
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 81021 times)

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #180 on: 18. June 2024, 00:39:24 AM »
This might have me seriously questioning how important my job was unless there was some generous benefit package that came with it.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #181 on: 19. June 2024, 07:51:13 AM »
Maybe I need to dial it back some.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #182 on: 19. June 2024, 18:23:41 PM »
Or not.

Chapter Sixty-six:

Dr. Miller looked at Alex and said "Alex dear, it will be so beneficial to your treatment.  Plus, you are such a role model for the other girls here.  Not to mention your patients.  They look up to you.  You are a leader here.  And much of that is because you lead by example with your own treatment.  Alex, you are in the home stretch now with your treatment.  And I am so proud of you.  I know you have done so well because you want the best treatment outcome.  A halo brace will give you the best treatment outcome."

Alex had been staring at the counter full of halos while he had been talking.  She turned to look at him and asked "but how will I be able to do my job?"

It was Dr. Morales who spoke first.  She said "Alesh, you will do your job the shame way Mona will.  With excellence.  And you won't be alone."  She turned her body towards Dr. Miller.

Dr. Miller said "Olivia is correct Alex.  You will do great.  And you won't be alone.  Today is a big day.  An exciting day.  Because not only are you three getting halos, Olivia will be getting hers too."

Dr. Olivia said "that ish right.  I too am going to lead by example."  She turned towards Mona, her torso held rigid by the CTO brace she was wearing, and said "Mona, you have sheen how well Kylie hash done with hersh thish week.  The firsht week ish the hardest yet she hash not skipped a beat.  Or a minute of work.  Mona, you will do the same.  As will you Alex, and you as well Mrs. Reynolds.  And as will I."

For the first time, Mona spoke.  She asked "but Dr. Morales, I only see three halos?  Shouldn't there be four?"

Dr. Morales replied "nothing getsh by you Mona.  We are misshing one aren't we?  That would be mine.  My hushband is bringing mine, he wanted to make some last minute modificationsh to it."  She turned towards Alex and Tara and explained "my hushband Raphael is an orthotist.  He, well our orthotic company, is who makesh all of our bracesh and aidsh.  He will also help with my fitting and installation.  He is on his way."

Tara's head was spinning hearing all of this.  She wasn't the only one getting a halo?  Alex, Mona and Dr. Morales were too?  She looked at Alex and saw she still looked very upset.  Tara stepped over to her and gave her a half-smile.  Tara said "we will get through this" and gave her a hug.

Alex hugged her back.  After a second she said "I don't know how.  How will I get to work?  I won't be able to drive."

Jim piped in "Alex, I am sure Marc will be able to drive you.  And if he can't, I certainly will."

Alex looked at him and replied "no Jim, that would be too much."

He argued back "no, it wouldn't.  Not in the least."

Dr. Miller interjected "Alex, you don't need to worry about getting to work.  I will make sure of it.  I know this is sudden, and I apologize for that.  But this is the best course of treatment.  But, before you have your installation, let's attend to Mrs. Reynolds.  Mrs. Reynolds, Tara, are you ready?"

Tara was still in shock this was actually happening.  But she had been mentally preparing herself for over a week for this moment.  She grimly smiled and said "I guess."

Dr. Miller replied enthusiastically "excellent!  I have already gone over the procedure with you.  We are going to sedate you.  You won't feel a thing.  But first, I will let Dr. Morales go over some things about life in a halo."

Ten minutes later, Dr. Morales concluded with "and that ish it.  After a few daysh, you will become acclimated to it.  While there will be a few restrictionsh, you will find that it ish very manageable.  So, what do you say we proceed?"

Tara pursed her lips but didn't say anything.  Jim took Tara's hand as he looked her in the eyes.  He could see the fear and apprehension in them as he told her "I will be right beside you the whole time baby.  Today and all the days to come."

Tara had noticed how sullen Alex looked as she inserted the IV into her left arm.  It was strange, for weeks Alex had been trying to cheer up Tara about her upcoming procedures.  Now, it was Tara who said "wow, I barely felt that.  Alex, is there anything you don't know how to do?"  Tara hoped it would bring a smile to Alex' face.  Instead Alex responded "I don't know how to live in a halo brace."  She went quiet a moment as she taped the tube down on her arm and attached the other end of the tube to an IV bag.  Almost absently Alex said "but I guess I will find out."

Dr. Miller responded to the comment "Alex, it will be easier than you think.  Just think about Megan.  Her halo hasn't slowed her down.  And yours won't either."  He inspected her work and proclaimed "you did great Alex.  But you always do."  He turned his attention to Tara.  He said "Mrs. Reynolds, once I open the valve, you will begin to get sleepy.  Just lay back and relax."  Jim held Tara's right hand as she drifted off.

Once she was asleep, Dr. Miller looked at Alex and said "first, we will install her tads.  Then, Dr. Morales and Mona will install her halo.  And finally we will install her protraction module."

Ten minutes later, Dr. Miller finished up with the sixth and final tad.  Jim had been looking on with concern the whole time.  Dr. Miller looked over at him and proclaimed "they all went in perfectly.  Now I will step aside and let Dr. Morales install her halo."

It took twenty minutes for them to install it.  First, they applied the halo ring.  It hurt Jim to see them screwing the bolts into Tara's head.  He was glad she was not awake to experience it.  They next applied the vest.  Finally, they installed the four vertical bars that securely fastened the halo ring to the vest.  After one final inspection, Dr. Morales turned to Dr. Miller and announced "she ish ready for her protraction module."

Before stepping over Dr. Miller looked at Jim and said "she is doing great."  It took ten more minutes for Dr. Miller and Alex to install the protraction module to the two anterior bars of the halo brace.  Once it was positioned where Dr. Miller wanted it, he securely tightened it in place.  He looked at Alex and asked "Alex, are you ok to install her springs?" 

Alex was surprised.  She asked "you want to use springs?  Instead of elastics?" 

Dr. Miller replied "yes, they will provide more force and be more effective."

Alex looked at her unconscious friend and felt sympathy for her.  She knew her friend would be hurting soon.  Then she thought of herself.  She asked, trepidation in her voice, "Dr. Miller, will springs be installed on mine?"

Dr. Miller said "yes Alex, everyone today will get springs.  They are much more effective."

Alex was distracted by the thought of this, but she was professional and attached the springs from the hooks in Tara's mouth to the corresponding hooks on the protraction module.  Once they were in place, Dr. Miller said "excellent Alex!  Now, let me just crimp them in place."  He deftly reached in with pliers and squeezed down on the ends of each spring.  Once done he triumphantly announced "and now they won't go anywhere!"  He looked at Jim and said "she did great.  Now, we will wake her up.  She will be a little bit disoriented."

As Tara came to, she felt confusion.  Where was she?  She tried to lift her head and found she couldn't.  She opened her eyes to find Jim staring into her face.  She didn't register him saying "hello beautiful.  You did so good.  I am so proud of you."  She wondered where she was.  And how she had gotten there.  It looked like she was in a medical office.  Tara tried to turn her head to look around.  Again, she couldn't.  This confused her even more.  Why couldn't she move her head.  Then she noticed something out of her peripheral vision.  Both at the top and bottom of her vision she could see something.  She cut her eyes down and wondered what that was in front of her mouth.  What is going on she again wondered.  She raised her left arm up.  Jim stopped her and said "baby, you have an IV in that arm."  An IV she thought, what IV?  She tried to pick up her right arm but realized Jim was holding onto her hand.  She weakly asked "what is going on?"

Jim looked her in the eyes.  It was tearing him up to see Tara like this.  But he tried not to show it.  Instead, he gave her a big smile and said "baby, you got your halo brace installed.  That is exciting isn't it?  And you did so good.  So good.  I am so proud of you."

Tara looked into Jim's face.  And his sexy braced smile.  She thought "oh, I had an appointment at Dr. Millers today".  But she was still very confused.  She asked "a halo?" 

Alex looked on.  It was taking everything she had not to cry.  Not just because she was seeing her friend go through this.  But because she also knew that she would be going through the same very soon.

Offline annasun251

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #183 on: 20. June 2024, 10:36:35 AM »
Thanks for writing and sharing!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #184 on: 20. June 2024, 18:37:43 PM »
Chapter Sixty-seven:

Dr. Miller leaned in towards Tara.  Her first thought was "Dr. Miller is wearing a facemask.  How strange."  Dr. Miller smiled and told her "Mrs. Reynolds, Alex and I installed the tads for your expander.  And Dr. Morales and Mona installed your halo protraction brace.  You did so good.  And this is so exciting!  You have made such quick progress.  And I know that will continue."  He looked at Alex, who was lost in her own thoughts, and asked "Alex dear, would you remove the IV from Mrs. Reynolds.  That way she can relax on the couch."

This broke Alex out of her daze.  She stepped over towards Tara.  Out of instinct, she leaned in and gave her a quick hug.  Once she let go she looked into Tara's face.  Alex could see the confusion in her eyes.  Alex said "you did so good Tara.  And do you remember how I told you I would be there for you while you were in your halo?  Well, I will be.  And I will have my own.  We will go through it together."

Tara looked at Alex and again asked "a halo?"  Tara tried to focus her thoughts, but everything felt so disoriented.   Then she had a fleeting thought.  She thought "oh yeah, I was supposed to get the tads installed in my mouth.  And have a halo brace installed." She tried to lift her right hand to feel her face, but Jim had a firm grip on her hand.  She next tried to lift her left arm.  Alex took it and said "Tara doll, let me get your IV removed first."  Tara tried to look down at her arm.  Again she found her head wouldn't move.

She asked "wah ish gon on?"

Watching Tara struggle like this, the last thing that Jim wanted to do was smile.  But he made himself.  He looked into Tara's eyes and said "baby, you had your halo installed.  You were under general anesthesia.  You are still a bit groggy.  But everything is ok.  You are ok.  And I am here.  So is Alex.  Everything went great.  I am so proud of you.  And I love you so much.  In just a second, I will help you over to the couch."  As he was talking, Alex had been gently removing the IV from Tara.  Tara hadn't even noticed. 

Alex said "that is right babe, why don't we both help you over to the couch?  Crutches might be a little hard to use right now."

Jim had helped Tara up to a standing position, the angle of her locked knee brace keeping her right foot off the ground, and then he and Alex helped her hop over to the couch.  There, Jim had gently lowered her down and sat beside her, wrapping his arm protectively around her.  Dr. Morales stepped over and looked at Jim.  She said "it may tah up ta twenny fah hoursh for the anesthesia to completely wear off.  But she should be ready to go home here shorely.  We went ovah care and I truss she is in excellent handsh with you.  Why don't you relax here with her until you feel she ish ready.  We can help you out to the car if need be.  In the meantime, I will go ahead and shtart inshtalling Mona'sh halo.  But if you or Tara need anything, let ush know."  Tara had simply stared at her wide-eyed wondering what she was talking about.  And wondering why she couldn't move her head.

As Dr. Morales stepped back over to the treatment chair, she looked at Mona and said "your turn dear.  I know Dr. Miller wants to take a look at everything firsht though."

Mona was terrified as Dr. Miller reclined her back in the chair.  After a quick examination, he leaned up and said "I was afraid of this."

Mona asked "what, what were you afraid of?"  She sounded as if she were on the verge of panic.

Dr. Miller smiled at her and replied "it is not a big issue.  And it is something we can easily address.  I was hoping you wouldn't show any signs of tongue thrusting during treatment.  But it is apparent you are.  I noticed it at your last appointment but wanted to wait to confirm it.  I did go ahead and have the lab fabricate an aggressive tongue crib for you.  It consists of an oversized crib as well as lingual spikes on your molars and pre-molars.  I also noticed your lips are impeding progress, causing your teeth to want to tilt in.  We don't want this.  I also had them fabricate upper and lower lip bumpers for you.  Because they are also aggressive, I had the lab place acrylic pads on each.  This will make them a bit more noticeable, but much more comfortable for you.  I will install your new appliances and then Dr. Morales can install your halo."

Mona looked at him and asked "tongue crib?  Lip bumpers?"

Before she could say more, Dr. Miller nodded at Alex.  Alex began to insert a set of cheek retractors with a tongue block into Mona's mouth, effectively muting her from asking more questions.  As Alex inserted the retractor, Dr. Miller said "yes dear.  But you will get used to it quickly.  Don't worry about it.  And guess what, you aren't the only one who will be getting a tongue crib and lip bumpers today.  Alex here will be too.  She will be able to help you with tips and tricks as you get used to it all.  As can Dr. Morales."  Alex eyes went wide.  She looked at Dr. Miller with a pleading look in her eyes.  He smiled at her and said "Alex, you haven't been wearing your removable tongue crib as much as you should.  You know you haven't.  This will eliminate the urge to cheat.  You will do fine.  But first, let's get Mona fixed up."

Alex was distracted as Dr. Miller worked in Mona's mouth.  Several times he had to ask her twice to hand him something, which was very unlike her.  Finally after 20 minutes, Dr. Miller announced "tada!  You have your new appliances Mona.  What do you think?  How do they feel?"

