
Author Topic: Story: Leigh and Joel  (Read 21546 times)

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #60 on: 18. July 2024, 02:56:51 AM »
Ch. 158 – Blakely’s Orthodontics
B: Leigh, do you think I can drive wearing my leg braces? I think I can, and it's only a short trip.
L: I think you can since your knees and ankles are free to move; just be careful and maybe drive around the ranch to get a feel for things. If you really get into wearing braces and casts, Joel can install hand controls for you.
B: That would be cool. I think I am getting into wearing braces and casts, for fun only, of course. I would love to wear full-leg casts on both legs for a month or two.
L: Well OK. Let's go. Once I get in the car, I'll explain how to collapse my wheelchair so it will fit in the trunk.
I got in the car and explained how to fold up my little power chair, and Blake put it in the trunk. She got in, and we toured the fifty-acre ranch, with Blake having no trouble driving in her braces. We hit the county road and made our way to Collene's.
When we arrived, no one was there. Blake got my wheelchair for me, and since I knew the door code, we went inside, where I helped Blake set the table. Blake moved so effortlessly in her braces, despite them not being the best fit. Her movements actually seem more fluid and natural when she is wearing braces, like her body needs the support. Soon Paul, Jimmy, Joel, and Rebekah arrived. Then Sam and Millie arrived, with Judy close behind. The hosts, Billy and Collene, arrived last, which was good because they had several large boxes full of Chinese food for our dinner. The guys brought in the boxes of food, and Collene thoroughly blended and strained the large container of hot and sour soup for Judy. Those of us with removable orthodontic appliances removed them, and we began to enjoy our meal together.
We had a great conversation over dinner, with Blake getting asked a lot of the same questions I had asked her earlier. We are always curious to find out what attracts someone to wearing casts or braces. About halfway through our meal, Blake exclaimed, "Shit! I think not only one, but two of my brackets came loose again! These damn brackets keep popping loose, and it's the only thing I hate about my braces. This is the fourth time it's happened, and I follow all the rules, too." Sam said, "Don't worry, Blake. We'll call Sally after dinner, and I'm sure she can get you fixed up first thing in the morning." Blake replied with frustration in her voice, "Thanks, Sam. Maybe your orthodontist will have a better solution. This is such a pain in the ass!"
Knowing Dr. Joe as I do, I know what the solution will be, but I didn't say anything. However, I don't think Blake would mind getting bands at this point. She seems to love her metallic smile, and bands would only enhance it and take care of her brackets coming loose. 
After dinner, Blake made a call to Sally, who told her to come by the office at seven thirty in the morning to get her brackets rebonded and to talk to Joe about her treatment plan. She also made a call to Jackie to set up an appointment with Ben to get her spine checked out when they are in town on Thursday. They are coming to see Lori and also talk to Kathy; she has been wearing her recreational halo brace for way too long, and Ben is concerned.
After the calls were made, Millie said, "Hey Blake, why don't you spend the night with us, and we'll go to the orthodontist with you tomorrow? We recently moved into a condo downtown and would love for you to see it. The night is young, and there is a great club on the ground floor of our building. It's a crazy place on Fridays and Saturdays, but the rest of the week it is a friendly neighborhood bar. Sammy and I stop in almost every evening."
"I would love to, Millie. That sounds like fun. On the way, let's stop so I can pack a bag for the night." Blake replied. She then turned to Collene and asked, "Do you have a pair of crutches I could borrow? I want to try walking with my legs stiff, like all you have to do." Collene smiled and said, "Yes, I do, and you can keep them too, Blake. Billy, please go get Blake my old pair of pink crutches. She'll look cute with her crutches matching her headgear." Billy went to get the crutches, adjusted them to fit Blake, and explained how to properly use them. The girls, now excited to spend the evening together, said their goodbyes. The three crutched out to Sam's car, with Blake being rather unsteady on her crutches with her knees and ankles locked.
I spent most of the next day alone, enjoying the quiet. I love having my friends around, and it seems like there is always someone coming or going. However, I do love a little time alone, especially wheeling or crutching around our property when everyone is at work; it's so peaceful. However, by late afternoon, I was feeling a bit lonely and anxiously awaited Joel's return home from the shop.
Finally, I heard Joel's truck coming up the road from Judy's place; he must have dropped Paul and Jimmy off at their homes. Joel parked the truck in front, and he and Blake got out of the cab. I was surprised to see Blake dressed in casual office attire and still wearing her Milwaukee brace, KAFOs, and walking with crutches. Joel came over to me, picked me up out of my wheelchair, and we hugged and kissed. He gently sat me back down, and Blake crutched over, leaned down the best she could in her multiple braces, and gave me a hug and said, "I can't wait to tell you about my visit with Dr. Joe; he's the greatest. Oh, I have to tell you about the big brace Sally is wearing; she is no longer in her Minerva cast."
I wheeled, Blake crutched, and Joel walked into the house. Joel went to fix drinks, and Blake and I went to the den. I transferred to the couch, and Blake sat in a recliner and adjusted it to be comfortable in her braces. Joel soon joined us with cocktails and sat to my left. He ran his hand along my cast, then held onto my casted thumb; he just loves touching my cast. I said, "OK, Blake, tell us about your night with Sam and Millie and what Dr. Joe said. Oh, tell us why Sally had her cast removed; she planned to wear it a few more weeks before switching to a brace."

Blake replied:
"I had a great time with Sam and Mills, and their new condo is so adorable. It's on the top floor, and the view is wonderful; it overlooks all of downtown. It is spacious and decorated in a modern, minimalist style. The girls are very proud of their home, as they rightly should be after years of working hard and saving money for a large down payment. It will be theirs free and clear in only a few years. But the best part is all the action on the ground floor."
"There is a really cool nightclub simply called 'The Bar'. They are right about the neighborhood hangout feel; everyone knows each other. There's great food and TV's with everything from sports to news to comedy. However, on the weekends, Millie says it gets pretty wild. They give a great discount to residents of the building, sort of an appeasement for when things get extra noisy on the weekends."
"We spent the evening at 'The Bar' then returned to their condo. Sam said that there are exercises they do every morning and evening to keep their spines in shape since they are immobilized 23 hours a day. I did the same exercises as they did, then took a shower before wearing my Milwaukee brace to bed. Despite sleeping in a strange bed, I slept like a rock and didn't have any back pain when I awoke. I think I could get used to wearing a Milwaukee brace to bed if it would relieve my back pain. I wouldn't want to wear one all the time, except for short periods for pleasure only, like I'm doing right now."
"Our plan for today was for Sam to take me to the orthodontist, and then I would spend the day at the shop with her and Emme; that's why I dressed up today. Now, let me tell you about visiting the orthodontist. I was expecting to see Sally still in her Minerva cast. However, she was in a CTLSO brace, sort of like the one you showed me, Leigh, that you used to sleep in before getting your body brace. I asked why she cut her cast adventure short, and she turned red and simply said, "I was having some fun with Stan, and my cast got soiled." She was embarrassed, so I didn't say anything except that she looked great in her CTLSO. Sally led Sam and I to an exam room, and Joe's wife Mary came in and re-bonded my loose brackets. Mary then said to me, 'Let's get Joe in here to take a look at your teeth.'"
"Mary left the room and then returned with Joe. He asked me about my KAFOs and Milwaukee brace, and I said they were just for fun and that Rebekah had given them to me. I also told him that I wear the Bow and the Crane protraction devices most of the time, and the only reason I was wearing my facemask was because of my Milwaukee brace. We then talked about my orthodontic treatment, and I said I was sick of my brackets popping loose. Joe said he had a solution and also suggested some changes to my current treatment plan if I were to become a client of his."
"I liked Joe's ideas and explained to him that I had told my orthodontist, Dr. Murphy, who put me in braces, that I was likely going to move back home and transfer my treatment to a doctor there. She said that she understood, and if I did, to have my new doctor contact her for my case file. I really like Joe and Mary, and because I knew Sally from the trip, I decided to transfer my treatment to Joe's office. I told Joe that even though I'm not going to move, I will be here every six weeks or so, and I would love for him to be my orthodontist. I gave Joe some personal information, and he went to make a call to Dr. Murphy's office to get my file."
"When he returned from making the call, he said that Dr. Murphy expressed concern about her ability to deal with my complicated case and was actually going to refer me to Joe at my next appointment anyway. I had some X-rays and a 3D scan taken, and I have an appointment next Tuesday to get some changes made in my mouth. I don't know all the details; there were a lot of technical terms I didn't understand, but I trust Joe, and I'm very excited."
"Sam and I then went to the shop, and I helped her and Emme out in the office. Scotty stopped by with lunch for all of us, too. He asked me if I wanted to meet at the orthotics shop tomorrow afternoon when Lori gets her new traction brace for her scoliosis, but first she has to get some x-rays taken at the office of one of Ben's associates. I replied that I was also seeing Ben in the morning for x-rays myself and an examination of my spine; I know I have scoliosis and that I need to have it treated, hopefully with a brace I only have to wear at night."
"The rest of the afternoon, I just hung out at the shop and enjoyed being with two other girls wearing braces like mine. But now I'm here, and I'm hungry. What do you say we go get something for dinner?"
Joel and I were also famished, and he went to take a shower and change. When he returned, he was wearing his KAFOs and Milwaukee brace; the three of us would be going out braced tonight, and our destination is Rancho Gordo. We want to see how our favorite casted hostess is doing. Joel got my car since it has hand controls, and the three of us were off to dinner.
When we arrived at Ranch Gordo, it was not very busy, being the middle of the week. We went inside, and Shelly was at the hostess stand, looking very sexy in her long dress with a slit up the side up the left side, exposing her bright green cast as she crutched along.
"How's it going, Shel? You sure look great tonight!" Joel cheerfully said.
"Everything is great, you guys. I absolutely love my cast, and Georgie does, too. I have gotten very used to wearing it, and even though it is so big, it doesn't slow me down too much. The feeling of my leg and foot being held immobile by my soft yet unyielding cast is simply amazing. If it is not too much to ask, when it's time for my cast to be removed, can I get a shorter one to wear for another six weeks? With the tips I'm making, I'll be able to pay for orthodontic braces by simply wearing leg casts for twelve weeks." Shelly said, smiling with a slightly crooked smile.
We told Shelly that whatever casts she wanted, she would receive. Shelly led us to a table way in the back, so we could pass as many tables as possible and let people see us in our braces and Shelly in her cast. As she passed by, all eyes were on her as she gracefully glided across the room on her crutches, the sole of her casted foot in full view as she passed by—it was such a beautiful sight.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #61 on: 18. July 2024, 02:58:03 AM »
Ch. 159 - Blake and Dr. Ben
Just like the other day, I got a text from Blake early this morning. She asked if I wanted to go with her to see Dr. Ben to get her spine checked out, then go see Lori get her new brace. I told her that it would be my pleasure to spend the day with her, and she said she would be by at nine to pick me up. Since it was a pleasant spring morning, I decided to wear my pink and purple braces with my matching Doc Marten sandals and a long, flowing dress with flowers that matched the ones painted on my big plaster LATFS cast. With my hair pulled back through my pink interlandi headgear and wearing my purple glasses, I looked great. At the last minute, I asked Joel to remove the diaper I planned to wear today and place a catheter inside me. I haven't used one for a while, and I like the convenience; transferring to a toilet is difficult with my cast.
Blake arrived right on time, and she was dressed for the pleasant spring day, too. She was wearing a cute little knee-length light blue dress. On her feet, she wore a pair of very high platform wedge sandals. She was, of course, wearing her protraction facemask, a red one today instead of her usual blue or pink one. Blake was right when she said she could dress for any occasion; she looked great for a casual yet classy day out.
Blake assisted me in getting in her car, and as I was doing so, I saw both her Crane and Bow protraction devices on the back seat. I do hope that if we go shopping or for a walk at the park, she wears one of them, especially the Bow; it's a rather intense-looking appliance. I wish I could wear one, but with my Milwaukee brace, it wouldn't fit around my chest. Blake put my wheelchair in the trunk, and we headed off to see Dr. Ben Northridge. He is working out of Dr. Moore's office today; she is the doctor who put Sam in her extremely restrictive Milwaukee brace some time ago.
As Blake was getting my wheelchair set up for me, I saw Scotty and Lori pull into the lot. They parked next to us, and Lori got out of the car without any assistance. She was wearing a long skirt and a loose blouse over her halo CTLSO. In her right hand was a very fashionable red cane with a gold band below the handle. I caught a glimpse of her left prosthetic foot; she's wearing those cute lace-up sandals we got months ago. Scotty helped me into my wheelchair, and we headed inside, with Lori walking with an almost normal gait. She has even built up enough strength to walk with her right knee unlocked.
Once inside, we checked in with the receptionist, and said we were there to see Dr. Northridge. Moments later, the always cheerful and smiling Ben came and got us and took us to a large room with PT equipment. Once there, we talked for a few minutes, and Ben said, "All Lori needs are a couple of X-rays today to confirm that she's ready to begin her scoliosis treatment, which I'm sure she is. Let's get you checked out, Blake, and see what is going on with your spine. I know you said you are having a lot of pain, and I already know why."
"What do you mean you already know why, Ben?" Blake questioned.
Ben replied, "It's obvious from your posture—the way you lean forward and to the right. Also, I think you might also have a limb length discrepancy. I noticed all this at the retreat but didn't say anything since you were having such trouble adjusting to your orthodontic braces. By the way, how are things going with your orthodontics, Blake?"
"I've been having a bit of trouble with brackets coming loose, and I visited Dr. Joe yesterday. He will be taking over my treatment and will be making some changes next week; I'm not sure what, but I am looking forward to it. It was stupid of me to be so self-conscious about my braces, and now I really love wearing them. I used to think they made me look ugly, but after meeting all of you, I think braces are beautiful, and I look so cute wearing them and my headgear," Blake cheerfully replied.
"OK, let's get your spine checked out. I need you to take off your dress and shoes; we can go to a private room if you desire," Ben questioned.
"No, right here is fine. I don't mind the others seeing me get my back examined. I am curious what you will find and what can be done about my pain and poor posture," Blake said with a smile.
Blake then removed her dress and sandals, and then the examination began. Ben had her walk normally, and he observed her from several angles. Then he had her lean forward, and he examined the outline of her curvy spine. He had her walk around some more, asking her to stand as straight as possible. Finally, Ben said, "There's something else here that concerns me a bit. I think you have hyper mobility in your joints, especially your ankles and knees. Do you have trouble with weakness or sprains?"
"Why, yes, I do, Ben. That is why I stopped playing softball years ago; I was always spraining an ankle or hurting my knee." Blake replied with a hint of worry in her voice.
Ben sensed this and said, "Let me complete my exam, then I will get Dr. Moore to also examine you, and then we will consult with each other. You'll get two opinions, and if you want a third, I can have Dr. Billings come over from the office next door; he owes me a favor. Let's get you ladies to the X-ray room, and I'll ask Dr. Moore to come evaluate you, Blake."
"Sounds good, Ben. I knew I had a bad back, but not these other things. It's a lot to take in all of a sudden, but I trust you, Ben." Blake replied in a worried voice.
Ben escorted the ladies to get X-rays, and they soon returned. Blake seemed to be more upbeat and less worried now; Lori must have had a little chat with her. She seems to always be able to lighten the mood. Ben soon returned and looked at the picture on the computer and said, "Good news, Lori. Your spine looks great, except for the curves. I just talked to Billy, and he has your traction brace ready. Can you be at his office at two this afternoon? I will be there to place the additional pins in your halo ring for the heavy traction I have planned for you and to see Kathy, too. As a friend and a professional, I really need to discuss her recreational bracing; I'm concerned about her."
Lori said that would be great and asked Ben if she could begin wearing orthodontic headgear now. Dr. Joe didn't want to put any pressure on her neck until her spine was fully healed. Ben said, "That is no problem. Cervical headgear will fit just fine with your new brace. Other types maybe not so much with the extra pins we'll be placing in your halo ring today, but Billy can work with Joe to find a solution to any orthodontic needs you may have." Lori was very happy about her progress and moving onto the next stage of her treatment.
It was then that there was a knock at the door, and Dr. Moore entered. She was, as Sam described her years ago, a stern-looking woman who wore a leg brace and walked with a limp. She introduced herself to all of us and then turned to Blake and said, "Ben asked me to examine your spine and joints this morning to confirm his findings."

