
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 81199 times)

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #255 on: 16. August 2024, 01:37:57 AM »

Offline annasun251

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #256 on: 19. August 2024, 11:02:27 AM »
oh dear
that took a turn for Tara. Can't wait for more!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #257 on: 27. August 2024, 17:51:39 PM »
Chapter Ninety-eight:

Jim stared at Tara in stunned silence.  He replayed what she had said in his mind to make sure he had heard her correctly.  His brain struggled to comprehend that she had just turned down his proposal.  He didn't know what to say or what to do.  He stammered out "but...  I love you.  I want to spend my life with you.  I thought...  I thought you loved me too."

Tara closed her eyes.  When she reopened them she cut her eyes and made eye contact with Jim.  She replied "I love you.  I love you so much.   But you don't want me to be your wife.  You deserve better."

Jim stood and sat beside Tara, protectively wrapping his arm around her.  He said "that is not true.  You are the most incredible woman in the world.  No one could deserve better than you."  He was interrupted by a loud banging on his front door.  He ignored it.  The banging continued, only getting louder, until he heard Alex' voice scream "let me in!"

Jim was surprised, he hadn't expected her until after 5 pm.  He softly said "hang on" as he got up off the couch.

Opening the front door, he found a frantic looking Alex.  She didn't ask to come in.  She didn't say a word.  Instead, she pushed by Jim and rushed into the house.  By the time, he had closed the door and made his way back to the living room, Alex had wrapped herself around Tara.  She was holding on to her, covering her as if trying to protect Tara from the world.  Jim just watched as Alex hugged her in silence.  Finally Alex said "I am so sorry bae."

Alex let go of Tara.  Still sitting closely at her side Alex took Tara's hand.  She turned her head and gave Tara a smile.  Jim knew it must be forced, but it looked genuine.  Alex said "boo, you have to quit trying to one up me.  I know you were so jealous of my leg braces you had to get your own.  Now you have gone and gotten this cast.  You really have outdone me now."

Tara said "wanna trade?"  For the first time since her appointment, Tara gave the slightest hint of a smile.

Becoming serious, Alex said "you know I would."  She then joked "heck, you look so fetching I might have to get me one too."  She lay over on top of Tara again and with her left hand knocked on her friends cast.  Alex said "you even make a cast look hot.  But it is entirely too plain.  We will have to work on that.  But first, tell me what happened."

For the next thirty minutes, Alex sat beside Tara alternately talking and simply holding her hand.  Jim stayed back, trying to busy himself.  One of the things he had done was go outside to take some measurements and plan out a ramp to his front door.  He was bent over holding a tape measure from the front door to the edge of the steps when he caught movement out of his peripheral vision.  He straightened up and turned to see a black Mercedes pulling into the driveway.  It parked behind Alex' car.  He was surprised to see Beverly Willingham step out of the driver's side door.

Jim stood as Beverly Willingham confidently walked towards him dressed in what looked like a tailored black ladies business suit with matching 3" heels, each step clicking on the concrete.  She looked elegant, professional and poised.  The only thing that looked out of place was the Sleep Well protraction mask she wore on her face.  As she approached she asked "how is she?"

Jim answered honestly "I don't really know.  I think she is doing a little better since Alex arrived."

Beverly stopped in front of Jim and looked at him earnestly.  She said "I am so sorry about this.  Anything I can do, I will do.  A powered wheelchair is on the way.  May I see her?"

Jim answered "yes of course.  And welcome to our home."  As he held the front door open, Jim wondered if it really was still their home.  He couldn't help but replay Tara telling him no in his mind.  He tried to ignore that painful memory and said "she is in the living room.  Follow me."

Entering the living room, Beverly Willingham marched towards Alex and Tara, both of whom had a startled look on their faces.  Before they could speak, Beverly said "Tara dear, I am sorry.  This is my fault.  I already told Jim that anything you need I or the firm will provide.  You have a powered wheelchair on the way, but it will be tomorrow before it arrives."

Stopping in front of the pair, Beverly said "how rude.  Am I interrupting?"

Alex was the first to reply "no, we were just chatting."

Beverly noticed that Alex' focus seemed to be on the mask she was wearing, and not on her eyes.  Beverly replied "I still clench when I am stressed.  And I think we are all stressed right now.  The mask helps alleviate the pressure.  It helps, so I still wear it as needed."

Alex said "that is good.  That is really good."  She put her hand up to her own face, placing her finger tips over the chincup of her ever present Petit facemask, and said "I have been wearing mine so long I feel like mine is just part of me.  I may even miss it some when it is gone."

For the next several hours, Jim felt like the doorman of a hotel as the number of people continued to swell.  Next to arrive had been Marc.  He was followed by the medical equipment company with Tara's bed.  Jim and Marc had helped the two technicians move the bed into Jim's bedroom and finish assembling it.  Again, Jim worried if Tara wanted to sleep in the same room as he in light of what had happened earlier.  He told himself he would cross that bridge when he got to it.

While they had been working on the bed, Mona and Becky had arrived home from work.  They were followed just minutes later by Aubrey.  As all of the girls wrapped Tara in love and understanding, they finished setting up the hospital bed.  As soon as it was complete and the technicians had departed, Jim pulled Marc out onto his front landing.  Jim explained what he had in mind and asked Marc if he minded helping.  Marc had told him it would be his pleasure, though the didn't know how much of a carpenter he would make but he would try his best. He reminded Jim that he and Alex owed him so much still for opening up his home to them.

Entering Jim's expansive garage, Marc found that it had a connected room set up as a workshop.  Inside was a full complement of tools.  There was a stack of assorted lumber and plywood stacked neatly in one corner.  Marc had helped Jim get the wood they needed laid out, measured and marked.  As they worked on cutting the pieces to size, Jim said "so, I need some help on something else too.  Some guidance.  Maybe just some reassurance.  If I tell you something, can you keep it between us.?

Marc looked up, his curiosity piqued.  He responded "yes, of course."

Jim had then explained to Marc about his failed proposal to Tara.  Marc looked at him, a look of surprise on his face.  He said "she loves you."  He went silent a moment and said "don't take this wrong.  But you have really shitty timing.  I get that you were trying to cheer her up.  And I believe that you meant it sincerely.  But a marriage proposal is supposed to be a happy event.  Today is not a happy event.  And she may have felt like it was purely out of sympathy."

Jim pondered what Marc had said.  He had not considered it like this.  He asked "really?  What should I do?"

Marc said "yes, really.  I will be honest, I don't know what you should do.  But I bet I know who would, Alex.  Can I get her input?"

As if preordained, they both heard Alex voice inquire "hey, are you two in here?"

Marc shouted out "yes baby."

Alex entered the workshop and said "you two disappeared on us.  I was just checking on you.  I heard the saw, I wanted to make sure everything is ok."

Marc smiled and said "that is sweet baby.  We are good.  I am learning a lot about design and carpentry.  And Jim has something he wants to ask you."  Marc turned towards Jim and smiled.

