
Author Topic: Story: Fight  (Read 1808 times)

Offline jxox

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Story: Fight
« on: 10. October 2024, 23:38:54 PM »
I have written a short story and I hope you will enjoy it.

1. Talking to my son
Today is the day I have to talk to my son. I cannot put it off any longer. I already know that this will be a difficult task because he usually does what he wants to do. This is clearly something he inherited from my wife.

My wife and I are no longer living together, but we are not yet divorced. We had a big fight before we decided to live separately. Our children had to decide which parent they wanted to live with. Our daughter Sandrine went with my wife. And Marc decided to stay with me.

"Marc, come down, we need to talk," I called from the stairs of our house. Like most thirteen-year-old kids, he likes to play games on his computer. Mostly shooters, I guess, from the sounds I can hear coming from his room. Now that there are only two of us, the house is too big for us, but I like it and do not want to move.

I can hear him coming down the stairs. He does it by making a lot of noise. This is his way of telling me that he doesn't want to come but has decided to obey my command. This is going to be a tough conversation and I hope it goes well.

He sits down on the couch next to me and looks directly at me with an annoyed expression. I know he wants to play games and not talk to his father. But I have to start, "Marc, your sister already has braces and I think it is time for you to see an orthodontist.“

He cuts me off, "No, I don't want braces." This is exactly the reaction I was expecting. I tell him, "This is just a consultation and the orthodontist will decide if you need braces.“ He yells at me, "I told you, I do not want braces. Can I go now?"

He reminds me of his mother. Discussions with her went exactly the same way. Either she would agree right away or she would refuse to even talk about it. I tell him, "Give me five minutes and then you can go play computer games. He looks angry, but to my surprise he says, "OK, you have five minutes."

I know I do not need five minutes, but I need him to listen for more than two sentences. My words now have to be chosen carefully. Otherwise, I will lose this discussion and I do not want to drag him to the orthodontist.

I tell him, "You know, most kids have braces these days. They can do so much now. The braces have improved dramatically and they are not as bulky as they were when I was a kid.“ He just looks at me and says nothing.

"Braces can prevent all kinds of problems for you in the future. And they are fully covered by our insurance. This is a great opportunity for you. My parents couldn't afford braces for me and our insurance didn't cover them. Fortunately, I did not need them," I tell him.

He tells me, "You were lucky that your insurance did not cover them.“ I interrupt him, "I didn't need them, otherwise I would have been very happy to get them and have my teeth straightened.“ I can tell he is trying to figure out how to convince me not to take him to the orthodontist.

"Easy for you to say, I doubt you would have liked them," he says. I reply, "Braces are no big deal these days. I would be happy to wear one of these modern braces if I needed them.“ He says, "Your five minutes are up," and leaves.

Like his mother, it is better to leave him alone when he is angry. Actually, this discussion went really well, considering our low standards and the fact that he is in puberty.

I have not told him, but I have already made an appointment with the orthodontist for him in four weeks. This will give me some time to convince him to go to the consultation. And I have to convince him because his mother is expecting me to do so and I do not want to end up in a fight with her.

For the next three weeks we talk about him needing braces. Sometimes we can talk calmly and he listens to my arguments. And sometimes we end up arguing and exchanging loud words.

My arguments are the same. The braces are so comfortable and easy now. I would like to wear them if I were him. And that it is only a consultation and he should listen to the doctor and do what he suggests.

My strategy so far has not paid off. So I try a new tactic. I talk about girls. As far as I know, he is not yet interested in girls, but I could be wrong. I tell him that girls really like boys with straight teeth and that his teeth would look so good after the treatment.

When I mention the girls, his look changes. He finally thinks about getting braces. I am sure he will need them, but I will let the doctor tell him. Maybe he is more interested in girls than I thought. Could be because his appearance has changed dramatically. He looks like he wants to listen to me now.

