
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 81024 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #30 on: 26. December 2023, 18:32:51 PM »
Chapter Thirteen.

The trio chatted in between bites of food.  Bev had ordered the shrimp and crab salad she had earlier raved about.  She had just swallowed a bite when she looked over at Tara and asked "so, how's that lobster tail?"

Tara looked down at it and said "it may be the most delicious thing I have ever tasted.  You shouldn't have ordered it for me, it is way too much.  But thank you."

Bev smiled and said "like I said, this is a celebration."  With a smile on her own face, Tara looked up and into Bev's smiling face.  Tara's smile faded.  Bev had a huge piece of spinach from her salad stuck in the bracket on her left canine.  Tara didn't know what to do. She didn't want to embarrass her new friend.  She looked at Bev and said "um, Bev..." and pointed towards her own canine.

Bev asked "what?" as her husband turned his head and looked at his wife.

He said "turn your head towards me baby."  As Bev turned her head she said "I've got something in my braces don't I?"  Tim reached up and plucked the piece of spinach from her teeth.  Instead of being embarrassed though, Beverly just laughed and turned towards Tara.  She gave Tara a big smile and said "and, welcome to braces.  One thing Dr. Brad didn't tell me is that not only are these braces straightening my teeth, they are like a lunch box for snacks."  She laughed and said "but the good news is, I am now SO good at brushing and flossing.  Lot's of practice."

After they had finished with lunch, Bev and Tim escorted Tara out to her car.  As they wrapped things up, Bev leaned in and hugged Tara.  She said "this afternoon is going to go great.  I just know it.  But just the same, please let me know how you are doing this evening.  Please?"

Tara smiled and said "of course."  She then remembered something.  She unzipped her purse and pulled out her pink retainer case.  She popped it open and pulled her day splint out and stuck it in her mouth.  Bev said "good girl!  Now, get going.  You don't want to be late for your appointment."

As Tara walked across the parking lot, she felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach.  She entered the waiting area and walked over to the reception area.  As Tara sat her purse with her night splint and facemask inside it on the counter, Becky looked up at her and smiled.  Becky said "good afternoon Miss Reynolds!  Here to check in for your appointment?"

Tara realized it was the first time she had ever heard Becky talk clearly.  She said "Becky!  You got your tongue crib out!  Congratulations!"

Becky replied "it is such a relief.  After six months, I was so ready to get rid of it.  So, how has your first week been?  Any bumps in the road?  You haven't come in for any emergency appointments so that is a good sign."

Tara was just about to answer when she heard "seeing you is just like turning my palate expander, it takes my breath away."  Tara was startled, but she recognized the voice and turned.  To her amazement, there stood Jim.

She said "wha.. wait... What are you doing here?"

Jim smiled at her.  He said "I wanted to be here for your appointment.  For moral support.  I hope it is ok I surprised you."  As he smiled at her, Tara studied his face.  She looked at his smile, the little silver hooks just visible in the corners of his mouth.  She was so attracted to him.  She would have been regardless.   But the fact he was going through treatment too made him that much more desirable to her.  She had no idea why she felt this way.  But she knew that she did.  She said "it is a surprise.  The sweetest surprise ever."  The pair continued to make eye contact.  Becky interjected "Miss Reynolds, I've got you all signed in.  We will call you when it is your turn."

As they walked over towards a pair of empty seats, Jim whispered "I really hope I wasn't wrong for surprising you.  But I have just been dying to see you.  I don't know if I could have made it until tomorrow."  Tara reached down and took his hand and whispered back "you did perfect."

Tara was reclined back in the chair, Dr. Brad leaned over her with Alex assisting, as Jim sat on a stool beside Tara.  Dr. Brad had just finished seating Tara's new day time splint over her lower teeth when he asked "how does that feel?"

Tara felt around with her tongue inside her mouth, then opened and closed her mouth a few times.  She said "it feels good.  It seems smaller than the other one.  And I don't have a lisp like I did with the other one."  Then she realized something.  She exclaimed "and my jaw isn't popping."

She could tell Dr. Brad was smiling behind his cloth mask.  He said "excellent.  This new appliance is smaller.  And a lot more durable than your temporary appliance.  Now, I do need you to wear this one all the time, anytime you aren't wearing your night time appliance.  You need to have one or the other in your mouth at all times except when performing oral hygiene.  Even eating.  It will feel a little strange at first.  And it will be a bit of an adjustment for you as your front teeth won't completely close now.  But, you will get the hang of it in no time.  Now, let's see your night appliance and new Sleep Well mask."  As Alex handed over a pink plastic retainer box, Tara noticed it was twice as big as the ones her previous appliances came in.  He popped the box open and withdrew a huge acrylic and metal appliance.  It didn't look like what he had showed her during their consultation.

He held the appliance up in front of Tara and explained "so, this is your new night time appliance.  I have incorporated the locking herbst telescopes I showed you.  I can tell you mouth breath at night.  This will alleviate that and train you not to do it.  Also, I mentioned you have an open bite.  This is caused by your tongue thrusting.  This tongue crib that I have integrated into the top plate will fix that.  And it is almost anti-climactic, but these hooks here on top are where you will attach your protraction elastics.  Are you claustrophobic at all?"

Tara's head was spinning as she looked at the appliance.  It was so much bigger than she expected. Dr. Brad asked "Miss Reynolds?"  She looked at him, pleading in her eyes.  She said "it is so big.  And yes, I am claustrophobic."

Dr. Brad reassured her "you will only need to wear it in the privacy of your own home.  No one will need to see you in it." 

Tara thought 'that's not true. Well, I hope not.'  She looked over at Jim.  Despite being in treatment himself, she expected to see a look of revulsion on his face.  Instead, she found him looking at her with a warm, relaxed smile on his face.   As if reading her mind he said "it's ok."  He reached over and gently placed his hand on hers.

Dr. Brad said "he is right.  And guess what, you won't be the only one with the herbst telescopes.  Isn't that right Alex?"

Alex pulled her mask down and smiled at Tara.  Alex said "nope Dr. Brad.  Thanks to you, my mouth is now on lockdown."  She giggled and then added "it really isn't that bad Tara.  I promise.  These are actually more comfortable than the springs I had.  At least these don't pinch my cheeks."

Despite the reassurances, Tara's heart rate was through the roof as Dr. Brad instructed "open wide for me please Miss Reynolds."  He worked the huge appliance into her mouth, first one side and then the other, then pushed down on it to seat it on her lower teeth.  He instructed her to bite down, which she did.  She was on the verge of a panic attack.  She felt her tongue was locked in place, there was just nowhere for it to go.  Dr. Brad examined her mouth, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Tara was on the edge of a breakdown, poking and prodding.  He said "incredible, it fits like a glove." 

Jim looked on with concern.  He could see the panic in Tara's eyes.  He stroked her hand and said "just breathe.  Deep breaths.  You are doing so good."  Tara was so embarrassed he was seeing her like this.  But at the same time, his tenderness and concern was making her fall for him even harder.  She made eye contact with him as her nostrils flared.  She wanted to say something.  But she knew it would come out a mangled mess if she tried.  Jim stood from his seat on the rolling stool and knelt beside her, his face less than a foot from her own, and said "focus on me."  She looked in his face and felt her heart rate slow just a bit.  It was still racing, but having him by her side was calming her.  He smiled at her.  He then leaned in and whispered in her ear "you are so beautiful."  He leaned back and smiled at her again, maintaining eye contact the whole time.

Dr. Brad said "are you ok Miss Reynolds?"  She broke eye contact with Jim and looked up at him.  She gave him a very subtle nod.  He said "you are doing good.  Again, this is just for home.  You will get comfortable wearing it in no time.  In fact, I predict eventually you will look forward to wearing it, for the relief it provides.  Now, let's see how your masks fit."

Tara tried to relax, then realized he said 'masks'.  As in plural.  She didn't have long to dwell on it as Alex handed Dr. Brad a Sleep Well mask.  Tara thought it looked identical to the ones she had seen Alex, Mandy and Jim wearing.  Her thoughts went back to him and she turned her face towards him again.  She remembered how cute he had been the week before wearing his.  She knew he felt embarrassment wearing it.  He had told her that during one of their long phone conversations.  About how embarrassed he had felt wearing it when they had met.  But regardless of the mask, he had told her he just couldn't help himself from flirting with her.   He had told her how, even alone in bed, he felt embarrassed wearing the mask.  Yet he did it anyway, because he knew he should.  Tara didn't understand why, but that really turned her on.  She was snapped out of her thoughts as she felt Dr. Brad place the mask on her face.  He studied it and said "perfect fit.  Now, let me get these elastics on."  He quickly hooked a pair of elastics to the hooks in her mouth and then the posts on her facemask.  He looked at her and said "the fit looks perfect Miss Reynolds.  Is this more comfortable than the Delaire mask?" 

Tara lay there feeling the mask on her face and realized it was more comfortable than her previous mask.  This one did not hurt her chin.  She nodded her headed up and down.  She then thought of what Jim must feel seeing her in this contraption.  She looked over at him once again.  She expected him to be repulsed.  But instead, he just bit his lip and subltly winked at her.  No one else had even noticed.

Dr. Brad said "so far, so good.  So, this is what I want you to wear at home in your free time.  In the evenings, weekends, that sort of thing.  But, I have another mask for night time wear.  I have studied your x-rays further, and you do have some cervical instability associated with your TMD.  I think this is one of the reasons you are waking up with headaches every morning.   This will address that."

Tara watched as Alex stood and walked across the room.  Tara watched her open a cabinet and get something big out of there.  As she turned and walked back in her direction, Tara was confused.  Why was Alex holding a neck brace?

Dr. Brad explained "so, your cervical instability is all tied to your temporal mandibular joint instability."  Alex handed the brace to Dr. Brad.  He continued this "is a modified CTO brace.  I had the lab integrate a Sleep Well mask into the neck brace component of the brace.  At night, before you go to bed, I want you to change into this.  It will take a few nights to get used to.  But, eventually you will come to love it I predict.  Let me sit you up so we can fit it to you." 

Alex removed the mask from Tara's face.  Alex could see the concern in her face.  Alex said "it wil be ok.  Nothing to worry about."

