
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 65271 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #285 on: 24. September 2024, 01:47:36 AM »
Chapter 111:

As Sam suspected, Andi had Abby try on each of the carpal tunnel braces in the Walgreens.  He was so engrossed enjoying the scene, he was oblivious to the mother and her two children walking by until he heard "mama, what are those ladies wearing?"

He turned and saw a blonde haired, curvaceous woman who appeared in her early to mid-thirties with two blonde headed girls in tow, one appeared to be 4 or 5 years old, the other maybe 10 or 12.  Sam watched as the woman, he assumed she was their mother, took the younger girl's hand and said "Kinsley, don't be rude."  As the woman looked up, she looked at Andi and Abby, not Sam.  Sam saw a look of embarrassment on her face.  After a moment, it looked like she was deciding what to do, the woman looked down at the two girls and said "you two stay right here."  She then approached Andi and Abby, who had both stopped what they were doing.  As the woman approached, she said "I am sorry about that."

Andi gave the woman a big smile and said "that is ok.   It isn't everyday you see two grownups wearing headgear in public is it?"

The woman stopped in front of Andi and Abby and said "no, I guess not. But I apologize, that was rude."

Andi said "it is understandable.  The first time I saw Miller headgear I thought 'what in the world is that'.  And I am an orthodontist.  We both are, I am Dr. Andrea Bender, but everyone calls me Andi, and this is my friend and colleague Dr. Abby Lee.  We not only treat patients, we are in treatment ourselves."

The woman cocked her head and said "oh wow, you are both orthodontists?" 

Andi responded "we sure are.  And we don't just talk the talk, we walk the walk.  Perhaps your girls would like to take a closer look?  I love talking about all my fancy accessories." 

The woman looked over at her girls and said "girls, come over here."  Before they walked over, the older grabbed the younger ones hand.  As they approached the woman turned to Andi and said "and how rude of me.  Now I need to apologize.  I am Brittney."  She then gestured to the girls and said "my youngest is Kinsley and my oldest is Baleigh."

As the two girls stopped, Andi squatted down and smiled.  She said "it is a pleasure to meet you Kinsley and Baleigh.  I am Andi, this is my friend Abby and that is my husband Sam.  Abby and I are both wearing orthodontic headgear, but different kinds of headgear."  Without even being asked the younger girl peered closer as Andi continued "I have Miller headgear.  The rods are pulling my upper jaw forward, while the two hooks you see are holding my lower jaw in place.  It is all connected to my Miller appliance and braces."  She leaned her head back and opened wide, pointing towards her mouth.  Putting her head down she said "I have expanders on my top and bottom.  The top one is actually screwed in to the top of my mouth.  Those are to widen my mouth.  I also have a tongue crib on top and a small rake on the bottom.  This is to keep me from pushing on my teeth with my tongue.  I am almost finished turning my expanders, when I am done we will keep them in and they will just hold everything in place.  I just got braces to start aligning my teeth and eliminate the gaps."  She then pulled her upper lip up with her index finger and said "and finally, I also just got these six tads, they are just little screws in my upper jaw.  They are connected to my upper braces with elastics chains to pull my upper jaw up.  That will even up my smile and reduce gumminess."

Sam noticed two different reactions on the girls faces.  The older looked scared.  But the younger one looked enchanted.  She stuck her finger out and put it on one of Andi's protraction rods.  The little girl said "your braces are cool.  So much metal."

Andi laughed.  She said "yes, they are cool.  And it is so much metal."  She gestured up towards Abby before she said "my friend Abby doesn't have nearly as much cool metal as me.  But she will soon."

The little girl said "I want braces."

Andi looked up at the mom and said "well, maybe you could ask your mom if you could come and see us?"  Andi saw the expression on the woman's face change.  The woman almost subconsciously shook her head back and forth.  Andi looked back at the girl and said "I am glad you like my braces and think they are cool.  I think they are cool too.  And it was such a pleasure to meet you."

As Andi stood she looked at the mother.  Andi thought there was a look of embarrassment on her face.  Andi said "you know what, do your girls like candy?  It looks like they deserve some.  Can I buy them a treat?"

The mother said "yes, but you don't have to.  Really."

Andi said "it would be my pleasure.  What if Dr. Abby goes and helps them pick some out?  And we can chat a minute?  Would that work for everyone."  Andi noticed the younger of the two girls tug on her mom's dress and ask "please?"

Brittney said "yes, but I want to pay for it."

Andi said "it is a gift from me to them.  I won't let you."  She looked over at Sam and said "baby, will you give Abby a $20?"  As Sam pulled his wallet out, Andi said "what if Abby walks over there and lets them pick something out?  We will be right here watching them."

Brittney relented and said "ok."

As Abby escorted the girls away, Andi stepped in beside the woman and asked "why do you not want them to see an orthodontist?"