After Alex removed the retractor, Mona felt around her mouth.  She had largely gotten used to the feeling of her Miller appliance.  But now, everything felt foreign once again.  It felt like the tongue crib filled her whole mouth.  And it felt like her lips stuck out farther than was physically possible.  She tried to speak.  She replied "eh fee sho beeg.  (It feels so big.)"  She went silent, her lips still involuntarily trying to find a comfortable position.  She said "eh cah tahk. (I can't talk)."

Dr. Miller smiled at her and said "you will get used to it.  And you are talking great.  And it will get better.  I have no doubt that eventually you will be able to speak just as clearly as Olivia.  To help, try reading aloud.  Just like when you initially got your Miller appliance.  So, my work here is done temporarily.  Olivia will get you fixed up with your halo, and then we can get your protraction module and springs installed."

Dr. Morales stepped over with a tray of syringes in her hands.  She looked at Olivia and said "Mona, thosh lip bumpersh look great.  Inshtant botox.  Women pay good money for such a look.  Maybe I should ashk Dr. Miller if I can get a top one too."  Dr. Miller smiled but didn't say a word.  Dr. Morales continued "Mona, you have helped me with enough halo installationsh thah ya know the drill.  I will apply the local, and then we will get shtarted."

As they waited for the anesthesia to take effect, Dr. Miller looked at the clock.  He looked at Dr. Morales and said "this is taking longer than I anticipated."  He then looked over at Alex and said "Alex, would you go tell Dr. Andi that we are running behind.  We won't be ready for our normal Friday afternoon staff meeting."  He then thought a moment and said "you know though, it might be a good idea for everyone to see a halo installation in person.  Alex dear, would you mind if everyone observed during your installation?  It would be a great learning experience for everyone."

Alex didn't want to have a halo installed period.  Nor a fixed tongue crib and lip bumpers.  But she didn't care if the others in the office watched.  It wasn't like they weren't going to see her in them soon enough.  She shook her head and said "no sir, that is fine."

Dr. Miller smiled at her and said "good girl.  Hey, why don't you go ahead and take off your facemask?  Get a little break from it.  That is the upside of the protraction halo.  You will be free from having to wear a facemask.  Maybe for good.  That is exciting isn't it?"

While she couldn't see anything exciting about being bolted into a metal cage, she said "yes sir."

Once Alex was gone, Dr. Morales smiled at Mona and said "ready dear?"  Mona was not ready, but she said weakly "yesh."

After getting Mona's second pin installed, Dr. Morales sat up and rolled her shoulders.  She looked at Mona and said "you've got a hard head!"  It was meant as a joke.  But Mona didn't laugh.  She didn't even smile.  The fact is, she was in some pain.  Some physical.  But more so emotional.  Dr. Morales reached for the third bolt when she was interrupted by Becky.  Becky walked into the room followed by an olive complected man with a shaved head.  Becky announced "Dr. Morales, your husband is here."

As Dr. Morales turned, the man said "hello darling.  Hard at work as always I see."  He then looked at Mona and said "hello Mona, that halo looks great on you."  He didn't wait for a reply before he continued "Olivia, I have your aids in the truck.  Do you want me to go ahead and bring them in?  And where are we?  Are we about ready for your install?"

Dr. Morales said "Once Mona is finished, we still have one more to go before me."  She looked over at Alex, who had returned by then.  Dr. Morales said "sho we are probably shtill an hour or sho away.  You can shtay and watch, or I can text you when I am about ready."  She then said "and how rude of me.  Everyone, this ish my hushband Raphael."  She pointed as she went around saying "thish is Dr. Miller, this is Alex his lead assistant, over there are our patients Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. Philips.  And you already know Mona."

The man said "a pleasure to meet you.  Olivia, I will go ahead and start bringing in your new braces.  And I will stay, I always like seeing you work."

Alex looked at Dr. Morales and wondered "braces?  As in multiple braces?"

Dr. Morales went back to work.  She installed the third bolt in Mona's head.  As she did, Mona squeezed her eyes shut tightly, a look of distress on her face.  Dr. Morales said "you are doing great Mona.  One more to go."

As Dr. Morales was tightening the fourth and final pin, her husband arrived back with a cardboard box and a halo brace vest, which he sat on the counter beside Alex' brace.  He waited until Olivia was finished tightening the final pin into Mona's skull before he said "Olivia dear, here is your halo.  I will be right back with your KAFOs."

Dr. Morales looked over at him.  As she did, Alex studied her face briefly.  She saw a look she had never seen on Dr. Morales' face.  Alex thought it was fear.  Alex followed her gaze over to the counter as Dr. Morales said "thank you dear.  I trust you did an excellent job fabricating them.  You always do." 

Alex watched as a grin appeared on his face.  There was almost something sinister in it she thought. He replied "thank you dear.  I will admit I did put a little extra effort into your braces.  I wanted to make sure they are perfect since you will be wearing them for the rest of your life." 


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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #185 on: 21. June 2024, 06:05:57 AM »
Excellent writing. Once again, thanks!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #186 on: 21. June 2024, 16:38:27 PM »
Chapter Sixty-eight:

Alex wondered what Dr. Morales and her husband were talking about.  They had lowered their voices so she could not hear them.  But she couldn't wonder for long.  Because as soon as Dr. Morales had finished speaking to her husband she turned to Mona and said "Mona, we are done.  Good job!  Not one tear.  You can go ahead and hop up.  I know it feels a little different.  But can you try and help me with Alex' halo?"

As Mona awkwardly stood, she said "eh ill try".

Dr. Morales gave her a smile.  Alex noticed it seemed to be a genuine, caring smile.  Dr. Morales said "I know you will do great.  But if it is too much, please let me know."  Dr. Morales looked over at Alex and said "your turn dear."

As all of this had been going on, Jim had been holding Tara and talking with her.   He had explained what was going on several more times.  Finally, as Tara's head cleared she seemed to comprehend the situation.  She looked at him and said "I gah mah halo."  (I got my halo.)  For the first time since she had awoken it was not a question.

Jim looked at her and said "yes baby, you got your halo.  And you are so beautiful in it.  An angel with her halo."

Tara then said "an eh gah mah tadsh guh mah exshpaner."  (And I got my tads for my expander.)

Jim said "yes baby, you did.  And you did so good.  So much better than I did when I got mine."

Tara felt around inside her mouth before she said "i cah fee dem weh mah tong."  (I can feel them with my tongue.)

He hugged her.  As he held her he asked "are you ready to go home baby?  Will you be ok on your crutches?"

Tara replied "yesh."

As Jim stood and went to get her crutches, Tara surveyed the room.

She noticed Mona standing beside Dr. Morales.  Tara wondered "since when did Mona wear a halo brace?"  She then looked at Dr. Miller, who was hunched over working on a patient.  The first thing she noticed was that he was wearing a blue Petit facemask.  Her initial thought was "strange".  Then she remembered he had also gotten a Miller appliance and now wore a facemask himself.  Then Tara noticed who was in the chair.  It was her friend Alex.  And it looked like Dr. Miller was inserted a huge tongue crib in her mouth.

When Jim got back holding the crutches he looked down at Tara and said "I will help you up."

Tara cut her eyes up towards him and said "wah ish going on?  What ish happenin to Alex?"  (What is going on?  What is happening to Alex?)

Jim sat down on the edge of the couch and turned towards her.  He said "baby, Alex is also getting some new appliances.  And she too is getting a halo brace herself."

Tara really concentrated and remembered the last few weeks.  She remembered how sympathetic and supportive Alex had been.  But she couldn't for the life of her remember Alex saying anything about getting a halo herself.  Tara asked "Awex ish gehtin a halo?"  (Alex is getting a halo.)

Jim said "yes baby, she is.  She just found out today.  I think she is a little upset about it.  But it still didn't stop her from taking the sweetest care of you.  I am so grateful she is your friend.  She is so kind and caring."

With Jim speaking, she couldn't overhear what Dr. Miller was saying to Alex.  Nor could she hear her horrific lisp when Alex tried to speak.  But she could she the shiny metal tongue crib hanging down in her mouth.  And she could see that Alex' lips were bulging out profusely.  And finally, she noticed the dismayed look on her friends face.  Tara said "bae, I doh wan tah go yet.  I wan tah sshtay.  For Awex." (Baby, I don't want to go yet.  I want to stay.  For Alex.)

Jim said "baby, that is so sweet.  But Alex will be fine.  She has Dr. Miller and Dr. Morales here to help her.  And she has already called Marc, he is on his way here.  He will take care of her. I want to get you home before the anesthesia wears off completely.  We need to get you some pain medication."

Tara shifted her upper body towards Jim.  She said "thah ish sweet bae.  But eh wan to stay.  For Awex."  (That is sweet baby.  But I want to stay.  For Alex.)

Jim looked at Tara.  He said "okay baby.  You are so sweet."

By now, Tara saw Dr. Morales leaning in and administering injections around the crown of Alex' head.  Tara could see the discomfort on her friends face.  Once Dr. Morales was done Tara could see Alex taking large controlled breaths.  Tara asked "bae, cah yah hep me up?"  (Baby, can you help me up?)

Jim said "of course baby" as he stood.  After helping Tara to a standing position and positioning her crutches under each arm he asked "are you ok?"

Tara said "yesh." 

Jim said "I will be right behind you" as Tara crutched over towards Alex.

Alex was in her own world of misery and didn't notice Tara until she said "hey bae, Jim sesh yah are copyin me."  (Hey babe, Jim says you are copying me.)

Alex turned her head slightly and took in the sight of Tara in her new halo.  While Tara was just as beautiful as before, Alex saw how the halo brace dominated her appearance.  And Alex knew it would be the same for her.  Nonetheless Alex tried to smile.  It was difficult with her new lip bumpers pushing her lips out awkwardly.  Alex said "yesh, I gah shome new applianches show ee match."  (Yes, I got some new appliances so we match.)

Tara lied and said "they ah cute."

At that time, Becky stuck her head into the room.  She looked at Dr. Miller and said "Dr. Andi wants to know if it is ok if everyone starts making their way in.  We are done with patients."

Dr. Miller replied "that would be wonderful.  Actually perfect timing."

As Becky disappeared Dr. Morales said "Alexsh, it should take about 5 minutesh for the local to take effect.  But to be shafe we will wait about ten minutesh.  I will go ahead and get everything for your brace laid out here."

Tara could see the trepidation in her friends eyes.  She asked "ish eh okay if I sit weh Awex while we wait?"  (Is it okay if I sit with Alex while we wait?)

Dr. Morales responded "of course dear."

Without asking Jim stepped away and rolled a stool over beside Alex.  He said "here baby" and gently eased her down on it, making sure that it didn't roll out from under her as she sat awkwardly.  Tara took her friend's hand.  Neither talked, they just held hands.

Tara noticed Dr. Millers staff as they entered.  First was Becky, followed by Dr. Andi who was wearing her customary sleep well mask with additional facebow.  She looked at Alex and smiled before saying "Alex, I hear you are taking your treatment to the next level.  You are going to make the rest of us look like slackers.  Attagirl."  She stepped over and patted Alex on the arm before moving over and sitting on one of the couches.  Tara then watched Maggie, Katie and Becky enter the room.  Becky was now free of everything but her retainer.  But Maggie and Katie were both wearing their matching pink facemask.  All three made their way over to Alex.

Maggie looked down and said "Dr. Andi told us.  I am sorry."  Katie looked at Maggie asked "sorry for what?  She doesn't have to wear a facemask now right?  And this should shave months off her treatment right?  Sounds pretty cool to me."  Katie looked at Alex and said "It sounds like it is totally worth it."  Maggie pursed her lips before she added "no, you are right Katie.  It will be totally worth it."  Becky then added "just think of it as fancy headgear Alex.  You will be fine.  I mean, I survived wearing mine 24/7.  You will do great too."  As the threesome stepped over out of the way, Maggie actually thought this whole thing was crazy.  She felt so bad for Alex.

Finally, Dr. Miller's hygienist Lisa entered.  She was wearing her CTO brace.  She gave a wave but didn't say anything.   She was followed last by Aubrey.  She too was wearing her facemask.  As soon as she entered the room she rushed over to Tara and Alex.  She said "hey babes!  I hear you two are getting upgrades!"  Even though her thoughts were still a bit muddled, Tara thought that Aubrey was trying too hard to be upbeat about this whole thing.  Tara said "eh doh know abou thah."  (I don't know about that.)

Aubrey hugged Tara and said "no babe, you look stunning.  All angels get halos right?"  She leaned back and smiled at the pair before she added "I guess that is why I'm not getting one too.  I must have a little bit too much devil in me."

Dr. Miller just looked at Aubrey and gave a knowing smile.  No one noticed.

Aubrey said "both of you are going to do awesome.  I know it."  She leaned in and gave Alex a hug before moving out of the way.