Tara felt humiliated and terrified as she felt Dr. Brad and Alex hold the brace up to her for the first time.  The facemask that was attached to the chinrest of the brace fit flush against her face.  They then wrapped the brace around her.  She immediately felt immobilized from her hips up.  They made adjustments to the straps that went over her shoulders and the ones that wrapped around her torso.  There was ten minutes of tugging, pushing and adjusting before Dr. Brad announced "that looks good.  Just a couple last things."  He first wrapped a strap around her forehead and the top of the facemask.  Now, Tara truly was unable to move her head.  He next attached a pair of elastics from her mouth to the facemask.  And for the final indignation, he asked her to keep her mouth closed while parting her lips.  He reached in, first one side and then the other, and tightened the locking screws of her herbst telescopes.  Dr. Brad said "so, since you can't mouth breath and must breath through your nose, the final thing you will need are these nasal dilators.  They will ensure that your nostrils don't collapse at night."  He gently slid the white plastic cones, attached via a looping piece of plastic, into her nose.  It now looked like she had a white plastic septum piercing

Dr. Brad looked at her with a huge smile on his face and said "it looks perfect, just perfect.  You look like you are ready for a good night's sleep Miss Reynolds."  Tara felt anything but perfect.  And she had no idea how she, or anyone, could ever fall asleep wearing all of this.  She so wanted to look towards Jim for reassurance, but she couldn't turn her head.  Dr. Brad cheerfully said "Alex, why don't you show Miss Reynolds how to remove and apply her appliances in the mirror?  I need to go check on another patient." 

Alex helped Tara up to a standing position.  Tara wanted to melt into the floor and hide from the world.  She felt Jim wrap his arm around her waist.  He leaned in and said "it is ok.  And wow, you have the most incredible posture."  She realized he was trying to lighten the mood.  But she just wanted to die.  Alex helped guide her over towards the mirror.  Upon seeing her reflection in the mirror, Tara burst out in tears.  Big, ugly alligator tears.  Jim wrapped her in a gentle bear hug.  He whispered "it is ok.  You are ok.  We are ok.  We will get through this."  Tara's tears slowed and came to a stop.  She thought 'we'?  She looked into the mirror.  Jim's back was to her in the reflection, his head laying against the ghastly brace now wrapped around her neck, his arms wrapping her in a protective embrace.  She thought she looked like a hideous Transformer.  But she liked the feeling of Jim's arms around her, his warm breath on her ear.  Maybe she thought, just maybe, this WILL be ok.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #31 on: 27. December 2023, 04:10:38 AM »
Wonderful chapter! Tara's brace sound amazing and Jim is so sweet.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #32 on: 27. December 2023, 18:58:19 PM »
Chapter Fourteen.

With his head on her shoulder, Jim said softly "I am so sorry you have to wear this.  I am sure it feels so strange.  But it is just temporary.  And it doesn't change how sweet, funny, or gorgeous you are."  Tara felt herself melt into him.

Alex looked on, surprised by the whole thing.  She thought to herself 'didn't they just meet a week ago?'  But then she remembered meeting her fiancé.  And how sometimes the heart just knows things that the head can't fathom.  She was so grateful that Jim was here to help console Tara.  Looking at her, Alex felt sympathy for her.  What Dr. Brad had prescribed for her was so much.  In fact, Alex had never seen such a contraption before, and surely never seen a patient get fitted with it.  She imagined how upsetting it would be to be surprised with it like Tara had been.  Despite that, Alex had a job to do.  And she knew there were more patients to be seen.  She let the two, were they a couple?, continue their embrace for a moment before she said "Tara, how about we get you out of all of that?  Then, you can practice putting it back on."

Alex stepped up to them as Jim reluctantly let go of Tara.  It surprised him how strongly he felt compelled to protect Tara.  Alex smiled at Tara and said "I have never seen anyone rock a brace as well as you do.  But let's get you out of it.  Here, watch what I do."

Tara watched herself in the mirror as Alex began by gently pulling the nasal cones out and wrapping them in tissue.  She placed them in their own plastic case.  She then detached the elastics from Tara's facemask and removed them from her mouth.  She then began working on loosening and unhooking the straps and buckles that held Tara's upper body firmly immobile.  As she watched, Tara felt like she was being disassembled.  With her CTO brace and facemask removed, Tara felt a sudden wave of relief.  She managed a half smile towards Alex and said "aye ya".

Alex smiled at her and replied "you are welcome.  Now, let me show you how to unlock your Herbst."  Alex grabbed the torx screwdriver and had an idea.  She said "here, watch me do it myself."  Using the mirror, she seated the screwdriver on the herbst telescope in the left side of her mouth and made several turns.  She then repeated the process on the other side.  She smiled at Tara and said through her clenched jaw "piece ah cake.  Jus turn it till it stopsh, dah force it.  An now to unlock eh."  She repeated the process in reverse.  She explained "when you unlock it, again just turn it until it stops, don't force it.  It could break it.  Now, you try it."

Tara took the screwdriver.  She bared her teeth in the mirror and attempted to get the screwdriver seated on the tiny screw.  After her third unsuccessful attempt she let out a long, frustrated sigh.  Jim placed his hand over Tara's hand.  He took the screwdriver from her.  He smiled and asked "can I help?"  Tara nodded her head up and down.  Jim easily placed the screwdriver on the screw head and gave it three turns, until it offered resistance.  He did the same on the other side.  He looked into her eyes and asked "better?"  Tara slowly opened her mouth.  She nodded her head, then wrapped her arms around him and said "aye ya".

Alex interrupted and said "let's get that nighttime appliance out of your mouth."  Tara let go of Jim.  She turned towards Alex and opened her mouth.  Alex gently popped the appliance's clasps free from Tara's teeth.  As she removed it from her mouth, a little string of saliva followed it.  Alex reached up with her other hand, and with a tissue, wiped it away.  She looked at Tara and said "and now you're free!  After wearing your night appliance, you won't even realize you have the daytime appliance in your mouth."

Tara said simply "thank you."  She looked at Jim and said "thank you both.  I might need some help getting this all back on though."  She looked at Jim nervously.  Jim smiled and said "I can never turn down a damsel in distress.  I would feel honored if you would let me help."

Tara took the appliance from Alex and after a little struggle managed to get it seated in her mouth.  She then picked up the CTO brace.  She placed it up to her chest, the chest piece running between her breasts and the facemask resting on her face, and attempted to get the first of the shoulder straps attached.  She struggled until Jim stopped her.  He said "just hold it in place.  Let me help you."

As Jim attached the straps, Tara realized how much wearing this was going to suck.  But she also felt tingles in her body.  Despite hating the brace, she loved the way it felt as Jim was cinching her into it.  Once the brace was in place he took two elastics and attached them from the hooks in her mouth to her mask.  Finally, he took the screwdriver and locked her jaw closed.  Once he was done he took a step back and looked at her.  Tara felt like some kind of grotesque side show freak.  Until Jim said "she is such a beautiful shield maiden in all her armor."  Tara made eye contact with Jim.  He gazed back into her eyes and said "nothing can hide how beautiful you are though."

They were interrupted by the always upbeat Dr. Brad exclaiming "wow, it looks like you have gotten the hang of it in no time.  In a few days, you will be able to do it blindfolded.  Tara, why don't you keep that on until you leave, just to make sure nothing needs adjusting.  If you want, you can go wait in the lounge."  He turned to Jim and said "since you are here, why don't we take a look at your expander Mr. Simpson?  It looks like your suture has yet to split.  Maybe we can do something about that."

Jim looked at Tara then back at Dr. Brad.  Jim asked "is it ok if Tara stays?" 

Dr. Brad said "of course.  I just thought she might be more comfortable in the lounge.  But you know what, it would be great if she gets a look at what is going on with your expander since she will be getting one eventually." 

Tara sat stiffly and uncomfortably on a rolling stool beside Jim.  Their roles were now reversed as it was Jim who was reclined in the treatment chair.  Dr. Brad said "open wide for me please Mr. Simpson."  Dr. Brad leaned over him, the light on his loupes illuminating the inside of Jim's mouth.  It was hard for Tara to see, but she leaned her body and cut her eyes.  She was stunned by what she saw.  The roof of his mouth was completely covered by a huge stainless steel and acrylic expander, eight screws sticking out shockingly far.  It looked so uncomfortable.  She had no idea how he was able to speak as clearly as he did.  She instinctively reached her hand out and placed it over his.  He smiled at her.

Dr. Brad said "I am going to make some turns on your expander Mr. Simpson.  I really want to get that suture opened up.  Once we do, we can reduce the number of turns to one every other day.  If it gets too uncomfortable just hold your hand up."

Tara watched Dr. Brad insert a wrench into Jim's mouth, seating it over the large screw in the middle of his expander.  He made one turn.  He wiggled the wrench free and placed it on the screw again and made another turn.  Each time, Jim's face contorted in one of pain.  It hurt Tara to see it, but he took it stoically and didn't make a sound.  Until the sixth turn of his expander, when he made a pained "mmmm" sound and held his hand up.  Dr. Brad said "that one hurt?"  Jim nodded his head.  Dr. Brad said "let me get two more and we will call it a day."  He reached in and made two more turns.  Tara could see the agony etched in Jim's face.

Once Dr. Brad removed the wrench from his mouth, Jim reached up with his free hand and ran it over his face.  He said "holy cow, that will wake you up."

Dr. Brad said "you handled it like a champ.  Go ahead and keep making your two turns a night, including tonight, and I bet we get the diastema we want by the end of the weekend.  The good news is we are making progress.  Both of you are.  And unless you have any questions, you two are both done.  Why don't you head to the lounge, you know the way.  Tara you can take your night brace off there if you want before you leave.  Just see Becky when you leave to make your follow ups.  And as always, thank you for trusting me with your care."  He looked at Alex and asked "Alex, could you come with me?  Maggie is fitting Mrs. Jones with a set of herbst telescopes.  She is not very enthused about it.  Maybe you could show her yours and explain they aren't a big deal?" 