Dr. Moore took a look at Blake's X-rays and then did the same examination as Ben had done. However, she focused more on Blake's knees and ankles, as well as her hips, wrists, and elbows. She then had Blake stand up as straight as possible with a thick pad under her left foot. Ben and Dr. Moore focused on Blake's hips, and Dr. Moore said to Ben, "See, her hips are level now. Her left leg is about an inch shorter than her right, and that caused this curve right here," as Dr. Moore pointed to Blake's lower back.
The doctors talked quietly for a few minutes, discussing Blake's multiple conditions.
"Thank you very much, Dr. Moore. I value your opinion since you deal with these issues a lot more often than I do. OK, Blake, do you want me to explain things here or in private? You actually have quite a bit going on, but it has all been caught early, so you're very lucky," Ben said, trying to sound cheerful because he didn't know if Blake would take the news well or not.
"Please, Ben, explain it all with my friends here. It will make it easier for me." Blake said in a shaky voice as she put on her dress and sandals, then sat down next to me. I took her hand in mine, knowing what Ben was likely to say.
Ben then began to detail Blake's situation: "Blake, you have three separate but related issues. The first thing you already know from being evaluated in high school is that you have scoliosis and kyphosis. The second thing is that your left leg is an inch shorter than your right leg. Your short leg has contributed to your spinal issues. Finally, you have hyper mobility in your joints, mostly affecting your knees and ankles."
"Will I need surgery, Ben? I am so scared of ever having surgery, especially on my spine." Blake said with tears in her eyes.
"No, you don't need surgery, Blake. We'll take a very conservative approach if you are willing to wear several orthopedic braces, likely for a very long time if not for the rest of your life." Ben said without emotion, as he didn't know how Blake would take this news.
"Oh, wow... I don't know, Ben. I'll only need to wear these braces at night, right?" Blake hopefully asked.
"No, I'm sorry, Blake. You will need to wear your back brace twenty-three hours a day and your leg braces whenever you are out of bed. You don't need them to get up at night and go to the bathroom, but you will need to wear them whenever you are active." Ben matter-of-factually explained.
"I like wearing braces and casts for fun, but I now will have to wear them for real... All the time... That will be so hard; I don't know if I can do it, Ben. What will they be like, and they will make my pain go away, right?" Blake asks in an unsteady voice, still with tears in her eyes.
Ben replied, "They will make your pain go away quite quickly, Blake. You will have several different braces to wear. For your legs, you will wear KAFOs, but the ankles and knees will not have locks like the other girls have. Your joints will be free to move; the braces are simply to slightly limit your range of motion, not to immobilize your legs. You will hardly know you are wearing your KAFOs; they won't change the way you walk much, and you won't need crutches. When your shoes are modified to fit your braces, the sole of your left shoe will be built up to compensate for your short leg. It will feel strange at first to stand and walk with your hips level."
Ben continued, "For your spine, I am going to prescribe three different types of braces to be worn in different situations. You have seen people wearing two types of braces: the Milwaukee and the Kuehnegger. The third is a low-profile TLSO that you can wear for short periods when the other braces are too inconvenient, like when exercising or for a night out on the town. If you are free this afternoon, I am seeing Lori and Kathy at the orthotics shop, and you should join us. All the details of your braces can be worked out with Billy. I would suggest that you go shopping for some shoes to have modified for your KAFOs. Leigh can help you choose styles that will work well with them; even those wedge sandals you are wearing now would work."
Blake, still with a look of fear and worry and tears streaming from her eyes, said to Ben, "Thank you, Ben. I was so worried I would need major surgery to fix my back, and I'm glad that's not necessary. I knew nothing about my leg being short or the trouble with my joints; it's a lot to take in. This is going to be difficult for me, and I hope I can cope with wearing all these braces. I've been wearing Rebekah's old brace just for fun, but the idea of actually needing to wear braces that I can't just take off when I get tired of them or want to do something is really scary.
Lori and Blake thanked Ben, and he said to be at the orthotics shop at two this afternoon. Blake asked Lori and Scott if they wanted to join us for lunch and shopping, but they graciously declined the invitation. Lori wanted to get some sandwiches for a picnic in the park, so she could relax and prepare for four more pins to be placed in her halo ring and her existing ones re-torqued; it would be a grueling experience.
Scotty was a gentleman and helped Lori into their car, then helped me into Blake's Buick Roadmaster. It's just like the one I had, and it brought back a lot of memories; they are great cars. We headed off for an early lunch, then stopped in at the big shoe store in the shopping center where Billy used to work. While we were browsing, I told the story of meeting Billy for the first time and his little incident when he saw Rebekah and me in our halo braces and multiple casts. This really lightened the mood, and Blake smiled and laughed for the first time since getting her diagnosis and treatment plan from Ben.
Armed with a large selection of boots, shoes, and sandals, we got in the car and headed to the orthotics shop. I explained to Blake the procedures she would soon undergo so her braces could be custom-fabricated for her with love by Billy.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #62 on: 20. July 2024, 16:31:36 PM »
Ch. 160 - Braces, Casts, and Scans
When we arrived at the orthotics shop, Collene and Rita were in the office, and the guys were in the workshop. The ladies greeted us, and moments later, Scotty and Lori arrived. We could overhear Ben speaking to Kathy and Lydia in Gary's office.
B: Ever since our trip to Kings Mountain, as a friend and medical professional, I have had some concerns about you, Kathy.
L: She's taken this halo brace thing too far, hasn't she, Ben?
K: No, I haven't, Lydia!
L: As much as I love seeing you in that brace and enjoying our intimacy with you so immobilized, I think you need to wean yourself off that brace. Hell, it might be too late; your spine may already be ruined. You've had that thing for almost a year now.
B: Kathy, Lydia's right. I know all about your desire to wear leg braces and a back brace, likely for the rest of your life. However, you need to do it in a healthy way; you need to be able to exercise and build up strength. All the other ladies who wear braces for non-medical reasons do so, well, maybe not Judy and Leigh, but you should.
K: You both are right; I apologize for being so defensive. I do need to end this adventure and move on with the rest of my life. So, Ben, what do you suggest? When I got this brace applied, I couldn't sit up or hold my head up on my own. Lydia had to hold my halo ring while I got the rest of my brace applied.
B: Well, your spine needs support 24/7 at this point, so we just can't remove your brace. Do you still have the rolling traction frames that Leigh and Rebekah lent you from their adventure? They did things in a more healthy way, taking time to move and exercise during their recreational immobilization.
K: Yes, we still have them.
B: OK, here's the plan, and you will still get to spend some time fully immobilized. Billy has already made you a thermoplastic body jacket like Leigh and Rebekah wore with their halos, and I'll have him put quick-release fittings on the head blocks. I want you to start wearing that brace right away, but whenever you are home, I want you to remove your jacket and use the traction frame to support your spine during your normal activities and exercises. I will arrange for physical therapy in your home and take care of any expenses, too. I want to see you happy and healthy. Basically, you will only wear your full brace when sleeping and when going out. Even when going out, use your wheelchair with traction so your spine can move. Just engaging in normal activities will be great exercise for your spine.
K: Then what, Ben? After my spine loosens up and I regain strength, then I can wear a Milwaukee, Kuehnegger, or CTLSO brace, taking the time to exercise every day like the girls do.
B: That's right, Kathy. Traction and exercise during the day and immobilization to protect your spine at night. Then on to living a life wearing your braces recreationally, but in a safe and healthy way. I also have to thank you, Kathy, for coming up with the idea for the very unique halo-traction brace you are wearing. It's sort of like the old pelvic-halo fixation that was used for scoliosis years ago, but your brace applies traction. Billy did an excellent job designing and fabricating the brace, especially the concealed spring that provides so much force for traction. Lori is going to be placed in an almost identical brace to yours as an experimental treatment for her scoliosis. She'll likely let you sit in on her fitting, and I'll explain it all then. What do you say we get you out of that brace and Lydia can help you take a shower before being fitted with your new one, Kathy?
K: That sounds great, Ben. What do you think, Lydia?
L: I think it's a good plan, and I get to have you in bed with your halo for a little while longer. That will be great for both of us, baby.
The three emerged from Gary's office and realized we had been listening in, but it didn't seem to matter to them. Kathy was eager to get her new brace fitted, and so was Lori. Neither was too eager to get their pins re-torqued, and Lori was not looking forward to the placement of four additional pins. Blake, despite her trepidation about wearing braces for the foreseeable future, was excited about what she would see and experience this afternoon. We all headed to the fitting room.
Billy and Gary soon joined us in the fitting room, where Ben had everything laid out for the procedures Kathy and Lori would undergo this afternoon. Ben asked who wanted to go first, and Kathy volunteered. She removed her blouse and took a seat, and her eight halo pins were then re-torqued. She said it was not quite as painful as last time, and she warned Lori that the pressure from eight pins is extremely intense. Billy brought over a rolling traction frame and attached it to Kathy's halo ring. Then the uprights of her brace were unbolted from her halo ring, and her pelvic girdle was removed. Kathy carefully stood up and walked to the shower, with Lydia assisting her.
Now Ben got to work placing the four additional pins in Lori's halo ring and re torquing the existing ones, with Blake intently watching. The process was grueling for Lori; tears streamed from her eyes, and she cried out in pain. Scotty and I comforted her as Ben and Billy torqued the last few pins. Finally, it was over, and the lock nuts were being tightened. Blake was silent during the entire procedure, but she had tears running down her cheeks, not because of her situation but from seeing Lori in so much discomfort.
After a few minutes to compose herself, Lori noticed Blake's had been crying and said, "What's wrong, Blake? Are you upset about needing to wear braces? You will do great and feel so much better, too. Your back won't hurt all the time anymore."
"No, it's not that, Lori," Blake replied in a soft voice. "It was seeing you in so much pain. You are so strong, and seeing you like that caused me great pain, too. I'm really worried about what my life will be like wearing all the braces Ben says I need, but I need to be strong, like you, Lori."
Lori said, "You will do great wearing your braces once you get used to them, Blake. The pain and pressure I'm feeling right now will subside, and so will your fears once you start living your life wearing your braces. Once you get used to them, you will do great, Blake, but I know it will be hard for you at first."
Billy then said, "I bet you would like to get out of your brace for a little while, Lori, and take a hot shower like Kathy. I set up this wheelchair for you to use in the shower; it has a traction attachment to support your weak spine."
"That will feel so good, Billy. Thanks!" Lori replied with a smile. "I can't remember the last time I had a hot shower; it's been sponge baths for months on end. Scotty, come help me take off my arm, leg, and KAFO. Get me undressed and into that hot shower, sweetie!"
"Slow down, Lori," Scotty calmly said. "Billy needs to get you out of your brace and into the wheelchair first, dear. What can I do to help, Billy?"
"Help Lori to stand here in the traction frame," replied Billy. "Then we can get her out of her old brace."

Lori walked over to the traction frame and, skillfully using her prosthetic hand, took off her skirt and blouse. Billy then attached a fixture to Lori's halo ring and applied traction. The uprights from her body jacket were unbolted from her halo ring, and the well-worn and dirty plastic jacket was removed from Lori's body. Along her spine, I could see the scars from the surgery Ben had performed months ago. Lori said, "Oh, it's cold in here, and it feels so strange to not be in my plastic shell anymore."
Billy then had Lori sit in the traction wheelchair, and he hooked up the weights on the chair as he removed the other rope from her halo fixture. He then said, "OK, Lori, you can have Scotty help you with your prosthetics and KAFO, then go enjoy a nice hot shower."
Scotty, with Blake once again very intently watching, removed Lori's hand, leg, and KAFO, then wheeled her to the shower. Just as they disappeared behind one curtain, Kathy and Lydia appeared from behind the other. The same type of brace that was just removed from Lori's body was placed on Kathy's with the straps and buckles drawn up tightly. The headblocks were attached to Kathy's halo ring with fittings to allow them to be quickly and easily removed, and then they were connected with the uprights to her body jacket. Kathy was now immobilized from her hips to her head, and Billy asked how the brace felt.
"It fits great, Billy. Nice work," replied Kathy. "It's a pity that I can't wear it 24/7 for months on end."
As Lydia helped Kathy get dressed, Billy explained to Lydia how to remove the jacket and head blocks to attach the traction fixture. Ben reminded Kathy that she needs to be in traction but moving and exercising as much as possible to rebuild strength and flexibility in her spine. He said that only a few hours a day is fine for a week or two, but by the end of the month, Kathy should only be fully immobilized when sleeping or going out where she can't use her traction wheelchair.
A few minutes later, Lori and Scott emerged from the shower, with Lori looking very refreshed. She was wearing nothing but her panties and a bra. A bra is something she has not worn for a very long time since her brace also covered and supported that part of her body.
Billy quickly got to work applying Lori's new brace. It's pretty much identical to the one that Kathy had worn. Billy soon had the brace fitted to Lori's body, and she was very happy to have so much more of her body exposed to the fresh air. The only part of her body that is covered is her hips; it's exactly like the pelvic girdle of a Milwaukee brace. Billy got the four uprights attached to the headblocks and disconnected the traction from the wheelchair. He and Gary simultaneously released the four heavy springs concealed in the uprights, and Lori let out a little cry.
Lori said, "Oh, that was a bit of a shock when you released the springs. Boy, are they strong! This feels so strange; there is such a pull on my spine, and I can already feel my back aching. I think this is going to be quite uncomfortable for a few days, but I'll get used to it. Scott, help me put on my hand, leg, KAFO, and clothes. I want to walk around in my new brace."
Scott helped her get her prosthetics and leg brace on, then her clothes. Lori got up and walked around the room and said, "It feels better when I walk; sitting hurts. I want to take a little walk, then go home to relax. It's been quite a day for me."
Lori and Scotty said goodbye, with Billy reminding her about getting the orthodontic attachment placed on her halo ring next week. Blake gave Lori a big hug, and they wished each other well. Kathy and Lydia also went on their way, leaving Blake and me alone for her casts and scans to be done.
Billy explained to Blake what would happen today, with her getting casts made of her legs and a 3D scan of her body. He asked which she wanted done first, and she said casts. We went to the cast room, where Blake undressed and got up on the table. Rita cast her right leg, and Billy cast her left. Blake really enjoyed the warmth of the plaster drying on her legs; she found it very comforting. Soon the casts were hard enough to be carefully removed, and Rita cleaned up Blake's legs, feet, and toes.
Then it was on to traction and the 3D scan. Blake seemed a bit nervous, standing in the traction frame with Rita placing the halter around her head. As traction was applied, Blake's eyes got wide. I could see that her left heel was slightly off the ground due to that leg being shorter. Rita said, "Are you OK, Blake? I know this is very uncomfortable, but it will be over soon." Blake replied, "Is this what my brace will feel like to wear? Will it pull on my spine this hard?"
In a comforting voice, Rita said, "No, we just need to stretch you out a bit so your brace will fit properly. When you get your braces, they won't apply this much traction, but as your spine straightens and your braces are adjusted, you will stand this tall, and maybe even taller when your spine is finally stabilized. Let's get the scan done and get you on your way."
The scan was quickly done, Blake was released from traction, and she put on her dress and sandals. Blake asked what her braces would be like, and Billy said, "The one for daytime will be like Sam's. The nighttime one will be like the one you saw Lydia wearing when she got married. Your leg braces will be the same as the ones that Sam and Millie wear when skating, but without the knee pads and more lightly built. He then asked what color leather she wanted her braces made from and reminded her that he had time to make three of each type before she left town. Blake said, "Oh, black with shiny metal, brown for daily wear, and maybe oxblood red, too." "Very well, Blake," Billy said with a smile. "I'll have them ready by Thursday."

We thanked everyone, said goodby, and were on our way.

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #63 on: 20. July 2024, 16:35:21 PM »
Ch. 161 - Blake's Casts
On the way back to my place, I asked Blake how she felt about everything that had transpired this week. I'm very worried about how she will cope with the changes to her orthodontics and how she will handle wearing her back and leg braces. I think her orthodontics won't be a big deal, but her other braces will.
L: So Blake, how are you feeling about everything that happened this week? It must be a lot for you to take in.
B: Yes, it is a lot, Leigh. I had no idea about one leg being shorter than the other or the hyper-mobility thing. I figured that I would need a back brace to sleep in but not wear it all the time. The leg braces and a built-up shoe—those things were a complete shock. Plus, I have no idea what Joe is going to do with my orthodontic braces next week.
L: Are you OK with it all, Blake? Do you need to find someone to talk to? This must be a scary time for you.
B: It is scary, Leigh, and I hope I can handle everything, but it will be difficult. I'll have a few days to adjust to things in the company of my friends before I have to go back home; that will help a lot. But right now, all I want to do is have some fun this weekend.
L: I'm glad you have a more positive outlook, dear. I hope you can adjust to things quickly and easily. I know how hard it was for you when you got your orthodontic braces and headgear. Your leg braces should be easy to wear, but your back braces will be quite an adjustment for you.
B: I have been out in public wearing Rebekah's old braces and plan to wear them until I get my own. I want to go out as much as possible with my friends wearing those braces. That will let me get used to not only wearing them but also how people react to them; it'll help me build up my confidence. The thought of wearing braces as a necessity and not just for fun is really upsetting to me, but I have no choice.
L: I'm sorry to say that you are correct; you have no choice, Blake. If you don't wear your braces, then you will suffer greatly later in life. But look on the bright side; your back, knee, and ankle pain will go away. Even wearing Rebekah's old brace has helped your back. Have you let your parents know what is going on, and are they worried about you?
B: They know that I went to see Dr. Joe, and there will be some changes to make things easier and more comfortable for me. These elastics for my facemask irritate my lips, and I'm getting a rash where my facemask rests on my chin and forehead; that is why I like wearing the Crane. Oh, we'll see Lori at Dr. Joe's when we go for my appointment; she is getting her braces that day. I feel so bad for Lori having to wear that halo brace and seeing her in so much pain earlier.
L: Me too. She was in so much discomfort, but she never complained once. Lori is so strong; I really admire her. Did your parents know about your appointment with Ben this morning?
B: I wish I was as strong as Lori, she is so brave. Yes, my parents knew, and my mom was happy I was finally getting my back checked out. We knew I had scoliosis; however, the other things were unexpected. I wish I could call her, but it is the middle of the night where they are. I'll just have to text later.
Blake dropped me off at home, and she headed to her parents place to take care of a few things around the ranch. However, she said that she would return and would like to take Joel and me out for dinner. About two hours later, Blake returned. She was wearing Rebekah's old Milwaukee brace over a tight-fitting T-shirt, and her short denim skirt didn't hide much of her KAFOs. With her braces and headgear, she really looked cute. Blake is a very attractive young woman.
We sat down to talk while we awaited Joel's arrival from work. At one point, Blake said, "I need to text mom and let her know what happened today; please excuse me." Blake then used voice to text on her phone to send the message.
"Hi Mom. I hope you and Dad are having fun. That museum with all the battlefield pickups looks like a cool place. I really want to visit all the places you have been, but not until I have a man in my life to travel with."
"I had my appointment with Dr. Ben this morning and found out some very interesting things. As we already knew, I have scoliosis, and as you predicted, I'll need to wear a back brace. However, there were two things I didn't know: my left leg is shorter than my right, and I have hyper-mobile joints. This means I'll need to wear leg braces with a built-up left shoe to compensate for my short leg."
"My leg braces will protect my knees and ankles, and I'll still be able to move them. They won't be like the braces my friends wear that keep their knees and ankles locked. I'll walk normally without crutches and will still be able to wear the high heels I love so much. Don't worry about me; I am doing fine, especially with the support from my friends. Give my love to Dad."
Just as Blake sent her text, she received a call from Emme and put her on speaker:
B: Hi Emme, what's up? You're on speaker with Leigh.
E: Oh, hi, Leigh. How are you this afternoon?
L: I'm doing great, Emme.
E: So, Blake, how did it go with Ben this morning? Do you have to wear a back brace like the rest of us?
B: Well, I'll be wearing more than just a back brace; I need leg braces and a built-up left shoe, too.
E: Wow, that's so cool, Blake... Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, what terrible news.
B: It's OK, Emme, I understand. I like wearing braces and casts for fun, but the thought of really needing to wear braces all the time is scary. I'm wearing Rebekah's old ones right now to try and get used to my new life; it's going to be daunting. But I want to have some fun this weekend. Want to get together?
E: Actually, that's what I called about. I was going to ask you if you wanted to spend the day in the office with Sam and me tomorrow, then stay with Pete and me for the weekend. I want to do some blindsimming, and you should wear some casts, too. I know how much you loved wearing your casts and how comforting you found them to be.
B: That sounds like a lot of fun, and I'll wear some casts, too. Maybe they will calm me down and comfort me a bit; I'm really stressed right now.
E: We'll have so much fun, Blake. Hitch a ride to the shop with the guys tomorrow morning.
B: I will. See you then, Emme. Goodbye.
L: Bye, Emme.
E: You guys have a great evening; bye.
After the call ended, Blake turned to me and asked, "Emme said I should wear some casts this weekend, and that sounds like a lot of fun. Do you think Billy and Collene would apply them for me?
"Let's text Collene and find out." I replied, "They'll probably enjoy doing it for you. Let's go to the cast room, and you can decide on what types of casts you want to wear and what colors you want."
Blake texted Collene, and she and Billy were more than happy to help. Collene even suggested we all go out this evening after Blake gets her casts and that Billy would look after the ranch for her over the weekend.
We then spent the next hour or so talking about various types of casts, with me showing Blake pictures from my past adventures. She asked if I had a power wheelchair that she could borrow for the weekend, and I said that I did. We talked a bit more, and Blake took out a piece of paper, wrote something down, and placed the note in her pocket. Then she said, "I need to go home and pack for the weekend. Do you want to come along, Leigh?"
When we arrived at Blake's, she picked out some outfits to pack. I noticed that she only chose skirts, flowing dresses, and loose tops with short sleeves. Her selections must have to do with the casts she plans to wear. Blake also picked up a small, brown bag from her nightstand that has a tiny combination lock on it. As we left, Blake drove down to the stable, checked on the horses, and gave them treats.
When we got back to my place, Blake took her bags and braces to her room. Collene and Billy soon arrived. Blake wasn't nervous about having Billy apply her casts since he had already seen her undressed at the orthotics shop. Blake handed the note she had written to Collene; her eyes got big, and she handed the note to Billy. He smiled and said, "Are you sure, Blakey? I guess you'll do fine; it's just for the weekend, and you'll always have someone to help you."
Blake replied, "Oh, I'm sure, Billy. It will be fun, and Emme will be jealous. I just love wearing casts; they are so comforting!"
Judy then arrived, and I didn't get a chance to ask what the note said. That's OK; it will be more fun to just watch and see what casts Blake gets. Blake was excited to get her casts and we went to the cast room. She immediately took off her clothes, panties and all, then sat upon the cast table. I asked Judy to crutch out to the garage and get my spare power chair for Blake since she had inquired about using  it earlier. Billy rolled a cart over to the supply cabinets, and Collene helped him gather all the necessary supplies, which included a catheter kit. Judy returned with the wheelchair, and the casting of Blake began!
Billy pushed the cart to the casting table, then filled the metal pail with water. Blake held out her right arm to indicate that she wanted it cast first. Collene leaned the crutch she was holding in her right hand against the table and held the roll of stockinette as Billy cut off a piece. He then placed it on Blake's right arm, up to her elbow. Billy applied the padding, followed by several rolls of yellow fiberglass. Very quickly, Blake was wearing a simple SAC on her right arm.
Blake then said, "Oh, this feels so good! I love the warmth as the fiberglass hardens. Please cast my left arm now, Billy.
Billy and Collene moved to the other side of the table, and he got to work on Blake's left arm. He used purple fiberglass to apply a SATS to Blake's left arm, just like the one she got at the retreat. After it was applied, Blake said nothing, but she wiggled the toes on her left foot. I guess that leg would be the next to get a cast.
Soon Blake's left leg was in white an LLC with her knee slightly bent and her ankle at ninety degrees. This was repeated on her right leg without Blake saying a word. After some time for the casts to harden, Billy looked to Blake and asked, "Are you sure you want me to continue? You are going to be really immobilized, girl." Blake, with a smile showing her crooked, braced teeth and blue facemask, simply said, "Yes."
Billy then used more fiberglass to form abduction bars at Blake's ankles and knees using the method Sam used on Rebekah and me at the retreat. However, Blake's legs were not spread quite as wide, and her hips were not rotated as much as ours had been; it should be a very comfortable cast. With a few finishing wraps of white fiberglass on the abduction bars, Blake's casts were complete. She just laid there in silence with a smile on her face.
Billy tidied up a bit, and Collene asked Blake, "Are you ready for your catheter? I know it might be a bit uncomfortable getting it inserted since I often use one when traveling. It will feel OK once it's in and you get used to it."
"Yes, I think I'm ready, Collene. I'll be fine, and Emme told me I might even enjoy it," replied Blake.
Blake's catheter was inserted without her showing any reaction. Then Billy asked if she still wanted the final item, and Blake said yes. Billy went to the supply cabinet and returned with the clam shell SOMI CTLSO that Blake had eyed the other day. He slid the back part of the brace under her, then strapped the front part on tightly. Finally, Billy fitted the occipital and mandibular components to the clam shell, and Blake's spine and neck were completely immobilized. Blake asked, "Is this what the brace I'll be wearing at night will feel like? If it is, it will take a while to get used, so this is good practice."
Billy explained that the brace that Blake would be wearing for at least 12 hours a day would feel similar, but it would be a custom fit and far more comfortable. Blake then asked to be placed in her wheelchair; she wanted to go to her room to relax and enjoy her immobilization.
Billy adjusted the leg rests for Blake's Petrie cast, then carefully picked her up and placed her in the chair. Carefully controlling the chair with her casted right arm, she made her way to her room and asked Billy to place her on the bed. Then she wanted to be alone.
As we were leaving Blake to enjoy her casts, she asked for the brown bag she had brought earlier. Judy retrieved it, and Blake gave her the combination. Judy unlocked it and placed it by her side. Blake said, "Thank you all so much. I need some time alone now with my casts and back brace."
We left the room, and Billy closed the door. We all knew what Blake was going to do.

