
Author Topic: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work  (Read 47583 times)

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #15 on: 30. December 2020, 03:12:38 AM »

Oh, something i noticed, in chapter 1, you put that the doctor was in his 60's.

However, in chapter 2, he's in his 30's?  ???

@TimeandBrace You're right! Sorry about that. It is fixed

Offline TimeandBrace

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #16 on: 30. December 2020, 03:14:59 AM »
No worries. Ah, i believe there's a button that'll let you modify the original post?

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #17 on: 30. December 2020, 03:28:56 AM »
I have made the alteration to the copy in TheArchive. It's nice to see that other people are reading the stories and care enough to point out things that they see can be fixed. It makes us all better writers.

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #18 on: 30. December 2020, 04:38:39 AM »
I have made the alteration to the copy in TheArchive. It's nice to see that other people are reading the stories and care enough to point out things that they see can be fixed. It makes us all better writers.

It really does! Details make all the difference

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #19 on: 30. December 2020, 19:01:38 PM »
Part 3: Contract Clarity

Elise tried to sit up on her elbow but Hannah gently pressed her back into the chair. “I’ll be right back Dr.” The hygienist said winking at Elise.

E: “Dr. Brandt, I thought that we were done? I can’t possibly take someone else’s appointment r-really.”

DB: “No no, you lay back. We’re just talking yeah? You and I can discuss these contracts of yours.”

Dr. Brandt picked up a tablet from the computer station and fussed with it a bit before handing it to Elise. Her hands shook as she read it, and just so it really sunk in, Dr. Brandt read from the compliance section of each contract.

Original Agreement:
 Any and all appliances are to be wired or cemented in.
If a relapse does occur within 15 years, the office will place her on the relapse treatment program. (This cost her parents an extra $500.00)
If the patient goes anywhere else to seek orthodontic treatment for themselves, the parents will be sued for the cost of braces plus damages. ($3,500)

Adult Orthodontic Compliance Program
I will submit to any and all treatment suggested by Dr. Brandt and staff.
I will attend all appointments. If I am late or break my braces I will be fined $200.00 and have time added to my treatment.
I have chosen the compliance program which means that I will only have Dr. Brandt and any of his future partners tend to any and all dental needs, including general dentistry and or oral surgery.
I have proven to be non-compliant and have brought myself here to force what is in my best interest in regards to my oral health.
If I do want out of the compliance program, I will have to pay the cost of treatment plus a penalty fee of $500.00. This penalty and other cost have to be paid in one lump sum and I must schedule a two-hour appointment to removal all orthodontia. (Or $5,500 for Elise)
I understand that orthodontics can take time to work, and depend on my cooperation. My treatment can take up to 10 years to complete.
I have no say in what methods are used.

Permission to Treat
It is my understanding that Dr. Brandt’s office and treatment models have been created to help patients who were having trouble under normal orthodontic and dental practices. This includes procedures, appliances, braces, etc. We will work hand in hand to reach a pristine level of hygiene and aesthetics. After all, teamwork makes the dream work.

A tear escaped Elise’s eyes. Why in the bloody hell did she not read this contract through? She wasn’t a problem patient! Surely, she would just need a retainer, right? At most, she would need braces for a year or something.

Elise’s voice was small as she tried to reason with Dr. Brandt. “Dr. I didn’t realize that you only treated patients with issues um...committing. I-I don’t want to impose on your other patients.”

Dr. Brandt smiled as the molds of her mouth were brought in by Kara. Why were there three molds? Dr. Brandt brought all three over. “Elise, all of my new patients do not leave until the problems they come in with are addressed. “ He positions the tray so Elise can see it clearly. “You signed the contracts, so unless you can pay to get out of them, I will address your issues.”

She numbly nodded and a few tears trickled as Dr. Brandt talked on. Hannah rescheduled everyone for Dr. Brandt’s next free day. “These were your teeth age twelve, this one is your teeth at the end of your treatment with Uncle Roman, and this is today.” He makes a disappointed face and scoots to the right of his patient. The chair adjusts and he picks up a mirror. Hannah comes back in and quietly sits at the computer station ready to type.

