
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 65248 times)

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #225 on: 19. July 2024, 18:45:26 PM »
I love the way the story is intertwined with so many characters. Your transitions are smooth; and you leave the reader with not only a cliffhanger each time, but also the curiosity of which characters the next chapter will be about. It’s really good.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #226 on: 19. July 2024, 19:08:05 PM »
I enjoy the way this is written. Sometimes I have to think for a moment to remember where part of the story left off, but I don't mind at all. The oddball chapters thrown in, like the Mexican prison chapter, are fun and insightful.

I hope the ideas keep coming and we see everyone through to the completion of their treatments.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #227 on: 19. July 2024, 21:20:47 PM »
I read all the stories as I add them to TheArchive. Having more than one storyline happening is a nice way to keep the reader's interest. Your characters interact, even if they don't connect with all of the characters in your story.

The setting of the orthodontist's office brings all of the characters to a focal point nicely, even if they aren't all there at the same time.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #228 on: 23. July 2024, 19:44:48 PM »
Chapter Eighty-eight:

Friday morning Megan was helping Becky at the front desk.  She had her back to the door helping organize files, so while she heard the bell on the front door jingle she did not see it open or know who it was.  Becky did however see the door open.  It was held open by an older gentlemen as a beautiful woman she didn't recognize entered the lobby.  Becky prided herself on remembering all of their patients.  She could not place this particular woman.  But Becky thought she must be one of theirs.  After all, she was wearing Miller headgear.

The woman stopped inside the front door and let the older gentleman catch up to her.  As they walked towards the reception desk, Becky thought the man must be her father.  As they approached, Becky gave them a smile and said "welcome to TMJ and Sleep Plus.  Here for your appointment?"

The older gentleman said "actually, we don't have an appointment.  I just wanted to stop in and see your office and speak with Dr. Miller if he is available."

Hearing the voice, Megan immediately spun around in her chair.  Before Becky could respond, she exclaimed "Tom, Thalia, what a surprise.  What in the world brings you here?"

Tom Williams smiled at her and said "my Thalia here has an appointment with Dr. Morales this morning.  We arrived a little early so I wanted to stop by and see your office.  It is great by the way.  I told Brad we were coming.  But he wanted to surprise you."

Megan stood.  Before she made her way to the lobby she said "well consider me surprised!  Hang on."  She then disappeared from view a moment.  During all of this Becky was looking on confused.  A moment later Megan appeared through the door.  She walked over and gave Thalia a hug.  She asked "how are you doing with your new appliance and headgear dear?  The first week is the toughest."

Thalia gave her a sad smile and replied "mah mouf hurt sho bad the firsth three daysh.  Sho bad.  Itsh a lil bettah now but the screws still hurt.  The screwsh hurt, and they dig into mah tongue.  And thesh schopes and hooks hurt too.  I have two canker shores right now.  And I shtill can't eat anything sholid.  Even drinking and shwallowing pillsh is hard." 

Megan looked at her with sympathy and responded "oh honey, I am so sorry.  But the worst is over with.  It will be all downhill from here.  I promise."  Megan turned her body towards Becky.  Megan said "Becky, I want to introduce you to Tom Williams and his incredible wife Thalia.  Tom owns Orthodontic Specialty Corporation, Orspco.  He is who we were meeting with last Friday and Saturday.  And Thalia here started treatment on Saturday with a Miller appliance and Miller headgear.  She is one of us!"  Becky gave Thalia a big smile showing off her own metal brackets and j-jooks..

Becky stood and extended her hand.   Tom Williams shook her hand first, saying "it is a pleasure to meet you dear.  I hear you are a patient of Dr. Morales too?"

Becky thought it would be impossible to miss that little fact with the body cast she was forced to wear.  But being ever polite she replied "yes, I am.  Apparently I have scoliosis.  Severe scoliosis.  Like emergency, drop what you're doing, let's put you in a body cast until your brace is ready scoliosis."

Tom let go of her hand and replied "I am sorry to hear that.  But your cast is incredibly cute.  I love all the signatures."  He turned to Thalia and said "this is my wife Thalia.  She has complained about her back hurting a few times over the last month.  That is one of the reasons we are here.  Honey, step over and meet Miss Becky."

Becky noticed that Thalia seemed frozen in place, her eyes locked on Becky's cast and the headgear integrated into it.  Tom asked "dear?"  This seemed to break Thalia from her trance. 

She stepped her and extended her hand and said "it ish a pweasure to mee yah."

As they shook, Becky said "it is a pleasure to meet you too.  And let me commend you, to have just gotten your appliance you are speaking great.  I remember when I got my tongue crib it took me forever before people could understand me all the time.  That was tough. But I learned how to speak with it.  It sounds like you already have.  Good job!"

Thalia simply said "thah yah".

Becky sensed she was very nervous.  She tried to reassure her "you'll love Dr. Morales.  I mean, I hate this cast.  But she has been so sweet.  And I don't know if you know it, but she is a patient of ours too.  She has a Miller and a halo brace.  But she is also in treatment for scoliosis.  And something else with her hips, I don't remember what she said it was.  But anyway, she also wears braces for that, from her feet to her head.  So she understands.  For some reason, that seems to make it better.  At least for me.  I am sure your appointment with her will go great and you will love her too."

Thalia again said only "thah yah."

Tom looked at Becky and said "so, you are getting a scoliosis brace?  What kind if you don't mind me asking?"

Becky said "no, it is ok.  I mean, it's not like I will be able to hide it any better than this cast.  I will be getting a Milwaukee brace."

Becky noticed Tom raise his eyebrows slightly before he responded "well that should do the trick.  My older sister's best friend had to wear one of those when she was in high school."  He went quiet a moment thinking.  He continued "in fact, if I remember correctly, she was still wearing it when she graduated and went off to college.  She got it off sometime when she was in college.  But I think it worked, I don't think she had to have surgery.  Which way back then was a LOT bigger deal than now I bet."