Put on the spot, Jim looked at Alex.  Alex said "ask away."

Jim said "I did something earlier I probably shouldn't have."  He then explained to Alex about the failed proposal.

As soon as he was done speaking, Alex had practically shouted "JIM PHILLIPS!  How could you do that to her?  To put her on the spot like that after everything that has happened today?  Why?  Why would you do that?"

Jim looked down.  He finally realized that he may have been selfish.  He looked back up and said "I did it because I do love her.  And I do want to marry her.  More than anything else in the world.  I didn't plan it like this.  It just happened.  Did I mess everything up?"

Alex said "a marriage proposal doesn't just happen."  She thought a moment before she "you messed up.  But I don't think you messed everything up.  Let me talk to Tara.  In private obviously and not in front of the group.  What if Marc and I stay over tonight?  Me and Tara could have a few minutes alone to talk.  And if you really want to marry her, and I think you do, have a plan.  It needs to be romantic.  And unforgettable.  And yours was neither."  Alex could see Jim visibly exhale.  She realized he had been holding his breathe the whole time she had been talking.  She asked "you really do love her don't you?"

Jim said "more than I knew it was possible to love."

Alex said "don't hurt her.  She is hurting enough already.  If you promise that, I will fix this."

Jim said "I promise."

Alex smiled at him and said "good.  And I will keep my word."  She turned and looked at Marc and said "well I will leave you two boys to your toys."  She lingered a moment looking at Marc.  She stepped over and said "you have sawdust on your headgear baby."  As she reached up to wipe it away, she saw Marc turn a bit red from embarrassment.  She looked at him and said "I have never seen anything hotter in my whole life."  She leaned in close, cupping his butt with her hand, and whispered "I will show you how much later this evening.  But only if you wear your headgear like a good boy."

That night, Jim lay beside Tara in her new hospital bed, his arm draped over the hard plastic shell of her halo brace.  Her legs were held aloft and supported by two padded slings that ran under her casted legs.  He whispered "I am sorry I forgot to pick up your prescriptions this afternoon.  I will pick them up first thing in the morning.  I guess we are lucky that Becky is here so we could use hers.  But first thing tomorrow I will pick them up, along with anything else you think of."

As Jim approached the pharmacy counter at Stone Pharmacy he saw that Kelly was not behind the counter.  Instead there was a middle-aged lady that he had seen at the front register in the past.  He did glance up through the glass to the raised area and saw Margaret Stone, her back to him.  As he stopped he said "Hi, I am Jim Phillips.  Here to pick up a prescription for Tara Reynolds."

The lady, her name tag said her name was Lisa, smiled at Jim.  The first thing he noticed was how crowded her teeth were.  He chastised himself for being so judgmental as she said "of course Mr. Phillips.  Let me see what we have."  As she typed on her computer, Jim looked over at Margaret.  She was busy working, her back to him the whole time.  He did notice at one point she bent over stiffly and awkwardly at the waist.  He wondered why, but not for long as Lisa said "they are right here.  Let me get them for you."  When she returned, she asked for ID and method of payment.  As she rung him up, she surprised him by asking "I notice you have braces.  What's it like as an adult?"

Jim said "it is different.  But I am glad I am doing it.  Have you asked Margaret and Kelly about theirs?  And speaking of Kelly, where is she?  Everything ok?"

Lisa smiled and said "Kelly is great, she is in class this morning.  And yes, I have spoken to them about them.  They have told me I should do it.  I just don't know if I could wear a facemask like they do.  It just looks so overwhelming.  I really don't know how Mrs. Stone is managing now with everything."

Jim looked at Lisa and wondered what she meant until she heard Margaret Stone's voice say "Jim, you are becoming a regular."

He looked over as she descended the steps to the register area.  He noticed two things as she approached.  One, she was wearing a turtleneck.  It was entirely too hot to be wearing a turtleneck.  Two, her body didn't appear to move from the hips up and her shoulders appeared to be pinned back unnaturally.  As she stopped she said "how is Tara doing?  I saw her prescription come through yesterday.  Is everything ok?"

Jim smiled at her and said "Tara is doing ok.  Better than can be expected.  But she has had a complication from her knee surgery."  For the next 5 minutes he told Margaret all about Tara's diagnosis and treatment.  Margaret had looked on with rapt attention.

She said "oh poor Tara.  That is going to be so hard.  But she is strong.  And I know you will take the best care of her.  I need to quit having my own pity party and feeling sorry for myself."

Jim cocked his head and said "I thought you were used to your facemask.  You make it seem like no big deal."

Margaret said "it's not my facemask that is bothering me."  She rolled down her turtleneck some, revealing a stainless steel and white plastic neck ring wrapped around her delicate neck.  She said "this Milwaukee brace is horrible though."


Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #258 on: 27. August 2024, 18:28:47 PM »
I hope Alex can fix Jim's screw up.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #259 on: 28. August 2024, 17:59:40 PM »
Chapter Nintey-nine:

Jim's first thought was of Becky and Megan.  Mona had surprised Becky the night before.  She had explained to the group that Becky's Milwaukee brace was ready.  Mona had hugged Becky tightly as she told her she was so happy that she was going to get to cut Becky's cast off the next day.   Mona had surprised Jim and Alex when she explained that not only would Becky be receiving her Milwaukee brace the next day, Friday, but so would Megan.  Neither Tara nor Jim had even been aware that Megan was getting a Milwaukee brace.  Mona had spent some time explaining her situation.  In the process, Jim had learned a lot about Milwaukee braces.  He had thought that they were a relic of an earlier time, and even then that they had been limited to treatment of teens.  He was surprised that not only were they still in use that they were also used on adults.  He had never actually seen someone wearing one until now.

He smiled at Margaret and said "you look wonderful Margaret.  I couldn't even tell you were wearing a brace.  I assume it is new?"

Margaret said "yes, this is day three.  It is so hard.  So restrictive.  So embarrassing.  That is why I am baking in this turtleneck.  To hide it.  But the worst part is the guilt I feel.  I passed my scoliosis on to my girls.  They too are both in braces.  I feel so bad.  It is bad enough that they got my teeth, but they got my back too."

Jim wasn't sure how to respond.  He didn't really know her two daughters but in passing from their orthodontic appointments.   So, he just told Margaret the truth.  He said "your daughters are lovely young ladies Margaret.  Their orthodontia doesn't detract from that.  I am certain a scoliosis brace doesn't either.  You did pass on a lot to them.  They are beautiful, lovely, well-mannered young ladies.  They got that from you too.  It is hard to understand why things happen like they do sometimes.  But I believe they happen for a reason.  This is just temporary right?  I bet you all come out of this stronger and closer together than before.  Are you being treated by Dr. Morales?  Did you get a second opinion from anyone?"

