And now I am looking for the courage to eat it.” I tell her, "You will never know what it feels like until you try it.” She says, "You are right. Just give me a moment."

By the time she takes the first bite of her baguette, I have finished my pie. This gives me all the time I need to watch her eat. Her first bite seems to take forever, but in the end she has started to eat the baguette. I can tell that she needs more pressure to bite into the baguette and it doesn't look too comfortable for her. I wonder if her braces are starting to hurt a little. She only has them on almost perfect teeth, but maybe they are still exerting some force given her very thick wire.

We just look at each other for a while and neither of us knows what to say. Then she says to me, "Thank you for suggesting this experiment. I would never have gotten braces and missed this opportunity. I am sure this will help me when I work with patients in the future. It will make me a better orthodontist.”

I want to be honest with her: "To be honest, this suggestion was primarily meant as a joke. I didn't expect you to take it seriously, but I'm glad you're enjoying your braces experience. Mine will last a little longer.” She looks directly at me and says, "You are doing so well with your braces and expanders. I admire you for it, and now I can understand you so much better.”

It has been a little more than an hour since we left the treatment room. Her braces will be off in less than an hour. She hasn't had the experience of brushing her teeth, so we head for a washroom. We choose the men's room because there is almost no one else on campus and I want to watch her brush her teeth.

We are both prepared and have a toothbrush and floss with us. Like eating, it takes her a while to get started. A minute ago she had put the toothbrush in her hand and so far hasn't used it since. After a while, she slowly puts the brush in her mouth and begins to brush her teeth. Just as she had taught me, she does it very slowly and carefully. She avoids putting too much pressure on the brackets and still has to remove the food stuck in her braces. From the amount of food in her braces, it is clear that she has never eaten with braces. We braces wearers have developed techniques to prevent food from getting stuck in our braces.

Watching her brush her teeth is really funny. She used to watch me do it at the orthodontist's office and now we have switched places. When she finishes flossing, I start brushing my teeth. With my experience, it doesn't take me long to get the job done. I am glad that I no longer have to turn my expanders. They just stay in place and hold my teeth in the expanded position. Turning them after brushing has always been an unpleasant experience.

Tamara looks in the mirror and carefully inspects her braces. I watch her do this inspection and then ask her, "What do you think of your braces?" She hesitates a bit, but says, "I kind of like the way they look on me. And Bob picked a nice color for them. And thanks again for suggesting this fantastic experience."

I say, "I'm glad you like them. And you have the advantage of having them removed pretty soon. My journey with braces will be much longer and I do not like some parts of it. The thing I like is that they are fixing my teeth and helping me avoid future problems." Tamara looks at her watch and says, "We have to get back, the two hours are almost up. And don't forget to put your rubber bands back on." Here she is back in the role of my now former orthodontist.

While I was putting my rubber bands back on, we were interrupted by a very loud noise. It is the sound of the fire alarm. We both grab our stuff and run out of the bathroom and out of the building. When we get outside, we are both out of breath. We quickly realize that it is not a false alarm. There is a huge amount of dark smoke coming from the part of the building where the orthodontic department is located.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #39 on: 30. November 2024, 03:43:06 AM »
Very nice!

Offline anton08

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #40 on: 30. November 2024, 09:14:10 AM »
Well, those welding machines from chapter 26 did quite a good job!  8)

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #41 on: 30. November 2024, 20:37:15 PM »
28. Fire
Everything is chaotic out there. People are running out of all the buildings on the university campus. Soon a huge crowd has formed outside. And we all look in the direction of the orthodontic department. It is the only part of the building where no one is running out. Instead, we can see flames coming from the entrance hall.

Neither Tamara nor I have seen the other students and the professor from the study group. We are both worried about what has happened to them since we cannot see them outside. I hold Tamara's hand as tears stream from her eyes.

Now the firemen arrive. Soon there are eight fire trucks around the university campus. I decide to find the officer in charge. I have to tell him that the people from our study group are missing and that they need to start looking for them in the treatment room.

The officer in charge takes my hint very seriously and asks me to tell his men exactly where the treatment room is. They will start looking for them first. With Tamara's help, I tell them exactly how to get to the room. After they are prepared, a group of ten firemen enters the building to search for the students and the professor.

Standing in front of the building waiting for the firemen is a painful experience. We stand there and it seems to take forever. Meanwhile, other firefighters have started to put out the fire from outside the building. Emergency vehicles arrive, the police and the press.

Finally we can see the first firemen coming out of the building. They are accompanied by Professor Frey, who is wearing a breathing mask. Soon more firemen follow with the other students from Tamara's group. Bob does not look well, two firefighters have to help him as he walks out of the building.