Alex said "of course Dr. Brad, I will be right over.  Let me just finish up here."  As he walked away, Alex said "duty calls.  But you did great, especially you Tara."  She leaned over and gave her a hug.  She continued "the next few nights will be an adjustment I know.  But if you need anything, let me know.  You should have an 'emergency' card in your goodie bag, if not grab one from Becky on the way out.  It has my cell phone number on it.  Please do not hesitate to call if you need anything.  Anything at all.  Now, I've got to run.  But again you are doing great."

Later that day in a rare moment of calm, Alex asked "Dr. Brad, why didn't you tell Mrs. Reynolds about the CTO brace ahead of time?  It was a shock to her.  Heck, it was a shock to me when you showed it to me this morning."

Dr. Brad said "well, my intention wasn't to shock her.  But, I also did not want to scare her away from treatment.  She will do fine with it.  I know she will."

Alex said "I hope so, it just looked so imposing.  And I imagine it can't be all that easy to get used to wearing."

Dr. Brad said "no, but she will manage."  He then looked Alex up and down.  He said "you do make a good point though.  None of us here know what it feels like to wear one.  I would like you and Mandy to stay after we are done with patients.  I think it would be good for my lead assistant and treatment coordinator to have experience with one.  It would be a good addition to each of your treatment plans.  I will get you and Mandy each fitted for your very own.  I wouldn't anticipate either of you will need to wear it for more than 12 months."  He looked at Alex.  He noticed the look of shock on her face.  He smiled at her and said "with the full support of the CTO and Sleep Well mask, I can also move you into springs to really get some horsepower behind your protraction."

He then looked over at Maggie, who was slumped over working on a patient.  He said "and I know you girls are always saying your backs are hurting after working on patients all day.  While I am getting the lab to fabricate your and Mandy's CTO braces, I will also get them to fabricate something for you and Maggie to wear here in the office.  It should really help with your back pain and slouching."

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #33 on: 28. December 2023, 04:10:13 AM »
So, I care not one bit about having guys in my story, braces or not.  I would be just fine describing how the entire Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad was made to get full metal braces and wired in headgear.  By a female orthodontist with metal braces and headgear herself.  But, hopefully having some male characters with braces and what not appeals to some readers.  And it is actually an important part of of this story.  Even so, I can’t wait till Megan has the baby and has to start treatment.  That will be fun.

I love the sound of that idea with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleading Squad having to get braces, but looking forward to seeing where this story goes.~

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #34 on: 28. December 2023, 05:28:38 AM »
What would happen if Jerry Jones sold the Cowboys to a new owner?  A new owner who had made his billions selling dental equipment.  And who, now that he owns the Cowboys, thinks it would be great marketing for his primary business to get all the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, America’s Sweethearts, into his company’s brackets and archwires.  The ladies would accept it.  But then, his orthodontic division’s launch of a new extraoral device,  that he had sunk tens of millions into, failed.  No patient would wear it.  No orthodontist would prescribe it.  It was just to big.  But he had an idea. 

It failed because it was so massive, obtrusive and uncomfortable to wear.  It just looked nerdy.  But it could be used for both retractive and protractive cases.  What orthodontist wouldn’t want one appliance that could do it all?  Apparently all of them because it was SO big that no patient would wear it.  The product launch failed horribly.

But what if America’s Sweethearts showed up wearing it at games?  And promotional events.  Heck all the time, even when they were going grocery shopping or going to the gym. To generate a buzz about the product?  To get people asking ‘what is that’?  To turn this new… helmet for lack of a better word… into a fashion statement.  Maybe that would revive the product he thought would be so successful.  After all, he had already lost $27 million on it.  And he did own the Cowboys….

Just an idea that ran through my head.

Offline TimeandBrace

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #35 on: 28. December 2023, 05:41:57 AM »
What would happen if Jerry Jones sold the Cowboys to a new owner?  A new owner who had made his billions selling dental equipment.  And who, now that he owns the Cowboys, thinks it would be great marketing for his primary business to get all the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, America’s Sweethearts, into his company’s brackets and archwires.  The ladies would accept it.  But then, his orthodontic division’s launch of a new extraoral device,  that he had sunk tens of millions into, failed.  No patient would wear it.  No orthodontist would prescribe it.  It was just to big.  But he had an idea. 

It failed because it was so massive, obtrusive and uncomfortable to wear.  It just looked nerdy.  But it could be used for both retractive and protractive cases.  What orthodontist wouldn’t want one appliance that could do it all?  Apparently all of them because it was SO big that no patient would wear it.  The product launch failed horribly.

But what if America’s Sweethearts showed up wearing it at games?  And promotional events.  Heck all the time, even when they were going grocery shopping or going to the gym. To generate a buzz about the product?  To get people asking ‘what is that’?  To turn this new… helmet for lack of a better word… into a fashion statement.  Maybe that would revive the product he thought would be so successful.  After all, he had already lost $27 million on it.  And he did own the Cowboys….

Just an idea that ran through my head.

Ohhh, i Would love to see that developed into a full story.~ Perhaps one day.~~

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #36 on: 28. December 2023, 21:13:42 PM »
Chapter Fifteen.

Tara finally gave up.  She felt defeated.  She had been wrestling with her CTO brace for almost half an hour and still could not manage to get all the buckles and straps in place.  She looked in the mirror and let out a sigh of frustration.  She didn't know if she could really do this or not.  Feeling deflated and sad, she decided she would try her best.  She took the screwdriver that Dr. Brad and Alex provided and bared her teeth in the mirror.  She did eventually get the torx driver seated into the screw.  She gave it three turns until it stopped.  She removed the screwdriver, and with just a little less struggle, managed to get the other side locked.  She used the little plastic tool she was given to attach an elastic to each of the two hooks in her mouth and then picked up her Sleep Well mask.  As Tara was right handed, she held the mask to her face with her left hand while she attached the elastics to the posts of her mask with her right hand.  She stepped back and squinted into the mirror.  As she looked at the blurry reflection she thought she might be better off not putting her glasses back on.  But, out of habit, she did.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she removed each of her hearing aids and placed them in their charging cradle which she kept by her bed.  She then crawled under the covers.  She lay there thinking about her appointment and her new CTO.  She thought of Jim, and of how tender and sweet he had been.  She thought he was a patient, caring man.  And while he was still a man after all, and Tara was on guard as she would be with any man, she rolled over and looked at the empty bed beside her.  She thought of him.  Of how confident he seemed to be when it came to business.  But about how shy he seemed to be with her.  She thought of that afternoon.  Of how he had walked her to her car after her appointment.  He had insisted he carry the drawstring bag in which her CTO brace rested.  And he insisted on getting the car door for her.  At the car, despite the fact that his mouth must be hurting Tara thought, all he cared about was her.  About how she felt.  She thought he had wanted to ask her something.  And she thought he had wanted to try to kiss her.  But he seemed shy and unsure of himself.  Tara thought he was being a gentleman.  Tara found this intoxicating.  But, she made up her mind that the next time he showed hesitation, when he was being too much of a gentleman, that she would take the lead.  Because she wanted to feel his lips against hers.  Among other things.  As she looked at the empty bed beside her, she wished Jim was in it with her.

That next evening, as Tara sat leaning against Jim on a well lit park bench over looking the city, she thought it had been the perfect date.  The painting and wine tasting had been so much fun.  And while Tara realized that Jim might not be the world's best painter, he realized it too.  And he reveled in it, making funny, self-deprecating jokes about his painting, or as he called it, "insult to art".  All the while he had been nothing but complimentary of her's.  Afterwards, they had exchanged their paintings.  Tara didn't admit how much it meant to her as they each stowed their new "artwork" in their vehicles.  Jim had asked Tara, saying as it was such a nice night and he wasn't ready for it to end, if Tara would like to take a walk.  They had ducked into a few of the shops that were still open and just enjoyed each other's company.  The one thing they had not talked about all evening was orthodontics.

As Tara leaned into Jim, enjoying the feeling of his arm around her and his warmth as the night air began to turn just a little chilly, she tried to figure out how this had happened and what to do next.  Despite being alone with a man she really didn't know, she somehow knew she was safe.  Tara realized what a nice feeling it was.  She was lost in her thoughts when Jim said "I have had the most wonderful time with you tonight.  But, they probably don't want us squatting on this park bench all night.  How about I escort you to your car before I manage to mess this evening up?"

Tara nuzzled up against him a little harder and said "just a few more minutes?  It is still early.  And this is so nice.  And I don't think you could mess this up if you tried."  Jim had caressed her and said "it is nice.  But I do need to get home soon."

Tara leaned away from Jim and turned to look at him.  She realized he could in fact mess this up, by saying what he just said.  She asked "what is it?  Do I not make good company?  What, have you got another hot date lined up?"

Jim looked at her.  He realized what he had said hurt her.  He shook his head back and forth and said "No!  That's not it at all.  It's not you.  It's me."  Tara thought to herself 'oh no, it's the "it's not you it's me" line.  And I thought there was something here.  Between us'.

Jim sat there in silence looking at Tara, who had wilted where she sat.  He said "I have had the most incredible night.  And I so hope we can do it again."  He went silent a moment before continuing "It's so embarrassing.  I am such a dork.  But Tara, I need to go home so I can put on my facemask."

Tara looked at him and was able to breath again.  She said "that's it?  That's why you want to leave?"  She looked him in the eyes and said "you are so silly.  That's no reason for the night to end."  She leaned over and kissed him.  It caught Jim by surprise, but after a moment he responded, gently kissing her back.  And just as soon as soon as it started, Tara pulled back and gave him a big smile, her small daytime appliance just visible.  She said "that is absolutely no reason to kick me to the curb.  Nope, you'll have to come up with a better excuse than that."

Jim looked at her and said "the last thing I want to do is kick you to the curb.  Is it too forward of me to ask if you would come back to my place?  Maybe we could watch a movie.  And continue our wine tasting?"

She snuggled up beside him and said softly "no, it is not too forward.  It will save me from having to ask you back to my apartment."

Jim wrapped his arm around her and asked "do you promise not to laugh too hard at me?"

Tara replied "sweetie, you picked me up wearing it, why would it be any different tonight?  Plus, you have seen the monstrosity I got yesterday and am supposed to wear.  Supposed to being the key word there.  So, no.  And can I tell you a little secret?  I found your embarrassment when we met the sexiest thing ever.  You were just the cutest.  I am not sure I would have fallen for all of your obvious charms if you hadn't been wearing it in fact."