Dr. Morales announced "it looksh like everyone ish here.  Everyone gather round so we can go ahead and start the installation." She looked at Tara and said "Mrsh. Reynoldsh, unfortunately you will need to move."  As Jim helped Tara up Dr. Morales looked at Mona and asked "Mona dear, shall we?"

All the ladies assembled around the treatment chair as Dr. Morales briefly explained what was going to happen.  As she inserted the bolts into Alex' head she explained what she was doing.  It looked brutal and barbaric.  No one said a word.  Other than the sound of Dr. Morales' voice, the scrunching sound of the bolts being driven into Alex' skull, and Alex' occasional moan the room was silent. Maggie reached over and grabbed Katie's hand like a vice.  Seeing the expressions on her friend Alex' face hurt Maggie to watch.  Finally, Dr. Morales announced "tada!  Alex has her halo!"  She then explained what she was doing as she fit the vest to her.  Finally she finished by attaching the vertical posts that would hold Alex head immobile until Dr. Miller and Dr. Morales deemed the brace could be removed.  Alex was taking deep controlled breaths as Dr. Morales announced "that is it dear.  You have your halo!  You did so good!  And it looks so good!"  She stepped out of the way as Dr. Miller took her place.

Dr. Miller looked at Alex and said "you did great Alex.  I am so proud of you."  He turned his head towards the group and said "I will now install her protraction module and springs."

After swinging her KAFO encased legs to the side, Alex awkwardly stood from the treatment chair.  Mona was at her side helping her.  Everyone watching had similar thoughts.  It was so strange seeing someone in a halo brace helping someone else in a halo brace.  Alex took her first steps as everyone watched.  Maggie didn't even realize she was holding her breath. 

Dr. Miller's voice got their attention when he said "ladies, we don't have much to meet about today.  But I did want you all to see a halo installation.  These will likely become more common.  Dr. Morales still needs to get hers placed today.  So, why don't I let her explain her brace, and then everyone can go.  You can have an early start to the weekend."  He turned towards Alex and Mona and said "you have certainly earned it."

Dr. Morales made her way over beside her husband, who had been standing in the corner silently since he arrived back with a pair of KAFO braces in hand.  Dr. Morales looked at Mona and Alex as she removed her CTO brace.  Once she had removed it, she rolled her head in a circle.  As she laid the CTO down on the counter she quiped "I guessh I shouldn't get ushed to that.  But anyway, I too need a halo brace.  But not jusht any halo brace."  She looked at her husband and asked "dear, would you like to explain it ash I hold up the componentsh?"

He gave her a smile as he said "I would LOVE that dear.  I think everyone has now gotten a good look at a halo ring.  Why don't you show them your vest?"  Dr. Morales complied without a word.  As she held it up, he continued "so, the first thing you may notice about Olivia's vest that is different are the clavicle outriggers.  My dear wife has scoliosis and kyphosis.  It is mild now, but we want to make sure it does not progress.  The clavicle outriggers you see will hold her shoulders back and in the proper position."  Dr. Morales pointed towards one of the outriggers.  He continued "to hold them securely in place, the brace also has shoulder straps attached to the back.  These will wrap over her shoulders and be permanently attached to the outriggers.  This will ensure her shoulders stay in the correct position at all times.  Between the halo and clavicle outriggers, her upper thoracic region will be held completely straight and immobile so that we can overtime correct her curves.  But what about her lower lumbar region?  If you notice, her vest is cut lower than a normal halo.  Her vest will sit just above her hips, as low as we can make it so she can still sit.  In addition to scoliosis and kyphosis, my wife also suffers from slight hip dysplasia caused by the birth of our daughter.  To treat this, she will be fitted with KAFOS, which will actually act as HKAFOS as they will attach to the mounts you see on the side of the vest.  These can be locked in any position or they can be left free to move."  Dr. Morales pointed them out.  Her husband continued, holding up the KAFOS in his hand, "and these are her KAFOS.  Like her hips, these braces will also allow for her knees to be locked in place or swing free.  They will be permanently attached to her vest.  This will keep her body perfectly aligned."  He gave Dr. Morales a smile and said "dear, are you ready for your new life?"

Dr. Morales simply nodded.  Dr. Miller noticed that Raphael was careful not to mention the other mounts that were noticeable on the vest, the ones at bottom of the brace in the front and back.  Nor did he mention the multiple metal D-rings that were attached to the vest.  He knew what they were for though.  Dr. Miller had discussed them with Raphael.  Brad was still pondering whether he should have a new vest fabricated for Megan that incorporated these features.  The only reason he had not was that he knew how difficult it would be on Megan.  As he looked at Dr. Morales, he knew it would be difficult on her as well. 

For the first time since Olivia had installed Megan's halo and caused her pain, he felt sympathy for her.  Because he knew what lay in store for her.  And he now realized that she was not really the person behind the extreme braces she prescribed.  No, that was her husband Dr. Raphael Morales.  No, he was not Dr. Raphael Morales in the United States, he had been stripped of his medical license here.  Now he ran their orthotic lab here in the U.S.  But he was still credentialed in Mexico, where he had received his training and medical degree.  And he still had a satellite office across the border there.  That explained why he was gone so often.  He had shown Dr. Miller some of his cases from there.  Despite Dr. Miller being an inventor himself and believing in utilizing whatever appliances were most efficient and not necessarily the most pleasant, what Dr. Raphael had shown him shocked even his system.  As he looked at Olivia make her way over holding her new vest, he felt real pity for her.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #187 on: 21. June 2024, 23:42:40 PM »
The way that you throw those plot twists in at the end of the chapters is absolutely genius. You are a very talented  writer. I’m really enjoying it.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #188 on: 22. June 2024, 06:57:41 AM »
Thank you!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #189 on: 22. June 2024, 07:00:06 AM »
And poor Olivia.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #190 on: 24. June 2024, 16:48:47 PM »
Chapter Sixty-nine:

Dr. Miller surveyed the room.  Most of the ladies had concerned or surprised looks on their faces from seeing the orthopedic device that Dr. Morales would be wearing.  It was so extreme.  But not Alex, she looked shell shocked.  Dr. Miller wasn't even sure she had been paying attention as it had been explained.  Dr. Miller stepped over to her and softly said "are you ok dear?"

Alex instinctively tried to look up at him, but the unyielding brace screwed into her head allowed her zero movement.  She instead shifted her body and said "yesh sir."    She was quiet a moment as Dr. Miller looked at her sympathetically.  She added "it is just going to be so hard to live like this."

Dr. Miller put his arm around her shoulder and said "Alex, you are stronger than you know."  He glanced over at Tara as he said "talking with Megan really seemed to help Mrs. Reynolds.  Why don't you meet with Megan too.  Maybe the three of you could. Or four if Mona will join.  Maybe tomorrow?  If you feel up to it of course.  I will have her call you in the morning."

Alex responded "ok."

Dr. Miller said "I just want you to know how proud I am of you.  And how appreciative I am.  You really do set such a great example.  And I promise, this will be all worth it."  He was interrupted by Alex' phone ringing.  She pulled it out of her scrub pocket and answered "hi... yesh, I ah ehshide... I eh come and leh yah in." (Hi... yes, I am inside.... I will come and let you in.)

Dr. Miller asked "was that Marc?  If so, you stay here and gather your things.  I will let him in.  You need to go home and rest as soon as possible."

Less than a minute later, Marc entered the lounge and rushed over to Alex.  He wrapped her in a hug and said "oh baby..."  He was at loss for what else to say.  Still holding her, he said "Dr. Miller explained everything.  You just tell me what you need."

Alex finished gathering her things.  She looked at her pink facemask.  She didn't know why, but she put it into her purse.  Before she left, she walked over to Tara and gave her a hug.  She told her "cheh ah wi ma tanah.  Leh ma nah hah ya doin." (Check in with me tonight.  Let me know how you are doing.)

Alex then looked at Mona.  She asked her "hah ah ya gettin home?" (How are you getting home?)

Mona replied "eh doh know.  Eh row wi Dr. Moralsh."  (I don't know.  I rode with Dr. Morales.)

Alex responded "pleash cah wi ush.  We cah tah ya home."  (Please come with us.  We can take you home.)

Marc added "tomorrow, we will figure out how to get everyone's vehicles home."  He glanced over at Jim and said "I am sure I can find someone to help me."

Jim had been watching and listening and said "absolutely.  Whatever you ladies need.  I think what everyone needs right this minute is to get home."  He squeezed Tara's shoulder and asked "ready babe?"

Before they could leave, Dr. Morales said proudly "you girlsh did sho good.  Mona, why don't you trade phone numbers with Tara and Alex.  In case they have any questionsh.  And I will call you thish weekend sho we can figure out how we all can get to work.  I won't be able to drive either.  Maybe we can carpool?"

Dr. Miller's face lit up and said "that would be a great idea Olivia!  And I volunteer.  We have the practice van that would be perfect.  We don't drive it enough anyway.  What a great idea."

Becky, Katie, Lisa and Aubrey watched with sympathy as Marc led the way out, followed by Alex and Mona.  Both walked stiffly and uncomfortably in their new halos.  Alex was even more robotic in her KAFO braces.  Following along behind her, crutching somewhat clumsily, was Tara.  Jim was step for step behind her, ready to catch her if she lost her balance.  As Aubrey watched her two friends, she couldn't even imagine what they must be going through.  Or what it would be like to have to live in a halo brace, full leg braces, and the extensive orthodontia in their mouths.  She didn't even realize that she had reached up and placed her hand on her facemask.  She thought to herself there was no way she could do what Tara and Alex were doing.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Dr. Morales.  She practically shouted "Gentsh, before you leave, a little piece of advice.  Take the smoothest route home.  Riding in a vehicle with a halo brace, at leasht at firsht, can be a little uncomfortable."

Marc stopped and turned his head.  He said "thank you, understood."

Jim added "we will be so careful, we have the most precious cargo in the world."

After they had made their way out of the room, Dr. Miller looked at Dr. Andi.  He asked "anything I need to know about?"

Andi replied "no, I can't think of anything.  I know you and Katie are scheduled to be in tomorrow.  I will pop in, I want to work up a few treatment plans."

Dr. Miller smiled and said "excellent!"  He looked at the rest of the ladies and said "Ladies, as always thank you for being the best staff in the business.  Go, enjoy your weekend.  Class dismissed!"  He chuckled at his little joke.  No one else did. 

It took a few minutes for the ladies to gather up their things.  As they did, Dr. Morales placed her halo vest down carefully on the floor and took a seat in the treatment chair.  She looked up at Dr. Miller and said "pleash take it eashy on me."

Dr. Miller looked at her and again felt pity.  He had some surprises planned for Olivia.  But he decided they could wait until her next appointment.  He said "I will Olivia.  You will have enough to deal with the next few days without me adding anything else to your treatment.  In fact, I am going to take just a smidge away.  I know how much your tongue rake bothers you.  I am going to trim it down just a hair."

By now, Dr. Raphael had made his way over beside the treatment chair.  He asked "is that a good idea doctor?  I want the best treatment for my doll here.  I know she needs to break her tongue thrusting habit."

Dr. Miller responded "yes, I think this is best.  This is a marathon, not a sprint.  I will see how she does with a little less aggressive rake.  If it doesn't work, we can always put another more aggressive one back in.  At her next appointment.  After she has time to get used to everything else."

Dr. Raphael did not look happy, but he didn't argue.  Instead he only said "you are the orthodontist.  I am the orthopedist."

Dr. Morales took a deep breath and said "let's get this over with."  Before Dr. Miller reclined the chair back, Dr. Morales noticed Becky.  She was the last one to leave.  As Becky pulled her keys out of her purse, she dropped them to the floor.  As Becky bent over, Dr. Morales saw something she didn't like.  There was a bit of a hump on the right side of Becky's back and her shoulders were not even.  Immediately she knew what it was.  Dr. Morales told Dr. Miller and her husband "hold on a second."  She shouted out "Becky dear, hold on a sec honey."  She stood from the chair and walked over towards Becky.

Becky asked "yes ma'am?"

Dr. Morales lowered her voice and asked "Becky, when is the last time you were screened for scoliosis?"

Becky thought a moment and said "um, I guess back in school.  Maybe seventh grade?  Or maybe it was tenth grade?  I don't really remember.  Why?"

Dr. Morales asked "were you ever diagnosed with scoliosis?  Doesh your back ever bother you?  Or have you ever notiched that maybe one of your shouldersh ish jusht a tad higher than the other?"

Becky immediately felt nervous.  She replied "uh, no.  Well, actually, my back is sore sometimes after sitting all day.  But I always just attributed that to my chair.  Why?"

Dr. Morales said "honey, I think you should schedule a schreening with me.  When you bent over, I noticed a couple of thingsh.  I don't want to alarm you, but I suspect you have shcoliosish.  It is possible it was missed when you were in school.  Or it is possible it developed later, after you were out of school.  It is unusual but not unheard of.  Pleash, come see me.  The sooner thingsh like thish are addresshed the better.  But don't worry about it now.  Go enjoy your weekend.  Have fun!  And call my office on Monday.  Will you do that?"