Margaret said "yes and yes, two second opinions in fact.  They both wanted to perform spinal fusion on all three of this.  Bracing wasn't even an option they brought up.  It seems surgery is the standard of care now.  But it is so scary.  Dr. Morales explained the risks.  I confirmed them by researching online.  I can't afford to miss so much work with the business here.  It would be too much on my husband.  I simply can't miss two months of work recuperating.  Dr. Morales explained that she could halt the progression of my disease, and possibly even improve it, through bracing.  But she couldn't guarantee it.  She did promise it would work for my girls because they are younger.  I still feel so guilty.  Savannah is going to be a senior this year.  And Elise will be starting high school.  And they will both have to wear a Milwaukee brace to school along with their facemasks.  Savannah is down to 12 hours of wear on her facemask, so she actually doesn't have to wear it to school.  But Dr. Brad upped Elise' wear time up to 16 hours.  And because Savannah is so incredible, she told Elise she would wear her facemask too so she wasn't alone.  She is such a good big sister.  I am so proud of both of them.  I think they are handling it better than I am.  No, I know they are."

Jim asked "how long did Dr. Morales say they would need to wear their braces?"

Margaret pursed her lips before replying "until their growth plates are fused.  Savannah is 17, so they could possibly fuse in the next year.  Or it could be a few years.  If that is the case she will have to graduate and go off to college in a Milwaukee brace.  It just doesn't seem fair.  I question whether surgery wouldn't be right for her.  Just do it and be done with it.  But what if she has lifelong complications?  Or God forbid were paralyzed.  Even in the best case scenario she would miss out on half of her senior year.  For Elise, because she just turned 15, it will be longer.  Again, she will need to wear it until her growth plates fuse.  So we are looking at 3-5 years.  Again, I question if surgery isn't the right answer."

Jim asked "would that not always be an option?  Could you not see how the brace is working?   And if it just doesn't work could you not elect for surgery?  Perhaps you could schedule surgery next summer, between school years."

Margaret said "no, they could do that.  And that is my plan now.  I want to try this first.  As horrible as this brace is, it is less invasive than having my daughters' backs cut open and having screws and rods driven into their spines.  Just the idea of that makes me want to cry."

Jim could see that Margaret was in fact on the verge of tears.  He got as close to the counter as he could and leaned over with his arms extended.  Margaret let him wrap her in a hug.  She said "thank you.  Thank you for letting me talk about it."

Jim said softly "Margaret it is my pleasure.  You have been such a Godsend for Tara and Becky, for all of us.  I owe you more than a little talk."  As he released Margaret, he realized she had not explained her treatment.  He asked "and you too could also have the surgery.  You have friends, I am sure they could help you here at the store.  I am not a pharmacist, none of us are, but I know our gang would help.  How long did Dr. Morales say you would need your brace?"

Margaret said "that is the best part.  She said because I am an adult and not growing we cannot completely correct my curve.  Yes, there might be some improvement, but mainly we are halting the progression.  Which will be something that happens for the rest of my life.  I will need to wear a brace forever.  She said she wanted to try a year in this Milwaukee and then we could reassess.  She said I might could wear a less restrictive brace during the day and only wear the Milwaukee at night.  But she didn't make any promises."

Jim could see on Margaret's face how much turmoil she was feeling.  He said "I am sorry, but I bet you will get used to it in no time.  I know you will.  I don't know if you know this, but you won't be the only one going through it.  Did you know that Becky and Megan are also getting Milwaukee braces?  They are getting theirs tomorrow.  All the cool kids are."

Margaret looked at him.  Jim didn't even know if she realized that a slight smile came to her face before she asked "really?  They are getting Milwaukee braces too?"

Jim smiled at her and said "yes, they are.  You have apparently started a trend Margaret.  All of the most beautiful and fashionable ladies are getting Milwaukee braces."

Margaret gave a laugh.  She said "you are funny.  Do you think they would mind if I talked with them about their treatment?  Maybe we could form a little support group?"

Jim said "that would be a wonderful idea.  I am sure they would be for it."  He looked Margaret up and down before he said "you really do look incredible.  I know it is a lot.  But, I know it will be ok.  I know you and your girls will be ok.  But I get it, I understand.  I worry about Tara every single moment.  But I am constantly amazed at how strong she is.  You will be too."

Margaret looked embarrassed as she said "oh gosh, I am so sorry.  I have been over here feeling sorry for myself.  And the whole reason you came in was to pick up Tara's prescriptions.  I am so sorry.  Let me go over her scrips."

After Margaret had gone over the dosage schedule for the two prescriptions, she looked at Jim and said "again thank you.  And again, I apologize for having to put up with my pity party.  It was totally unprofessional.  I feel embarrassed."

Jim smiled and said "don't apologize and don't feel embarrassed.  That is what friends are for.  We all need someone to lean against at times."  He chuckled and said "you should have seen what a wreck I was when Dr. Miller wired my facemask on.  I only kept my sanity because of Tara.  Just know Margaret, we are all here for you."  He had a thought.  He asked "do you have any plans for Saturday?"

The question surprised Margaret.  She misinterpreted it and blurted out "I am married."

Jim gave her a smile before he answered "and my heart belongs to another.  If not though, and you weren't married, I would totally be hitting on you.  No, I wondered if you and the girls might want to come by the house on Saturday.  Because of their treatments, both Mona and Becky are staying with Tara and I.  We could have a pool party and have the first official meeting of the Milwaukee brace support group.  I think it would be good for Tara too.  She can't really get out like before.  Do you think that is something you might consider?  Would you do it for Tara?"

Margaret said "Tara is lucky, you are so thoughtful."  Margaret went silent as Jim watched her think.  After a few moments, Margaret said "I would love that.  I think the girls might enjoy it.  They love to swim.  And it might be good for me; well all of us; to talk to someone about all of this. Thank you.  What do I need to do?  Do I need to bring anything?"

Jim smiled before he said "Just you, your girls, bathing suits and a change of clothes.  Your husband is of course welcome too, but he might need to man the store.  And there will be alcohol if you so desire, so just plan accordingly.  Or bring an overnight bag, I have plenty of room.  I have your number in my phone, I will text you my address and time later today after I get the ok from headquarters."

Margaret smiled at him, a real smile, and said "thank you."

Jim smiled back and said "it will be fun.  While it is short notice, I will also extend an invitation to rest of the Dr. Brad's office and Dr. Morales.  Who knows what they will say.  But it might be good to be able to talk about things in a more relaxed atmosphere than a sterile office.  I will shoot you a text with all the info later today after I have made some calls."

Margaret looked at him and said "come here" as it was now her who stiffly leaned over and hugged Brad.  She said "thank you."

As Jim hugged her back he said "no Margaret, thank you."

As he walked out of the store, Jim envisioned his pool surrounded by a handful of people.  That was not unusual, summer pool parties are a staple in the south.  The strange part was that they were all wearing an assortment of very conspicuous orthopedic and orthodontic appliances.   The thought would have seemed crazy to him six months earlier.  Now he realized it was just reality.  As he pulled out of the parking lot, he had no idea what his spontaneous idea, meant simply to cheer Margaret Stone up, would lead to.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #260 on: 28. August 2024, 20:18:35 PM »
These 2 chapters have been worth the wait. My imagination has gone wild thinking about all the possibilities. Thanks for the entertainment!

