
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 81031 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #300 on: 09. October 2024, 17:38:42 PM »
Alex chimed in "Dr. Abby, Becky will be so happy that she isn't the only one in the office who wears a Milwaukee brace.  But I didn't think you were getting it until after we got back from the show?"

Andi looked at Alex and replied "that was the original plan.  But Dr. Morales was afraid that it would just be too much for Abby to get her appliance and headgear, her Milwaukee brace and her external fixators fitted in the course of one week.  So, she had Raphael push her brace to the front of the line.  It really is amazing the craftmanship he is capable of."  The truth is it had been Andi's idea.  She had approached Raphael and Olivia and asked if they could get Abby her brace as quickly as possible.  Raphael was happy to oblige.

Andi continued "he did such a good job on her brace. It is really a work of art.  And it fits her like a glove.  I know it will take her a few weeks to get used to, but I am so happy she can start this phase of her treatment now.  I know that she is too.  But it has been a long day for her just the same.  We don't want to wear out our welcome, so we will see ourselves out."  She looked at Tara and added "Tara, we are all just so glad you are ok.  And we are so sorry about what happened.  The office has donated $1,000 to each of the go fund me accounts, the one for your security guard's family and the one for Julie.  All of us have contributed individually as well.  I am so, so sorry for her.  For both of them.  I can't even imagine what they are going through.  Julie is just such a doll.  I was so excited when she started treatment.  And while insurance was covering most of it, do know that we will be refunding her the $1000 deductible she already paid.  It is the least we can do.  I don't know what else we can do, but if you think of anything, please just let us know."  Andi walked over and hugged Tara.  As she hugged her Andi said "I am so glad you are ok.  Everything will be ok."

Tara replied "thank you."

Andi released her grip on Tara and walked back over beside Abby.  Andi took Abby's casted right hand and said "Abby will be staying with Sam and I for a while, at least until she gets used to everything.  I know the arm casts will be tough.  Raphael integrated tamper proof locks into Abby's brace, but we aren't using them now.  She can't reach to take off her brace anyway.  It is the same for her new appliances.  While they are technically removable, my poor Abby here can't remove them.  But that is for the best anyway."  She looked at Jim and said "thank you so much for allowing us into your home.  And please, if there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to ask."  As Tara watched the pair walk away, Andi had a hold of Abby's arm helping guide her, Tara had a weird feeling.  The whole interaction had felt strange.  While she was so appreciative that Andi and Abby had stopped by to see her, she couldn't help but feel that part of the visit had been so that Andi could show Abby off.  Tara shrugged the thought off and turned her attention back to Alex, who was jabbering away again about New Orleans, Bourbon Street and the French Quarter.

Arriving back at her and Sam's home, Andi helped Abby inside.  Entering their home they found Sam standing there waiting for the pair.  He asked "Abby!  Welcome!  Your brace looks so good on you!  And your casts match your facemask.  How chic!"   He walked over and gave her a hug.  He then looked at Andi and asked "so, did the appointment go smoothly?"

Andi reached out her hand and ran her index finger along the side of Abby's face.  Andi said "it went great.  Abby's brace is magnificent.  It fits perfectly.  But I know she is tired and it must feel strange.  Let's try to get her comfortable."

Andi guided Abby into her and Sam's bedroom.  This surprised Abby.  She grunted "yah behroo?  Eh doh wah tah tay yah beh." (Your bedroom? I don't want to take your bed.)

Andi turned and looked her friend in the eyes.  She replied "you aren't kicking us out of our bed sweetheart.  You can sleep with us.  Unless you don't want to.  But I think it will be best for you.  After all, you are pretty helpless.  What if you wake up in the middle of the night and need something?  We will be right beside you to help."

Abby stared into Andi's eyes.  Finally she said "oh aye".  (OK.)

After getting Abby situated in the middle of their bed, Abby was laying flat on her back staring at the ceiling.  All she could see was the ceiling with the slowly spinning blades of the ceiling fan in her peripheral vision.  She heard Andi say "Sam darling, would you get Abby's cuffs?"

Abby asked "cuffs"?