Becky nervously replied "yes, I will."  As she walked out of the office, Becky realized she would not be enjoying her weekend.  No, she would be worrying about her back.  And the first thing she planned to do when she got home was stand in front of the mirror and see what Dr. Morales could be talking about.

As she walked back to the chair, Dr. Raphael said "dear, you are correct.  That young woman definitely has scoliosis.  But I expect a strict bracing regiment will alleviate progression.  And with adequate compliance and an aggressive enough brace, you can almost certainly correct her curve.  It just may take several years."

Dr. Miller had taken in everything.  He asked "you think my Becky has scoliosis?"

Dr. Raphael said "oh most definitely.  But my wife and I can fix it.  That is what we do.  But first, let's get my doll here fixed up.  I know she is eager to begin her treatment.  As soon as she gets in the chair, I will administer the local.  It can be taking effect as you work on her."

As Dr. Morales sat back in the chair, Dr. Miller saw she looked dazed. 

Once she was seated in the chair, Dr. Raphael administered the shots.  He then looked at Dr. Miller and said "she is all yours."

Dr. Miller said "I will be quick and painless" as he reclined her back.  Just 5 minutes later, he raised her back up to a sitting position.  He asked "how does that feel?"

Dr. Morales felt around with her tongue.  She looked up at Dr. Miller.  He thought he saw excitement in her face.  She exclaimed "oh, that feels so much better."  She processed what she had said and continued "and I can shpeak so much clearer.  Just a little lishp now.  Thank you so, so much."

Dr. Miller smiled at her and said "of course dear.  We will try this until your next appointment and see how your tongue responds.  Hopefully it will behave."

Dr. Raphael interrupted "what about her tongue guard?  Will she still be able to wear her tongue guard?"

Dr. Miller said "absolutely.  But the tongue guard was just to protect her tongue from the rake.  She may not need it now.  But if she does feel some discomfort, especially at night, she can wear it."

Dr. Raphael patted Dr. Morales' arm and said "that is good news.  Now, let me get her into your new kafos."

After getting them strapped onto her legs, first her right and then her left, he gave one final tightening of the straps.  He said "perfect.  Doll, why don't you stand for me?  Walk across the room and back please."

Dr. Morales did not say a word.  She struggled to stand, taking two tries to get to her feet.  Dr. Miller could tell her mind was spinning as she processed the feeling of her new legs.  He knew that Megan and Alex had experienced the same.  As she took her first clumsy, robotic steps Dr. Miller thought to himself "and this is the easy part."

As she made her way back, Dr. Raphael said "they look excellent.  You look excellent doll.  I won't lock the knees yet.  Go ahead and get comfy and I will install your halo."

Dr. Morales had her eyes clamped shut as her husband worked in silence.  The only sound was the ratcheting of the driver he used to install the pins, and the sound of the pins scrunching into bone.  Dr. Miller noticed a tear had welled up in her right eye and rolled down her face.  He grabbed a tissue and gently wiped it away.  After fifteen minutes Dr. Raphael exclaimed "perfect, just perfect.  Ok dear, now your vest."

He had her lean forward as he slipped the back of the vest behind her and had her sit back to hold it in place.  He then attached the front of the shell.  He used straps to fasten it snugly around her body.  As he tightened it, Dr. Morales had no choice but to thrust her chest out, the outriggers rigidly holding her shoulders back.  Dr. Miller thought there was no way it could be comfortable.  Once Dr. Raphael had finished tightening the straps, he reached over and picked up a piece of metal that Dr. Miller had missed early. He placed it up against the side of the brace and mated it to threaded nuts that were molded into the brace.  Dr. Miller realized this was different from the braces any of the other ladies, including Megan, wore.  As Dr. Raphael tightened the first fastener he explained "there are four of these.  They will hold the brace securely and consistently tight, straps can stretch.  Or be loosened by the patient.  These ensure that the patient is not able to loosen the brace.  They can be easily removed by other medical personal with a simple allen wrench which will be affixed to the front of the brace. Along with a wrench which will fit the halo bolts, like the other ladies had affixed to their vests.  Just in case there is ever an emergency. So while medical personnel can access these fasteners, the patient is not able to reach them.  I utilize these in all of my orthopedic spinal braces.  Olivia does not, but she should."  Once he was done with the four metal fasteners, Dr. Miller realized that Olivia was taking shallow breaths.

Dr. Raphael said "doll, it needs to be tight.  You know this.  You will get used to breathing in it over time.  We will train your body to do so.  Now, let me turn your KAFOS into HKAFOS."  Using two bolts on each side, he mated the sockets on each kafo to the corresponding mount on the brace and tightened them.  He said "voila!  Now to attach her halo to her vest."

As he installed the first vertical post, Dr. Miller noticed it too was different than the posts of the other braces.  This one looked to be actually two pieces, with a hex bolt between them.  Dr. Raphael noticed the curiosity in Dr. Miller's face.  He explained "this is my own invention.  I got the idea from a tractor of all things.   I don't know if you have ever seen a tractor link.  They are used for attaching an implement such as a bushhog.  If you turn them clockwise, the become shorter.  If you turn them the other direction, they become longer.  Similar to how a turnbuckle works.  I have used the same idea here.  Once I have the four posts installed, I can add additional traction to Olivia over time simply by turning the linkage.  No, we can't go too fast obviously, the spinal cord is delicate.  But over time, I can actually straighten and lengthen her spine.  It is similar in theory to how I do limb lengthening at my clinic.  But the spinal cord does add additional complexity.  One needs to be very careful, there is always the possibility the patient's spinal cord may be severed, thus rendering them a paraplegic."  Dr. Miller knew this was why he had lost his medical license in the United States, he had rendered a patients paralyzed from the neck down.  Dr. Raphael continued "but I am much more experienced at it now.  Over the next few years I will utilize increasing traction to straighten Olivia's spinal column.  The only potential negative side effect, other than paralysis of course, is that the patient, my Olivia, may become dependent upon a neck brace to support her head.  But that is a small price to pay for a healthy straight spine isn't it doll?"

Dr. Morales very meekly replied "yes sir."

Raphael smiled at her and said "and you will look so beautiful in your brace."  He went silent again as he concentrated on attaching the linkage.  He repeated the process three more times.  He leaned back with a huge smile on his face and looked at his wife.  He said "you look incredible doll.  We are ready to really straighten you out.  I will make only one turn on each linkage to demonstrate it to Dr. Miller.  I know your pin sites are sensitive.  Once they heal up, we can start your traction in earnest."  He took an open ended wrench and placed it over the linkage.  As it turned it, it made an audible click.  He explained "each click is only one quarter of a millimeter.  I can very accurately and precisely administer traction this way."  He repeated the process on the other three linkages.  Dr. Miller was relieved that Dr. Morales didn't demonstrate any distress while he did it.  As if reading her mind, Dr. Raphael added "once we begin active traction, Olivia here will really feel it.  But we will wait until her pin sites heal to start that process."  He smiled and said "the diameter of the adjustable posts is the same as a standard post, so your protraction module will be compatible.  The screw mechanism will be above it, so it won’t impact her angle of protraction.  Doctor, I am done.  I guess all that is left is to get this beauty her springs."

As he attached the protraction module to Olivia's brace he felt for her.  He looked at her and said "you have done so well Olivia.  And you won't have to bother with my pesky mask anymore.  Your face can breath."  He smiled at her warmly and continued "and the springs will work faster than elastics.  And no more snapping them and popping your self in the lip with them.  I remember now how much that stings" as he pointed to his own mouth and the four elastics protruding from it.  Once he was done installing the springs, crimping them securely in place so they couldn't be removed, he said "all done!"

That afternoon once they had arrived home, Dr. Raphael had applied an antibiotic cream around Olivia's pin sites.  He marveled at her and said "doll, you look amazing.  I know you have to be sore.  But before we get you your pills, don't you need to get your treadmill time in?  It will also help get you acclimated to your new brace."

Dr. Morales looked at her master and said "yes sir, I should."

Raphael said "excellent.  Because you have been so good, how about we just do one kilometer today?  We can work back up to your customary five."

As Dr. Morales robotically walked towards the treadmill in their home gym, he asked "aren't you forgetting something doll?"  She turned and looked at him questioningly.  He asked "I know, this is hard.  But it is all for your own good.  And you know how much I love to see that lovely appliance in your mouth."

She said "yes sir."  She disappeared out of the room.  When she returned a few minutes later, she had a cheek retractor in her mouth that put all of the metal in her mouth on full display.

Raphael said "just beautiful.  And did you remember to put your tongue guard in too.  And lock your scopes?"

Olivia responded "yah suh."

Raphael smiled as he said "such a doll.  Let's get your steps in."

After taking her usual position on the tread mill, she placed her hands onto the hand grips.  Raphael wrapped first one cuff around her right wrist and buckled it closed.  He then took the second cuff and secured it around her left wrist.  There was just a short length of chain that connected each cuff to the treadmill.  There certainly wasn't enough slack for her to reach over herself and remove them.   She was effectively locked to the treadmill.  He looked at her and said "only one kilometer doll.  And only walking speed.  It will take you some time to become acclimated.  But I have no doubt we will have you back to running a 10 k before you know it."  He hit some buttons and the treadmill began to move.  Olivia had no choice but to begin walking.  Raphael walked around to the front of the treadmill and mounted a stationary bike that faced it.  This allowed him to watch her.  She was struggling to breath in her tight new orthopedic prison.  As he began to pedal he said "doll, you are such a beautiful sight.  You make my workouts so enjoyable.  No, strike that.  You make my life so enjoyable.  Speaking of enjoyment, I can't wait to show you the accessories I have for your brace.  You will love them."

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #191 on: 25. June 2024, 19:33:59 PM »
Chapter Seventy:

Raphael peddled at a comfortable pace as he watched Olivia.  After about ten minutes, he noticed that Olivia began to really struggle for breath.  He said "you are doing wonderful doll.  Just about ten minutes longer."  As the treadmill slowed to its cool down faze, Olivia was gasping for breath and appeared to be struggling just to stay on her feet.  Raphael dismounted the bike and stepped over to the treadmill.  He reached over and pushed the stop button and the treadmill came to a slow stop.  Olivia placed her hands on the two handlebars to help support herself.  Raphael stepped onto the treadmill behind her and pressed his body up against the back of Olivia's.  He whispered "you did so good" as she panted loudly.  He reached around her and unfastened one cuff and then the other.  She turned and collapsed into his arms.  He held her with his right arm and reached up and traced the index finger of his left hand around the lip spreader in her mouth.  He said "you know how much I love to see your appliance doll.  And I am so excited to show you what else I made to attach to your brace."  He noticed, despite the lip retractor distorting her facial features, a look of dread on her face.  He said "but my doll has had a traumatic day.  My doll struggled more getting her steps in than I anticipated.  I think I should get my doll to bed where I can give her the medication she needs.  I will also help wipe this sweat off of her, though the way she is glowing right now is so sultry.  I am proud of my doll and think she is perfect."  Despite the discomfort she was feeling, it made her proud that her husband had lavished her with this praise.  It didn't happen very often, so Olivia knew that she had done well.

Olivia was not the only one in discomfort.  The ride home for the other ladies had been disheartening.  Despite being careful driving, all of the ladies had felt every bump, turn and pot hole radiate through their entire body.  Jim drove Tara back to their home.  It was a short, direct drive so she was spared as much misery as Alex.  She on the other hand rode with her fiance Marc and Mona.  Alex and Mona were both in the backseat, leaning against and holding onto one another for support. 

Mona's home was a fifteen minute drive away.  She had repeatedly apologized, or at least tried to, with her garbled speech.  Alex had no trouble understanding her, she had lots of practice translating severe orthodontically acquired speech impediments.  Marc on the other hand couldn't understand every word she said.  But he understood the gist of what she was trying to say.  He told Mona that it was no problem.  And if she needed anything, to please let him and Alex know.  This was because poor Mona lived alone.  As they drove in silence, aside from the occasional grunt or gasp from the ladies when they hit a bump, Marc thought about how tough life was going to be for Mona.

Arriving at her apartment complex, he parked as close as he could to her front door.  He insisted that he at least help her to her apartment while Alex stayed in the running vehicle.  He had his arm around Mona's waist, the hard and unyielding shell of her halo vest all he felt, as Mona struggled up the stairs to her second floor apartment.  After helping her inside and getting her situated on her couch, Marc asked if there was anything he could do for her.  Mona replied "eh hay ta be a bover, buh ah nee mah prescreshions."  (I hate to be a bother, but I need my prescriptions.)

Marc responded "of course.  Let me get Alex home and get her comfortable.  I need to run and get hers too.  I will pick yours up as well and drop them off to you.  Where do I need to go?"