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #261 on: 29. August 2024, 01:32:51 AM »
The last line in every chapter leaves us craving for more.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #262 on: 29. August 2024, 21:51:34 PM »
Chapter One Hundred:

Mona looked at Becky and asked "are you ready?"

Becky gave her a big smile, unimpeded by her J-hooks which she had earlier removed, and said "I am so ready to get this off."

Mona asked "and you brought your new headgear?"

Becky gave her the side eye and said "yes mom, I brought my headgear."

Mona laughed as she stepped over beside her with the cast saw and said "good, then I will take this cast off.  You will feel a lot of vibration, but don't worry you can't get cut.  Just relax sweetheart."

Ten minutes later Mona forcibly but carefully pried the two halves of Becky's minerva cast apart, ripping and stretching the padding and stockinette underneath as she did, cutting when necessary, and announced "hold still sweetie."  She then removed the cast from Becky's body, her headgear coming free in the process.  After placing the huge, heavy cast on a side counter Mona picked up a damp cloth.  She stepped back over and said "would the patient please remove her undershirt?  I need to bath the patient.  I want to be very thorough too."  She gave Becky a wink as she began rubbing the damp washcloth over her.  Once she was done she said "let me put some lotion on too."  Before she left Becky's side, Mona tousled her hair.

Becky said "oh please, I know it looks horrible."

Mona stopped, turned back towards Becky and took both her hands in hers.  Mona said "no baby, it looks amazing.  You look amazing.  I have never seen anything as sexy as you are right now.  You look wonderful with short hair.  Amazing.  I hope you consider keeping it short."

Becky snickered before she asked "you want me to look like a stereotypical lesbian huh?"

Mona felt cut by Becky's comment.  She said "no honey, I want you to be happy.  And you are anything but stereotypical.  You'd be beautiful with any hair.  Or no hair.  But I really think short hair suits you.  But again, I want you to be happy so if you want to grow it out I will love that too."  She tried to defuse things by saying "let me get you some lotion.  It will feel so good."

She was rubbing lotion on Becky's upper shoulders when Dr. Olivia entered the room and announced "Becky, we are ready for you."

Mona replied "just a few more minutes boss."

Becky asked "how did Megan and Thalia do?  Are they gone yet?"

Olivia replied "Megan did well.  She is glad to be rid of her halo.  She obviously doesn't love her Milwaukee, especially the outriggers or the extensions that connect to her KAFOs, but I think she was gladly willing to swap.  It will take her a little while to get used to it though.  Thalia did fine too.  She was glad to get a little fresh air and to get a fresh cast.  The casting process is pretty grueling though and she was tired.  Her driver went ahead and took her and Megan back to the Millers.  But you will get to see them tomorrow.  I am really looking forward to this little impromptu party tomorrow."

Becky smiled back and said "I am too.  And now that I am out of my cast, I will even be able to get in the pool."

Olivia smiled and said "that is right.  You get two hours off each day from your brace.  But I won't scold you if you cheat a little tomorrow.  I will let you two finish up, Raphael and I will be waiting next door."

After applying the last of the lotion, Mona asked "how does that feel?"

Becky said "heavenly.  Thank you."

Mona smiled at her and said "well if you like the way it feels, I might be convinced to rub you down later."  She gave her a wink.  She then made eye contact and said quietly "and I can not wait to kiss you."

Becky looked into Mona's eyes a moment.  She had never felt the feelings she felt towards Mona with anyone else.  She dreamily said "I can't wait either.  God it is so hard not knowing how long that might be."

Mona smiled at her and said "let's get you next door."

It took twenty minutes to get Becky's new Milwaukee brace correctly fitted.  Once Raphael and Olivia were satisfied with the fit, they had her walk across the room and back.  Once she had returned Olivia asked "how does it feel?"

Becky said "is the neck ring supposed to be this high?  I can hardly see the floor.  And are my shoulders supposed to be held back this aggressively?"

Raphael replied "yes, they are.  They are adjusted correctly.  You will get used to it in no time though.  Mona will be able to help you.  Just to make sure nothing is rubbing, would you please go and wait in the waiting room for a few minutes.  We will call you back in shortly."

Becky said "of course."  It surprised her that Mona didn't seem to be accompanying her.  She turned and looked questioningly at Mona.

Mona saw the look on her lovers face and said "we will call you back in a few.  I need to do a few things here.  And don't put your headgear back on until we get you back here."

Not sure what was going on, Becky turned to head towards the waiting room.  The last thing she heard was Raphael faintly ask "are you ready dear?"

Time seemed to drag to a halt for Becky.  She kept glancing at the clock to see how much time had elapsed.  Finally after 20 minutes Raphael entered the waiting area and said "Becky, can you come on back?"

Entering the same treatment room as earlier, Becky found the room empty.  This all seemed so strange.  She wondered what was going on until the side door opened and Mona emerged.  She was not wearing her halo.  In its place was a Milwaukee brace that looked identical to Becky's, only Mona's was connected to the leg braces she wore.  Mona said "surprise baby.  We will do this together.  But first..."  She stepped in front of Becky and gave her a long, passionate kiss.  Becky closed her eyes and kissed her back.  She thought to herself it had been worth the wait.  And even more incredible than she had imagined.

The next afternoon, Jim looked around his pool area in amazement.  There were so many people.  He had no idea that his idea would prove to be so popular.  Everyone from Dr. Miller's was there, including Megan's new friend Thalia.  In fact, her husband, upon hearing about it, had graciously offered to have the party catered.  Jim looked over at the buffet line manned by two young ladies in white chef's outfits.  He had been thoughtful enough to make sure that everything was braces friendly. Speaking of husband's, Dr. Andi had also brought her husband and her friend who was about to finish up her orthodontic residency.  Aubrey had asked Jim if it was ok if she invited Tim.  Of course Jim had said yes.  This had then led to Aubrey asking if it was ok if some of Tim's staff attended too, after all they too were in treatment with Dr. Miller.  He had replied "the more the merrier."  All but two of Tim's staff members were there.  Margaret and her daughters were there, along with two of Elise' girl friends and Savannah's boyfriend whom they had brought along.  The girls were currently not wearing their Milwaukee braces or facemasks and all the teens were happily splashing in the pool with their friends.  Margaret's husband was supposed to show up later.  Dr. Olivia, Raphael and their staff were also there.  Jim was especially glad that Kylee had attended so that Tara wasn't the only one there in a wheelchair.  The day before, when he realized this was going to be a real party, he had even invited a few of his outside friends.  Five of them had also shown up.  And he had urged Tara to invite whoever she wanted.  Two of her friends had shown up, though Beverly had regrettably told her she couldn't make it but wanted a rain check.  There had been a few odd looks and questions from the 'outside' friends about all the orthodontic and orthopedic braces on display, but after a quick explanation they had simply nodded and asked for a drink.  In fact one of Jim's friends had really taken a shine to Kelsey, Tim's single and attractive assistant.  The Miller headgear she wore didn't seem to be keeping Keith from doing his best to get her to go home with him.  He didn't think that the drinks that they had both been consuming were hurting the situation.

