
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 81139 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #15 on: 21. December 2023, 15:45:28 PM »
Chapter Five.

Beverly looked at Alex, a shocked look on her face, and replied agitatedly "well, Dr. Brad better not try to fit me with a tongue crib like Becky has.  I can't wear one of those.  I am way too old to have to find a new career.   They'd hold me in contempt if I showed up in court talking like that."

Alex tried to defuse Beverly by saying "Dr. Brad knows you can't have a fixed tongue crib.  He would never do that.  Even if he wants to.  And you are probably right, if he hasn't mentioned it to you than you may be one of the lucky ones.  I just know he does like to incorporate them into most patient's treatment plan at some point.  He really does believe in a holistic approach to treating the airway.  And that includes the tongue.  But don't worry.  Certainly don't stress over it.  If you ever do have to get one, I am sure it will be removable.  And it isn't as bad as I make it out to be.  I actually don't mind it that much at night.  It's just here where I feel so self-conscious about it.  But you don't work for your orthodontist, so you would just have to wear it at bedtime.  I am sorry I even brought it up."

Beverly smiled and said "no Alex, I am glad you did.  I appreciate that about you, you don't try and sugarcoat things or bullshit me.  Anyway, I have taken enough of your time.  I've got to run, I have to get back to the office.  If I hurry I can miss the worst of the 5 o'clock rush hour.  There is a brush fire raging at work.  Just like every day.  And I have a long evening ahead of me.  Just like almost every evening.  I will be locked away in my office.  But I will be wearing my lower splint, my mask, and these new horrid elastics like a good girl."

Beverly then turned to face Tara and said "Tara, it was such a pleasure to meet you.  And know that you are in the best of hands here.  I know you are nervous.  The whole idea of going through treatment as an adult is scary.  But you will be so glad you did it.  And please promise me?  Promise me you will text me afterwards and let me know what you decided.  Do you promise?"

Tara looked at her.  She was still in a bit of shock, this afternoon had just been so much to digest, but she nodded her head up and down.  She then said "yes, I promise I will.  And thank you so much.  You have really made this easier."

Beverly smiled broadly at her and exclaimed "yay!  I am so glad.  And if, no when, you decide to start treatment I will offer any advice I can.  I know how lonely and scary it is starting out treatment.  I wish there had been someone I could have leaned on when I first started treatment.  And when I got my expander.  It was a lonely and scary feeling.  I felt like I was going through it alone.  There were several nights when I didn't think I could do it.  And some ugly cries.  But you won't have to do that.  So, please, PLEASE text me this evening."  She then turned and marched out towards the reception desk.

As Tara watched her leave, Alex slid in beside her and whispered "I don't know if you know who she is.  But she is a legal big shot in this city.  Heck, this whole state.  I have heard rumors that people are pushing her to run for governor.  People respect and fear her.  She is a real mover and a shaker.  But you would never know that talking with her.  She is just as sweet and down to Earth as anyone I have ever met.  And despite being in her position, she has managed her treatment so well.  And she must really like you.  That is the first time I have ever heard her admit to having any troubles with her treatment.  Certainly the first time I have ever heard her admit to crying.  I didn't think Beverly Willingham knew how to cry."

Alex then stepped back and turned to face Tara and raised her voice to a normal level and said "and we are all done.  Dr. Brad and Maggie are finishing up with our last patient of the day.  Why don't you follow me to the lounge?  Dr. Brad likes to do initial consults there, it is a more relaxed atmosphere."  As she had been talking, Tara had not been able to take her eyes off her twin forces sliding in and out.  Alex noticed and said "yeah, they have been an adjustment.  For me and my patients.  But really, they aren't THAT bad."  She stopped and gave her a big smile and then excitedly said "come on, follow me."

Entering what Alex had called the lounge, Tara noticed two matching couches positioned facing each other with a glass topped coffee table between them.  To the side there were two chairs that Tara thought were massage chairs.  Along one wall was a long counter with a double sink at one end, with cabinets above and below the counter.  Half of the counter opposite of the sinks was covered in white plaster models of teeth fitted with appliances, along with several extraoral types of gear.  Tara recognized one of them as a high pull headgear, one of her friends in 6th grade had worn one to a sleepover once.  Alex noticed Tara studying the appliances and said "we will go through those when Dr. Brad and Mandy get here."  Tara broke her gaze from the array of appliances and noticed in the corner was a bistro table surrounded by four chairs, with a full-size refrigerator against the wall.  Once Alex had gotten Tara comfortably seated on one of the couches she said "let me get us each a water!"

Tara watched as Alex opened the fridge and withdrew two bottles of water.  She then stepped over and opened one of the cabinets above the sink and got a straw out.  Returning to the couch, Alex handed Tara a bottle of water and said "here you go!  You probably want to wash your mouth out, you probably still have some of the residue from impressions in your mouth."

Tara took the bottle of water and smiled at Alex adding "thank you.  And yes, I can still taste the paste in my mouth."  She watched as Alex removed the cap from her bottle of water and dropped the straw in it.  Alex smiled and said "I won't be much good for conversation, but I better put my appliances in.  Dr. Brad likes for us to wear them here in the office when we aren't actively working on patients.  Do you mind?"

Tara responded "no, of course not."

Alex said "thank you.  Just hang tight."  She turned towards the sink but then stopped and turned back around towards Tara.  Alex asked "would you like to see what I have to wear?  Get a closer look at everything?  I can give you the grand tour" and then giggled.  Tara didn't understand why she wanted to, but she realized she really did want to see everything.  She felt conflicting emotions.  On one hand she had been horrified seeing the braces and plethora of appliances that Alex and Beverly wore.  But, on the other hand she really wondered what it felt like to wear them.  She didn't want to have to wear them for years like these two, but she did want to experience the feeling.  Alex was looking at her expectantly.

Tara said "would you mind?"

Alex exclaimed "no!  Of course not.  I am an open book about my treatment.  And I love it when patients take an interest in it."  She gestured with her head towards the bistro table and said "follow me!"

