
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 81141 times)

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #150 on: 04. May 2024, 01:35:57 AM »
It definitely was. I’m excited to see the development of Brad’s case and maybe some insight into what his old treatment was like.

Offline acornjohn2001

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #151 on: 05. May 2024, 08:22:19 AM »
I love your story, to be honest I love lisp and you are almost only the one who uses it. Thank you very much!!!!!!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #152 on: 05. May 2024, 17:52:14 PM »
Chapter Fifty Five:

That evening Megan noticed that Brad was more aggressive than she had ever seen him.  Though he had said nothing, she could tell he was upset.  Maybe even angry.  After they had gotten the boys to bed they had gone to their own bedroom.  It was the first time they had been intimate since Megan had given birth.  She had tried to initiate it twice since she received her halo brace.  But up until that night, Brad had repeatedly told Megan he did not want to hurt her.  Despite her insistence he wouldn't hurt her, he had refused intimacy with her.  That night he showed none of that hesitancy.  As they made love, Megan noticed Brad seemed to be taking out his frustrations on her.  Megan loved it.

Afterwards, Brad looked at Megan and asked "kitten, have you finished breaking in your new corset?"

Megan rolled over stiffly so that she was facing towards him.  Truth be told, the thing Megan hated most of all about her CTO and now her halo was her inability to turn her head so she could look at him while in bed.  Instead, she had to awkwardly roll her entire body over to face him.  Facing him, she replied "yes sir, I have."

Brad replied "in that case, I think it is time you started wearing it full time again.  Along with your belt."

Megan was elated, though she tried her best not to show it.  She wanted him to think he was doing it to her, not for her.  She replied "of course sir."

After cleaning up in the bathroom, Brad had retrieved her new underbust corset.  As Brad had laced her up, Megan noticed how forcefully he had cinched the laces down.  She didn't want to tell him how wonderful it felt.  Or that he should pull even harder.  Once she was wearing her corset, he had locked her belt on.  As he did, she watched him in the mirror.  The anger that had been so evident on his features earlier seemed to soften.  Nontheless, once he had clicked the lock closed he smiled at her and said "I will decide when you can be let out of your belt again." 

Megan had responded "yes sir.  Thank you sir.  I am yours."

After helping her back into bed, adjusting pillows so that she was comfortable, Brad had crawled into bed beside her and arranged the covers.  As he went to turn off the lights, Megan asked "sir, is it ok if your kitten asks what is wrong?"  She knew what it was, but she wanted him to talk about it.

He had replied "nothing is wrong."

She had said "sir, it is ok to talk about it to your kitten.  And your wife."

After a long moment, he asked "will my kitten think less of me if I share my feelings?"

Megan reached over and grabbed his hand and responded "no sir.  She will think more of him."  She changed her tone, fell out of character and asked seriously "what is wrong honey?"

Brad exhaled deeply and said "my exam with Dr. Andi today.  I know she is right.  I do have crowding in my lowers.  I have noticed for several months but just tried to ignore it.  She was right to notice my 22 to 26.  It is getting worse.  And it is obvious.  And she was correct that my uppers have tilted in.  I know I need treatment.  But baby, I dread it so much.  I have already undergone a grueling treatment.  Do you remember when we met?  I had the full bands, the expander and the tongue crib.  God I was a wreck.  Thank God I was done wearing my facemask when we met.  I know you would have run the other direction.  I don't want to go through that again.  And I have so much anxiety about what she will come up with for a treatment plan.  About how she reminded me that I had repeatedly told her it was great that she was 'not just talking the talk, but walking the walk'.  And how she reminded me that I had just told Dr. Morales that it was only appropriate that she wear her protraction halo brace as it was her invention.  I am dreading Monday morning.  And what she has to tell me.  I know at the very least I need braces.  But from the way she was looking at me, I think she had more in mind.  I worry what my kitten will think if I am in braces.  Or more.  I worry if she will still respect me, and obey me, if I look like a 14 year old in braces.  That is what worries me most of all.  You.  And what you will think."

Megan looked at him.  She had never been more in love with him than she was at that moment.  She squeezed his hand before she said "baby, can I make a confession?  There is something I have never told you.  Ever.  Do you know why I first noticed you?  And pursued you?  Do you remember it was me who had to throw myself at you?"

Brad looked at her and said "that was stupid of me I know.  How could any man not have flung himself at you?  But I will tell you a truth.  I was so insecure and self-conscious of my braces.  I know it sounds crazy since I was, well still am, an orthodontist.  But I didn't see how any woman could be attracted to me while I was in treatment with a mouth full of metal.  I guess I still harbor those feelings."

Megan said "that is sweet.  But stupid is the wrong word.  I know a lot of people are insecure about having braces.  I know I am different.  You know I am different.  I love the feel of my appliances and the control they exert on me.  Like a tight hug.  Or a security blanket.  And I like the attention I get from them.  That is why I was so agreeable to wearing my extraoral appliances in public.  But I know most people are very different than me.  You are in the majority.  Most people are insecure when they first get braces.  But you were wrong about needing to feel insecure or self-conscious about your braces with me.  Because I found your braces the sexiest thing I had ever seen.  The moment I saw you smile, I knew I had to have you.  At least for a night.  I didn't know at that time what an incredible man you were.  And are.  I had no idea that you would one day be my husband.  My life partner.  The father of our children.  And my sir.  No, that night at that high school football game, all I knew is that I wanted you.  And your braces.  I have never told you any of this, but I was so happy for you when you got your braces off.  You were so excited.  But part of me was sad.  I was totally in love with you by then, so it didn't matter if you had braces or not.  It didn't matter if you had teeth or not.  But I missed your braces when they were gone.  Your adorable little lisp. The way your mouth sometimes made funny little movements.  The way you would push your lips out when you closed your mouth.  The way your mouth would be sore after an adjustment and I could baby you.  The way I sometimes got to help you pick little bits of food out of the them.  I am surprised I never exploded in ecstasy when I got to help you clean out your expander and tongue crib.  I loved the gentle way you kissed me with them.   The way you looked with them.  You were so sexy.  I miss them.  I know I have never told you that.  And here is something else I have never told you.  I have always hoped you would get them again.  But it was not your kittens place to say that."

Brad was shocked to hear this.  He didn't think that after fourteen years of marriage they had any secrets.  But it was clear they had held on to at least a few.  He was so shocked all he could utter incredulously was "really...?"

Megan was back in character when she replied "yes sir, really.  Your kitten would purr so loudly if her sir had to go back into braces.  Even more so if it was with a Miller appliance.  And headgear.  Oh kitten would be so happy.  And hasn't sir always told his kitten that he wants her to be happy?"