Andi replied "oh babe, you said that perfectly.  You are such a good girl.  But yes, your cuffs.  Those two arm casts you have are dangerous weapons.  We don't need you rolling over and smashing Sam or I in the head with them in the middle of the night.  This will prevent that.  You can't really use your arms anyway.  And I promise I will unlock them in the morning."

Abby asked "uhlah em?"  (Unlock them?)

Andi said "yes silly, how else could I secure them to your brace.  Raphael integrated rings on your brace.  Like Olivia has on her brace.  That is what they are for.  Olivia too has long arm casts, so Raphael does the same with her each night.  Olivia says you will get used to it."

Abby was in shock.  The one thought that kept running through her head was "how is this happening?"

She couldn't see Andi or Sam, but she heard Andi say "thank you sweetheart."  Abby could feel someone grab first her left arm and then her right arm, but through her cast she couldn't feel Andi fastening the padded pink cuffs, each with a ring on them, around each of her wrists.  She felt Andi place her right arm against her side and heard Andi say "love, would you run the padlock through both rings?"  Abby heard the lock click shut.  She felt Andi and Sam repeat the process with her other arm, again the audible click of the lock signifying that Abby's arm was now securely fastened at her side.

Abby then saw Andi's smiling face appear in her field of view.  Andi said "see, that isn't bad is it."  From her position, Abby could see the roof of Andi's mouth and the mass of stainless steel that was anchored into her palate.  It made Abby think about her own upcoming installation.  She wondered if she would be able to get used to her appliance like Andi had.  She didn't have much time to dwell on it though as she saw Andi hold up a black sleep mask in front of her face.  It had yellow pineapples on it.  Andi said "I know you have a lot of new sensations you are dealing with.  This sleep mask will help you sleep."

She was helpless to stop Andi from slipping the mask over her face.  Trapped in darkness, Abby asked "wah ah yah doin is ta me?" (Why are you doing this to me?)

Abby felt someone, she thought from the softness of the fingers it was Andi, caress her cheek.  Andi answered "Megan told me that when she got her appliance and halo wearing a sleep mask really helped her be able to fall asleep."

Abby replied "nah, eh mea wah ah yah doing ah thish ta me".  (No, I mean why are you doing all this to me.)

Andi continued to caress her cheek.  Andi replied "because it is good for you.  It is good for your health.  And I think deep down you like it.  If you want me to stop I will.  Just tell me to stop."

A thousand thoughts ran through Abby's mind, each jockeying for position.  What did all this mean?  How would this affect her life, her job, her relationship with Andi?  Was Andi right?  Did she really want this? 

As she was thinking she felt someone lay beside her and wrap their arm across her.  Then she felt someone else do the same on her other side.  She heard Andi ask her "Abby honey, have you never noticed how much I seem to like pineapples?  I know you have seen my tattoo.  And surely you have seen them discreetly decorating our home.  Do you know what a pineapple stands for, especially an upside down pineapple?  Or did you think I just really liked pineapples?"

Abby was so confused.  She did know what an upside down pineapple meant.  But she had never put two and two together.  Sam and Andi were both professionals.  Surely they wouldn't be into swinging.  But at the moment it sure seemed like they were.

Abby asked "buh wah abou ush, we ah frens, an we wer toever.  Ah yah ah Sam ah mahed.  Eh wah be weir."  (But what about us, we are friends, and we work together.  And you and Sam are married.  It will be weird.)

Abby felt someone, again she was certain it was Andi, caressing her cheek.  She heard Andi say "we are friends Abby.  Best friends.  But I want to become even closer friends.  We can make this work.  It is weird, but everyone is weird.  This won't negatively impact our friendship.  Or our work.  Or Sam and I's marriage.  I want this.  Sam wants this.  I think you want this.  But more importantly my poor baby, I think you need this."  Abby felt another hand, this one was rougher, it must be Sam's she thought, caressing her thigh.  She was so confused.  She heard Andi say "my poor, poor Abby.  Let us take your mind off of everything.  Everything but pleasure.  Please?"

Abby would look back year's later and realize that her whole life had changed that night when she said "oh aye."

Online Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #301 on: 15. October 2024, 06:37:31 AM »
Please don’t make us wait too much longer for the next chapter.