Jim stroked her shoulder as he said "well, I certainly would have never expected that.  So, how does this work since we drove separately?"

Tara said "it's simple.  I run home and get my night appliance and CTO, and I then drive to your house.  Where you are waiting for me with a glass of wine."

As Tara pulled into the driveway of Jim's home, she was blown away.  It was huge.  She knew that Bev's husband had mentioned he was successful.  She had thought he meant he had a good job, a nice home, and wasn't broke.  She didn't realize he had meant he had a starter estate.  Standing at the door after ringing the bell, she wondered if a butler would answer the door.

Finally the door opened.  It was not a butler.  Instead, there stood Jim.  He was not wearing his facemask.  For some reason this disappointed Tara.  But she decided to make the most of it by leaning in towards him.  This time he took the hint and leaned in and kissed her.  After coming up for a breath of air, Tara smiled at him and joked "Hi! I am here to talk to you about your vehicle's extended warranty."

Jim gave a big laugh.  He looked at her and said "how is anyone as beautiful AND as funny as you?  It just isn't fair.  How could anybody resist you?  Please, come in.  I already have the wine poured."

The two were on the couch in his spacious den as a movie played in the background.  But neither was paying any attention to the television.  Instead, they sat kissing, cuddling and feeling each other.  Eventually, Tara pushed away from him gently.  She said "Jim, stop honey."

He looked at her and asked "what?"

Tara said "I really like you.  I mean, a lot.  But I don't want to move too fast.  It's not that I don't want to.  I do.  But more than that I think there is something here.  Between us.  But I don't want to rush into something.  To do something in the throes of passion that could jeopardize something bigger."

Jim looked at her earnestly and said "I understand.  I am nervous too.  Scared even.  Scared of losing control of some part of my life.  Because I feel there may be something here too.  Oh gosh, the fact we are even talking like this now is crazy.  Insane.  This whole thing is crazy.  But I don't want to rush you.  And I won't."

She sat there looking at him.  The mass of emotions she was feeling was overwhelming.  She wondered if this was a mistake.  If she was pushing him away.  She felt so unsure of herself.

She said "it's just, I'm sorry, I don't know what I am doing."

He leaned over and said "that's ok, there isn't an instruction manual for this.  I don't know what to do either."  He thought for a moment before saying "but I know what I am supposed to do.  I was actually supposed to do it three hours ago.  I will go put my muzzle on.  That will surely cool the passion."

He returned a few minutes later to the den wearing his facemask.  As he approached he said "you promised not to laugh.  And a promise is a promise."  As he sat down she wiggled in beside him.  She said "why would I laugh?  You are just the cutest.  And sexiest."

Despite her compliment, she could tell he felt very self-conscious.  She said "you know, I need to put my armor on too.  I wasn't able to get it on last night.  Would you help a lady in distress?" 

In Jim's bathroom, Tara stood in front of him wearing just her bra and panties, her glasses lay on the sink counter.  He looked at her and said "you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  I want you so badly.  But I know anything worth having is worth waiting for.  It will be so hard to concentrate but let me see if I remember how I did it yesterday."

With Tara holding the front of the brace up to her chest, the facemask resting on her face, Jim began snapping and velcroing the brace securely on her.  She watched him in the mirror.  He was so sexy.  The facemask just made him sexier she thought.  With every strap, the brace became tighter and more restrictive.  And it was turning Tara on so much.  As Jim finished wrapping the final strap around her head he looked down at her chest.  If he didn't know any better, he would have thought that this was turning her on.  He looked at her and said "and the maiden is now adorned in her armor, ready to slay dragons.  And count sheep."

Tara looked at him longingly.  With the huge night-time appliance in her mouth, she couldn't talk.  But Jim could read her eyes.  And her body.  He wanted her so badly.  And he thought she wanted the same.  But he didn't want to pressure her.  Jim said "almost done.  I need to attach your elastics and lock your splint."

After gently attaching her elastics, he used the screwdriver to lock her jaw closed.  It should be horrible Tara thought.  The whole idea of having to do this every night.  Of having someone else do it for her in this case.  But it wasn't horrible.  In fact Tara thought it might be the most erotic thing she had ever experienced.  It was so intimate.  And then it was over, he was done locking her mouth.  She stood there erect and locked in her orthodontic prison.  He looked at her and said "I have some extra pillows, I think we can get comfortable on the couch." 

As she followed him out of the bathroom and across his bedroom, she grabbed his sleeve.  He stopped and turned to look at her.  She turned and walked over to his bed.  She could tell he was confused.  And rightfully so, she had just told him no.  But the flesh is weak.  She extended her right arm and beckoned him over with her index finger.  As he stepped in front of her, she managed "Im, ey nee ya. Rah na."  Jim smiled at her and said "I need you too."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #37 on: 29. December 2023, 20:15:10 PM »
Chapter Sixteen.

The next few weeks were magical for Tara.  She was amazed at how easy and comfortable her new relationship with Jim had become.  In just two weeks, they had fallen even harder for each other.  They were a couple.  They seemed natural for each other.  After that first night, they had agreed not to rush things, but instead to let things just come naturally.  And what felt natural to Tara was to spend as much time with him as she could.  Their orthodontic treatment was always there in the background, and especially Tara's CTO brace, but Jim was so patient, gentle and understanding with her.  She had become more used to wearing it, though she was definitely not a fan of it.  But she had finally figured out how to put it on herself by lying in bed so she could use both hands.  She did have to admit though that she was suffering from less frequent headaches and her jaw pain had largely gone away, so she soldiered on wearing it.

At "TMJ and Sleep Plus", the staff was not as happy.  On the Monday after Dr. Brad had announced that Alex and Mandy would each be getting their own 'CTO masks' as he called them, he reminded the staff that they had a continuing education day coming up that Friday.  It was time for their annual CPR and first aid recertification and he had a trainer coming in that morning.  He also said he had a staff member coming in from "Optimal Orthopedics" and asked that all the ladies wear a white close-fitting undershirt that day.  He would not elaborate when pressed on why, he just said it was a surprise.

That Friday morning had gone smoothly.  All the staff, including Dr. Brad, had completed their CPR and first aid certification successfully.  Alex and Becky had some issues getting a good seal to perform mouth to mouth on the dummy due to their braces, but they managed.  It did leave both of them with sore lips and inner cheeks but they did not complain.  After the class was finished, Dr. Brad announced he was treating the group to lunch, his treat.  Lunch was fun even if Alex, Mandy and Becky couldn't eat the chips and salsa the rest of the group enjoyed.

Back at the office after lunch, Dr. Brad welcomed Dr. Olivia Morales into the lounge and introduced her to the staff.   Out of habit Alex noted that Dr. Morales, who looked to be in her mid to late 40's with a dark olive complexion and jet-black hair, had some crowding in her lower arch and her upper canines were too prominent.  She also noticed that even wearing scrubs topped by a white coat that Dr Morales had an hour-glass figure, a ridiculously small waist, and incredibly erect posture.  Alex was a little jealous.  Dr. Morales introduced herself and said how happy she was to be there and how she looked forward to getting to know them all over the next few years.  She surprised everyone but Dr. Brad when she said she was so excited that her and Dr. Brad were trading services.  She said she was looking so forward to straightening out her smile.  After introducing herself, she explained that she had trained as an orthopedic surgeon, but after 10 years and too many negative complications that were so common in spinal surgeries, she now entirely focused on bracing and physical therapy.  She said she had a LOT of items to bring in, and asked for any volunteers to help her carry it in.  Everyone pitched in by carrying a plastic tote while Dr. Brad and Dr. Morales carried a folding treatment table.

As Dr. Morales set up everything, Dr. Brad explained to the group why he had asked her to come in.  He looked at his staff; Alex, Maggie, Lisa, Becky, Mandy and Janice who were all assembled on the couches; and said "So, I already told Alex and Mandy that I will be incorporating a CTO mask into their treatment.  They will become very familiar with it.  But I want you all to familiarize yourself with the device.  I have been speaking with Dr. Morales, and she treats a lot of patients with Ehlers-Danlos.  If you aren't familiar with Ehlers, it is a disorder that effects connective tissues.  This leads to dislocations.  One of the primary treatment options for these patients is bracing.  Dr. Morales is an expert on it.  She told me that she is seeing more and more cases, she isn't sure if it is due to an actual increase in patients or just better diagnosis.  For years she said it was often misdiagnosed.  She told me that so many of her patients also complain of jaw issues.  When she asked me how many Ehlers-Danlos patients I was currently treating, I told her none.   Well, that will change.  Dr. Morales is going to begin referring patients that complain of jaw pain or jaw dislocations to us.  Many of these patients are already in mobility aids, a less imposing way to say orthopedic braces, of one sort or another.  Many of them have to wear CTO braces just to function in their day to day life.  So, soon I expect we will see more of them in this office.  And many of these patients will receive new CTO braces with a Sleep Well mask integrated into it.  So, I want to make sure everyone is familiar with it.

Dr. Morales will refer her patients to us.  In return, I will refer patients that complain of cervical or shoulder tension or exhibit poor posture or other obvious orthopedic issues to her.  I suspect we already have a few patients that suffer from Ehlers-Danlos, I just didn't know what to look for to identify it.  Dr. Morales mentioned that we are trading services.  We are going to be providing her and her staff orthodontic care at no charge.  In exchange, she is going to provide my staff, all of you, treatment at no charge.

Alex and Mandy, you will get fitted for your CTO masks today.  Lisa, when you start treatment after the first of the year, I will also incorporate it into your treatment plan."  Alex looked over at their hygienist who now had a look of shock on her face.  Dr. Brad continued "Megan will also be getting one when she begins treatment.  So in a way I will become very familiar with it as well on a day to day basis. 

So, what about the rest of you and how does this impact you?  Well, Dr. Morales has also told me she has seen a huge increase in what she calls 'tech neck', poor forward head posture caused by all of us staring into computer and phone screens too much.  It usually eventually leads to cervical issues and pain at some point.  To combat that, she developed a new posture brace for patients to wear.  It fits invisibly under clothing for day time wear and has a cervical component for screen time.  I want everyone here to get fitted for one, and we will today.  I want you all to wear it here at work.  It will just become a part of our uniforms."  There were several murmurs and gasps from the group.   