That is mostly what Jim had been doing for the last two hours, playing bartender.  He himself had only been sipping on an occasional beer.  He looked over and watched Tara.  He was glad to see that she seemed happy.  At the moment she was laughing at something that Aubrey was saying.  He had seen her laugh and smile more in the past two hours than he had seen her do in the past two weeks.  It made him happy.  And he realized this party, if for no other reason than that, had been a good idea.  He was focused on Tara when he felt someone nudge against him.  He turned to see Alex standing there, a smile on her face.  She was not wearing her facemask, both her and Marc were taking a break during the party.

She asked "got a minute?"

Jim smiled and said "for a beautiful woman?  Always.  What's up?"

Alex asked "would you show me the engagement ring you bought Tara?  So I can see if it is up to her standards?"

Jim was surprised by the question, but he responded "sure, no problem."  He continued to stand there.

Alex gave him a wide-eyed stare before she said "well, go get it.  Bring it out here.  I want to see it.  I will man the bar for a minute."

As Alex watched him disappear into the house she didn't feel the least bit guilty about lying to him.  When he returned she said "let me see."  He handed her the box.  She flipped it open and admired it.  She looked up at Jim and said "it is beautiful.  And I think it shows you really do love Tara.  So you were serious when you told me you wanted nothing more in this life than to marry Tara?  Is that true?"

Jim nodded and said "yes."

Alex said "good, because I have been talking with Tara about it.  And it wasn't a forever no.  It was a right then and there no.  Hang on to the ring.  Go ahead and just put it in your pocket. There will be a better time to ask her.  But don't ask her until I give you the go ahead."   

Jim smiled, a sense of relief coming over him.  He didn't think he had fouled things up between him and Tara too badly.  He had tried to discuss it with Tara but she had asked him to just forget about it.  It had never happened.  And since it had never happened, there was nothing to discuss.  But this is the first time that Alex had told him he had not really fouled things up.  He wondered when and what Alex had planned.  Whatever it was, after his disastrous attempt, he would try it.  He just hoped she didn't want to wait months until Tara was out of her spica.  But if that is what she thought best, he would.  She smiled and said "and by the way, you are a great bartender.  How about another Mai Tai?"

Jim smiled and said "yes ma'am, coming right up."

Fifteen minutes later, Jim watched as Tara and Alex talked.  He couldn't hear what they were saying, but he could see Alex gesturing towards an open area in the middle of his pool deck.  It was away from others, but still amongst the middle of everyone.  Alex walked along beside Tara as she maneuvered her new wheelchair.  Jim wondered what in the world they were talking about.  She then saw Alex lean over and give Tara a hug.

Straightening up, Alex shouted "HEY EVERYONE!  HEY, I NEED YOUR ATTENTION."  She waited while conversations died down and all eyes turned towards her.  With everyone's attention on her, she lowered her voice and said "thank you.  Everyone, our host has something he needs to say.  Or more accurately, he has something he needs to ask.  The most important question he will ever ask."

She looked over and made eye contact with Jim.  He had a deer in the headlights look.  But he thought he knew where Alex was going with this.  Alex said "Jim, why don't you come over here?  I think there is something you want to ask someone?"

On rubbery legs he made his way over towards Tara.  He knew it was there, but still he felt in his pocket to make sure the ring was still there.  As he approached, he could see tears starting to form in Tara's eyes.  As Jim pulled the box from his pocket, he knelt down on one knee and looked up at Tara, holding the ring in front of him.  He said "Tara, I have loved you since the minute I met you.  And I have loved you more every minute since then.  A love so absolute, so deep, so unconditional I never even knew such a thing existed.  But it does.  And I feel it every moment of every day.  I love you Tara.  I want to spend my life with you.  Will you marry me?"

Tara burst into tears.  As he rose and wrapped her in a hug she said "yes, yes I will marry you."

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #263 on: 30. August 2024, 01:26:49 AM »
Wonderful! I'm so happy for Tara and Jim.

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #264 on: 30. August 2024, 03:41:07 AM »
EEEEEEE! I’m so happy for Tara and Jim! Your story is so good, keep it up.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #265 on: 30. August 2024, 05:32:58 AM »
Glad y’all liked the last chapter.  The good news is this party isn’t over.  Heck, it’s really just started.  Between the emotion and the alcohol, who knows what kind of high jinks people might get into as the sun goes down.

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #266 on: 30. August 2024, 08:30:30 AM »
Such a great way to celebrate 100 chapters! So happy to hear it’s not over.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #267 on: 30. August 2024, 16:47:59 PM »
Chapter 101:

Alex rushed over and hugged both of them.  As she said "CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!" someone whistled.  Someone else cheered.  They were joined by others hooting and hollering.  Someone started clapping.  They were joined by others until the whole group was clapping.  Dr. Brad looked on.  He was so happy for the couple.  And he couldn't help but think that it all started in his little lounge.  But as he looked on he had a nagging feeling something just wasn't quite right.  It then hit him.  He patted Megan's hand, who was seated erectly beside him at one of the round tables surrounding the pool, and said "I will be right back kitten."  He stood and disappeared out a side gate of the privacy fence that surrounded the back yard.

When Brad returned a few minutes later holding a zippered pouch he saw a crowd of people had gathered around the couple.  He made his way over and said "excuse me, excuse me everyone.  I need to speak with the bride to be.  It is very important.  Excuse me."  Scattered heads turned in his direction, some were still focused on Jim and Tara, as he gently pushed his way in beside Tara.  He said "sorry to be rude and interrupt, but I need to tell Tara something."  Tara cut her eyes up towards Brad as he looked down at her and smiled.  He said "congratulations Tara and Jim.  But something isn't right.  Good thing ol' Dr. Brad is here to fix it.  Tara, please stay still and I will remove your springs and protraction module.  You two can kiss."  Brad quickly unzipped the nylon case he was holding and withdrew a pair of stainless pliers.  It only took a few minutes, the mood was not ruined, and he was slipping the springs and protraction bar that had previously been attached to Tara and her brace into his pocket.  He again smiled at Tara and said "that's better isn't it?"

As she replied "yes, thank you".  Brad stepped back and out of the way.  Jim didn't need to be told what he should do.  He leaned in and maneuvered his head between the front bars of Tara's halo and gave her a kiss.  Tara closed her eyes.  It felt like she was floating.  As they kissed, the murmuring and commotion from the crowd ratcheted up another notch.  As Jim pulled away from Tara, he looked her in the eyes and wiped a tear from her cheek.  He said "I love you so much." 

