
Author Topic: Story - Different Worlds  (Read 5918 times)

Offline Tin_Grin8444

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Story - Different Worlds
« on: 31. January 2024, 11:24:50 AM »
Chapter 1

"Stay sharp." He barks. He knows I'm getting distracted without having to turn around.

My focus snaps back to stepping over heavy piles of bloodied armor, keeping pace with Anten so as to not fall behind to stall Resperia and Lote tailing me. I'm the win condition here, but I need them to get me to the throne room, and I won't make their job any harder than it already is.

I go over the formation in my head again to steel my nerves. Anten takes the lead and guards me, Lote supports from back line with a bow and has his own short blade sword if anything gets passed Anten, and Resperia holds the far rear with range and fast healing. I'm clutching the knife the arch bishop gave me with a white knuckle grip, careful to not press the teal gemstone crudely lodged into its hilt. This knife is the only thing that can kill her, and everyone here is protecting me because I have the best chance of sticking her with it. Everyone has their job, and everyone has to do it perfectly.

A sharp tick from the hallway to the left sets Anten off. He preemptively swings his broadsword at chest level towards the hallway's entrance, shearing through two more guards as his blade tears through their armor. His sword isn't even made of an armor piercing material. I've come to learn he just swings it that hard. The loud shammer of the occupied armor rattling to the stone floor echoes further ahead to a choke point. There are at least six more guards waiting on either side of the wall past the doorway. Anten looks to Resperia, who scowls at the silent order. She reluctantly raises her staff and fires off a spiraling shot of blue flames, once past the doorway it splits into two smaller shots before curving away from each other, turning back to explode against the walls on either side of the door. The fires shift to a bright orange as they fry the ambush set for us. I used to think Resperia's reluctance to casting offensive spells spawned form some personal belief in valuing life, but in reality she despises depleting her mana by any amount, and offensive spells are the most costly. I'd heard she agreed to join our party to reduce a prison sentence, but I've no idea what her crime was. I make a mental note to ask once this is all said and done.

I go over the plan again and again, like a prayer to keep my nerves from cracking as we meander towards the compound's war room. At the final flight of stairs, I have to mind a gap left by one of Resperia's opening acts, the stones still warm with residual heat. It's contrasted by the sharp wind swirling through the hole, the same ominous clouds swirling since we snuck in. I take in that final taste of outside air before we press closer. She's close. Everyone can feel it.

We reach the last door.

Still gripping the knife, I can't stop my hands from shaking. Everyone can hear the hilt rattling the blade inside of it. Lote places a hand over mine, stilling the noise. He looks over the door and checks a few spots we don't have information for. What little we had, numerous spies gave their lives for. It's taken nine whole months for us to reach this door, and behind it is where I have to perform.

Anten grabs my shoulder and moves me aside between two cabinets facing away from the stairwell.

"Take a peak inside, see what she has waiting for us."

Resperia places herself to my left side and readies a defensive barrier, while Lote seats himself to the other side of the room with his bow drawn. Anten stands in front of me, putting on an assuring face. Rough around the edges as he is, he knows me well enough to not push too hard. we're all scared in our own ways.

One last time.

I sit to the floor between the cabinets, the knife still in my hands, and close my eyes, squeezing them shut tightly. That familiar tingling from the back of my head floods my senses and I can start to make out the room around me. I sift through the blue haze past Anten towards the door. Lote looks in my general direction, and glances upwards before returning his sights to the stairwell. I take his que and float to the top of the door before phasing my head through to see the other side.

I feel a shiver in my body below me. She's there. She's looking right at me. I quickly pull my head back through the door and open my eyes, Anten studying my reaction. I regain the courage to speak up.

"It's just her."

Anten straightens himself and nods to Lote.

"Let's not keep her waiting."

Anten takes the lead with one hand on the door and glances behind as I'm followed by Lote and Resperia. Once she's within grappling range of Anten, he'll close the gap and try to stick as much damage as he can to slow her down. As big as Anten is, he's deceptively fast if he's moving in a straight line. Lote will keep his bow drawn to form a pincer in case she tries to get around Anten, while Resperia dumps healing spells into the three of us as necessary. The very instance Anten creates an opening, I take the knife, touch the teal gem in the hilt once, and strike her with it. That's all I have to do. That's the entire reason I'm here.

Anten glances down making eye contact with me.
"Time to be brave."

I manage a nod.

He repeats the phrase once more to himself before pushing the door open.
"Time to be brave."