"Marc, this is only a consultation. Please come with me," I tell him for the thousandth time. But this time he says, "Okay, one consultation and then we will never talk about braces again.“ Hearing this makes me very happy, but I have to hide my happiness from him.

"If the doctor doesn't think you need them, I'll never bother you again. But if the doctor thinks you need them, then you have to get them. They are worth it and you will not regret having your teeth fixed.“ To my surprise, he says, "Okay, we have a deal.“

He had finally agreed to the consultation. It was just in time as his consultation was scheduled in less than a week. Having the consultation so soon could look really suspicious to him. I have to sound really surprised when I tell him that his consultation is in less than a week.

"Okay, I will call the orthodontist tomorrow and make an appointment for you. I am sure you will be so happy with your teeth when you are done. It is good that you want to listen to your orthodontist. If I were you, I would definitely do it," I tell him.

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Fight
« Reply #1 on: 10. October 2024, 23:46:16 PM »
2. Consultation
Marc was a little surprised when he found out that his consultation was the following Friday. I had told him that the office had a cancellation due to some patients being sick. He wasn't too happy about his appointment being so early, but a deal is a deal.

We both walked into Johnson's Orthodontics in the center of town. They are the only orthodontists here in town, so it was an obvious choice. The office is a newly renovated building and looks inviting. Definitely a good choice for Marc. And according to other parents, the staff and the doctor are also very friendly.

The receptionist introduces herself as Clara. Then she says, "It's good that you are here. We have so many cancellations. There must be a flu pandemic or something." It is good to hear that they are not busy today, so they have plenty of time to check Marc's teeth. And it helps my story because I told him that he has this early appointment because of a cancellation.

Marc is very quiet today and does not say a word as Clara leads us into a room with an X-ray machine. First she took some pictures of him. Then it was his turn at the X-ray machine. He has to bite into a stick without moving. A part of the machine goes around his head and takes the x-ray. Of course, he is given radiation protection for the rest of his body.

Then it is time for the impressions. When Marc hears this, he moans: "Oh! This is disgusting, my friend Martin told me so." But to my surprise, he opens his mouth as soon as Clara arrives with the first impression tray for his upper jaw. I can tell by the look on his face that this is not a good experience.

Clara continues with the lower jaw impressions. When she is finished, she tells us that we can go straight to the treatment room and see Dr. Johnson. The doctor is expecting us because of the many cancellations.

Dr. Johnson greets us and tells Marc to sit down. He first inspects Marc's teeth and makes some notes on his computer. He does this very carefully and I can tell that this is much easier for Marc than taking impressions. The doctor looks from the x-ray to Marc's teeth and back.

He then says, "Marc cleans his teeth very well and his teeth are extremely healthy. He does not have a single cavity. I would be happy if all my patients were as good at brushing their teeth." I already know that, he has had good dental health since he was a little kid. What I want to know is what kind of braces he needs and how long he will need them.

Clara comes in and hands Dr. Johnson a dental model. They must be Marc's teeth. Then she says, "Two more cancellations, Meyers and Rogers. They also have the flu." Neither Dr. Johnson nor Clara look happy to hear this news.

Then Dr. Johnson turns to Marc and says, "And I have to tell you, you do not need braces. Your bite is superb and your teeth are straight. I am sorry if you wanted braces, you know some kids do these days. But no braces for you."

Then he looks at me and says, "He should come back for a second consultation when his wisdom teeth come in. But I don't think we have to worry about that.” Hearing this, I am rather confused. I have always been convinced that both children need braces. And now I learn that Marc has almost perfect teeth.

I look in Marc's direction and he says, "Maybe you should check my dad's teeth. I am sure he needs braces.” The doctor says, "Sure, we have plenty of time this morning. Please have a seat if you want.”

I do not know why I do this, but Marc and I change places. Marc looks extremely happy and I haven't seen him this happy in a long time. I do not feel happy at all. Clara watches us from the back of the room and for some reasons smiles at my son.