DB: “Okay, Elise open, please.”

She swallows hard and shakes her head no, still in shock. Why would she do this to herself?

DB: “Listen, dear. I don’t want to force you to open that mouth of yours, but I will. We’re on the same team, here Elise.” 

Elise opens and silently cries as Dr. Brandt lays out a treatment plan to Hannah who happily typed. She couldn’t understand what he was talking about. “You know Elise if you would’ve just worn that retainer we could have avoided this. I’m very disappointed. “ Elise tries to say sorry, but no one can understand her. The Dr. looks to Hannah and points somewhere that Elise can’t see. “Hannah, I need you to get this for me, and if Kara hasn’t left yet, I need her too.” Elise cries harder and Dr. Brandt just moves the tray over her chest.

“Oh, Elise, I know shh… It’s frustrating to let yourself down. We’ll get it right this time. You’ll do great today, yeah?” Before she can answer, Hannah holds a gas mask to her nose and forces her to breathe. Kara is there to hold Elise’s hands to her chest. She tries to soothe her as a lips spreader is forced. “Sweetie it’s Kara. Shhh...You’re going to have such a great smile. I was in your shoes a few years ago.”

Dr. Brandt looks at her mouth more and tries to fit an appliance in as Elise slips into a chemically induced high. She notices that Kara stays to hold her hands as Dr. Brandt forces bands on her top teeth. Elise then tries to plead one last time. But it’s useless.

E:”I Uh eeeacher, eaase” (I’m a teacher, please!)

DB: “Then you will be a great example for those kids you teach! It’s just June, who knows how far you’ll be by September!”

A blue light flashes here and there and Elise has trouble keeping track of time, or how much is going into her mouth. Hannah smiled; she loved watching her husband take care of those who can’t take of themselves. She passed him a Herbst and couldn’t help but blush. How did she get so lucky?

Elise was once again a sobbing mess in this office, but instead of an angry little girl, she was a 26-year-old new teacher who now had a mouthful of metal.

After three hours of adjusting, gluing, and crying, Hannah held a mirror for Elise so that the damage could be seen. Dr. Brandt slowly brought her back to reality with oxygen. Pulling back her lip he pointed to each addition to her smile.

Dr. Brandt: “We have a herbst, bands on all teeth except those front ones. You decide if you get the rest in bands or they stay as brackets. You also have a bottom expander and these” He moved the mirror so she could see the bite blocks on the backs of her top teeth. He then without warning cupped her chin and turned the expander twice. Elise whimpered and slid down a little. “Elise I want this turned in the morning and before bed”.Dr. Brandt smiled a little at this and they let her sit up.

Kara walked her out, and at the door turned to her and warned, “You have to be back here in four weeks. I suggest you read what you’ve signed.”

E: “How long will my treatment be?”

 Her hand flew to her mouth hearing her garbled voice

Kara::” We don’t talk time frames here, Elise. We just operate on teamwork. You get better with flossing, okay?”

When Elise left the office it was 5pm. She’d spent her entire day at the dentist and was sore and exhausted. She was tempted to call her mom for comfort, but she felt like her mom would just be disappointed in her. She was a tough lady, and wasn’t the warmest.

When Elise had braces as a teen and would sob because of the severity of the treatment, her mom would roll her eyes and tell her to deal. After all, she and her dad did as kids.

Offline TimeandBrace

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #20 on: 31. December 2020, 01:01:28 AM »
Very nice. Heheheh, this is only the beginning of the nightmare/dream depending on who you ask, i'd say.~

(Ooh, headgear round 2?~ ;) )

Hmm, one thing to keep in mind, is that stories that involve.. "involuntary" or.. "forced".. braces tend to be removed/locked, sadly. :(
It's a fine line between contract/legal/voluntary/ what you've got here,(Which is well written)  and something that breaks forum rules.. Just be careful, okay?

I like where this is going, of course.~ Lots of potential.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #21 on: 31. December 2020, 01:41:00 AM »
If it does end up violating forum rules, I am always willing to add the rest of the story to TheArchive. I am more flexible because my collection is not directly linked to a website like most others.


Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #22 on: 31. December 2020, 02:46:16 AM »
I knew I was probably towing a line... This will absolutely be rectified smoothly :) if you have an idea message me

Offline TimeandBrace

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #23 on: 31. December 2020, 02:48:26 AM »
I knew I was probably towing a line... This will absolutely be rectified smoothly :) if you have an idea message me

Well, it's a good story so far, don't get me wrong, just something to keep in mind.  :)

Offline clatta

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #24 on: 31. December 2020, 22:35:12 PM »
This is great so far! I can't wait to see where it goes.

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #25 on: 03. January 2021, 01:10:30 AM »
Part 4: Pino Dreams

It was dark in her apartment when her phone was ringing. She felt for it and in doing so was successful in knocking over an empty bottle of wine. She groaned and put her hand to her head. Yep, definitely hung over. When she answered the phone a perky voice was on the other line.

K: "Good morning Elise this is Kara with Dr. Brandt's office. Did you have time to come in a little early today? We have a cancellation and it was the appointment just before yours. With you being a new patient we want to take our time and make you comfortable."

Elise was so confused. She looked at her phone quickly seeing it was just the morning after making her appointment. It had been an awful dream! She sighed in sweet relief licking her smooth teeth then rubbed her eyes as she spoke.

E: "Of course. I will absolutely be there."

She got off the phone with Kara and then took a shower. It wasn't the first time she'd polished off a bottle of pino while binging on a good show, and she knew it wouldn't be her last. The dreams from these little episodes were always quite intense. She checked her phone again and took ibuprofen as and drank gatorade then spent the rest of the morning cleaning herself up and relaxing. 

She was feeling so much better as she drove to Dr. Brandt's office. Unlike her dream, the GPS lead her to an office building that was just downtown and it was very nice. She opened the door and saw a cozy office that had some dated furniture in the waiting room. Kara was at the reception desk like in her dream and her picture on the practice's website. She signed in and sat taking in her surroundings. “No Dr. Roman..thank goodness,” Elise thought to herself.

There was a man there playing on a phone. In the background, she heard a bit of what she thought was crying. A teen boy was escorted out by a beautiful man in his 30s. The man had jeans and an old-fashioned dentist's shirt that buttoned to the neck and the name tag read Dr. Brandt. He pointed to the poor teen's mouth as he spoke.

DB: “As you can see we do force participation in the treatment here with bands and older appliances that force Alex to be compliant in treatment this time. If he does as asked I will use something other than headgear after his 6th adjustment in 6 months."

The dad thanked him, and Dr. Brandt walked to reception. Kara smiled up at him then pointed at Elise who was pretending to play on her phone and wishing her feet would move so she could leave.

Dr. Brandt smiled a perfect blinding smile and went to her. He held out his hand and Elise gave him a firm handshake. "Elise, thanks for accommodating us. I'm Dr. Brandt, and my assistant Hannah and I ready for you dear." She sheepishly followed the young doctor looking around the office that was small and very clean. She was taken to a private room that had an older fashioned dental chair. There were models of appliances and braces with patient’s before compliance and after compliance photos.

The assistant Hannah got x-rays of Elise’s teeth then got her situated in the chair. Dr. Brandt then took photos of her mouth and laid out tools. He smiled down at her and once the chair was reclined, she was given sunglasses and a bib.

Dr. Brandt pressed down Elise’s chin gently and started to immediately do a check-up. “Elise, with it being your first appointment I like to fix any issues you may have with your teeth this first appointment and get full records.”  She nodded and gave a half-hearted grunt. She gripped the chair as Dr. Brandt’s explorer stuck into her sore tooth. Dr. Brandt sighed as his pick stuck several more times.

Dr. Brandt then began to rattle off a lot of terms to Hannah who typed and then began to clean her teeth. Dr. Brandt started to look at paper work as Hannah roughly cleaned Elise’s sore teeth.