Brittney said "I do.  I want them to so much.  I know they need to.  All three of us need to.  But I just know I can't afford it.  Money is so tight right now.  I am over a year past due on even taking them to the regular dentist.  I appreciate you taking time to tell them all about your braces.  And I wish I could get them for them.  But right now, I just can't."  Andi saw it looked like she was on the verge of crying.

She hesitantly put her arm around her and said "I am sorry.  Things will get better."  Andi thought for a moment and said "what if I told you they could get braces for free?  Would you want them to?"

Brittney said "of course.  But how?"

Andi unzipped her purse and dug in it.  She pulled out one of her business cards and handed it to the woman.  Andi said "call the office tomorrow and schedule a consultation with Becky.  Consultations are free.  Your girls need treatment.   And it is so much easier when they are young than when they are adults.  Trust me on that.  I will make sure they get the treatment they need."

The woman looked stunned.  She said "but... no... I can't."

Andi said "yes, you can."

The woman stood there in silence.  She then hugged Andi.  As she did she said "thank you.  I don't know how I will repay you, but I will."

Andi hugged her back and said "be a good mama to them.  I am sure you are.  That is all the repayment I require.  We will get the chance to know each other better I am sure."  By now, Abby was walking towards the pair.  The two girls looked elated with the candy they now held.  The little girl was already eating hers.  Andi looked at them and asked "did you both find some goodies?"

The little girl came over and hugged Andi and said "yes ma'am, thank you." Andi patted her on the head and said "no, thank you for brightening my day."

As the trio departed, Andi said "remember, call the office tomorrow." 

Brittney turned and said "I will, I promise.  And thank you."

After they were out of earshot, Abby asked "what was that all about?"

Andi turned and said "you will find out that wearing your headgear will get you lots of attention.  And new potential patients.  Those two little girls for instance.  I have never done a case pro bono, but I just couldn't say no.  So, I guess I have three new patients.  It will hurt the bottom line, but it just felt like the right thing to do."

Abby asked "three new patients?  Mom too?"

Andi said "yes, I am going to surprise her at their consult." 

Abby then said "wait, pro bono?  You offered to do it for free?"

Andi said "I couldn't not offer it.  I don't need to get in the habit of it, but I couldn't say no.  They were just so adorable.  And did you notice their mouths?  They need it so much.  So does their mom Brittney.  Money is nice, but that is not why I do this.  Three pro bono patients won't kill us.  And who knows, karma sometimes has a way of coming back around."

Abby looked at her friend and said "you don't have three new patients.  We have three new patients.  I haven't had a paying patient yet, why start now?"

Andi laughed.  She looked at Abby and said "you aren't quite right.  Grab those carpal tunnel braces and let's get out of here."

As they stood in line to pay, Brittney walked back by.  She stopped briefly and said "again, thank you so much.  I am going to call first thing in the morning." 

Andi saw how excited she looked, a big crowded narrow smile on her face.  From her open bite Andi could already tell she was a tongue thruster and mouth breather.  Andi knew mom's case would be complicated.  Andi replied "I am just glad I could brighten your day."  As Brittney walked away, Andi wondered if she would still be as excited after her consultation.  Because without even doing an exam, Andi already knew that her case would require a Miller appliance and extended full time headgear wear.  For some reason though, this made Andi smile. 

She turned in line and looked at Abby, who was standing in line beside her holding her soon to be new wrist braces.  Andi once again visualized her friend in Miller headgear, with the plastic and steel neck ring of her Milwaukee brace encircling her neck.  Andi thought about Dr. Morales' brace with the integrated hip and leg braces.  She also wondered what those D-rings were for that were on her brace.  Andi decided she would call and ask Dr. Morales about whether Abby's brace might need these features.  She also thought of the locking security feature that Raphael said could be integrated into a brace, though it was typically used for adolescent patients.  Andi thought Abby's brace could definitely use this feature.  And Andi would be the perfect person to ensure her friend got her necessary wear time in.

Abby noticed Andi staring at her.  Abby asked "what is it?  Do I have a booger hanging out of my nose?"

Andi laughed before she said "I was just thinking about the upcoming conference.  It is so close.  We will have so much fun.  And how unlady like.  'Do I have a booger?'  We need to work on your manners."


Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #286 on: 24. September 2024, 03:26:24 AM »
I like it! More and more people in braces of all types.

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #287 on: 24. September 2024, 07:49:07 AM »
This story keeps adding endless possibilities. Kudos to your creative genius!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #288 on: 24. September 2024, 22:03:56 PM »
Chapter 112:

Jim leaned in and kissed Tara on the lips.  Leaning back he said "I am so happy for you baby.  You were so brave."

Dr. Morales said "I am sorry about that, but removing the pins can be uncomfortable.  But it is such a relief now isn't it?”

Tara said "it feels so good.  I am so glad to be done with my halo.  So you said I just need to wear this foam collar for the first few days?  And my CTO at night?  And to wean myself off the collar based on how I feel?"