The medics take over the students and the professor. Tamara and I rush over to them, wanting to make sure they are okay. We are stopped by one of the medics. But he also tells us that they are all okay. They had inhaled too much smoke, but they would be fine after a quick check at the hospital.

Tamara then hugs me, "You did a good job telling the firefighters where to look first. I think you saved their lives. Thank you so much." The officer in charge has joined us, "Your friend is right. Your advice was really valuable. I think all the people are out of the building. Of course, we will check every room, but knowing where to look first helped a lot.”

We try to talk to our group before the medics take them to the hospital. They are all lying on stretchers and getting oxygen through a mask. When we arrive, Professor Frey takes off her mask and says, "Tamara, come back on Monday and we will take off your braces.” Tamara cuts her off, "Professor, that is not important right now. Please get well first and then we can talk about my braces."

Tamara has started to cry again and tears are running from my eyes as well. We are both in a very confused state. So happy that our group survived, but so scared about what happened to them. We decide to leave the campus before the press starts asking questions. They were already interrogating the officer in charge, who had been so grateful to us.

I came to the campus by car, while Tamara took public transportation. We decide to take my car and go to my apartment. During the drive, neither of us says a word. I am happy about this because I need all my concentration to focus on the road. Driving home had never been such a challenge for me. Thoughts are running through my head, making it hard for me to follow the traffic.

We are sitting on my couch watching the news. The fire at the university is the top story on the local TV stations. It seems like reporters from all over the country have arrived on campus. We are both so happy that we left the scene before we had to answer any questions from the press.

Of course, there is speculation as to the cause of the fire. The main focus is on the welding work that was going on near the orthodontic department. Given that this is where the fire started and that welding is known to cause fires, this seems like a good guess. Both Tamara and I had walked past the welders, but we didn't think there was any danger.

Tamara is very quiet the whole evening. We just sit on my couch and watch the news. She has her arm around me and I am holding her other hand. We end up sleeping on the couch in that position. We sleep in this rather uncomfortable position for a long time. I wake up the next morning, when I have to pee.

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #42 on: 30. November 2024, 20:59:37 PM »
29. Weekend
The next morning, Tamara eats breakfast with braces for the first time. She has chosen cereal to make it a challenge. Watching her struggle to eat is kind of funny, but I am also worried about the other members of the study group. I hope they are doing well. And I can tell that Tamara is worried, too.

I ask her, "Have you heard from the study group?" She looks worried and says, "No, I haven't heard from them since we left campus yesterday.” I am a little worried. I say to her, "Maybe you should write them a note?" She nods and immediately begins writing a message to Bob and Janine. These are the students she has a phone number for.

We go to the bathroom to shower and brush our teeth. She doesn't seem to mind that I can see her naked. I take this as a good sign that she wants to get closer to me soon. Oh God, we guys are amazing. Just a moment ago I was worried about the health of the other students and I know I am focusing on my special needs.

I watch her brush her teeth. As far as I can tell, her mouth is sore from the braces. She does not complain and I do not want to ask her. And she does a very good job of cleaning them. I cannot see any food left in her braces and her teeth look amazingly shiny. I wasn't so good with my first attempts.

As we leave the bathroom, Tamara receives a video message from Bob. She shows it to me and we both watch it. On the screen we see Bob with the other students and the professor in the hospital. They all look very good and healthy.

Bob says, "We're all fine. We just had to spend a night in the hospital because of the smoke we inhaled. But everything is fine now and we can all go home today.”

Bob pauses for a moment and then continues, "Tim, we have to thank you. The firemen told us that you showed them where to look for us first. We think it saved all our lives. Thank you so much. We were so lucky to have you on our side.” Then the whole group says, "Thank you.”

The message goes on for a while, and they tell us in detail what happened to them. Watching this message clearly relaxes Tamara. She had been so worried since the fire alarm. And now she looks much happier. She even smiles and gives me a good look at her pink braces. Pink is definitely a good color choice for her and goes really well with her red hair.

Tamara then wants to kiss me for the first time today and I do not stop her. It is a very passionate kiss and I enjoy every moment of it. It is good to see her happy again. Yesterday's events had been very frightening for her and also for me. This passionate kiss marks the end of her depressed state.

We spent the rest of the morning cleaning my apartment and grocery shopping. After lunch we decide to go for a walk. On this walk, the subject of planning our next week comes up. So far we had planned to pack on Sunday and leave for Italy early Monday morning. But Monday is the day she gets her braces removed and I think we have to change our plan.