Alex had Tara sit in one of the bistro chairs and then opened one of the cabinets.  She withdrew a small zippered bag emblazoned "TMJ and Sleep Plus".  She unzipped it and placed  it on the table.  For the next five minutes, Alex showed Tara her mouth and the appliances she had to wear.  Tara had been particularly fascinated by the expander, and it's six screws, that was embedded in the roof of Alex's mouth.  Alex had even handed Tara her mask and let her take a closer look at it.  She then said "and now, I won't be able to talk very well.  But don't think I am being rude."

First, she popped her tongue crib in.  She opened her mouth and leaned in towards Alex.  Alex could see the huge metal grate that hung down behind Alex's top teeth.  Alex then attached elastics to the hooks on each of her upper molars and took the mask from Tara.  Quickly and without difficulty, Alex attached the elastics to her mask and smiled at Tara.  Or Tara thought, maybe it is a grimace.  Tara looked at her closely, then said "wow".  She asked "can I take a closer look?  Do you mind?"  Alex simply shook her head back and forth.  Tara stood and slid around the table. Alex opened her mouth as Tara peered into it.  Again, she felt the mix of fear and fascination.  With her new hearing aids, Tara was able to hear the door knob turn and the door opened.  As it did, Tara took a step back and turned towards the door.

She saw Dr. Brad enter the room.  When he noticed the pair at the bistro table he turned towards them and gave them a big smile.  He said "Alex, are you wearing all of your appliances for me?"  She simply nodded her head affirmatively.  Dr. Brad then asked "and were you showing our patient Miss Reynolds?"  Again, Alex simply nodded.  Tara realized with everything in her mouth, Alex was effectively mute, relegated to having to communicate with grunts and body language.

Tara could see the pride in Dr. Brad's face as he said "oh Alex, I am so proud of you.  You are such a good role model and inspiration to our patients and even our other team members here.  And I know it is a mouth full.  But you are doing so good.  And you know it could be worse. So much worse. At least the tongue crib is removable and I'm not asking you to wear your mask 24/7.  I don't want to have to do that, so I am so proud you are wearing your appliances.  The very last thing I want to have to do is have to fit you with the appliance my dear, sweet Megan will be getting as soon as she has the baby.  Speaking of which, would you be a dear and go grab Janice and Mandy?  And also, would you get Megan's appliance from my office? Please?  I want to show it to Miss Reynolds and see if she would be a candidate for one as well."

Tara watched as Alex stood without a word and walked towards the door.  Dr. Brad walked over and stood beside the bistro table.  He explained to Tara "Megan is my incredible wife.  She is pregnant with our second child right now.  She is in need of some expansion and forward growth, but I didn't want to overload her during the pregnancy.  But as soon as she has the baby I am putting her into treatment.   I have been working on developing a new appliance that can address all of our patient's needs, even the most complex cases, with just one appliance.  Actually, there are some ideas I have come up with and incorporated into it that will have a wide range of applications in orthodontic treatment. 

Megan will be the first to get one.  While all the girls here in the office have seen it, no one else has.  Not even Megan.  You are the first patient I am showing it to.  I caution that it is a pretty intense appliance.  And it will be hard to live with I know.  But I know my Megan.  She will just do great with it.  And it will be so good for her in the end."  Tara's stomach sank when he added "and it would also be perfect for you."

Offline kelly-Marie

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #16 on: 21. December 2023, 21:30:39 PM »
Ooh this is getting good can't wait to see what Tara gets now

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #17 on: 22. December 2023, 17:09:48 PM »
Chapter Six.

Dr. Brad smiled warmly at Tara and said “first Miss Reynolds, let me say thank you for coming in to see us.  Thank you for coming in when you did and not waiting like so many patients do.  Thank you for not waiting until it is too late for anything but jaw surgery. What do you say we move over to the couches?”

Dr. Brad directed Tara to the couch against the wall and then he sat on the couch across from her.  He said “since it is late, I am going to do this a little different than normal.  Instead of having you meet Mandy, my treatment coordinator, and then Janice, my financial coordinator and office manager, let’s all meet together.  It will be quicker.  I know you are probably ready to leave.  I normally don’t do consults at the end of the day.  And at the moment I am not looking to add new patients.  But when I saw Dr. Alicia referred you we squeezed you in.

While we wait, let me tell you a little about my practice.  I specialize in adult airway and TMJ cases.  There are so many people that suffer.  But I didn’t start out that way.  My father started this practice 41 years ago doing general orthodontics.  He was very old school.  His approach was ‘my way or the highway’.  If a patient refused to wear their elastics as prescribed, he would fit them with headgear.  And if they wouldn’t wear their headgear as prescribed, he would wire it in.  He was a huge proponent of bands over brackets, and he was still treating many cases with full bands up until his retirement in 2008.  It was very effective.  But also very hard on patients.  I know, because I was one of them.

Once I graduated dental school and finished my residency, I joined my father’s practice here.  At the time he was working on developing a new type of expander with two other colleagues.  While a professor is largely credited with inventing it, my father was instrumental in developing the bone borne, mini-screw supported maxillary skeletal expander, or what we call an MSE.  I was one of the first cases.  He was still figuring things out, and it was rough on me.  I had a severe lisp from the expander and full bands he put me in.  But what was especially hard was the fixed tongue crib i had for the duration of my 28 month treatment, and having to wear a Delaire facemask 24/7 for 14 of those months.  It was very hard on me as a brand new orthodontist trying to get my feet under me.  Very hard.  But it made me a better orthodontist.

Once he retired, thank goodness I was done by treatment then, I began to reinvent the practice.  And I have a different philosophy than my father.  His focus was always on treatment goals.  Patient experience never entered into his thinking.  I am the opposite.  I try, whenever possible, to put patient wishes over the treatment.  Now, that is not to say I am not forced to use some very invasive appliances and techniques at times.  And I know sometimes the patient hates it.  But I do at least try to consider my patients’ emotional well being.  Because I know that having braces as an adult is very emotional.  But making the decision to start is often the hardest step.”

As Dr. Brad had been speaking, Tara noticed Alex come back in the room, accompanied by a brunette who appeared to be in her early to mid thirties and a gray haired grandmotherly woman who appeared to be in her late fifties if not sixties.  They had stood in respectful silence near the door.  Dr. Brad had been so focused on Tara he didn’t notice their arrival until the brunette piped in “it was a very hard decision to make.  But it was the best decision I have ever made.”

