
Author Topic: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work  (Read 47607 times)

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #30 on: 13. January 2021, 22:19:21 PM »
I’m looking forward to Kara’s treatment

Oh, I have plans for her, the poor thing.

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #31 on: 13. January 2021, 23:13:28 PM »
Part 5: The Worst Case Scenario

Dr. Brandt stroked Kara's cheek that was wet with tears. "Shhh... it's okay yeah? We're just going to look then choose what to use. I think we may be getting to the end yeah? Now I just need you to open for me love." Kara sniffed and opened allowing Hannah to place a lip spreader.

Dr. Brandt looked at his handy work and nodded then picked up a lower expander and began to install it. He and Hannah ignored Kara's pleading for him not to do an expander again. "Kara darling, I've made your top jaw a little too wide.. let's have the bottom match up. I will turn it every morning before we open, okay?" Kara nodded as silent tears stained her cheeks.  "Kara this is the last turn of the top expander. I'll keep it in for a few months for retention". He then picked up a forsus appliance. Kara had grown to have quite the overbite in her almost decade of treatment. Her mother allowed Dr. Brandt to experiment with different appliances on her, and now he had to fix the damage done by them.

DB: "Let's switch her to brackets, Hannah.  I think that she's ready."

H: "Yes, Dr. would you like power chains?"

DB: "Maybe next appointment. Let's definitely do wire ligatures."

They worked hours on poor Kara. She hadn't had actual brackets since she was 17 and was elated to actually see parts of her teeth. The worst part however, was that her teeth had several cavities from being banded so long. She was immediately scheduled for hours of fillings to happen that weekend.

A week after her appointment, Elise was sitting at her computer researching headaches being connected to jaw alignment. She sighed realizing it was an actual thing, and that she may have to fix it. She wasn't married or dating so it's not like there was anyone to impress, but she also wanted to date some.

"Maybe it won't look so bad", She thought scrolling through the internet looking at adults with braces. Her ex-boyfriend got them when he was 30 to fix his front teeth, and only wore them a few months. Maybe her treatment could be like that too.

She looked at the website for Dr. Brandt and read the orthodontic plan. "We work with patients to give them a smile and health that will last a lifetime. Team work makes the dream work and our patients are proof!"

She wrote a text to Dr. Brandt asking if she would have to wear bands or brackets and what treatment would look like. It's just asking, right?

Dr. Brandt text her back within minutes telling her to come in the next day at 11 a.m. as he didn't like giving treatment plans without the patient in front of him.

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #32 on: 01. February 2021, 16:31:04 PM »
Part 6: Name on the line please

Elise found herself on her day off laying horizontal and looking around the room as Dr. Brandt looked in her mouth. A full orthodontic exam was carried out, and when he was done he sat her up but not all the way.

DB: Elise, I think that with braces and a herbst that we can make those headaches go away. If you decide to go through with treatment, it'll be in line with the adult voluntary compliance plan.

E: w-what's that?

She doesn't notice the spacers That Hannah was pouring out onto the tray at her chest.

DB: Well, we don't do ceramic braces or invisalign. You'd begin with regular brackets on your front teeth top and bottom and all your molars would be fitted with bands. This is only so we can anchor any appliances we see fit, or may be use for anchorage. I would also like to document your treatment and not use your name and face.

Elise nodded and put her hands into her hoodie pocket.

E: When do we do it? I know you won't mention time frames, but I'm a teacher so I wanted to make sure it wouldn't interfere.

Dr. Brandt nodded as an impression was taken. Hannah cleaned Elise up then Dr. Brandt rolled his stool so that he could face her.

DB: Absolutely understandable. I know that with braces it can be a rough start, but I also know that your treatment will whiz by if you're compliant. I will do my best to make your treatment meet your effort.

Elise bit her lip and let out a sigh..This would benefit her health, and Dr. Brandt wasn't forceful.

E: What the hell, let's do it.

Dr. Brandt and Hannah nodded and smiled. Kara the receptionist was brought in a thick contract.

K: This is your treatment contract. I will make copies for you while you get started. Sign on the line please.

Elise did as told and felt nervous. "Get started?" She asked as Dr. Brandt picked up a mirror.

DB: Spacers and brackets today and then in a week you come in for a two hour appointment for placement.