Brad was astonished.  Megan wanted him to go back into braces.  But he thought to himself 'a Miller appliance and headgear?'  He didn't know if he could do it, as hypocritical as he knew it was.  He reached over and hugged Megan.  He quietly said "well, I think my kitten will be happy.  I know at the least Dr. Andi will recommend braces.  And I suspect she will recommend a Miller appliance too.  Do you remember when she mentioned it would only be appropriate if we all had Millers when we showed up at this summers AAO convention promoting it?  No, I think she will prescribe me one.  And that will put me in a tight spot.  I only have two options. Refuse her treatment plan and lose her respect.  And my own self-respect, because I do realize how hypocritical it is to recommend treatments for others that I refuse to endure myself.  So the only option is to agree to her treatment plan and go back into orthodontic hell.  Kitten, that is why I was so upset tonight."

Megan squeezed him and said "sir, if that happens, your kitten will take care of you.  Like her sir has taken care of her.  Could kitten come to sir's consultation on Monday?  To hold his hand and provide support?  She would like that."

Brad was conflicted.  On one hand, he did want Megan there for support.  Plus he thought she would enjoy it.  On the other hand he was afraid he would show fear and weakness in front of her.  Especially if Dr. Andi did as he expected and prescribed a Miller appliance.  But looking into Megan's eyes, he realized how much he loved her.  And that they were a team.  And he knew, despite their private dynamic, they were equals in their relationship.  He gave her a slight smile before he responded "of course kitten."   

She maintained eye contact with him.  She said "I belong to my sir.  And he holds the keys to my heart and my belt.  But all of this talk has made kitten very playful.  And she has missed playing so much.  Kitten would love if her sir would play with her again."

Brad saw the hunger in her eyes.  And he realized he had missed it too.  He had just been so scared to hurt her.  But realizing he wouldn't, he looked at her.  Reaching for the keys he said "your sir would love to play some more."

Monday morning, both Dr. Brad and Megan entered Dr. Andi's office.  She looked up and smiled at them through her Miller headgear and extensive metalwork in her mouth.  She said "Good Morning Brad!  Megan!  This is an exciting morning isn't it?"

Megan smiled and said "it is!"

Brad shook his head as he helped Megan get seated and said "excuse me if I don't share in your enthusiasm."  Upon taking his own seat, he looked at Andi and said "so, tell me what you want to do."

After ten minutes of explanation, aided by several images and x-rays, Dr. Andi asked "so, what do you think?"  She was expecting some pushback from Dr. Brad.

She was surprised when he simply said "you are the doctor.  And as much as I dread it, you are right."

Andi was surprised.  She asked "even the headgear?  For 16 hours a day including here in the office.  Like me."

Dr. Brad replied "oh, I hate the idea.  And I know I will hate wearing it even more.  But you are right, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.  I don't see any other option really.  Do you?"

Andi said "well, you could just refuse, but..."

Brad cut her off "what kind of orthodontist would I be then?"

Andi replied "yes, exactly.  Look on the bright side at least.  I am not having a tongue crib or rake fabricated into your appliance.  Your last round of treatment seemed to eliminate your tongue thrusting.  And you only need a tad bit of forward protraction.  Again, we are just reversing what time has done and getting a little bit of improvement from your last round of treatment.  Plus, think about what a good roll model you will be.  Isn't that what you like to tell us?"

Dr. Brad laughed before replying "well, that sounded a lot better when it was someone else and not me.  But yes, I have said that."

Andi was surprised it had been this easy.  She said "well, in that case let's get you some spacers."

Leaned back in the treatment chair, Brad opened wide.  Dr. Andi placed a spacer over the pliers in her hand and stretched it wide.  She had positioned Megan so she could see what was going on.  Andi explained to Megan what she was doing as she inserted the first spacer.  Once done, she placed another spacer on the pliers and handed them to Megan.  Andi said "so, it is simple.  Why don't you do the rest?  I will talk you through it."

Brad could see how much excitement there was in Megan's face.  He asked "so what, now both of you want to torture me?"  Megan said "honey, you are silly.  This is all for your own good."

After getting the eighth spacer inserted, Andi proclaimed "Megan, you are a natural."  Raising Brad back up to a seated position she said "you know the deal Brad, they will be tender and sore.  But no complaining."

Brad said "it still isn't fair you two are teaming up on me like this" before he gave a little chuckle.

Andi said "Brad, men pay lots of money to have two women team up on them."  It was meant as a joke, but Andi looked over at Megan to make sure she didn't think that she was serious or had stepped over a line.  Andi was surprised when Megan looked back at her with a devilish smile and said "yes, it would be incredible if the two of us teamed up on him."

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #153 on: 06. May 2024, 02:18:14 AM »
Epic plot twist! Too bad Brad doesn’t need a tongue crib.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #154 on: 06. May 2024, 04:13:57 AM »
Megan is a very complex and complicated person.  And despite their relationship, it seems it is actually she who has Brad wrapped around her finger, not the other way around.  Who knows what she might end up talking Brad into doing?  She has already talked him into being much more adventurous than he naturally would be.  And I wonder how Tara is doing?  I know she is feeling a lot of anxiety about her upcoming KAFO fitting.  And knee surgery, which she has still avoided scheduling.  And her orthodontic appointment.  And her appointment with Dr. Alicia to check her hearing and hearing aids.  I wonder how all of that will turn out for her?  I also wonder whether Aubrey is wearing her removable expanders and headgear as prescribed.  If not Dr. Andi might have to try something that doesn’t depend on patient compliance.  So I will be excited to see what happens with Brad and Megan.  Maybe Brad AND Megan AND Andi if you pick up on that. But there are a lot of people I am worried about.  And what about Margaret getting busted not wearing her facemask?  And the girls at the hair salon?  And the girls at Starbucks?  And who is this new assistant Katie?  There are a lot of people we need to check in on.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #155 on: 07. May 2024, 03:27:24 AM »
I like the interplay you have created between all the characters. A lot is going on in the story and you are keeping everything together very nicely.

I have added the last few chapters to TheArchive.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #156 on: 07. May 2024, 21:11:38 PM »
Chapter Fifty Six:

Andi was stunned by Megan's comment.  Was she...  no surely not... the three of them... together?  She turned and looked at Brad.  Andi was even more shocked by the thoughts that ran through her head.  She was married she told herself.  Brad is married.  We work together.  But.... he is so sexy and masculine.  And it has been so adorable seeing how, despite trying his best to hide it, he of all people is insecure about going into treatment.  How is this going to even work she wondered.  She didn't know, but she told herself they could figure it out.

Andi's thought train was derailed when Megan said "it would be fun.  But I am not good at sharing.  Sorry Andi, I think I will have to keep him all to myself.  But isn't he just the cutest.  And the sexiest.  And he is just going to get sexier when he gets his appliances."

Andi exhaled in her mind.  She turned and looked at Megan and said "you are a lucky woman.  Brad is a world class orthodontist.  It is only fitting he has a world class smile.  But I agree with you that is it is sexy when a man takes care of himself.  For example fine tuning his smile."  That gave her an idea.  She continued "you know, I might have to talk my hubby Patrick into a consult."

Andi noticed Megan light up when she said "oh, you totally should.  Us women folk are all in treatment together.  It would only be fitting that all the men folk join us.  I mean Alex fiancé joined the party.  Why shouldn't Patrick?"