I ask her, "So what are our plans for the holiday? Are we still leaving Monday morning?" She immediately replies, "Of course we are leaving on Monday. I am looking forward to our first vacation. I want to relax with you before my studies start again.” I put one and one together, "But your braces, you are supposed to have them removed on Monday. How does that fit in, because I cannot do that for you?"

Her words are, "I do not care about the braces. I can have them removed after our vacation. But we cannot postpone our vacation. You have a week and I have a week. This is a great opportunity and I do not want to miss it."

This leaves me a little confused, "But you will have to wear braces in public? And isn't it dangerous to have braces without a medical indication?" She replies, "As long as you wear braces in public, I can wear braces. I really do not care. And no one knows us down there in Italy. And did you see the people in the grocery store this morning? Nobody cared that I have braces. After all, I look like a sixteen-year-old. You remember that."

She has a good point, "Okay, I think you are right about wearing braces in public. And sorry for thinking you were only sixteen years old. But what about the medical aspect of the braces?" She replies, "Apology accepted. Bob did a really good job placing my brackets. These braces are almost like a retainer and they even correct some minor problems in my alignment.”

I am curious about the misalignment, "I always thought your teeth were perfect and there was nothing to correct. Was I wrong?" She smiles, "Nobody has perfect teeth. There is always something to correct. Usually it is not done because the effort is not worth the result. But I certainly have some minor misalignments and Bob has done a good job of addressing them.”

I am still a little confused, but I am also looking forward to our vacation. Better a vacation with her braces than no vacation at all. We can share the vacation as braces buddies. So I decide to accept her answer and look forward to our vacation.

We spend the rest of the weekend getting ready for our vacation. There is a lot of stuff to pack and of course the stuff is divided between my apartment and hers. I have never been to her place, so this is a good opportunity to see it.

Tamara also spends the weekend getting used to her new braces. She is doing very well from my point of view. I haven't seen her take any painkillers. She also admitted that her mouth feels a little sore. And she looks so good with her pink braces and red hair. I could spend hours just watching her.

She has also developed a habit of stopping and looking at her new braces whenever she passes a mirror. When she does this, she has an almost admiring look. So far, she seems to be enjoying her braces experiment. For me, braces are just something to fix my teeth, but for her they seem to mean a lot more. I guess that is why she wanted to become an orthodontist.

And there was one thing I needed to discuss with her. My thinking that she was only sixteen had hurt her more than she was willing to tell me. I told her how deeply sorry I was, and I made it clear to her that I did not want to date teenagers. Again, she accepted my apology, but I am still not sure if she is over it.

I think all her life people have always thought that she is much younger than she is. This can leave deep wounds in a person. And then she wanted to go out with me and I treated her like a child. That must have hurt her. I think I need to talk to her about this a lot, maybe on our vacation.

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #43 on: 01. December 2024, 20:13:16 PM »
30. Italy
The drive to our destination, Lake Garda, is uneventful. Leaving very early on Monday morning, we avoided all the major traffic jams. The weather in Italy is also promising. It will be sunny with almost no clouds, but still not too hot. I haven't been to Italy for a while and I'm really looking forward to our vacation. What makes it even better is that I will be accompanied by the most beautiful girl on the planet.

We rented a house near the beach, which wasn't unreasonably expensive, and I'm paying most of the costs since I have a job and Tamara is still studying. The landlord looked a little confused when she saw two adults with braces, but of course she didn't mention them.

Right after unpacking we decide to go to the beach. We share the beach with some other vacation homes, but the beach is almost completely empty. We spend the first hour sitting in one of the beach chairs and just watching the beautiful scenery. In front of us is the lake and in the background we can see the mountains of the Dolomites. We say nothing, just enjoy the moment.

Then Tamara asks, "Do you want to go swimming?" I've spent most of my weekends in saunas, but I haven't been swimming for a while. "Sure, let's see who's first," I say, and run to the water, Tamara following me. With my head start, I win this competition by a wide margin.

The water has a good temperature and we both enjoy swimming for a while. I can tell that Tamara is a much better swimmer than I am. She tells me that she used to swim at a competitive level, but stopped when she started studying. No wonder she is so much better than me.

When we finally come out of the water, we are no longer alone on the beach. A couple about our age has joined us and is sitting on two chairs next to us. When we come back from the lake, they greet us friendly and then go on talking to each other.

After a while they turned their heads to us and the boy asked us, "There's a soccer field at the beach. Would you like to play with us?" I look at Tamara and she replies, "Sure, I would love to play a game with you. And by the way, I am Tamara and this is Tim.” The two then introduce themselves as Lisa and Georgio, and from their accents, they are clearly Italian.