Dr. Morales smiled and said "that is exactly right.  Wear the soft collar during the day along with your facemask as needed.  It looks like Dr. Brad still is still prescribing 16 hours a day of protraction.  Put your CTO on before bed and wear it when you sleep.  That will give you some breaks from the mask during the day.  Within a week, I expect you won't feel the need to wear the soft collar, but do continue to wear the CTO at night.  The pin sights will heal quickly but use the cream I give you around the sites and on them after they heal to minimize scaring.  Within a year, they will likely be imperceptible.  Do you have any questions?"

Tara cut her eyes towards Jim and made eye contact.  He simply raised his eyebrows.  Tara replied "no, I don't think so."

Dr. Morales said "wonderful.  I do have a couple of questions for you.  First, do you want to keep your halo or have us dispose of it?  And second, what was it like getting your protraction rods off?  Did you feel instant relief?  I ask that for purely personal reasons, I am so ready to get mine off.  I am tired of having my face pulled apart."

Tara shifted towards Dr. Morales and answered "I guess it was a relief.  But really, except when they were turned, the rods didn't bother me too much.  The halo and hip spica took my mind of it I guess.  As for keeping the halo, I don't know.  I don't really care." 

Jim interjected "why don't we take it baby?  I don't know why I want to, but I do.  Maybe it is a reminder of how good you are doing.  Or maybe it is a reminder of what we have already overcome together."

Tara took Jim's hand and said "that is sweet.  Whatever you want baby."

Jim smiled and said "I guess we will take it.  Unless another patient could use it?"

Dr. Morales said "nope, we would never reuse a medical device like that.  We would just toss it in the dumpster.  I am going to miss getting to see you Tara."  She came over and carefully maneuvered her casted arms around Tara and gave her a hug.  Dr. Morales said "you were a model patient.  Thank you."

Tara reached out and hugged her back.  Tara said "thank you for being so gentle and understanding.  Even if I did hate that halo."

Letting go Dr. Morales said "but you are done now.  And it did so much good, exactly what we hoped for.  I wish I could get out of mine, but I still have at least a year left.  I am looking forward to it.  Mainly though I wish I could get my arms back."

From the corner of the room, Raphael said "honey, it may be a while.  For whatever reason, they are just healing slowly."

After Tara and Jim had left the room, Raphael slid in beside Olivia and whispered "doll, you might want to come to terms with your casts.  I don't see them coming off for a very long time.  In fact, your disease may require you to wear them off and on, much more on than off, for the rest of your life."

That night, Jim and Tara sat eating dinner.  Tara said "it is so quiet in the house now with everyone gone."

Jim said "it is.  Do you miss it?"

Tara said "in a way I do.  It really was a blessing for me.  Having them around kept my spirits up.  They helped keep my mind off things, they kept me from dwelling on myself as much.  I really miss seeing Becky and Mona.  They were so cute together, how shy they were and how afraid they seemed to be to show affection to each other in front of others.  But you could see in their eyes how much they wanted each other.  I guess that is what love is, having someone you can't bear to be apart from."  She looked at Jim and said "like the way I feel about you."

Jim said "I love you too."

Tara pushed away her plate and said "the food was delicious.  But I need something else.  I need you.  Now.  Now that I have my halo off, I want to show you what a little devil I can be."

The next morning, Jim helped Tara get dressed.  She surprised him when she said "I want to go into the office today.  I have been talking to Beverly about it.  She got me a desk that is more compatible with my chair.  She gave us the van, I feel like I need to start going into the office some days."

Jim looked at her and said "baby, you didn't mention anything about it.  Are you sure?  I don't want you to rush."

Tara said "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry.  I am fine.  I want to go back into the office."

Jim said "I trust you baby, but I am going to worry." 

Tara said "I will be fine."

Jim parked in one of the handicap spots in front of 'Willingham, Roberts and Bounds'.  As he lowered the lift gate with Tara and her wheelchair, she said "thank you baby."  As she rolled herself onto the sidewalk, Tara said "see you hear at 5?"

Jim looked at her and said "yes, but I am going to escort you in."

Tara said "no, you don't need to.  I am a big girl.  I insist.  Go on, you need to get to work, you don't need to worry about me."

Jim looked at her.  He didn't want to fight with her.  He said "I am going to worry about you regardless.  Please?"

Tara shook her head, she had some movement wearing the foam collar and said "nope, I insist."

Jim said "ok, I don't like it.  But I trust you.  I will be back at 5.  Unless you need something, anything, and I can be here earlier."  He walked over to her.  He said "if you aren't going to let me walk you in, at least let me do this."  He kissed her and then hugged her.   Looking down at her he asked "you have everything you need?"

Tara patted her bag and said "got my laptop."  She then patted her purse and said "got my purse and everything in it."

Jim said "well it looks like you are set.  But please, anything, call me."

Tara smiled at him and said "I will."  She looked at him and asked "one more kiss?"