Becky said "I don't know, Dr. Morales said spinal surgery was still super risky, that there are so many potential negative side effects and potential complications.  That is one reason I am willing to do this, to try to avoid surgery."

Tom smiled back at her and said "that makes total sense.  You are smart for addressing it now and addressing it in the least invasive manner possible."  He then turned to Megan and said "I know Brad is super busy.  But maybe you could give us a tour?  And if he has a spare minute he can say hello?"

Megan gave him a smile and said "of course, come with me."

Before he left, Tom turned to Becky and said "dear, it was such a pleasure to meet you.  And thank you for the supportive words.  I know my Thalia is nervous.  But I keep telling her it will be fine."  He then turned to Megan and said "after you" as he gestured towards the door to the treatment room.  Becky watched as they disappeared from her peripheral view.  She thought about Thalia.  She didn't want to be too judgmental.  But she thought Thalia must be one of those trophy wives people talk about.  She was certainly gorgeous enough to be one.  She wondered what in the world her husband must think about her having a Miller appliance and headgear.  She hoped he didn't trade her in for a newer model because of it, all the time unaware that it was Tom's idea for her to get the appliance and wear her headgear full time.  And she didn't know it was his idea to see Dr. Morales in order to get Thalia an orthopedic brace as well.  Becky didn't realize that her Milwaukee brace, which Tom didn't even realize was still used, had given him inspiration for a requested change in Thalia's treatment.

Trapped in her cast, Becky couldn't see the door to the treatment area open thirty minutes later.  She realized it had opened when she heard Dr. Brad's voice say "Darlene, you have done great so far.  And I know you will do great with your facemask.  Just two more appointments. Twelve short weeks. And you will be done.  Out of braces!  With a brand new smile!  I promise.  And thank you so much for letting Mr. and Mrs. Williams observe your appointment."

Becky heard Darlene mumble "you are welcome."

Darlene, one of their adult patients who was a teacher at one of the local high schools, then emerged into Becky's sight.  She had her head down.  On her face was a blue Petit facemask.  That was not unusual to see in the office, in fact it matched the one that Dr. Brad was wearing.  But what was unusual was the modified facebow protruding from her mouth, connected to her mask with a set of shiny stainless steel springs.  Becky realized she had gotten a permanent facemask installed like Mrs. Stone wore.  Becky smiled at her and cheerfully said "hey, that looks great!  And it looks like you are making great progress."

As Becky scheduled Darlene's follow up appointment she couldn't help but overhear what was being said out of sight.  She couldn't see them, but she could hear Brad say "hey, I know you need to run.  But thank you for stopping by.  And thank you for the kind words.  I know the office probably isn't much compared to what you have seen before.  But we are so proud of it."

Tom responded "Brad, your office is incredible.  Very impressive.  And the size of an office does not matter.  It is all about quality of care.  And you certainly don't hold back on helping patients.  Seeing it, and seeing you in action, reaffirms that I made a good decision bringing you into the Orspco family.  I could chat all day, but I do need to get Thalia to her appointment.  But, I look forward to seeing you two this evening."

Becky momentarily pulled her attention away from the side conversation and looked at Darlene, who still had her head down.  Becky said cheerfully "Darlene, you are all set!  And it will be easier than you think.  But if you need any words of encouragement, give me a call here.  I certainly understand."

Darlene looked up briefly, embarrassment etched on her face, and replied "thank you."  She gave Becky a grim smile before she turned and walked, head down once again, towards the front door.  Becky felt sympathy for her but knew she would survive.  Becky turned her attention back to the conversation.  She had missed some of what was said, but listening in again she heard Megan speaking.

Megan said "Thalia it will be just fine.  I hope you won't let it keep you from having fun in our city.  I am so glad you two are finally able to get away for a weekend.  People need it.  Couples need it.  I am still so appreciative for last weekend.  I doubt I can make your stay as incredible as ours was, but I will certainly try."

Tom said "Megan dear, that is sweet.  And this weekend will be incredible.  I know it.  We appreciate your hospitality so much.  We will see you this evening."

As Tom walked towards the front door holding her hand, Thalia didn't realize the reason that Tom knew this weekend would be so incredible.  At least for him.

Thalia was nervously fidgeting as she sat with Tom in the examination room of Dr. Morales.  He was gently petting her, trying to calm her.  Thalia had been nervous enough before she walked in for her appointment.  But seeing everyone who worked there but Raphael Morales in halo braces and a collection of other orthopedic braces had terrified Thalia.  It was so extreme she thought.  And Dr. Morales even had two full long arm casts.  They even covered her thumbs.  She had no idea how she managed to live and work with every part of her body braced or casted.  It had surprised Thalia how adept she seemed to be despite wearing it all.

They had just finished a thorough exam, including both a physical exam and a set of x-rays.  With every "hmm" or "oh" uttered by Dr. Morales or her husband, Thalia's anxiety had risen even further.

Tom said "baby, whatever they say, it will be ok.  I love you.  You are beautiful.  Funny.  Creative.  Sexy.  The most amazing person in the whole world. None of that will change.  Brace or no brace.  And I will be by your side no matter what."

Thalia said "this headgear already makes me so ugly.  A back brace will just make it worse."

Tom stroked her and said "stop that.  No it won't.  You don't even know if they will prescribe one."  It was true, she didn't know.  But he did.  And he knew it wouldn't just be a back brace she would soon be living in. 

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #229 on: 24. July 2024, 05:25:35 AM »
You do not disappoint! I’ve been waiting for this part of the storyline to play out. Excellent cliffhanger!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #230 on: 26. July 2024, 16:38:48 PM »
Chapter Eight-nine:

Sitting in the back seat of the black SUV Tom gently dabbed Thalia's eyes once again.  He looked at her and said "honey, it will be fine.  I promise.  Think about Megan.  She is living her best life.  And Dr. Morales.  Look at how well she does with what she has to wear.  It will be ok."