Dr. Brad jumped a little, obviously startled, and turned in his seat.  He said “Miss Reynolds, you have already met Alex.  Let me also introduce you to Janice and Mandy.”

The older lady was in the lead as the trio approached.  As Tara went to stand she said “no dear, please keep your seat.”  She extended her hand and said “I am Janice, I am Dr. Brad’s financial coordinator.  Just like I was his father Gerald’s financial coordinator.  It is such a pleasure to meet you.” 

Tara shook her hand and replied “it is a pleasure to meet you.”  As she was shaking, she couldn’t help but notice the blindingly white perfect smile that Janice displayed.  It looked too perfect to Tara.  She wondered if Janice wore dentures.

Janice moved out of the way as the brunette, Mandy, took her place.  Mandy gave Tara a big smile and stuck out her hand.  Tara noticed immediately that she had metal braces on her lower teeth and clear braces, like Beverly’s, on her top teeth.  But unlike Beverly, Mandy had hot pink ligatures on both her upper and lower arches and matching elastics stretching from her canines to her lower molars.  Mandy said “it is such a pleasure.  And I meant what I said.  In fact, I was a patient here before I worked here.  But I loved it so much, I made Dr. Brad give me a job.”

She gave a quick laugh, giving Tara a view at the inside of her mouth.  Tara notice a flash of silver from both behind Mandy’s lower teeth and further back in the roof of her mouth.  As the three got situated on the couch, Mandy took a seat beside Tara while Janice and Alex sat with Dr. Brad.  As they got comfortable Dr. Brad looked at Tara and said “I really do have the best staff.  They, not me, are the true backbone of this practice.  And you may have noticed, most of my team is in treatment currently.  And those that aren’t have finished.”

Janice then exclaimed “I loved having braces and expansion treatment with Dr. Brad.  It was SO much easier than the full bands and wired in headgear I had with his father.  I LOVED my braces and I miss them.  I looked so cute!  And it took at least ten years off.  But Dr. Brad won’t let me get them again.”  She looked at Dr. Brad and pouted.

Dr. Brad said “Janice, I’ve told you, your teeth and bite are perfect.  You don’t need braces.”  Janice continued to pout at him.  He appeared to be in thought as he reached over towards Alex.  She handed him a white plaster model of an upper and lower arch.  As he held it Tara saw the largest, most complicated orthodontic appliance she had ever seen.  Dr. Brad studied the appliance a few seconds before softly saying, as almost to himself, “but, I bet Megan would like to have a little company.”

Tara noticed the pout immediately disappear from Janice’s face, replaced by a startled, wide eyed look of concern.

Offline bracessd

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #18 on: 22. December 2023, 17:39:22 PM »
Dr. Brad sounds like my kind of ortho! Looking forward to hearing about Tara's treatment.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #19 on: 22. December 2023, 21:59:18 PM »
Chapter Seven.

Dr. Brad looked up from the massive appliance he held towards Janice and said “Janice, if you really want to go back into treatment we can discuss it in private.”

Janice replied “Dr. Brad, I just want a cute little set of braces.  I don’t want to go through a second round of airway treatment.”

Dr. Brad replied “I understand that Janice.  But I won’t put braces on purely because you want braces.  But everyone can always benefit from an expanded airway.  Let’s discuss in private later.  Right now we need to discuss treatment options for Miss Reynolds.” 

Dr. Brad handed the appliance in his hands back to Alex, then turned his attention to Tara.  He began “first Miss Reynolds, please don’t take anything I am about to tell you as criticism.  You didn’t do anything wrong.  But your assessment did point out a number of issues.  You are suffering from the following: condylar reabsorption, insufficient intermolar width, a mild class III occlusion, a crossbite, a mild open bite, canting, and a gummy smile.  But I can help you.  The good news is your hygiene looks excellent, your x-rays show no cavities.”  As he was talking Alex had stood and walked over to the counter.  She returned holding a file folder which she handed to Dr. Brad.  He withdrew an x-ray and held it up.

As soon as Tara saw it, her face went red with embarrassment.  With his attention focused on the x-ray, he didn’t notice.  But the three ladies did.  With a pen Dr. Brad began pointing at the x-ray saying “here you can see the canting.  And here, you can see how your joints look different.”  He put the x-ray back in the folder and withdrew another one, this one showing Tara’s profile.  Dr. Brad continued “and here you can see the class three occlusion and open bite.”

Alex realized Tara was not focusing at all on where Dr. Brad was pointing.  Or listening to what he was saying.  Instead Tara’s gaze was focused on the two white triangles on the x-ray.  The white triangles where her ears would have been.  With her hair down, no one could know that Tara wore hearing aids.  But on the x-rays they glowed.  Alex gently nudged Dr. Brad.  He looked at Alex questioningly.  She simply gestured with her head towards Tara.  Dr. Brad turned his head and looked at Tara.  He saw the embarrassment in her face.  He didn’t understand why until he followed her gaze to the x-ray he was holding.  He realized her attention was completely focused on those white triangles.  Her hearing aids.  And he remembered she was a referral from Dr. Alicia.  He put the x-ray back into the folder.

Looking at the mortified woman across from him he said “Dr. Alicia is amazing.  I know I mentioned that earlier.  She changed my life with these.”  He reached up and pulled his shaggy hair back from his left ear and cocked his ear towards Tara, giving her a good look inside his ear canal.  The expression on Tara’s face changed from one of embarrassment to one of confusion when she realized he was wearing a hearing aid identical to her own.  He continued “the hearing aids she fit me with have been life changing.  Now, I can hear my girls here in the office whispering behind my back.  Or cussing me after their adjustments.”  He laughed and continued “she has also changed my son’s and Megan’s lives.  William, my son, suffered from constant ear infections and fluid in his ears.  It was hereditary, because Megan has also suffered from that her whole life.  Or did.  Both William and Megan have tubes in both their ears courtesy of Dr. Alicia.  I feel so fortunate to have found her.  But I did so only because of one person.”

Dr. Brad looked at Alex and asked “do you mind if I tell her?”

Alex emphatically shook her head back and forth “no”.

Dr. Brad said “the reason I was able to find Dr. Alicia is this amazing young woman sitting beside me.  I had already been asking people here in the office to repeat themselves.  Because I was having trouble hearing them.  But when I mentioned William had another ear infection, Alex recommended I contact her doctor, Dr. Alicia.”