Andi thought a moment before responded "you are right, why shouldn't he?  We can always improve.  I will work on him."  She glanced over as she caught movement out of her eye and saw Maggie entering the treatment area.

Maggie noticed the three, with Dr. Brad being the one in the chair.  This seemed strange to her.  The trio were all wishing her a good morning as she walked over.  She returned the gesture before asking "so, what have we got going on here?"

Before the ladies could answer Brad replied "well all you ladies looked like you were having so much fun perfecting your airways, your bites, and your smiles I have decided to join you."

Maggie's mouth physically dropped open in surprise.  After a few seconds she asked "so what is the treatment plan?"

Andi replied "a Miller appliance, miller headgear, and then braces.  He will get to experience first-hand what his patients, and us, are experiencing."

Maggie exclaimed "oh wow!  That is great!  You have to let me assist!"

Andi said "I think the line will start over there" as she pointed towards the corner and laughed.

Dr. Brad shook his head and said "wow, you are ALL going to get your licks in on poor old Dr. Brad aren't you?"

That Thursday morning Jim kissed Tara.  He again told her "baby, I wish you would let me come to your appointments today."  They had already had this conversation once this morning, and several times during the week.   Despite Tara's obvious anxiety during the week, her response had been the same every time as it was now.

Tara replied "no sweetie, I am a big girl.  I will be fine.  You are busy.  You don't need to waste a day watching me in doctor's appointments.  Please, go.  I know how much you have going on.  I promise I will call you after each appointment."

Jim relented and said "ok hardhead.  I know you will have a long day with all your appointments, I will take care of dinner.   And some wine.  I understand why you wanted to schedule your audiology, orthopedic, and orthodontic appointments on one day, but I know it will be a lot.  If you need anything, anything at all, please let me know.  Please?"

Tara kissed him and said "you are so sweet.  Now go, you don't need to be late on my account."  As he turned she swatted him on the butt.  He gave her a smile.  She looked at his discreet clear braces and said "I love you."  Jim turned back around and gave her a peck and said "I love you more" before turning and heading out the door.

Once he had gone, Tara looked at her phone to check her emails.  She had tried her best to catch up on everything since she was taking the day off.  She sent Beverly a text.

T:  Just a reminder I will be out today.

She got a response almost instantaneously.

B:  I know, and I have been thinking about you.  Everything will go swimmingly.  I know it.  And if you need anything please let me know.

T:  Thank you so much.  The truth is I am so nervous.

B:  I know you are.  And I can understand.  But you will be fine.  And if you need to take tomorrow off too, I totally understand.

T:  Thank you.  But I have so much to do.  Plus I need to face it head on.  Even if I do look like a baby giraffe learning how to walk.

B:  You will not look like a baby giraffe learning how to walk.  If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

T:  Thank you.

After administering a battery of tests, both with and without her hearing aids, Dr. Alicia had asked Tara to follow her into her office.  As they entered the office, Tara just happened to look at Dr. Alicia's desk.  She was surprised to see a blue Petit facemask laying on the far edge of it.  Tara asked "when did you get a facemask?"

Dr. Alicia abruptly turned towards her and asked "a facemask?"

Tara said "yes, for your braces?"

Dr. Alicia's face took on a reddened embarrassed hue before she turned and looked at her desk.  She saw the facemask laying on top of the desk.  She turned back to Tara and said "I can't believe I left that laying out.  It is so embarrassing.  I always hide it in my desk.  I feel mortified.   That was supposed to be my little secret.  I look so horrible in it.  But since you have seen it, I will tell you.  I got it three months ago.  I am supposed to wear it fourteen to sixteen hours a day.  It is so hard.  I wear it here in my office when I am not seeing patients.  God I hate it.  And I always hide it away in my desk so no one will see it.  Well, I always did until today."

Tara surprised her when she said "I just wish I had a little facemask like that.  I have a Sleep Well mask integrated into a CTO brace that I have to wear.  Now that really is embarrassing."

Dr. Alicia looked surprised.  She said "wait, a CTO brace like Alex and some of the other girls at Dr. Millers wear?  Did you go see him?  I know we talked about it briefly.  Are you in treatment?  But you don't have braces?"

Tara said "yes and yes.  I did go see him.  On your recommendation.  And I am in treatment.  He has helped me tremendously with my headaches and jaw pain.  But I have to wear a CTO at night.  Right now I just have a little daytime splint I wear.  And these hooks."  She bared her teeth and opened her mouth for Alicia.  She continued "and I have a nighttime appliance I wear.  It is a beast.  But I will eventually be getting a Miller appliance.  I want to do this, but I am dreading that.  I hope it will be worth it.  Everyone tells me it will be."

Alicia said "It will totally be worth it.  Why don't we have a seat?"  After getting seated, Alicia continued "I am all too familiar with the Sleep Well mask.  I have one too that I wear at night.  Dr. Brad gave me this to wear whenever I can during the day."  She picked up the facemask.  She said "well, since you have seen it, and you know what it is like, would it be too weird if I went ahead and put it on?  I mean, I figure every minute helps."

Tara said "absolutely not."

She watched as Dr. Alicia opened her desk drawer and pulled out a bag of elastics.  Tara saw they were 1/2" 16 oz elastics, the same as she wore.  In just a few seconds, Dr. Alicia had placed the mask up against her face and attached two elastics from hooks on her brackets to the mask.  As she placed the bag of elastics back in the drawer and closed it, Tara said "wow, that was fast."

Alicia looked up and gave her an embarrassed smile before she said "I should be good at it, I put it on and take it off five or six times a day.  I have always been horrified for any patient to see me in it.  I am afraid they wouldn't respect me or take me seriously.  Some of the other girls here in the office have surprised me and caught me wearing it, and I didn’t even like that.  But that is different."

Tara said "well, I certainly won't think less of you.  In fact, I think it is cool that you have to wear one.  It puts me at ease some.  Because I am really nervous about what you are going to tell me."

Alicia smiled and said "well there is no reason to be nervous.  I just want to talk about your current hearing aids.  Unfortunately, I am not happy with the level of performance your current aids are providing.  You show significant, marked improvement with them versus without them.  I am sure you noticed that.  But we can do better.  I would like to transition you to a pair of behind the ear aids."  She turned her head to the left and pulled her hair back, revealing a pink hearing aid nestled behind her right ear, a clear tube snaking from it into her ear canal.  Tara realized it looked identical to the ones Alex wore.  Alicia dropped her hair and turned back towards Tara as she said "like I wear.  Once you get used to them, you will love them.  And you have long hair, so you will be able to hide them easily.  Though, I expect after a while you won't try to."  Tara thought of Alex, and how she sometimes wore her hair up.  She almost seemed proud to display hers.

Tara took it in stride best she could.  She asked "so, when do you want to fit them?"

Alicia replied "right now."  She lifted her hand up to remove an elastic from her facemask. 