Thalia croaked "eh weh loo sho ugwee."

Tom said "it will not look so ugly.  It will look beautiful.  Just as everything looks beautiful on you.  Honey, please don't be upset.  And please don't dwell on this.  As Dr. Morales said, it will be a few weeks before it is ready.  Please just try to forget about it until then.  Don't let it ruin this weekend for you.  Will you at least try for me?"

Thalia said "yesh shir."

Tom wrapped his arms around her and said "good girl.  At least we know why your back is bothering you.  And this will keep it from getting worse."  As he held her he thought.  Letting go of her he asked "honey, would you like to not wear your headgear to dinner?"

Thalia looked at Tom.  For the first time since she had received her diagnose Tom saw the expression on her face was not one of misery.  Instead, she looked almost excited as she asked "can I?  Pleash?"

Tom patting her leg and said "yes, of course honey.  Turn around for me."  He pulled his keys from his pocket and unlocked the small lock.  After removing it and placing the keys and lock back in his pocket, he gently unfastened the main strap from around Thalia's delicate neck.  Next he physically turned Thalia's lithe body so she was facing him.  He removed the elastics that stretched from the headgear into the hooks in her mouth.  He finished by lifting the headgear up and off her head and face.  He asked "better?"  She didn't say anything, but she vigorously nodded her head up and down.  He noticed the excited look on her face.  He said "and obviously you can't eat with your scopes locked.  I think it would be good if I went ahead and unlocked them now.  And we won't lock them back until bedtime."

Once he was finished freeing her mouth, she reached over and hugged him.  Into his ear she whispered "thank you."

Tom said "of course honey.  I know this all is upsetting to you.  But it really is for the best.  The only reason I want you to have to go through this is for your health."  This was only partially true.  He continued "and this is all only temporary."  Again, it was a partial truth.  He let go of her and said "let's go meet the Millers!  You will have a good time tonight."

Brad had sent Tom a text that they were already seated at their table and to instruct the hostess to seat them with the Millers.  As Tom and Thalia were seated, Megan cut her eyes and looked at Thalia.  As soon as the hostess had stepped away, Megan excitedly asked "so?  How'd it go?"

Before Thalia was able to respond, Tom replied "it went well.  We got some good news and some bad news.  But I have all the confidence in the world in the Morales.  I believe they will be able to help Thalia."  This just piqued Megan's curiosity more.  Tom patted Thalia on the thigh and asked "honey, do you want to tell Megan?  Or do you want me to?"

She answered his question by looking at Megan and saying "I have scoliosis.  I couldn't really see it on the x-ray, but they explained it was there.   They said it was mild, but that it has the potential to get worse.  They told me I need a brace."

Megan smiled and said "welcome to the club!  I don't see you wrapped in fiberglass and I don't see a halo screwed into your head, so that is good.  What kind of brace?"

Thalia replied "it sounded complicated.  They showed me some pictures and then told me to imagine them put together.  I am getting what Mr. Morales called a Scolibrace.  But a heavily modified Scolibrace.  The Scolibrace is a plastic brace that will supposedly correct my spine.   It will have these huge horrible looking wings that wrap under my arms and hold my shoulders back."

Megan interrupted her "kind of like the things, extensions, what did Olivia call them?"

Brad said "outriggers."

Megan continued "yes, outriggers, that's it.  So your brace will have outriggers that hold your shoulders back.  Kind of like Dr. Morales has on her brace.  That doesn't sound that bad Thalia.  I know you will get used to it in no time.  If I can get used to this thing" she pointed to the metal halo encircling her head "you will be able to get used to that.  And at least you will be able to hide it under your cloths."

Thalia gave her a grim smile and said "no, I won't.  That isn't all.  It will also have a neck ring and chin pad.  Like a Milwaukee brace has.  And at the bottom, it will have hinged hip braces.  He said something about needing to have total control of my entire spine.  From my hips to my head.  It sounds so horrible."

Megan reached across the table and put her hand on Thalia's.  Megan said "oh dear, I am sorry.  But still, you will get used to it in no time.  They didn't mention surgery did they?  That is good news right?"

Thalia said "no, they said I shouldn't need surgery as long as I wear the brace as prescribed."

Megan asked "and how long is that?"

Thalia replied "twenty-two hours a day.  For at least two years.  Maybe longer."

Megan smiled at her and said "the time will fly, I promise.  It seems like it was only days ago that I got my halo, not months.  It will be the same for you.  But hey, let's not worry about that this weekend."

Tom said "you are exactly right Megan.  There is no need to worry about it now."

Tom was packing their suitcases on Sunday morning when his cell phone rang.  He stepped over and picked it up.  He didn't recognize the number, but since it was a local area code he answered.  He immediately recognized the voice on the other end, it was Raphael Morales.

Thalia looked on, unaware of who it was.  Tom didn't say much, just "oh, ok", "I see", "ohhhh", and finally "no, thank you for calling.  Of course we can."

As he walked over towards Thalia she asked "who wash da?"

Tom sat down on the bed beside Thalia.  He reached up and caressed her face, running his hand along the contours of her Miller headgear.   He looked at her sympathetically and said "that was Raphael Morales.  He wants us to stop by the office before we fly home."

It was Sunday.  Doctor's offices weren't supposed to be open on Sundays Thalia thought.  Only emergency centers were open on Sundays.  She suddenly felt dread in the pit of her stomach.  She asked hesitantly "wah doesh he wan ush to come by?"

Tom continued to rub his hand over Thalia.  He said "don't be upset honey.  But he said while he was examining your x-ray this morning, designing your brace, he noticed something.  He said he noticed slight fractures in your C7 and T1.  I knew I shouldn't have gotten that horse.  That bastard.  That has to be when it happened, when he threw you off."  He hugged Thalia and said "I am so sorry honey, this is my fault."