We walk into the room with weapons drawn. We continue as a group towards her at the far end. She stays seated. I haven't heard Lote shift his bow away from her, so there isn't an ambush in hiding for us. It really is just her. As we draw closer, her eyes are glued to me. Her pail face and hands contrasting with her flowing black robe. Even from this far back there isn't a single wrinkle or line on her face, it's uncanny. Her expression is one of curiosity. She glances to the knife in my hands and back to my face, her expression unchanging, only looking away when Anten stops within his ideal range and speaks.

"Laurenella! The High Court has found you guilty of conspiracy against the crown and regicide against the Lord Uth-"

"Why have you come?"

The question catches Anten off guard, but only briefly.
"We have come to destroy you."

"Oh. There must be some mistake. There's only four of you. You're not enough."

The hair on my neck and arms raises, flashes of red, blue and green light like that of a church's stained glass send a wave of dread over me. In an instant something strikes my entire back, and I'm on the ground. When I see Resperia rushing towards me with a look of panic I've never seen from her before, I realize the pain in my back is from the wall behind us. My head is spinning. She reaches me and begins forcing pulses of mana with a soft emerald glow, desperate to keep me conscious. I look ahead in amazement as Anten moves his entire weight into swings of his sword, deflected with slaps from Laurenella's hands, sparks flying from the metal striking her nails. I can barely make out Lote dashing about between them with his short sword aiming for her legs. She seems to dance as she swings her arms lower to parry his fast but weaker slashes. Resperia's healing magic realigns my spine enough for me to realize how bad this is getting. Anten is keeping her between himself and Lote to try and pincer her, but it's no use. She's toying with them. Resperia stands and turns to support Lote. Laurenella turns her focus to her. In an instant, Resperia is gone. A warm mist touches my cheek. Lauranella turns to her left, once more staring me down. Her robes once again glow with distinct colors, like I'm looking into the sun. I hear Lote yell as he lunges, only to be caught by her left hand. Without looking away from me she throws him through the window behind me, his voice quickly fading.

This isn't happening.

Anten finally reaches her, the force of his blade changing the air pressure around us sends my head spinning. She holds the blade in her hands. She's still looking at me. Anten glances to me.

Not yet

I force myself to my feet, Resperia's spell finally catching up to my stamina.

Lauranella's eyes widen. She shifts her body to strike Anten at the center of his chestplate, sending him flying to the other side of the room. He struggles to stand and charge.

Lauranella leans forward towards me, takes the knife from my hands with an iron-like grip. She brushes her thumb over the teal gemstone. The knife glows a brilliant sky blue in her hands. She swiftly pins the weapon into my right shoulder, the force of her palm behind it forces me to the ground. The blue light that shown from the dagger is extinguished. Laurenella looks confused for a moment and takes a step closer. I try to reach for the dagger with my left hand, but before it touches the blue light returns. It seeps out from the wound and begins to envelop the rest of my arm and chest. A warm sensation spreads, my arms and legs begin to feel further away from me. Seeing this Laurenella smiles, as if she's guessed the answer to a riddle. The light continues across the rest of my body and she begins to walk towards Anten. She begins slapping his sword away as he swings it with animosity and desparation. The blue light creeps past my neck and to my face. It reaches my eyes, and the last thing I hear is Anten's voice.

The air hurts. It hurts to breath. I force myself awake and off of my stomach. My vision returns as my surroundings, previously lit with a blue glow, become dark. The beginnings of a sunrise allow me to make out where I am. I move to my feet to see I've awoken in a shallow valley between two roads running parallel to each other. The patch of grass where I lay is tall from rain water being pooled by the slope of the ditch. I look around, but it's difficult to see further, the air hurts my eyes. I'm still wearing the same tanned hide armor, now a noticeable hole around the right shoulder, but no wound, and no dagger. As the Sun starts to rise a bit higher, I can make out a strange cubic brick structure adorned with spires, surrounded by walls. An academy?

Where am I?

Offline Sparky

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Re: Story - Different Worlds
« Reply #1 on: 31. January 2024, 15:10:28 PM »
I love it when a story starts with zero braces content! But something tells me that the academy could be important, when it comes to braces.

I most admit, your action description was great... and as I read, I could feel a sort of parallel to the fight my witches went through... but your description was much better!

I'm actually planning a follow up to my Serena story, maybe I can get you to help with my fight scenes?