Tara stopped her when she said "would you keep it on?  I know it is weird.  But I am scared about getting even more obvious hearing aids.  It helps knowing that someone else is going through the same things I am going through."

Alicia cocked her head at Tara.  After a moment she said "ok, sure."

The fitting went quickly.  Afterwards Dr. Alicia had Tara go back into the audiology chamber and don headphones again.  As she listened, raising her hand when she heard something, Tara realized she was raising her hand much more than she was during her previous test.  The whole time, she had been watching Dr. Alicia.  She had her head down intently studying the monitor.  It seemed as if she had completely forgotten she was wearing her facemask.  As Tara exited the chamber, Alicia said "you did great.  What did you think?  You heard a lot more little noises didn't you?"

Tara said "yes, goodness yes.  That wasn't the same test as earlier though was it?"

Alicia smiled at her and said "it was the exact same.  All those little noises were there, you just didn't hear them.  Let's go back to my office and I will go over care and maintenance."

Ten minutes later, Dr. Alicia stood from behind her desk.  As she made her way around it, Tara stood too.  Alicia handed Tara a bag with literature on her new aids, a case, and a whole pack of batteries.  Alicia said "so, these aren't rechargeable.  So you won't need to worry about remembering to recharge them every night.  You will though want to keep a few spare batteries stowed where you spend the most of your time; home, car, office and keep a few in your purse.  You will be so happy with these.  I promise.  Any questions?"

Tara shook her head and said "no questions.  But thank you.  Thank you for being so sweet.  And thank you for wearing your facemask.  I don't know why, but it put me at ease.  I actually have an appointment at Dr. Millers this afternoon, I am going to ask him if I can try out a Petit.  Just to get a little break from my other mask.  And I am going to try to get a little time in whenever I have a chance to.  Like you."

Alicia said "first, you are welcome.  Second, thank you.  Thank you for being such a wonderful patient.  So you have an appointment at Dr. Millers today too?  Tell them all I said hello.  And be sure to tell them what a good job I am doing wearing this."  She laughed as she pointed up towards the facemask she still had on.

Tara replied "I certainly will.  And you know what?  You should just wear it.  Even with patients.  Think about how much more time you would get in.  And maybe it would help some patients.  It would humanize you, not make you seem like the big scary doctor."

Alicia laughed before she said "big and scary?  I don't think anyone has ever called me that."

Tara said "maybe not, but a lot of people are terrified being in doctor's offices.  Everything is big and scary.  Thank you for making it less scary."

After she had seen Tara to the front desk to make her follow up appointment, Alicia went back to her office.  She had planned to take her facemask off.  But after thinking about everything that Tara had said, she made a decision.  She left it on and looked at her computer screen to see who her next patient was.

Back in her car, Tara called Jim as she said she would.  She told Jim about the appointment and her new hearing aids.  And she assured him she really wasn't upset about them.  And she did hear much better with them.  Then she mentioned that Dr. Alicia wore a facemask too.  And how she had worn it for her during the second half of their appointment.  Tara said she didn't know why, but it had calmed her.  Jim told her how proud he was of her, told her that her next two appointments would go just as well, and told her how much he loved her.

Tara arrived at Dr. Morales ten minutes early.  She sat in her car several minutes as the butterflies churned in her stomach.  This was the appointment she was really dreading.  She knew that she would walk out of this appointment wearing full leg braces.  Leg braces that she would have to wear for... forever she wondered?  She was so worried.  About living with them.  But mainly about her and Jim.  Despite Jim telling her how sexy he had found her when she had worn Alex' that night, she worried he was just telling her what she wanted to hear.  She believed that he loved her.  She knew she loved him.  But her insecurity made her wonder if his love was strong enough to love a little crippled girl in leg braces.  She was feeling sorry for herself as she got out of the car.  The walk across the parking lot seemed to be the longest walk of her life.  She felt as if she was walking to the gallows.

She entered the foyer of the medical building and headed towards Dr. Morales office.  She stopped at the door and stood for several moments.  She was so scared.  Finally she opened the door.  After stepping through the door she stopped in her tracks.  Her jaw dropped open.  Because sitting side by side in the waiting room, right in front of the entrance, were Jim and Alex.  Both were smiling at her, though their smiles were obscured by the Petit facemasks they wore.  Alex' was pink and Jim's was blue.  They both stood and stepped over towards her.  Tara was oblivious to anyone or anything else.  She was so surprised she couldn't even speak.

Jim wrapped his strong muscular arms around her shoulders and held her.  Alex squeezed in from the side and wrapped her arms around Tara's waist.  Jim said "I hope you aren't upset baby.  But I wanted to be here for you."  Alex chimed in "me too."

A tear ran down Tara's face.  She finally spoke.  She said "no, I am not upset.  This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done.  I love you both so much."   


Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #157 on: 08. May 2024, 00:29:47 AM »
Ahhh, Jim is such a great guy. Megan is full of surprises. I can’t wait for Brad to start his treatment. Hoping you’re not too busy in the near future so the next chapters will come quickly. I’m thoroughly enjoying all the twists and turns in this story. Dare I say, this might be my favorite one yet.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #158 on: 09. May 2024, 10:26:47 AM »
For sure this chapter was worth the wait, as there was the wait for every chapter!  :)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #159 on: 09. May 2024, 19:26:46 PM »
Chapter Fifty Seven:

Jim released his grip on Tara, followed by Alex.  Tara looked at Jim and then Alex and said "thank you.  Thank you so much.  It is such a surprise.  A good surprise."  She cocked her head and asked simply "the facemasks?"

Alex laughed and replied before Jim "that was Jim's idea. I had already planned on surprising you here.  I know how nervous you have been.  I didn't realize that Jim was planning on the same until he called me right after he got off the phone with you after your last appointment.  He asked me if he could swing by and get a Petit facemask.  I asked him why, and he explained about Dr. Alicia and told me he was going to be here for your appointment.  I told him there was no need for him to come by though as I was just about to head out the door to come here too.  I grabbed him a facemask before I left, mine was already in my purse, and fit it to him in the parking lot.  I know we looked ridiculous, but who cares."

Tara looked at them and said "oh you guys...."

Jim replied "baby, I know you don't want to be here.  But maybe the two of us being here will help."

Tara hugged him as she said "it means so much.  So much.  Thank you.  I love you."

Jim squeezed her back and replied with his usual "not as much as I love you."

Alex said "and we went ahead and signed you in."

The trio followed Mona back to a treatment room.  She was wearing her CTO brace.  As they walked she said "so, this shouldn't take long.  Also, Dr. Morales just got a new appliance over the weekend, so I will do most if not all of the talking.  Her mouth is really bothering her.  But I think you three will understand."  They all agreed.

Then Alex asked "so, how is she doing?  I know the rake is pretty aggressive."

Mona stopped at the door and said "it is a work in progress.  But her tongue is really stubborn.  She has been wearing her acrylic splint most of the time."

Alex said "it will get better."