Thalia instinctively said "no, it's not.  Chief is a good boy, he just wasn't used to me."  She then felt the dread again and realized why they were even talking about her beloved new horse, who had thrown her out of the saddle less than a month earlier.  She asked "I have a broken back?"

Tom very gently ran his hand down her spine and said "it isn't broken, they're just cracks.  But it is still serious. I am so sorry."

Thalia asked "what does he want to do?  Another brace?"

Tom said "he didn't say, he just asked we come by as soon as possible."

Thalia had cried when she received her Scoliosis diagnosis.  Now though, she was just in a state of numb shock.  Dr. Morales and Raphael Morales had alternated explaining what they had found on the x-ray, two small fractures in the two vertebrae at the juncture of the cervical and thoracic regions of Thalia's spine. Dr. Morales was apologetic they didn't have a brace in stock that would adequately immobilize her spine.  Raphael Morales had then explained that because of the serious nature of her injury, that if it worsened it could paralyze her, they needed to put her in a cast immediately.  Thalia didn't even know how to react.  So instead she didn't.  She just sat through it silently.  She felt her world crumbling around her.

Dr. Morales removed Thalia's headgear and Raphael placed the cape around her neck.  Thalia asked softly "do you really have to shave my head?  Please don't."  Dr. Morales said "I am sorry dear, but we have to.  It is standard procedure for us with a Minerva cast.  It will grow back quickly.  And I know you will look incredible with short hair after we remove the cast."  Thalia closed her eyes as the clippers buzzed.  She could feel her hair falling onto her back.  She loved her hair and took great pride in it.  And now, it would all be gone.  She thought of Becky, the girl she had met at Dr. Millers who was in a minerva cast.  She wondered if she too had her head shaved.  She thought she probably did since Dr. Morales had said it was standard procedure.  She wondered if Becky had been as heartbroken to lose her hair as she was.  Finally, she heard the clippers shut off.  Thalia reached up and felt her smooth bald head with her hand.  She couldn't believe she wasn't crying.  Instead she just felt dead inside.  Broken, defeated.

Tom looked at her and said "honey, you look so beautiful."

Thalia said "no I don't."

Tom said "how do you know?  You haven't even seen yourself.  Do you want to?" 

Thalia replied "no.  And please don't make me."

Tom responded "ok honey.  I won't.  But you do look beautiful.  You have never looked more beautiful to me.  But if you don't like your hair after you get your cast off, you can get a wig.  The finest wig in the world.  But it won't be as beautiful as the way you look naturally." 

Thalia closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing as Raphael Morales wrapped the rolls of pink fiberglass around her body.  As he did he explained "since you have the fractures, we haven't put you in traction.  That would have made this more uncomfortable dear."  After a few more strips of fiberglass were applied she realized it was so tight around her chest.  She found herself having to take shallow breaths.  Raphael noticed and said "it needs to be tight to immobilize the spine.  But you will get acclimated to it quickly."  After a few more minutes he said "I am now going to wrap your head.  Please do not move."

As he worked the feeling of her headgear straps on her bald head become even more noticeable as the strips of fiberglass were wrapped over them.  They weren't painful, but they certainly were pressing against her head harder.  Again though, she just felt numb.  Finally she felt him quite wrapping fiberglass around her.  As he did he said "and we are done.  We just need to let this finish hardening."

When she opened her eyes, she found Tom standing in front of her looking directly at her.  He had a smile on his face.  He said "honey, you look so beautiful.  See."  He held a mirror up in front of her.

She gasped.  She then said "eh loo like a monshter."  Finally, the tears came.  And they came in waves. 

Tom wrapped her in a hug, his shirt darkening with her tears.  He said "honey, stop.  It is ok.  I love you.  And I mean it when I say you have never looked more beautiful to me than you do right now."

Thalia croaked "I loo like ah freak.  Hah weh I live lah thish?"

Tom consoled her and said "no you don't honey.  You DO NOT look like a freak.  You have always looked amazing.  Now, you just look even more amazing.  And you will live your life just like before.  By my side."  He held her as the tears slowly came to a stop.

Once Thalia was done crying, Raphael said "you will adapt quickly Mrs. Williams.  Now, are you ready for the next procedure?"

Thalia looked at him, eyes wide.  She asked "nexsht prosheduh?"         

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #231 on: 26. July 2024, 16:46:46 PM »
You can’t leave us hanging on that!!! I was really looking forward to this chapter. This is a great story and you’re a great writer, but maybe use a couple too many cliffhangers ;D. Kidding, not kidding.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #232 on: 26. July 2024, 16:48:41 PM »
I wonder what else will happen to poor Thalia?

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #233 on: 26. July 2024, 17:23:15 PM »
This is great!

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #234 on: 31. July 2024, 19:09:47 PM »
I’d love to see an addition to this story. There are some great things happening here.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #235 on: 01. August 2024, 15:47:19 PM »
Chapter Ninety:

Dr. Morales looked at Thalia and replied "yes, and we probably shouldn't even call it a procedure.  We just need to insert your NG tube.  I know you just got your appliance.  I know how hard it is to eat, especially with the tongue crib.  Unfortunately, your cast will make opening your mouth very wide impossible.  I am sorry, but now eating will be even more difficult.  You will really appreciate the feeding tube.  You will not even know it is there, trust me."  She looked into Thalia's face and saw that Thalia was not convinced.  Olivia continued "really, it is no big deal."   She looked at Raphael and asked "honey, I need to change mine out.  Would you go ahead and do that for me now?  To demonstrate for Thalia?"

Raphael responded with a gleam in his eyes "of course doll, I would love to.  Let me grab what we need."

As Raphael exited the room, Olivia said "it is so simple I would just do it myself if it weren't for these arm casts.  They make everything so much more difficult."

Tom replied "I can only imagine.  Not to pry, but what happened?"