Dr. Brad paused while Alex pulled her straight blond hair back, revealing her ear.  Tara was further surprised when Alex turned the side of her head towards her.  There, perched behind her delicate ear, was a very obvious hearing aid, it’s thin clear tube snaking over and into her ear canal.  Alex let go of her hair and let it fall, again hiding her ear.  And her hearing aid.

Alex reached into her mouth and removed her tongue crib.  Tara was surprised she was able to remove it while still wearing her mask.  After she had securely stowed her crib in it’s pink case, Alex looked at Tara and smiled.  She said “I have been wearing hearing aids for 20 years, since I was six years old.  They are just a part of my life.  They are a part of me.  I am not ashamed of them.  They are part of what made me who I am.  There is nothing embarrassing about self-improvement.”

Everyone was surprised when Tara broke into tears. 

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #20 on: 23. December 2023, 18:14:12 PM »
Chapter Eight.

It was like Janice was launched out of her seat as she rushed towards Tara.  Janice practically ripped Mandy to her feet, barking “get her some tissues.”  As soon as Mandy was up, Janice sat on the couch and wrapped Tara in a hug, pulling Tara’s sobbing face into her ample bussom.  Janice cooed “it’s ok sweetie mama’s got you.” As she began to rock Tara back and forth she asked “what is it honey?  What can I do to make it make it better?”  Dr. Brad watched on in sympathetic silence. 

After a few sobs, Tara croaked “it’s just, I’m falling apart.”  Janice reached over and took a tissue from Mandy and dabbed Tara’s face.  Tara continued “my eyes don’t work, my ears don’t work, my mouth doesn’t work.  Nothing works.  Everything hurts. My life is falling apart.”  She broke back into tears.

Janice softly said “it’s ok sweetheart.  That’s why you are here.  I promise we will make it better.”  After dabbing her face again, Tara quit crying.  But she let Janice continue to hold her. 

As all of this had been happening, Alex had removed her facemask. She walked around the back of the couch and squatted down beside Tara.  She looked over at Tara and said “she is right.  I know it is scary.  I work in orthodontics and am around it every day.  And even for me it is scary.  But Janice is right.  Please let us help you.  I promise you I know exactly what you are going through.  But I will be by your side the whole time.  We all will.”  Dr. Brad looked on with paternal like pride as Alex counseled the potential new patient.

Tara quit crying.  She squirmed out from Janice’s hug.  There was a look of embarrassment on her face.  She took the wad of tissues that Janice was holding out to her and wiped her face.  She looked around and said “oh God, I am so sorry.  I am such a big baby.”  Janice put her hand on Tara’s arm and said “you absolutely are NOT!  This is all scary.”

Alex added “Tara, you have nothing to apologize for.  Nothing to feel ashamed of.  Can I tell you something?  When I was younger, I shed so many tears because of my hearing aids.  And no one knows this except my fiancé who was there to see it.  But the day I got my expander?  That night at home, I cried myself to sleep in his arms.  You have nothing to apologize for.  And I can only imagine how miserable the last months have been for you with TMJ pain.  But we can fix that.  Let Dr. Brad tell you how.  Will you do that?”

Tara composed herself.  She looked at Alex in silence for several moments.  She then weakly nodded her head and said “yes.  I will do whatever you tell me to do if it will stop the pain.”

Dr. Brad, sitting on the couch across from her, smiled.  He loved it when he heard a patient say they would do anything he told them to do.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #21 on: 23. December 2023, 22:56:55 PM »
Very nice episodes, can´t wait for more!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #22 on: 24. December 2023, 19:16:05 PM »
Chapter Nine.

Dr. Brad gave Tara a reassuring smile and said “Miss Reynolds, are we ok to continue?  We can do this another time if this is all too much at once.  But, the sooner we start the sooner you can get relief.”

Tara pursed her lips and said “please go on.  And again, I am so sorry for my outburst.”

Dr. Brad said “please don’t apologize.  You did nothing wrong.  And thank you for trusting us here.  We do want to help you.  We have a couple of options.  The first is surgical.”

It took about five minutes for him to explain the benefits of SARPE surgery, braces, and a lefort surgery combined with a bilateral joint replacement.  She was shocked to hear that if she chose this route she would be wired shut for 4-6 months, on a complete liquid diet, and then be on a very restricted soft food diet for another 6-8 months.  The whole process sounded horrible.  It got even worse when Janice went over the financial numbers.  The total cost of the treatment would be approximately $60,000, and even with her insurance she would be looking at around $20,000 out of pocket.

Dr. Brad could see in Tara’s face she didn’t like the idea.  Once Janice was done, he looked at Tara and said “we have another option.  A much better option.  And the one I would recommend.”  He glanced at Mandy who went over to the counter.  She returned with her arms full of assorted orthodontic appliances.  After she had placed them on the table Janice stood from her seat beside Tara and Mandy took her place.

Dr.  Brad said “I know you had a chance to meet and speak with Mrs. Willingham.  I am not sure if she explained much about her treatment plan with you or not, but your’s would be very similar.  I want to start you out in splint therapy for 12 to 18 months.  This will stabilize and decompress your joints.  Splint therapy will not fix the root issues, but it will get you out of pain and get to were we can treat the real problem.  We will do this with expansion.  We will widen your upper palate by eight to ten millimeters.  And with aggressive protraction we will be able to get four to five millimeters of forward growth.  Once we have achieved the necessary expansion, we will use braces to align everything.  The process of expansion will take 6-12 months followed by 18 or so months of braces.  The treatment will be all about function.  We will fix your jaw and your bite.  And since form follows function, you will have a beautiful, wide, straight smile.  I provide complimentary whitening to all patients when they complete treatment. As a thank you of sorts.  And my hygienist Lisa is VERY good at it.  I think Janice’s smile is a good example of that.  And speaking of Janice’s smile, she can tell you the financials.”

Janice gave Tara a big smile and said “so, the cost of splint therapy would be $1500, the custom marpe treatment would be $4500, and braces would be $5500.  But, if you do all three Dr. Brad will knock $1,500 off.  Essentially you will get splint therapy for free.  Total cost will be $10,000.  But, I have good news.  I have already spoken with your insurance provider.  And while your plan does not cover elective cosmetic procedures, they do cover sleep apnea treatment, which your case would fall into.  Your out of pocket expense will only be $1,500.  For $1,500, Dr. Brad will give you your life back.  Honey, you are entirely too young to go through the rest of your life in pain.”