Jim leaned in and kissed her again.  As he watched her roll herself towards the front door, he was filled with dread, he just had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.  He was inclined to rush towards Tara and tell her to stop, this was wrong.  But he realized it was irrational.  As he drove to his office though, he couldn't shake the sense of foreboding he felt.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #289 on: 25. September 2024, 03:45:14 AM »
mr_90proof, you sir are a master with the last few sentences of each and every chapter!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #290 on: 25. September 2024, 06:14:00 AM »
Thank you.  The next few chapters may be a little dark.

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #291 on: 25. September 2024, 06:29:57 AM »
Somehow I feel like Jim’s gut is right.

You have a way with words, especially on those cliffhangers. The way you wrote it is so engaging and makes me feel exactly what Jim’s feeling. You’re a master at keeping us engaged and wanting to read the next chapter, every single time. Keep it up, hopefully semi quickly. I need to know what happens next.

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #292 on: 25. September 2024, 08:33:29 AM »
You better not let Tara die!!!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #293 on: 26. September 2024, 16:35:56 PM »
Chapter 113:

Tara pressed the button for the front door and waited as the doors opened.  As she rolled across the foyer of the office towards the front desk Tara concentrated on holding onto her shoulder bag and purse, both of which were balanced precariously in her lap.  She had almost made it to the reception desk when she heard their front desk receptionist Julie's voice say "Welcome back Tara!  Beverwee shed you were coming in today!"

Tara stopped her chair and looked up.  There she saw Julie standing behind the reception desk with a big smile on her face.  Instinctively Tara began to smile back at her.  She then froze.  Because there on Julie's face was a hot pink Petit facemask.  Behind it Tara saw a mass of stainless steel adorning Julie's smile.

Before Tara could speak, Julie said "surprise! You inshpired me to finally take the plunge and do shomething about my own shmile".

Tara wheeled herself over the last few feet and exclaimed "how exciting!  Congratulations Julie!  When did you start?  What did you get?  Did you get a Miller appliance?  How are you doing?  Are you seeing Dr. Brad?  Oh gosh, I have so many questions."

Julia said "I got them lasht week.  I am seeing Dr. Andi, she is sho shweet.  They all are.  I didn't reelish you and Alexsh were such closh frensh.  I didn't get a Miller appliance.  Dr. Andi said she thought that for my case we could jusht do a MARPE exshpander on top.  I went ahead and got it and got my bottom bracesh.  And this fancy facemask I am shopposed to wear 14-16 hoursh a day."  She leaned over and opened her mouth, showing Tara the roof of her mouth and the massive expander with it's six screws imbedded in her palate.  She closed her mouth and looked back down at Tara and asked "how long did it take you to get ushed to?  These shcrewsh kill my tongue.  And the mahsk killsh my chin, especially in the morning after wearing it all night.  And what about the looksh from people?  I haven't tried to wear thish out and about, but I do have to wear it shome here in the officsh to get in my time.  I shwear some people'sh eyeballsh have popped out of their head when they shee me."

Tara smiled and said "it takes a while to get used to.  And you are making me feel guilty I'm not wearing mine.  Hang on."  Tara unzipped her purse and pulled out her own facemask, followed by a bag of elastics.  She quickly put the mask up to her face and attached it with two elastics.  She looked at Julie and smiled.  She said "there is power in numbers right?"

Julie said "oh wow, you made that look sho eashy.  I still have to look in the mirror to put mine on."

Tara said "before long, you will be able to do it blindfolded.  So, how are you feeling?  Is everything still hurting?"

Julie said "thish week itsh a lot better.  I will be honesht though, lasht week I thought I wash dying.  Then I wished I was dying.  But by Monday it was a little better and it hash gotten better each day.  What ish today, Wednesday?  I hope by this weekend it doesn't hurt.  How long did it take you to get over the lishp?  My husband ish having sho much fun at my expensh over it."

Tara said "it will take a few weeks, but you are speaking jusht fine.  And he better not be mean to you."

Julie says "he isn't, he says it is cute.  But he still teases me a little.  Thish morning he asked me to shay 'Shelly shells sheshells by the sheshore.'."

Tara laughed.  She said "it will get better."  She thought a minute and said "you should schedule him a consult and make him go in.  I mean, turn about is fair play right?"

Julie said "I tried to get him to let them look at hish mouth when I had my installation, but he refused.  But really, he hash been sho shweet about it."

Tara asked "Beverly has been through all this too.  What has she said?"

Julie replied "she hash been sho supportive.  She hash offered me all kindsh of tipsh.   And she said if anyone teases me here, like really bulliesh me, to let her know and she will handle it."

Tara responded "well first, I don't think anyone here would do that.  They might give you a little friendly ribbing, but nothing serious.  But I know she would if they did."  Tara looked at Julie a minute.  She said "I am so proud of you Jules.  I am so happy you started treatment.  Is it weird that I am glad that there is one more of us here that is doing this?"