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #64 on: 22. July 2024, 15:03:42 PM »
Ch. 162 - Blake's Casted Weekend
It wasn't long before the guys got home from work, and Blake was still in her room alone, enjoying her casts and CTLSO. We told them about Blake's casts and her plans for the weekend, and that we were all going out to dinner too. They went to get changed, and then Judy's phone beeped; it was a message from Blake.
"Judy, can you and the girls come help me get dressed? One hunger has been satisfied, but another is coming on strong; I'm ready for supper."
Judy didn't reply; we simply went to Blake's room. She was still lying on the bed where Billy had placed her, wearing only her casts and CTLSO. She had a look of contentment on her face as well as some sweat on her brow. The device that had brought her pleasure was lying on the bed, just out of her reach. Blake said, "In my suitcase, there's a long floral print dress. I would like to wear it tonight." Collene crutched over, opened her suitcase, and removed the very pretty dress. I asked Blake if she would like a quick sponge bath, and she thought that it would feel good.
I wheeled into the guest bathroom, got several washcloths, and dampened them with warm water using my uncasted hand. I took them to Judy and Collene, and they carefully washed the exposed parts of Blake's heavily casted and braced body. Soon, she was clean and refreshed, and the girls helped her into her dress. I heard Joel in the hall and asked him to come help get Blake into her wheelchair. Collene then brushed Blake's hair, replaced the elastics on her orthodontic facemask, and Blake was ready for the evening. We made our way to the den to await Jimmy.
Jimmy arrived at the house driving our newly modified bus, and we all got loaded up for a night out. We decided on Italian tonight since Judy could get soup blended, and she even wanted to try eating spaghetti and marinara that was blended and strained. Once at the restaurant and seated at our table, Judy removed Blake's headgear so she could eat; she couldn't do it on her own with both arms in casts. Despite her two arm casts and her spine being held immobile by her CTLSO, Blake had no problem feeding herself. She looked so carefree and happy sitting in her wheelchair, wearing her multiple casts and extremely restrictive CTLSO, and enjoying her meal. Oh, and Judy did quite well eating her pureed meal with a large syringe.
We had a great dinner, and Judy is getting quite adventurous with what she is eating. She is in what I call the acceptance stage of having her jaw wired shut. Initially, there is the shock, or in our case, the pleasure, of being wired shut. Then there comes the discomfort, cramps, and muscle spasms, which soon pass. The next stage is the frustration of a limited diet and finally acceptance, where life gets back to as normal as possible despite the wires. Judy is at this stage, simply living her normal life, but with her jaw firmly wired shut around her large and brightly colored splint.
By the time we got back home, Blake was exhausted and ready for bed. However, she needed to visit the bathroom to take care of what her catheter couldn't. She was embarrassed to have Joel help her onto the toilet and then clean her up afterwards, but it went well. He was a perfect gentleman, and Blake felt quite comfortable, especially with me in the other room. Joel then placed Blake in bed, and I carefully pulled the covers over her casted and braced body. We said goodnight, and Blake replied, "Thank you both so much. I'm so nervous about what will happen next week, but my casts are bringing me great comfort and calming my fears. I don't know why they comfort and calm me so much, and I hope I can grow to feel the same way about the braces that I actually need to wear.

The next morning, we were all up early as usual, and I went to check on Blake. I knocked at her door, and she sleepily said, "Come in; I'm awake." I wheeled over to her bed, and she put her casted left hand out, and I held it in my hand and asked, "So how did you sleep, honey? Is any of this too much for you? Joel can remove your casts and back brace if you want; remember, you don't really need to wear them; they are for enjoyment only."
"I actually slept great, Leigh; I didn't think I would. Maybe because I was so tired, we'll see how I sleep at Pete and Emme's tonight," replied Blake. "These casts and back brace are a lot to learn to live with, especially with my legs immobilized as they are. However, my back feels great this morning, and I'm excited yet fearful to get my custom-made back and leg braces next week. Could you please get Joel to come help me to the toilet and get dressed?"
I went and got Joel, and he assisted Blake with her needs and emptied her catheter bag. When they returned from the bathroom, we got Blake dressed in an overall skirt that came to her knees. Since the clam shell CTLSO she is wearing covers her breasts, she didn't wear a top. Joel got Blake back into her wheelchair, and I helped her fix her hair, do her makeup, and change the elastics on her reverse-pull headgear.

While her headgear was off, I could see the skin on her forehead and chin was a little red and inflamed, along where the elastics passed between her lips. I asked if there was anything I could do for it. Blake said the skin irritation and her chapped, raw lips were the worst thing about her facemask and said there was some cream and lip balm in her bag that I could apply for. I applied the cream and lip balm, then her headgear with fresh elastic bands, which seemed extremely strong.
We wheeled out to the kitchen for coffee, and soon Judy and Jimmy arrived for breakfast. We had ham, eggs, and potatoes, with Judy blending everything up with some vegetable broth. It looked disgusting, as all wired jaw meals do, but she said it was quite tasty and very filling.
Over our meal, Joel asked Blake if he could take her car to the shop and check a few things today; he thought the engine didn't sound quite right. She said it has a noisy lifter and something about a wheel bearing and that it would be great if Joel could check it out; she's a farm girl, so she knows more about machines than I do. Joel said that he would give the car a good checkup and fix anything wrong with it; he doesn't want to see her stranded on her way home, especially since she will be wearing her new braces. He even said he would install hand controls for her to make driving with her leg braces easier. Blake rolled her wheelchair away from the table and said, "Come over here, Joel; you deserve a hug for all your kindness." Joel got up and approached Blake. He leaned over, and she wrapped her casted arms around him and hugged him tightly.
Blake asked Jimmy to follow her to her room, and they soon returned. He was carrying her suitcase and the braces she had borrowed from Rebekah. Blake had her handbag and keys for her car, which she gave to Joel. Since I was going to the shop today, too—Blake, Emme, Sam and I are doing inventory in the parts room—Jimmy went to get our bus. Judy gave us all hugs, and then she departed for the office. Jimmy loaded Blake and me into the bus, and we were on our way, with Joel following in Blake's Buick.
When we got to the shop, everyone was curious about Blake's casts, especially Rose. She suggested to Jose that he should wear a cast on his legs like Blake's for a long weekend someday and that she would take excellent care of him. Despite his dark complexion, Jose turned a very deep shade of red and was speechless.
It was a lot of fun working with Blake, Emme, and Sam. We set up a tray on Blake's wheelchair for a laptop computer. I borrowed Emme's platform crutch and forearm crutch so I could be out of my wheelchair. Emme, since her legs still work perfectly, simply walked around in her KAFOs while Sam took care of the office. Time flew by, and it was lunch time. Sam had made a pot of chili and cornbread in the little kitchen at the shop, and we enjoyed a great meal. We got back to work and completed the inventory by three in the afternoon, a job that usually takes Emme and Sam several days to do alone. It was a lot of fun for me to be on my feet and for Blake to feel useful in her immobilized state; she enjoyed helping and feeling useful despite her current situation. All three of us actually forgot how immobilized we all were.
We then went back to the office and talked with Sam. She reminded us it was the military vehicle meet-up at Pee Dee's tonight and asked if we were going. I said that Joel and I would be there in our Volga; we just got it back after Joel lent it to a museum for a Cold War display. Blake had no idea what it was but would find out later, and Emme reminded her that she would get to ride in their 1942 Cadillac staff car. With our evening planned, Joel got all of Blake's things from the bus and got her situated in the front seat of Emme's Lincoln. It was a tight fit for Blake, but her knees were cast at just the right angle for her to be able to fit. We would all meet again in several hours.
On our way home, I called Lori to see how she was doing with her halo traction brace.
Lori: Hi Leigh. How are you?
Leigh: I'm well. How's halo traction treating you? You were miserable yesterday.
Lori: Things are a bit better today, but the pressure from all these pins is quite intense, and my spine aches from being stretched.
Leigh: Well, then I guess you're probably not up to going out tonight, are you?
Lori: No, not this evening. I just want to rest and try to find a more comfortable position to sleep in tonight. This brace is really tough to wear, but I know it is necessary.
Leigh: OK, Lori, well, take care and let any of us know if you need anything; we're all here for you. I'll probably see you at the orthodontist on Monday, when Blake has her appointment.
Lori: I'll see you then, and hopefully I'll feel up to going to lunch with y’all.
Leigh: Sounds good. Get some rest, and I hope you feel better soon. Goodnight.
Lori: I do, too. Have fun; I know it is the MV meet up tonight. Bye.
A few hours later, we arrived at Pee Dee's. We saw Pete pull up in his Cadillac, and Joel went to help get Blake out of the back seat, where she was sitting sideways. Once in her wheelchair, we took Blake around to introduce her to our friends. As usual, when I bring along a casted or braced friend, no one really asks any questions; they are aware of the peculiar tastes that some people have.
Then a Dodge M-880 pulled in, and a young man got out of the truck. Blake seemed to recognize him and quickly wheeled over to him. He gave Blake a hug, and the two went off together and got something to eat. I asked around about who the man was, and Gillian said it was her nephew, Chris Jones, who works for the highway department up at Kings Mountain. Gillian said he grew up here and is visiting, but will be going home tomorrow.
We didn't see much of Blakey all evening; she spent all her time with Chris. When it was time to go, she did introduce him to us and said that they dated in high school and, in fact, planned to live together, but then Blake went off to college and they drifted apart. Chris hugged Blake one last time and helped Pete get her into the back seat of his Cadillac.
Blake texted me on and off over her weekend with Emme and Pete. Once they got home Friday evening, Emme had Pete put in her blinding contacts; she spent the entire weekend blind. They went clubbing with Sam and Emme on Saturday night after spending the day shopping. Blake got several outfits that Emme told her would be easy to wear with her new braces. On Sunday, Pete dropped the girls off at the park with a picnic lunch and left them alone for many hours. Blake said it was quite a thrill and a bit scary to be out alone, so immobilized, and with her companion blind and handicapped by not only braces but also the large cast on Emme's left arm.
The girls had a wonderful weekend together, and Pete was a caring gentleman, helping Blake with all her needs, despite it being a bit uncomfortable for both of them. After Blake gets her new braces next week, she and Emme plan to spend an evening in public together, with Emme once again completely blind.
Tomorrow is Monday, and Blake has her orthodontic appointment. I wonder what Joe has in store for her. He did say he was hoping to make some parts of her treatment a bit easier on her, and there would be major changes to the appliances she'll be wearing. I hope everything goes smoothly for her.

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #65 on: 22. July 2024, 15:29:46 PM »
Ch. 163 - Orthodontic Changes
Today is the first of two big days for Blake this week. Dr. Joe is making major changes to her orthodontic treatment. She called earlier this morning and was excited but nervous. I told her that Joe is very gentle and to not worry about pain; there will be little, if any. However, I did warn her that Joe prefers older methods of treatment since he thinks they give better long-term results, but he works with patients to make their treatment as easy or, in special cases like Kathy and me, as difficult as possible. Speaking of Kathy, I need to check on her and see how her spine is doing.
We had breakfast with Jimmy and Judy as usual, with Judy blending her scrambled eggs and potatoes. After we ate, Judy cleaned her wires and splint, then headed off to work. She makes her big presentation today, and she'll be speaking in front of about a hundred people with her jaw shut and her splint. It's a good thing that her speech has greatly improved in the last week; she is actually fairly easy to understand now. Jimmy, Joel, and I headed to the shop, where I'll meet up with Blake and Emme and accompany them to the orthodontist.
To make things easier today, I decided to use crutches instead of my wheelchair. I love wearing my LATFS in support of Emme and her fractured wrist, but my cast is now getting rather annoying; I wish I had my left arm back! I hope that Emme doesn't need another cast after her LATFS come off in four weeks, but at least my cast looks cute with all of Blake's artwork on it.
We got to the shop a bit early, and only Rose and Jose were there. They had brewed coffee, and we enjoyed a cup. Soon, everyone else arrived, with Pete dropping Emme and Blake off. Blake was no longer in her casts; Pete had removed them earlier in the morning. However, she was wearing Rebekah's old Milwaukee brace and KAFOs with a long blue skirt, white blouse, sweater, and her blue headgear; Blake looked great! I asked Blake if she still had her catheter, and she replied, "Yes, once I got used to it, I began to enjoy it for some strange reason."
I helped out around the office while Joel and Blake went for a drive so she could learn how to use the hand controls he installed. Blake said that she could drive in her braces without any trouble, but the hand controls would be nice to have if she ever wore a cast on her right leg. She also noted how well her car ran and handled after the major work the guys did on it over the weekend. Blake was overjoyed that her well-loved car was now better than new and thanked Joel, who couldn't have been happier to help out our young friend.
At around ten, we left for the orthodontist so we could see Lori get the orthodontic component added to her halo brace; we're all very curious. When we arrived at Dr. Joe's office, Scotty and Lori were just pulling in. Once inside, Sally greeted us in her Minerva brace and took us all to the large procedure room where Billy was talking to Joe. There was a box on a rolling cart with two facebows and several packages of elastics next to it. Billy asked how Lori was doing in her halo traction brace, and she replied,
"Much better today, Billy. My pins are not hurting anymore, and the pressure seems to be a bit less; I no longer have a pounding headache. My spine feels better, too, but there is still a dull ache. I don't think it will go away until my spine is completely stretched out straight."
"Let me check your progress and see how much you've stretched out in the last few days. Stand up tall for me, Lori." Billy said with a smile.
Lori stood as tall as possible in her brace, and Billy checked the marks on the uprights and said, "You're a half inch taller already; excellent progress, Lori. Your brace is working well—in fact, very well. Why don't you stop in on Thursday when Blake gets her braces fitted, and I'll adjust your brace to apply a bit more traction? I'll also let Ben know how you're doing and that you're tolerating your brace well. You're doing great, Lori!"
Lori was pleased that things were going so well so soon, as were the rest of us. She is doing great with her KAFO and prosthetics, too, walking almost normally without a crutch or cane, and she has almost mastered the use of her MyoHand. Once she can wear her 'forever' spinal brace, her life will be as normal as it will ever be.
Joe then asked Lori to take a seat in the orthodontic chair, and he adjusted it for her comfort in an upright position. He then removed her lip bumpers and said, "Are you ready for the appliance that Billy designed with my guidance? He did excellent work, and it will be more comfortable than regular headgear. We figured if you are going to be in your halo for the foreseeable future, we might as well use it to help with your orthodontic treatment, too. Billy, show Lori the appliance you made for her."
Joe handed the box to Billy, and he removed two black metal pieces and explained, "Lori, these brackets will be attached to your halo ring on both sides, screwed into unused holes in your ring. They won't interfere with your pins or headblocks when Scott will be removing your jacket for daily exercise later on, like Kathy is doing. You will see there are a series of hooks that are in the same place as those on Leigh's interlandi headgear. Basically, instead of straps around your head and back of your neck like Leigh has, you'll have these secured to your halo ring. Since you can't wear interlandi headgear with your halo ring, this will do the same job with the added benefit of no straps for your hair to get tangled in."
Billy then handed one each to Lori and Scott to examine, and then Scott handed it to me so Emme and I could check it out. It's a simple solution to Lori's orthodontic needs that takes advantage of her wearing a halo brace—very clever!
It only took a minute or two for Billy to attach the very prominent orthodontic component to Lori's halo, then Joe got to work adjusting her facebows to fit. In only a few minutes, Lori had two gleaming facebows emerging from her mouth, with several elastics tying each of them to the attachment on her halo ring. Joe asked how everything felt, and Lori replied, "It's all good, Joe. There is a lot more pressure on my teeth now, but I'll get used to it. Let me look in the mirror; I want to see how this all looks."
Lori stood up, walked over to the mirror, and said, "Oh! Wow! There's so much more going on now, but I like how it all looks. The way my lower facebow moves when I speak is captivating. The lower facebows the other girls wear have always fascinated me; I love watching them speak or eat. Billy and Joe, thank you so much. I am very pleased with all you have done for me."
Lori looked really cool with her new additions. She's right out of one of derS4tyr's illustrations on DeviantArt. Boy, do I have ideas for the next time I'm in a halo brace!
Billy then gave Scott the special screwdriver used to attach the device and said, "If it's OK with Joe, you can remove her orthodontic component for a night out or other special occasion. Otherwise, her facebows should be in 24/7." Joe then said, "Short periods without your facebows are fine, but no more than a few hours a week. Wear your facebows even when you are eating, Lori, and change the elastics every six hours or so, too."
Joe looked to Blake and said, "OK, Blake, you're up. Please take a seat, and I'll explain everything to you. You'll be pleased with most of the changes, but others might be a bit difficult to cope with. However, I guarantee there will be no pain; your comfort is of the utmost importance."
Blake took a seat in the chair, and Joe began to speak.
"The first thing, Blake, is that I spoke to Billy about your back braces this morning. He told me about the braces he's fabricating for you, like Lori's, will combine your orthodontic and orthopedic treatments. I need to make a few changes to your new appliances, and I need a little time to do so. My plan is to remove everything Dr. Murphy placed in your mouth so you can enjoy a few hours without braces. Then, this afternoon, I'll place all your new appliances, which will be with you for the foreseeable future. Enjoy your lunch, as eating and speaking will be difficult for a few weeks with your new appliances. However, the good news is you won't have to wear your reverse-pull headgear anymore."
Blake said, "OK, Joe. Let's get on with it! I don't mind how my facemask looks, but it sure is hard on my skin; it's so raw and sore, and the elastics chap my lips." Joe reclined the chair and got to work removing all of Blake's appliances, some of which, like her small upper tongue crib and lower tongue tamers, I didn't know she had. After the devices were removed, we went to the nearby cafe for lunch, with Sally joining us too.
When we got back to the clinic, Blake brushed her teeth and took a long look at her unbraced smile, knowing that this would be the last time for many years that she would be without braces. However, I knew that with her spinal issues, she would likely wear a back brace forever and require orthodontic braces and a splint like the rest of us—this was likely the last time she would ever see herself without braces for the rest of her life. Blake then sat in the chair, and Joe reclined it.
"OK, Blake," Joe said, "the first two appliances to be placed are your expanders. They are a bit more bulky than your old ones, and the upper will sit higher up in your mouth and be a bit more comfortable. Your previous expander was rather low in your mouth, making speaking and swallowing even more difficult. Your lower expander will be much like your old one, but a bit heavier, so I can apply more force to your teeth. Instead of tongue tamers on your lower front teeth, the larger expander screw will do that job and will be more comfortable. It also has places for your lower facebow to attach to."
"Up top, you'll be wearing a Bluegrass appliance instead of a tongue crib. There will also be two hooks for protraction, but unlike previously, these hooks will protrude from between your lips. I noticed that your lips are inflamed from the elastics, so I want to keep them out of your mouth; the smooth metal will be far more comfortable. There are also several small magnets on your upper bands to secure your removable appliance. All these appliances will widen your bite and move your upper arch forward. Let me show them to you, then I'll place them in your mouth."
Joe showed Blake the appliances she would soon be wearing, and she liked the bright green roller on her Bluegrass appliance. Joe soon had these devices securely bonded to Blake's teeth. Her Bluegrass appliance could be easily seen behind her front teeth, and the heavy wires with small hooks and small balls at the ends protruded well beyond her lips. Joe then explained what was coming next.
"OK, Blake, let's get the rest of your teeth banded. Bands won't pop loose like your brackets did. This will go quickly, and then I'll tie in your archwires with ligatures to match your Bluegrass appliance. I remember you saying that neon green is your favorite color. Joe then placed all of her bands on her extremely crooked front teeth. They are the same large, wide bands that I wear. Blake should like them, as she has commented that my bands look cuter than the other girls with their narrower bands. Soon all her bands were bonded in place, and Joe applied her archwires. Once that was done, he had her get up and go rinse her mouth and said, "All your fixed appliances are now in place. How do they feel, Blake? Is there anything that causes discomfort?"
Blake smiled and, with an extreme lisp, said, "It's all good, but my mouth feels so full of metal. Oh, these hooks coming out of my mouth are crazy, but my lips glide over them much more comfortably than the elastics. I love the color of my ligatures and that roller thing, too." Joe said, "OK, let's fit your splint and tandem bow appliance."
Joe then showed Blake her splint, about which there was nothing special. It snapped in place with the magnets and held her front teeth slightly apart. The device caused her to have even greater difficulty speaking. Joe explained that she needs to wear her splint whenever she is wearing her spinal braces, but she can remove it to eat. He then fitted her lower facebow, and now Blake had two sets of hooks protruding from her slightly parted lips, parted because of her splint. Finally, Joe placed heavy elastics between the pairs of hooks, and Blake lisp-fully commented about the pressure she felt on her teeth.
Joe then said, "OK, Blake, that's it for today. I want you to wear your tandem bow 24/7 for the next few days, changing the elastics twice a day. When Billy fits your spinal braces on Thursday, stop by, and I'll show you how your back braces will work with your orthodontic braces. I'm sorry I put so much in your mouth today. I usually do it over several appointments, but I know you are leaving town soon. Any question, Blake?"
Blake had no questions, but she did have a look combining shock and pleasure when she saw herself in the mirror wearing her tandem bow and splint with her fully banded teeth. She turned my way and smiled, and I said, "Oh, Blake, you are the most beautiful thing in the world!"
Blake lisp-fully replied, "I know, and it's all thanks to you and your friends!"