Tara sat there in silence looking at the table and the assortment of appliances.  Dr. Brad asked “what do you think?  Do you have any questions?”

With her eyes still studying the table, she said “I know I need to do.  I should do it.  But it just sounds like so much.  And braces at my age?  I just don’t know.  Could we do invisalign?”

Dr. Brad responded “unfortunately, invisalign can not address all your needs.  Braces will be necessary for at least a few months, though I could transition you to Invisalign to finish your case.  It would add $5,000 to the cost of treatment.  I have had several patients that planned on transitioning to invisalign. But not a single one has.  Because every single one has realized having braces is a big nothing burger. Every single one has just elected to keep their brackets for the duration of their treatment.  You met one of those people today.  But, like Beverly, I can fit you with clear ceramic brackets and wires, and for the same price as metal.  These modern ceramic Lightforce brackets are almost as discreet as invisalign and all the attachments that come with it.”

Tara asked “will I need that big appliance?  The one you said your wife is getting?”

Dr. Brad said “let’s not worry about it now.  That would be down the road.  But you would be a candidate for it and it would shave at least a few months off your total treatment time.  But, we could also get the same results from a series of different appliances, it just wouldn’t be as efficient.”

Tara didn’t understand why, but again she felt the same mix of fear and fascination as earlier.  She asked “can I see it again?”

Dr. Brad took the appliance from Alex once again.  He held it up, gazing at it like a proud papa, and said “it really is amazing if I do say so myself.  I am quite proud of it.”  Tara had looked at the other appliances on the table as Dr. Brad had explained her treatment.  Mandy had held them up and demonstrated them as Dr. Brad had been talking.  But this appliance was in another league.

Dr. Brad explained as he hinged the orthodontic model “you see here we have an expander top and bottom.  The top expander is an eight screw custom marpe, or miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expander.  The bottom is a standard hyrax expander.  Both of these appliances by themselves are very common.  But unlike standard expanders, to attach them I am utilizing bands for all but the front six teeth.  This will provide much more strength and symmetry during expansion.  So that is a little different.  But what really makes this appliance stand out are those two Herbst arms you see connecting the two expanders.  This will allow me to adjust Megan’s bite precisely.  In addition, I have come up with a very ingenious feature.

Now, I would never discuss another patient’s case with another patient like I am doing now.  Except my dear, sweet wife’s.  Megan mouth breaths when she sleeps.  Mouth breathing is horrible. I have been having her wear a chincup appliance at night.  It is big, bulky and not the most comfortable thing in the world.  But it is worth it.  Megan does it cheerfully because wearing it, at least after the first few nights of adapting to it, leaves her feeling more rested and refreshed.  But many patients will not wear a chin cup appliance.  I have solved that issue with this.”

He held the appliance up close to Tara’s face and said “see how the bottom of each herbst telescope is a little thicker?  This is to accommodate this tiny torx screw that is threaded into each arm.”  He pivoted the appliance open and closed.  “Now it is unlocked and the jaw is free to open and close.”  He picked up a small screw driver, and with the model closed he made several turns on each screw.  Then he demonstrated as he said “and voila, now it is locked close.  A much less invasive solution to eliminate mouth breathing.  The screws are very accessible for the patient, in this case Megan, so they will be able to lock the jaw closed at night and unlock it the next morning.  This also has a myriad of other applications.  Children that thumb suck?  Solved.  Post surgery patients that have always needed bulky, uncomfortable wiring in the past? Solved.  Hey, it could even be the newest fad diet aid.”  He laughed and said “just kidding on that last part.  I am currently in the patent process for this, along with the Sleep Well mask like Alex is wearing.  And Mandy should be wearing.”  He gave a look over at Mandy, who silently stood and made her way out the door.

He continued “and also this invention.”  He pointed at a rear molar band and said “you notice this hook?  It is pretty standard for protraction cases.  But this” as he pointed to a rounded piece of metal that ran along the outside of it “is not”.  He took an elastic and placed it over the hook.  He then took the same screwdriver from earlier and made a few turns on the torx screw that held the shield shaped piece of metal to the appliance.  As he did, it tightened down covering the hook.  There was a small slot in it from which the elastic protruded through.  He continued “and now the elastic is locked in place.  It can’t be removed without opening the shield.  Or a spring can be used in place of an elastic on the rare occasion we need maximum force.  This really is aimed at younger patients.  But it can also be of use in adult cases too.  I have had a few patients note that they sometimes take their masks off in their sleep without even realizing it.  This will solve that.”

Tara looked on at the appliance.  It was huge.  Terrifying.  And she really wanted to know what it would feel like in her mouth.  Her focus was broken when she heard Mandy exclaim “look who I found!”

Tara looked up to see Mandy walking into the room.  She was now sporting a facemask herself.  Waddling along behind her was a very pregnant but very beautiful soft redhead with sculpted, model like features.  Dr. Brad’s face lit up as he stood.  He seemed to forget he was even holding the appliance in his hand.  As he rushed over he said “hi baby, what a great surprise!  What are you doing out and about?  And where is William?”  Before she could answer he gave her a peck on the lips.

She kissed him back and said “I need to run to the grocery store.  And I thought I would just stop by to see if you needed anything.  William is out front, Maggie is playing with him.”  She glanced down at what he was holding and said “wow, what is that?  It looks super complicated.”

Dr. Brad said “baby, this is your appliance.  The one I have been telling you about.  It just came in from the lab this week. I was just showing it to our new patient.”  He gestured over towards the couch and said “Miss Reynolds, I would like to introduce you to my incredible wife Megan.”

Tara said “hi, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Megan just stared at the appliance.  She then shook her head and muttered “whatever.”  She looked over at Tara and made her way over to the couch.  She extended her hand and said “it is a pleasure to meet you.  So, are you starting treatment with my hubby?”

Tara said “well, I don’t know, we were just talking about it.”