She had tried to tell him, but he couldn't understand her.  He eyed a note pad and pen by her phone and went and picked it up.  He handed it to Mona.  He noticed her face got red.  She looked to be on the verge of tears.  He sat down and wrapped his arm around her.  He said "you will get the hang of talking in no time.  I don't have an expander or tongue crib, just a transpalatal arch.  But when I got it, I really struggled with some words.  But now I have no problems.  When Alex first got her MARPE placed, she too struggled.  But it got better.  And then when she got her removable tongue crib, I had trouble even understanding her.  But it got better.  You will too."   While he was engaged to Alex, and totally in love with her, he squeezed Mona as he felt her burrow into his side, the hard angles of her halo pressing against him.  He said "it will be ok."  He held her for several moments, before Mona began to write.  Once she was done, she pulled the sheet of paper from the pad and handed it to Marc.  He looked at it and said "oh, this is the same pharmacy were Alex' prescriptions are."  He turned his head and smiled at her.  He didn't know if she could even see him with her gaze held firmly ahead by her halo.  He said "I bet you ladies planned it that way.  How smart.  Mona, let me go and get your presciptions.  And I will also bring you a few groceries."

As he turned into his and Alex' complex, Marc's phone dinged.  He looked down to see it was a text from Jim but he ignored it for the time being.  Once he had gotten Alex to their bed he used all the pillows he had to try to get her comfortable.  He looked down at his poor fiance and said "baby, I will pick up some more pillows while I am out.  I will be quick."  He reached down and hugged her and whispered "I love you so much.  And we will get through this."

As he walked back to his vehicle, he remembered the text from Jim.  He pulled his phone out and read the text.

J:  How are they doing?  My poor baby is miserable.

Marc replied back.

M:  It breaks my heart.  Mona and Alex are miserable too.  I just got Alex into bed.  I am running to the pharmacy and then to pick up some pillows and groceries.  Poor Mona.  She lives by herself.  I don't know how she will manage.

J: Poor thing.  I am headed to the pharmacy too.  Which one are you going to?

M:  Stone Apothecary.  Alex and Mona's prescriptions are both there.  I hope they don't give me a hassle picking up Mona's.  I didn't even think about that until now.

J:  Ah, small world.  That is where Tara's new prescription is too.  I bet they will let you pick up her prescription.  One of the owners is a patient of Dr. Millers.  I bet when you explain what is going on, they will look the other way.  I will wait for you there.  I want to talk with you.  We need to figure out how we are going to handle all of this.  For Tara and Alex.  And now Mona.  It will be easier in person.

Jim parked so he could see the front entrance of the pharmacy.  He sat waiting with the vehicle running and the air conditioning on.  Then he realized something.  He was still wearing his facemask.

After he had gotten Tara home and into bed, he had sat on the edge of the bed so they could see each other.  They had talked for a few minutes when Tara had reached up and put her finger on Jim's mouth.  She had said "I ah sho glahd weh ah goin through treement together.  I couldn't handle thish if weh weren't."  (I am so glad we are going through treatment together.  I couldn't handle this if we weren't.)

Jim had leaned over and hugged her.  As he held her he replied "I am so glad I decided to undergo treatment.  Because that is how we met."  After he let go of her he said "I will be right back."  When he returned he was wearing his facemask.  As he sat back down on the edge of the bed, he looked at Tara and said "we are in this together babe.  If it weren't for you, I know I couldn't do it either."  They had talked a few more minutes before Jim announced he needed to go.

Sitting in the parking lot of the pharmacy, he realized that he had been so consumed with thoughts about Tara, he had not even noticed he was still wearing his facemask until he had arrived.  He marveled that such a thing was possible.  But obviously it was.  He reached up to remove his elastics from his mask and stopped.  Instead he pulled down the visor and looked into the mirror.  He thought he looked ridiculous.  But then he had an epiphany.  He didn't care what others thought.  Well that wasn't true he thought.  He did care what one person thought.  But she liked it when he wore his facemask.  He then thought of Margaret Stone.  He didn't know if she was inside the building or not.  He suspected she was.  But regardless of where she was, Jim knew she was also wearing a facemask.  A bright pink facemask that she couldn't take off.  And he thought of Margaret's employee Kelly.  Kelly who also was supposed to wear a facemask but seemed mortified by the idea.  He flipped the visor back up and contemplated just leaving his facemask on.  And then he saw Marc walking up to the front door.  He didn't have time to think about it anymore.  Instead, he turned the ignition off and stepped out of the vehicle.  He shouted out "Marc, hold up."

Marc stopped in his tracks and turned towards Jim's voice.  Upon seeing the facemask clad man walking swiftly towards him, his eyes went wide.  He thought to himself "holy shit, he is wearing a facemask in public.  How brave.  But how crazy. I could never do that."  He quickly regained his composure and said "hey."

Jim stopped in front of him and said "thank you for meeting me.  Let's go ahead and let them be working on gathering up the girls prescriptions.  And while we wait we can chat.  I think we need to figure out a schedule or something.  I am busy.  I know you have to be too.  But I also know both our priorities are the girls."

Marc responded "absolutely."  He thought about saying something or asking about the facemask Jim wore, but he thought better of it.

Jim turned and headed towards the front door.  As they walked towards the back, as if reading Marc's thoughts, Jim said "I guess it isn't every day you see a man wearing a facemask in public.  If Margaret is here, you will get to see two people wearing them.  Did they prescribe one to you?"

Marc said "no, nobody mentioned anything about one."

Jim said "well maybe you are one of the lucky few who don't seem to end up in one."

As they approached the back pharmacy counter Jim saw that Kelly was busy ringing up another customer.  As Kelly spoke with the customer, Marc noticed her braces.  Marc asked softly "is that Margaret?  She isn't wearing a facemask."

Jim replied back discreetly "no, that is Kelly.  She too has to wear a facemask.  But she is sane and doesn't wear hers in public."  He gave a little laugh.  He had already glanced further back and seen that Margaret was there.  She had her head down, concentrating on what she was doing.   But the hot pink forehead pad of her facemask was impossible to miss.  Jim said "look there towards the back, that is Margaret."

Marc quickly took the site in before he said "wow, you were right.  You two are brave to wear them in public.  I mean, Alex wears hers to work.  But she works in ortho.  And all the other girls do too, so it almost seems normal there.  She sometimes even wears it riding in the car.  And obviously in private, like that night at your house.  But she always takes hers off when we are in public together."

Jim wondered about this.  She remembered Tara telling her about her day with Alex and her mom.  And about how Alex had worn not just her facemask but her CTO in public.  He said "that is weird, I know that when Tara spent the day with Alex and her mom, Alex wore her CTO all day.  Even when they went shopping."

Marc looked at him and asked "wait, really?  I wonder why she doesn't wear it with me?"

Jim didn't really think about what he said before he said "she may be afraid you will be embarrassed of her."

Marc seem insulted as he said "that is stupid.  I wouldn't ever.  And why would you say that?  I could never be embarrassed of Alex."

Jim realized he had struck a nerve.  He said "no, I didn't mean it like that.  I am not saying you would.  It's just that Tara has asked me several times if I am embarrassed to be seen with her.  Because of her orthodontics.  Several times when I have introduced her to other friends and coworkers I noticed she tried to hide her day splint and little bit of metal visible in her mouth.  She was so scared about what I would think when she first started treatment.  I have a trump card though.  When we met, I was wearing a CTO brace.  And I had just gotten my expander and could barely talk.  But even with that and my repeated proclamations about how beautiful she is, she still harbors some insecurities about her appliances.  And especially her facemask and CTO.  I imagine she feels the same about her Miller appliance and this new halo. This horrible new halo.  I plan to do everything I can to make her feel beautiful during this whole process.  Because she is.  But I am afraid there will be times when she still feels ugly.  I think that is natural for anyone.  THAT is why I said what I did.  It wasn't a dig at you."

It was a lot for Marc to take in.  He sat there wondering if Alex felt the same.  If that was why she had never worn her facemask in public with him.  He suddenly felt guilty.  He looked at Jim and said "I just, I mean, Alex always seemed fine with her braces and appliances.  And I even agreed to get braces myself.  I did that totally for her."  Still, he wondered if he had told her enough how beautiful she was.

Jim said "man, you shouldn't listen to me about women anyway.  I do not understand them at all."

This caused Marc to stop replaying in his mind some of the things Alex had said in the past.  He chuckled and responded "ha, who does?"

Jim looked up and realized the customer that had been at the counter had gone.  He had been so engrossed in his conversation with Marc he had not even noticed.  Instead, the only person at the counter was Kelly.  Who was staring at him.  He couldn't help but smile at the confused look on her face.  He said "hello Kelly!  I am back."  As he stepped forward he said "I need to pick up another prescription.  And get a refill for a couple of others.  For Tara.  She is in bed, she didn't feel like making the trip.  I hope it is ok she isn't with me, though I brought her id."  He gestured towards Marc with his head and said "and my friend Marc here needs to pick up prescriptions for two ladies.  One you may know from Dr. Millers.  Marc is Alex' fiance.  I hope you and Margaret will work with us here."

Kelly couldn't help but stare at the blue Petit facemask on Jim's face.  She said "oh no, are they ok?"

Jim replied "they are ok, but they are hurting."

Kelly, her focus still on Jim's facemask, blurted out "what happened?"

Jim replied "they all had orthodontic appointments today.  And they are pretty miserable.  I hope you can help them."

Kelly said "of course, we will try.  Let me speak with Mrs. Stone."  She stepped away.  Marc and Jim watched as Kelly spoke with her.  Margaret looked up and in their direction.  She began to walk towards them, Kelly following along behind her.

As Margaret stepped to the counter she pulled her cloth mask down, revealing her full facemask and the modified facebow that it was connected to.  She looked at Jim and asked "how is Tara?  She got her halo today didn't she?  How is she feeling?"

Jim said "yes, she did.  Along with the tads for her expander.  She is in a lot of discomfort, even with the pain pill I gave her.  I hope this new prescription will help."

Margaret said "oh that poor thing.  Kelly asked me if we could dispense her prescription, well all three prescriptions, without them here.  And of course we can.  We do it all the time.  And I know she has to be hurting.  The carfentanil will make it go away.  It is the strongest pain killer available.  It is an opioid though, so I will need to go over some things with you before you leave.  You HAVE TO be careful with it and follow the dosage schedule.  But, poor Tara.  I can't imagine having a halo driven into my skull."

She turned her attention to Marc and asked with concern "what happened to Alex?  I was surprised to see she had the same prescription transmitted over.  Is she ok?"

Marc said "my baby also got a halo installed.  It was a shock to us all.  I need to pick up her prescriptions, she should have a muscle relaxer, pain medication and antibiotic.  I also need to pick up the prescriptions for Mona Ward.  She is Dr. Morales' head nurse.  She also got a halo installed today.  I am going to take her's to her.   I feel bad for all of them, but poor Mona lives alone.  I am hoping it is ok."

Margaret looked at him.  She then said "so you are Marc, Alex fiance?  You know she talks about you all the time don't you?  She has told me all about you while I have been in the chair.  She speaks so glowingly of you.  She really loves you.  It is nice to meet you.  Even if under these circumstances."  She stuck out her hand.  After quickly shaking, Margaret continued "in light of the situation, it will not be a problem.  How could it be?  I already have them all filled."  She stepped over and typed a few things into the computer, then looked at Kelly and asked "Kel Bel, would you please get all of these prescriptions bagged up please."

As Kelly walked away, Margaret said "the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours will be uncomfortable for them all.  Or it would be without the carfentanil.  With it though, they may not know they are on planet earth.  But you mentioned that Mona lives alone.  That won't work.  She has to have someone with her.  That is actually one of the things I will go over with you.  All of them need to have supervision.  Is there no one she can stay with?"

Jim said immediately "I don't know her situation.  But she can absolutely stay with me and Tara.  Absolutely."

Marc said "or with me and Alex, we would be a little cramped, but I will totally sleep on the floor if I have to."

Jim said "Marc, no need for that, I have plenty of room."  Then he had an idea.  Jim said "you know what, why don't all of you stay with us.  It might help the girls to have some company.  Plus that way we could take turns caring for them.  Just for a few days.  What do you say?"

Marc said "no way, that would be too much of a burden and imposition.  I could never."

Jim said "you absolutely can.  Think about how much fun Tara and Alex had that time you guys stayed over.  No, this won't be fun for them.  But it might be best for them.  And all I care about is what is best for the girls at this time.  I can't make you, but it would be best I think."

As Marc pondered on it, Margaret interjected "that would actually be a great idea.  And you could keep all three of them on the same schedule.  Marc, you should consider it.  If Jim is ok with it."

Jim said "it absolutely is ok."

Marc said "I would owe you so much."

Jim said "no, you wouldn't.  But I owe Alex so much for the care and comfort she has provided Tara.  Even if she did fit me with this horrible mask of shame."

This caused Margaret to laugh.  She looked at Jim and cocked her head before she said "I think it looks quit fetching on you.  I will admit that it caught me off guard.  But hey, all the cool kids wear facemasks right?  At least you can take yours off."