Olivia turned to him and lied "I tripped and fell.  I caught myself as I hit the ground, but it was at the expense of my ulna and radius in each arm.  I will be in these at least another six weeks.  But my loving husband has been so wonderful."  She noticed Raphael reenter the room and said "and speaking of my loving husband."

With both his arms full, Olivia took the glass of water with a straw from him as he laid the coiled tube and towel down.  He drug a chair over from the corner to the center of the room.  He asked "doll, would you sit for me?"  Olivia sat without a word.  He looked at Tom and then Thalia and said "it really is simple.  First I will remove the tape and then pull her existing tube out."  Less than a minute later, he said "see, that was easy.  Did it hurt honey?"

Olivia replied "nope, not at all."

Raphael said "this next part will tickle a bit."  After he had inserted the tube into Olivia's nose he carefully worked it deeper.  He explained "she will feel it in her throat in just a second.  To help me, she will drink and swallow."  Thalia looked on as he worked the tube further into Olivia's nose.  At one point Olivia appeared to gag a bit, but she took a sip of water and it passed.  After a few minutes, Raphael stopped.  He said "and now the tube is in her stomach.  All that is left to do is pull the guidewire out, it stiffens the tube so it can be inserted, like this."  He withdrew the wire from the tube.  He asked "how does it feel honey?"

Olivia replied "I can just barely feel it in my throat, but it doesn't bother me at all.  Would you tape it down for me please?"  Raphael tore off a piece of tape and affixed the end of the tube to Olivia's cheek.  Olivia cut her eyes towards Thalia and said "piece of cake.  All that is left is to attached a bag."  Raphael attached a full bag of nutrients and flipped the valve.  As the bag slowly emptied Olivia said "I still 'eat' a bag every other night.  Since I started, I feel a lot better.   I have more energy and I just feel healthier.  At least while you are in your cast, you will come to if not love your tube at least appreciate it."

Thalia realized they hadn't told her how long she would be in the cast.  She asked "hah lahng weh I be in thish?"

Raphael replied "we will schedule you a follow up in six weeks.  Best case we can remove it then.  More realistically though, we will be looking at 10 weeks.  Worst case would be 14 to 16 weeks.  Regardless, this cast will keep your scoliosis from progressing.  By the time your vertebra have healed, your Milwaukee will be ready and we will transition you to it."  He glanced over towards Olivia and saw her feeding bag was empty.

As he detached it from her tube Olivia said "compliments to the chef" and giggled.  She looked at Thalia and said "now your turn dear."

Thalia had gagged several times during the procedure, but Tom was by her side holding her hand trying to keep her calm.  Olivia was giving reassurance as well.  Finally, Raphael had the tube seated and taped to Thalia's face.  As soon as he stepped out of the way, Tom moved in front of Thalia and knelt down in front of her.  He took both her hands and looked into her eyes as he said "honey, you did so well.  You have never looked more beautiful."  Thalia felt the furthest thing from beautiful.  But her husband was being so sweet and understanding.  He wrapped her in a hug.  Into her ear he whispered "I love you so much."

He stepped back away from her and helped her to her feet.  With his arm wrapped around her now rigid waist he addressed Olivia and Raphael.  He said "thank you for taking such good care of my Thalia.  Thank you for making this as easy as possible."

Olivia said "of course."  She then turned her attention towards Thalia and said "dear, the next few weeks will be an adjustment.  But, I know you will get through it.  If you have any questions, any questions at all, please reach out to us.  I will even give you my cell number if you need to talk outside of normal business hours.  I think we have gone over everything, but again if you have questions please let me know.  I am sure you are ready to get home.  But before you do, thank you.  Thank you for allowing us to help you."

As Thalia made her way out the door, Tom beside her with his arm wrapped around her, Raphael slid in beside Olivia.  He put his arm around her shoulders.  Once Tom and Thalia were out of ear shot Raphael said "it will be hard on her.  But, I know Tom will do everything he can for her.  Just like I do for you doll.  I need to get you home.  But first, I got you a present."  He let go of her and stepped out of the room.  He returned a moment later with a wrapped gift box and handed it to Olivia.

Olivia took it and said "oh thank you honey." 

Raphael smiled and said "don't thank me yet.  Open it and see what I got you."

After awkwardly opening the box with her casted arms Olivia held up a stainless steel object.  It was somewhat egg shaped, more pointed at the end.  There was a thinner shaft extending from the larger end to which a round plate with a pink jewel was attached.  With eyes wide, she looked into Raphael's face.  She asked "is this a..."

Raphael smiled and said "yes dear.  And I would like for you to wear it for me.  All of the time.  As a reminder of how much I love you."

Raphael helped Olivia into the front seat of their SUV.  As she lowered her full weight down into the seat she let out a "ohhmm".  Raphael stroked her face and said "good girl.  I am glad you like your new piece of jewelry.  I think it is the most beautiful piece you own.  Now let's get you home."

That Friday Aubrey woke beside Tim who was still sleeping.  She removed her headgear and carefully laid it on the side table.  She rolled over and placed her lips on Tim's as she reached beneath the covers.  He opened his eyes and saw Aubrey's face, her eyes closed.  He realized she was kissing him.  And he felt what she was doing beneath the covers.  He closed his eyes and kissed her back.  After exploring each other's tongues, Aubrey leaned back and said "good morning baby."

Tim smiled at her and said "it IS a good morning.  What a way to wake up."

Aubrey continued to massage him with her left hand as she asked "so you like this?"  He simply nodded his head up and down.  She continued "good, and since we are getting our appliances this afternoon I want to do more.  I will have a mouth full of metal soon so I am not sure if I will be able to.  That is if you are ok with it?" 

Tim smiled and said "I think I will manage."

After both had finished getting ready, Tim escorted Aubrey out to her car.  He leaned in and kissed her.  He then said "I am looking forward to seeing you later.  Even if I am so nervous about the installation."