Megan smiled and said “you really should.  I have never talked to anyone here who says that they regret it.  We could be braces buddies.  Or whatever that monstrosity is he is holding.  I am going to be starting treatment soon obviously.  Apparently that gargantuan hunk of metal he is holding is mine and will soon be in my mouth.  But I know it will be so worth it in the long run.”

Dr. Brad had made his way over beside Megan.  He put his arm around her shoulders and said “it will be so worth it.  You are going to do so great with it honey.”  He gave her a peck on the cheek.

He turned back to face Tara and asked “So, what do you think Miss Reynolds?  Are you ready to be free of TMJ pain?”

Tara looked at Alex, who despite having her tongue crib back in her mouth and her mask strapped to her face, was smiling.  She looked over at Mandy, who now was sporting a matching facemask, also smiling.  She glanced at the appliance in Dr. Brad’s hand and then at Megan, who was smiling despite knowing she would soon be getting it installed in her mouth.  Tara couldn’t believe she was doing this.  But she looked at Dr. Brad and said “yes, I want to be free of TMJ pain. When do we start?”

Dr. Brad looked at her and said “right now.” 

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #23 on: 25. December 2023, 03:53:34 AM »
Fascinating appliance Brad has designed for Megan. Excellent story!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #24 on: 25. December 2023, 06:26:24 AM »
Chapter Ten.

Late that evening, Tara was lying in her bed.  She had read a few pages of the book she had been reading, but her thoughts were racing. She placed the book on the bedside table and replayed the events of the day.  There was so much to process.  And she realized this would be the last night for a very long time she would not have something in her mouth and on her face when she went to sleep.  She then remembered her promise to text Beverly.  She looked at the bedside clock and saw it was 10:15.  She was unsure if she should text her so late.  But, she had made a promise.  She picked her phone up and typed a message.

T: I apologize for texting so late.  I have had so much on my mind.  I apologize.  But I wanted to let you know I survived my consultation.  I am going to start treatment with Dr. Brad.  I go back tomorrow to pick up my temporary splint and Delaire facemask.  My permanent splints and Sleep Well mask will be ready next Friday.  I am so nervous.  But also excited.

She looked at her phone in anticipation.  When she did not get a reply she assumed that Beverly was probably done for the day and not checking her phone.  She placed the phone down on the table, got comfortable, removed her glasses and placed them beside her phone and finally switched the bed side light off.  She then heard her phone ding.  She reached over and grabbed her glasses.  After slipping them on her face she picked up her phone and looked at it.  She saw a reply from Beverly.

B: Yay!  That is so exciting.  You will be SO glad you are doing this.  And don’t worry about texting me so late, I am still at the office.  And thank you for texting, I can’t really talk with my lower splint in.  So, what did Dr. Brad tell you about your treatment plan?

T: It sounds like my plan is almost identical to yours.  And for sure I am going with the clear braces like you have.  They really look good on you. You can barely see them.  I just hope I can pull them off as well as you do.  But that will be a year or more down the road.  What I am really nervous about is wearing the daytime splint at work.  Of how I will sound.  And the night time splint and facemask. The night time splint, or splints, look so big.  And then the facemask on top of it?  I wonder how I will be able to fall asleep.

B:  You will do fine.  I promise.  You will get the hang of talking with the day time splint in no time.  After a week you will forget it is there.  And it will take a few nights to get used to the night splint and mask.  But it will just become routine.  You won’t offend me if you say no.  But would you want to get together for lunch next week, my treat.  Or the firms’ treat miss client.  I am free next Friday.  Would you like to meet me at noon at Monty’s?  I will pass along all my splint and mask hacks.

T:  Oh goodness.  I would love that.  Thank you SO much.  For everything.

B:  You are so welcome.  Remember, I know exactly what you are going through.  Now, I need to run if I hope to get out of here by midnight.  But do not be nervous.  You are doing the right thing.  And you are going to do great with this.  Will you let me know how your appointment tomorrow goes?

T:  Of course.  Again, thank you so much.

B: Again, congratulations!  Your life is about to change for the better.

The next afternoon Tara lay reclined in the treatment chair.  The appliance currently in her mouth felt like a foreign invader.  While the smaller daytime appliance hadn’t been that bad, this big nightguard splint with it’s invasive hooks felt huge.  She realized speech would be impossible.  But as strange as it felt, it didn’t feel as strange as the blue Delaire facemask that Alex was just finishing strapping around the back of her head. She heard the buckle snap shut just before Alex squealed “ah tha ish it.”  With her tongue crib in, Alex was tough to understand.  Alex raised Tara back to a sitting position and said  “fahah me.”

Tara followed along, head down, behind Alex.  She felt every eye in the room had to be on her and her new facemask.  She lifted her head and discreetly looked around the room.  To her surprise neither of the other patients nor any of the staff were paying her any attention.  She realized they seemed to be focused on their own plight.  In one of the chairs was a man around her own age.  It appeared Dr. Brad was using a ratchet to tighten something in his mouth.  And from the grimace on the man’s face it looked painful.  She hadn’t even realized she had stopped walking to watch until Alex tugged on her sleeve.

Tara began walking, again following along behind Alex.  As they entered the lounge Alex slipped the tongue crib out of her mouth and said “I want you to wait here about 15 minutes.  Just to make sure everything feels ok.  Why don’t you get in one of the massage chairs?  They are amazing.”

As Tara leaned back in the chair, Alex turned it on.  Tara realized it did feel amazing.  She asked “what was Dr. Brad doing with that ratchet?  That man looked like he was in a lot of pain.”

Alex smiled and said “Jim is having his marpe installed.  I don’t want to scare you, but getting a marpe installed results in a LOT of pressure.  With the anesthetic it isn’t exactly painful.  But there is a lot of pressure.  And it is just a foreign sensation.  Uncomfortable.  Dr. Brad was hand tightening the screws.  I know it may seem barbaric.  But doing it by hand is so much more comfortable and gentle than using the power driver like some other orthos.  I know that for a fact. Because while Dr. Brad installed four of mine by hand, he did install two with the driver.  Just so I could experience it and be better able to explain it to patients.  No, hand tightening is the way to go.”  She went over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.  She unscrewed the cap and dropped a straw from the cabinet into it.  She walked over and handed it to Tara.  Alex told her “you will want to stock up on straws.  I will include some in your goodie bag.  But you will want to keep a few in your purse along with your travel hygiene pouch with your brush, toothpaste, wax, floss threaders, proxy brushes, all the goodies.  You won’t really need all of it until you get your expanders and braces, but it won’t hurt to go ahead and get in the habit of carrying it all around.  You may also want to keep a kit at work and one in your car.”

