Chapter 3

She stares at me for a bit, gears turning in her head, her eyes not leaving me for a while until she squints and glances towards the window I entered from, then back to me. She points at me.
"Stay right there."She walks over to the window and stares out to the grass and other buildings. I can here voices outside. With her at the window, I consider making a run for the door, but the pain in my back tells me that kind of fast shifting would be a very bad idea. I glance around the room, at least what I can see of it from beneath the desk, and as light brown board with various papers mounted to it catches my eye, I notice the language on them is a readable Basic, but in a dialect completely foreign to me. The sentence structure and syntax grammatically make sense, but the positioning isn't anything I'd ever think of myself.
Before I can think on it any further, she returns from the window and crouches a few feet from the desk, studying me for a beat. Her hair isn't straight and black, but a wavy dark brown. Her shirt fits loosely and clashes with her pants. She wobbles a bit as she rests on the balls of her feet, creasing the slippers. I can spot a freckle on her left hand, the kind of imperfection impossible to the Laurenella I know.
She seems to study my armor, doing double takes to the details and staying on the royal insignia tanned into the pauldron. She straightens herself and sits on the carpet.
"Tell me the truth. You got the alter to move, didn't you?"I nod.
She smiles.
"Alright, I'll make you deal. You do everything I say, and mean EVERYTHING, I'll make sure you don't get caught. How does that sound?"Why wouldn't she want to turn me over to their guards? How does she know the alter can move if the guards didn't? I can still hear voices outside, they're definitely still looking for me. The longer I stay here the closer they get to checking this room more thoroughly, and if I don't comply right now, I'm definitely caught, and I'm in no condition to fight.
I nod.
Her smile widens.
"Good choice. Follow me."She stands and walks behind the desk. I curl myself out from beneath the desk, careful to not strain myself or move too quickly. As I turn to see the rest of the room, Laurenella finishes putting various strange items from atop a table into a large bag with a single clasp on it's front. She grabs a coat from the back of the chair at the table and walks over to me before draping the coat over my shoulders, pulling the hood over my head and ushering me towards the door. While noticing this version of her, while shorter than before, is still taller than me, the smell of her jackets finally registers. A fresh woodsy smell with a bright tang.
She cracks the door ajar and peers out to a carpeted hallway, to the right a building administration desk near a set of glass doors with metal framing, two men in blue uniform stand outside facing a solid stone path leading to the other buildings. She quickly rushes out to the left towards a tiled staircase, pulling me along by the sleeve of her jacket, up the stairs to the next floor. After rounding the corner to another hallway of rooms, she comes to a stop and produces a sleek thin tablet from her pocket that glows at the press of a button. It displays text and numbers, and she swiftly types into it, tapping her thumbs across the letters and turning the machine's screen black again. After a brief moment the door opens. We're greeted by an unhappy woman with glasses and a similar choice of clothing.
"Lauren, it's 5:00, I don-"
I'm pushed past the door into a small office with a bed in the corner.
"I'm cashing in that favor. This is your new patient." She puts the large bag down, takes her jacket off of my shoulders, putting it onto herself and turning to leave. The grumpy woman stops her.
"Wait, hang on! Who is this?! How did you get a man on campus?"
"I'm going to get some clothes. Start with full bands, headgear and a tongue crib. Leave room for extras. Don't worry about costs, I'll pay whatever you want, just do it now. And don't let him get caught."She points to me.
"And you, do everything she tells you til I get back."After the door clothes, I can hear footsteps as she sprints down the hall back towards the direction of the stairs. The grumpy woman looks me over, clearly confused at my armor. After a pause she steps over to a closet where she unfolds a padded table, gesturing towards it.
"Alright, hop on I guess."
Pretty much the entire walk from the cathedral to the convoy was this crazed march, citizens of the capital on all sides roaring, calling out with outstretched hands. I had no hope of mimicking Anten's soldier-like performance. He stood tall and proudly marched, eyes kept level and forward towards the edge of the city. The stone bricks I'm walking over have small gaps of dirt between them, any chance of green stamped out daily from the constant flow of foot traffic. I could tell he was moving slower to keep too much space from forming between us. I felt like I couldn't get the right pace to walk between him and Lote behind me. The rows of soldiers on either side of us had no issue. All the noise makes it hard to see what's in front of me. I can't tell the encouragement from the anger and fear. Calls to forgo mercy.
I feel Lote place his hand to my right shoulder, with a smile he raises his other hand to wave, gently pushing me along to quicken my pace. Nice to know I'm not the only one ready for this to be over. After meandering through the normally quiet academic districts we arrive to the West gate to meet the rest of the convoy that had been waiting for us, a force of 10,000 strong. Soldiers, cooks, medics, all varying degrees of armor quality, all suspiciously well armed for their given professions.
"Mercenaries.", Lote mutters to himself. An uneasy air hangs as the noise from inside the city begins to die down. As we're ushered into a carriage midway through the convoy's formation, the mercenaries seems especially weary of both Anten and Resperia. Anten motions for the rest of us to board first. I carefully climb aboard, firmly grasping the cobbled together dagger, the hastened result of a 3 month long conclave within the capital. It rattles as my hands shake.
As Anten boards last, the carriage slightly sags beneath his weight. He opens a window to keep watch of the convoy as it finalizes preparations to depart. Through the opening I can spot a pair of uneasy capital guards outside the West gate, looking away when I make eye contact with one of them. After a few minutes, the carriage lurches forward, Resperia grips her staff with white knuckles. Anten looks to Lote, who opens his eyes to check a time piece before returning to Anten with a nod. The carriage creeks as Anten sits back to relax, his weight seemingly steadying what would normally be a bumpy ride.