Tara looked back and smiled before she said "I love you too."

For the next thirty minutes, it seemed as if everyone was jockeying for position to tell the couple congratulations.  That they were beautiful together.  Perfect together.  That they were so happy for them.  That they couldn't wait to be invited to the wedding.  After Jim's friend Paul had told the couple congratulations he had moved over to the bar to get another beer.  There, he found one of Tara's friends Cammie.  As Paul opened the cooler and reached for a beer he admired Cammie out of the corner of his eyes.  He thought she was very pretty.  As he straightened up and cracked the beer open he said "it is so romantic isn't it?  I had no idea this was going to be an engagement party."

Cammie turned her head in his direction and responded "it is so romantic.  I had no idea either.  I am so happy for Tara.  I don't know Jim that well, but he seems wonderful.  Tara says nothing but good things about him."

Paul smiled before he said "well, I do know Jim very well."  He gave Cammie another smile before he continued "and he is a complete as**ole."  He noticed the look on Cammie's face change to one of concern and laughed.  He said "no, I am just kidding.  He is a really good dude.  And he is totally in love with Tara.  And I apologize, you have to excuse my sense of humor." 

A smile came back on Cammie's face as she asked "so you are one of Jim's friends?"

Paul said "yes, known him since junior high.  And how rude of me."  He stuck out his hand and said "Hi, I am Paul Johnston."

Cammie stuck out her hand and said "nice to meet you, I am Cammie Wallace.  And I have you beat, I have known Tara since elementary school."  She gave a big smile before saying "I apologize, you have to excuse my sense of humor."

Paul laughed before he said "touche!"  As the pair continued to talk and get to know each other, others too were talking about Tara and Jim.

Aubrey and Tim sat down across from Becky and Mona, who were sitting side by side.  Mona had her hand on Becky's in Becky's lap.  Aubrey said "I had no idea.  How exciting!  Did you know about this?"

Mona said "we had no idea that Jim was going to ask Tara to marry him today.  Not after the other day."

Aubrey raised her eyebrows and asked "the other day?"

Becky lowered her voice and said "I don't know if this is supposed to be a secret.  But Jim asked Tara to marry him day before yesterday and she said no.  I heard Alex and Jim talking about it.  But I had no idea he was going to ask her again here.  I wonder if that is what this whole party was about?"

They hadn't realized that Alex had been approaching until they heard her say "no, that was not why he threw this party.  But what an opportunity it was."

Becky shifted her whole body, held stiffly by her Milwaukee brace, towards Alex and asked "hmmm, what?"

Alex sat down and said "I thought it was the perfect opportunity for Jim to redeem himself.  And it worked!"

Mona asked "so this was your idea?"

Alex laughed and said "no, it was Jim's idea to fall in love with Tara and ask her to marry him.  He just needed a little help and coaching to get across the finish line." 

Becky bit her lip and squeezed Mona's hand before she said "I will keep that in mind."

Alex appraised the group and said "hey, it looks like a couple of you are empty.  Since I am up, how about I grab us another round?"

Tim said "that would be great.  But you might not have enough hands, I will help."  As Tim stood he looked around the group and asked "the same?"  Aubrey, Becky and Mona all affirmed yes.

As Tim and Alex made there way over to the now self-service bar area, Mona said "I could tell how devastated Tara was getting that cast.  But I think this will make it a little easier for her.  I have told her there is light at the end of the tunnel.  I have no doubt she can see it now."

Becky squealed "I love weddings!  I wonder what kind they will have?"

Aubrey responded "I don't know."  She looked over at Jim and Tara as people continued to surround them and said "I wonder if she will wait until she is out of her cast?  I am sure she will, I bet she will want to walk down the aisle."

Becky said "surely she will.  Plus, it takes time to plan a wedding."

Mona replied "I bet your right.  But if not, who cares?  A cast isn't the end of the world.  Obviously."

Aubrey said "I wouldn't know, I have never had one.  I have always been curious what it was like though."

Mona raised her eyebrows and asked "so you have never had a cast before?  Never broken a bone?"

Aubrey said "nope, I've been lucky.  But if feels like everyone else here has.  Becky had her minerva, Tara had her leg cast and now this spica cast.  Even that model woman that is with Megan is wearing a cast like you had Becky.  And everyone that doesn't have a cast seems to have a scoliosis brace or leg braces.  Even Alex.  Speaking of casts, what was that minerva cast like Becky?"

Becky almost seemed to recoil before she said "oh it was awful.  Hot, sweaty, itchy, uncomfortable, immobilizing, claustrophobic, just yucky.  I am so glad I am done with it."

Mona stroked Becky's hand before she said "I am glad I was able to cut if off of you.  But can I be honest hun?  I will kind of miss it.  It brought us so much closer together.  So it will always have a special place in my heart."

Becky turned her body towards Mona and cooed "awwww..."

Mona smiled and said "but it sure is nice to be able to do this".  She leaned in and gave Becky a quick kiss on the lips. 

Aubrey said "get a room you two" and laughed.

As Tim and Alex sat the glasses down on the round table, Tim sat while Alex remained standing.  Alex asked "what's got you three so giddy?"

Mona said "I think Aubrey was saying she wants to know what it feels like to wear a cast.  And maybe see what it feels like to wear a scoliosis brace and leg braces too."

Alex turned her head towards Aubrey and raised her eyebrows.  Aubrey replied "no, that is NOT what I said.  I just said I have never had a cast and wondered what it is like."

Alex was surprised "you have never had a cast?  You weirdo."  She laughed before she said "but if you want to see what it is like to wear a scoliosis brace or leg braces, I am sure any of us would be more than willing to get a little break and let you wear them awhile."  She looked around the table and asked "isn't that right ladies?"

Becky responded "that is totally right.  And speaking of taking off my brace, babe will you help me take mine off.  I am due for a break and I want to get in the pool.  Maybe you would join me?"

Mona said "I would love to.  How about we go inside.  I will help you take your brace off and change into a swimsuit." 

As Mona stiffly stood, Alex asked "would you mind a little company?  It is hot out here!  And that pool looks cool.  Plus it will give me an excuse to take off my KAFOS." 

Mona said "I'd only be upset if you didn't want to join us.  Come on girl."  Mona took Becky's hand and helped her to stand.  Mona looked at Aubrey and Tim and asked "how about you two?  Want to join us?"

Tim looked questioningly at Aubrey.  Aubrey said "maybe in a few minutes.  I am enjoying sitting here with my drink and this sexy hunk.  You three have fun."

Mona smiled and said "understandable, but I will be sure to tell you how amazing the pool feels.  We will hurry back." 

As Tim watched the three walk towards the French doors, he said "I can't believe you have never had a cast."

Aubrey asked "why is that so hard for everyone to believe?"