Marc was confused.  He asked "you can't take yours off?"

Margaret gave him a big smile and said "nope, I was a bad girl and didn't wear it like I was supposed to."  At this time Kelly arrived back, her arms full with a brown cardboard box full of white prescription bags.  Margaret continued "I didn't wear my facemask as prescribed.  So I got the deluxe model.  It doesn't come off."  She looked at Kelly and raised her eyebrows.

Kelly had heard some of the conversation.  She didn't respond to the look, instead she just said "I have all the prescriptions."

Margaret stepped over and looked through them.  She said "excellent Kelly, all here, you did wonderful.  I have come to expect that from you."  She turned towards Marc and Jim and said "even if she won't wear her facemask like she should."  She turned towards Kelly and said "Kel darling, it really isn't a big deal.  Look at Jim here.  And me.  And you certainly don't want to have to have yours installed for full time wear.  Or worse, have to get a halo installed.  Has Dr. Andi told you what might happen if you don't wear it enough?"

Kelly got a defiant look as she said "yes, but I think she is just trying to scare me.  She would never make me wear it full time."

Margaret raised her eyebrows and asked "are you sure about that?"

Kelly's defiant look quickly faded.  She softly said "no."  She then raised her voice and said "it's not fair that you are teaming up on me."

Margaret said "it is just because we love you Kel Bel."

Kelly let out a "hmpph" as she reached under the counter and pulled out a purse.  She unzipped it and pulled a out a purple petit facemask.  Under the lights, the glitter molded into it sparkled.  She had a pout on her face as she sat it on the counter and pulled out a bag of Gray Whale elastics.

Jim said "hey, Tara and I use the same elastics!  If we run out, I know who to come see!"  It was meant to lighten the mood and lift Kelly's spirits.

Instead she said "they are strong, they hurt."

Jim said "you know, the more you wear it, the more you get used to it.  Kind of like working out.  When you first start, you are sore for a few days.  Then you get used to it."

Kelly replied "I won't ever get used to it."

Margaret said "you certainly won't if you don't wear it.  And then one day you may find yourself in the treatment chair having it wired on so you have no choice."

Kelly shook out a couple of elastics.  She reached up and struggled but finally managed to get it looped over the hook reaching off her molar band.  She held her facemask up while she hooked the elastic onto the horizontal bar.  She swapped hands and repeated the process on the other side.  She looked unhappy as she turned to Margaret and asked "happy?"

As Margaret reached over and straightened the mask on Kelly's face she gave her a big smile and said "I am Kel Bel.  And you will be too.  I promise.  Isn't that right Jim?"

Jim said "That is right.  I think you look stunning in your mask."

Marc smiled and said "I agree.  I may have to ask Dr. Andi if I can get one too!"  He was joking of course.  What he didn't realize was that his case was one of the ones that Dr. Andi planned to review the next morning.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #192 on: 26. June 2024, 17:32:02 PM »
Chapter Seventy-one: 

Jim parked his SUV and literally jogged into Dollar General.  He had stopped there on the way home because he knew it would be quicker than a Walmart or Target.  He also knew the pillows they sold might not be the highest quality, but he thought they would work for a day or two until he could purchase better ones.  He had filled his cart with every single bed pillow they had, and then for good measure had grabbed a few smaller decorative throw pillows too.  He wasn't sure if it was the facemask he was still wearing or the cart full of pillows that got the strangest looks. 

When he got to the cash register, the cashier smiled at him revealing a set of metal braces.  Out of habit, as he did since he had started treatment, he had glanced at her mouth to see what was going on in there.  He only got a quick glance, but in addition to the metal brackets, wires and teal ligatures she had, she was wearing a set of neon green class three elastics.  He thought he had also seen a set of hooks running along her upper gumline, ending in loops positioned above her canines.  Before the cashier started ringing him up, she looked like she might still be in high school, she said "um, we don't have bags out here big enough for pillows.  I can get some from the back if you want."

Jim replied "no, that is ok.  I will just stack them all here on the counter. As you scan them I will put them back in the cart."

She said "ok!  That is smart.  And that saves me a little work.  Thank you."  As he stacked the pillows she leaned over and said softly "I have to wear one of those too.  But I could never wear it in public.  You are brave."

Jim smiled and said "not really, I just want to get these things off as quickly as possible.  I don't even mind the braces that much.  But the expander in my mouth can go."

The cashier became animated, saying "oh my God, the expander is the worst.  It AND the facemask.  I HATE them.  It sucks so bad.  My orthodontist tells me I probably won't be done with them for another two years at least.  It sucks so bad being in college with braces.  The expander and facemask make it worse.  My roommate is constantly teasing me about it.  I didn't get the stupid things until I was a senior in high school. That was two years ago.  And at the rate I am going I may not get them off until I graduate from college.  If that happens, I am just going to take them off myself.  Screw it, I am over it."

Jim chuckled before he said "I know about wanting to rip them off.  But don't do that.  You will be glad when it is over.  At least that is what everyone tells me.  At least you are doing it now so you don't have to do it when you are old like me." 

As the cashier swiped the pillows he placed them back in the cart.  Without missing a beat she said "you aren't old.  You are experienced.  I love experienced men.  And men that take care of themselves.  And men with lots of pillows."  She gave him a seductive closed mouth smile.

Jim immediately realized she was flirting with him.  He felt a little pride that a very attractive college girl was interested in him.  Even if he was wearing a facemask.  But his heart belonged to Tara.  Tara, who was at home and whom he was worried sick about.  He smiled at the girl and glanced at her name tag.  He said "Lana, I am flattered.  And if I wasn't off the market, I would ask you if you wanted to share some braces tips and tricks.  Maybe over dinner.  But my heart belongs to another.  And she is at home in discomfort.  She had a brutal orthodontist appointment herself this afternoon.  I need to get home and see if these pillows can help make her more comfortable."

Lana said "that is sweet."  She then asked "so you are both in braces together?  That is pretty cool.  And oh, that will be $112.39."

As Jim pulled out his card, he said "well, she isn't in braces yet.  She just got a Miller appliance this week and had her tads placed today.  It is a complicated appliance, I don't even have time to explain it."

While Jim typed on the key pad of the card machine, Lana replied "oh, I know what a Miller appliance is.  Dr. Miller is my ortho.  He mentioned a Miller appliance might be right for me.  When I saw it I said no way.  It looks terrifying.  Your poor girlfriend.  I hope she is ok."

Jim responded "she will be.  I will do everything in my power to make sure of it."

Lana said "you are a sweet guy.  Why are all the good ones already taken?"

Jim noticed she had a disappointed look on her face.  She asked "do you want your receipt?"

He responded "no thank you, I don't need it.  And Lana, all the good men aren't taken.  You just haven't met the right one yet.  But you will.  Good luck with your treatment.  I've got to run, but maybe we will bump into each other again."

Lana said "I would like that.  I would really like to bump into you again."

While his thoughts were on Tara, he couldn't help but smile as he rushed to his truck.  He couldn't help but marvel about the strange encounter he had just had.  But he had to get home to Tara.  When he got home, skidding to a stop in his drive, he didn't take the time to grab any of the pillows.  Instead he ran to the house and rushed inside to check on Tara.

When he opened the door to their bedroom, he could hear the TV was on.  It hadn't been when he left.  As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Tara was propped up in bed, leaned back against pillows placed along the headboard.  As soon as he saw her he said "hey baby, what kind of trouble did you get into while I was gone?"  He then noticed the bouquet of flowers on the nightstand.  The flowers had certainly not been there when he left.

Unable to move her head at all, Tara cut her eyes up from the phone in her hand towards Jim.  She said "baby!  Beverly shent flowersh!  I wash able to geh up and go to thah door all by myshelf!  And I have gotten sho many textsh.  Everyone ish being sho shweet checking on me."

Jim sat on the edge of the bed and leaned down.  As he hugged her he said "I am so proud of you.  And I am not surprised you are getting texts.  Everyone loves you.  And you surround yourself with incredible people.  Myself notwithstanding of course."

Tara hugged him back as best she could in her largely immobilized state and replied "baby, you are the besht of the bunch."

Jim held her for probably a minute longer.  His heart was swelled with happiness that Tara seemed to be handling this so well.  She didn't seem to be in debilitating pain.  And her speech seemed to be clearer than when he left.  He didn't know if this was because she already was becoming more acclimated to the appliance in her mouth, or if it was because the anesthesia from earlier was wearing off.  Either way, he didn't care.  He was happy for her.  He wasn't sure if he should ask, but he did anyway.  He looked down and said "how do you feel baby?"

Tara said "there ish a lot of pressure in my head.  The roof of my mouf ish burning.  And thesh new shcrewsh really dig into my tongue.  But the flowersh and all thesh textsh have helped take mah mind off it some."

Jim said "baby, the screws are annoying at first.  But your tongue will get used to them.  I sometimes even forget I have an expander in my mouth now.  You will too.  And I have been doing all kinds of research on halo braces.  There is no doubt it will be an adjustment.  But it seems like after a few days they don't cause any pain.  Margaret gave you something so you won't feel anything this weekend.  She said by Monday you won't need anything as strong.  And it looks like you have the pillow situation under control.  But I went ahead and stopped and got a pile more.  Let me go out and get your prescription and some pillows.  I will be right back.  When I do, I have a surprise for you."

Tara asked "what ish the surprish?"

Jim winked at her and said "well if I told you it wouldn't be surprise".

As he walked out of the bedroom, Tara had followed him as best she could with her eyes.  Then she realized something.  Jim was wearing his facemask.  It seemed strange to her that it had become so normal to see him wearing it that it didn't even register with her anymore.  She thought back to when he had left earlier and realized he had been wearing it when he left.   And he had it on when he had returned.  She wondered if he had worn it the whole time, even out into public.  For a reason she didn't understand, she hoped he had.  The thought of it made her happy.  And even despite everything that she was dealing with, it turned her on.  While he was gone, she fantasized about him wearing nothing but his facemask as he made love to her.

He was gone longer than she thought he would be.  As he reentered the bedroom holding two of the new pillows he said "I am sorry babe, it took a few trips.  I had to bring in all three of you lady's prescriptions.  A whole box of them.  That took one trip by itself.  And I had to make another two for the pillows.  Here let me see if a couple more make you more comfy." 

As he stuffed the pillows around her, Tara asked "why do you have all of our prescriptionsh?"

Jim finished up with the pillows and leaned back.  He looked into her eyes and said "that is the surprise.  We are going to have some guests for a little while.  Marc and Alex will be staying with us.  And so will Mona.  Marc has gone to pick them up.  We can have a big slumber party this weekend.  Me and Marc can build pillow forts and you girls can do, well, whatever it is girls do at slumber parties.  Maybe talk about us silly boys?"

Tara looked surprised for a moment before she asked simply "really?"

Jim replied "really.  I know how much fun you and Alex had that night they stayed over before.  And I thought it might be good for you girls to be together.  Plus, Mona lives alone.  That would be so hard on her.  So, assuming Marc can talk her into it, she will be staying with us at least until she gets her feet back under her and she isn't taking prescription pain medication."

Tara asked "was that your idea?"

Jim wasn't sure if she liked the idea or not.  He responded "yes baby.  It was.  I am sorry, I should have asked you first.  I am thoughtless sometimes.  I apologize.  Is it ok with you?"

Tara reached out and put her hand on Jim's arm.  As she looked at him she realized how much she loved him.  And how lucky she was that he was in her life.  She said "oh baby, it ish perfect.  You are jusht the sweetest man.  Poor Mona, of coursh she ish welcome.  And since she ish a nursh, she may have shome tipsh and tricks for life in a halo."  She then changed the subject and said "But you aren't just sweet.  No, you are also just the sexiest man I have ever seen.  And such a compliant patient.  Baby, did you wear your facemask out in public?"

Jim replied "I did baby.  I was so consumed thinking about you I didn't even realize I had in on until I parked at Margaret's.  I was contemplating taking it off when I saw Marc walking up.  So I said the heck with it and got out.  And since I survived my trip into the pharmacy, and I was in such a hurry to get back and see you, I didn't take the time before I went in to get pillows.  I survived that too!"  He gave her a smile.  He had intentionally left out the details about Lana, the facemask wearing cashier.  He didn't think that Tara would be upset.  No, he thought she would find it humorous.  But he wanted to save that story for a later time.

Tara looked at him and said "I am so proud of you.  And it makes me so happy.  Lean down here baby, I have something I want to tell you."

Tara whispered in her ear what she had been thinking about while he was gone.  He leaned back and looked at her in surprise.  He wanted her.   He always wanted her.  But she had just undergone two fairly traumatic procedures.  It surprised him that with everything going on, and the discomfort she was in, that is what she had on her mind.  As he looked at her unsure of what he should do she added "they gave us the brochure about having sex while in a halo.  It would be a shame not to put that new knowledge to use."