Dr. Johnson tells me to open my mouth. I have to open and close my mouth. It takes her a while to finish the examination. Sitting in that chair with my son watching me is not a pleasant experience. In fact, I feel a little humiliated. But for sure the doctor will tell me that I do not need braces and hopefully that will make the devil look on my son's face disappear.

The doctor tells me to follow Clara to the X-ray room. My son followed us, still happy about his little prank. As before, Clara took photos and X-rays of me. And then I get the impressions. Having this tray in my mouth and fighting my gag reflex all the time is no fun.

We are back in the treatment room with Dr. Johnson. He tells me to sit down, "Mr. Turner, like your son, you have healthy teeth. But I have to tell you, your son is right. You definitely need braces. The way you bite, your TMJ will soon be giving you headaches. Or do you already have them?"

I am crushed and can hardly speak, "Sometimes.” The doctor continues, "From what I can see, this will soon increase. It is good that you are here today. You should start treatment as soon as possible.”

I cannot believe what the doctor is saying and I am shocked by what my son says, "Dad, maybe you can start today. They have a lot of cancellations." The doctor looks in my direction and says, "Your son is right. We have time for you right now. We are usually very busy, but today is an exception.”

My response is, "I am not prepared for this and it is a big decision.” Again my son starts, "Dad, you told me how easy braces are these days and that you would get braces if you were in my position. So stick to your guns and do what the doctor says.” I cannot believe what this bastard is saying. He can't be my son.

The truth begins to sink in and I realize that maybe he is right. I have always told him how easy it is to have modern braces. I decide to ask the doctor, "So what kind of treatment do you suggest?"

"The treatment I suggest is quite simple. Basically, you get fixed upper and lower braces for about two years. At some point in your treatment, we will use rubber bands to correct some problems in your bite. I am sure this will fix your headaches and you will have straight teeth as a bonus," he tells me.

I must be a complete idiot, but I say to him, "OK, let us start the treatment today. My son has to fight not to burst out laughing. This is the worst decision of my life and it makes my son happy.

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Fight
« Reply #2 on: 10. October 2024, 23:51:50 PM »
3. Chair time
"Please go to the sink and brush your teeth. Your teeth need to be clean to prevent cavities in the future," the doctor says. He points to a sink near the chair and hands me a toothbrush. Marc gets another. We brush our teeth together. It will be my last time without braces, and Marc knows it.

Then Clara leads me to the chair. Soon I am fitted with a bib. Then she inserts a huge plastic device into my mouth. She tells me it is a lip spreader and it will be used to keep my lips away from my teeth. There is also a suction device and it is used to suck out the saliva. The device is only temporary, but I immediately dislike it.

The procedure continues and a liquid is applied to the surface of my teeth on both the upper and lower jaw. According to Clara, this is to protect the surface of my teeth from the bonding glue and to prevent decay. The liquid tastes like peppermint and I do not like the taste.

She gives the liquid some time to dry and then applies another liquid to my teeth. This time it is glue and she uses a UV light to activate it. So far the procedure is comfortable, except for the lip spreader and the permanent sound of the sucking device.

Marc looks in my direction and is a very happy camper. I wonder what he will tell his friends about this day. The day he pranked his dad into getting braces while avoiding getting them himself.

Then it hits me hard. I haven't told anyone about getting braces. What will my coworker think? What will my daughter think? And what will my wife think? I am sure I will be the joke of the month. I am so sorry I took Marc to the orthodontist. It backfired on me.

I can tell that Clara and Dr. Johnson can feel the panic rising in me. They take a short break from the procedure. And I can tell that Marc can also see the panic and he likes what he sees.

It is only a short break they gave me. It is now Dr. Johnson's turn to continue the procedure. She uses pliers and puts the metal brackets on my teeth. When all the brackets are on my teeth, she checks the position and adjusts them slightly. After a while she is satisfied with them.