Tim squeezed her hand and said "it's just unusual is all.  You are much more coordinated than most people though, so it makes sense.  I have had two casts.  I broke my ankle when I was 7 falling out of a tree.  And I then broke my wrist in high school playing football.  You are lucky, it isn't the most fun thing.  But it is different.  I guess it is one of those things you only understand if you've had one."  He went silent a moment before he said "Mona is a nurse.  I am sure she could hook you up with one if you wanted to experience one."

Aubrey turned her head and said "that would be weird wouldn't it?"

Tim replied "I don't know, maybe.  But I do know you would be sexy in a cast."  Aubrey squinted at Tim.  He quickly added "but you would be sexy wearing anything.  And especially wearing nothing.  But if you wanted to have Mona put a cast on you, I wouldn't think it was weird."

Aubrey looked at him a moment before asking "what are you saying?  That you want me to get a cast?"

Tim said "no, I am only saying that if you want to get one, I would be all for it.  Anyway, I am so happy for Jim and Tara."

Aubrey replied "I am too."  But she wasn't going to let him change the subject this easily.  She felt she was on the verge of finding out something about Tim.  She said "it is amazing how caring Jim has been for her.  Even despite everything she is going through."  She added "or maybe some of it is because of what she is going through.  I know some guys get turned on by casts.   I know there is such a thing as a cast fetish."  Aubrey watched as Tim reddened a bit.  She didn't know if he realized he was doing it, but she thought she had her answer.  She said "maybe I should ask Mona about a cast.  If you would like that.  Would you like that?"  She put her face down closer in front of his.

Tim looked at her and said softly "yes, I would.  But only if you want to."

She kissed him and then said "I want to make you happy.  And I am curious what it is like.  So that would be a win for both of us.  I will tell Mona when she comes back out."  She again kissed him and asked "are there any other little secrets floating around in that head of yours?  Things we might could explore?  Together?"

Tim leaned in and whispered in her ear.  Aubrey's eyes widened.  As he pulled back Aubrey said "you are a dirty boy.  But I am game to try."

Tim asked "really?"

Aubrey reached down and stroked his manhood and simply nodded her head up and down.  They were locked eye to eye, oblivious to the world, when Becky blurted out "it's my turn now.  You two get a room."  She giggled as she, Alex and Mona approached the table.  All three had shed their orthopedic and orthodontic appliances and changed into swimsuits.  Each had a towel slung over their shoulder.

Alex stopped beside the table and noticed the slightly red hue on Tim's face.  She asked "so, what is going on here?"

Aubrey turned and said "we were just talking."

Alex pressed "about what?"

Aubrey turned towards Mona and said "about casts.   And about how I've never had one.  I really would like to see what it is like.  I know that's weird.  But do you think that is something you could make happen Mona?  Just to see what it is like?"

Aubrey saw Mona's face light up.  Mona practically shouted "absolutely.  I thought you might want to.  Yeee, this will be fun!"  She looked around the pool area before looking back at Aubrey.  Mona said "that chaise lounge will work.  Hold on just a sec, I will be right back!"

Aubrey was shocked and confused.  She asked "wait, what are you talking about?  You don't have the stuff to make a cast here do you?"

Mona said "of course I do, what kind of cast tech would I be if I didn't.  I don't have all the colors to choose from.  But I have pink, purple and plain white.  But I am not going to let you do white.  So decide whether you want pink or purple for your long leg cast.  I will be right back!"

Aubrey protested "no, I didn't mean right now, here." 

Alex laughed and said "it sounds too late to back out now."

Aubrey looked around at the girls.  This didn't seem like such a good idea now.  She then turned towards Tim.  She saw the look in his face and the hunger in his eyes.  Looking into his eyes she said "sure, ok.  It might be fun."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #268 on: 31. August 2024, 17:03:15 PM »
Chapter 102:

While it might have been strange, there was certainly a lot of interest in the purple long leg cast that Aubrey was getting.  A crowd had gathered around watching as Mona wrapped the purple fiberglass cast tape up Aubrey's thigh.  Tim was seated by her side and could not take his eyes off of the process.  There had been several questions about what was going on and what Mona was doing, all of which Mona had happily answered.  There was also one suggestion.  Before Mona had begun wrapping the cast tape around Aubrey's leg, Tara said "hey, you should angle her foot in like mine was.  That way she won't be able to cheat and walk on it."

Mona had smiled at Aubrey as she replied "that is a GREAT idea!"  The look on Aubrey's face showed she didn't necessarily agree, but looking into Tim's face she decided to go with it.

The whole process took less time than Aubrey had expected.  She was surprised when Mona announced "all done!  Just lay here for a little bit while it cures.  I will let you know when you can get up and move around."  Becky had retrieved the crutches that Tara had previously been using from inside and they were leaned against an adjacent table.  Mona motioned to them and said "then, I will finish adjusting your crutches, but I should have them pretty close.  This isn't my first rodeo.  So now that you aren't a cast virgin, what do you think?"

Aubrey looked down at her fiberglass encased right leg, her foot angled in and back as far as it would bend, and responded "it is BIG!  And heavy.  And hot."

Mona smiled and said "well, it will cool down some as it cures.  But it will be hot.  Is anything rubbing or uncomfortable?"

Aubrey lay there a moment and replied "no, I don't think so."

Tim chimed in "it looks so cute on you boo."  He placed his hand on her cast.

Aubrey looked up at him and smiled.  She could tell he was really enjoying this.  She said "you think?"

Tim rubbed his hand up and down her cast once before he looked into her face.  He then replied "oh, absolutely."  Aubrey just smiled back at him.

Mona said "well I worked up a thirst.  Aubrey, do you need a drink too?"

Aubrey said "yes please!"

When Mona returned, the crowd was still gathered around.  They were talking amongst themselves and with Aubrey.  Mona handed Aubrey her drink and stepped back a few steps.  She just watched and listened.  It seemed that Tim's assistant Kelsey was very inquisitive about what the cast was like.  She was asking Aubrey lots of questions.  Finally, she said that she too had never had a cast.

Mona said "well, I have enough pink cast tape for one more.  Since Aubrey has a leg cast, why don't you see what an arm cast feels like?"

Kelsey turned and looked at Mona, saying "oh no, that would be too musch.  Really, no, I wouldn't want to make you have to do that."

Mona said "nonsense, it would be my pleasure.  I actually enjoy it.  Which I guess is a good thing since it is part of my job.  Why don't you try it?  Just to see what it is like?"

Kelsey turned and looked at Jim's friend Keith, who had been by her side since they had met earlier.  Before she could say anything he said "why not?  I mean when will you get another chance like this?  I am sure she can take it off before you leave."  He turned and looked at Mona as he asked "right?"

Mona responded "of course, I have a cast saw.  I wouldn't have volunteered to cast someone if I didn't."  She thought a moment before she added "but THAT certainly would have been a surprise for Aubrey."

Keith looked back at Kelsey and again asked "why not?"

Kelsey looked down at Aubrey and then back at him.  She asked "really?  It wouldn't sheem weird to you?"