We follow them to the soccer field, happy to have met someone our age. When we start to play, we immediately realize that they are much better at soccer than we are. It doesn't matter if we lose, we just enjoy playing with them. We stay at the soccer field for about two hours and then we are tired.

Georgio and Lisa invite us to a bar near the beach. We drink some coke and water and have a nice chat. We talk about a lot of things. For some reason they do not mention our braces. I don't know, maybe adult braces are more common in Italy or Italians don't talk about braces.

Tamara and I excuse ourselves after the second drink, but we agree to meet again the next day. On the way back to our vacation home we grab a slice of pizza to go and eat it. The pizza is good and we are hungry after our day at the beach. It is not a long walk home and so we get there quickly.

As I close the door, Tamara asks me, "Do you want to take a shower? I feel pretty sweaty now." I reply, "Sure, I would love to take a shower.” She then goes into the bathroom and I follow her. Our bathroom has a nice, large shower. The bathroom in general is modern and spacious.

She gets undressed and gets into the shower. She then asks, "Would you like to join me?" Of course I want to, "Yes. I would love to join you." So I quickly undress and I accompany her into the shower. There she is, my beautiful girlfriend, standing next to me in the shower.

She hands me some shower gel and I am allowed to soak her. While I soak her, my hands are allowed to touch her fantastic body. I run my hands through her beautiful red hair and it is so nice to touch it. Her arms are amazing to caress like the rest of her body. It takes me a while to caress her wonderful body and I take all the time I can get. She obviously enjoys it too and her body responds to my stroking.

Then it is her turn and she begins to soak me. She does an amazing job with her hands. When her hand touches my skin, an electric shock goes through my body. I feel like I am in heaven. Her hands touch every part of my body and being a man my body reacts to every touch. She does an amazing job and I wish this moment would last forever.

A long and passionate kiss follows, initiated by her. Our bodies are so close together as we kiss. And her tongue plays with everything in my mouth, including my rubber bands. Then she does a stunt. Using only her tongue, she removes one of my rubber bands and then puts it on her braces with her finger. Soon my other rubber band follows.

I do not know what to say and she just smiles at me and shows me her braces with the rubber bands. Since I have never kissed a girl with rubber bands before, I immediately start kissing her. Now my tongue is allowed to play with the bands and it is a nice little game. Suggesting braces to her turns out to be a really good idea, even though they are only temporary.

Finally she turns on the water in the shower to remove the shower gel from our skin. This also involves a lot of touching of our bodies and takes a while. Then she whispers in my ear, "Are you ready?" I know what she means and she doesn't wait for my answer.

Out of nowhere she pulls out a condom. I let her put it on the right part of my body. At first we just kiss again, but slowly we get more into it. She told me the truth, and I discovered that she was still a virgin. I am proud that she chose me as her first partner. This being her first time, I can tell she is a little insecure, but she is a quick learner. I give her all the time she needs and I enjoy going really slow.

Everything comes to an end and we are standing in front of the sink, ready to brush our teeth. She is still wearing my rubber bands and quickly removes them before brushing. Then she asks, "May I brush your teeth? I would love to." This is going to be very interesting, so I reply, "Yes, you can.”

This is a funny moment. She runs the toothbrush over the surface of my teeth. As she has taught many patients, she makes sure to clean all sides of the brackets and behind the wire. Then she moves on to the expanders and gives them a thorough cleaning. As a final step, she uses a proxy floss to clean between my teeth.

Finally, she attaches new rubber bands to my braces. She does this very slowly and I can tell she is enjoying herself. I do not have a complicated rubber band configuration, but it takes her just as long as if I had the most complicated one.

Then she hands me her toothbrush and says, "Now it is your turn.” The moment I enter her mouth with the toothbrush for the first time, I am very nervous. I have never brushed anyone else's teeth before. Being an only child, I have never had the opportunity to brush the teeth of a younger sibling.

Soon I get more confident. Her braces are much easier to clean than mine because she does not have two giant expanders in her mouth. But I take all the time I can get and do it extra slow, like she did before.

I decide that she needs to wear rubber bands as well. When I present them to her, she makes no protest. Instead, she waits eagerly as I place them in her mouth, copying my rubber band configuration. I have plain white bands and they contrast nicely with her pink braces. I wonder how a different color would look on her.

She looks in the mirror and smiles at what she sees. We decide to spend the rest of the time on the couch watching TV. Of course there would be some cuddling as well.

Offline Normalo90

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Re: Story: Champ
« Reply #44 on: 02. December 2024, 10:34:33 AM »
I have to say wow

This Story is the best I have ever seen