E hesitated and then let the doctor begin. He shoved in 12 spacers total, and the brackets he placed were very large. Elise made a small face when he placed a wire and the discomfort from the spacers set it.

DB: You are all done my dear. Just ibuprofen for discomfort. Don't floss where those spacers are.

Offline prahm

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #33 on: 02. February 2021, 23:54:43 PM »
Looking forward to the rest of the treatment

Offline Bryce

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #34 on: 03. February 2021, 17:03:32 PM »
Always enjoy your writings.  I enjoy the other character development also, gives it a wide lense view. Keep it up.

Offline caster72401

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #35 on: 10. March 2021, 15:28:13 PM »
This was getting good, I hope you will continue!

Offline TimeandBrace

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #36 on: 19. March 2021, 04:01:10 AM »
Wouldn't mind seeing this continued, yes.

Offline ortho218

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #37 on: 22. March 2021, 21:28:37 PM »
please continue :)

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #38 on: 06. April 2021, 05:58:10 AM »
Part 7: Awesome.

I do apologize for the wait. I write for my job too, so it's been a little crazy.


The week with just her spacers and brackets up front had been really weird for Elise. She had to go to her school to clean up and decorate her classroom, and and hour didn't go by without someone poking in their head and gasping at her new smile. She felt humiliated, and very self conscious by the time for her next appointment came.

Her hands shook as she sat in Dr. Brandt's waiting room. She heard sobbing from the back, and soon tears were appearing in her own eyes as Hannah the assistant from last time came to the door calling her name.

H: Nervous for today?

Elise nods as she's lead back to a chair. She sits and sees that the tray is covered and that there is a gas tank at the back of the chair.

E: w-was that tank always in here?

Hannah ignores the question and smiles as the bib is placed around Elise's neck. Dr. Brandt comes in and plops down her file on the table behind them. He pulls on his mask and black gloves as Hannah reclines Elise.

Dr. Brandt smiled behind his mask, the light behind him almost putting him in silhouette. He wanted to make sure that Elise was comfortable for this very long appointment today.

Dr. Brandt placed the gas mask on Elise's nose and Hannah turned the gas up. Elise's eyes shot open and she tried to wiggle away.

Dr. Brandt cooed to her, making her calm some. "Elise, this is just to help with nerves. We always use it when we have a lot of bands to place. All you have to do is breathe through your nose and relax. Hannah and I will do all the tough stuff"

Elise took a few breaths and began to calm down as her eyes drooped but never closed. Hannah smoothly was able to place a retractor, as Dr. Brandt began shoving on the first of several bands. The ones closer to the front had brackets on them. Elise giggled a bit as they worked.

"My teeth will be pretty now?" She asked, feeling the full effects of the gas as quickly her smile became more and more metallic.

Hannah smiled rubbing her hand and nodded, "Yep and in a few years your teeth will be perfect!"

Dr. Brandt and Hannah chatted away for hours as a herbst appliance was placed. The massive appliance caused Elise to give a confused look, but the gas made her not care.

When she was given color choices for her ties, she chose silver, and she began to wince in discomfort as the nitrous surging through the mask turned into oxygen. Hannah held a mirror above her face after Dr. Brandt clipped the wires in the back. "Anything poking, Miss Elise?" He asked, sitting her up. Elise shook her head no as fat tears started to roll down her cheeks.

The herbst made her look like a chipmunk in her opinion, and she couldn't believe how much metal seemed to be in her mouth. She was struck silent and put the mirror down on the tray that was connected to her chair. When Dr. Brandt let her up, he walked her to Kara who had considerably smaller braces than the last time that Elise had been in.

"Alright, Elise. You call with any questions...ibuprofen for pain, and be sure to practice talking with that herbst okay? I'll see you in six weeks." He patted her shoulder as Kara pulled up the office's calendar. "You did great today!"

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #39 on: 11. July 2021, 20:59:36 PM »
Part 8: I changed my mind

Elise's first day of school with her herbst appliances and bands was rough. She'd worked 5 weeks total on her speech and making sure that her teeth were clean and well taken care of. She wanted her teeth to remain healthy underneath her braces, after all.

A lot of students supported her, but she found it difficult to speak without sucking back drool. The brackets she had on her front teeth were a lot larger than the ones that the students wearing braces in her classes had. How could she feel so insecure in front of a room of teenagers?