Without a word, Jim pulled out his phone and called Marc.  He answered on the fourth ring.  Jim said "I am home.  How long do you think it will be until you all arrive?" 

Marc replied "I am still at home with Alex.  I am not done gathering up some things for the both of us.  We haven't even left to get Mona yet.  I am guessing we will be at least 45 minutes.  Maybe an hour." 

Jim said "take your time.  Be sure to drive carefully, I know the bumps are uncomfortable for the girls.  We will be here when you get here.  See you soon. Bye."

Jim stood as he hung up the phone and placed it on the nightstand beside the flowers.  He looked at Tara and smiled.  He then began taking off his cloths.  Once he was naked except for the facemask on his face he gently swung his leg over Tara's.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #193 on: 27. June 2024, 17:25:43 PM »
Chapter Seventy-two:

Jim was hurting inside as he watched the girls struggle to try to eat.  He wished he could do something to help.  But beyond fixing all of them a meal, cream of chicken soup, he knew he couldn't.  They would just have to figure it out through trial and effort.  Initial, Alex had tried to coach them.  But quickly she gave up as she realized she was struggling as much as they were. 

Tara had still not adapted to eating with the Miller appliance she had received five days earlier.  Every day Jim had worried a little more that she wasn't getting the nutrition and calories she needed.  The addition of the tads in her mouth earlier in the day had certainly not helped.  Mona and Alex had issues of their own.  Their new aggressive tongue cribs effectively blocked off much of their mouth.  The tongue cribs designed to hold their tongues back were also very effective at keeping a spoon out of their mouth.  Several times, each girl had hit their spoon on their tongue crib, resulting in them spilling their soup.  When they were successful in getting a spoon full of soup in their mouths, both Mona and Alex had trouble getting their lips to seal, the large lip bumpers both wore working against them.  In addition, all three were also having to deal with the protraction module.  It ran in front of and slightly below the level of their mouths.  Jim had watched as each girl had experimented trying to find which was better, to go above or below the bar.   All three had settled on trying to manuever their spoons under it.  In addition, the protraction modules made drinking from a cup or bottle impossible.  A straw was absolutely mandatory, and all three of the girl's glasses had straws sticking out of the them.  Jim had wished he could fix them all a strong drink.  He knew that Alex and Tara would have loved a margarita.  But one of the things that Margaret had harped on the most when going over their prescriptions was that they could not drink alcohol while taking the carfentanil.  None.  Period.

Jim monitored the level of their bowls.  He was concerned that even after 10 minutes, the level of all three had barely dropped.  His gaze was fixed on Tara when he heard a sniffle and then a sob to his right.  He looked over to see Mona struggling not to cry.  Looking over, he saw cream of chicken soup running down the front of her halo vest.  She had obviously spilled another bite.  Marc was sitting beside her and he quickly picked up a napkin and began dabbing away at the mess.  He comforted her "it's ok Mona.  It is fine.  See?  I am getting it cleaned up.  It's hard, I know.  But you will get the hang of it."

Jim added "I am so sorry.  For all of you.  But you have to try to eat.  You can't take your medication on an empty stomach."

The girls had given a valiant effort for the next five minutes.  But they didn't have any more success than before.  In frustration, Alex slammed her spoon down onto the dining room table.  Marc wrapped his arm around her and said "it is ok baby.  You are doing good."

Alex responded loudly "na I'm nah." (No I'm not.) 

Jim could see she too was on the verge of a breakdown.  He asked "Alex, what about a smoothie?  That might be easier.  Hang on, I have fruit in the fridge."

Jim brought back three fresh glasses, all filled with a thick pink liquid.  There was a straw in each.  Alex was the first to try to drink.  She quickly found nothing would make it through the straw, the consistency of the blended strawberries and bananas was too thick.    Jim was heartbroken.  He then had an idea.  He had a friend in college who had suffered a broken jaw which required it to be wired shut for six months.  He remembered his friend had been on a liquid diet and had to 'eat' from a syringe.  But Jim realized he didn't have a large syringe like that.  But he could go get one.  As he stood up he then remembered something.  He had a turkey injector in one of the kitchen drawers.  It was essentially a large syringe.  And the tip was removeable.  His memory wasn't exact, but he thought it was similar to the syringe his friend had used.  Jim said "hang on."

In the kitchen he had quickly unscrewed the metal tip and placed it back in the drawer.  He hurried back and leaned over Alex' shoulder.  He placed the injector into her glass and pulled up on the plunger.  He said a little thank you when he saw the injector fill with smoothie.  He handed the injector to Marc and asked "Marc, why don't you see if this works?"

Jim didn't have to explain what to do as he watched Marc look at Alex and said "here baby, let's see if this works."  Marc carefully guided the injector under the protraction module, being careful to keep it tilted up slightly so none of the thick, chunky liquid would seep out, and gently placed it in Alex mouth.  With her lip bumpers, she struggled to wrap her lips around it.  She just barely managed to get them sealed around the cylindrical tube.  He depressed the plunger quickly, shooting a jet of smoothie into Alex mouth and throat.  She gagged.  He said "too hard.  I'm sorry baby.  But this will work."  Marc reached over and filled the injector again.

He was slow and methodical as he gently fed Alex.  Jim said to everyone "I am sorry, I just have the one.  But I will be sure and grab some more first thing tomorrow morning."  He wanted to feed Tara next.  But instead he looked at her and asked "baby, is it ok if Mona goes next?   She is our guest."

Instead of being upset or mad, Tara was happy.  She had told Jim repeatedly how sweet and thoughtful he was.  This was just another example.  She said "oh coursh not." 

Jim went over and hugged her.  With his head beside her ear he said softly "I love you so much."  Jim let go of her and picked up her bowl and spoon.  It was obvious the girls were done trying to eat soup.  After emptying and rinsing out Tara's bowl and depositing it in the sink, he returned and did the same with Alex'.  He then did the same with Mona's.  When he returned to the cleared table he saw that Marc had finished feeding Alex and was now tending to Mona.  Jim sat and wrapped his arm around Tara's waist.  It would take some getting used to feeling not the warmth of her body under his touch but the cold, hard plastic of her halo.

When Marc was done feeding Mona, he said cheerfully "your turn Tara!"  She had given him a grim smile but didn't speak.  Jim took the injector and filled it with liquid.  As he fed her, Tara felt conflicting emotions.  On one hand, she felt embarrassed that she couldn't even feed herself.  Instead, she was being tended to like a newborn.  But on the other hand, the intimacy of it, the tenderness and love that Jim was exhibiting, turned her on.

When her glass was empty Jim said "yay!  Now we can get you girls your medicine.  And Marc and I can turn my downstairs office into a bedroom." 

They gave the girls their pills.  All three had difficulty swallowing them with all the new metal in their mouths.  But all managed to get them down.  Jim and Marc then got the three girls all situated on the couch, using some of the new pillows to help prop them up so they could see the TV.  He had also propped Tara's surgically repaired right leg up gently on a pillow on the coffee table.  Jim had turned the TV on and found a silly comedy.  He had then handed the remote to Tara.  He joked "I will let you ladies fight over the remote."  They just sat there staring straight ahead, a dazed look in their eyes.  It was apparent that Margaret was right, their prescription pain medication was strong.  And it had kicked in quickly.  Jim smiled at them anyway and said "if any of you need anything, just holler."

After fifteen minutes of rearranging which included hauling Jim's computer and computer desk upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms and swapping it with the bed there, Jim and Marc were a bit sweaty.  As they surveyed the room Jim said "I think this will work for Mona.  You and Alex can have the downstairs bedroom you stayed in last time."

Marc turned and looked at Jim. He said seriously "I really owe you for this.  I don't know how to repay you."

Jim said "you don't owe me anything.  But if you do want to repay me, do it by taking care of the girls.  I know you will.  But all I want is for Tara; Alex and Mona too; to get through this as comfortably as possible."

When they returned to the living room, they found both Tara and Mona had their eyes closed.  They had both dozed off.  Alex was staring straight ahead at the TV, but it didn't look like she was really watching it.  Marc had gone over and squatted down in front of her and asked "how you doing babe?"  She had just given him a glazed look, the same one she had been wearing before he squatted down.  Margaret again was correct, Alex was not even on the planet at the moment.  Marc said "why don't we get you to bed baby?"  She had again not responded.   Marc cut his eyes towards Jim.  He understood without being told.  Marc had gently gotten Alex to a standing position.  He and Jim had positioned themselves on either side of her, their arms wrapped around her, and helped her to her temporary new bedroom.  Once there, Marc had gotten her into bed and arranged pillows to try to get her as comfortable as possible.  As Jim watched, he didn't think it was necessary.  He didn't think Alex was feeling anything.  And for that he was grateful.

They returned and woke Mona.  She gave them the same glazed look as Alex but did ask "wash gon ah?"  (What's going on?)

Jim had replied "you fell asleep on the couch.  We are going to get you to bed."

She had put up no resistance as they helped her down the hallway and into bed.  Jim didn't think she really knew where she was.  But he also thought she didn't really care.  When they returned to the living room, Jim woke Tara.  He looked into her eyes and said "wakey wakey baby.  Lets get you to bed."  She had stared blankly at him.  Jim explained "baby, you need to go to bed.  Do you think you can manage on your crutches?"  She stared at him and asked "crushes?" (Crutches?).  She too was zonked out.  After getting her to her feet, Jim and Marc had positioned themselves on either side of her.  They quickly realized her injured leg was a problem.  She didn't pick it up, instead she just let it hang.  Jim said "ok baby."  He had gently put his left arm under her knees and his right arm under the middle of her halo encased lower back.  With a grunt, he lifted her into his arms.  She instinctively wrapped her arm around his neck.  He had carefully carried her down their hallway and gently laid her in their bed.  Before he even finished getting pillows positioned around her, she had again nodded off.  Jim leaned down and kissed the front of her halo, there was no way to kiss any part of her face, and softly said "I love you angel."

The next day was a blur the girls would not remember even though they had visitors.  Katie and Aubrey had come by together.  When Jim had opened the door, he had found Aubrey holding a colorful potted hydrangea.  He could see a note sticking up that read 'WE LOVE YOU!!!" 

They had visited and chatted with the girls.  Or more accurately they talked to the girls.  They filled them in on some gossip.  They told them about their plans for the weekend.  Aubrey had rambled on about her date with Tim later that afternoon.  She was very excited about it.  They had explained that all the other girls in the office were thinking about them, that Becky had wanted to come but she had ANOTHER wedding to go to.  The only one other than Aubrey and Katie that had said anything was Alex.  An orthodontic assistant to the core, she had looked at Katie and Aubrey and said "uh shoul be earin yah mashksh." (You should be wearing your masks.)

Jim was glad he had gotten three large syringes earlier that day.  Even if their orthodontia had not largely prohibited the ladies from eating, their drug induced stupor certainly would have.  They had again fed them smoothies at lunch and again at dinner.  But largely, the ladies just slept.  Jim and Marc both agreed this was for the best. 

Jim had gotten the syringes from Stone Pharmacy that morning.  Margaret had not been working which disappointed Jim.  He had some questions he wanted to ask her, specifically if she had any tips related to a liquid diet like someone would be on if their jaw was wired shut.  Instead, he had asked Kelly if he could speak with the pharmacist on duty.  Kelly had not been wearing her facemask.  This disappointed Jim a little, but then again he wasn't wearing his either so he didn't say anything.

It turned out that the pharmacist on duty was Margaret's husband Phillip. It was the first time Jim had met him.  Phillip had explained he certainly wasn't an expert, but he did have a few suggestions.  They included a powdered vitamin supplement to mix with the smoothies.  And he recommended bone broth.  He also told Jim that Margaret was thinking about them.  Jim had picked up everything he had suggested, some from the pharmacy and some from Target, where Jim had also purchased a few more higher quality pillows.

That though was the extent of either Jim or Marc's excursions that day.  They had mostly just watched the girls.  And chatted.   They got to know each other much better.  And each found they liked the other.  Even if Alex and Tara weren't in the picture, they could have been friends.  They both expressed how grateful they were that the ladies were largely comatose.  But they also both agreed they would be glad when their minds returned.  Even though it had just been a day, they both missed their significant others.

That evening, Aubrey was anything but comatose.  Her date, this was her third already with Tim the dentist, had gone wonderfully.  At the end, when Tim had dropped her off at her apartment, for the first time Aubrey had shyly invited him in.  He had agreed.  While the TV had been on in the background, they had been too involved making out; kissing and feeling each other's bodies; to notice it.  After a half hour, Aubrey said "Tim, I want you.  I need you."  She had taken his hand and pulled him into her bedroom.

Aubrey was on one hand disappointed that he had finished so quickly.  But on the other hand she was flattered that she had such an effect on him.  He seemed embarrassed and apologetic.  She said "honey, you were great.  It wash incredible.  We jusht need to practish a little.  I think we both might like that."  He took much longer the second time. 

As they cuddled, Tim looked at Aubrey and asked "do you want me to leave?"