Offline ekaj123

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #302 on: 21. October 2024, 20:47:30 PM »
This story is great. I hope you continue it soon!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #303 on: 22. October 2024, 16:28:17 PM »
Abby held her casted arms out as Andi slipped her top on over her.  Abby couldn't believe how quickly this had become normal to her.  The week had been a huge adjustment.  Learning to live in a Milwaukee brace, two long arm casts and her ever present headgear had not been easy.  The biggest hurdle had been her loss of freedom.  But Andi had been by her side the whole time.  And the girls at the office had been so supportive, pitching in and doing the things that Abby simply wasn't able to do for herself.  The very first day, Abby had nearly had an emotional breakdown.  Andi had taken her into her office and consoled her.  Abby confided that she had worked so hard to become an orthodontist, but now because of her physical limitations she felt she wasn't able.  Andi had hugged her and assured her she could.  Abby had managed to hold back the tears, but she practically begged Andi to have Dr. Morales remove the arm casts.

Andi had let go of her friend and reasoned with her.  Andi asked Abby to just take it one day at a time.  Get through this week.  Andi had told her that she had to break her tongue sucking habit, and that Abby knew this.  Abby had simply lowered her eyes and said "I know". 

Andi had reached out and put her finger under Abby's chin, between it and her neck ring, and said "you are doing so good Abby.  And Abby, it isn't your arms or your back that make you an orthodontist.  It is your mind.  And that is still as sharp as ever.  Again, get through this week."

Abby had shifted her eyes up and said "aye ehll."  (I will.)

Andi had hugged her and said "I've got you."

After straightening out Abby's scrub top, Andi said "you are so beautiful Abby.  And today is so exciting!  Brittney and her girls are getting their spacers.  I know Brittney is pretty nervous about having to wear headgear full time.  But I bet you can put her nerves at ease.  And we have your very first patient getting their appliance installed.  That is SO exciting!  Plus today is Friday and we leave for New Orleans on Sunday!  Today is going to be such a good day my Abby girl."

Sam walked into the bedroom and said "ladies, you look ravishing."  He walked over beside Abby and said "Abby, you are just the cutest kitty.  Are you going to wear your tail to work?"

Abby looked at him shocked.  She couldn't believe she had forgotten she was even wearing it.  The first night, it had felt huge.  Now she didn't even realize it was there.  She thought again about how much things had changed in just a week. She said "nah, ah prolly shouln.  Wah ah shomeone shaw eh."  (No, I probably shouldn't.  What if someone saw it?"

Sam wrapped his arm around her and said "they too would realize how cute your tail is.  But I understand.  Bend over for me."

Holding her tail in his hands, Sam disappeared into the bathroom to rinse it off.  Abby felt like part of her was missing.  She had not noticed she was wearing it earlier.  But she certainly noticed it was gone now.  Andi read the look on her friends face and said "you like your tail don't you?  We love it too.  Maybe we can get you something to take its place at work that is more discreet.  I will work on that.  Since we are rooming together next week we will have a chance to play around with a few things.  But for now, we are running a few minutes late.  Pick your foot up."  Abby obeyed, lifting one foot and then the other as Andi put her scrub bottom on.  Once done, Andi said "gosh you have the best posture.  I am jealous."  At this time, Sam reentered the bedroom.  Andi said "we've got to run.  Have a great day."

As Sam stepped over towards them he said "you as well."  He reached over and petted Abby on the head.  He added "take care of our Abby girl here.  She is such a good girl."

Abby didn't understand it.  But hearing the words of praise made her smile.

That afternoon, Dr. Brad gathered everyone in the lounge.  He said "as always ladies, it was a great week.  Thank you all.  I don't really have anything to add other than that.  Now let's talk about our itinerary."

Fifteen minutes later, he looked around the room and asked "any questions?"

There were a scattering of "no's" along with a number of shaking heads.

He smiled again and said "good.  Now, for Monday's dinner with Orpsco, Tom has asked we all wear our extraoral appliances.  I know, I know.  But he is the boss of this.  And I think we won't be alone, he mentioned his staff will be wearing there's as well.  And dress nicely, upper end business casual, he wants to take a group photo."  He looked first at Kristi and then Kelly, their newest assistants.  He continued "ladies, you are exempt of course.  At least for this dinner.  Again, let me thank you for agreeing to start treatment at the show.  By the way, how are those spacers treating you?"