Julie joked "no, misery lovesh company."

Tara smiled at her sympathetically and said "it will get easier, I promise.  Hey, I need to go, but I will swing by later.  What do you say we have lunch together?  I mean, if you don't mind eating here?"

Julie responded "no, I would love that.  I haven't really figured out the hang of eating yet, maybe you can give me shome tipsh.  You will have to lishten to me shlurp soup.  I hope that ish ok."

Tara said "honey, I totally get it.  Lunch, noon.  I can't wait."

Before Julie buzzed Tara through the doors back to the offices, the security guard on duty in the lobby stopped Tara and asked "Miss Reynolds, you look like you have your hands full.  Can I help carry your bags back to your office for you?"

Tara looked up and responded "Marcus, that would be so sweet.  Would you mind?"

He smiled at her and said "it would be my pleasure."  He picked up Tara's shoulder bag and slung it over his shoulder.  He then took Tara's purse and slung it over his other shoulder.  As he did he said "I don't mind at all.  Hey, I have this same purse!"

Tara laughed and then looked at the large, imposing man and said "I don't believe that for a minute.  But thank you."

Julie buzzed the pair through and they made their way down the hallway towards Tara's office, making small talk as they went.  As they rounded a corner within sight of Tara's office door they heard two muffled reports come from the direction of the lobby they had just left.  Marcus stopped and asked "what was that?"  Tara watched as he turned and looked back in the direction they had just come.  Then, flashing emergency beacons in the ceiling began to flash accompanied by a deafening alarm.  He quickly unslung the two bags and dropped them on the floor.  He said "get in your office and lock the door." 

He turned.  As he began to sprint away Tara asked "what's going on?"

He didn't stop and he didn't answer her question.  But he did turn his head and frantically screamed "GET IN YOUR OFFICE AND LOCK THE DOOR!!!"

As he disappeared around the corner Tara was wondering what was going on.  He had looked panicked.  She was confused and a little scared.  She glanced at her purse and bag laying on the floor.  She didn't even know if she could reach them to pick them up.  She replayed what had just happened in her mind trying to make sense of it.  She decided to leave them and go to her office as instructed.  As she opened the door to her office, she heard three more loud reports, followed by two more that sounded slightly different in pitch.  After just a moment of silence, there were a number more, all mixed together.  She realized that what she was hearing was gunfire.


Offline annasun251

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #294 on: 27. September 2024, 13:45:37 PM »
what a cliffhanger! Please update soon!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #295 on: 01. October 2024, 18:48:39 PM »
Tara frantically rolled into her office.  Stopping her chair, she frantically slammed it shut, then rolled over and locked it.  She double checked to make sure she had turned the bolt all the way.   

She was scared.  She was confused.  She didn't know what to do.  She had so many questions.  She listened.  All she could hear was the blaring of the alarm.  She realized that the gunfire had ended.  She wanted desperately to find out what was going on.  She realized that both her cell phone and computer were in the hallway only yards away.  They might as well have been miles away.  She rolled over and picked up her landline.  She dialed Beverly's extension.  Immediately she got a digital voice telling her all circuits were busy.  She tried again and got the same message.

She decided she would call Jim to find out what was going on.  She then realized she didn't know his number from memory.  She had become so dependent on simply dialing his contact in her phone she couldn't recall his number by memory.  Despite the pandemonium unfolding around her, she felt extreme guilt.  She promised herself she would memorize his number.  If she had a chance to memorize it.

Several miles away Jim walked into his office.  He should have been excited, he was scheduled to close on an exciting new development project that day.  Instead, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling he felt.  It felt to him like there was a palpable heaviness to the air.  He smiled and wished his receptionist good morning and continued to his office.  He had only been sitting at his desk for ten minutes checking emails when his phone rang. 

Looking down, he saw the extension was from the front desk.  He answered "hello Holly, what's up?"

The voice on the other end replied "um, Mr. Phillips, doesn't your fiancé work at Willingham, Roberts and Bounds?"

Jim answered "yes, why?"

Holly said "there is some kind of situation there.  I just saw something pop up about an active shooter situation there.  I thought you would want to know."

Jim went silent.  He didn't drop the phone, but he might as well have.  After a long silence, Holly "asked Mr. Phillips?  Are you still there?"

Jim snapped back to reality.  He said "yes... Thank you."  He hung up on her rather rudely.  He didn't care.  He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed Tara as he sprinted back towards the lobby.  As he ran, he awkwardly held the phone up to his ear.  It rang until it went to Tara's voicemail.  He hit redial as he ran by the reception desk.  Holly was looking on wide eyed as he ran by.  He curtly said "hold my calls and any appointments."  With that he was out the door.  As he frantically drove back towards Tara's office his stomach sank.  She wasn't answering and he feared the worst.