Offline Tin_Grin8444

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Re: Story - Different Worlds
« Reply #2 on: 01. February 2024, 03:23:19 AM »
Thank you so much!  ;D I had a blast workshopping this one, and "The fight where everything goes wrong" is probably one of my favorite openings to write so far. Re-reading it has me giddy with what I have planned  ;D if youd like to send a pm with the some basic info I'd be happy to provide some input!

Much Love!

Offline Tin_Grin8444

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Re: Story - Different Worlds
« Reply #3 on: 12. February 2024, 10:48:27 AM »
Chapter 2

The sun continues to rise quickly, and I realize being out in the open is not the ideal position for me to be in. With the residual pain in my back still tingling, I'm in no condition to fight, so my objective has to be finding a place to hide where I can get my bearings. There isn't much in the field surrounding either sides of the two roads. I can make out adjacent buildings past the front of the academy. I don't feel Laurenella anywhere around me, but I can't rule out that there are still hostile threats in the vicinity.

After a brief pause, I decide my only choice is to investigate the academy. A large ornate sign reads, "Beckett's". Past it, a courtyard holding a medium sized statue of an older man in odd clothing. The layout of the surrounding structures indicate an administrative building, lecture halls, and past those, residential buildings. I can hear movement coming from the administrative building to my left, so I make for the lecture halls straight ahead. I just need to get out of sight.

I swiftly dart along the far side of the structure, keeping crouched below windows. I don't hear anyone inside, but best to not take chances. I spot one of the windows has its lock undone, and has an opening clearance of a hair's width, just enough for me to place my hands at either end and gently work it open. I vault into the empty room, and nearly close the window as I'd found it behind me. A low hiss emanates from lengths of metal against the ceiling leading to strange glass objects.  As I reach a door leading to a secondary hallway, I feel a twinge at the back of my head, the same sensation as the one the dagger made while stuck into my shoulder. I shudder from the feeling, but realize the sensation has a source from within the building at a lower level. I think for a moment at the door, weighing my options. I'm in unfamiliar territory, having awoken in a ditch with no indication of having been found by allies to the crown. I should assume I'm on hostile terrain, but the geography and direction of the sun didn't give me any indications. Wait, the sun. There was only one. I couldn't see the second, and the one I did see was a pinkish orange. I might not even be on the same continent as before the Dagger.

I should assume I'm not a welcomed guest here. I need to find the source of that sensation. I sit to the floor to the left hand side of the door behind what appears to be a metallic locking cabinet. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to look through the door. It takes a bit longer this time, but after a few seconds, I can see through that familiar blue haze. I faze through the door and float towards the general direction of the sensation. As I move closer, the intricacy of the decorations becomes more archaic and ornate. Statues of what I can only assume are instructors line the walls displaying portraits of figures important to the academy's history. I eventually reach a religious alter, decorated with engravings, intricate etchings carved into the surrounding stone floor. Soft morning light bleeds from higher windows and reflects across dust in the air.

Something's under the alter.

I move closer, bringing my head into the wood and stone alter's interior, and find a complex mechanism, seemingly meant to shift the mass along a set path when triggered. I move a bit lower, and find a small staircase leading deeper towards the source of the feeling, but for some reason I can't move any further. No matter how I try to float further, I can't make it past the stairs. I'm wondering if this is due to my only recently healed condition.

I open my eyes to the lecture hall. I decide to open the door and make my way towards the alter. Halfway there, I begin to here footsteps from the entrance to the building. I quicken my pace, keeping close to the walls and low to the ground. I reach the outside of the room with the alter, but the door is locked. I look around, and spot an adjacent room has another door leading to the left hand side of the alter's room. Once inside, I approach the alter and spot a large wooden wardrobe behind it I hadn't noticed before. Behind the glass of it's doors, I can see numerous books, seemingly religious texts, carefully stored away from sunlight and open air. I return my attention to the alter and begin searching for it's opening mechanism. I run the tips of my fingers along it's edges, feeling for any gaps or looser pieces in the woodworking.

I hear the footsteps getting closer. I ready myself to hide behind the bulk of the alter. The footsteps hesitate, and quickly run up the side door I'd mistakenly left open! After a pause, the footsteps quickly sprint back towards the front of the building. They've noticed something's off. I need to be fast. I continue feeling for the opening piece, and after an eternity, I find it! It takes a bit of wiggling, but it finally engages, and the alter slides backwards towards the wardrobe, revealing the staircase. I here a group of footsteps, at least four or five, making their way towards me at a frantic pace. I need to move now!