Aubrey kissed him back and said "baby, I am nervous too.  But we have each other.  And together, we can get through anything."  She cocked her head and looked at him.

Tim asked "penny for your thoughts?"

Aubrey smiled and said "I am just imagining how sexy you are going to look in headgear.  I have been daydreaming about it you know.  I know you are dreading it, but baby, you are going to look irresistible."

He laughed and said "well thank you sweetie.  Even if I know it isn't true."

She reached up and ran her finger down his cheek.  She said "no, I mean it with every fiber of my body."  She leaned in and kissed him again.  She said "I will see you this afternoon."

Tim watched as Dr. Andi tightened the screws tighter into Aubrey's palate.  He was sitting by her side holding her hand.  While most of his attention was on Aubrey, he was distracted by the pressure in his mouth and by the Miller headgear he had strapped on his face.  He tried to ignore it and focused on Aubrey.  He said "you ah doin guh shweetie."  As he spoke, he felt the screws of his expander bite into his tongue uncomfortably. 

Dr. Andi chimed in "you are doing good.  Both of you.  Aubs, I just have two more to go."

As Dr. Andi raised Aubrey up to a sitting position, Andi said "you are already an old hand at Miller headgear.  I will let you put it on yourself."  Andi handed Aubrey her headgear.  As Aubrey placed her headgear, Andi turned to Tim and asked "so, any questions?"

Tim shook his head and said "nah, eh think yah have exshplained everything.  Jusht have to get ushed to all of thish."

Andi smiled at him and said "you will in no time."  She then had a thought and asked "where is Sharon?"

Tim said "um, she hash cold feet.  I'm nah shure she is going to go through it." 

Andi looked sad as she said "nooo...  she needs to do it.  She will be so happy when it is all over."  She thought a moment and asked "I thought all the girls that worked for you were wanting to do it?"

Tim said "they ah all nervoush and shcared."

Andi said "well, I can sort of understand.  But they are all dental professionals.  I thought they would be excited about the opportunity.  I was looking so forward to getting to work with some other dental professionals."

Tim thought a moment and said "would ya like ta come ahn tahk with them?"  We too don she patientsh on Friday afternoonsh.  Maybe one Friday you could come in a do a one hour training coursh on airway?  I think it was be beneficial and educational fah them."

Andi's eyes lit up.  She said "Oh, I would LOVE that.  This Friday!  Let's do it this Friday.  And I will recruit some helpers."  She placed her hand on Aubrey's shoulder and said "maybe someone that just got their appliance the week before?  I bet Aubs would love to come see you."

Tim couldn't help but see the excitement in Andi's face.  He asked "you really love thish don't you?"

Andi said "I DO!  And I bet you if you will give me an hour with your staff I will have them all in treatment by the end of the day.  In fact, I will even bring spacers with me so we can get them started right then and there."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #236 on: 09. August 2024, 17:57:45 PM »
Chapter Ninety One:

Alex stared at Dr. Miller as he looked at the images they had just taken of her jaw, teeth and neck.  Alex was nervous, it was Monday morning.  Staff usually had their appointments on Friday.  This was abnormal.  Alex thought that surely Dr. Brad couldn't fit anything else in her mouth or on her head.  But still she nervously tapped her foot.

After a few minutes, Dr. Brad looked up and gave her a smile from behind the blue petit facemask that just seemed natural to everyone now.  He asked "so are you ready?"

Nervously Alex asked "ready for what?"

Brad replied "to get your braces off silly.  Everything looks great.  It is time."

Alex sat there in stunned silence for a moment as she processed what he had said.  Then, in blur, she was up and out of the chair.  She wrapped him in a hug and practically screamed "yes, oh yes.  Thank you Dr. Miller."

Brad laughed before saying "don't get too excited.  We won't do it this morning.  We need to make your retainers.  And we will need to schedule with Dr. Morales to remove your halo.  But I will talk with her and try to get you in as soon as possible."  As Alex let go of him Brad continued "I am so proud of you Alex.  You really have done wonderful.  As a patient and as a role model.  And I am sure you will continue to do the same with your retainer wear.  Remember, 24/7 for the first six months.  Then just at night.  You can do that can't you?"

Alex had a huge smile on her face.  Brad thought it was the biggest smile he had ever seen on Alex' face.  She said "oh, yes sir.  Absolutely.  Thank you.  Thank you so much."

It was now Brad who hugged Alex and said "no Alex, thank you."  As he released her he said "now, let's step to it.  We have patients to see."

That evening, Jim opened the front door of his home for Tara.  He had her shoulder bag and purse slung over his shoulder as she crutched through the front door.  He knew that Alex, Marc, Becky and Mona were already home as Marc's vehicle was already parked in the drive.  Entering the house, he saw the den was empty.  He placed Tara's bags down on the nearest couch and continued to follow her as she headed toward the dining room.  Turning the corner, Jim saw everyone was already seated at the table, looking at them expectantly.  Alex looked at him and said "you're late!"

Jim laughed and said "don't blame me, blame little miss workaholic here."  Alex shifted in her seat so she was looking at Tara and said "you're late!"

Tara laughed and said "well, I'm not exactly quick on my feet anymore."  This brought a laugh.

As they ate dinner, they chatted.  Mostly about how their days had gone.  In a lull in the conversation, Alex said "I got a surprise today."  Everyone looked at her.  She continued "Dr. Brad said I can get my braces and halo off sometime this week."  Everyone excitedly congratulated her.  Marc hugged her tightly.  But, Alex noticed the look on his face was not one of excitement.  Instead, he almost looked sad.

That night, as they lay in bed, Alex asked him "baby, are you not happy that I am getting my braces off?"  She lazily traced her finger along his headgear. 

He said "baby, I am so happy for you."  He went quiet a moment before continuing "but I am also a little sad.  I think you are adorable with braces.  And doing this together has made it easier for me.  So, yes, I am so happy for you.  But also a little sad.  But that is just selfishness on my part I know."