Back in Tara's office, she was on the verge of panic.  She had no idea what was going on.  She felt completely cut off from the world.  She had no computer; she had no cell phone.  Her landline was not working.  She picked up the handset of her landline and stared at it.  She wasn't sure what to do.  She dialed 911.  She was surprised the call went through.

The dispatcher on the other end answered "911, what is your emergency?"

Tara practically screamed "I am at Willingham, Roberts and Bounds.  Something is going on.  I don't know what.  There were a bunch of gun shots.  I don't know what is going on!!!"

The dispatcher told her that all available units were in route, one had already arrived. The dispatcher asked Tara her for her name, where she was, and told her to stay calm and stay with her.  After Tara had frantically answered the dispatcher's questions, the dispatcher again advised Tara to try to stay calm.  The dispatcher told her to stay where she was, but that she was safe.  Tara asked what was going on.  The dispatcher explained that all available officers were being sent there, the first two had already arrived.  Through the wailing of the alarm, Tara did hear the faint sound of police sirens.

Tara asked again what was happening.  The dispatcher explained that someone had entered the lobby with a gun but that he was in custody.   Tara begged for more information.  She asked about Julie and Marcus.  The dispatcher said she did not have that information, but that Tara was safe.  The truth is that the dispatcher did know that there were two casualties on site.  They were already being triaged.  There were also two fatalities, one of them the shooter.  The dispatcher told Tara to remain where she was.  Again, she explained officers were on site.  More were on the way.  They needed to finish clearing the area to ensure the shooter did not have an accomplice.  The dispatcher explained that officers would be clearing the building room by room.  For the third time the dispatcher told Tara to remain in place and to stay calm.  She explained that an officer would be outside her office shortly.  But until then, she instructed Tara to stay where she was.  The dispatcher asked Tara if she wanted her to remain on the line with her.

Tara thought a moment.  She wondered if they were overwhelmed with calls.  Tara asked if she would, unless they were currently overwhelmed.  The woman on the other end of the line sympathetically told her she would be happy to stay on the line.  The truth is they were overwhelmed.  The woman who Tara was speaking with was actually two towns away.  The local 911 service had quickly been overwhelmed and additional calls where being routed to other 911 dispatchers throughout the area.  Despite this, the lady said "it will be ok Mrs. Reynolds.  And I will be glad to stay on the line with you."

Tara screamed back "but what about Julie?  Is she ok?"

The dispatcher told her "ma'am, I know that both officers and EMTs are now on site."  The crying that began on the other end of the line broke the dispatcher's heart. 

Tara croaked "I was just talking with her.  Is she ok?"

The dispatcher responded "ma'am, I do not know."  The dispatcher did not know who Julie was.  But she did know there was one female victim at the scene.  Currently she was laying in the lobby of 'Willingham, Roberts and Bounds' being loaded onto a stretcher to be transported to the nearest hospital to be treated for multiple gunshot wounds.  If she survived that long.   

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #296 on: 08. October 2024, 18:07:05 PM »
Jim rushed to Tara and wrapped her in a hug.  He just held her, neither saying a word.  Finally, he said simply "I am so sorry."

Tara replied "it is my fault."

Jim squeezed her tighter and said "no baby, it is not your fault at all.  It was that man's fault.  He was evil.  It is his fault.  Not yours."

Tara battled back "but if I hadn't asked Marcus to help me carry my bags, he would have been there in the lobby when he entered.  He could have stopped him.  Instead, Marcus is dead.  Our UPS driver is dead.  Julie is dying.  It is my fault."  She again began to cry, just as she had when Beverly had explained to them what had happened.  That a deranged individual had shown up to kill her, to assassinate Beverly Willingham because she was running for governor.  Because of her political party. 

Beverly had explained that the gunman had entered the lobby and pulled out a handgun.  He had demanded Julie buzz him through.  When she refused he shot her twice.  Those were the initial gunshots everyone had heard.  It had been horrible timing for their UPS delivery driver to enter the lobby at that moment, unable to hear the gunshots due to the thick glass doors and ear buds he was wearing.  The gunman had turned and shot him without a word.  At that time, Marcus had burst into the lobby and engaged the gunman.  That was the volley of shots they had heard.  Marcus was mortally wounded, but he had still managed to take down the gunman.  While severely wounded though, the gunman was still alive.  Beverly had explained that somehow, despite her grave injuries, Julie had somehow had the strength to retrieve her own gun from her purse.  It had been Julie who had fired the fatal shot.

While it was obvious to everyone, Beverly had explained that Julie and Marcus were both heroes.  She told them that Julie was currently in intensive care, still receiving treatment for her injuries.  Beverly said she would provide more updates as they became available.   Beverly had announced that the offices would be closed for the rest of the week and that they had arranged for grief counselors to be available.  She encouraged everyone to take advantage of them.  She also explained that the firm would be reviewing their security plans to ensure nothing like this could ever happen again.  Before dismissing everyone from the conference room where law enforcement had gathered them as they investigated, Beverly looked at the group solemnly.  She said "I am so sorry about this.  Words are inadequate to express the grief we all feel.  It is a tragedy.  But we will make it through this.  But for now, go and be with your families."