Tara watched as Alex began getting things from various drawers and cabinets and placing them in a small zippered “TMJ and Sleep Plus” duffle bag.  The splint and facemask felt so foreign to Tara.  But the massage chair felt so relaxing.  She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the chair’s vibrations..

She opened her eyes when she heard Alex say “Beehee, ha ah ya?”  Alex had obviously put her tongue crib back in.  Tara looked over to see she had also put her mask on and had turned towards Becky, who was getting a water out of the fridge.  Tara watched as Becky, the perky young 20 year old receptionist, smiled at Alex and excitedly said “ah am goo.  Di ya hear tha goo newsh?”  Dah. Brah ish removeh ma crib.  As a Chrishma preshent.  Ah will geh ta enjoy Chrishmash ah ma birfday neh month.”

Alex rushed over and hugged Becky and said “YAY!  I ah sho exshiteh fa ya.  Ya deh nee to shelebrah ya twenrr fahst birfday weh a tahng crih.  Show happy fah ya.”  Becky hugged her back and say “thah ya.  An you betta come to mah partee.”

Alex smiled and said “woonet mish eh.”

As Becky let go of Alex she noticed Tara in the massage chair.  Becky said “ha Mish Reynal.  I lahk ya mashk.  Tha blue reahee comolimentsh ya eyesh.”

Tara attempted to reply but all that came out was “tha ya.”  Her first instinct was to cry.  But she resisted.  And instead just started laughing.  Alex looked at her questioningly.  Tara asked “cah ehone he spee?” Alex smiled and replied “we definely hah isshues wah thah roun hah.”  She then gave a laugh herself before adding “but ish all temprary.  Ah hope.”

Becky left and Tara once again closed her eyes and focused on the calming vibrations.  Until she heard Maggie’s voice say “this way Mr. Simpson.  There is a massage chair waiting for you.  You have earned it.”  Tara snapped her eyes open and saw the man from the treatment room entering.  Looking at him, she realized he was a really attractive looking man.  He was looking at her as he approached the adjacent massage chair.  She felt embarrassed he was seeing her in her new facemask.  He gave her a pained smile, or tried to..  Because out of his mouth protruded two silver springs attached to the clear acrylic mask Sleep Well mask covering his face. 

As he sat down he looked at Tara and quipped “thish ish the worsht, mosht painful mashgurade pahty I have ever been too.”  It was stupid and corny.  But Tara looked over at him and felt a quiver course through her.  She laughed and said “teh me abah it.”  She tried her best to smile at him.  She felt another quiver when he replied “while the party sucksh shome of the other party goers are awfully cute.”  He then gave her a wink.  He noticed Tara’s face turn rosy and thought ‘she actually is really cute underneath that mask’. He looked over at Tara and said  “Hi, I am Jim.  And I wash jusht thinking a few minutesh ago that today wash the worsht day ever.  But I think I wash wrong.”

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #25 on: 25. December 2023, 14:34:46 PM »
This phantastic story for sure neede some love story elements! Welcome Jim!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #26 on: 25. December 2023, 19:51:46 PM »
Chapter Eleven.

Tara’s face turned even more red.  And the tingles she felt intensified.  She knew it wasn’t just the vibrations from the chair she was feeling.  She said “hehoo Im.  I am Tahah.”  She tried again, really concentrating and going slowly, “I ah Tar rah.”  Jim smiled at her, sat up, leaned over and reached his hand over.  He said “hello Tarah, it ish a pleashure to meet you.”  Tara tentatively reached over and shook his hand.  She immediately felt a jolt of excitement hit her.  She didn’t want to try to speak again.  Jim sensed her reluctance to speak.  He said “they make it hard to talk around here don’t they.  They warned me I might have a lishp with my new exshpander.  They shaid I should practish reading out loud.  But maybe speaking with shomeone would be even better.”  He stopped and made eye contact with Tara.  She felt moisture.  He continued “maybe I could get your phone number?  And we could practish speaking together.  I would really like that.  Would that be ok?”

Tara didn’t even realize she was nodding her head up and down when she said “yesh, eh woo lah thah.”

They were interrupted by Alex, who had been busy across the room and didn’t even realize what was happening.  Alex had heard the murmuring though and turned her head in their direction.  She slipped her tongue crib out.  She asked “so, is everything ok?  How is every thing feeling Tara?  Any actual pain?”  She dropped the last item in the bag and started walking over towards the pair.  Seeing the two release their hands from each other, as if they had been simply shaking hands, Alex said “oh, you two have met. Jim, how is that marpe and facemask feeling?  Are you two both ok?”

Tara simply smiled and nodded her head up and down.  Truth be told, for just a second she had forgotten all about the facemask.  Her entire universe had been the man in the chair beside her.  He was sexy.  But also so cute and vulnerable.  She wanted him.

Jim smiled at Alex and said “exshpander feelsh huge.  But it’s not really hurting.  Just weird.  Sho weird.”

Alex smiled and said “they do feel so weird at first.  But you will get used to it.  And you are speaking so well with it considering you just got it.  Now, the pain will increase some as the drugs wear off.  Be sure and stay on top of it with Tylenol and Advil like Dr. Brad explained.  Any pain from the mask?”

He reached up and touched his now plastic face.  He said “no pain, just a lot of pressure.  But no pressure points like Dr. Brad told me to pay attention for.  But I am sure I look like a huge dork.  I have been too scared to even look in a mirror.  I may avoid them for the nexsht 12 months.”

Tara looked over and said “nah a duhk, nah eh ahh.  Ish cuht.”

Alex squinted at the two and wondered what was going on.  She said “well Tara, if everything feels ok, I will get you back out front and explain a few things.  Dr. Brad will want to speak with you.  And then you will be done.”  Alex turned the chair off.  As Tara stood, Jim said “Tara, it wash sho nicesh to meet you.  And that number?”