I start my way down the staircase, but I stop.

Something's not right.

I can't go any further.

More like I really shouldn't.

This is the only way in or out. The air feels stale.

"You! Stop right there!"

Four men in dark blue uniforms stare in fear at me, glancing at the now opened atler, as if it's their first time seeing it in this state. Just behind them is a darker skinned woman with shorter hair in a strange formal attire with a look of fearful rage on her face. The man closest to me draws a weapon from his belt, a sleek black device that crackles to life as it ejects two thin metal spirals in my direction. I instinctively move to the left, away from the wardrobe, and glance at my surroundings. The front door closest to the building's entrance was locked, so I can't assume I'll be able to open it from this side. That leaves the side door that the five of them just came in from, so I'll have to get around them.

Using their fear to my advantage, I quickly lunge towards their legs, keeping low to the ground just as Lote taught me and slide across the floor between the legs of one of them, out of the door and break into full sprint as they each yell at me to stop.

I'm certainly faster than them, but the pain in my back is quickly becoming a problem. I slip back through the door to the lecture hall, the strange glass objects now glowing brightly, the metal leading to them seemingly alive. I vault back out of the window and sprint along the side of the building as the rest of the campus begins to awaken. I find another window at an adjacent building is unlocked, and make my way in. This must be the residential building. I quickly move into a darkened room, the floor lined with stained carpet and hide beneath a strangely polished wooden desk. Crouching beneath it send a sharp pain shooting through my back, and I can't help but let out an audible wince. I catch my breath and decide to try shutting my eyes and searching for a way out, but the room becomes bright as the glass objects hanging from the ceiling begin to hum. I place my hands over my mouth to try and hide my breathing. I haven't heard to door open.

I hear footsteps across the carpet from the right hand side of the room, away from the direction of the door. A pair of legs adorned in colorful patterned fuzzed fabric and slippers stop in front of the opening I crawled into the desk from. I look up and find Laurenella staring down at me.
But it's not her. She's shorter, less pale. While she has bags under her eyes, she looks far more alive than the Laurenella I'm familiar with.

No doubt her expression is a result of my sorry state. A wave of terror wreaks across my face. Coupled with the pain my my back, tears well up into my eyes. The door to the room opens.

"Miss Lauren, an intruder was spotted on academy grounds. You must return to your dorm this instant!"

Her gaze lingers on me for a fraction of a second before she answers the guard.

"Okay! I'll get my laptop and head back up."

The door closes and footsteps are heard sprinting away. She looks back down to me with an amused look of curiosity.

"Looks like you're in a bit of trouble."

Offline Tin_Grin8444

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Re: Story - Different Worlds
« Reply #4 on: 01. February 2025, 10:00:25 AM »
Chapter 3  ;)

She stares at me for a bit, gears turning in her head, her eyes not leaving me for a while until she squints and glances towards the window I entered from, then back to me. She points at me.

"Stay right there."

She walks over to the window and stares out to the grass and other buildings. I can here voices outside. With her at the window, I consider making a run for the door, but the pain in my back tells me that kind of fast shifting would be a very bad idea. I glance around the room, at least what I can see of it from beneath the desk, and as light brown board with various papers mounted to it catches my eye, I notice the language on them is a readable Basic, but in a dialect completely foreign to me. The sentence structure and syntax grammatically make sense, but the positioning isn't anything I'd ever think of myself.

Before I can think on it any further, she returns from the window and crouches a few feet from the desk, studying me for a beat. Her hair isn't straight and black, but a wavy dark brown. Her shirt fits loosely and clashes with her pants. She wobbles a bit as she rests on the balls of her feet, creasing the slippers. I can spot a freckle on her left hand, the kind of imperfection impossible to the Laurenella I know.

She seems to study my armor, doing double takes to the details and staying on the royal insignia tanned into the pauldron. She straightens herself and sits on the carpet.

"Tell me the truth. You got the alter to move, didn't you?"

I nod.

She smiles.

"Alright, I'll make you deal. You do everything I say, and mean EVERYTHING, I'll make sure you don't get caught. How does that sound?"

Why wouldn't she want to turn me over to their guards? How does she know the alter can move if the guards didn't? I can still hear voices outside, they're definitely still looking for me. The longer I stay here the closer they get to checking this room more thoroughly, and if I don't comply right now, I'm definitely caught, and I'm in no condition to fight.