They had been paying attention to Dr. Brad and had not noticed that Dr. Morales had finished setting everything up.  She said "ladies, if you would, please come over here and assemble around the treatment table."  She was holding a CTO brace with attached Sleep Well mask.  On the counter behind her was another and a row of 6 additional braces.  These braces looked similar to a corset, just all white with a little more plastic and metal showing.  Each had shoulder straps incorporated into them.  In front of each was a white foam and cloth cervical collar. The group hesitantly approached the table as Dr. Brad smiled.  Dr. Morales said "Alex, as lead assistant, I think it is only fitting that you take the lead and go first."  She laughed at her little joke.  None of the other women did.

Dr. Morales had Alex sit on the edge of the table and remove her scrub top.  She quickly and efficiently placed the brace on Alex, tightening and adjusting straps and explaining what she was doing as she went, and then stepped back.   She said "and that is it.  That is all there is to fitting it on a patient for the first time."

Dr. Brad interjected "you make it look a LOT easier than it really is.  Me and Alex struggled on the only one we have fit so far."

Dr. Morales smiled and said "well, practice makes perfect."

While all of the ladies had heard what they were saying, none had looked over at them.  All of them had their eyes focused on Alex.  She looked to be in shock, miserable and on the verge of tears.  Janice stepped over and placed her hand on her thigh and asked "you ok?"

Alex said stoically "yes."

Dr. Morales had noticed this and said "it is an adjustment getting used to wearing a CTO brace.  The initial sensation can be unsettling.  But I promise you, while patients may never love it, they will adapt to it.  Alex, you will too.  Now, let me coach you on how to take it off and reapply it yourself."

She coached Alex in what order to unhook the straps, and just like that she was free again.  She stretched her neck in a circular motion.  Dr. Morales than instructed Alex to lay the brace open on the table, the back of it face down, and lay back onto it.  She then helped coach her on how to put it back on.  Once Alex was securely strapped into her brace once again, she tried to sit up like she normally would.  She couldn't.  Dr. Morales said "notice how you can't just sit up normally.  Alex, try rolling over on your side, legs hanging off the table, and push up with your arms."  She complied and once again found herself rigidly sitting on the edge of the table.  Dr. Morales said "this is how patients have to get out of bed.  I would recommend you instruct them, but if you forget they will figure it out.  Now, Alex, I am not the orthodontic expert.  But Dr. Brad told me you would also be wearing elastics hooked from your mouth to the mask portion of your brace.  I will leave that to you the expert.  My job is done.  Would you please leave the brace on until we finish at least?"  She looked over at Mandy and asked "ready?"  Alex stood and walked over to get her elastics while Mandy took her place sitting on the edge of the table.

Dr. Morales went through the same process with Mandy.  Afterwards, she also asked Mandy to keep her brace on.  Mandy went over and stood beside Alex, who handed her a bag of elastics.  Both of them stood there, elastics stretched taught out of their mouths, trying to come to terms with the restrictive braces they now wore.  Dr. Morales said "and now for my Posture Plus support.  How about we do this as a group?  I will coach you through it as we go.  If you have ever worn a corset, this will be somewhat familiar to you.  The braces are adjustable for most body shapes, there is a S/M, a L/XL and a 2X+.  Dr. Brad told me your approximate sizes, and each posture support is tagged with your name.  Will you each strip down to your undershirts and then grab your support?"

It took a few moments, but finally each woman was aligned in a row in front of Dr. Morales holding their support.  She looked over at Alex and Mandy and said "just watch what they do.  It is easy, and you will find putting on this device a piece of cake compared to the CTO braces you are wearing."  She turned back towards the other four women and instructed.  I am going to call it a corset just for simplicity, but it is so much more than that really.  Take your corset and wrap it around your waist, laces in the back, and attach each of the clasps in the front."  Each woman did as instructed.  "She continued "now, notice that each corset has three straps on each side.  Each strap has a series of metal grommet enforced holes.  I want you to suck in, grab the lower straps, and pull evenly.  Pull as tightly as you can, and then hook the grommets over the same clasp that you attached the front of the corset together with."  The ladies did as instructed.  Dr. Morales said "one down, two to go.  Now, repeat that with the top strap and finally the middle strap."  Each of the ladies did, and all immediately felt like they were standing up straighter.  And all but Lisa noticed that breathing was going to be more difficult as well.

Dr. Morales said "now, let me check the fit.  She checked Maggie's and said "good."  Then Janice's, who she also approved.  When she got to Lisa, she said "just a little tighter."  She unhooked the three straps, then reattached them. This time though it was two notches tighter than before.

Lisa grunted as the straps were tightened.  Once they were attached she looked at Dr. Morales and said "this feels too tight.  I can't breathe."

Dr. Morales gave her a compassionate smile and said "it needs to be this tight to work.  You will get used to it."

She then moved to Becky and said "good." 

She said "now for the shoulder straps.  I will attach them.  They are very similar in design to the other straps.  You probably didn't notice the little flap of material under each arm, but there is another small post under each of those.  You will hook each shoulder strap to those.  I will do it for you the first time to size it.  She went down the line.  As she tightened the straps, each woman immediately felt themselves standing straighter.  Slouching was no longer an option.  Once she had everyone's shoulder straps attached she then turned back to the group and said “there are just two more things."  She walked over to the counter and picked up a pair of scissors.  She explained "I will now trim each of your straps, the waist cinching straps and shoulder straps.  This will do two things.  One, it will make it much smoother and streamlined under your clothing.  Two, there will be no confusion on where you need to hook your straps."  She went down the line trimming the straps as she went.  Once she was finished she turned and said "wear these at all times during the day.  It will just become a routine part of your wardrobe.  When at the computer, also wear this."   She reached over and picked up one of the soft neck braces.  She started with Becky, who was closest to the counter, and secured it around her neck.  She then attached a brace to each of the three other women.  She said "I will not prescribe night time wear at this time.  It is a challenge to get used to sleeping in.  But it can be done.  I wear mine 23 hours a day."  She pulled back her white coat and scrub top and showed the ladies a peak of hers.  She continued "however, if you want to try it won't do anything but help."

She looked at the group and said "that is it for the Posture Plus support.  I would like all of you to continue wearing everything until we wrap up.  That will give you time to get a little acclimated and come up with any questions you have.  Speaking of questions, does anyone have any?"  She looked around the room at all the faces.  She noticed a lot of shocked looks.  She said "none?  Well in that case" she looked at Dr. Brad with a big smile on her face "why don't you all get me my spacers!  And Dr. Brad, maybe you can show me this new appliance you developed that you say can fix all my issues.  With just one appliance too!"  She looked around the room.  Dr. Brad was the only one smiling.  She exclaimed "Come on girls, smile!  This is all so exciting!"


Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #38 on: 30. December 2023, 05:44:48 AM »
Love this! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #39 on: 01. January 2024, 16:43:12 PM »
Chapter Seventeen.

Dr. Brad looked at his staff and said "you heard the lady.  Let's get her some spacers."

Alex said "um, Dr. Brad, I don't think I can assist wearing this" as she pointed up to her new brace.

Dr. Brad said "Alex, I know you can.  At least try.  If there is anyone that will be understanding, it is Dr. Morales.  Maggie will be there to help too.  Right Maggie?  Now, the rest of you ladies know the routine on Friday afternoons, so the quicker we get done the quicker the weekend will get here.  I do want to huddle up before we leave though."

The fitting of Dr. Morales' spacers went quickly despite the fact she was getting so many.  Alex did the best she could, but after placing two she let Maggie take over.  When they finished, Dr. Morales had a spacer between every tooth but her front six on top and bottom.  Dr. Brad had then shown her the appliance she would be getting, Megan's appliance.  Dr. Morales had been shocked and concerned when she saw how big and complex it was.  He had counselled her that it would be an adjustment for sure, but it was the best option for her case.  He then said "I will also be incorporating a CTO mask into your treatment.  It just doesn't seem right not too.  But, I know you will do great with it.  Now, as for the spacers, avoid any crunchy or sticking foods for the next week.  And if one comes out, let us know.  Be forewarned, some people find spacers uncomfortable, so take Advil or Tylenol as needed.  And, that wraps it up.  I am so excited this is happening.  Get with us next week to schedule appointments for the rest of your staff.  I and the ladies will help get everything loaded back up for you.  Hey, at least it will be a lighter load, my girls are now wearing most of what you brought."

After bidding Dr. Morales adieu, Dr. Brad gathered his staff back in the lounge.  He looked at them with pride and said "I am SO proud of all of you.  This is so exciting.  Especially you Alex, and you Mandy.  With it being the weekend, I would ask that all of you wear your new posture supports as much as possible to become acclimated to them.  Including at the Christmas party tomorrow night.  Now, I do have a surprise for you all.  As a show of thanks for the being the best staff in the business.  Who here would like to go to Disney World in July?"

The staff looked around at each other confused.  He continued "so, the Association of American Orthodontics has their annual summit and tradeshow in Orlando in July.  And we are attending.  I don't know what I am doing exactly, but I have reserved a booth.  I am going to go to market with our new devices.  And I need help.  So, we are going to spend the week in Orlando, all expenses paid by me of course.  We will have several days to play and a couple of days of work.  It will be so much fun.  So, by a show of hands, who is in?"  They all raised their hands.  Dr. Brad smiled and exclaimed "great!  It will be a great team building opportunity.  Speaking of which, tomorrow night at the Boat House, 7 pm.  Now, go enjoy your weekend!"

Tara woke up Sunday morning needing to use the restroom.  She rolled over on her side and tried to carefully push herself up to a sitting position without disturbing Jim.  Being a Sunday. they hadn't set an alarm and planned to sleep in a little before spending a lazy day together.  They had spent the day before doing some last minute shopping and that evening they had gone and looked at Christmas lights.  Once they got back home, they had done what just seemed natural to them.  Twice. 

With Christmas coming up, and Tara leaving town to go see her parents, she wanted to spend as much time together as possible before then.  But she didn't want to wake him.