Back at the office, Kara was in the chair as Dr. Brandt took a look and smiled behind his mask. Kara's eyes grew wide as she knew that this was never a good thing.

"Kara, I'd like to speed up your treatment even more. How does getting these off in six months sound?" His long term patient nodded quickly as the chair was adjusted and he brought out metal springs.

"I know that these aren't fun, but I'm putting them in so that you can have the jaw movement we need to get these off sooner rather than later. Then we can start you training to assist me." The doctor attached the large springs on either side of Kara's mouth, going from the top backmost molar, to the bottom premolars. She winced and gasped here and there as wire ligatures were placed. When she returned to the reception window to begin the day, there was already a patient at the window ready to sign in.

Offline bracessd

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #40 on: 12. July 2021, 17:32:47 PM »
Good job!

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #41 on: 12. July 2021, 19:30:11 PM »
I've added the latest chapter to TheArchive.

I'm glad to see that you have continued to work on the story.

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #42 on: 12. July 2021, 23:03:48 PM »
Part 9: The first adjustment

Elise's first six weeks in braces was rough. Her mouth ached constantly, and her speech was a whole other matter. She made sure to explain things slowly to students and use as many hand outs as possible so that they could read instead of her constantly talking like before. The only problem now was that her jaw seemed to be more out of alignment than before. She couldn't determine if her mind was playing tricks on her, or it was just part of the process.

At her first adjustment, she signed in and greeted by Kara who smiled widely showing less metal. The appointment she'd made was early morning on a Saturday. She was surprised to hear the office opened at this time, but she gladly took the appointment.

Being the only one in the waiting room made her really nervous. Her knee bounced up and down while she heard drilling which got louder as the door to the rest of the office opened. It was Hannah who held her file and was smiling.

"Hey Elise how was the first six weeks with everythng in?" Elise sighed as they walked to a room with two rows of chairs. The chairs were empty except one which had a young college man sat in it, gripping the armrests. Dr. Brandt was trying to comfort the young adult as he worked.

"Todd, we need to wire it in. I know it's hard having braces in college, but that's your choice. Now, you're going to have this the next year, so I suggest you get used to it. " The young man had tears rolling down his eyes as Dr. Brandt worked. Todd was brought in by his dad the school year before when he refused to wear the appliances prescribed to him by previous orthodontists. Todd had no clue that this fully compliant plan would have him in braces for about five years.

Elise's view of Todd disappeared as Hannah reclined her and placed a bib. She tensed some hearing Hannah fill the tray with tools that she couldn't see.

"Elise, are you having any issues? Anything come loose?" Elise nodded and sighed.

"L-like I said I'm a teacher so I need to speak a lot. I practice, but I'm still having issues." Hannah nodded and removed the wires from her mouth.

Before she knew it, Dr. Brandt was in view pulling on new gear. He smiled while pulling up his mask. Hannah pointed the light to Elise's mouth and spoke. "She's still having trouble talking still."

Dr. Brandt nodded as he took a big look. "Well, practice makes perfect. Hmm...this herbst is doing great. I do see that your lower jaw is coming forward to fix your overbite which is great, so I'll keep it until next visit. Let's work on these front teeth. Hannah, can I have both expanders please?"

Elise's eyes went wide and she tried to talk as Dr. Brandt slid the expanders in and took pictures. He then began to glue them in. "Elise, I know that these aren't the most fun, but you're going to have the most perfect wide smile and no headaches before you know it. I want you turning those expanders every night. " Hannah holds a mirror above her mouth so that Elise can see. "So, you will turn the key like so " He gives two turns on each and Elise gasps in pain as he does. Her feet move some giving away her discomfort.

Dr. Brandt then began to admire his work. Elise was in tears at this point, feeling stunned as her mouth felt so full. "Hannah, bring me a thicker wire. " Elise's shaking her head no was ignored as the doctor worked to finish up the adjustment.

What Elise couldn't see was a woman walking in and having a seat in the consult room which was just down the hall. She was with her husband, who had been pressuring her to fix her teeth.



Offline TimeandBrace

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #43 on: 13. July 2021, 04:52:51 AM »
Hehehe, Ominous..

It's great to see this continued!

Offline napacaster

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #44 on: 13. July 2021, 05:38:08 AM »
This is great! Thanks!!!!