Alex stopped running her hand along his face.  She reached down and took his hand.  While he had often told her how beautiful she was and how cute she was with her braces and appliances, she thought it had just been the polite thing to say.  She realized he had not just been saying it, he had meant it.  She asked "do you not want me to get them off?  You know I would totally wear these forever for you.  If it makes you happy."

He rolled over and wrapped his arm over the hard plastic of her halo vest.  He looked into her face and said "no baby, I am so excited for you.  So happy.  Especially for you to get this halo off.  I know how much you hate it and how hard it has been.  And I have missed kissing you so much.  No, I am happy, really happy.  But, I will miss my little braceface."

She said "well baby, I will still have to wear retainers."  As she lay there, she had a thought.

That Friday, Marc escorted Alex down the hallway at Dr. Morales office.  Mona was with them.  Mona said "oh Alex, I am so happy for you.  And so jealous.  I cannot wait to get mine off.  To be able to drive again."

Marc said "hey now, if you get yours off what good will I be?  I know you will fire me as the official commune driver.  I don't know if my ego can handle that."

Mona laughed and said "Marc, I promise we won't fire you.  We will just cut back on your hours."

Alex replied "you know, as weird is it sounds, I am going to miss living together.  I HATE this halo.  But in a way I am thankful for it."

Mona said "I am very thankful for mine.  If it weren't for this" she reached up and tapped the ring embedded in her skull "I would not have Becky.  Or maybe she has me."

Alex smiled and said "I think you have each other."

They were interrupted by Dr. Morales.  As she entered the room she gleefully said "Alex!  This is an exciting day!"

Alex was surprised by how painful the removal of the pins had been.  She felt like she had practically crushed Marc's hand as Raphael had loosened and removed each of the pins from her skull.  She was also surprised by how little blood there was.   A small round bandaid over each pin site had been sufficient to stop the bleeding.  During the process, Mona had held Alex' head still.  Once the halo was removed, Alex was surprised when Raphael stepped over with a foam cervical collar.  As he wrapped it around her neck he explained "your neck muscles have grown weak.  Wear this during the day as needed and to bed for the next few weeks.  Then, see how your neck is feeling.  It certainly won't hurt to wear it at night longer.  Just do what feels most comfortable for you after these first two weeks."

Dr. Morales looked on with a smile on her face.  She said "that has to feel better doesn't it?"

Alex said "yes, so much better."  Before she could say anything else, Marc leaned around her and kissed her on the lips.

He said "so much better."

Mona said "I am so, so jealous.  I can't wait until I am able to kiss again."

Olivia looked at Mona.  She was surprised, she didn't realize that Mona had someone in her life to kiss.  She said "Mona, you are doing so good with yours.  Maybe we can take yours off soon.  And who is this guy who you have kept a secret that you want to kiss?"

Marc and Alex looked at Mona wondering how she would answer.  Mona said "umm, well..."  She went quiet a moment before blurting out "it's not a guy."

Olivia said simply "oh..."  She said "well good for you dear.  Maybe I will get to meet this special person someday."

Mona wasn't sure how to respond.  She didn't know what her boss would think of her dating a patient.  But she didn't want to lie.  She said "you have met her.  Becky and I are a couple."

Mona could feel Dr. Olivia looking at her, judging her.  Finally Olivia said "well good for you two.  I am sure you will be able to help her with her treatment.  And she can help you with yours."  She changed gears and said "and speaking of treatment, Alex I will miss seeing you in here.  But, I guess I will still see you at your office.  And without braces.  How exciting for you.  Maybe one day I will be able to get mine off."  Raphael looked at her and smiled.

Alex said "well, I still have to wear my retainers."  She asked "Dr. Morales, would it hurt if I wore my old CTO brace at night instead of this foam collar?"

Olivia said "no, absolutely not.  In fact, it will give you even more support than this foam collar.  I just thought you want want the least intrusive option."

Alex said "well, I do.  But I am already used to wearing a CTO.  I thought I might just wear it instead.  If that is ok?"

Olivia said "absolutely."

An hour later, Dr. Miller raised Alex back up to a seated position.  Alex was running her tongue over her newly freed teeth.  Brad said "it feels strange doesn't it?  Strange but good."

Alex smiled and said "my teeth are so slimy.  And my mouth feels huge." 

Brad laughed and said "well, it is supposed to feel huge.  That is the whole reason for expansion and protraction."  Brad held up a mirror and said "and they look incredible Alex, if I do say so myself."

Seeing her reflection in the mirror, Alex squealed.  She said "oh my gosh.  OH. MY. GOSH.  They look incredible.  THANK YOU.  It was worth it, it really was."

Marc looked at her and said "baby, you have the most incredible smile ever."  He leaned over and hugged her.  Again, like previously, Alex noted the conflicted expression on his face.

As he hugged her she said "I'm not totally done baby.  I still have to wear my retainers full time."

Brad said "speaking of which, let's see how they fit."

After Marc had moved out of the way, Brad had handed Alex a pink retainer case.  Brad said "pop these in and see how they feel."

Alex quickly placed first the lower and then the upper retainers in her mouth, seating them securely with her thumbs.  She felt around in her mouth before announcing "they feeh goo.  Gone take a lil time to get ushed to talking with them."  She gave Marc a smile.  He noticed not only the metal wires running across her teeth, but also two hooks in the back corners of her mouth he had never noticed on a retainer before.

Brad said "you will get the hang of speaking in no time.  Now, let's see if your CTO brace still fits."  He handed Alex her CTO brace. 

Alex quickly donned the brace with its integrated facemask.  Held stiffly once again, she giggled "my old friend."  To Marc's surprise, Brad then handed her a pack of elastics.  She quickly and without a mirror attached an elastic from the hook on her retainer to her facemask.  She repeated the process on the other side of her mouth.  She looked at Marc and said "just like old times" and gave him a wink.  She said "I told you I'm not completely done baby.  I hope you aren't too disappointed."