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #66 on: 24. July 2024, 15:20:56 PM »
Ch. 164 - Troubling Thoughts
We're now on our way back to my place after Blake's visit to the orthodontist. Even though she seemed to accept and even like her appliances, I'm worried that her attitude might change. Getting braces initially was so difficult for her, and now she's wearing an uncommon appliance, and her speech is hardly understandable. I hoped she wouldn't become depressed and reclusive once again. Blake has been very quiet since we left the orthodontist, so I decided to ask about the young man she spent time with at Pee Dee's the other night.
L: So Blake, who was that handsome young man you spent the evening with at Pee Dee's?
Blake immediately got a big smile on her face.
B: That was Chris Jones. We dated all through high school but drifted apart when I went to college. It had been years since I last saw him.
L: His aunt told me he works for the highway department where you live.
B: That's right, Leigh. I have seen his old Dodge truck parked around town, but I never saw him. I'm surprised; his home is near mine. We're going on a date when I get back.
L: Did he ask you about your casts, back brace, and orthodontics?
B: Of course he did; he was very concerned that I had been in a bad accident. A few weeks ago, he got called out to close the road for an accident in which a girl my age was badly injured. When he saw me, he thought I was that girl. I was completely honest and told Chris that I was wearing casts and my back brace just for fun, but my orthodontics are for real. He was glad I was uninjured and said I looked cute in my casts and brace.
L: Did you tell him that you will be wearing KAFOs and a back brace for real very soon?
B: I did, Leigh, and he said that he would do anything and everything to help me be comfortable, and my braces would make me more beautiful than ever. Chris is a sweet guy, and I'm glad he's back in my life. I'm surprised some girl hadn't snapped him up already.
L: That's great, Blake. I wish you and Chris all the best.
B: Thanks, Leigh. We're anxious to pick up where we left off years ago.
Once we got near my place, Blake asked if she could spend the night with us, which was fine with me. She needed to stop by the ranch to take care of the horses and wash some clothes. While we were waiting for the laundry to get done, Blake took a selfie of herself wearing her new orthodontic appliances. When she tried to use voice to text, her phone couldn't understand her because of her severe lisp, so she had to type messages to her mom and Chris. 
A few minutes later, a reply came from Chris:
"You look great, Blake. That thing you are wearing is very unique and interesting; I can't wait to see you in person. One question: how will we kiss with those rods coming out of your mouth? You're such a great kisser."
"We'll have to experiment," replied Blake, "and I'm looking forward to it!"
It was then that the buzzer on the clothes dryer sounded, and Blake went to pack. I've been really concerned about how Blake will do once she returns home. Not only is she wearing rather awkward orthodontic appliances, she will also be wearing spinal and leg braces. With her friend Stevie in a serious relationship, he won't have much time for Blake anymore. However, I am relieved that Chris is back in her life; he seems more than willing to provide the support that Blake will need. I know Blake will have a hard time once her leg and back braces are fitted and she is fully braced. I hate to say it, but I expect her to have a breakdown before she goes home.
Once Blake's bag was packed, we headed to my place for a relaxing evening. Once there, Blake removed her borrowed Milwaukee brace and put on the SOMI CTLSO that I had given her. I asked why she wanted to wear the brace, and Blake replied, "Billy said that this brace is sort of like one of the braces that I'll be wearing when I'm not at work. I want to get used to how it feels to live in such a restrictive brace. This is all so hard, and I hope I'm up to the challenge. I have all of my friends for support, and I am so happy Chris is back in my life; we love each other so much. I should have tracked him down years ago."
The next morning, Jimmy and Judy joined us for breakfast as usual, but Judy was not dressed for the office; she was just in a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, and her braces, walking with her crutches. Blake asked, "Is everything OK, Judy? You're not dressed for work." Lispfully, through her wires and splint, Judy replied, "My presentation went really well yesterday, and we got twenty new clients; we were hoping for just half that amount. As a bit of a reward for my hard work and having the nerve to speak in front of so many people with my jaw wired shut and wearing my braces, I got the week off. What do you girls have planned, and can I join you?"
We congratulated Judy on her business accomplishment and said we had no real plans except for Thursday, when Blake gets her orthopedic braces. Judy said, "OK, we'll just hang out together, and I want to hear all about Blake's new appliances. She has such a cute smile now with her bands and tandem bow appliance. I remember when Collie had hers; she looked so adorable wearing it, and I was so jealous!"
Joel served breakfast with Judy's thoroughly blended and strained, then the guys headed off to work. Judy then examined all of Blake's orthodontic appliances, and she had to go online to learn about some of the devices. Then Judy told about everything that happened at work yesterday and the conversations she had with people about her wires, splint, and extensive orthopedic bracing. We talked until around noon and had berry smoothies for a light lunch.
After our refreshing smoothies, Blake asked, "Can we go down to your shooting range, Leigh? My teeth are a bit sore, and I'm worried about what life in my new braces will be like; some range time will get my mind off things." 

"Of course we can, Blake. It sounds like fun." I replied.
I went to the safe to get my revolver, and Blake got 'Betsy' from her room. On the way down to the range, we stopped by Judy's, where she transferred to her manual wheelchair and got her Manurhin MR 73 revolver, a very special birthday gift from Jimmy after she got him his Humvee. When we got to our indoor range, Blake was very impressed and said, "Wow! This is so cool; I've never been to a range with electronic scoring before. Can I bring my parents here sometime to shoot?" I told Blake that the combination to the door is the same as to the gate, then showed her how the electronic scoring system worked.
As we set up our gear, Blake told us the story of her Colt Bisley, 'Betsy'. "My great-great-great grandfather purchased her directly from Colt in 1900. He was a renown target shooter and traveled the world with Betsy for competitions, winning many medals and trophies with her. Betsy has been passed down in the family, and she's mine now. I know she is worth a lot of money, and I probably shouldn't' be carrying her around while out riding, but like the old trucks the guys have, things are meant to be used.

Judy and I took turns firing Blake's revolver and did quite well. Neither of us had ever fired a 44 Russian before, and it is sure an accurate and mild cartridge. Blake put five shots into one hole ragged at 25 yards with it. Amazing!
We had left the doors open for some fresh air since it was a nice day. Rebekah soon joined us; she could hear the noise we were making. A little while later, Collene and Billy were home from the shop, joined in the fun, and fired a few rounds through Betsy. We were having a great time together and decided to have a girl's night at my place.
Once at the house, Jimmy, Paul, and Joel soon arrived home from work. Jimmy was carrying a box that looked rather heavy, and Judy asked what was in it. Jimmy replied, "It's for you, dear, to make having your jaw wired shut a bit easier. I had to deliver some parts to the Air Force base, and I had told Captain Wallis about your situation. He gave me all this food for you; it's what the U2 pilots eat while flying." Jimmy then showed his wife the tubes of pureed food with little straws for consuming it. There were all sorts of different meals, and Jimmy said the Captain said to watch Steve1989's review videos on YouTube. The guys then went down to Paul's house to watch basketball and to crash there for the night, leaving us girls alone.
We talked, then went to the kitchen to make dinner while Judy watched reviews of the U2 tube food. Judy chose to try pepperoni pizza, something she has been craving ever since being wired shut, and apple pie for dessert. We all tried it; it all looked rather disgusting, but it tasted wonderful. The food wasn't completely smooth, and Judy had to go use her Water-Pic to clean her appliances through the hole in her splint.
After dinner, we could tell that Blake was looking a bit down, and Collene asked what was wrong. Blake replied, "This whole thing with my teeth, back, and legs is a lot to take in. Something gives me the feeling that I will be in braces for the rest of my life. I just don't know if I can do it, but I have no choice; my back, knees, and jaw hurt, and my teeth are so ugly."
We all gave words of encouragement, and Collene explained to Blake that her assumption was likely correct and that, with her conditions, she would be wearing various braces for the rest of her life. I showed her the pictures of when I wore the experimental splint with clear brackets for Joe, and Blake said, "With my orthodontics, I just don't like this stuff that sticks out of my mouth and the things inside that make me lisp, but I love how my bands look. Just think how cute I'll look once my teeth are straight and I only need my bands to retain my smile and attach my splint. It's been fun wearing Rebekah's old braces, but the thought of having to wear my own for real is scary. I do love wearing casts; they're comforting, calming, and temporary, unlike the braces that I'll be wearing. Could I get leg casts to wear until I get my braces on Thursday?"
Collene said, "Of course, Blake. Judy and I can apply them for you. Why don't you go take a shower and meet us in the cast room?" I thought the idea of leg casts sounded good, so I asked Judy to help me bathe so I could get casts, too.
When I wheeled and Judy crutched into the cast room, the other girls were already there. Blake was sitting on the table in her SOMI CTLSO, and Collene was gathering the supplies for her SLWCs. Judy assisted Collie, and soon both of Blake's legs were in bright pink SLCs with black cast sandals. She got up, walked around, and said, "Oh, these feel great. I just love wearing casts for some strange reason.
I then said, "Collie, I want a pair of LLCs, please. I haven't worn any leg casts since my hip spica, and since I'm mostly in my wheelchair these days anyway, a few weeks in LLCs would be great." Collie asked me what color I wanted, and I said black with pink stockinette. Judy and Blake helped me up on the cast table and got me out of my HKAFO-Milwaukee brace. Soon, both of my atrophied legs were in LLCs, and they felt wonderful. My ankles were at a perfect ninety degrees, with my knees bent enough that I could ride in the car comfortably. I then asked Judy to go to my room and get my NI Halo CTLSO. She returned with it, Blake helped her strap me in, and I felt quite content.
Collie then said, "You know, the only casts I have ever been in were when I had molds taken of my back or legs; I have never worn a cast for longer than it takes for the plaster to harden. Judy, do you think you and Blake could cast both my legs, too?"
Judy jumped at the opportunity to put her sister in a pair of casts and asked what type and color she wanted. Collie said, "Long leg casts; hot pink on the left and neon green on the right, both with black stockinette. I was surprised at her choice of bright colors; that is not her style, but it's just for the evening, so I thought.
Collie removed her skirt, and Blake helped her up onto the table while Judy collected the necessary supplies. Collie removed her KAFOs and heeled booties; she was ready to have her casts applied. Collie's floppy legs were a bit of a challenge to keep positioned properly while her casts were being applied. It was easier with my casts since I can still control my legs but have little strength in them anymore. Soon, Collie's legs were in their brightly colored casts, with her knees and ankles positioned like mine.
"Shit, I can't use crutches with my knees like this," Collie exclaimed. "I need a wheelchair, and mine is at home." Rebekah looked at Blake and said, "Let's test those walking casts of yours and go get Collene's wheelchair." Rebekah wheeled out the door, with Blake walking awkwardly in her SLWCs. They returned with Blake sitting in Collie's wheelchair; Blake stood up, and Collie transferred to her wheelchair.
Blake wanted to decorate our casts and got her paint set from her room. We watched movies on the Hallmark Channel while Blake decorated our casts.
It was a wonderful day, and Blake's spirits seem to have been lifted, but I'm still quite worried about her.

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #67 on: 24. July 2024, 15:30:22 PM »
Ch. 165 - Brace Day
Yesterday morning, Joel and Billy sure got a surprise when they saw Collie and me in our DLLCs. Billy never expected to ever see Collie in recreational casts, especially ones so brightly colored. He inquired how long she planned to wear them, and Collie simply replied, "Six weeks!" Her response shocked us all; this was very unlike Collene. Now I know why she wanted to be cathed when I got mine; this wasn't going to be just an overnight experience for her. Collie told Billy that she wanted to go get her nails done with the rest of us, and then Judy would drop her off at the shop.
Of course, Joel was very happy to see me in my LLCs and was not surprised at all. He asked my intentions, and I told him that I'd wear my LLCs until my LATFS cast was removed in a few weeks. He said, "What about your spinal brace? You're going to wear your NI Halo the whole time, too." I replied in a sad but joking tone, "I must wear it, dear. Not only do I have badly broken legs and left arm, but my spine is fractured, too." Everyone laughed, and Joel Joel replied, "I'll take good care of my broken little wife. You'll be fine, honey." Billy then hugged Collie and said, "I'll take good care of my broken wife, too."
After breakfast, we helped each other get dressed and headed out to get our nails done, which is always fun while wearing casts. Blake got Collie, Rebekah, and I loaded up in the little bus, and Judy drove us to the mall. We caused quite the stir at the nail salon with our casts and the show that Rebekah and Judy put on removing their leg braces and shoes. It was a lot of fun.
After getting our nails done and with Rebekah and Judy once again putting on a show, this time getting their braces and shoes back on, Blake wanted to purchase a few more outfits that would be easy to wear with her new braces. We decided to go and see our acquaintance Jane at the clothing store.
When we arrived, Jane was as bubbly and outgoing as ever. Her banded smile sparkled in the light, and her hot pink Interlandi headgear contrasted with her dark hair. She looked great and immediately asked about the casts Collie, Blake, and I were wearing and about Judy's wired and splinted jaw. We were all honest and told Jane the truth—our casts and Judy's wires are simply recreational. She was intrigued and said she had never worn a cast in her entire life but always wondered what it was like. Collie gave her a card and said, "I'm partners in an orthotics shop, and we can put you in any sort of cast or brace you want; give me a call if you ever want to wear one." Jane took the card with a sparkling smile and said, "I definitely will. Thanks."
Judy lispfully asked Jane how her orthodontics were going, and Jane pulled out her phone and showed us a picture of her with her family. I immediately noticed the three men in the picture had braces, just standard metal brackets, and the youngest was wearing cervical headgear. Jane then said, "Don't Jill, JJ, and I look adorable with our bands and headgear? Even my husband and son-in-law have braces now, but they don't need headgear. That's Ashton, JJ's boyfriend, wearing headgear. He was already in braces when they met and recently got headgear." We all thought it was great that they're a braced family; it must make things easier for all of them.
Rebekah and Judy helped Blake pick out a few more outfits, and since it was her break, Jane offered to carry everything to our bus. As we parted ways with Jane, Collie said, "Don't forget to call me if you want to wear a cast or brace." Jane replied, "I will very soon!" We then went to take in the warm spring morning at the park before dropping Collie off at the shop and heading back to my place.
Well, that was yesterday, and today is the second big day this week for Blake; she gets her orthopedic braces fitted. Last night, we could tell she was very nervous and on edge. She didn't talk much, and she went to bed early and isn't up yet this morning.
Jimmy and Judy arrived for breakfast, and Blake was still not up, so Judy went to check on her. About twenty minutes passed, and the two girls entered the dining room. Blake was wearing a long skirt that went to the floor and a turtleneck sweater that almost completely hid the CTLSO she has been wearing for the last few days. The girls sat down, and Blake said to Judy, "Thanks for removing my catheter, Judy. However, I don't know about this diaper; I feel like an invalid." Judy replied, "It's only if you have a bit of leakage; it's not permanent."
Blake picked at her meal, hardly eating a thing, but did have a protein shake with Judy. The guys left for work, and us girls awaited Rebekah's arrival. Then the four of us would go to the orthotics shop for Blake's braces to be fitted.
As we headed to town, Blake was very quiet. She sat stiffly in her back brace with her legs crossed, playing with her toes sticking out of her casts. She would switch legs and rub those toes, too. Sometimes she would run her hands along her casts. Blake's casts were obviously bringing her comfort, but they would soon have to be removed so she could begin her braced life.
When we arrived, Collie cheerfully greeted us. She looked great in her brightly colored casts and hot pink headgear. She said, "Billy is all ready for you, Blake." Then, upon seeing the tears welling up in Blake's eyes, she said, "It's OK, girl. You'll do fine, and your back and knees will feel much better, too. Plus, you have been wearing that CTLSO, so you sort of know what wearing your back brace will be like, but the ones Billy made you will be so much more comfortable. Your leg braces—well, you won't even know you're wearing them. Come over here, Blake, and let me give you a hug." Blake approached Collie, and they hugged, with Blake saying, "Wearing braces for fun is one thing, but wearing them for real is extremely frightening. I hope I can do this." "You can, Blake; you're stronger than you think," replied Collene.
We then all made our way to the fitting room, where all of Blake's braces were laid out on a table. Blake immediately went over and took a look at her braces, picking up each one and examining it. Finally, she turned to us with her black Kuehnegger brace in hand and said, "Look at this one, girls. The leather is so shiny, and all the metal is polished like a mirror. It's a work of art, and look at my matching leg braces with the strappy wedge heels; they're beautiful." As she said this, Billy walked into the room with a smile on his face. Hopefully, seeing the beauty of her new braces will be the turning point for Blake, and she will accept her new life.
Billy greeted us all and then asked Blake to follow him to the cast room so her SLWC's could be removed. Blake followed Billy, saying, "Goodbye, casts. Thanks for the comfort you have brought me." They soon returned, with Blake wearing her cast sandals loosely on her bare feet. Billy said, OK, Blake, please remove your skirt and get up on the table; we'll start with your KAFOs."
No one said anything about Blake's diaper as she disrobed and got on the table. Billy picked up the pair of brown KAFOs and explained how to attach her modified shoes to her braces. He pointed out how the soles of her left shoes had been built up an inch, and it was quite noticeable. Billy also explained how the ankle and knee hinges only limit range of motion; they do not lock in place. They won't alter Blake's gait; they simply prevent her joints from moving too far. He had Blake attach a pair of flat sandals to her brown braces, and he fitted them on her legs and asked her to stand up. Billy then said, "OK, Blake, walk around a bit and tell me how they feel."
Blake carefully took a few slow steps, then began to walk around the room normally; her braces didn't inhibit her one bit. She looked at Billy and said, "Wow, I can walk without any problem. Once I get used to how they feel on my legs, I'll hardly notice I'm wearing them. But there is something that feels funny; it's like I'm leaning to the right." Billy explained that's because her body had compensated for her short left leg, and with her built-up shoe, her hips are now level. He also explained that her spinal braces will correct the curve in her spine caused by her leg length discrepancy.
Billy then had her try on the black braces with the wedge-heeled sandals. Those gave her little trouble walking at first—not because of the braces themselves, but because of her built-up left shoe. Finally, Blake put on the oxblood red pair with block-heeled fashion hiking boots—her trademark style. These also fit well and were easier to walk in than her wedge sandals, so Blake decided to wear them out of the office today. Billy said, "I know it's a bit chilly in here, but I need you to take off your top and CTLSO you're wearing so your spinal braces can be fitted."
Blake complied with his request and stood before Billy. He picked up one of her Milwaukee braces, handed it to Collie, and then picked up one of the Kuehnegger braces. He then explained to Blake how to wear her braces and how the various parts will straighten her spine. The two styles were the same except at the top; the pelvic girdles, pads, and outriggers were identical. Billy said, "Blake, you can see the only difference between the braces is how they support your head and neck. Your Milwaukee brace has a standard throat mold and occipital pads; they are adjusted to let you turn your head easily and even look up and down a bit. However, don't get in the habit of resting your chin on the throat mold; it's there to remind you to maintain your posture. You will wear this brace whenever you are not in your Kuehnegger brace, up to ten hours a day."
Billy continues...
"This is your Kuehnegger brace, which you should wear as much as possible, and Ben would like to see you in it for 23 hours on days you don't have to go to work. If you can manage to wear it to work, that would be great; the more you wear it, the better. It provides traction to your cervical spine to help with your kyphosis, but it also immobilizes that part of your body, like the CTLSO you have been wearing. The way your Kuehnegger brace will feel is similar, but it will be far more comfortable since it is custom-made just for you. It also has provisions for the orthodontic component that Joe will be fitting later today. Any question, Blake?"
"Will I be able to drive in my Milwaukee brace like Judy and Collie can?" Blake asks.