Mona said "I hope it does.  She is already in the treatment room."  Mona opened the door.

Entering the room, Tara saw Dr. Morales standing beside the treatment table.  She was wearing her CTO.  Beside her on the treatment table was a pair of white and stainless steel KAFO braces.  Tara knew they were hers.   Instead of speaking, Dr. Morales instead just put her hand up and waved.

Mona led Tara over beside the table.  She said "Dr. Morales, I explained to them about your mouth."  Mona picked up the KAFOs, one in each hand, and turned her attention to Tara.  Mona asked "will you please take a seat?  I will fit your new braces."

Mona first removed Tara's Breg knee brace from her leg, laying the brace to the side.  Mona said "you are done with this."  Next she removed Tara's tennis shoes and then started fitting the brace on Tara's right leg, explaining what she was doing as she went.  She repeated the same process with Tara's left leg.  Once Tara was wearing both braces, she put Tara's shoes back on.  With the underfoot plate and hinges on each side of her ankle, Mona had to lace her shoes much looser than normal.  She barely had enough lace to tie a bow.  She said "you may want to get some longer shoelaces for your shoes.  Also, skirts or a dress like you are wearing are a great choice.  Pants and jeans can be a little tricky.  If they are tight, it is no problem.  You can just put your braces on over the top of them.  And if they are extra loose in the legs, you can wear them over your braces.  But most normal pants are too tight to wear over them yet are a little too baggy to wear comfortably underneath.  They bunch up in spots and can be uncomfortable.  Will you please stand up for me?"

As Tara stood she noticed how strange it felt.  Like it had the night she had worn Alex'.  She was glad she had worn them that night though so she had some idea of what it would be like.  As Mona checked the fit, Dr. Morales looked on in silence.  Mona straightened up and said "ok Tara, walk across the room and back for me please."

As Tara took her first steps, it felt strange.  But she noticed she seemed to quickly get the hang of it.  She didn't think she looked like a baby giraffe.  She looked over at Jim and Alex.  Alex put both thumbs up.  Jim said "baby, they look great.  You look great.  You are doing so good."  Tara made it to the corner of the room, turned, and returned back.   As she stopped in front of Mona, Mona told her "you are a natural.  I know it feels different.  But, is anything painful?  Is anything uncomfortable?"

Tara looked down at her legs.  Her dress hid most of the braces, but they were visible between the hem and her shoes.  She did not like the way they looked, but she made her mind up she would have to accept them.  She looked back up at Mona and said "no, they feel good.  They seem to fit much better than Alex' did?"  Mona squinted at her.  Tara said "Alex let me wear hers to see what it would be like."

Mona said "that was sweet of her.  But yes, these are custom made to fit you.  They should be more comfortable.  Now, let me go over wear, care and maintenance."  After ten minutes Mona said "and that is it.  Easy peasy.  You did great.  Any questions?"

Tara shook her head and said "no.  I think I have it.  Now just to get used to wearing them.  I guess running is out of the question?"

Mona turned her head, a look of uncertainty on her face, towards Dr. Morales.  Dr. Morales struggled to open her mouth very wide with the chin pad of her brace pushing her head up, but she managed to reach into her mouth and remove the pink plastic acrylic plate from her mouth.  A string of saliva stretched from her mouth as she did.  She pulled a purple retainer case from the pocket of her white coat and deposited the appliance in it.  Dr. Morales looked at Tara and said "shorry, I know that ish gross.  No, you can run and jog if you want.  I would just advise againsht sprinting.  Starts and stops are rough on your jointsh and the brace."  She then addressed Alex and said "thish tongue rake shucks." 

As she pulled the acrylic appliance back out of the box Alex said "I am sorry Dr. Morales.  But it will get better.  You will soon train your tongue not to push on it.  The less you wear the plate, the faster you will do it too."

Dr. Morales looked at her a moment before she placed the plate back in the box and snapped the lid close.  Dr. Morales said "I know.  But it hursh sho much.  I will try to make it the rest of the day without it.  I will she how that goesh."  She turned towards Tara and said "Tara, you look like a natural in your new KAFOs.   Like you have been wearing them all your life.  Everything looksh wonderful.  I will see you at your followup in one month.  Then, we can do every shix monthsh.  Thank you for coming in.  If you have any questionsh or problemsh, let ush know.  Alex is a pro too, she can probably help."

Alex said "absolutely.  I certainly will."  She glanced at Jim and then at Tara and said "I will start by taking you two to lunch, Dr. Miller's treat."

After lunch, Tara followed along behind Alex as they walked across the parking lot of TMJ and Sleep Plus.  Jim was in the rear, almost as if he were covering Tara's rear from attack.  When they got to the door, Alex reached out and grab the handle.  As she opened the door, she told Tara "it should be a quick appointment.  Dr. Miller will just want to take a look at things and see how you are progressing."

Once they were in the waiting room, Alex said "I will let you get signed in with Becky.  I better get back to work.  But, I will see you when you come back."

Before she could leave, Tara hugged her and said "thank you so much."

Alex hugged her back and said "of course.  This is what friends do."

Alex then turned and went through the door into the treatment area.

Tara and Jim made their way over to the reception desk.  Becky looked up with a big smile on her face and said "hello you two!"

Tara and Jim both said hello in return.  Tara couldn't take her eyes off the Miller headgear Becky was wearing.  She had double facebows sticking out of her mouth which were attached to the frame on her face and the complicated mass of straps encircling her head.  Becky laughed and said "it's newish.  And hard to miss."

Tara said "it looks good.  You look good.  So you weren't able to avoid headgear?"

Becky smiled and said "actually, it was totally elective.  Not that I want to wear headgear.  But I am going to be in a wedding in a few weeks.  And I really want to have my braces off by then.  I asked Dr. Miller what I would have to do to get them off.  And he told me headgear.  Headgear for 23.5 hours a day.  I can only take it off when I shower.  I sometimes question my sanity.  But I know it will be worth it when I get my braces off in a few weeks."

Tara's eyes had gotten big as she spoke.  She said "wow, that is dedication.  You don't mind it?  And you don't cheat?"

Becky said "oh I mind it.  But hey, no pain no gain.  I am so ready to have my new smile it is worth the strange looks I sometimes get.  My boyfriend is ok with it, that was the main thing I was worried about.  And as for cheating, I did the first week.  Until I mentioned it to the girls.  Word got to Megan, that is Dr. Brad's wife, and she told me how she had resisted cheating."  Becky pulled her hair back and to the side.  Tara and Jim could see the little luggage lock that was locked through a hole in the main strap that wrapped around her neck.

As Becky dropped her hair back, Jim asked "is that a lock?"

Becky said "yep, sure is.  Megan said when she first got her Miller, she too cheated some during the day.  And this was her solution.  She said she put the lock on before Brad left for the day, and as he had the key, she couldn't cheat and take it off.  I brought up the idea to my boyfriend."  She lowered her voice as she said "I think he really likes locking it back on me after I take a shower each morning." She raised her voice back to a normal volume and said "yes, it is unusual.  But it works for me.  And only two more weeks!"  She raised her arms as she said "YAYYYY!"