Keith smiled at her before he replied "not weird, unusual."  He went silent a minute before he added "but I like unusual.  Like unusually beautiful women like you.  Why don't you do it?"

Kelsey wasn't sure why he seemed so enthusiastic about it.  But in the short time she had known Keith she had already taken a liking to him.  He was handsome.  And she liked his unusual sense of humor.  She smiled and said "ok, sure, why not?  I mean what kind of party ish it if shomeone doesn't end up in a casht?"

This brought a scattering of laughs as Mona said "yay!  Two casts!  Kelsey, are you right or left handed?"

Kelsey responded "right handed."

Mona smiled and said "then a right long arm thumb spica it is.  You will get the full experience of having an arm cast."

An hour later the sun had dropped below the trees and daylight was rapidly fading.  Jim had turned on all the outside lights that weren't already on a timer.   A few of the guests had begun to filter out, including Margaret and her entourage who had left not long after her husband arrived.  Margaret had been so appreciative.  She thanked Jim and Tara so much for having them into their home.  Jim had assured her that as much fun as everyone seemed to be having it wouldn't be the last time.  He told Margaret she and her family would definitely be on the guest list for the next one.  He then escorted the group through his house and to the front door where he stopped and thanked the group for coming.  Thinking mainly of Tara, he said he thought everyone had enjoyed themselves.

All the girls said they had a wonderful time.  Again, Margaret thanked him.  She put the Milwaukee brace she was holding down on the floor and hugged him.  He could feel the pink facemask that was always on her face digging in against his shoulder.  She said she was so glad to see that Tara was doing so well.  She also said she was so happy for the newly engaged couple.  As she let go of him she straightened up her facemask.  Jim smiled at her and said part of that was because of Margaret and Stone Pharmacy. 

As Margaret helped Elise back into her Milwaukee brace, Savannah's boyfriend helped her get into hers.  While this had been going on, Margaret's husband had shaken Jim's hand and told him congratulations.  He also thanked him for inviting his family, telling him that he owed him.  Jim assured him that he didn't.  Jim replied again how appreciative he was and that he owed them.  Margaret's husband had just nodded before stepping over and helping his wife Margaret into her Milwaukee brace.  Back in her brace, Margaret stepped over and hugged Jim again, once again telling him "thank you.  And congratulations!"

When Jim returned to the party he saw Kelsey and Keith were sitting across the pool deck alone, seemingly as far from others as they could get.  As Jim walked back over towards Tara and the group she was with, Jim realized the pair had been inseparable since they had met.  Obviously they seemed to like each other.  He wondered what they were talking about.

Keith looked at Kelsey and said "it's hard not being able to use your dominant arm isn't it?  I have broken my right arm not once, but twice.  But I didn't have a full arm cast or have my thumb casted either time.  It was hard enough without all that."

Kelsey said "yesh, I can't imagine what it would be like trying to live with thish."  She then thought a moment and said "I wouldn't even be able to take off my headgear.  Eke!"

Keith said "so it does come off?  I was wondering about that."

Kelsey wasn't sure why, maybe it was the alcohol, but she felt very comfortable with Keith.  She couldn't believe she was doing this with a man she had just met, after all she was still self-conscious about her Miller appliance and VERY self-conscious about her Miller headgear, but she leaned over and presented her face to Keith.  She said "yesh silly, of course."  With her uncasted arm she pointed up towards her mouth and said "these elasticsh just hook to my appliance and stretch to the bar on my headgear."  She pointed at the elastic and then the bar they were hooked to and said "see?"  She continued "they come off.  I am supposed to wear my headgear most of the time, but I can take it off.  I do to brush and eat."  She stopped a moment before saying "well, I guess I could take it off before.  There is a strap that goes around my neck that buckles.  I don't think I could undo it without both hands.  So I guess with this casht I can't take it off.  Holy crap, I hope that saw doesn't go on the fritz."

Keith smiled and said "if it does, I am pretty handy.  I am an electrical engineer, I might could get it back up and running.  If not, I know Jim has enough saws to stock a hardware store.  So don't worry about that.  I am glad you can take your headgear off.  I imagine it would be tough to eat with it on."  He then went silent a moment just looking into Kelsey's eyes.  Finally he said "or kiss."

Kelsey looked back into his eyes for a long time before she said "I don't know.  I haven't tried to kiss anyone since I got my appliancsh."  She starred into his eyes.

Keith said "maybe we could see what that is like?  I could help you take off your headgear."

Kelsey looked at him as she pondered her next move.  Finally she said "I wonder if your friend would mind if we went inside to have a little more privacy?"

Keith stood and took Kelsey's casted hand as he said "no, I am sure he wouldn't."

As soon as they had made their way into a bedroom, the main downstairs guest bedroom where Alex and Marc had stayed, Keith closed and locked the door.  He turned and placed his hand on Kelsey's face, being gentle so as not to press on the frame of her headgear, and said "you are so sexy."  Kelsey reached up to place her fingers on one of her elastics.  Keith stopped her and said "I've got it."  He carefully removed the two elastics and then turned Kelsey so her back was to him.  He raised her hair and quickly appraised the situation.  He saw the strap running around the back of her neck.  It was a simple buckle design and he quickly unfastened it.  He then turned Kelsey back around so she was facing him and lifted the headgear from her.  He placed it on top of a chest of drawers. 

As he leaned in to kiss her she said "jusht be careful, I have a lot going on in here."

He didn't say a word, instead he gently placed his lips to hers.  Upon feeling his warm, wet lips on hers, Kelsey instinctively closed her eyes and kissed him back.  After an extended kiss, Kelsey pulled back and said "not bad."  She smiled at Keith and asked "when is the last time you kissed a braceface?"

Keith thought a moment before he responded "high school I guess."

As Kelsey leaned in to kiss him again she said softly "use your tongue this time."

As they kissed for the second time, Kelsey opened her mouth slightly and Keith slipped his tongue into her mouth.  He instantly felt metal mesh and felt her tongue trying to push through it.  He then felt her tongue slip underneath it and touch his.  initially he concentrated on her tongue.  Then he felt around in her mouth.  In ever direction he moved his tongue, he felt metal.  So much metal.  He had noticed she had a bit of a lisp, he couldn't believe it wasn't worse.  Kelsey pulled back again and said "I have a tongue crib and expanders.  Was that just horrible for you?"

Keith peered into her eyes and said "no, not horrible at all."  He leaned in and kissed her again for the third time.

Once they were done, she asked "is my appliance a turn off?"

Keith shook his head back and forth before he replied "no."  He went silent a moment before he added "it is actually erotic."

She smiled and said "you like exploring it."  It was a statement not a question.  She continued "maybe you would like to explore the rest of me?"

Keith glanced at the bed and then back at her.  He didn't verbally answer.  Instead, he took her casted arm and guided her towards the bed.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #269 on: 31. August 2024, 19:03:16 PM »
Hopefully there is enough orthodontic content to still be interesting.