I nod.

Her smile widens.

"Good choice. Follow me."

She stands and walks behind the desk. I curl myself out from beneath the desk, careful to not strain myself or move too quickly. As I turn to see the rest of the room, Laurenella finishes putting various strange items from atop a table into a large bag with a single clasp on it's front. She grabs a coat from the back of the chair at the table and walks over to me before draping the coat over my shoulders, pulling the hood over my head and ushering me towards the door. While noticing this version of her, while shorter than before, is still taller than me, the smell of her jackets finally registers. A fresh woodsy smell with a bright tang.

She cracks the door ajar and peers out to a carpeted hallway, to the right a building administration desk near a set of glass doors with metal framing, two men in blue uniform stand outside facing a solid stone path leading to the other buildings. She quickly rushes out to the left towards a tiled staircase, pulling me along by the sleeve of her jacket, up the stairs to the next floor. After rounding the corner to another hallway of rooms, she comes to a stop and produces a sleek thin tablet from her pocket that glows at the press of a button. It displays text and numbers, and she swiftly types into it, tapping her thumbs across the letters and turning the machine's screen black again. After a brief moment the door opens. We're greeted by an unhappy woman with glasses and a similar choice of clothing.

"Lauren, it's 5:00, I don-"

I'm pushed past the door into a small office with a bed in the corner.

"I'm cashing in that favor. This is your new patient."

She puts the large bag down, takes her jacket off of my shoulders, putting it onto herself and turning to leave. The grumpy woman stops her.

"Wait, hang on! Who is this?! How did you get a man on campus?"

"I'm going to get some clothes. Start with full bands, headgear and a tongue crib. Leave room for extras. Don't worry about costs, I'll pay whatever you want, just do it now. And don't let him get caught."

She points to me.

"And you, do everything she tells you til I get back."

After the door clothes, I can hear footsteps as she sprints down the hall back towards the direction of the stairs. The grumpy woman looks me over, clearly confused at my armor. After a pause she steps over to a closet where she unfolds a padded table, gesturing towards it.

"Alright, hop on I guess."


Pretty much the entire walk from the cathedral to the convoy was this crazed march, citizens of the capital on all sides roaring, calling out with outstretched hands. I had no hope of mimicking Anten's soldier-like performance. He stood tall and proudly marched, eyes kept level and forward towards the edge of the city. The stone bricks I'm walking over have small gaps of dirt between them, any chance of green stamped out daily from the constant flow of foot traffic. I could tell he was moving slower to keep too much space from forming between us. I felt like I couldn't get the right pace to walk between him and Lote behind me. The rows of soldiers on either side of us had no issue. All the noise makes it hard to see what's in front of me. I can't tell the encouragement from the anger and fear. Calls to forgo mercy.

I feel Lote place his hand to my right shoulder, with a smile he raises his other hand to wave, gently pushing me along to quicken my pace. Nice to know I'm not the only one ready for this to be over. After meandering through the normally quiet academic districts we arrive to the West gate to meet the rest of the convoy that had been waiting for us, a force of 10,000 strong. Soldiers, cooks, medics, all varying degrees of armor quality, all suspiciously well armed for their given professions.
"Mercenaries.", Lote mutters to himself. An uneasy air hangs as the noise from inside the city begins to die down. As we're ushered into a carriage midway through the convoy's formation, the mercenaries seems especially weary of both Anten and Resperia. Anten motions for the rest of us to board first. I carefully climb aboard, firmly grasping the cobbled together dagger, the hastened result of a 3 month long conclave within the capital. It rattles as my hands shake.

As Anten boards last, the carriage slightly sags beneath his weight. He opens a window to keep watch of the convoy as it finalizes preparations to depart. Through the opening I can spot a pair of uneasy capital guards outside the West gate, looking away when I make eye contact with one of them. After a few minutes, the carriage lurches forward, Resperia grips her staff with white knuckles. Anten looks to Lote, who opens his eyes to check a time piece before returning to Anten with a nod. The carriage creeks as Anten sits back to relax, his weight seemingly steadying what would normally be a bumpy ride.

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Re: Story - Different Worlds
« Reply #5 on: 02. February 2025, 07:54:40 AM »
Excited to see how this goes!