It is now Clara's turn again to bond them in place using the UV light. Meanwhile, Dr. Johnson has an archwire in her hand. He tells me, "This is the wire that will do most of the work in your mouth. What color do you want for your braces?" Clara shows me some colors on a color chart.

Marc is faster than me, "dark blue." Clara says, "Good choice Marc." And I think he's right, "OK, let's go with dark blue.“ Unfortunately, I will have plenty of time to choose colors for my braces in the next two years.

Dr. Johnson then tries the archwire in the mouth. She cuts it to the correct size and then uses the blue rubber bands to secure it in my braces. My braces sound really scary. This morning I thought I would never have braces and now just a few hours later I am wearing them. It is a dramatic change in my life.

Then Doctor Johnson says, "We're done for today. Clara will show you how to brush your teeth and please come back in four weeks for your first adjustment. Depending on your progress, we may start with rubber bands."

We are back at the sink. Clara has a model of a tooth in her hands. There are brackets attached to the model. She shows me how to use a toothbrush to clean the surface of the teeth and the brackets. Then she tells me to brush my teeth and braces.

I look in the mirror at the sink and cannot believe what I see. There are metal brackets on all my teeth and a wire running through them. Little blue elastics hold the wires in place. I cannot believe I have braces.

Brushing your teeth is easy. The only thing I have to worry about is pressure. I have to put as little pressure as possible on my braces. Still, the words "my braces" are unbelievable. Is it really me standing here brushing my teeth with braces? Is this some kind of weird dream? Unfortunately not, it is me and I have braces, my braces.

Marc does not look as happy as he did a few minutes ago. Maybe he is thinking about the punishment he will get when we get home. But he will get none. It is my fault. I wanted braces for him because I thought he needed them, and now I have them because I need them. So there is no need to punish him.

Before Marc and I leave the office, Clara hands me a goody bag and a card with my next appointment. Inside the bag I find a travel toothbrush, some toothpaste and something to floss my teeth with.

Marc and I take the car home. Neither of us speaks the whole way. From time to time I run my tongue over the surface of my braces. It all feels so new and unsettling. At home, Marc excuses himself to his room. He obviously wants to avoid a confrontation with me.

Offline katrinp_99

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Re: Story: Fight
« Reply #3 on: 10. October 2024, 23:56:15 PM »
[...]This is the worst decision of my life and it makes my son happy.[...]

This definitely is funny. Thank you.

Offline Christian

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Re: Story: Fight
« Reply #4 on: 11. October 2024, 00:20:27 AM »
Good Story Congratulations from me. Thank you for this very well Job.
 Wer Spott und Ironie in meinen Beiträgen findet darf behalten was er findet ;-)

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Fight
« Reply #5 on: 11. October 2024, 03:07:03 AM »
Great story! I wonder what the wife will think?

Offline bracessd

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Re: Story: Fight
« Reply #6 on: 11. October 2024, 17:59:25 PM »
Nice job, I was not expecting that turn of events!

Offline jxox

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Re: Story: Fight
« Reply #7 on: 12. October 2024, 22:35:57 PM »
Thank you. To be honest, I wrote this story in a short amount of time. At the moment I do not know, where this will go. I have some ideas, but nothing concrete.. So stay tuned.

Offline duncombec

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Re: Story: Fight
« Reply #8 on: 12. October 2024, 23:29:40 PM »
Certainly an enjoyable start, or a complete story on it's own, whatever you choose it to be!

It's a nice twist, too, to have the parent push but end up wired!

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Re: Story: Fight
« Reply #9 on: Yesterday at 13:34:12 »
That’s always been intriguing to go for a consultation and leave with same day braces!!

Online surfreak

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Re: Story: Fight
« Reply #10 on: Yesterday at 21:37:51 »
In my case it‘s exactly three months, from the first consultation till I will get my braces installed on monday - superexcited   :)