"You should practice a bit, but yes, you'll be able to drive like the other girls can." Billy said with a reassuring smile. "You have ridden with Judy, and she does just fine, and you will too. I'm sure the girls will give you hints, and you can practice around your ranch and our property, too."

"OK, I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be for this. Show me how to put on my braces, Billy." Blake replied nervously.
Billy, with some assistance from Collene in her wheelchair, proceeded to place the brown Milwaukee brace on Blake's body. They showed her how to tighten the screw on her neck ring, how to fasten the straps in back, and how to pull the pads under her right arm and at her left side to the proper tension. The brace was now firmly yet comfortably, or as comfortably as possible, straightening Blake's spine. She stood tall and held her head high. Blake walked around the room and said, "Wow, this fits so much better than the brace I got from Rebekah, but it has all these pads in back and to my sides, and the ones pushing my shoulders back, too." She looked side to side, then said, "I can turn my head fairly easily, too. This won't be so bad, but that other style of brace looks scary."
Billy and Collie showed Blake how to remove her brace, then she donned and doffed the other two Milwaukee braces on her own. Now it was on to her Kuehnegger braces, and Blake looked terrified.
Billy removed the black Milwaukee brace from Blake's body and replaced it with her black Kuehnegger, pulling all the straps tight. The large chin cup and leather headrest held her head high and slightly tilted back; she could not move her head or neck at all in the brace. Billy had her stand up and carefully walk around the room, and Blake said, "This feels like the CTLSO I have been wearing, but the large pads for my head and chin are much more comfortable. All the braces are more comfortable than the others I have been wearing since they are custom-made. I can feel my back starting to ache already from being stretched out, but I don't think I have ever stood so straight and tall in my entire life."
Billy showed Blake how to remove her brace, then she tried on the brown one. Finally, she put on the oxblood red Kuehnegger brace that matched her KAFOs and got dressed. Her outfit almost completely concealed her braces, and only her chin cup and headrest could be seen. Blake thanked Billy, complimented him on his craftsmanship, and said, "This might not be so bad after all. I hope I do OK, but I know it will be hard at first... Very hard."
Billy gathered up Blake's braces and took them to the bus, then he returned with Lori and Scotty. After a bit of conversation, we decided to hang around and watch Lori get her halo traction brace adjusted.

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #68 on: 27. July 2024, 04:07:02 AM »
Ch. 166 -  Blake's Breakdown
"So, what's it like to wear your new braces, Blake? Billy said I'll be wearing a Kuehnegger brace when I'm done with halo traction. Then, once my spine is more stable, I can wear a Milwaukee brace. It will be wonderful to be able to turn my head; I've only looked straight ahead for almost a year now.," Lori states.
"It's really difficult, Lori, but I practiced by wearing that CTLSO," Blake replied. "I'm totally rigid from hips to my head, and there are pads pushing on my sides, back, and shoulders. At least my leg braces don't impair me; they don't lock at the knee and ankle like yours does." Blake jokingly continues, "At least you only have to wear one leg brace."
"That's because I only have one leg, you silly thing," replied Lori with a laugh, "and I can put on my prosthetic leg single-handedly, too." Referring to her amputated left hand.
The laughter greatly lightened the mood. Lori and Blake talked about her new braces while Billy got things ready to make some adjustments to Lori's halo traction brace. Billy was soon ready to explain to Lori what he would be doing for her today.
"OK, Lori. Since you are tolerating your traction quite well and your spine has already straightened a bit, I'm going to increase the amount of force applied." 
Billy takes a moment to look at some marks on the uprights of Lori's brace and says, "You're almost an inch taller now than when I put you in your brace last week. Ben thought things would go quickly since your muscles are weak from being immobilized for so long; they don't fight against your brace. I can either attach your halo ring to the traction frame or someone can hold you head up while I work—your choice since your fractures have long since healed."
Lori asks Blake, "Would you be so kind as to support my head and neck while Billy works on my brace?"
"Oh, can I, Lori?" replied Blake. "It would be my pleasure; I'll be very careful."
Billy had Lori take a seat as the rest of us looked on, with Scotty having a broad smile on his face. Billy told Blake not to let Lori's head move at all while he was working, as it would be very painful for her; she has not moved her neck in almost a year. Blake stood behind Lori, carefully and nervously grasping her halo ring with both hands. She wanted to watch what Billy was doing but couldn't; her Kuehnegger brace made her look straight ahead and slightly up.
Billy quickly removed part of the uprights and headblocks from Lori's halo ring and soon had the heavier spring in place. The parts were then replaced, and Billy made some adjustments to the traction mechanism, which he had designed and crafted himself. Finally, he said, "OK, Blake, Lori's spine is once again fully supported. You can let go, and I'll increase the forces on her spine." Billy looked at Lori and asked, "Are you ready? These springs are twice as strong as the previous ones." Lori simply gave a thumbs up with her MyoHand since Scotty was holding her right hand.
Billy slowly increased the force applied to Lori's spine and then said, "OK, that's it, Lori. How do you feel? Is it too much?"
With a smile, Lori replied, "I'll be fine, Billy. I can really feel it where my curves are the worst. Despite how painful it was to get the additional pins in my halo ring, I'm glad they are there; the force is spread more evenly around my head."
Billy asked how her orthodontic component was working out, and Lori replied, "It's great, Billy, so much more comfortable than those lip bumper things that made me look like I was pouting. I can really feel the forces being applied to my teeth, and that means progress. Other than my pins hurting for a few days, I really have no discomfort from all this, just the feeling of pressure from my pins and on my teeth and a dull ache in my back from the traction. I'm really happy with how things are going."
Billy was pleased to hear that Lori was doing so well, and he seemed to have a real sense of pride in the braces he made for her. He then took a look at her prosthetic leg, checked the fit of the socket, and said, "If you have time this afternoon, Lori, I would like to recast your residual limb and make you a new socket that will fit a bit better." Lori replied, "Sounds good, Billy, but please call it my stump; that's what I call it."
It was getting near noon, and Lori asked if we would like to join her and Scott for lunch. The girls and I accepted, but Collie and Billy needed to tend the shop, so we decided on delivery. The wait would be long, and Lori asked Blake if she wanted to go for a walk in the nearby park to talk. The rest of us tagged along for the fresh air but gave the ladies their privacy to chat. When we returned to the shop, our lunch was being delivered.
As Lori carefully removed her elastics and facebows to eat, I had to remind Blake to remove her splint and tandem bow appliance before eating. She was so distracted by her spinal and leg braces that she had completely forgotten about her orthodontic appliances. Our hamburgers and milkshakes were great, and Judy enjoyed a tube of beef stew with her wired jaw. After lunch, Blake and Lori helped each other get their orthodontic appliances back in place, and it was amazing the dexterity Lori has with her prosthetic hand. We left Scott and Lori to get a new cast made of her stump, and we made our way to the orthodontist for Blake's orthodontic component to be fitted to her Kuehnegger brace.
As we arrived, Sally was just returning from lunch, wearing her Minerva CTLSO. Sally told Blake that she would be fitting her new appliance, and then Dr. Joe would check that everything was OK. She led us to a procedure room, with Blake taking a seat in the chair, which Sally adjusted to comfortably support Blake's rigid spine. Sally then left the room, saying, "I'll be right back."
Sally came back with a shiny metal appliance in her hand and said, "Blake, this is the device that Joe and Billy designed for your protraction treatment. This flat bar fits into the socket under your chin rest, and the "T"-shaped part with hooks lines up with your upper teeth. Elastics will be placed between the hooks on this appliance and the hooks that are protruding from your mouth, which are connected to your upper expander. It replaces your tandem bow when you're wearing this style of spinal brace, but when you are wearing another type of brace, you'll need to wear your tandem bow appliance or your facemask. Are you ready to try it out, Blake?"
Blake looked nervously at the piece of stainless steel in Sally's hand and solemnly said, "I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Sally put on a pair of gloves, sat down in front of Blake, removed the elastics from Blake's tandem bow, and removed her lower facebow. The new appliance was then slipped into the socket on Blake's chin rest, where it snapped in place with a click. Sally then removed the device and said, "Let me hold this mirror for you, and you can try inserting it into your brace."
Blake tentatively took the device from Sally's hand and carefully slipped it in place with a slight click. Sally said, "Good job, Blake. Now use these elastics and place them between the hooks so the necessary forces are applied to your teeth." Blake did as requested and said, "These seem stronger than my other elastics; they really pull hard on my teeth." Sally replied, "They are much stronger than your previous elastics; Joe will explain everything to you; let me go get him."
Sally soon returned with Joe, and he asked how Blake was doing, not only with her orthodontics but with her orthopedics, too. She explained that she was having a very difficult time accepting everything but realized that she must wear all these devices to relieve her pain, correct her terrible bite, and prevent injury to her knees and ankles.
"Sally said that you expressed concern about how much force these elastics exert on your teeth," Joe said sympathetically. "I hate to tell you this, but in the time you have been undergoing orthodontic treatment, expansion is going well, but protraction is not. Your upper teeth have not moved forward at all, so I need to apply more force. Your spinal brace gives me the perfect opportunity to do so. I want to try and avoid using a more extreme method, but it might be necessary in the future."
Blake had a look of absolute terror on her face when Joe said 'more extreme method' and, with a quivering voice, asked what that meant. Joe simply replied, "We'll cross that bridge if and when we get there, Blake. Let's focus on your current treatment and see how it goes."
Joe then told Blake that whenever she is wearing her Kuehnegger brace, which he reminded her is twenty-three hours a day on non-work days and no less than fourteen hours on work days, she should be using the protraction attachment. When in her Milwaukee brace, she should wear her tandem bow appliance, but it cannot exert as much force or it will cause issues with her bottom teeth. He told her to change her elastics every six hours, too.
After having everything explained to her, Blake was overwhelmed, and tears welled up in her eyes. Billy had explained her brace-wearing schedule earlier, but it didn't sink in at the time. When Joe explained everything again, the reality of her situation hit her. Blake realized that, for the foreseeable future, she would be wearing a highly immobilizing spinal brace the majority of the time with a very conspicuous orthodontic appliance. Joe asked if she had any questions, and with tears in her eyes, Blake quietly said no.
Sally then gave me several bags of elastics for Blake and asked me to have her schedule a checkup in no more than six weeks, but to call if she had any issues. Judy crutched over to Blake, gave her a hug, and said, "Everything will be fine, Blake. We are all here for you and care about you very much." Blake began to cry hysterically and said, "I'm so ugly now; I look like a freak. What will Chris think? He'll dump me before we even start dating again. This is so much worse than when I just had braces on my teeth; my entire body is in braces now."
None of us knew what to do, so I simply thanked Joe and Sally, who were in a bit of a state of shock. Adult patients don't usually react this way; however, Blake's situation is rather extreme. Judy texted Collie and told her that Blake was having a meltdown and we were coming back to the shop; she hoped that Collie's psychology training would be able to help Blake. We got Blake gathered up and headed back to the orthotics shop.
When we got back to the shop, Rita and Gary had arrived. Rita took Blake to Gary's office, where Collene was waiting, saying, "I know it's hard, dear, and you are not alone. Many clients have an extremely difficult time wearing their new braces. Let's talk it out like we did when I first met you." Rita hugged Blake, then they went to Gary's office and closed the door.
"What the hell is going on?" Gary said, looking confused and concerned. We went into the cast room, where Billy was just finishing up with Lori, and explained everything. I then decided to call Blake's friend Stevie to let him know about Blake's situation and what was going on.
I wheeled outside, called Stevie, and informed him of Blake's diagnosis and situation. He was extremely concerned and asked if he needed to come be with Blake. I said no, not right now, but that I wanted to get in touch with her old boyfriend, Chris Jones, and asked Stevie if he happened to know him.
Stevie said, "There's a Chris Jones with the highway department here. He has his crew plow our driveway in the winter for emergency access."
"That's the same Chris Jones," I exclaimed. "Can you call him and let him know what is going on? Blake is terrified that he will reject her because of her situation."
"I will, Leigh. Thanks for the update, and tell Blake I'm thinking of her," replied Stevie.
I wheeled back inside, where Lori had gotten her stump cleaned up and her leg back on. We all just sat around the workshop, hearing occasional outbursts from Gary's office. Gary and Billy tried to work but were too distracted, and none of us were in the mood for conversation. We heard the door to Gary's office open, and Rita entered the workshop and said, "We're going to spend some time with Blake at her place. Gary, can you go home and pack my overnight bag, and Billy, please do the same for Collie? Drop them at Blake's later, and please check the horses, too." Then Rita returned to the office.
A little while later, the three ladies entered the workshop, with Blake holding back tears but still wearing all her braces. Collie said, "We're going to be on our way and will check in later." Then Blake quietly said, "Can you come, too, Lori? You're so strong and inspirational." With a slight smile on her face, Blake continued, "Maybe it will rub off on me?"
"Of course I'll come along, Blake," replied Lori. "I would love to spend time with you. Maybe you can introduce me to your horses; I would like to try riding again someday." Blake smiled and said, "That would be great, Lori. I didn't know you liked horses, too." Lori asked Scott to pack a bag for her, and the four ladies were on their way. Blake was once again crying as she walked out the door, braced from head to toe, holding Lori's prosthetic hand.
Judy didn't feel like driving; she was damn near in tears herself. Gary drove us in the bus, stopping to pack Rita's bag. Scott went to pack Lori's bag, too. I texted Joel to let him know what was going on, then I'll go to Rebekah's place to await updates on Blake.

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #69 on: 31. July 2024, 16:09:36 PM »
Ch. 167 -  A Fly on the Wall
We are a fly on the wall at Blake's parent's home as she arrives with Collie, Rita, and Lori. Let's listen in...
R: You want to take off your KAFOs and Milwaukee brace and relax, Blake? You don't have to wear them full-time right away; you can work up to it over a couple of weeks.

B: No, I need to get used to wearing them, but I want to change into something more comfortable.

R: Do you want some help? Getting dressed while braced is difficult, even with years of experience.

B: Yes. This way, please, Rita.
Collene and Lori make themselves comfortable, while Rita helps Blake change.
B: Help me get my top off over this orthodontic thing, Rita.
Rita helped Blake get her turtleneck off over her Kuehnegger brace with its large orthodontic component. Blake removed her skirt, looked at herself in the mirror, and began crying.
R: It's hard to get used to how you look now, isn't it, dear? Many people have a difficult time; it's just not you. It helps to talk about it, especially with Collie and Lori since wearing their braces is not by choice. Unlike most of your friends here, they never wanted to wear braces but have accepted them, as you will learn to do. Collie even told me once that if, by a miracle, she could walk again, she would continue to wear all her braces and use crutches.
The crying stopped, and Blake took a long look at herself in the mirror.
B: Maybe it's not so bad. My back and knees don't hurt right now, and they always used to. But what will Chris think? No man wants to be with a crippled girl.

R: First, you're not crippled; your body just needs some extra support. Second, if no man wants a girl who wears braces, then why are all your brace-wearing friends happily married? Look at Collie and Billy; her braces didn't bother Billy one bit when they met. In fact, Billy, like a lot of men, has a thing for braces. How about Lori and Scott? All of a sudden, Lori lost her leg and hand and had to wear braces and prosthetics for the rest of her life. They love each other now more than ever. If Chris truly loves you, your braces won't change anything.
Blake stopped crying, and Rita helped her put on a pair of lounge shorts, a sweatshirt, and change her boots out for comfortable sandals.
B: I guess you're right; all my braced friends are in wonderful relationships. Chris is the only real boyfriend I've ever had. I was always made fun of for my crooked smile and bad posture. Chris didn't care; he loved me anyway. We never actually broke up; life simply caused us to drift apart, but he'll never want to be with me now.
Blake breaks down in tears again.
R: Give Chris a chance. If he loves you, then he will be happy you are getting the medical treatments you need. If he doesn't, then he is not the man for you.

B: You're right, Rita.

Blake and Rita go to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee. Rita puts the pot of coffee and four cups on a tray, and Blake very carefully carries them to the living room, where Collie and Lori are waiting.
C: How are you doing, Blake? I know you are having a hard time emotionally, but is there any physical discomfort? You can take your braces off; you don't need to wear them full-time right away.

B: I'm doing a little better now, Collene. My braces feel fine; I need to get used to them and how these pads push my spine into alignment. Other than that and the immobilization, I actually feel great physically—no pain, just a dull ache in my spine, and my knees don't hurt either. You look like you're doing well, Lori. What's it like with those heavy springs Billy installed in your halo traction brace? They looked powerful.

L: They are very strong, and to be honest, I'm in considerable discomfort at the moment. My spine is aching, and my halo pins hurt. In fact, it's time for my pins to be cleaned. Would you like to do it for me, Blake? The supplies are in my handbag.

B: Could I, Lori?

L: Of course, Blake. Rita can help if it's too difficult for you in your braces.

Lori got the supplies out of her bag, and instructed Blake on how to clean her eight halo pins. Soon the job was done, and Blake asked,
B: Did I do it right, Lori? I didn't hurt you, did I?

L: You did great; it feels good to have them clean. Thanks!

C: Lori, why don't you show Blake some of the pictures from your recovery? She might be interested in seeing what you went through.

L: Would you like to see Blake? I had to wear some very intense orthopedic appliances; they are not for the faint of heart.

B:  Yes, please show me. I'm curious what you went through, Lori.
Lori showed Blake many pictures on her phone with Collie and Rita looking on.
B: You're smiling in all the pictures, Lori. Even when your jaw was wired shut and you had all those rods sticking out of your arm and leg, you were smiling. You had to be in tremendous pain; those devices look horrifying. 
L: I was in horrible pain for months, but complaining or feeling sorry for myself would do nothing, though a good cry helped at times. I just stayed focused on the positive things: I was alive, and I had Scotty in my life.

B: You're so lucky to have Scotty. He must love you more than anything in this world.