Offline Tin_Grin8444

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Re: Story - Different Worlds
« Reply #6 on: 12. February 2025, 05:50:32 AM »
Chapter 4

   At the grumpy woman's command, I sit atop a strange cot she produced from a thin closet near the room's corner, it's material a kind of odd bright leather. Katie, as she introduces herself, presses my shoulders to lay me across the cot. As I lay back, the pain in my back subsides. Katie seems to notice this, staring for a bit before walking over to a set of white drawers made of a strange synthetic material. She begins pulling numerous rings of metal and other strange jewelry from them, placing them onto a short table with wheels. She then returns to the closet and pulls a large piece of equipment, the same color as the strange cot I'm lied on, from its depths. She struggles a bit to pull it to the back side of the cot above my head. By now I'm beginning to tense up, causing the pain in my back to flare up again. I can't help but grunt.

"Hey, hey it's okay. This isn't gonna hurt, I promise. Is your back hurt or something?"

There isn't a trace of hostility in her tone. She doesn't seem to be lying.

I nod.

"Okay... I think I have something for that. For now, just relax, okay? This won't take long."

I try to heed her instructions, trying to relax enough for the wave of pain to subside.

She seems to pay particular attention to my armor as she finishes her preparation. She shakes away the quizzical look from her face as she produces an odd blue object, and instructs me to open my mouth.
Confused, I allow her to fit the strange apparatus, one that holds my lips and cheeks away fro my teeth, forcing my tongue to the back of my mouth. With this done she begins cleaning my teeth with various tools, tastes of a strange mint linger in the air as she skillfully goes about cleaning my mouth with an attention to detail reserved for bishops. Her expression seems to be an empty focus, only faltering when she glances at my armor, as if double checking what she sees when she looks at it.

After a brief beat, she begins bringing the strange metal rings into my mouth, forcing them over my teeth before removing them, trying different ones for each tooth before applying a strange paste to each and bringing them into my mouth where she leaves them. Halfway through, she pauses to place her hand to my shoulder, instructing me to relax. I hadn't realized my shoulder were brought tense up to my neck. After relaxing as best I could with the strange sensations in my mouth, she continues bringing more strange metallic object into my mouth, all the while my tongue is held back, prevent me from feeling any of these strange objects.

She brings a half-halo over my mouth, the ends of it hooked, it's interior a smaller arch with two of those rings attached. As she attaches this, I notice it awkwardly sits outside my mouth between my lips, now sat in the bottom of my vision.

This gives me an idea.

I close my eyes and allow myself to phase out from my body, as I look down from above the two of us I can make out numerous bits of garish metal attached to my teeth and into my mouth, I see my face flinch at the sight with eyes closed. I regain myself and float to the door of the room, poking my head out to see the still dark hallway, slashes of the ornate carpet lit at the end of the hallways by a window with low morning light. I move forward towards the wall and phase outside. I don't see any guards standing outside this building anymore. Looking around I can see them gathered around a small opening in a fence, pushed open from the inside, a metal net somehow clipped open with a set of muddied footprints leading out of it. The grass next to the fence's hole now a sloshy mess with boots in the wet grass rendering it a clustered sludge, leading to a single set of footprints on the other side of the hole. The guards stand around it looking and pointing, a relaxed air about them. They think I've left?

I sift back into the dormitory building and move along the hallways, and see Laurenella walking back up the stairs, carrying a pair of muddied boots and a strange pincer tool towards what I can guess is her room. I decide to sift back out of the building towards the main assembly building's alter room. Following the same path I initially entered from, I float through the classroom's window, into the hallway, past the statues and portraits, all of them well lit with the hum of light from sections of ceiling. As I reach the alter room, a group of guards still stand outside of it, worriedly conversing. The suited women with short hair stands next to the alter, now closed back over the staircase as she calmly speaks with 2 older men in similar clothing.

As I sift towards the alter again, I feel a slight cold air behind my eyes. The short haired woman stops, glances behind her, seeing right through me.

I freeze.

She glances around briefly before continuing speaking with the older men.

I'm pulled back with a hand nudging my shoulder.

I open my eyes to see Katie looking over me with something like pride and pity, Laurenella behind her with a wide grin, holding a set of clothes.


By the time we reach the first town outside the capital, the silence seems to have gotten to Anten, who finally speaks up, asking me if I have plans to see my family once this is all over. The question confuses me a bit.

"I was sold to the Clergy when I was-"

I stop myself as a realize I somehow managed to make the carriage ride more uncomfortable than before. Unsure of what to say next, I can only slink back into my seat and hope someone else speaks up. I can feel Lote is a little more aware of me.