She tried to gently push herself up without disturbing him.  It didn't work, so she turned as best she could and used both arms.  As she got to a sitting position, she felt Jim stir.  As she reached for her glasses, he asked softly and groggily "what ish it baby?"  Without her hearing aids, Tara asked "whah?"  He asked, louder this time, "what ish it baby, ish everything ok?  It's early, I thought we were sleeping in.  Or at least staying in bed a while this morning." 

Tara said "affroom."  By now she had settled her glasses onto her face and was placing the first of her two hearing aids into her ears.  She felt the bed move, it sounded and felt like he was getting up.  She would have turned to look at him, but her brace prevented this.  Out of her peripheral vision she saw him walking around the end of the bed.  He leaned down and helped her to a standing position.  Tara pulled her glasses back off her face and removed her elastics and then her head strap as Jim worked on unfastening the rest of the straps that held her body so rigidly.  This had become their routine in the morning.  Once the CTO was removed, Jim gently laid it on the bed.  He smiled at her from behind his facemask and said "I will be waiting for you here."  He gave her a smile and raised his eyebrows.

After relieving herself, Tara returned to Jim's bed where she found him propped up on an elbow.  He looked at her and said "God you are so beautiful in the morning." 

She smiled and said "thank you baby.  You aren't too bad yourself."  Snuggling up next to him under the covers she leaned her and kissed him.  It wasn't a proper kiss as he was still wearing his facemask, but Tara had learned how to kiss him around the two posts that stuck up in front of and below his mouth.  After she was done, he reached up to remove the elastics from his mouth. She stopped him and said "no, keep it on.  I am going to do the work.  To make up for waking you up."

As Tara freshened up in the bathroom, Jim made his way to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.  With the coffee started he returned to his bathroom.  He slid in behind Tara, who was brushing her teeth, and wrapped his arms gently around her waist.  He said "that was amazing.  You are amazing."  With a mouth full of toothpaste she said "oh baby, you are too."  After finishing brushing and rinsing her mouth out, she turned in his arms.

She looked at him and said "I am going to miss you so much next weekend.  But I told my parents I would come see them for Christmas.  So I plan to get as much Jim as I can this weekend."  She looked at him and smiled.

He gently swatted her on the bottom and smiled at her.  He said "let me the funk out of my mouth too.  Coffee is brewing.  I realized something in the kitchen.  I forgot to turn my expander last night.  That's your fault by the way, you had me all kinds of distracted."  He smiled at her and raised his eyebrows.

She gave a naughty smiled back and replied "oh, I am sorry baby.  That was my fault.  If only there were someway I could make it up to you?  But first, do we need to make up those turns?"

Jim said "ugh, I guess so.  I hate doing it in the mornings.  But it needs to be done."  She reached up and gently removed his elastics and facemask.  He then opened his mouth as wide as he could and tilted his head back as Tara got the wrench off the bathroom counter.  After seating it on his expander, she asked "ready baby?"  He uttered "uh huh."  As she made the first turn, he closed his eyes and squinched his face up.  She knew it was uncomfortable for him.  She removed the wrench and said "I am sorry baby." 

He opened his eyes and grunted "ummm, that one was the worst one yet.  Did you hear something pop?  I felt something pop."

Tara shook her head back and forth and said "no. Oh gosh baby, I hope I didn't break it.  Let me take a look."  He opened his mouth again as she peered into it.  She said "it looks fine."  Then she noticed what was just inches in front of her face.  She hugged him and said "baby, you've got a little gap.  I bet that is what it was."  He looked around Tara's head into the mirror and smiled.

He said "oh goodness.  I mean, I knew it was supposed to happen.  So, why am I so surprised it did happen?"  He thought for a second and then said excitedly "hey, I guess this means I don't have to do a second turn.  And I can slow down to one turn every two days."

Tara hugged him and said "I am so happy for you.  But also a little sad, I won't get to turn your expander as much."

Jim hugged her back and said "my beautiful, adorable little masochist."  He laughed.

Tara said "it's just that it is so intimate baby.  You trusting me to do it.  Something we do together."  She then added "but yes, it does turn me on."

Jim said "well, speaking of turning you on, I guess I need to schedule an appointment to have it looked at this week.  Ugh, I hope they don't add anything or tighten anything up right before Christmas."

Tara sat across from Jim at the dining room table. He was on his phone making an appointment on the TMJ and Sleep Plus website while Tara scrolled on Facebook.  Alex had mentioned to her that Becky was responsible for their Facebook page and that she was very active with updates.  She went to their page and uttered "oh, wow!  So exciting!"

Jim looked up at her and asked "what's so exciting?" 

She looked down and read the post to him.  She said "The TMJ and Sleep Plus Christmas party was one for the books.  All of our employees and their families showed up and had a great time, even if one had to leave early.  We even had a new family member make his appearance too.  We would all like to congratulate Dr. Brad and Megan on the birth of their son Chance Michael Miller at 3:37 am this morning.  Mom and baby are healthy and resting.  Dad not as much.  Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences this may cause over the next week.  If you have an appointment scheduled for the upcoming week, we will be in contact to reschedule as Dad will be spending the next few days out of the office helping Megan and Chance get settled in."

Jim smiled and said "wow, that is awesome.  A Christmas baby.  I am sure they are so excited.  I am excited for them.  And I am excited I have an excuse not to schedule my appointment until after Christmas."

Tara though wondered if Megan wasn't feeling just a little conflicted having seen the monstrous appliance she would soon be wearing.  She wondered how long Dr. Brad would let her recuperate before starting her treatment.

Her question was answered on Tuesday evening.  She was looking at the TMJ and Sleep Plus facebook page when she saw an update.  It said "Baby Chance and Mom Megan made it home this morning.  They are getting settled in nicely.  Dr. Brad and Megan appreciate all of the support and well wishes.  Merry Christmas!"  Megan scrolled through the handful of pictures.  The last one was of Megan, obviously back home and holding the baby.  Tara zoomed in on her face.  And she saw little specks of blue between most of Megan's teeth.  Tara realized that Dr. Brad had already installed her spacers.


Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #40 on: 03. January 2024, 17:41:48 PM »
Chapter Eighteen.

The afternoon after Christmas, Tara rode the escalator down towards baggage claim.  As she did, she scanned the faces down there.  She then saw Jim.  He was holding flowers and smiling at her.  As soon as she got to the bottom, she rushed towards him and gave him a big hug and kiss.  She said "I have missed you!"

Jim smiled and said "I have missed you too.  I brought you a little something" as he handed her the flowers.

She said "aww, they are so pretty.  And you are sweet."

Jim said "they aren't as pretty or as sweet as you."  Tara hugged him again and laid her head on his chest.  He said "your bag is supposed to be at four."

As they drove, Tara asked "is this the way to your house?"

Jim reached over with one hand and took hers.  He said "no, I wanted to surprise you with a dinner date.  I have missed you.  Plus, I did schedule my appointment in two days.  I am hoping that I won't feel like I did after getting my expander and not be able to eat, but just in case I want to enjoy some food.  With you."

She looked at him and said "aww... thank you.  Can I come?"

Jim said "I was hoping you would.  To hold my hand."

Tara responded "I would feel so honored.  Of course I will.  So, how was your Christmas?  How was your family."

He told her it was nice, everyone was well.  And then he said "next year, it will be more complicated.  We will have to coordinate how we see my family and yours, together.  So, how was your Christmas?  How was the fam?"

Tara was thinking about Christmas together as she said "it was good.  I hate I got delayed getting back and made you wait.  I do have one funny story though.  Well maybe not funny, but kind of embarrassing for me."

He said "well, you can't leave me hanging."

Tara said "well, as you know I was a good compliant patient and took my CTO with me.  I did not wear it out of my old bedroom.  But, yesterday morning, my younger sister Elise came in my room to wake me up to open presents.  She saw me wearing it and freaked out a little.  After her shock, and making fun of me, she did help me out of it.  And then of course, it become one of the topics of conversation at lunch.  My parents were so concerned if I was ok.  My sister thought it was just the funniest thing ever.  She egged me on to put it on and model it for everyone.  I wouldn't.  But later that evening, my sister in law Mackenzie, she is my older brother's wife, cornered me about my TMJ.  It seems she suffers from it too and had a million questions.  So, I did show her my appliances and explained how much they seemed to be helping, even if they are so obtrusive.  So who knows, maybe I won't be the only one in my extended family undergoing orthodontic treatment."

Jim said "oh baby, I am sorry she made fun of you.  But my expander was also the topic of conversation at Christmas."

Tara said "really it is ok.  I picked on Elise a little when we were kids.  Maybe this is karmic payback.  But it was ok.  It was good naturedly picking.  So, what did your family say about your expander?  Did you wear your mask in front of them?"

Jim said "goodness no I didn't wear it in front of them.  But I had it easier since they are local.  I just went to visit with them on Christmas eve and Christmas day.  But I didn't stay over.  There is only one person I trust enough to wear it in front of.  Because I know how sweet and understanding she is.  No, my sister asked me about my treatment.  She asked if I would be getting braces.  It seems she has been thinking about getting them herself.  She has a couple of teeth that are bothering her.  I gave her the contact info for our ortho.  I don't know if anything will come of it.  But it was interesting to learn she had been thinking about it.  You know, after starting treatment, I have had several people mention they have been thinking about it.  And I notice how many more adults actually have braces."

Tara giggled and said "braces are the new black".

Two afternoons later, two days before New Years, Tara and Jim sat waiting to be called.  While Tara did not have an official appointment, just to be safe she had brought her CTO and night-time appliance in it's plastic case.  Both were hidden in the draw string bag she had brought.  It was sitting in the chair beside her while Jim held a zippered bag hiding his mask and elastics.  As they spoke, they looked around the waiting area.  It was more sparsely occupied than normal.  There was only a mother with her teenage daughter and a black haired woman in a white medical coat waiting.  The mother and daughter were called back by Maggie soon after Tara and Jim sat down.  Tara glanced at the woman across from them.  She noticed her coat was embroidered 'Dr. Morales'.  She looked nervous and fidgety.