Tara said "that is great Becky.  Two more weeks.  How exciting.  I guess I am looking at two more years.  Or more."

Becky said "it will fly by.  So, I have you all signed in.  You are good to go.  We will call you back shortly."

Tara and Jim turned to find a seat in the cozy waiting area.  It was the first time Tara had paid attention to who else was there.  Immediately she spotted some familiar faces.  Three familiar faces all wearing matching pink Petit facemasks.

Tara smiled and waved.  Margaret smiled and waved back.  Tara made her way over and said "Margaret, girls, we must be on the same schedule.  Do you mind if me and my beau sit?"

Margaret said "by all means, please.  I would love to chat.  I am pretty nervous."

Tara asked "why is that?"

Margaret said "well, you know I told you how much trouble I am having wearing my facemask like I am supposed to?  Well Dr. Miller caught me not wearing it when I was supposed to.  He told me he could help me do a better job wearing it.  And when Becky emailed me our appointment reminder, she said to be sure I bring some chapstick for myself.  I don't know why.  But surely it can't be good."

Before anyone could say more, the treatment door opened.  Maggie stepped out and looked in their direction as she said "Margaret?  Dr. Miller is ready for the three of you." 

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #160 on: 12. May 2024, 18:10:27 PM »
Chapter Fifty Eight:

Tara watched Margaret and her two daughters, all in their pink facemasks, follow Maggie back into the treatment area.  Tara then looked around the waiting room.  There were two other adults, apparently not together, who were also waiting.  Neither had any type of extraoral appliances, and with their mouths closed and heads down looking at their phones Tara had no idea if they had braces or appliances.  She turned towards Jim and again told him "thank you." 

Jim replied "baby, you are so welcome."  The two began to talk for the next few minutes.  Jim placed his hand on Tara's thigh, her rigid new legbrace obvious to his touch, and said "I am so proud of you."

Tara looked at him and asked "what do you mean?"

Jim rubbed his hand up and down her leg, his fingers edging towards the inside of her thigh, and said "your new braces.  You have handled it so well.  And unless I am wrong, you seem to have already forgotten you are even wearing them."

Tara looked down at his hand and then her legs.  She was surprised.  She turned her head back towards Jim and said "woah, I had forgotten about them.  Until now."  She gave Jim a smile to let him know she wasn't upset.

They then heard a voice from the door.  They both looked up to see the practice's new assistant Katie saying "Miss Johnson?  Dr. Andi is ready."  As she spoke Jim and Tara both noticed she also wore metal braces on her teeth.  This didn't seem unusual to them, at least not here.  As the blonde twenty something year old woman stood and began to make her way over, Alex appeared beside Katie.  Alex looked over with a big smile on her face.  She was still wearing her pink facemask.  She said "hey you two, come on back."

By the time they got to the doorway, Katie and the blond woman had already gone back.  Alex looked at Jim and said "gold star for still wearing your new facemask.  Dr. Brad will love to see that.  Now, come on back please."

As Tara followed along in the middle once again, Alex in front and Jim in the rear carrying Tara's bag with her CTO and nighttime appliance, she saw Margaret laid back in the treatment chair being examined by Dr. Brad.  Alex led Tara over to the sink where she began to brush.  As she did, she saw Dr. Brad lean up and raise Margaret to a sitting position.  He heard him say to Margaret "Margaret, will you please join me back in my office for a few minutes?  Maggie can go ahead and be replacing Savannah and Elise' ligatures."  Margaret reached for her facemask and put it up to her face.  Dr. Brad said "you don't need to put it on right this second.  But bring it with you."  Tara watched as Margaret nervously stood and followed Dr. Brad around the corner and out of sight.  She wondered why Dr. Brad had asked her to go to his office. 

She didn't have long to wonder as Alex playfully said "come on slow poke, that is good.  You are holding up production."  Tara spit into the sink and rinsed her mouth out.  Alex said "come on, I will take a look and see how things are going."

As Tara was getting comfortable in a treatment chair, Margaret was sitting down across from Dr. Brad in his office.  Dr. Brad looked at her and said "Margaret, we need to talk about your facemask.  It is clear you are not wearing it as much as we need.  And time is of the essence.  We only have a few more months before your sutures fill in and harden.  Once that happens, any chance for transverse skeletal movement is over.  Do you want your treatment to be a success without undergoing jaw surgery?"

Margaret replied "of course I do.  I just struggle with it.  The mask hurts my chin.  And I feel too self-conscious to wear it in public."

Dr. Brad responded "I completely understand that.  But even so, if you don't wear it as prescribed you have two choices.  One is an incomplete and unsuccessful treatment.  Two is jaw surgery and the long recovery associated with it.  What if I told you I could help you to do a better job wearing it?  And I could make it more comfortable for you?  Would you try it?"

Margaret replied "of course.  But how?  I really have tried to wear it, but I just can't make myself do it."

Dr. Brad said "I can help.  First let's make your mask more comfortable to wear.  Would you hand me your mask please?"

As he held the mask up in front of Margaret with one hand, he used his other hand to open a desk drawer and remove two pink pads.  He looked at Margaret and said "my incredible wife deserves total credit for this.  It was her idea to make her own mask, which she had to wear fulltime, more comfortable.  These two pads fit over the chin and forehead supports.  They are a lot more stylish than an old sock or a towel.  I will simply slip them over the two existing plastic supports on the mask.  Like this."  After he had gotten them on, he showed the improved mask to Margaret and explained "the elastic around the pocket will hold them on the mask.  And they are color coordinated to match.  Put it on and see what you think."

Margaret complied and quickly put on her facemask without the use of a mirror.

As soon as she put it on, Dr. Brad said "it is great to see you put it on so effortlessly.  It at least shows me you have been trying to wear it.  So, how does that feel?  Better?"

Margaret said "yes, a lot.  But how does it look?"

Dr. Brad said "it looks great.  Just incredible.  Here".  He handed her a mirror.

As she gazed into the mirror, she said "well, at least it doesn't look worse."  After a moment of examining herself she laid the mirror down on the desk and asked "but how are you going to improve my compliance?"

Dr. Brad said "I am going to remove compliance from the equation.  But only if you tell me you want to."  From the still open desk drawer he removed what looked like a facebow and a box.  He placed the box on the desk while he held the facebow up.  He said "this is a modified facebow.  Like would normally be used in retractive headgear.  But I have modified it.  You may notice the arms are shorter.   And at the end they are bent around into a circle.  Here is what I am proposing Margaret.  First, I will fit you with coil springs on each side of your mouth, connecting your upper and lower arches and pulling your upper arch forward."  He pulled out a spring from the small box he had placed on his desk.  He continued "then let me fit this facebow to your upper arch.  It will be non-removable.  I will attach two more springs, one on each end of your facebow, which will be connected to your facemask.  They also will be non-removable.  This will eliminate the compliance issue.  Wear it for six-weeks until your next appointment and we will see where we are at.  If at any time you want me to remove it, I will.  But that would almost certainly mean you will need to undergo jaw surgery.  Why don't we try it?  Give me six weeks.  That is less than the recovery time for surgery would be.  What do you say?"