Anten speaks up again, breaking the silence once more.

"I don't have folks waiting for me, not anymore. Outliving the people around you sort of comes with the territory." With a soft smile he gestures to a faded emblem on his pauldron, this particular section of his armor noticeably older than the rest.

Resperia takes her eyes off of the window for the first time, glancing to Anten on her right, but not moving her head.

Anten continues. "Trust me, these sorts of things have a pattern to them. We'll make this work."

The carriage crudges along weathered burgundy brick roads, meandering through smaller towns surrounding the capital. The further we travel, the less fanfare is held for our journey by residents. As we pass through Cannetore, the sentiment that this is all much too late hangs in the air as the townspeople glare at us from their stalls, averting their eyes from the gruff looking mercenaries on horseback.

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Re: Story - Different Worlds
« Reply #7 on: 12. February 2025, 07:04:46 AM »
I don't think I've seen anyone do a story from a fantasy point of view quite like this. Well done.

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Re: Story - Different Worlds
« Reply #8 on: 27. February 2025, 20:58:32 PM »
Chapter 5

"Where've you been?!!?" Katie gestures to bits of cut grass clinging to Laurenella's pants.

She replies with pointing the index fingers of both her hands with thumbs raised towards Katie, still smiling. "Walking backwards through mud."

She then steps to my side and excitedly looks over what's been placed into my mouth, barely containing her glee.

"Oh this is perfect! My god, Katie you're the best."

Katie is completely disarmed by the praise, elated to see her talents to be recognized. I feel a bundle of clothes placed onto my lap as I lay there.

"Alright there, Champ. Almost there. Go get changed for me."

Katie instinctively helps me from the chair, conscious of the pain in my back.

"Thhankshh..." I have a lisp now, no doubt a result of the awkward new equipment I've been gifted. The two of them are surprised, though I'm unsure if it's because of the lisp, or this being the first time either of them have heard me speak that's caught them off guard.

With the bundle in hand I'm gestured to a small restroom decorated with soft pink and green colored decor, a rectangular mirror hanging above a pristine sink. I'm convinced Katie is some kind of royalty.

As I begin parcing out the clothing, I hear Katie speak.
"Lauren, his back is hurt."

"I figured. He looked pretty rough when I found him in our commons."

"I've got something for that, but you gotta tell me more. His armor looks too real. What's his name?"

"I uhh don't know. I didn't ask."

"Lauren! You didn't even ask?!"

After a beat I realize I can't reach a line of clasps on the back of my pauldron to take my armor off, not with the condition my back is in. I slightly open the door to the restroom to request help. Katie briskly walks over and further opens the door, eager to help, and to get a better look at my armor. She carefully unhooks each clasp, as the back section slides off, I flinch as the hide rubs against the flesh of my back. In the mirror I can see why the both of them are quiet. A large bruise covers my entire back, painful shades of red and purple.

Katie speaks up. "Okay, no. Before anything else, sit down."

Doing as she says, I sit awkwardly as Katie sifts through a drawer with a stressed pace. She returns to my back with a thick liquid kind of medicine, what begins as a cold sting fades to a numb relief as careful hands trace the borders of the contusion.

She snaps her fingers behind her. "You, grab the back brace from that closet."

Laurenella trips a bit as she fumbles and drops a few items from Katie's storage retrieving a tall and admittedly scary looking contraption. Katie steps into the bathroom, then returns with a crisp white shirt with pristine long sleeves and buttons down its center. She helps my arms into the sleeves, and carefully buttons the shirt closed. It's a comfortable fit.

"You're lucky Lauren's clothes are a good fit." She says with a smirk.

Once that's does she helps me into a grey and red patterned skirt, the color and pattern matching that of a similar set hanging near Katie's bed. After that she helps me to manage a sweater vest over what she refers to as my headgear, preventing it's hooks from snagging the material of the vest. After popping the collar of my shirt through it's opening, she gestures to Lauren, stood in the corner for the past 5 minutes awkwardly holding the back brace seemingly trying and failing to avert her eyes, the sight of her red face takes me aback. Something stirs in me for a brief beat. The sight of her looking so human catches me off guard. As she steps to my side handing the brace over, Katie returns a look before taking it.

Lauren squeaks, "Um, I didn't get your name."

The metal in my mouth flexes and flashes as I speak.

The two of them can't help but make a face, a mix of surprise and confusion.