After about 10 minutes, Tara saw Alex emerge through the treatment room door.  She didn't even pay attention to the mother and daughter that followed behind her.  Nor did she pay attention as they walked over to Becky.  Tara couldn't take her eyes off of Alex.  She was wearing a CTO mask like her own. She had her blond hair pulled up into a bun on top of her head, her hearing aids very visible.  Not only that, she was wearing tortoise shell rimmed glasses.  The lenses were incredibly thick.  As Tara examined her face in profile, she saw one other thing. Instead of elastics she appeared to have thick metal springs emerging from her mouth.  Alex looked over and said "Dr. Morales, Dr. Brad is about to begin Megan's installation.  He asked if you would come on back.  I can start prepping you for your installation." 

Alex turned her whole body so she was facing towards the couple and said "Hi you two.  We will get you back shortly."

Jim quickly responded.  Tara was still shocked.  Alex registered the look on Tara’s face, she thought it was one of trepidation.  Alex said "yes, it is certainly a look isn't it?  But don't worry, I am sure Dr. Brad would never ask anyone but an employee to wear their CTO outside of the privacy of their own home.  Surely he wouldn't."

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #41 on: 03. January 2024, 18:51:07 PM »
Sorry, there is a little detail I do not understand:

"Alex registered the look on Alex´s face, ..."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #42 on: 08. January 2024, 17:05:28 PM »
Chapter 19.

Tara and Jim continued to wait.  Jim remarked that he had never had to wait this long and went to speak briefly with Becky.  Returning beside Tara, he said "Becky said it shouldn't be too much longer.  She apologized, she said that had fallen a bit behind."

Ten minutes later, the treatment room door finally opened.  Alex said "Jim?  Tara?  Would you come on back."

As Tara followed along behind Alex and Jim, she noticed the dark haired woman from the reception area, Dr. Morales, was reclined back.  Dr. Brad was using the ratchet looking device, the one she had first seen used on Jim, to tighten something in the woman's mouth.  Maggie was sitting beside him watching intently. 

Alex got Jim seated in the treatment chair beside her and wheeled over a stool for Tara.  After sitting, from her close vantage point Tara briefly studied Dr. Morales' face.  Her eyes were wide open staring at the ceiling.  They were very red, like she had been crying.   Tara thought she looked like she was in a lot of discomfort.  Dr. Brad said "Olivia, you are doing great.  Just four more to go.  Are you ok?  Did those last couple hurt?"  Olivia just shook her head no.

Dr. Brad noticed Tara watching.  He turned to look at her and said "Dr. Morales is getting the second ever Miller Appliance installed.  The one I showed you at your consult.  I already got Megan all fitted into hers.  She is back in the lounge resting."  He turned to look at Dr. Morales and asked "Olivia, Miss Reynolds here is going to be getting an expander of her own in the future.  Would you mind if she looked on?"  Dr. Morales again nodded her head no.  Dr. Brad said "thank you Olivia."  He then turned to Tara and asked "would you like to wheel over a little closer?  Jim is in great hands with Alex.  Once we finish up here I will take a look at his progress.  It sounds like his suture split.  That is great news."  He then noticed the bag she was carrying.  He asked "did you bring your CTO?  Even though you don't have an appointment?  That is so thoughtful of you.  Once we get done with Jim and Olivia, I will make sure everything is on track with you too.  But first, why don't you take a look at a mini-screw assisted expander getting installed."

Dr. Brad turned and picked up a tiny screw from the metal tray beside the treatment chair.  He held it up to Tara and said "this is one of the screws.  Since everyone's mouth is a little different, and all our expanders are custom made, the screw length can vary between patients.  But this is a pretty standard one.  I am going to install it through one of the holes in Olivia's expander to anchor it into the bone of her hard palate.  I start at the back and work my way to the front.  She already has the four back ones placed, now all that is left are the four front ones."  After getting the screw started, Dr. Brad began tightening it with the ratchet.  As he did he explained "the anesthesia didn't completely numb Olivia on the first go around.  That is one reason we are running a little behind.  She felt the first one go in and we can't have that.  But now she is numbed up.  It doesn't hurt does it Olivia?"

She replied back "oh".  Tara thought she was trying to say no.

Dr. Brad continued "in addition to having to wait for the second round of anesthesia to take effect, both Megan and Olivia have eight screws.  That is the max number we use.  And as you can imagine, it takes a little longer to install 16 screws than it would 8 or 12.  Plus, the tongue cribs integrated into each of their appliances make it a little more awkward for me to install them.  I say all of that to tell you that this afternoon has taken longer than I expected.  I apologize you both had to wait so long.  But you guys are our last patients of the day, so I won't feel rushed to get either of you out of the chair.  And there, that is screw number 5.  Three more to go."  As Dr. Brad worked on installing the sixth screw, Tara looked at the appliance in the woman's mouth.  She felt sympathy for her.  There was so much metal on display Tara didn't know how she could manage it.  On the roof of Olivia's mouth was a huge expander.  It looked very similar to Jim's.  But, in addition to the top expander, there was also a huge tongue crib that hung down in front of it.  Tara could see it hung down past the bottom of her front teeth.  Along her lower palate was a hyrax expander that rested behind her front teeth.  Tara could tell it stuck up above her bottom teeth.  In addition, all of her teeth from her molars to her canines were fully banded, and several of the bands had cleats on the lingual side of them.  Tara thought that they would feel horrible on the tongue.  And finally, connecting Olivia's top and bottom arches was a set of locking twin-force telescopes like Alex wore.  It was more metal that Tara had ever seen in a person's mouth.  Tara was amazed that anyone would voluntarily elect to have something so large and obtrusive installed in their mouth.  Finally, Dr. Brad finished installing the eighth screw.  He excitedly announced to both Olivia and Tara "and that is all there is too it.  It was a piece of cake.  We are done with your installation Olivia.  I will let Maggie take you back to the lounge to relax a few minutes.  And then we can fit you and Megan with your CTO masks."  Tara watched as Maggie removed the lip retractor and blocks that had kept Olivia's mouth blocked wide open.  Tara noticed Olivia moving her mouth around, feeling everything.  She could also see her tongue feeling around, or trying to, trapped behind the fence now in her mouth.  Dr. Brad noticed this and said "it will take a few days to get acclimated to everything Olivia.  But, I know you will.  And speech will be a challenge, but you will adapt.  Now, let Maggie take you back to one of the massage chairs.  See how everything feels.  Let me know if you feel any sharp pains."  He gave her a big smile and then turned towards the treatment chair Jim occupied.

Dr. Brad rolled himself over and asked Alex, who was perched stiffly and awkwardly on the edge of her stool in her brace, "so, how does everything look?  Do we have a suture split?"

Alex replied "yes sir.  Jim's suture has definitely split.  And his hygiene looks good for the most part."

Dr. Brad said "wonderful, let me take a look."  After 30 seconds or so, using a pick to check a couple of spots, he leaned back and looked at Jim.  Dr. Brad said "Jim, you have done great.  It looks like you have been following the treatment plan to a T.  We have achieved the first part of the process.  Your suture is split.  To minimize the risk of assymetrical expansion, I believe slow and steady wins the race.  Really back off on your turning schedule if you have not already.  Just make one turn a day now, skipping Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  That will only be four turns a week, at least until your next appointment.  Now that we have the lateral expansion underway and your suture is open, we need to really focus on protraction.  The next three to four months, before your sutures have refused, are critical for forward movement.  So, I would like to fit you with a CTO mask with springs, like Alex is wearing right now, for wear at home and while you sleep.  I really need you to be in protraction for at least 16 hours a day, with at least 12 of those in the CTO with the springs.  I don't like to give estimates on how long, but for at least the next four months."

Tara noticed Jim's face turn white.  She reached over and grabbed his hand.  She smiled at him and said "baby, it will be ok.  Now we will match."

Jim looked at Dr. Brad and said "but... sixteen hours a day."  Tara could see him doing the math in his head.  He continued "that only leaves 8 hours a day.  I work more than that most days.  And I CAN NOT wear that at work" as he pointed at Alex.  Jim immediately noticed the hurt look on Alex's face.  He said "no, I mean, I didn't mean it like that.  I am sorry Alex.  It's just... no, I can't do it."

Dr. Brad said "I understand work is a priority for our adult patients.  But Jim, the success of this whole process depends on the forward movement.  And the only way to get it is by wearing the needed appliances the needed amount of time.  How about this?  Wear it as much as you can during the week.  And then try to catch up on the weekends.  Would that work?  And you actually could wear it at work, at least in the office.  Look at Alex here.  She is wearing hers.  All while actively treating patients.  She is managing 20 hours a day now.  So is Mandy.  My sweet Megan needs to wear hers full time, 24 hours a day.  I know you can get in at least 16 on average."

Jim looked into Tara's face silently.  Tara knew he had a thousand thoughts running through his mind.   She patted him on the hand and said "just try it sweetie?  For me?  For us?  We can do this together."

Defeated Jim replied, looking at Tara and not Dr. Brad, "I will try."

Dr. Brad excitedly exclaimed "AWESOME!  I knew you would say that!  Because you are a great patient.  And I know you want this treatment to be a success too.  I mean, why go through all this time, money and discomfort not to get the best results.  Right?  Well, why don't you hop up and let me take a look at Tara since she is here." 

After swapping places, Dr. Brad briefly examined Tara's mouth with her daytime splint in.  He said "Tara, everything looks great with the daytime splint.  How are you feeling?  Less jaw pain?  Less headaches."

Tara said "actually, yes.  I am already feeling better.  That is one reason I am so dutiful about wearing my night time appliance.  That and the fact that Jim has been so sweet and understanding about it."

Dr. Brad said "that is great.  Having an understanding and supportive partner is important.  I didn't even realize you and Jim were a couple.  Is he who encouraged you to come see us?"

Tara said "we weren't a couple then.  We met here."

Dr. Brad's eyes lit up and he exclaimed "Really?!!  Oh wow, that IS exciting.  Bonding over bonding!"  He gave an uproarious laugh and said "sorry, orthodontic humor is a niche segment.  Anyway, congratulations you two.  I guess we are doing more than just fixing your bites and improving your health.  But, enough of me rambling.  Alex mentioned how hard it is to put on the CTO solo.  Have you figured that out?  Could you put in your nighttime appliance and put on your CTO for me?"