DB: “Elise, you have five cavities. The one causing trouble will, unfortunately, need a root canal, so does the one next to it. Hannah, let’s get her set up with that.”

Before Elise could relax, q-tips were being placed against her bottom left molars. Dr. Brandt scooted so that Elise’s head was on his lap. She looked up at him scared with large blue eyes, and she closed them tight as he injected lidocaine.

She was sat up and Hannah gave her a mirror. Hannah smiled showing full banded braces and a maze of elastics. Dr. Brandt scoots to Elise’s side and encourages her to look at her teeth. “Elise dear, I noticed that your bite is really off. Smile big for me. “ She does so and sees that her molars aren’t setting right.. “Do you get headaches? It seems you had braces before.”

She drooled a little bit and Hannah took the mirror as Dr. Brandt reclined the beautiful Elise. “Hannah, let’s get these teeth fixed up and I’ll talk to Miss Elise about our options for her in a moment.”

The root canals and fillings weren’t very comfortable and during them Elise found herself tearing up once or twice. She could also hear another woman bringing in tools and setting something up. When the chair was sat up, Dr. Brandt was pulling off his gloves. He then moved a computer screen so she could see it.

Elise held her cheek and sighed, “do I need more work done, Dr.?” Elise chuckled some hearing her numb mouth attempt to make words.

Dr. Brandt smiled, “As I pointed out, your bite is really off. Your paperwork says that you had Dr. Roman as an orthodontist. I know from personal experience that he sees that retainers are worn. Did you go through with your follow-ups with him?”
Elise teared up and shook her head no. She told him of her experience and didn’t notice Dr. Brandt looking through her file more.

“Elise, I want to fix this for you. I see that you filed a waiver for orthodontics; were you wanting to fix your bite and maybe straighten those bottom teeth out?” Elise looked down at her shoes as the pain from her dental work set in.

“What does that look like, Dr? I don’t want to have it be like last time with Dr. Roman.”

Dr. Brandt smiled, trying to be reassuring. “Well, we are a compliance-based practice which means metal braces and I will use appliances. Open best you can.”

She opens for him and he looks and gives diagnosis. “I would place a full set of braces top and bottom. We would start with a herbst then go from there with treatment. Elise this would help a lot with jaw problems down the road, and help you to get less cavities because your teeth will be straightening out up front.” She nodded and sighed.

E: “Dr, how long would treatment be?”

DB: “ We don’t talk time tables here, but I bet it won’t take too long.”

E: “No headgear?”

DB: “I will never promise timelines or appliances needed or not needed. I know that you’re an adult, but I believe that patients, whether teen or adult do better when the Dr. takes full control. Tell you what, we have tortured you enough today. Here’s my card and if you need anything at all, you text me day or night. You’d make a great adult orthodontic case for my site.”

Elise practically leaped from the chair and half-listened as Hannah explained after care to her. Dr. Brandt waved at her on the way out and looked at Kara their young receptionist. “I do hope that I can get her for a public case. Come on you, let’s look at getting that expander adjusted.” She walked back to the chair as Hannah locked the office.

Kara was 25 years old and was a long term compliance patient. When she was 17 her mother took her to an orthodontist who got so frustrated with her that he dismissed Kara as a patient after a year when she was referred to Dr. Brandt who has been her orthodontist for the last seven years. She sobbed as she saw Dr. Brandt uncover a tray holding a mountain of metal.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #26 on: 03. January 2021, 11:15:57 AM »
I like how you did that. It was very nice how the dream was so on the edge and her actual appointment was gentle.

The ending leaves us wondering what will be next.

Offline Boheme

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #27 on: 03. January 2021, 19:03:59 PM »
I like how you did that. It was very nice how the dream was so on the edge and her actual appointment was gentle.

The ending leaves us wondering what will be next.

Thank you!!!

Offline MagnetMouth

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #28 on: 11. January 2021, 17:23:55 PM »
Excellent story! Keep up the good work

Offline prahm

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Re: Story: Team Work Makes the Dream Work
« Reply #29 on: 11. January 2021, 21:25:23 PM »
I’m looking forward to Kara’s treatment