L: He does; I love him so much, too. Without him, I never would have made it this far. Look at me; I can walk with my prosthetic leg and KAFO, and I had no trouble placing your orthodontic appliances after lunch with my prosthetic hand.
So Blake, why don't you introduce us to your horses? Once I'm out of my halo and wearing a brace like yours, I would like to try riding again.
B: That sounds great! I always feel good around them, especially Gordie.
The girls walk or crutch down to the stable, and Rita sends Leigh a text.
"Blake is doing better; no crying for a couple of hours now. She's still very emotional, but she's fine physically and still wearing all her braces. I'll check in later."
L: What beautiful animals, Blake! Collene, do you think I could ride wearing a brace like Blake's?
C: I think you could, and I would like to try, too. I have never ridden before, and it's been a dream since I was a little girl. The guys will have to devise some sort of hoist to lift me into the saddle.
B: I bet I can still ride, even in my braces! Help me get Gordie saddled up.
The girls got Gordie saddled. Then, with great effort, Blake climbed into the saddle, sitting tall and straight, and rode around the arena.
B: Look at me! I can ride Gordie while wearing my braces, but every step he takes sends a jolt through my brace to my chin but the splint in my mouth absorbs the shock. I had forgotten I was wearing it.
C: That's right, Blake. It protects your teeth and jaw.
Blake rode for a while, but it was getting dark. The girls unsaddled Gordie, put him in his stall for the night, and headed back to the house. When they arrived, the guys had dropped off the girls' bags.
R: I'm hungry!

C: It's been a long day; I'm hungry, too.

L: Since this is turning into a slumber party, how about pizza?

B: There is plenty of beer in the refrigerator; you always have beer with pizza.
Rita ordered several large pizzas, which wouldn't be delivered for quite a while, the girls went to change into something more comfortable for the night. Since Blake had already changed, she offered to help Lori.
L: That would be great, Blake. It's hard for me to dress myself in my halo brace; things hang up on the pins.
Blake showed the girls to the spare rooms. Collie and Rita would have to bunk together, but Lori got her own room. Once with Lori in her room, Blake asked,
B: What do I need to do for you, Lori?
L: Just help me with my top so it doesn't snag my pins. I'm pretty independent at this point.
With everyone comfortable for the night, they returned to the living room. Blake set up TV trays for their dinner and turned on some quiet music. Lori then began to take off her leg.
B: What are you doing, Lori? Why are you taking off your leg?

L: My stumps swell in the evening, and my prosthetics become uncomfortable. I like to take off my leg, hand, and KAFO while I relax in the evening. Scott usually carries me to bed, but I'll have to put them back on later to walk to bed.

B: Can I look at your stumps, Lori? I have never known an amputee before except for Pat, and I'm curious.

L: Not only can you look, you can touch. My stumps are very sensitive, but it feels good to have them gently massaged. Get that bottle of lotion; I like to keep my skin conditioned.
Blake got the lotion and gently applied it to Lori's stumps and her remaining arm and leg. Lori leaned back in the chair as best she could in her halo and enjoyed Blake's massage.
L: Oh, that felt great, Blake. Thanks!

B: My pleasure, Lori. Your stumps are so smooth and soft, with hardly any scars.

L: Ben did a great job, didn't he?

B: Yes, he did.
The doorbell rang; it was the pizza guy. Blake set the boxes on the coffee table and went to get the beer. While she was away, Collie texted Judy:
"Hey Sis. Blake's doing great. She is getting around well and even rode Gordie. I'll keep in touch."
The girls enjoyed their pizza and beer. Once the meal was finished, Blake sat on the couch between Collie and Rita to watch a movie. Then, Blake's phone rang. She picked it up, saw it was Chris, and began crying. Collie took the phone from Blake's hand and answered it on speaker.
C: Blake's phone, Collene speaking.

CJ: Hi, Collene. Blake's boyfriend, Chris here. Who's crying?

C: That would be Blake. She is having a hard time with her braces.

CJ: I know; I just spoke to Leigh. Can I talk to Blake?

C: You're on speaker; she can hear you.

CJ: Blake, what's wrong? Why are you crying?

B: I look hideous in my braces. You won't want to be seen with me.

CJ: Leigh told me about your braces, and I'm so happy for you...

B: That's a mean thing to say, Chris.

CJ: Let me finish, Blake. I'm happy that you're finally getting your back, knees, and teeth taken care of. I know how much pain you used to have, and I can only imagine that it's worse now. I'm glad you are getting the treatment you need, and I most certainly want to be seen with you. You're the most beautiful girl in the world!

B: But you don't know how I look in all this metal and leather with wires sticking out of my mouth.

CJ: Ooh, leather and metal; that sounds sexy.

B: Get your mind out of the gutter, Chris. You have no idea how I look wearing all this; it's definitely not sexy.

CJ: Well, let me see for myself. Here, let's do a video call. I want to see my sexy girlfriend.

B: Girlfriend? That was years ago.

CJ: But we never broke up, Blake; we just drifted apart. You're still my girlfriend.

B: You're still my boyfriend, Chris, and I hope it stays that way after you see me in my braces.
Chris switched to video mode, and Blake held the phone so her face could be seen.
CJ: Wow, that's quite the brace, Blake; it's just like Leigh described.

B: You're only seeing a small part. I'm braced from head to toe.

CJ: Well, let me see everything.

B: I don't know, Chris.

CJ: Just show me. I've seen your body many times; now I want to see your braces, too.

Blake handed her phone to Rita and stood up and Collene helped her take off her sweatshirt. Blake stood in the middle of the room, wearing just her shorts and braces, with Lori in the background.
CJ: Look how tall you are standing, Blake. You're not all hunched over anymore. Do you have any pain? Tell me about the braces on your legs. You seem to walk just fine wearing them.
B: I usually have a lot of pain in my back and knees in the evening. With my braces, I don't; there's just a dull ache in my spine from it being straightened. It's uncomfortable, and the immobilization is difficult to get used to.
CJ: Well, you look as sexy as ever, Blake. Your braces don't detract from your beauty at all. In fact, they enhance it by showing that you care about your body. Can I see the other style of brace Leigh told me about—the one that lets you turn your head a bit?
Lori, with Collene's assistance, begins to put her leg, hand, and KAFO back on, and Chris says,
CJ: Who are those ladies, and what are they doing?

B: That's Collene, and she's helping Lori put on her prosthetics and brace.

CJ: That one hell of a neck brace Lori's in!

B: It sure is. It's screwed into her head.

CJ: Intense!
The girls go to Blake's room, where she shows Chris all her new braces. He really likes her dressy black braces and says,
CJ: Your black braces look really cool—no, sexy. I can't wait to see you in them.

B: I'll dress up, and you can take me somewhere fancy for dinner.

CJ: How about tomorrow night? I'll be down to see you first thing in the morning.

B: That would be wonderful, Chris; I miss being with you so much. Let me put on a Milwaukee brace and my tandem bow for you to see.
Collene helps Blake remove her elastics and Kuehnegger brace. Blake's body slumps forward and to the side with her brace removed. She then gets into her brown Milwaukee brace, places her tandem bow appliance in her mouth, and proceeds to do a bit of modeling, showing Chris she has more freedom in this brace.
CJ: That looks so much more comfortable, Blake. You have a lot more freedom to move your head, but how do we kiss with that thing in your mouth?

B- It is more comfortable, and the girls say I can drive while wearing it with some practice. Kissing, well, that will take practice, too.
CJ: It's getting late, and I'll see you in the morning. I'm glad you are getting the treatment you need, and I would never leave you because of it. I'm excited for us to pick up where we left off years ago.
B: I think we left off with me getting ready to move in with you...
CJ: You're welcome here anytime, Blake, braces and all.

B: I love you, Chris!

CJ: I love you, too, Blake. Goodnight.

The girls got ready for bed, and Rita sent a simple group text, "All good!" with a thumbs up emoji.

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #70 on: 31. July 2024, 16:22:54 PM »
Ch. 168 -  Farewell, Blake
We are still a fly on the wall at Blake's home...
The four ladies were up rather early this morning, despite their late evening last night. Blake was still wearing the Milwaukee brace she modeled for Chris last night with her tandem bow appliance in her mouth, but she was not wearing her KAFOs. The other ladies were all braced up since they had no choice—no braces, no walking. The girls enjoyed an eye-opening cup of coffee, then Rita and Collene showed Blake how to do her morning spinal exercises, while Lori intently watched. Once Lori is out of her halo, she will be doing the same exercises multiple times a day to strengthen and regain range of motion in her battered spine.
After coffee, the girls needed to shower, and Lori wanted a sponge bath. Taking care of Lori was easy, and she allowed Blake to help her bathe and dress. Blake could shower with no problem, but the other ladies need to sit with Collie's paralysis and Rita's weakness from years of wearing her braces. Luckily, the shower in the master bath has a built-in seat, and Collie and Rita helped each other bathe.
Collie dressed conservatively and beautifully as usual in a long skirt and blouse with low-heeled brown oxfords. Rita dressed for working in the orthotics shop in scrubs, thinking that since Blake was doing so well, she and Collie could go into the shop later to catch up after leaving early yesterday. Blake was the one who surprised everyone with how she dressed after working so hard to hide her braces yesterday.
Blake emerged from her room and shocked the ladies with her rather revealing outfit. She was wearing her brown KAFOs with Doc Marten floral print Blair sandals. The built-up sole of her left sandal was very noticeable with this style of shoe. Under her Kuehnegger brace, with its large orthodontic component tightly banded to the hook protruding from her mouth, she was only wearing a tight-fitting tank top that matched her sandals and showcased her small but perky breasts. A short denim skirt with frayed edges completed her look. Blake sure wasn't shy about showing off her equipment, and Rita questioned her style.
R: Are you sure about your outfit, Blake? It shows almost everything.

B: Yes, I'm sure. I want Chris to see the entire package. If he wants to run away, he can.

C: After your conversation with him last night, I'm sure he won't run away.

L: I don't think he will run either, Blake.

B: I hope he accepts me as I am now, and I'm pretty sure he will. Let's go sit on the porch and wait for him.
The ladies grab another cup of coffee and go sit on the porch. Blake's phone rings, and it's Chris. She answers it on speaker.

B: Hi, Chris!

CJ: Good morning, Blakely, my dear. How are you?

B: I'm OK. I'm a little bit worried about what you will think when you see me in person.

CJ: I think I'll be very happy to hold my girl, braces and all, in my arms.

B: You're sweet, Chris. I dressed so you'll see almost everything right away. If you want to run, then run; I won't hold it against you.

CJ: The only place I'll run is to you to give you a hug. I'm just turning off the highway now; be there soon. I love you, Blake.

B: I love you too, Chris. See you soon.

The next twenty minutes were excruciating for Blake, full of worry and fear, with a few tears shed. Finally, an orange highway department truck turned down the driveway and parked in front of the house. Blake stood up, and Chris got out of the truck; they rushed toward each other. Blake tripped and began to fall right into Chris's outstretched arms.
The young couple hugged, and Chris kissed Blake on the forehead, her orthodontic appliance preventing a kiss on the lips. They hugged more, and both shed tears of joy. Chris held Blake at arm length and looked her up and down as she removed the orthodontic component from her brace. They kissed passionately, with Chris obviously exploring Blake's orthodontics. She then handed him her protraction appliance; he replaced it in its socket on her brace and attached the elastics to the hooks protruding from between her lips. Then they approached the other ladies, and Blake introduced everyone.
They enjoyed a cup of coffee, and then Rita suggested that she, Lori, and Collie make their exit and head over to Leigh's for breakfast. Blake gave Collie her car keys and said that she and Chris would join them soon; she wants Chris to meet all her friends but wants time alone with him first.
Now, back at Leigh's place, the ladies told of the previous night's events, of Chris's acceptance, and maybe a bit of infatuation with Blake's braces. Soon, the orange truck pulled up just as Joel was serving breakfast. When Blake and Chris entered the house, there was a sparkle in their eyes and a glow about them; there was no question about how they had spent the last hour.
Over breakfast, there was much interesting conversation, with Chris saying, "Blake told me all about you and your braces, and about Judy's wired jaw. It's strange, but I'm good with it if you are all happy. I actually wish I could experience what it's like for Blake to wear her braces."
Billy and Collie looked at each other, then Collie said to Chris, "Several of the guys sometimes wear braces like their wives wear. We think it's a normal desire that builds compassion and understanding. You look to be about the same build as Billy. He just made himself a new set of braces, almost like Blake's, to wear when we go out. Would you like to try them on?"
"Could I?" replied Chris. "I would love to know what it is like for Blake." Billy replied, "Of course, I hope you take a size eleven shoe, Chris. Let me go home and get them; we live just across the creek."
Billy soon returned with the matte black KAFOs and sandals similar to the ones Blake is wearing, but black. He also had a matching Kuehnegger brace and a pair of crutches. Billy told Blake and Chris that the only difference between these braces and Blake's was that the ankles are fixed, the knees automatically lock, and there is no orthodontic component. Blake and Chris took the braces from Billy and headed to the bedroom. We're so happy that Chris is so supportive of Blake.
Soon, the couple emerged, with Billy braced from head to toe. He looked great with his T-shirt fitting tightly over his spinal brace and shorts showing off his KAFOS. Chris was doing great on crutches, walking with a swing-through gait. Judy said, "Wow, you're great on crutches, Chris. It looks like you have been on them before."
"Yes, Judy, I was on crutches for about six months a few years ago. I badly broke my left leg and had a minor fracture in my right ankle. I had a walking cast on my right leg for six weeks and a full leg cast on my left for three months," replied Chris.
Blake then said, "Oh, do you have pictures, Chris? I bet you looked so sexy in your casts. You know about my love of casts. Maybe you can wear one for fun, like I did."
"I have pictures, and I would love to wear casts again, but this time without any pain. I sure got a lot of attention when I was in my casts, especially from girls, but I remained loyal to you, Blake." Chris replied with a smile.
Gary then said, "Well, with Blake doing so well this morning, I think that we'll be off to the shop. You two want a ride into town? Driving is out of the question wearing Kuehnegger braces."

"Yes, I think we would, Gary. A day out and about with my pretty braced girl would be fun," replied Chris.
"And I would love being seen with my sexy braced boyfriend," Blake said and smiled her very metallic smile.
The two stood up, and Chris removed Blake's orthodontic component, and they kissed, with their chin cups clanking together. Chris then said, "In your braces, you are as tall as me, and you'll be even taller in those heels you showed me; I like that!"
We all then headed into town, and Rebekah and I spent the day at the shop. Gary and Rita dropped Blake and Chris off at the park near a shopping center with plenty of places for them to get a bite for lunch. We were all surprised when, at around two in the afternoon, the pair showed up at the shop. Chris had to crutch at least a mile to get here, but he looked no worse for wear. Blake introduced him to everyone, and Chris got a lot of questions about his braces, especially from Emme. He explained that he borrowed them from Billy just to see what wearing them was like.
Emme then suggested that we all go out for dinner, which we all thought sounded great. Emme said she wanted to do some blindsimming this weekend and suggested Villa Roma, where she is known as a blind woman.
"Blindsimming? What's that, Emme?" Chris questioned.
"It's simply pretending to be blind. I wear special contacts that render me sightless. Didn't Blake tell you about trying it herself using eye patches?" Emme replied
A shocked Chris replied, "No, she didn't," and looked at Blake with a quizzical look.
"I'll tell you later, baby. It was quite a thrill," was Blake's simple reply.
I texted Collie and asked if she and Billy would like to join us, and they accepted, as did Paul and Rebekah. Rose, Rita, and Lydia said they already had plans, as did Jimmy and Judy. Jimmy had gotten a splint like Judy's and was going to spend the weekend fully braced and banded shut, so a good meal couldn't be enjoyed. With the busy schedule Blake has tomorrow, picking up her parents at the airport, and then the trip home Sunday, she and Chris said goodbye to their friends at the shop. Rose had just finished up work on a Flxible Starliner, and it needed a test drive. Paul and Joel carried Rebekah and I up the steps and got us seated, and Joel drove us home, dropping off Blake and Chris at her place. We would be back at five to pick them up for dinner.
When we got home, Joel gave me a sponge bath, cleaned my teeth, and got me into my black Milwaukee brace. He then went to take a shower and left me laying naked on the bed in just my Milwaukee brace, LATFS, LLCs, double facebows, and catheter. I was so aroused that I took matters into my own hand, and it was wonderful; extra immobilization always makes things more exciting. I was so involved in what I was doing that I didn't notice Joel enter the room. He then positioned my casted and braced body so we could make love.
We cuddled, then we got dressed. Of course, it was a little black dress for me. Joel placed me in my wheelchair, and I wheeled out to the Flxible and Joel carried me on board and stowed my wheelchair. We picked up Paul, Rebekah, Collie, and Billy and headed to Blake's house.
When we arrived, Chris was dressed in a suit and looked very sharp. Blake was wearing her black braces like the rest of us and looked so sexy in her black dress. In her high wedge heels and with her back held straight and rigid by her Kuehnegger brace, she was at least four inches taller than Chris, and he seemed to enjoy looking up at her. Her dress was cut very low in the back, showing part of her pelvic girdle, and her bands and orthodontic appliances glistened in the evening light. Chris helped Blake climb on board, and we headed to Villa Roma.
We arrived first and got a place to sit in the lounge. Soon, we heard the tapping of Emme's cane as she and Pete arrived. Emme was also wearing all black, and her eyes were milky white. Chris couldn't take his eyes off of Emme; he was absolutely captivated by her eyes, cane, and braces. Pete guided Emme to a seat across from Chris, and he couldn't stop staring at her. Blake saw his interest and said, "Do you like what you see, honey? Would you like to see me like Emme, with white, blind eyes and wearing my braces? We could do a lot more,too; maybe something like Judy is doing."
Chris could not hold back his excitement and said, "Yes, yes, and yes! I would very much, Blake. I never knew I had these feelings before; I love you so much, Blakely."
With a mischievous smile, Blake said, "I love you with all my heart, Chris. Our lives together will be so much fun."
We got our table for dinner, with Chris sitting across from Emme so he could watch her eat dinner. We all removed our orthodontic splints, and Chris assisted Blake with her appliances. During our meal, Collie asked Chris, "So what was it like wearing those braces today? Did it give you an idea of what Blake's life will be like from now on?"
"Yes, I really enjoyed it, and I learned some of the hardships that she faces. The braces were extremely immobilizing, especially the leg braces, with my knees and ankles rigid. Blake's braces let her walk normally, but I had to use crutches. I wish I had braces to wear exactly like hers, down to every detail," Chris replied.
Billy said, "I know tomorrow will be busy for you, but if you have about an hour, give me a call. We can meet at the shop, and I'll make casts of your legs and a scan of your body to make you braces like Blake's. We can discuss the details later, and you can send me the shoes you want modified. When Blake comes to get her braces adjusted in a few weeks, I can fit yours."
Chris happily accepted the offer, and Blake said, "Thank you, Chris. It means so much to me that you want to live as I must, at least part of the time." Chris turned to her and gave her a hug and a kiss.
After dinner, we dropped Blake and Chris off at her place, and knowing that only Billy and Collie would see them again before their next visit, we all said, "Farewell, Blake!"

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #71 on: 03. August 2024, 16:34:41 PM »
Ch. 169 - Catching Up

It's been a while since I last wrote, and a lot has gone on. Emme, Rebekah, and I got our arm casts changed once in the last twelve weeks. Her wrist healed well, and we are no longer in any casts. Rebekah and I were doing exercises by straining against our casts, so we maintained pretty good muscle tone. However, Emme's arm was pretty atrophied, and she had to keep her arm in a sling for a few weeks while doing rehab.
Collie and I both got our DLLCs off a few weeks ago, too. My legs actually got a little more atrophied, which I didn't think could happen, but it pleased me greatly. Collene really enjoyed her casts, and so did Billy. The only time she has ever had casts was for molds for making her KAFOs and Milwaukee braces. Those were always plaster, and they were only worn long enough for the plaster to set before they were removed. She absolutely loved how her brightly colored LLCs felt and looked. She and Billy are looking forward to more casting adventures in the future.

Judy has had her jaw unwired for a month and it's been difficult for her. I had warned her that her jaw would be very stiff and painful once her wires and splint were removed, but it was really bad for her. After Jimmy removed her wires and splint, her jaw was frozen in place, with any movement being extremely painful. Jimmy put her splint back in with elastics, and they called Joe. He made her a series of 3D-printed splints that got gradually smaller until she was back to wearing her regular splint. She enjoyed the additional weeks of immobilization with elastics, but not the pain she endured during her rehab. Like Emme, Judy's life is now back to normal.

Oh, and Blakely. Blake and Chris are doing great with their rekindled relationship. They really did simply pick up where they left off. Blake has moved in with Chris, and she loves the modern style of her new home; it's much like Sam and Millie's condo. However, they both enjoy a more rustic setting at times, so Blake has kept her cottage in the woods that is decorated with hand-me-downs from Kings Mountain Retreat. The couple often spends their weekends at Blake's old home, where they enjoy a quiet and romantic time.