Alex realized that her first instinct had been right.  She said “somebody needs a pen I think.”  She walked over to the counter to get a pen and pad of post it notes.  Tara followed her.  Tara felt like she had been caught doing something naughty.  But she didn’t care.  She wrote her name and cell phone number on a post it, pulled it off, and walked over towards Jim.  He reached his hand out.  She ignored it and stuck the post it on his facemask and giggled.  She leaned over close to him and whispered “cah me. Sho we cah practish usin our mous.  Tahgetha”  Jim’s eyes got big as she gave him a wink and turned towards Alex.

Alex watched as Tara walked towards her, Jim visible in the background watching Tara. 

Walking down the hall towards the treatment area, Alex slowed her pace and slid in beside Tara.  She whispered “Jim really seemed to like you.  And he would be a catch.  I don’t know what you told him, but it had quite the effect on him.  Quite the visible effect.”

Tara turned her facemask endowed face towards her and asked “wha ya mean?”

Alex said “even from halfway across the room I could see that he liked what you said to him.”

Tara was confused.  She asked “wha?”

Alex said “think about it for a second.  How could I have known he was excited?  What could I have possibly seen that would have tipped me off?   That you wouldn’t have seen with your back to him.”

Tara took a few more steps and stopped in her tracks.  She turned her face towards Alex, eyes wide.

Alex said “yes, I think Jim fancies you quite a bit.  You certainly had his undivided attention.  Or maybe I should say you stood him to attention.”  She gave Tara a sly, naughty smile as she arched her eyebrows.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #27 on: 26. December 2023, 00:55:52 AM »
Chapter Twelve.

Tara walked into Monty’s, an upper end steak and seafood house downtown. at 12:04.  Beverly had text her that she had already arrived and had a table.  Tara told the hostess who she with with and the hostess walked her towards the back.  Most tables were with filled with bankers, lawyers, business men, and one prominent politician she noticed.  As she turned the corner Tara spotted Beverly at a table chatting with a man in a pinstripe suit.  When Beverly laughed, she caught a glimpse of Tara.

Beverly gave a wave and practically shouted “yay, you made it!”  She stood up out of her seat and took a few steps towards Tara as the hostess pulled out her chair.  But before Tara could sit, Beverly gave her a hug and kissed each of her cheeks.  Bev said “ok, now sit.  I want to hear all about your week.  And especially all the juicy details with you and Jim.  But first, I’d like to introduce you to my husband Tim.”

The well groomed salt and pepper haired man, Tara thought he was in his late 40s or maybe even early 50s, stood and said “it is a pleasure to meet you Tara.  Bev has told me about you.  She says you just started TMJ treatment like her.  I hope that is going well.  It has helped Bev so much.”   As had become habit over the past week, she checked out his smile discreetly as he spoke.  He didn’t sport any apparent orthodontia like his wife.

After getting seated and having her drink order taken, unsweetened tea, Tara placed her napkin in her lap.  Beverly was looking at her expectantly.  Bev asked “so, how was your first week?”

Tara talked for about 5 minutes describing her first week.  She told Bev about how hard the facemask was to get used to.  How she was still struggling a bit.

Bev said “but you have your appointment this afternoon right?  You will get your new mask right?  It will be so much more comfortable.  You’ll see.”  She then studied Tara’s mouth and said “tsk, tsk, you aren’t wearing your splint.”

Tara said “they told me not to wear my temp while eating. I took it out in the parking lot.  I thought that would be more polite than doing it at the table.”  Beverly just stared at her.  Tara said “no, really, I have been wearing it like they told me.”  She unzipped her purse and pulled a pink retainer case out and popped it open.  She held it so Bev could see it and said “see, still got the slobber on it” and laughed.  She continued “but, I guess this will be my last meal for quite a while without something in my mouth.  So I plan to enjoy it.”

Beverly said “well, everything here is amazing.  And order anything and everything you want.  This is a celebration.  I will say the shrimp and crab salad is to die for.  Now, tell me about him.”

Tara launched into telling Bev how she had met Jim.  She explained how bizarre and happenstance their meeting had been.  And how that so far, they had just been talking on the phone.  Tara explained they had talked on the phone for probably eight hours in the past week.  But she also mentioned how easy and natural it was to talk with him and smiled.

Bev asked “so, when are you going to see him again?”

Tara beamed and said “tomorrow!  He asked me on a date.  He asked me to go to a painting and wine tasting class.  It is kind of quirky and different.  But I like that.  I like that he didn’t just ask me to a movie.”

Beverly looked over at her husband and said “hear that honey?  Variety is the spice of life.  Just saying.”

He replied “honey, if you want to go to a painting class just tell me.”

Beverly put her hand on his and said “thank you.  But, maybe I would like it if you asked me to a painting class, or a cooking class, or to some quirky art exhibit, without me asking.”  Her husband Tim was smart enough to simply nod and say “that would be fun.  Let me put my thinking cap on.”

Bev said “so, you said he is into real estate and developing?  Like what kind of stuff?”

Tara said “well, he doesn’t seem to like to talk about himself and his work.  But I know he is into some commercial and residential building.”

Bev’s husband Tim asked “I work with a few developers.  What is his name?”

Tara replied “Jim Simpson.”

Tim said “wow, Jim banks with us.  I approved a revolving line of credit for him.  He is a super impressive, and super cool, guy.  He is also very successful by the way.”  Tim went silent a moment and then said “wait, Jim Simpson got braces?  Wow.  That is crazy.”

Beverly glared at her husband and said “Tim!  It is not crazy.  Self improvement is never crazy.  Getting healthier is never crazier.  Jim is doing it for his health.  And the way you snore, it may be time you do the same.”

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #28 on: 26. December 2023, 02:24:50 AM »
So, I care not one bit about having guys in my story, braces or not.  I would be just fine describing how the entire Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad was made to get full metal braces and wired in headgear.  By a female orthodontist with metal braces and headgear herself.  But, hopefully having some male characters with braces and what not appeals to some readers.  And it is actually an important part of of this story.  Even so, I can’t wait till Megan has the baby and has to start treatment.  That will be fun.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #29 on: 26. December 2023, 04:25:37 AM »
I like where you are taking things in this story. Most girls like guys, so guys need to be part of the story, braces or no braces. Don't worry about what people think; write what you enjoy and enjoy writing it. However, I just hope this story doesn't end with thermonuclear war.

Keep up the great work. You are an excellent story teller.