She cut her eyes down towards the front of Marc's pants and saw he was clearly not disappointed.  Alex cut her eyes back towards her boss and said "thank you Dr. Miller.  Thank you so much."

As he watched the pair walk out of the office hand in hand, he wondered what exactly Alex had thanked him for.  He wasn't sure whether it was for taking off her braces and appliances.  Or for agreeing to her strange request, to have hooks integrated into her retainer to allow her to continue to wear her CTO brace and Petit facemask.  She had practically begged him.  While he had told her it wouldn't do anything since her palate had fused, it certainly wouldn't hurt.  He suspected he knew why she wanted to continue to wear it.  This made him think of Megan.  And of the new toy he was going to surprise her with that night.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #237 on: 10. August 2024, 18:28:03 PM »
Chapter Ninety Two:

Brad sat across from Megan watching the candle light dance off the metal in her mouth.  She was leaned back in her seat, mouth open, her body tense as the vibrations radiated through her.  He was amazed at the effect the new toy had on her.  And he was amazed that he was able to control it simply through the app on his phone.  He had intentionally asked for a corner table to be more secluded from other diners.  Still, he didn't want to attract too much attention from other diners.  So, while he was in almost as much ecstasy as Megan, he reluctantly hit the button on his phone.  As the Lovense quit vibrating, Megan leaned forward and placed both her hands on the table.  Brad saw she was breathing heavy.  He said "kitten seems to like her new toy."

Megan took a few more deep breaths before she replied "kitten loves her new toy."   She gave him a smile around the protraction rods protruding from her mouth and added "but sir needs to be careful with kitten's new toy.  She forgot she was in public there for a moment."

Brad replied "I will quit playing with it, playing with you, until we are finished with dinner."  As he looked at Megan he thought he saw both relief and disappointment on her face.  He added "we have the rest of our lives to play with it kitten."

Later that evening, Brad and Megan lay in bed talking.  Megan was laying stiffly on her side pressed up against Brad.  She said "thank you for date night.  Tell your mom thank you as well."

Brad reached over and petted Megan.  He said "I will tell her.  But kitten, you don't have to thank me.  I appreciate it.  But I promise you it is my pleasure.  No, it is both our pleasures."  He went quiet and simply stared at her.  He said "but date night isn't over."

The next morning, Brad and Megan sat together eating breakfast.  Megan's phone vibrated on the table.  She picked it up and read the text that had popped up.  Brad watched as she cut her eyes back towards him and said "poor Thalia.  She is so miserable."

Brad said "I feel bad I have contributed to it.  But she really is in need of expansion.  I know how hard it is at first.  Trust me I get it.  But everyone adjusts.  Tom tells me that his managers have come to terms with their appliances and headgear.  In fact, Dr. Rothstein has started eleven more Orspco employees in treatment with Miller appliances and Miller headgear.  Their trade show coordinator Cori is one of them.  I could tell she had gotten her appliance the other day as soon as she answered the phone, even before she told me.  But, her speech is slowly improving.  Thalia will get more used to everything.  Granted, she has a double whammy getting diagnosed with scoliosis at the same time.  But it will get better for her.  Easier for her.  Becky has adjusted.  And kitten, you have just amazed me with how well you have done with everything.  What is bothering her the most?"

Megan replied "all of it.  Thalia's not like me.  You know I like getting attention from others.  And especially from you.  I like my appliances, well maybe not the halo, but most of it I like.  Especially your appliance."  She winked at him.  She continued "but Thalia lives in a different world than we do.  I think the hardest part has been the hit to her self-esteem.  Her mouth is still causing her physical discomfort.  And her speech is still an issue.  But I think the hardest thing on her is her self image.  She feels ugly.  She is scared to go out.  She is hiding away."

Brad stroked his chin a moment before he said "I'm not sure I can do much about that.  But you could.  What if Thalia flew back out here and spent some time with you?  You two seem to have really hit it off.  Maybe you could show her how great life can be, braces or no braces.  Would you like that?"

Megan said "I would.  I mean, I want to try to do something to help Thalia."

Brad said "I will speak with Tom.  I am sure he will be in favor of it.  And I will ask Alex to speak with her.  To show her there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  In fact, that is one of the reasons I went ahead and removed Alex' appliances.  So that we have an after case.  Yes, she was ready.  But if you remember Tom asked that everyone in the booth have a Miller appliance.  So I spoke with him about that, about Alex.  I asked if it wouldn't make sense to also have an example of a successfully completed case in the booth.  After thinking about it, he agreed that was a great idea.  Alex' case serves as an incredible case study.  Granted her case didn't begin with a Miller appliance.  But it ended with one.  She is a great example of what one can achieve without surgery.  Maybe spending some time with you and being around the girls at the office who are in treatment, and speaking with Alex who has finished treatment, will lift Thalia's spirits.  And give her a little more hope."

Megan said "you are so thoughtful.  So, speaking of treatment, when do you think I will be ready for my braces?"

Brad smiled at Megan and asked "does my kitten want more metal in her mouth?  Well, I am sure I can oblige."

Megan said "no, I meant when will I be ready to get my appliance out and transition to braces?"

Brad looked at her in silence.  Finally he said "kitten, you aren't going to get your Miller appliance out.  It is a part of you now."   

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #238 on: 10. August 2024, 21:43:36 PM »
I can’t wait to see Megan’s response, though I can’t say that I surprised. Wondering when/if Megan will get a more restrictive permanent back brace. Will her halo be removed anytime soon?

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #239 on: 11. August 2024, 00:12:35 AM »
I don’t want to spoil any surprises.  But, Megan did say she wanted to try to help Thalia.  And Brad did mention that Megan could show her how great life can be, braces or no braces.  So who knows what will happen?