It took Tara a few minutes, but finally she got her nighttime appliance in her mouth and was all strapped into her CTO.  She asked "sho da ya wah me ta lah ma schopes ah puh eh ma bands?"

Dr. Brad said "no, no need for that.  But I would like you to keep your CTO on.  Can we go back to the lounge?  I need to fit Jim for his own CTO.  I can fit his current mask to it.  And I know Megan and Olivia are eager to get fitted into theirs as well, even though they are both nervous about it.  Seeing you and Alex so comfortable in them might help.  And Mandy.  Alex, will you grab her and a box of protraction springs please and meet us in the lounge?  Four sets of springs please?  I am going to move Tara into springs as well.  And go ahead and bump her wear time up to 16 hours a day too.  Her and Jim will be on the same wear time schedule then.  That should make it easier for the both of them."

After getting everyone fitted into their new CTO braces, shiny steel springs protruding from their mouths, Dr. Brad looked at them with pride.  Tara could already feel the added pressure from the springs and realized her mouth was going to be sore soon.  She turned her body towards the others and realized all of their mouths would soon be sore.  Especially poor Olivia's and Megan's she thought. 

Dr. Brad said "you all look incredible.  Fit, healthy, and working on getting even healthier.  This is so exciting.  The first day of your new lives!"  The looks on everyone's face but Dr. Brad's showed anything but excitement.  Instead there were looks of resigned discomfort or embarrassment.  He continued, upbeat, and said "Alex, Maggie, would you two please take Olivia back into a treatment chair and go over do's and don'ts, hygiene, all that stuff.  I think she will be able to manage getting her brace on and off just fine though, she is the expert."

He looked at Olivia and said "I know it seems like a lot Olivia.  But you will manage 20 hours a day no problem.  I mean, what more normal place to see an orthopedic brace than in a bracing clinic right?  Just like seeing staff in an orthodontic clinic with braces.  It just seems natural.  What do you say?"

This was the first time that Olivia had attempted to speak since getting her new appliance.  She struggled with "ah eh trah... Ow gah, I ke eun eek.  Ow gah." 

Dr. Brad looked at her and said "you sound great Olivia!  Really, I can understand you just fine.  And so will your patients.  I promise.  And look on the bright side, soon you won't be the only one in your office with a Miller Appliance and CTO Mask.  You are going to do great.  You all are.  I promise.  Now, go on with Alex and Maggie.  They will finish up your appointment."

He looked over at Tara and Jim.  He said "thank you both for being such great patients.  Please see Becky on the way out to make your follow up appointments.   You can take your braces off there in the waiting area.  Again, thank you."  He turned back towards Alex and Maggie and said "Alex, go ahead and get Olivia started with her hygiene, and Maggie go ahead and put together her care package.  I want to speak with my wife for a moment."

After everyone had departed the lounge, Dr. Brad walked over to his wife.  He said "I am proud of you kitten.  You look so sexy in your new outfit.  Your corset holding you tight?  Underneath your new CTO mask holding you upright?  All complimenting your new shiny mouth?  Well, I have never seen anything more incredible.  I know you aren't in love with it.  But I know you are a good girl and will wear everything like you should.  To make sure though, I am going to go ahead and lock your scopes shut and lock your springs on every morning.  That way you won't be tempted to cheat, even when you are at home with the kids and I am here at work.  Oh, just the thought of that...  And your new appliances and corset will be a constant reminder that I am right there with you.  And I have one more surprise for you when we get home."

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #43 on: 08. January 2024, 17:28:43 PM »
What a nice point for a surprise! ;D

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #44 on: 09. January 2024, 02:22:24 AM »
Chapter 20.

That evening, Tara and Jim helped each other to clean the table and do dishes from their dinner.  After depositing the last plate into the dish washer and turning it on, Jim slid in behind Tara, who was still at the sink, and put his hands on her hips.  He said “thank you for being so supportive about this whole thing.  It is going to be an adjustment.  If it weren’t for you, I would have just stood up today and said no.  Even though I know I need to, I couldn’t have done it by myself.”

Tara turned towards him and gave him a quick kiss.  She laid both her hands on his chest and said “sweetie, I don’t think I could have done this without you.  If I had I would have been miserable about the whole thing.  But you, you have made this a good thing.  I can’t say it is exactly fun.  But I am glad I am doing it.  But only because of you.  Only because you have made me still feel beautiful and desirable, even when I look like a cyborg.”

Jim looked into her eyes and said “baby, you don’t look like a cyborg.  But if you did, you would be the sexiest cyborg ever.  Now me?  I look like a broken down robot ready for the scrap yard.”

Tara pursed her lips, a serious look on her face, and shook her head back and forth.  She said “you are not a robot.  And you are definitely not ready for the scrap yard.  We will figure this out.  Together.”  She kissed him, a long slow kiss.  She pulled back and smiled at him.  She said “we are going to have to definitely plan for a few breaks though.  Going 16 hours at a time without kissing is just not going to work for me.  But there are other things we can still do.  Come on love.  We both need to put on our braces.  I will help you.  And then we can figure out how this is going to work.”  She stepped towards their bedroom.  He stood firmly in place not moving.

Tara reached out and took his hand.  She said “come on baby, we need to put on our braces and springs.  I know you don’t want to.  I don’t want to.  But we need to.  I promise I will try to make you forget all about it.”  She gave him a mischievous smile and said “your little cyborg girl is feeling a little squeaky.  She needs you to check her oil with your big dipstick.  Come on baby.”

Jim managed a smile and said “you know me too well.  I am a sucker for a girl in distress.  Even a little cyborg girl.  Or maybe especially my little cyborg girl.”

She stepped over and playfully swatted him on the arm.  She said “you are mean.”  She was smiling as she said it.

He looked at her “I don’t know how this will work.  But let’s find out.”

Tara turned, his hand in hers, and headed towards the bathroom.  She said “we will figure it out.  Maybe you can fix this squeak I am feeling.”

The dynamic was a little different at the Millers.  After getting their oldest to bed and nursing their newborn and putting him in his crib, Megan followed Dr. Brad into their bedroom.  Dr. Brad instructed Megan to sit on the bed.  He stood over her and stared down at her.  She sat looking down at the floor.  Dr. Brad instructed her “look at me kitten.”  Megan looked up at him.  He said “I know it is hard kitten.  I know eating was so difficult for you tonight.  Your mouth hurts.  And speaking is a challenge for you too.  But it will get easier for you.  I know this is all an adjustment for you.  That is why I have given you a break this evening.  A break from the CTO.  I will continue this for a few nights.  But eventually, we will work you up to 24 hour wear.” 

He reached down and put his hands on her waist.  He said “you look so incredible in your new corset.  Just stunning.  Even though I know it is an adjustment as well.  But you are such a good kitten.  Now, what do you say we go get your appliances cleaned up, your expanders turned and get you into your CTO.  Then I will show you your other new present.  Come on kitten.”

As Megan stood she replied “ye shu.”

In the bathroom, Dr. Brad guided Megan in front of the mirror.  He said “you need to remove your contacts.  It will be easier now than after we put your CTO on.  So, go ahead and get your contacts out and we will turn your lovely expanders.”

Megan involuntarily whimpered as Dr. Brad turned her expanders.  After he was done he stroked her cheek.  He looked at her and consoled her “I am sorry kitten.  But it is crucial to your training.”  He smiled and said “I mean treatment.  And it will get easier.  Now, let’s get your CTO on.”

Dr. Brad stood looking, marveling really, at this beautiful creature in front of him.  He thought she looked amazing, her tight overbust corset, CTO brace and facemask transforming her into the woman of his dreams.  He caressed her upper arm and said “I am such a lucky man.”

Megan said “eh ah so luee too shu.”  The truth is, there was a large part of her that hated the pain she was feeling in her mouth and the restriction the corset and brace had on her body.  But another part of her, a very important part of her, loved it.  It was a dream come true.  She really did feel lucky to have found Brad.  They were both different.  But they fit together perfectly.  He was stern with her.  If others had known what their relationship dynamic really was, some might have thought him cruel at times.  But Megan knew at it’s core it was driven by love.  She knew he did it out of love for her.  She loved him too.  Even though he had fitted her with these intrusive devices.  In fact, she might love him even more because of it.  Because she knew, deep down, she needed this.

Her thoughts were broken by Dr. Brad saying “just a couple of more things.  Open for me kitten.”  It took a few minutes, but Dr. Brad got the springs locked onto her expander hooks and then hooked them onto her protraction mask.  He finished up by turning the screws on the scopes on each side of her mouth, firmly locking it shut.  He said “you are so beautiful and sexy.  And you know I want to protect that which is dearest to me.  To keep it locked up safe and sound.  You are my most prized possession.  Please, stay here a minute.”

He returned with her sleep mask from the bedside table.  He gently placed it over her face.  He said “I want to surprise you with your new gift.”  She sensed him return a few moments later.  He didn’t speak as she felt him wrap something around her waist.  When she felt him pull it up between her legs she knew what it was.  They had talked about it in the past.  It was something that she had wanted, but Dr. Brad had not seemed enthused by.  But as she felt him pull hard to mate it together she knew what it was.  The click of the lock was further proof.  He said “it is beautiful.  A perfect fit for a perfect kitten.”

He pulled her sleep mask up.  She looked at her reflection in the mirror.  Her eyes were focused on the shiny stainless steel chastity belt wrapped around her.  Dr. Brad asked “what does kitten think?  I know she has been wanting one.”

Megan turned.  She was so overcome she forgot about the rules they had.  She stiffly wrapped him in a hug, squeezing him tight.  She said “eh ish sa itty.  Sa booful.  Eh lu eh.  Tha ya shu.”

Dr. Brad was so happy with her reaction he didn’t even say anything about her breaking their rules. Instead, he just hugged her back, running his hand over the back of her head and base of her neck brace.  He said “I am so glad you are happy.”

Megan whispered “eh yu pramsh ta tay cah uh yu itten.  Weh yu leh huh ou ta ay eh sha ish eh a goo gah?”

Dr. Brad squeezed her tight and replied “I will always take care of you kitten.  I would lay down my life for you.  And of course I will let you out when you are a good girl.  And you have been such a good girl today.  Come with me and I will show you.”