Blake sends group texts quite often, so to fill you in on other things, I'll share them with you:

Hi friends,

Even though I have spoken to all of you personally, I want to apologize again for how I acted while I was visiting. My emotions got the best of me, and I'm so sorry. It must have been awful for those of you who must wear their braces to hear me say how hideous I thought I looked in mine. However, I don't feel that way anymore; I love how I look and feel wearing all my braces. You all stood by me, and I can't thank you enough. I'm thankful for your love and compassion, and I'm thankful to have Chris back in my life, too.

I have some great news to share with you, too. Chris got a call from the district superintendent to inform him that he had been promoted to area supervisor! This means more pay and flexible hours. Chris and I set up our work schedules to match, and now we always have three-day weekends together.

The best thing is that he can take me to work in the mornings and pick me up in the evening when he does his daily patrols of Kings Pass. I don't have to drive to work anymore, so I can wear my big brace with the orthodontic part all of the time. Wearing my braces to work has been no problem. I'm more comfortable on my feet than sitting, so I'm working at the front desk full time now and love interacting with guests. I get a lot of compliments about my style, too. I don't try to hide my braces, and I wear high-heeled boots with them. I hope that by wearing my big brace, or Kuehnegger, as Billy calls it, I can make good progress with not only my back but my teeth, too.

Talk to you soon, Blake

After her checkup with Dr. Joe and seeing Billy for her spinal braces to be adjusted, she sent this message:


Sorry that Chris and I couldn't get together with any of you while we were in town. We were just passing through on our way to a weekend in the big city. We only had time to have breakfast with my parents and for my appointments with Billy and Joe.

My back braces had started to feel a little loose on my body and needed adjusting. Billy said this is a good thing, as it means that my spine is becoming straighter. Billy made adjustments, and now I once again feel a lot of pressure being applied to my curves, and I stand even taller. It's all quite uncomfortable again, like when my braces were first fitted. I'll get used to it, and now I know what my brace adjustments will be like for the next few years.

Chris got his braces fitted, too. The ones he wanted so that he could understand what my life is like. He only has one set, brown in color, with KAFOs like mine. His spinal braces are just like mine, with all the same pads and straps, but his big brace doesn't have a place for an orthodontic attachment. He wore his Milwaukee brace and KAFOs the entire weekend and his Kuehnegger in the evenings and to bed. We had a really romantic time together, and I love him so much for wanting to understand what my life is like now.

However, my visit to Dr. Joe wasn't as positive; I'm feeling a bit down. My bottom teeth are moving just like Joe had planned, but my uppers are not. My palatal expansion is going well, but protraction is not; my teeth are simply not moving. I wear my Kuehnegger brace with the orthodontic component full-time, which I thought would help, but it hasn't. I rarely wear my Milwaukee braces, and when I do, I always wear my tandem bow.

My teeth only need to move a few millimeters to line up properly, and Joe is trying to figure out what to do. I don't want to have surgery, risk infection, and be wired shut for months on end. For now, he gave me even stronger elastics to wear, and I now wear four at a time. Two go straight between the hooks on either side of my mouth, and two more crisscross. They really pull hard, but it is not painful; it is just sort of an annoyance. I never liked these hooks sticking out of my mouth, but I do now. They are so much more comfortable than having elastics rub on my lips. I think I have a slight allergy to the elastics, but outside my mouth, they don't bother me. Joe says if this doesn't work, he has one last thing to try called rigid distraction or something like that; I wasn't up to hearing the details.

Despite the bad news from Joe, Chris and I had a great weekend together, and I got used to my back brace fitting tightly once again. Chris enjoys watching me 'grow' as he puts it as my spine straightens. In bare feet and with both of us in our braces, I stand at least an inch and a half taller than him now, and I still have a lot of curves to straighten out.

Chris sends his love, and we'll see you soon, Blake

I'm worried about Blake and the lack of progress with her teeth. Everything has been so hard on her, but now she seems to be taking it all in stride with Chris by her side. She's lucky to have such a loving and compassionate man in her life. Now, despite that little bit of bad news, Lori and Kathy are doing quite well. Kathy had been doing a lot of exercises and even hired a physical therapist to help her regain her strength in her spine. She can now hold her head up on her own, even with the added weight of her halo ring, which she is still using with her traction frame. Next weekend, she and Lydia are going on a trip, and Kathy will wear her halo CTLSO for one last time before her ring is removed and she goes into her Milwaukee and Kuehnegger braces.

Lori is also doing quite well, too. Her spine is slowly becoming straighter, and like Blake, she seems to be growing. Lori's special orthodontic attachment on her halo is working out really well, despite the funny looks she gets. However, she thinks it looks cool, as do the rest of us. Lori's smile is looking great, and the little gap between her top front teeth is beginning to appear—her trademark Lauren Hutton gap—which she misses so much.

Oh, and our waitress friend Shelly, or 'ShellCast' as she is known online, is coming for a visit this weekend while her husband is away on business. She is getting her bright green LLC removed, then she will exercise her knee and ankle before getting a new cast. She and George have sure been enjoying her cast.
Now that I am out of all my casts, I can drive again, and I have been enjoying my freedom. I don't have to rely on anyone for a ride, and I can use crutches easily again, too. I got a call from Shelly last night, and she asked me to pick her up so we could go to lunch today. Rebekah was visiting at the time, and I asked if she could accompany us, and Shelly said sure.

When we got to Shelly's, we crutched up the door, and she invited us in. Her bright green LLC was now covered in signatures and drawings. Her cast was a bit loose on her leg because of atrophy. As Shelly moved about and her leg shifted in her cast, the aroma of a well-worn cast drifted in the air. The smell was not unpleasant, unlike the odor from the LLCs that Collie and I wore; rather, it had a hint of sweetness and wasn't disagreeable at all. Joel would absolutely love it.
We sat and talked for a while, then decided to go have burgers at Pee Dee's. Shelly grabbed her overnight bag, and we were on our way. Over lunch, Rebekah asked Shelly what her plan for her cast was, and she replied, "I really love wearing my cast and want to lengthen my adventure and even add to it. I was thinking of getting another LLC on my left leg and also getting a SLWC on my right. I'll wear these for six weeks, then switch to DSLWCs for six more weeks. What do you girls think?"

"Sounds ambitious, Shelly. What about work? Don't you need to get back to waiting tables?" I questioned.

"Actually, no, I can work as a hostess for as long as I want," replied Shelly. "George and I are having so much fun with me in my cast; two would be even better, and I would get even more attention at work. It'll be fun!"

"What will you tell your boss? You need a believable excuse." Rebekah asked with curiosity.

"I have it all planned out. My left leg needs to heal in an LLC for a bit longer, and I now have a stress fracture in my right foot from wearing high heels and being on crutches, which also needs a cast. Then, I'll say I need two casts as my fractures continue to heal, and I'll begin waiting tables again. Just think of the tips a waitress in two walking casts will get! I'll be able to pay for orthodontic braces in no time." Shelly's plan is ambitious and sounds like fun.
Rebekah and I looked at each other, and I said, "That sounds like a great plan, Shelly. Let's go back to my place and get you out of that cast so you can do some exercises and take a bath. Then you can get your new casts tomorrow afternoon."

When we got back to my place, Rebekah and I cut Shelly out of her cast, and she went to take a long, hot bath. Her leg was rather skinny after six weeks of immobilization, but her knee and ankle were not very stiff; she could walk with only a bit of a limp. Rebekah and I waited in the den for Shelly and talked about how we both desired some sort of extreme immobilization adventure—something unlike anything we have done before—but we came up blank on ideas that would allow us to still leave the house. The rest of the afternoon we spent lounging around and drinking wine.
Joel and Paul made dinner, and over dinner, Rebekah and I expressed our desire for a new and different sort of adventure. The guys got a sparkle in their eyes, and Paul said, "We have been waiting for you to ask, and we have something all planned out. You just tell us when you're ready." We were both very excited and curious.

The next morning, Shelly was excited to get her new casts, but we waited until the afternoon before visiting the cast room. Shelly wanted yellow casts this time with toeplates on both casts. She had banged her toes while wearing her old cast and wanted to have them protected. I told her that a toeplate is often used for a fractured foot, so it would look medically necessary. Rebekah and I got to work on her casts. Soon, Shelly was enjoying the warm sensation of her casts curing, and then she got up to enjoy the feeling of crutching around in two casts; she was in heaven.

Shelly called her husband George to come pick her up and then said to us, "George thinks I was just getting a shorter cast on my left leg, not another long one plus a walking cast on my right leg. He will be so surprised when he sees me like this." Well, when George arrived, he was surprised and very anxious to get Shelly home for a little fun. We bid farewell to our friends, and Rebekah and I speculated about what sort of adventure our husbands have been planning for us. We will soon find out.

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #72 on: 03. August 2024, 16:45:43 PM »
Ch. 170 - Getting Ready - Orthodontics

Rebekah and I will be starting the adventure our husbands have planned for us. We have no idea what we will be experiencing, but we were told we would be in wheelchairs and that eating would be difficult, but our jaws would not be wired shut. They suggested we enjoy a meal out tonight before visiting the orthodontist tomorrow, and we decided to go to Rancho Gordo. Joel asked Pete and Emme to join us, too.
When we arrived at the restaurant, Emme and Pete were having a cocktail, and Emme had bandages over her eyes. Not only does she have places she goes wearing her blinding contacts and using her white cane—where she is known as being blind—she has been wearing eye patches or bandages in other places, too. She doesn't use her cane but instead has Pete guide her, telling people she has bouts of photo phobia and she is more comfortable with her eyes covered.
We joined them for drinks, then Shelly led us to our table for dinner. Her new casts already have a lot of signatures and drawings on them, and she moves so gracefully on her crutches, too. The large, tall walking heel on the SLWC on her right leg makes crutching so easy for her. Shelly seems to simply glide across the room on her crutches, with her left leg in its LLC swinging freely as she moves. Her movements are absolutely captivating, and she loves wearing her casts.
Over dinner, Joel and Pete said they were selling the electronics business. Once Pete took over, Joel was totally hands-off. Sure, Pete has asked for advice a few times, but otherwise, I don't think they've talked about the electronics business at all. I do know that Joel made Pete a 50/50 partner some time ago and that there is a large deposit in our bank account every month. Pete explained that they recently got an offer of $25 million for the business plus 5% of profits for each of them for the next five years. They decided to accept the offer and want to use some of the money to help our younger friends have a secure financial future. We have always been well off, and it's great that we can help our friends even more and that nothing is out of reach for any of us now.

Today Joel, Paul, Rebekah, and I are headed to the orthodontist. All Rebekah and I know is that the guys have had some special orthopedic appliances made for us to wear for our adventure that requires major changes to our orthodontics. Joel told me that I would be having my current appliances removed temporarily and something new placed to protect my teeth from another device I will be getting this evening. Paul told Rebekah something similar, and we wonder what the guys have planned.
The guys have also agreed to have placed in their mouths whatever appliances Rebekah and I desire for at least the next two years. We decided to have both our husbands wear the same appliances, and we want to make things fairly tough for them to cope with. It took a lot of planning and research in old orthodontic textbooks, but we came up with something great. They will be quite miserable for some time until they get used to things.
Paul and Rebekah joined us all for breakfast, and Judy was very curious about what the guys had planned for Rebekah and me. She knows what we planned for the guys, as she helped choose the appliances. We ate our meal, with us girls and Jimmy knowing that Joel and Paul would probably not be eating another solid meal for some time. However, what Rebekah and I didn't realize was that it would be our last solid meal for a while, too. Hell, we would soon learn it was one of the last times we would be able to feed ourselves for some time. After breakfast, we were then on our way to a day-long appointment with Dr. Joe.
Once we arrived at Joe's office, we were greeted by Sally, who was now wearing double facebows with interlandi headgear and a SOMI brace. I asked her about her SOMI brace, and she said it was helping her wean herself off her Minerva CTLSO. She led us to the large exam room, which had two chairs. Rebekah removed her Milwaukee brace, but I kept mine on since it's now part of my HKAFOs. We then sat in the dental chairs, and the guys sat over in the corner of the room to watch.
Joe entered and seemed to be very upbeat and cheerful. He said that he was taking a couple of weeks off to visit a friend in his home town of Joliet, Montana. Then Joe asked Rebekah and me if we knew what was going to happen in our mouths today. We told him that we did not, but to just explain it as he went along and to do the same for the guys, too. If we don't know anything in advance, they shouldn't either. Joe said, "Very well, let's get started."
The first thing Joe did was strip almost everything out of our mouths. Archwires, expanders, tongue cribs, and bite blocks were all removed from our teeth; only the bands on our front teeth remained. Joe then showed us what sort of looked like tongue cribs. They had three sets of bands on each side, places for archwires, and headgear tubes on the rearmost band. On the inside, there was wavy, plastic-coated wire. The plastic-coated wire was spaced out slightly from the bands to allow space between them and our teeth so they could be cleaned. It looked like the wide plastic would cover the entire lingual side of our teeth.
Joe explained the appliances to us: "These devices are sort of like a tongue crib but go all around the inside of your mouth on both your upper and lower arches. The plastic on the wire will protect your teeth from a device you will be getting at home later today. They will prevent that device from chipping your teeth. Now, these only protect the lingual side of your teeth, and after these are placed, a similar device will be placed on the buccal side, too. OK, ladies, let's get these things into your mouths."
The appliances went in very quickly and easily, without any fuss. They were quite bulky, and all I could feel on the inside of my teeth was smooth plastic. They didn't leave much room for my tongue, either. At least there was no expander on top, and that did give my tongue a little space. Neither Rebekah nor I tried to speak yet; we will both have quite the lisp.
Now, Joe placed new archwires and tied them in place with wire ligatures. Then he began to explain the next two appliances we would be getting: "OK, ladies, this is what is going in next. These will do the same thing as the appliances I just placed, but on the buccal side of your teeth. As you can see, they are much like a lip bumper but go all the way to the back of your mouth. I hope you like the bright swirls of color in the plastic; you'll have a rainbow smile. These simply fit into the headgear tubes and will be wired in place so they don't accidentally fall out. From what I understand, you won't be able to put them back in place yourself during your adventure."
These just slipped into the headgear tubes, and Joe wired them securely in place. I could feel that my cheeks and lips felt really puffed out, and I looked over at Rebekah as Joe finished wiring hers in place. She looked like she was blowing up a balloon, with her cheeks pushed out and her lips slightly parted by the plastic just behind them. She looked over at me, and we smiled, and all I could see in her mouth was brightly colored plastic. Joe then said, "Almost done. We just have your bite blocks to go. They are like the ones that Kathy has, but are much thicker. Since you two will only be in these appliances for the duration of your adventure, and knowing what you two will be experiencing, I sacrificed ease of eating for comfort. You'll understand why later."
Joe then bonded these devices onto our teeth, and mine did feel a lot thicker than the ones I had before. Then he did the same in Rebekah's mouth and said, "All done, girls! How do you like what I have done?" Rebekah was the first to speak, and we could hardly understand what she said: "I can't talk, and I don't know how I'll eat, but everything is very comfortable. There is no stress on my jaw, despite my mouth being held open so far. I wonder what Paul and Joel have in store for us, Leigh." I replied with a bit better speech than hers, "I don't know, Bekah, and frankly, I'm a bit nervous about what these appliances are supposed to protect our teeth from. I guess we'll find out later."
It was now almost noon, and Joe suggested we break for lunch. Rebekah and I got up, and she put on her Milwaukee brace, and we all headed to the nearby soup and sandwich shop. Rebekah and I just had cream of potato soup that we asked to have blended. We ate it with large syringes that we had the foresight to bring along. It's a challenge to eat or drink anything with these appliances, and Joe, Sally, and our husbands were having fun watching us struggle to eat our lunch. After lunch, we headed back to the clinic, where Rebekah and I carefully cleaned our teeth and our new appliances. Now it's time for the guys to get their new appliances placed, and Rebekah and I were really looking forward to it.
The guys took their places in the dental chairs, and everything was stripped from their mouths. Joe cleaned their teeth since Sally couldn't do too much in her SOMI brace. They both had small cavities that needed to be filled, and that task was soon accomplished. Joe then reminded them that all the appliances they will be fitted with today are designed to be inactive; their teeth will not be moved at all.
Joe then said, "We'll start with your bands, the ones that will only have archwires attached to them. They are the larger type that will almost completely cover your teeth. Let's begin with you, Paul." Joe then got to work in Paul's mouth and began placing his bands. 
He then picked up Paul's upper appliance, and it looked much more complicated than in the pictures Joe sent us. It's a custom appliance that Joe made that combines a distal jet appliance, a habit rake with rather mean-looking spikes, and fittings for a Jasper Jumper. Paul got a very concerned look on his face as the appliance was brought towards his mouth and cemented within.
Then the next appliance was placed: a lower holding arch with another very sharp habit rake. After it was in Paul's mouth, Rebekah noticed he was exploring his new appliance with his tongue and had a worried look on his face. Paul's lower archwire was then secured with wire ligatures and surgical hooks placed in several locations. Next, his Jasper Jumper was installed, and it pushed his cheeks out a bit.
Now, only a few things are left to do. Paul's upper archwire, with springs between some of his front teeth, was wired to his bands. Surgical hooks were crimped where there were no springs, and it also had spring-loaded hooks for his reverse-pull headgear. These hooks are designed for compliance, and if his headgear is not attached, they'll spring back and poke his gums, causing extreme discomfort. Joe had put a small piece of plastic on them to prevent any discomfort for now.
Finally, Paul's blue reverse-pull headgear was fitted. Joe had it custom-made for an adult man's face, and it was made out of rather heavy wire. It's the kind with two vertical rods and a padded strap to go around the back of the head. Joe placed the headgear on Paul's face and tightened the strap before attaching the elastic bands between it and the hooks on his upper archwire, then he removed the guards from the compliance devices.
Joe raised the chair and said, OK, Paul, you're all done. You'll be wearing these appliances for at least two years, and I hope you like what the girls chose for you." Sally handed Paul a mirror, and he took a long look at himself and, with slurred, lispy speech, said, "I have no choice but to like them, Joe. It's what Rebekah wants, so I want it too. This will be difficult to get used to, and these habit rakes are really nasty."
Joe then said, "One last thing, Paul. You'll want to wear your headgear full-time and be very careful when changing elastics. The hooks have a compliance device installed that will cause discomfort whenever your headgear is not properly attached. The ladies have a tool to disable these devices if they choose to, but it is up to them." Paul simply replied, "Yes, sir." It was obvious that speaking was difficult and painful with his habit rakes.
Joe then turned to Joel and said, "It's your turn now, Joel. You know what's coming, so let's get it done." With that, Joe began his work in Joel's mouth without saying too much as he worked; he only spoke to Sally. As with the installation of Paul's hardware, the process took quite a while, but it was finally completed.
Joel's reaction to his appliances was similar to Paul's; he could hardly speak, and when he did, the habit rakes caused extreme discomfort. He said, "Leigh, this is really intense and quite uncomfortable. I hope I can grow to love and enjoy these appliances. Let's all get on our way; there is still much more to come for you and Rebekah this afternoon."
We thanked Joe and Sally for their work. As we were leaving, Joe reminded Rebekah and me to think about the appliances we wish to have placed when this adventure is over.
On the way home, Rebekah and I talked about what we thought was coming next. The guys said the changes to our braces were only a small part of the adventure they had planned for us. We were excited but also extremely nervous about what was coming next.