"Well, that sounds a bit like Riley, so we'll go with that for your ID". Lauren decides.

Katie interjects. "Could you spell that for us?" She places a writing apparatus into my right hand and what looks like a foreman's paper into my lap. I place the pen into my left hand and scribe it to the best of my ability. The two of them stare of the name puzzled.

"Well, I wouldn'tve thought it would be spelled like that, but I agree, Riley sounds like the closest thing."

There must be some aspect between the syntax of our languages that isn't carrying over.

As Lauren retrieves her tablet while still looking at my written name, Katie begins placing the backbrace around my chest. She has me take a deep breath and straighten myself as best I can. As she secures each clasp of the brace, it gives a supporting pressure to various sections of my back. A long section of metal presses against my chest, from the base of the brace at my hips to the top of my neck. By the end, the top of the contraption uncomfortably holds my chin high, forcing my neck and alleviating the pain. Awkwardness aside, fighting while wearing this will be impossible, and running will be impractical and potentially dangerous if I lose my balance.

Lauren places the tablet back into her pocket. "Alright, his ID will be ready in 20, or should I say 'Her'"!

With this she produces a brown wig and mess white netted cap.
"Katie, undo his headgear straps for a moment."

She does so, relieving a slight pressure I hadn't noticed building in the corners of my jaw. I'm sat in front of the bathroom's mirror, and as Lauren begins tucking my dark hair beneath the white mesh, I can better see the extent to which my appearance has been altered. While the facebow looks thinner in the mirror, the way it catches light means it'll be noticeable from any angle, especially with how it encircles the front half of my face. Parting my lips I'm met with all of my teeth enwrapped by those strange metal rings, each of them bearing a sharp clamp holding a metal wire in place. Each "bracket", as Katie calls them, is wrapped in an alternating pattern of bright pink and green, seemingly her signature. Further opening my mouth I can guess the tray of curved metal beneath the top of my mouth is the source of my lisp, one that according to Katie, won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Opening and closing my mouth causes the long scopes of metal connecting my jaws to click and squeak, no doubt drawing further attention to my mouth. Once Lauren finished with the wig, Katie steps in to re-attach my headgear's straps, straight brown hair, with bangs covering my forehead, now further held in place by pink and green straps across the back of my neck and over the top of my head.

Lauren smirks proudly at Katie, who huffs with a smile of her own.
"This is working too well."

"Just wait til we're done with makeup!" Lauren giggles as she skips over to a bag by the door.

Katie fiddles with a dial on the back brace. "How does it feel? Better?"
I nod. Keeping my back straight like this isn't something my stomach's muscles are used to, but the pain is gone.

"I can help you get it off to sleep."

Lauren returns to the bathroom once more with various bottle and containers, turning my seat away from the mirror to face her. The look of glee in her eyes tugs at my chest.


About four terges North of Cannetore, We intersect with one of the two remaining battalions from the initial conscription. The carriage halts and remains stopped for a few minutes, during which Resperia grips her staff tightly, Anten quietly watches two mercenaries on horseback to the right of the carriage. After a beat they move further away as two soldier's in the Bishop's armor ride to Anten and Lote's side of the carriage, calling them to step out to be escorted to the General. As we step out into the road, I can't help but notice that even their horses are armored. There's an obvious difference in the way these two carry themselves compared to the force we left the capital with.

As we reach the General's tent, The smell of burning incense reaches me before the folds open to allow us entry. General Ferreadus steps out from behind a table to greet the four of us. As he looks to me, Resperia steps a bit closer to my side, I can feel Anten has tensed his body, like a wound spring. I lose track of Lote in the room. Calmly, Anten steps in front of me to shake his hand. The general seems to pay their movement no mind, maintaining an oddly calm air given the situation. He gestures Anten and Lote to a set of battle plans across a table, though he has to look for Lote to see him standing besides Resperia. As they discuss our party's path of entry, he seems to gloss over squads of mercenaries to be sent in ahead of soldiers, speaking with cavalier how he intends to have his soldiers a few clicks behind to intercept the enemy as they advance. The intention isn't lost on any of us.

Resperia stays at my side near the side of the tent's entrance. Occasionally glancing down at me. I briefly close my eyes and sift through the tent's roof, surprised to see the size of the General's personal force. I return as the folds to the tent open, Resperia silently placing herself between myself and the entrance, as if on instinct. One of the General's informants enters, reading out reports of a confirmed time of departure for the intended flank our party will be dropped off at.