Kelly answered "sore" as Kristi said "they hurt." 

Dr. Brad laughed and said "spacers do hurt.  But we will be replacing them with something better next week.  But you two won't be the only ones.  Dr. Abby is getting her appliance installed too.  But she isn't the only one.  Isn't that right Alex?"

All eyes turned towards Alex.  Alex said "that's right, I am going to be going back into active treatment.  I am going to be getting a Miller as well.  I want to see if I can get a little more expansion.  Plus, I don't want to feel left out."  She gave the group a big smile, the wire across her front teeth obscured by the pink facemask she was wearing.  She said "and I will be going into Miller headgear too."

Aubrey said "yay!"  She looked at Dr. Brad and said "I hope that means protraction rods instead of elastics."

Dr. Brad smiled back and said "of course!"

Dr. Brad looked around the room and said "well, I think that covers everything.  Let's go ahead and tidy up for this week.  And I will see everyone bright and early on Sunday."

That afternoon, Cammie had text Paul "pick me up at 7."  They had been dating ever since they had met at Tara and Jim's party.  Things had become serious between them quickly.  Upon receiving the text, Paul had called Cammie.  She hadn't answered, instead texting back "sorry, can't talk.  See you at 7 babe."

After ringing her doorbell, Paul felt the phone in his pocket vibrate.  He ignored it and knocked on the door.  Again, he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate.  He pulled it out.  He saw the message on his screen read "come in, it is unlocked, I am in my bedroom."

He wondered what was going on as he entered her apartment.  As he made his way to her bedroom, he saw her bedroom door was closed.  As he opened it, his eyes had to adjust to the dim flickering light.  Stepping through the doorway, he saw Cammie dressed in a see through red bustier.  She was standing at the foot of her bed with her back towards him.  As the light from the candles flickered he stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.  He nibbled on her ear before he whispered "what have I done to deserve this?"

She turned in his arms without saying a word.  She looked up into his face and smiled.

He immediately recoiled back as he said "oh shit!"

Cammie put her hand up covering her mouth.  She looked and sounded hurt as she asked "yah doh lah them?" (You don't like them?"

Paul stared at her.  He said "let me see."

Cammie said "nah, yah doh lah them." (No, you don't like them.)  She looked to be on the verge of tears.

Paul stepped back over and placed his hand over hers.  He slowly moved it out of the way.  As he did he said "no baby, you just surprised me.  Please, let me see."

Cammie hesitantly smiled for him.  He saw that she had metal brackets on her top and bottom teeth, though there was no wire connecting her top brackets.  He also saw metal rods in the corner of her mouth.  He said "oh baby, they are so sexy.  You are so sexy.  Why didn't you tell me?"

Cammie said "eh wahn tah suprish yah. Sho yah lah em?"  (I wanted to surprise you.  So you like them?)

Paul said "baby, I love them.  What all did you get?  And are you in pain?"

Cammie replied "eh gah ah Miwer appiance.  I ashed dem tah go ahea ah puh my bracketsh oh too.  I wah tah suprise yah.  You lah dem?"  (I got a Miller appliance.  I asked them to go ahead and put my brackets on too.  I wanted to surprise you.  You like them?)

Paul leaned in and carefully kissed her.  As she opened her mouth, he slipped his tongue into her mouth.  He felt so much sharp metal.  After an extended kiss, he leaned back and looked at her.  He said "I love them Cammie.  I have never seen anything, or anyone, sexier than you.  But we haven't even talked about it since our second date.  I thought you had rejected the whole idea.  I haven't brought it up because of that."

Cammie said "nah, eh knew ah shoul do eh.  Ah jusht dehn wah to think abou eh too musch.  Cah yah even unershtan me?"  (No, I knew I should do it.  I just didn't want to think about it too much.  Can you even understand me?)

Paul reached up and put his hand gently on her cheek.  He said "yes, I can understand you just fine.  The way you speak is so sexy.  All of this is."  He suddenly was at a loss for words.