As Jim held her, Tara replayed Beverly's words in her head.  She realized that Jim was her family.  She hugged him back, her tears darkening his shirt.

That night, Tara had seemed distant.  Jim didn't press her to talk.  He had helped her onto the couch so she would be more comfortable, and he sat beside her holding her hand.  He told her that he was there, he would always be there, and that when she was ready to talk about it he would be there for her.  He thought he could feel the sadness radiating from Tara, it was a palpable feeling.  Almost like the feeling he had felt earlier in the day, that he knew something horrible was going to happen.  He had not told Tara about this yet.  He knew he would when the time was right, but he didn't think that time was now.  Finally he had felt Tara relax and lay her head on his shoulder.  She said "I was so scared.  I didn't know what to do.  All I wanted to do was talk to you.  But I couldn't.  I didn't have my cell phone.  It was in my purse in the hallway.  Marcus had been carrying it for me to my office when he heard the shots.  He dropped it and screamed at me to get in my office and lock the door.  He had also been carrying my computer bag.  He dropped it too.  Baby, when I got in my office I wanted to call you.  But I didn't know your number.  I am so sorry.  I promise I have memorized it now."

Jim said softly "you have nothing to apologize for."  He thought of what to say next before adding "I am sorry.  I was not there to protect you.  The idea that something had happened to you was the most gut wrenching feeling I have ever felt.  But you are safe.  How about we set up a time to go talk with one of the counselors?  I think it would be good for both of us."

Tara had snuggled closer to him before saying "ok, that would be good."  She surprised him with what she said next.  She said "I want to get a gun.  I want you to teach me how to use it."

Jim responded "of course baby.  I should have already done that.  Again, that is my fault."

Tara squeezed his hand and said "can we go to bed, it has been a long day."

Jim leaned around her and kissed her on the forehead.  He said "of course baby."

As he helped her get comfortable in bed, getting her casted legs in their slings, she said "you forgot to help me put on my CTO."

Jim said "I thought maybe you would be more comfortable without it."

Tara said "no, I need to wear it.  Plus, it feels weird not wearing it."

As Jim helped her put her neck brace on, he was turned on.  He knew he shouldn't be considering the circumstances, but he couldn't help it.  But he didn't act on it.  As he attached the elastics from Tara's CTO mask to the hooks in her mouth, he wanted her badly.  But he knew that was selfish of him.  After he had gotten her brace and elastics secured, he fluffed up the pillows and slid one under her head and another under her neck.  Her head was held immobile, Tara staring at the ceiling.  He leaned in over her and smiled at her.  He asked "comfy enough?"

Tara stared back at him a moment.  She was conflicted.  She couldn't understand how she was feeling what she was at the moment.  Not after everything that had happened that day.  But she thought maybe that was why she was feeling what she felt.  She said "no."

Jim had cocked his head and asked "what is it?  What do you need me to do?"

Tara hesitated before she said "I need you to make love to me."

Jim was surprised.  Tara was feeling the same urge he was.  He said "of course baby." 

As he reached his hand out towards her elastics she stopped him, saying "no, leave it."

The next day Tara had been bombarded with texts and calls from people checking on her, asking her what had happened.  News of the assassination attempt was dominating the news.  Tara felt fatigued by it all.  She didn't want to think about it.  To have to relive it in her head.  But she had no choice.  She had gotten one call that she was glad to get.  It had been from Beverly.  Beverly had told Tara that Julie was doing better.  The doctors had managed to save her life.  She was still in critical care, and while she had a long road ahead of her, it looked like she would recover.  Tara had one request, that Beverly let her know as soon as she was allowed to have visitors.  Beverly assured her she would be the first to know.

That evening Tara and Jim were surprised to hear the doorbell ring.  Jim looked at the image from his ring camera and saw Marc, Alex, Aubrey and Tim standing on his doorstep.  They were all wearing their headgear, not that Aubrey and Tim had a choice.  Alex was holding a box and smiling at the camera.  Jim said "I will be right there."

Tara looked at him and asked "who is it?"

Jim smiled and said "Alex, Marc, Aubrey and her boyfriend."

Tara said "Tim.  What are they doing here?"

Jim said "I am guessing they came to see you.  I will let them in."

Tara said "I will go with you."

As soon as Jim opened the door, Alex thrust the box into his arms and rushed towards Tara.  As she wrapped her in a hug Alex said "bae I am so sorry.  We have all been thinking about you since yesterday."  As she let go of Tara she gestured towards the box and said "everyone at the office has."