Margaret looked at him without speaking as she processed the idea in her mind.  The idea of being unable to take it off was shocking.  And terrifying.  But she did want to avoid jaw surgery.  She asked "but what will people think?  And how will I eat?  Or shower?"

Dr. Brad said "well, anyone who's opinion would matter will just think you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.  And you will eat just fine with a little practice.  And to shower you will just remove the new pads and shower, then you will dry the mask off and put the pads back on.  Margaret, I know it sounds extreme.  But it isn't nearly as extreme as having the bones in your face broken, rearranged, and put back together with metal plates and screws."

She asked "and if I can't handle it, you will remove it whenever I ask?" 

Dr. Brad said "yes, absolutely.  Just keep in mind that doing so will mean surgery."

She exhaled and shook her head.  She made eye contact with him before she said "ok.  The girls will love it I'm sure."

Brad clapped and gave her a big smile.  He said "Margaret, you will be so happy you did this when it is all said and done.  Thank you so much.  I hate to see patients have to undergo jaw surgery.  Let's get you back out front and we can do this."

Alex was telling Tara what a wonderful job she was doing with her hygiene when Tara saw Dr. Brad emerge back into the treatment bay followed by Margaret.  She watched him walk over and place something on the tray beside the treatment chair where Maggie was still working on Elise, Margaret's youngest.  She couldn't hear what he was saying, but she saw him spend a few minutes talking with Maggie.  Dr. Brad then turned and headed in Tara's direction.  As he approached he smiled and said "Miss Reynolds!  Mr. Phillips!  Welcome!  And Jim, let me say attaboy on the facemask."

After a thorough examination of Tara's mouth, he leaned back and said "absolutely wonderful Tara.  You are progressing so quickly.  Much faster than I anticipated.  That is due no doubt to incredible compliance on your part.  I want to see some images first, but I think you are ready to move into phase two."

Tara's stomach dropped.  On one hand, she was happy to be making progress.  On the other, she knew what phase two entailed.  She looked at Dr. Brad and asked "a Miller appliance?"

Dr. Brad said "yes!  This is so exciting!  Let me have Alex take some images to make sure of what I am seeing.  Jim you can go with them if you want.  And I will attend to Mrs. Stone."

He stood and made his way back over to the trio while Alex looked at Tara and said "yay girlie!  I told you that you were doing great.  We will all get to be in braces and expanders together!"  Tara didn't share in Alex' excitement as she followed along behind her.

When the trio returned about 5 minutes later, Tara saw Margaret reclined back in the chair.  She had a pair of stainless steel whiskers emerging from her mouth.  As Tara walked, she saw Dr. Brad stretching a stainless steel spring from one of the whiskers to her facemask.  Tara was paying attention to Margaret and Dr. Brad, who was now placing a second spring on Margaret's other whisker.  Alex turned her head and said "huh, that is new."

Once Dr. Brad was done placing the springs he looked at Margaret and said "almost done.  I just need to squeeze them in place so they won't come off.  Like this."  He quickly used the pliers he picked up to squeeze the ends of each spring.  He said "Margaret, open and close your mouth for me."  As she did, Dr. Brad peered into her mouth.  Satisfied with what he saw, he proclaimed "excellent.  It looks great Margaret.  You look great."  He turned his attention towards Elise and Savannah and asked "doesn't Mom look great?"  The girls both affirmed she did. 

Savannah then added "Mom, it looks cute.  Really."

Tara was surprised when Margaret responded "thank you honey.  But lying is wrong.  But I don't guess it really matters what it looks like now.  I can't take it off."  Dr. Brad finished up quickly and bid them adieu, just asking they stop to see Becky to get their next appointment reminder.  As Margaret made her way, head down towards the ground, by the chair Tara was in Tara stopped her by saying "Margaret!  Looks like you got an upgrade today!"

Margaret turned and said "it's horrible.  It looks horrible doesn't it?"

Tara said "no, you look stunning.  You may start a trend.  And hey, you aren't alone.  It looks like I am about to get my Miller appliance.  And I am going to actually ask if I can get a Petit mask too.  To give my face and underside of my chin a break from my CTO.  Maybe we should all do lunch?  Right Alex?"

Alex said "yes, to all of that.  Pink facemasks are totally in this year."  She gave Margaret a big smile as she pointed towards the pink facemask she herself was wearing.

Margaret said "well I hope so.  And thank you.  I hate to be curt, but I have to get the girls back to school.  And I have to go get made fun of at work.  Well, everywhere I guess."

Alex and Tara both went to speak at the same time.  Alex went quiet as Tara said "no one is going to laugh at you or make fun of you.  I will text you later.  I was serious about lunch."

Alex added "I was too!  And Mrs. Stone, you are doing great with your treatment."

As Margaret left with her daughters, Dr. Brad approached and said "Alex, excellent imaging.  As always."  He looked at Tara and said "and they show exactly what we want.  Young lady, you are ready for your Miller appliance."

As he sat down he said "Tara, Alex will get you some spacers today.  When your appliance is ready, we will call to schedule your installation.  Do you have any questions?"

Tara gulped before she said "well, yes.  First, can I get a pink Petit facemask?  Jim looks so cute in his.  Alex too.  Plus, I want to try to give my face a little break sometimes from my Sleep Well."

Dr. Brad said "absolutely no problem.  Just the opposite.  I love to see enthusiastic and compliant patients.  But is your sleep well mask bothering you?"

Tara responded "a little, it does seem to make me break out just a little.  I have been fighting that for a month now."

Dr. Brad said "gotcha.  I am sorry about that.  I will absolutely have Alex grab you a Petit and have her fit it for you so you can take it with you.  Any other questions?"

Tara said "well, I have been thinking about my knee surgery.  And my Miller appliance.  I am going to be working from home while I recover from my meniscus operation.  Could I schedule it and my Miller installation at the same time?  So I could recover from both at the same time?  Since I will be on pain medication anyway.  Would it hurt to wait a little while for my Miller?  Could I schedule it around my knee surgery?"

Dr. Brad thought a moment.  He then replied "well, it would be a lot for you to manage.  But I don't see why not.  Now it will delay your finish date by however long we wait.  How long are we talking?"

Tara answered "about a month."

Dr. Brad said "well that isn't much delay at all.  It will take a week or two for your appliance to be fabricated.  How about you give Alex your surgery date.  And we will squeeze you in the afternoon before.  Would that work?"

Tara replied "yes, I can do that.  I just hate to have to burn more medical leave than necessary."

Dr. Brad said "that is understandable."  He then thought a moment before he asked "so how long will your recovery be?  How long will you be working from home?"

Tara said "they said six to eight weeks.  I won't be able to drive since it is my right knee.  I will be working from home during that time."

