9. Bonus
So far, everything has gone in Marc's favor, but I have something in store for him. Dr. Johnson tells me, "Please wear these bands at all times. Only take them out to eat and brush your teeth. For the first week you can take them out if you feel uncomfortable, but try to wear them all the time. See you in four weeks. And do you have any questions?"
I look at her and ask her, "May I ask you a personal question?" She says, "Sure, go ahead." I ask her, "I noticed that you have almost perfect teeth. Have you had orthodontic treatment? Or do you have naturally straight teeth?" She says, "You are the first patient to ask me that question. Although it is an obvious question, no one really asks it."
She then smiles and gives me and my son a good look at her perfectly straight teeth. She continues, "Actually, my teeth were always pretty straight and my dentist never referred me to an orthodontist. But when I decided to become an orthodontist, I wanted perfectly straight teeth. So I decided to get braces as a young adult and I have never regretted it. And it is good for my job because my teeth make me the perfect role model for my patients."
So I ask her, "Have you seen my son's teeth? Do you think they are perfectly straight or just good enough not to need treatment?" Suddenly my son has a skeptical look on his face and she replies, "He certainly has straight teeth, but there are certainly things that need to be corrected before we can call them perfectly straight."
"So, as a future orthodontist, it might be good for him to get his teeth straightened now? I mean before he gets them as an adult," I ask. The smile suddenly disappears from my son's face and he looks shocked for a moment, but it does not take him long to recover. Dr. Johnson says, "Good point, if he wants to show his patients a perfect smile, there is certainly something we can do for him."
This discussion is part of my plan. I spoke with Dr. Johnson earlier this week and she has agreed to give my future orthodontist braces if he agrees. She is even willing to do it today. Of course, I will have to pay her a little bonus. I really hope that once he has braces, he will stop pranking me. It has to stop and I am willing to do almost anything.
So far Marc has not said a word, I ask him, "I think Dr. Johnson is right, as an orthodontist you should have perfect teeth. You will set such a good example for your patients. So, what do you think? Are you serious about becoming an orthodontist?" Marc looks at me and then at Dr. Johnson, "I was thinking the same thing. An orthodontist needs perfect teeth and mine are only almost perfect.“
It is Dr. Johnson who asks him, "So, do you want braces?" To my surprise, he replies, "Yes. I want braces." This works even better than I expected. Now the only thing I have to do is get him to get them today. Every cent I pay Dr. Johnson will be worth it. He so deserves braces after what he has done to me these past four weeks.
It is then my son who surprises us again: "I have been thinking about the right moment to get them. During my last visit, you said that my wisdom teeth could change my bite when they erupt. So I was wondering if I should wait for them to erupt and then fix my teeth. What is your professional opinion?" He looks in Dr. Johnson's direction, and it is almost as if I am not there.
She replies, "Good point. However, I do not think your wisdom teeth will be a problem if we start your treatment now. The likelihood of them shifting your bite is almost zero. So it is up to you, we can start today if you want." Dr. Johnson is really trying to get him into braces. She seems to sympathize with me after what I told her on the phone. However, she has also made it clear to me that she needs Marc's full consent, and I agree with her on that part. Still, it would be fantastic to have him in braces.
I say to him, "Wouldn't it be better to have them now, when you are younger? I mean, if you want it anyway, it would be better to have it now and not as an adult.”S Dr. Johnson supports me, she is working for her bonus, "Your father is right, you will be an adult when your wisdom teeth come in. And it is certainly easier to wear braces as a teenager when many of your friends have them."
He looks a little unsure, but says, "I'm just thinking about how to get the best result from my treatment. If I have to wear braces, the result has to be perfect." I tell him, "You heard Dr. Johnson, there is almost no risk if you start now. Your girlfriend has them and I have them. Wouldn't it be good to go through this together?"
I can see his brain working. Is he trying to make an excuse or is he considering getting braces? Then he says, "I would love to get braces. They do such an amazing job. I have seen a lot of before and after braces videos. And it is really fascinating what they can do. I have been thinking a lot about my future career and every day I know more the more I want to be an orthodontist with perfect teeth."
I look at him, "So what is stopping you from getting them? I wish I had them as a child. My treatment would have been much shorter and I would not have developed these headaches. So do it now and you are all done." He replies, "Maybe you are right and I should get them now. It is just that I want to have perfect teeth and I am afraid of a second round of braces if I start too early."
He is really good at pretending to want braces, but avoiding actually getting them. Dr. Johnson says, "The risk of that is almost non-existent. You can have the straight teeth you want with just one year of fixed braces. Maybe you have read too much online. Not everything on the Internet is true. I assure you that your teeth will be fine." She is certainly working for her bonus and I hope she succeeds.
I begin to notice the effect of my new archwire and rubber bands. There is already some discomfort and I am almost certain that I will be in pain this evening and for the next few days. Marc looks like he is thinking or pretending to think. I am not sure. Then he says, "Actually, I have read a lot of studies and they are slightly in favor of late treatment. So I am really not sure what to do."
Normally he does not read, and now he pretends to read scientific studies. Has he grown up that much in the last few weeks or is he just trying to find a way out without admitting that this whole thing about becoming an orthodontist is a joke? I admire him for his acting, but I want braces for him. I want it to happen now, and not when he gets his wisdom teeth.
Dr. Johnson has not given up: "I know there are studies that support late treatment. But there is a huge bias. Most of these studies do not take patient cooperation into account as much as they should. And usually older patients are more cooperative. But you are not uncooperative. You want braces and I am sure you will cooperate fully. So there is no reason for you to start late."
I also admire Dr. Johnson's passion. She had her fun when she let Marc assist with my wire change, but now she is fully on my side and almost desperate to help. Marc tells me, "Again, I would like to start now. But I am worried about the results and want to wait. It would be cool to be a braces buddy with you and my sister. We could have the same colors. By the way, I love the red color. But I'm afraid I have to do what's best for my treatment."
Dr. Johnson and I now know that we are defeated. So I say to him, "OK, let's go home now.” And I say to Dr. Johnson, "Thank you for your time. See you in four weeks." Dr. Johnson replies, "You are welcome. I am afraid my assistants have left, so you will have to call them tomorrow to schedule your next appointment.“
And in Marc's direction, she says: "You can always change your decision. I would be happy to help a future colleague get a perfect smile." So she leaves the door open for him. But I doubt he will walk through that door. His interest is in pranking me. I am sure that this whole thing about becoming an orthodontist is part of his act. He does not really want braces or to become an orthodontist. I still do not understand why he is so angry with me. After all, he knows that his mother started the braces thing. She wanted him to get braces and I was just her slave.
So we finally leave the office and head home. We do not talk much during the drive. We are both focused on the events of the day. At home I prepare a meal for us and my choice is again pasta. Noodles are easy to chew and I do not want to have any pain while eating. The downside is that pasta tends to get stuck in my braces, but I have to brush them anyway. Taking my rubber bands out to eat is also a big relief and I try to extend my rubber band free time as much as possible.
After brushing my teeth and putting the rubber bands back in, I decide to go to my bedroom. But not before taking some painkillers. From my bedroom I call Deborah and tell her about my braces appointment today. What I leave out is my plan to get Marc in braces. She is very supportive and tells me that she is thinking of me. And a nice gesture from her is that she will wear her retainers tonight, which she usually does not.
I didn't even know she had retainers or had had orthodontic treatment in the past. But she did. I wonder who she looks like with her retainers. Retainers will be in stock for me, too, after my treatment. So I am a little curious to see what an adult looks like wearing them. She wishes me a good night and we arrange to meet tomorrow.