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #73 on: 06. August 2024, 17:35:54 PM »
Ch. 171 - Getting Ready - Orthopedics I
By the time we got home, Rebekah and I felt bad for what we were putting our husbands through. We told the guys that if they wanted their habit rakes and compliance devices removed, it was fine with us; they were both in considerable discomfort. Joel replied, "Don't worry, girls; Paul and I will be fine. I remember when you got your tongue tamers, Leigh, and how you got used to them fairly quickly. It will be the same for us with our habit rakes." Paul added, "We don't mind always wearing our headgear, so the compliance devices are not an issue. But don't count on us being the only ones experiencing a bit of discomfort this afternoon; the day is not over yet for you ladies." The guys went to fix us cocktails, leaving Rebekah and I alone to talk.
Rebekah and I were now starting to put things together and had a pretty good idea of what was coming next, which was very exciting and arousing. Our theory was pretty much confirmed when there was a knock at the door. Joel answered it and said, "Good afternoon, young ladies. Come on in. I think Leigh and Rebekah are very curious to find out what they will experience next." It was Sam and Millie; both of them were wearing their double facebows, Milwaukee braces, colorful leather thumb spica braces, and KAFOs. Millie was on crutches with her knees locked, and Sam's knees were free, so she was walking without crutches. Sam was also carrying the small case that contained her piercing tools and a small selection of jewelry. Millie asked Joel to get their overnight bags from their car, then complimented him on his new orthodontic appliances.
Seeing Sam with her piercing toolkit in hand and recalling all the molds that Billy took of our bodies some time ago, we knew for sure what would be happening. However, we decided to play dumb and let the guys have their fun with us since we had caused them so much discomfort with their new orthodontic appliances.
After greeting our guests, we sat and talked. Sam and Millie were both very curious about all of our new orthodontic appliances, especially what the guys were wearing. Both young ladies had to take a close look, and Rebekah explained the compliance devices that force the guys to wear their reverse pull headgear or experience even more discomfort. I added that they have to wear their headgear 24/7 and be very careful when replacing the elastics; otherwise, it would be quite painful. The girls were very intrigued by and impressed with all the appliances the guys were wearing and wished them well.
I asked the girls how they liked being "braced bitches," as they like to call themselves. Sam replied, "Everything is going great for us, Leigh! We are so happy that we got married, and we love living in our condo downtown. It's so much nicer than our old apartment, and the nightlife is wonderful. Oh, and these braces we wear are wonderful, too. My back never hurts anymore, and Millie looks so hot all braced up."
Millie interjects, "Thanks so much, Leigh, for all you have done for us. Even though I don't need any of my braces and Millie only needs her Milwaukee brace, we can't imagine not wearing them. I don't think we'll ever do like you and Judy have done, but we do enjoy our braced life with all the attention it brings and the private pleasures we have together. Oh, and our orthodontic braces that we do need are really getting our teeth looking good, too. Joe says they will be perfect in another four or five years. We plan to simply keep all our appliances in place when our treatment is over, sort of like a retainer like Pete is doing. We love our metallic smiles and lisps!"
Rebekah, knowing full well what was in the case Sam was carrying, asked what was in it anyway. Before Sam could answer, Paul said, "Joel and I hope you ladies don't mind, but Sam will be piercing your tongues this evening. It is a very necessary part of the adventure we have planned for you. It might be a bit painful, but you'll do fine, just like Joel and I with our rather uncomfortable orthodontic appliances. Plus, you'll both look great with tongue piercings, and Joel and I hope you keep wearing one after your adventure." With that said, Sam got a coy smile on her face, and she looked away from Rebekah and me.
Joel and Paul went to make the girls cocktails, and we all enjoyed a drink and told Sam and Millie of our very interesting day. Once Rebekah and I had a few drinks to numb ourselves a bit for what was coming, Rebekah said, "OK, Sam, let's get this done while we're buzzed. A friend of mine had her tongue pierced and said it was not pleasant and hurt for a few days." Sam, Rebekah, and I went to our cast room, where we have a dental chair and a good light; it would be easier for Sam to work there. The others remained behind to give us privacy.
Once in the cast room, Rebekah and I flipped a coin, and she won or lost, depending on your point of view, and would go first. She sat in the chair, and Sam removed her thumb spica braces and put on rubber gloves. I wheeled next to Rebekah and took her hand in mine. I had no idea what it would be like for her or me to get our tongues pierced. Sensing our apprehension, Sam told us not to worry; it's not painful at all.
Sam then showed us the special jewelry we would be getting. They are small disks, about the size of an aspirin tablet, with a stud affixed to them. She told us that the disk is a rare earth magnet, and it's part of the surprise the guys have planned for us. Sam explained that Joel had the magnetic studs specially made for us and that our new orthodontic appliances are to protect our teeth from being chipped by the very hard magnets.
The piercing process was now explained to us. A mark would be made on our tongues where the piercing would go, and then special forceps would be used to hold our tongues in place while a cannula pierced them. Then the stud on the magnet would be placed into the cannula, which would be pushed out of our tongues. Finally, a retainer would be screwed into place on the stud on the bottom of our tongues. Sam said the piercing would fit close against our tongues, unlike what we might have seen other people wearing, and that the process would take less than a minute.
Sam asked Rebekah if she was ready, and she replied affirmatively. Sam had Rebekah stick out her tongue, and she made a mark on it. Then the forceps were gently clamped in place. Sam said, "OK, Rebekah, I'm going to do it now, and I'll be quick." I flinched and looked away as I saw the cannula pass through Rebekah's tongue, but she didn't seem to respond at all. When I looked back, Sam was screwing the bottom retainer into the stud. The magnet fit close but not too tightly, and it actually looked really cute, like the one that Jackie still wears. 
The process was all over, and I asked what it was like. Rebekah, now with a very different lisp, said, "It feels really funny, like my tongue is very heavy, but it doesn't hurt. Getting my nose pierced was much worse, and this is nothing compared to having my halo ring placed. It sure feels weird and makes me talk funny, too. Please hand me a mirror; I want to see how it looks." 
As she spoke, I could hear the piercing tapping against the plastic protecting her teeth from such contact. I handed her a mirror, and Rebekah stuck out her tongue to take a look. She said, "Oh, I love how this looks; I wish I had my tongue pierced a long time ago. I love how it fits so close and glints in the light as I talk, but it will take some time to get used to. OK, Leigh, your turn," she said as she got up from the chair.
We swapped places, with Sam and Rebekah helping me to my feet and then into the chair. In less than a minute, my tongue was sporting its new magnetic jewelry. Rebekah was right; it wasn't bad at all, and now I talk funny like her. Sam handed us each a bottle of partially frozen water to drink, and the cool water eased the slight discomfort, but swallowing was extremely difficult. Sam then gave us piercing retainers and several stylish studs we could wear after our adventure was over. Rebekah and I looked in the mirror; we really liked how our piercings looked, and we went to show the guys our new adornments.
The guys loved how our piercings looked and asked if we would continue to wear tongue piercings after our adventure. We both said that we would, that we really loved the look, and that we were excited to wear different styles. Paul asked us what it was like, and we played up the pain quite a bit to make them feel better about their habit rakes. The guys had not yet checked out our new orthodontic appliances in detail, and they took long looks at what was going on in our mouths. When we worked with Joe on our husbands' appliances, we made sure their reverse-pull headgear fit close to their lips so we could kiss. Joe did a good job, and we kissed our husbands, and a thorough exploration was made of their new appliances with our freshly pierced tongues. Sam and Millie giggled as they watched us awkwardly kiss and explore each other's mouths.
At this point, we were all getting a bit hungry. Millie and Sam offered to make an early dinner—something soft, of course. They scrounged around the pantry and refrigerator and made us a very soft and moist meatloaf with mashed potatoes. It was really quite good, and very small bites were easy for all of us to chew and swallow. After dinner, Joel suggested that Rebekah and I get bathed in preparation for the final surprise of the day, and we would all meet in his office in the workshop at seven. Paul and Rebekah went home; Joel and I went to our room, while Sam and Millie headed off to visit Jimmy and Judy.
Before Joel got me into the bath, I told him to strip down and that I had a surprise for him. I usually only give him a BJ on his birthday, but with everything that is going on today, I'll make an exception. I thought he would really enjoy one with everything that is in my mouth and also with what he is experiencing in his. I'll just say I thought a machine gun went off in my mouth. Joel then laid me on the bed and brought me great pleasure, too. We cuddled for a little while, then he got me out of my braces, and we bathed together. After our bath, he dried me off, carried me to bed, and placed a catheter inside me. Finally, he helped me put my robe on and strapped me in my wheelchair without any of my braces on. 
Joel then wheeled me out to his office. Sam, Millie, Judy, and Jimmy were all there watching TV, but Paul and Rebekah had yet to arrive. Judy didn't say hi; she just stuck her tongue out at me. There was now a small silver heart adorning it, which Jimmy seemed enamored with. Judy then lispfully said, "You and Rebekah can't have all the fun. Maybe I can talk Collie into getting her tongue pierced, too." Judy looked great; however, she was having quite a bit of difficulty speaking while trying to keep the little silver heart from getting caught in her expander and tongue crib, which we all found amusing.
Paul and Rebekah soon arrived, and Rebekah, like me, was in her wheelchair wearing only her robe, and she had a catheter, too. She wheeled over to me, and we quietly talked for a minute. Rebekah said that she and Paul had an encounter similar to the one that Joel and I had, and we were both very aroused by the thought of what was coming next. With everything that has happened so far today, we just knew that we would soon be placed in some sort of extremely immobilizing brace. We'll soon find out exactly what it will be.
Joel and Paul approached us, grasped the handles of our wheelchairs, and pushed us through the door Jimmy was holding open that led to the garage. It was very dark, and when the lights were turned on, we saw the most beautiful pair of full-body braces sitting in new power wheelchairs. We were right; the guys are going to completely immobilize our bodies in these braces for the trip we are taking next week. We will be doing just like Jackie did on the cruise and at Kings Mountain, controlling our wheelchairs with our tongues while being completely unable to move. The thought of being completely immobilized and totally dependent on others was intoxicating.
Everyone was in awe when they saw what Rebekah and I would be wearing. Jimmy said that almost all our friends knew what the guys had planned for us, and everyone had kept the secret. Judy said, "Only your husbands, Billy, Collie, Gary, and Rita, have seen your braces. None of us have until now, and they are absolutely magnificent. After seeing them, I think that Billy will be quite busy. I know that I want a set, and Emme will, too."

Rebekah and I wheeled over to take a close look at the braces that would soon completely immobilize our bodies. We were both trembling with anticipation of being placed in them and thoughts of what life would be like wearing them. These huge braces would soon be firmly strapped to our bodies and would render us completely helpless. Let me describe to you these works of orthopedic art, starting at the toes, and they do go all the way to our toes.

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Re: Story: Leigh and Joel
« Reply #74 on: 06. August 2024, 17:37:08 PM »
Ch. 172 -  Getting Ready - Orthopedics II

Rebekah and I were just sitting silently in our wheelchairs in awe, looking at the braces that would soon encase our bodies. Let me describe the scene:

First off, the braces are made from thick, polished oxblood-red leather. The color is deep but vibrant and will look great with both of our skin tones and hair colors. All the metal is thick, highly polished stainless steel; there are no lightweight materials in these braces. On the inside, there is a soft, synthetic padding. As we were feeling it, Paul said it is a special anti-bacterial material, and these braces can be worn continuously for up to thirty days. Now, let me describe them, starting at the feet.

There's no attachment for shoes; however, there are foot plates built in. They are about two inches thick and have a black rubber sole. The insole is contoured to perfectly conform to our feet and fully support our arches. There are loops for our big toes to fit into, and it looks like they will leave the nails exposed. The three padded instep straps will firmly hold our feet in place against the well-padded heel cups. When Rebekah and I were out shopping a few weeks ago, we happened to pick up several pairs of toe socks just on a lark. They will come in very handy with these braces, especially if the guys take us somewhere with cool weather.

Moving up, the ankles have multiple positions they can be locked in instead of just being free or locked at 90 degrees. The knees look to have a similar mechanism, too. The rest of the leg part of the brace is unlike our KAFOs, which have several straps and buckles on the calves and thighs. These braces have full cuffs that extend from the ankles to below the knees, and another above the knee to the crotch. On the front side, they lace up like a pair of boots with very heavy laces. Velcro holds leather flaps in place to conceal the knots in the laces so they don't get caught on something and come loose. I really like how they look, and it will be a very sensual experience as Joel pulls the laces tight, like when he would lace my thigh-high boots before I became crippled.

Now, at the hips, things get interesting. They are sort of like my HAKFOs, but the hinges are very different and rather substantial. My HKAFOs either lock my hips or let them be free. They also don't let me spread or close my legs; the angle between them is fixed. However, these hinges are different. They can be locked at various angles and allow our legs to be spread apart and locked there, sort of like when I was in my Petrie cast with my legs spread very widely apart. The pelvic girdle is like our Milwaukee braces but is heavier and has wide, padded, and contoured straps that go between the legs on each side, pulling the girdle firmly into the hips.

On the torso area, there are four very wide uprights, two in front and two in back. They are shaped to fit close to our bodies and gracefully curve up to the chin cup in front and the headpiece in back. There are two large pads on either side in the middle of the back and in front there are outriggers to press our shoulders back.

Under the arms, the uprights are connected in two places with bars that curve around the body on each side. These bars attach where the pads in the back and shoulder outriggers in the front attach. With so many interconnected parts, Rebekah and I didn't understand how all this would all be fitted to our bodies until I noticed all the twist-lock fasteners. While we were looking closely at one of these fasteners, Joel said with a heavy lisp:

"Since these braces are designed for long-term wear, they are not quick or easy to don or doff. The twist-lock fasteners are just like the ones on the hip hinges of your HKAFOs. Basically, your braces will be partially disassembled and then reassembled on your body. The process will take about an hour, and as you can tell, your bodies will be completely immobilized for the time you will be spending in them."
Now, to the arms. There are arm braces connected to the parts that go between the uprights under the arms. It appears that our shoulders can be placed in several positions and locked, as can our elbows. The large cuffs on the upper and lower arms are laced just like the leg braces are, with covers for the knots. For our hands, there are padded shelves for our hands and fingers to rest on. Also, there are loops to secure our fingers spread out a bit and a small sleeve that is like a thumb spica. It looks like the wrists can only be positioned with the thumbs pointed up or at each other, and maybe in between those positions. Sitting on the seat of the wheelchair are two more wrist and hand attachments: one leaves the fingers free but has a thumb spica, and the other only immobilizes the wrist but not the fingers or thumbs. Now we know why Billy made the molds of our hands.

Now, to the best part of the braces—the part that will be most visible—the immense structure that will immobilize and support our heads and necks. Simply put, it's huge and complicated. I mentioned the chin cup earlier, and it's quite large and looks very comfortable. There are bars that extend from it to the headrest in the back that is attached to the rear uprights. There are three electronic sensors that protrude from each side and center of the chin cup. These will use our magnetic tongue piercings to track the movements of our tongues, which will in turn, control our wheelchairs, giving some mobility and independence. Basically, this is an updated version of what Jackie used on our trip and on the cruise where we first met her and Ben.

The occipital part of the brace is very large and is similar to the Kuehnegger braces that the guys and Blake wear. It's well padded and looks quite comfortable. To provide the utmost in immobilization, there is a thick, wide forehead band that is connected to the headrest in the back. In fact, the entire band is padded, even where it runs along the temples. It's secured with the twist-lock fittings, like many other parts of the brace. It looks to be as immobilizing as a halo brace, and our heads will be in what amounts to a red leather and stainless steel cage.

Billy has definitely done some very impressive work, and these braces are simply amazing! Rebekah and I couldn't wait to have them placed on our bodies, especially since our backs were getting quite sore from not being in our usual braces. However, let me tell you about our new wheelchairs first.

They are Redman Chief 107ZRx standing wheelchairs. Both were custom-made, and mine is a little smaller than Rebekah's. Hers is candy apple blue, and mine is metallic purple, our favorite colors. There are plenty of straps to keep our immobilized bodies, legs, and arms safely secured. Now that we have new articulating chairs, I can give my old one to Emme, and Rebekah will give hers to Sam and Millie; they will all have fun with them. These new chairs will be great for not only this adventure but also for days when we don't feel like using crutches but want to stand.

Mounted to the backrest on the right side is an outrigger that positions a tablet computer in what appears to be in the line of sight when sitting or standing. It's fully adjustable and swings out of the way to get in and out of the chair. There is a cable leading from the tablet to a control box mounted to the back of the wheelchair, and it is plugged into the attendant control. Also leading from this box is a cable that goes to a socket at the upper right of the backrest, where a cable from the sensors on the chin cups on our braces plugs in. There are even lights, a horn, and several other options that will be great when using the wheelchair in crowded places.

Now, it was time for our bodies to be placed in our new braces, and it couldn't come soon enough. Our backs were really hurting, and the prospect of being fully immobilized from head to toe was electrifying. Joel and Paul began to partially disassemble our braces so they could be applied. We all watched silently as they removed the hinges at the hips with the special screwdriver. This separated the KAFOs from the rest of the brace, just as can be done with our HKAFOs. Now, the hand and finger parts were removed from the arm braces, and then the arm braces were removed from the spinal section.

Next, the forehead band, chin cup, and headpiece were removed. Finally, the uprights were removed from the pelvic girdle. The entire process took about twenty minutes, and now our braces were lying on a table in pieces. Joel and Paul looked at Rebekah and me with broad, metallic smiles, and Joel said, "OK ladies, let's get you two braced up. Millie, please assist Paul, and Sam, give me a hand. Oh, Jimmy and Judy, please lend a hand where it's needed."

Paul and Joel got us out of our wheelchairs, and we took off our robes. You might think it's strange for us to be naked in front of our friends, but we are all very used to seeing each others bodies at this point in time. With many of the things we do, like leg casts that come up very high or placing catheters, we are all very comfortable in situations like this. Sometimes there is a bit of unwanted arousal, but that happens in purely medical settings, too. Rebekah and I were helped up onto the exam tables, and the bracing began.

The first thing to be put on my body was the pelvic girdle. Joel opened up the back of the girdle using the special screwdriver, and it hinged open. Sam helped me sit up, and Joel placed the first part of my brace on my body. He secured the fasteners, and Sam laid me back down. Joel then pulled the straps tight between my legs, and the girdle settled comfortably on my hips as he buckled the straps to the front of the girdle.

Next, Joel opened up the cuffs on my left KAFO and undid the buckles at the foot. Sam picked up my weak, limp leg, and Joel placed the brace under it, and Sam set my leg within it. Joel carefully slid my big toe into the loop on the foot plate, then proceeded to fasten the buckles across my foot before lacing the brace around my calf. Then he laced the brace around my thigh, concealing the knots with the leather covers. It felt great as the laces were pulled tight and the brace perfectly conformed to my withered leg. All I could move were a few of my toes; otherwise, my leg was completely immobilized from my hip down.

As this was being done, Paul and Millie were doing the same for Rebekah. Now, the process was repeated on my right leg, and it also felt wonderful as the laces were tightened and my leg immobilized. Judy was nearby watching my brace being applied, and Jimmy was over near Rebekah. Judy knew what was coming next and handed Joel the hinge for my left hip and Sam the one for my right. Joel soon had the hinge in place and handed over the special screwdriver to Sam. At this point, Rebekah and I were both in HKAFOs and were able to stand and lean against the tables while the rest of our braces were built around our bodies.

Sam, Judy, and Joel helped me stand, and Joel locked my knees, hips, and ankles. I felt very stable standing, leaning against the table in my brace with the large, flat footplates and their anti-skid soles. Now the set of uprights on my right side were secured in place to my pelvic girdle, then the left side. The headrest was now put in place, and between it and the pads on my back and shoulders, the discomfort in my spine diminished.

Judy then held the chin cup against my jaw. Sam attached it to the uprights in front, and Joel tightened the fittings to the headrest. Between taking a bath, examining my new brace, and disassembling it, I had been out of my Milwaukee for several hours, and my back was really hurting. Now, my spine was once again fully supported, and it felt great; all the pain quickly went away. Sam and Judy now secured the forehead band, and it firmly but gently pulled my head into the headrest, taking all the pressure off my chin. My head, neck, and spine were completely immobilized, just like when I was in my halo CTLSO, and it felt wonderful.

My wheelchair was brought up behind me, Sam unlocked my hips and knees, and Joel carefully helped me take a seat. He then placed a strap around my body and locked my hips and knees in a sitting position with my legs spread apart as wide as the footrests would allow. My catheter bag was then strapped to my left leg. Joel placed straps around my lower legs and feet, securing them to my wheelchair. Then Sam turned my chair towards Rebekah, and Millie turned Rebekah to face me. With our mouths agape from our bite blocks, we smiled at each other, showing the rainbow-colored guards on our teeth.

Now it was time to lose the ability to use our arms and hands. These parts of our braces were quickly secured in place. Our fingers were completely immobilized, and our hands were positioned to give the thumbs-up sign. Then, our arms were strapped to the armrests, and Rebekah and I sat naked in our wheelchairs, looking at each other, completely immobilized from head to toe. Our braces looked amazing, and the way they felt was indescribable. Little did we know at that moment that we would be wearing them for almost a month...