Aubrey said "no silly, I want you to stay."

Tim said "I want that too."  As they lay there holding each other, it looked like Aubrey might dose off.  Tim asked "don't you need to put on your facemask?"

Aubrey felt mortified.  The adrenalin of fear quickly coursed through her.  While she had told him about it, she had been a little drunk that night, she had not mentioned it again.  And she had certainly not worn it in front of him.  It was bad enough that she had to wear her removable appliances.  Tim could see the embarrassment in her face.  He said "it's ok gorgeous.  I've certainly seen one before.  Just never on anyone as beautiful as you.  You need it for your treatment don't you?  Please, will you put it on?"

Aubrey instantly said "no... baby, it is so embarrassing.  You probably haven't seen one like this.  It is a Miller facemask.  It covers my whole face.  It will ruin this."

Tim stroked her arm as he said "no, it's not embarrassing.  It is a turn on that you care about yourself.  The last thing that it will do is ruin this."

Aubrey wasn't convinced.  She said "it won't hurt to miss a night."  She knew this was not true.  So did Tim.

He looked at her.  He weighed what he should say.  Finally he said "it would make me very happy if you would put it on.  Please?  How about I make a deal with you.  If you will put it on, I will call Monday and schedule an appointment of my own with you guys.  Would that be fair?"

Aubrey looked at him.  She couldn't believe she was going to do it, but she said "ok".

When she returned from the bathroom a minute later wearing only a black negligee and her Miller facemask, she stopped at the edge of the bed and looked at Tim.  He was smiling at her as he said "you look incredible."  Despite the compliment she felt humiliated.  She knew she looked horrible.  She knew it must be such a turn off.  She was surprised that he hadn't jumped up and bolted for the door.  She stood there not wanting to get into bed, fearing getting closer to him would make it worse.  She was still looking down at him when she noticed what his manhood was doing.  It looked like even it was trying to get a closer look at her face.  That was NOT the reaction she had expected.  It surprised her that he was even able to at this point.  She looked into his face questioningly.  It was now he who said "I want you, I need you.  Please come to bed."  Despite the facemask, Aubrey pounced on top of him.   

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #194 on: 28. June 2024, 17:54:12 PM »
Chapter Seventy-three:

Jim leaned over and hugged Tara Monday morning and said "Marc is going to take Alex to work.  I am going to take Mona.  I will be back as quick as I can."

Tara looked up at him lucidly and said "I weh be fine.  I wish ya would go to work too."

Jim smiled at her and said "You will be fine baby.  I know you will.  And I will be working, just from home.  This just gives me an excuse to spend more time with you.  Call me or text me if you need me to pick up anything while I am out."

Tara smiled and said "I am fine, go."

As Jim drove Mona, he said "today will go fine Mona.  I know it will.  But if you need anything, let me or Marc know.  You have our numbers."

Mona said "ah am schared if ah will be able to do mah joh.  Buh ma bossh ish in deh shame boh ash me ah guessh." (I am scared if I will be able to do my job.  But my boss is in the same boat as me I guess.)

While Mona's speech was still garbled, it was much better than it had been Friday after receiving her tongue crib.  At least Jim could understand her.  The afternoon before, Jim and Marc had weened the girls off of the strong opioid prescription pain medication.  They had only a two day prescription, just enough to get the ladies through the worst of their recovery.  One of the things they did was practice speaking aloud with each other..  Alex had tried to help, but the truth is her speech, even after practice, was the worst of the three.  That evening, Jim had again fixed them a dinner of soup.  While Mona and Alex had some success eating, Tara again struggled and gave up.  She eventually just asked for a smoothie, which Jim had made for her and fed to her through a syringe. 

Jim responded to Mona "I am sure it will be an adjustment.  But you will do great.  I know it."  He then shifted gears.  He said "Mona, you are a nurse.  And you have a Miller appliance.  I am really worried about Tara.  She is not eating.  She says she can't.  I can see she is losing weight.  I am worried about her.  What can she do?"

Mona responded "eh ish really hah with all thish.  It juss takesh practish.  But thish tongue crib makesh it abou imposshible.  Lasht night eh though abou trying an NG tube myshelf.  Maybe Tawa should too."  (It is really hard with all this.  It just takes practice.  But this tongue crib makes it about impossible.  Last night I thought about trying an NG tube myself.  Maybe Tara should too."

Jim had no idea what she was talking about.  He asked "an NG tube?"

Mona said "a feehin tube.  It goesh in the noesh, down tha throat, into the shtomach.  You hook a feedin solution to eh and 'eat' thah way.  Shome of our more serioush EDSh patientsh alsho have gashtrointeshtenal isshues that prevent them from eating sholids.  They utilize NG tubesh.  It ish not uncomfortable.  Talking abou eh, I think I will try one tonight.  I know eh am nah eatin enough eder." (A feeding tube.  It goes in the nose, down the throat, into the stomach.  You hook a feeding solution to it and 'eat' that way.  Some of our more serious EDS patients also have gastrointestinal issues that prevent them from eating solids.  They utilize NG tubes.  It is not uncomfortable.  Talking about it, I think I will try one tonight.  I know I am not eating enough either."

Jim wanted to reply 'that sounds horrible.'  But he kept his thoughts to himself.  Instead he said "well, you are a nurse.  I think you would know."

They rode in silence the next ten minutes.  As Jim pulled into the parking lot, Mona said "the employee entransh ish around back.  Shorry, I should have said something earlier."  She guided him through an employee parking lot up to one of several back entrances.  Mona said "there, that ish thah door."

Jim pulled to a stop in front of it as several other ladies in scrubs looked in their direction.  Putting the car in park, Jim said "hang on, I will help you out."

After getting Mona out of the car and getting her purse slung over her shoulder, Jim asked "do you want me to help you inside?"

Mona responded "no, I eh be ok."  (No, I will be ok.)

Jim smiled at her and said "have a great day!  I know you will!"  Jim thought it was a lie, he thought Mona would have the furthest thing from a great day.  But he wanted to try to stay upbeat.  He finished with "I will be back at 4:30.  But if you need to leave earlier, just call or text one of us."

Over at 'TMJ and Sleep Plus', Marc escorted Alex inside.  As soon as they entered the waiting area, Becky ran around from her station at the reception desk and gave Alex a big hug.  Becky said "Alex, I am so sorry I wasn't able to see you Saturday."

Alex hugged her back and said "at ish ah aight.  Ha wash da wehhing?"  (That is all right.  How was the wedding?)

Becky let go of Alex and said "it was beautiful.  So romantic."  She looked at Marc and back at Alex and said "I can't wait to attend yours."

They were interrupted by Dr. Miller coming out of through the treatment room door.  He smiled and said "I thought I heard my lead assistant.  How are you doing Alex?"

Alex pivoted her body towards him and said "eh am ok eh guessh.  Nah sure ha today eh go doe."  (I am ok I guess.  Not sure how today will go though.)

Dr. Miller gave her a big smile, his blue petit facemask shifting on his face a little as he did, and said "I know you will do great.  You always do.  But, take as many breaks as you need.  And if you need to go home early, please do.  Please.  You are an indispensable part of the team here, but we can manage a few days without you if you need to recuperate."

Alex said "thah ya shir.  Buh eh theen eh weh be ok.  Eh am goin ta try at leash."  (Thank you sir.  But I think I will be ok.  I am going to try at least.)

Becky said "Alex babe, you are going to do great.  I know it."

Dr. Miller said "that is right.  I know the other ladies want to see you too."

Marc escorted Alex back to the lounge.  He watched as the other girls showered Alex with love and encouragement.  Dr. Andi arrived a few minutes later and gave Alex a hug.  After a few minutes, Marc felt like Alex was in good hands.  He leaned in and said "baby, I know they will take care of you.  But I am just a phone call or text away.  I love you so much.  Have a great day."

As he started to make his way out, Dr. Andi slid in beside him.  As they walked Dr. Andi asked "so Marc, how are your braces treating you?"

Marc said "they are fine I guess.  I mean, I don't love them.  But I am managing.  Alex likes them, so I guess that is all that matters."

Andi said "I was looking at your case over the weekend.  Would you have a few minutes to hop in the chair?"

Marc was suddenly nervous.  He replied "um, I really need to go.  I have my appointment next week.  Could it just wait until then?  And what do you want to look at?"

Andi said "yes, it will be fine to wait.  I just thought if you had a few minutes we might could get a jump on things.  I am worried about your bite.  I want to discuss a few options for getting it to where it needs to be."

Marc stopped walking and turned towards Dr. Andi.  As he looked at her and the mask covering her face, he envisioned himself wearing it.  He asked nervously "options?  What kind of options?"

Dr. Andi smiled at him and said "we can discuss them at your appointment."  As if sensing his emotions, she added "but don't dwell on it, it is really no big deal.  You are doing great."  She turned and headed toward her office.  As he left, Becky stopped him to chat a minute to see how Alex was really doing.  He had explained that she was dealing with everything the best she could.  As he said goodbye to Becky, Dr. Miller had walked into the reception area.  Marc used this as an excuse to leave.  As he walked through the parking lot his thoughts were on what Dr. Andi had said.

Back inside, Dr. Miller smiled at Becky and said "Becky, how are you doing with your retainer wear?"

She smiled to show him she was wearing them and said "I am being a good patient.  I am wearing them like I should."  This was a fib.  She was wearing them like she should during the week.  But not on the weekends. 

Dr. Miller said "I believe you.  But, and don't be upset Becky, I think I took your braces off too soon.  I was afraid of that, but I know how much you wanted to get them off in time for your sister's wedding.  Even in just the few weeks since you got them off, and despite the retainers, I can see some slight shifting.  Becky, I would like to put you back in braces.  I think we need to hold everything stable with braces, the retainers just aren't doing it.  It should just be for a few months.  And the sooner we get you back in braces, the less time you will be in them.  We have time this morning.  Would you like to go ahead and start?"

Becky was shocked.  And crestfallen.  Braces again?  She loved being braces free.  She asked "Dr. Miller, I lied a little bit.  I have been cheating some on the weekends.  What if I promise to wear them all the time, even on the weekends?  Would that fix it?"

Dr. Miller shook his head back and forth before he said "no Becky, unfortunately not.  Retainers can hold teeth in place.  But they don't move them.  We need to shift a few of yours.  And we need to work on your bite, your overbite is creeping back.  Retainers can't do that.  You need braces.  But it should just be for a few months.  And the sooner you start, the quicker you will be done.  What do you say?"

The last thing Becky wanted was to go back into braces.  But she felt she had no choice.  She said, almost inaudibly, "yes sir."

Dr. Miller smiled at her and said jovially "that a girl.  I knew you would want to."

Twenty minutes later, Dr. Miller raised Becky up to a sitting position while Katie held a mirror up for her.  Becky smiled.  She thought her braces looked more obvious than before.  She said "why do they look bigger?"

Dr. Miller said "I used a different bracket than before.  These are a little larger in diameter, but they are a little lower.  They are supposed to improve patient comfort.  I want you to try them and see what you think.   Let me know how they compare to your previous brackets.  Now, I went ahead and fit your spacers.  On Friday, I will install your molar bands.  That will give us the option of utilizing combination headgear like you had before.  But for now, since you don't have bands, we will use a Hickham style J-hook headgear."

Becky looked at Dr. Miller and asked "headgear?  I need headgear again?"

Dr. Miller said "we need to work on your bite.  So yes.  But Becky, this won't be full time like before.  Wear at as much as you can, the more the better.  Obviously wear it here and when at home and sleeping.  But you can take it off when you are in public.  I just need you to get 16-18 hours a day in.  But again, more is better."

Becky was devastated.  Headgear again.  She asked "what is Hickham style J-hook headgear?"

Dr. Miller said "it is an older style headgear.  Similar to a modern Interlandi headgear.  It was popular in the 1960s and 70s.  My father was still using it even through the 80s.  You are lucky, I still have all of his old stuff.  I may be one of the few orthodontists in the world who still has new Hickham headgear still in the package.  It will be perfect for you.  Here, let me show you what it looks like before I install it."

He pulled out his phone and held it up.

Dr. Miller explained "that is a 22 year old patient of my father's from the late 70s.  Notice that she has full bands.  And my father wired her headgear in for three years.  That poor patient graduated college and went into the workplace still wearing her headgear.  You are lucky, you will be able to take yours off.  Let me go grab yours and we will get you fixed up."

Becky felt like a science experiment as Dr. Miller fit her with the complicated mass of straps and hooks.  After 15 minutes he leaned back and smiled proudly.  He said "Becky, it looks great!  And I know it will work.  One thing my father and his antiquated methods always got was stellar, may I even say perfect, results.  I may should consider using some of them now."  He grabbed a mirror and said "here, look how good you look!"

When Becky looked at her reflection, she uttered "OH MY GOD!"

Dr. Miller said "I know right?  It looks great doesn't it!!!?"

Becky thought things couldn't get worse.  But she would soon find out they could.