Dr. Brad said "six to eight weeks?"  He thought a moment before saying "Tara you are doing so well with your treatment.  But we can always do better.  I would like to really jumpstart your treatment.  Tara, the decision is yours.  But when we install your Miller appliance, I would like to also have Dr. Morales fit you with a halo brace."

Offline annasun251

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #161 on: 13. May 2024, 13:19:06 PM »
will she agree to that?
thanks for writing and sharing!

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #162 on: 13. May 2024, 16:17:39 PM »
Once again, I really like where things are going.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #163 on: 17. May 2024, 12:22:20 PM »
Maybe a halo is even harder to wear than a Milwaukee brace?

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #164 on: 21. May 2024, 17:46:21 PM »
Chapter Fifty Nine:

Tara stared at Dr. Brad, a look of shock on her face.  Her head was spinning.  Before she could gather her thoughts and speak, Dr. Brad said "Tara, I know it sounds like a lot.  But six to eight weeks in a halo with full time protraction would be so beneficial for you.  I think it would shave up to four months off your total treatment time.  Maybe even six.  In addition, and I will defer to Dr. Morales for an official diagnosis, I think it would be very beneficial for your cervical instability and posture.  I know it would provide much more correction than part time wear of your CTO.  Much more.  Is it something you would consider?"

Before speaking, Tara cut her eyes towards Alex.  While Alex was smiling at her, there was a look of sympathy on her face.  Alex said "Tara, I will be by your side to help.  The time will fly by.  I will make sure of it."  Tara saw Alex turn to look at Jim.  Tara followed her gaze.

Tara saw that Jim was looking right at her, a look of concern on his face.  He reached over and took Tara's hand as he said "I will be too baby.  If you want to do this, I will completely support you.  I will take care of you."  Jim looked at Dr. Brad and asked "is there not another way though?"

Dr. Brad turned his head from Tara to Jim and replied "absolutely, Tara can just continue to wear her CTO brace for 14 to 16 hours per day for the next two and a half years.  We will be able to get a satisfactory treatment result that way.  But a halo would be more efficient.  It would provide faster results.  And more importantly, I believe it would provide an even more effective final treatment outcome.  I understand it is frightening.  But it isn't as bad as you might expect.  You may not know it, but my wife Megan is in a halo currently.  I will admit that the first few days were a challenge for her.  But any type of change usually is.  But since then, she has completely adapted to it.  If you would like to speak with her about her experience, I would be eager for you to do so.  In addition, Dr. Morales herself will be going into a halo brace in a few weeks.  And her receptionist is having her installation this week.  She may already be wearing one.  So, you would at least have a support group who understands what it is like."  He turned his eyes towards Tara and asked "what are your thoughts?  It really would be beneficial."

For the first time Tara spoke.  She asked "can I think about it?"

Dr. Brad said "absolutely.  How about this?  You finalize all of the arrangements for the procedure on your knee.  Once you have the date, call and let Becky know.  We will schedule your installation appointment a few days after your surgery and an appointment two weeks before that to install spacers.  If you decide on the halo, I can arrange for Dr. Morales to perform the installation here so you don't have to go to two offices.  If you decide against the halo, we will simply install your new appliance that day.  However Tara, I recommend the halo.  In the end, I know it will be worth it.  But you don't have to make your decision today.  For now just continue to wear your appliances as you have been.  You have been doing great and I know you will continue to do so.  I will walk with you up front and explain to Becky what the plan is.  Any questions?"

A thousand questions were running through Tara's head.  So many that she didn't even know where to start.  She looked at Dr. Brad and asked only "is it really ok if I speak with your wife about her treatment experience?"

Dr. Brad looked at her and responded "absolutely.  I know Megan would be more than happy to talk to you about her halo.  And about your halo."

That evening, Tara sat stiffly beside Jim on their couch.  Both were wearing their CTO braces.  Jim had noticed how quiet and withdrawn Tara had been that evening.  He understood why and wanted to give her space.  But he also wanted her to know how much he cared for her.  He had his arm wrapped around her when he said "I love you so much."

She snuggled closer to him and said "I love you too."  She went silent again.  While there was a movie on the screen, Jim had noticed that Tara had been ignoring it, lost in her thoughts.

He said "if you want to talk about it baby, we can.  If you don't, I understand that too."

Tara asked "did you mean it when you said you would take care of me?"

Jim squeezed her tight and said "yes, of course.  And not just when it comes to a halo brace."

Tara said "it is so scary.  The thought of having a cage bolted to my head."

Jim replied "it would just be temporary."

Tara asked bluntly "do you want me to do it?"

Jim responded "I just want what is best for you baby.  This is your decision.  But I do trust Dr. Brad.  I mean, I wouldn't be doing this myself if I didn't.  But I will not tell you whether to do it or not.  But if he says it is the best treatment, I do think you should at least consider it."

Tara said "I have been.  I know I probably should.  I am just scared."  She went silent a moment before continuing "I am scared of how much it will hurt.  But most of all I am scared of what you will think."

Jim removed his arm from Tara and physically turned her so they were facing each other.  He made eye contact with her and said "it is simple what I will think.  I will love you.  If you get the halo, I will love you more than anything in the world.  Just like I love you now without it.  Nothing in this world makes me happier than you.  It also makes me so happy when I feel like I can take care of you.  Let me take care of you.  Please."

Tara closed her eyes and exhaled.  She opened her eyes and protested "I need to talk with Beverly.  To see what she thinks."

Jim said "I know she will support you.  Baby, you have a whole ring of people that care for you.  None as much as me, but they care deeply.  Beverly is one of them.  Alex is too.  And they understand."

Tara looked at him and asked "I should do it shouldn't I?"

Again he said "I am not going to tell you one way or the other.  But you are the smartest person I have ever met.  You know what you should do."

Again Tara closed her eyes, the image of her in a halo brace in her mind.  It was terrifying.  Despite this, she opened her eyes and looked at Jim.  Quietly she said "ok, I will do it."

Jim hugged her.  He said "I am proud of you baby."  Letting go of her, he asked "how about we go to bed?"

Tara replied "it is only 9 sweetie.  There is no way I can go to sleep this early."

Jim raised one eyebrow and grinned.  Tara still didn't understand it, but seeing the clear brackets on his top teeth turned her on and made her momentarily forget about her appointment.  She forgot about halo braces.  Her only thought was the sexy man beside her.  He said "I said go to bed, not go to sleep."

For the first time since her appointment, Tara smiled.  She looked at him and said "oh don't throw me in the briar patch Mr. Fox."

As she lay in bed afterwards, the warmth of Jim's body beside her, she wondered why that night had been so intense.  And she wondered if they would be able to have such nights if she was bolted into a halo brace.  She reached over blindly and took his hand.  She realized he must have been having similar thoughts as her when he replied "baby, I promise you it will be ok."  He rolled her stiffly and gently placed his arm on her.  He said "I will not let a silly little brace ruin what we have."