They sat around Jim's living room talking and visiting.  The fruit basket that had been in the box was sitting on the kitchen table.  Beside it was the giant chocolate chip cookie that had accompanied it.  It was already half eaten.  Jim was glad that their guests seemed to intentionally avoid the topic of the shooting.  Instead the main topics had been the upcoming trip to New Orleans for the AAO annual conference and Aubry and Tim's new headgear.  Aubrey had seemed almost proud of hers, Tim not so much.  Alex had also told Tara about Dr. Abby coming on board fulltime.  She had looked at Jim and told him "you better get our new office built fast."

Jim had laughed before responding "I will, but I won't take any shortcuts or cut any corners."  The doorbell rang again.

As Jim pulled out his phone Alex said "I bet that is Dr. Andi and Abby.  Abby had an appointment with Dr. Morales this afternoon but they still wanted to come by and check on you Tara.  I will get the door."

Alex escorted the pair into the living room.  Tara was not surprised to see Andi wearing her Miller headgear.  In fact, Tara couldn't recall seeing her without it.  But she was surprised by Dr. Abby.  Tara had only met her briefly when she had gotten her protraction rods removed by Dr. Miller prior to her halo removal.  That day Dr. Abby had not had any apparent orthodontia.  And she certainly wasn't wearing any orthopedic devices.  But here in Jim's living room she certainly was.  On her face was a bright lime green Petit facemask.  From her mouth emerged a modified facebow like Margaret Stone wore.  And like hers, Abby's had two stainless springs stretching from the ends of it to the bar on her facemask.  While unusual, Tara realized she was used to seeing people wearing orthodontic headgear.  But the rest she was not used to.

Abby was wearing light pink running shorts and a white tank top.  But much of her top was obscured by the shiny stainless steel and white plastic Milwaukee brace she wore on top of it.  As Tara looked at Abby, Tara realized how uncomfortable Abby looked.  Tara couldn't blame her.  The brace she was wearing held Abby's torso unnaturally erect. In addition, the white plastic vest cruelly compressed her waist.  The plastic and steel neck ring held her head up at an extreme angle, Tara doubted she could even see the floor in front of her feet. There were two straps with pads that wrapped around her sides, the one on her left just above the edge of her plastic vest and the one on her right just below her right breast.  But the most uncomfortable part looked to be the two rings encircling her shoulders.  They apparently were hooked to the back of her brace and were pulling her shoulders back more than Tara thought would have been possible.  Tara thought it had to be uncomfortable.  But that wasn't all that Abby was dealing with.  On each of her arms she had a lime green long arm thumb spicas, the color matching her facemask.  Tara wondered what in the world had happened to Dr. Abby.

As if reading her mind, Andi smiled at her and said "Tara!  So good to see you!  We just wanted to stop by and tell you we are thinking about you.  I will speak for Dr. Abby.  In addition to getting her new tongue crib today, Dr. Morales began treating her scoliosis with this awesome new Milwaukee brace.  She even integrated a few new ideas such as these adjustable shoulder cuffs to treat Abby's kyphosis.  We are going to loosen them during the day so it is easier for her to work.  But in her off time we can exert maximum corrective force.  And I don't think Abby will mind me telling you, she is after all an orthodontist, that in addition to having a mild tongue thrust, she also still sucks her thumb at night.  Tsk, tsk!  These new casts will prevent her from doing that."

Tara looked at poor Abby.  She looked miserable.  And now she looked mortified.  Tara said "well you look great Dr. Abby.  Good for you, I bet you will be done with your treatment in no time."

Andi smiled.  Tara thought it was a hard callous smile.  Andi said "we hope so.  But Dr. Morales did warn her that even after her two to three year corrective phase, where she will need to wear her brace for 22 hours a day, she may need to continue to wear it for maintenance for the rest of her life.  But she would only need to wear it for 12 to 14 hours a day then.  But by then, I bet she is so used to it she may just decide to wear it all the time.  Plus she just makes the cutest little robot, don't you think?  Dr. Morales said the rest of her brace, the hip component, will be ready next week just in time for the AAO.  And after the conference we will begin lengthening her leg.  I know that Abby is excited about that." 

Tara noticed a tear slide down Abby's face.  With her casted arms, she couldn't reach up and wipe her face.  Andi noticed and reached over, wiping her pet's face.  Andi said "come on Abby, I am going to take such good care of you.  This will be so much fun."

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #297 on: 09. October 2024, 06:42:05 AM »
Glad you’re back! Andi’s pet… intense. I thought this would all happen after the convention. I can’t wait to read how that goes!

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #298 on: 09. October 2024, 15:25:24 PM »
Just have to chime in again and say how much I enjoy this story. The darker subjects (shooting and Mexican prison), in my opinion, are well written.

A Smith and Wesson model 36 would suit Tara well and I hope she would never have to use it like poor Julie had to use her weapon, and I do hope that Julie fully recovers.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #299 on: 09. October 2024, 16:27:17 PM »
Thank you.  I would guess there aren't too many stories here that have had an attempted political assassination or Mexican prison incorporated into the story.  Now nuclear holocaust?  We have crossed that bridge.