She put her hand up over his.  She said "yah doh fine dem a turnoff?"  (You don't find them a turnoff?)

Paul said "they are the sexiest thing I have ever seen.  But are you in pain?"

She said "ah am preh shore.  Ah ave sixsh schrews in my palate.  Ahn tha bracketsh are tewhen up mah lipsh."  (I am pretty sore.  I have six screws in my palate.  And the brackets are tearing up my lips.)

Paul nuzzled up against her and said "oh baby, my poor baby." 

She said "ah alsho gah shomething elsh."  She stepped over and opened the top drawer of her dresser.  Paul watched as she pulled out Miller headgear.  She said "ah am shposed to wear thish shixteen hoursh a day."

As he stepped over towards her, Cammie could see the bulge in the front of his pants.  Despite him telling her how sexy he found braces it was a relief that it was true.  He stopped in front of her and said "my poor baby has so much metal in her mouth already.  But if the doctor says she needs to wear headgear too, then she should wear headgear."  He reached over and took the headgear from her.  He asked "maybe I can help her put it on?"

Laying in bed afterwards, Cammie realized she had never had someone make such passionate love to her. She had forgotten all about the pain in her mouth at the time, though it was creeping back at the moment.  Paul was laying beside her simply admiring her.  He finally asked "penny for your thoughts?"

She looked at him and said "sho yah ah ok weh dem?"  (So you are ok with them?)

He ran his finger along the side of her headgear as he said "I think I will manage."  He looked at her solemnly before a big smile broke out on his face and he said "I love them."

She said "wah if eh wore mah heageah in public?  Woo yah be embarrashed of meh?"  (What if I wore my headgear in public?  Would you be embarrassed of me?)

Paul looked her in the eyes and replied "no, of course not."  After a couple of seconds he added "it would be the biggest turn on in the whole world."

She reached over and put her hand on his chest.  She said "goo, becaush I weh need to shome to geh shixteen hoursh a day in."  (Good, because I will need to some to get sixteen hours a day in.)  She looked at him and said "ah am glah yah like dem.  Ah ave one more shurprise.  Ah mahd yah ah appoinmeh fah a conshultation too.  Wah yah do thish weh me?"  (I am glad you like them.  I have one more surprise.  I made you an appointment for a consultation too.  Will you do this with me?)



Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #304 on: 31. October 2024, 16:14:05 PM »
Saturday morning Andi hurried Abby out the door.  Again, Abby asked where they were going.  Again, Andi told her it was a surprise.  As they pulled into the parking lot of Dr. Morales, Abby cut her eyes towards Andi, her head held erect by her brace.  Abby said "what?  No...  I can't handle anything elsh."

Andi patted Abby on the thigh and said "it's ok honey, this is just a routine checkup.  Olivia wants to make sure you are doing well."

After examining Abby both in and out of her brace, Olivia exclaimed "Abby, everything looks great.  You are doing so wonderful."  Olivia looked at Andi and asked "do you want to tell her?"

A look of dread came over Abby's face before she asked "tell me what?"

Andi saw the look on Abby's face and laughed.  She reached over and tousled Abby's hair as she said "you are so silly.  I think you will like your surprise."

Abby asked "what ish it?"

Andi glanced over at Raphael and said "you get your casts off today."  Abby's face lit up as Andi continued "we have a big week coming up.  I want us to enjoy it.  I think you will have more fun if you aren't stuck in those casts.  Don't you?"

Abby smiled broadly, her facemask shifting on her face, as she said "oh yes.  Thank you.  Thank you so much."

Andi said "I hope that we have broken your thumb sucking habit.  But if not, we will worry about it when we get back.  And there is one more surprise."  Andi looked at Olivia.

Olivia said "Abby, for just the next week, I want you to wear your Milwaukee only at night when you sleep.  It's just temporary, but seeing as how we got a jump on things, it won't hurt your progress too much.  How does that sound?"

Abby looked like she wanted to cry.  Andi reached over and placed her arm on one of her casts and asked "what is it pumpkin?  I thought you would be happy?"

Abby smiled and said "I am so happy."  Andi reached over and wiped away the tear running down her face as Abby said "it is a happy tear."

Andi smiled and said "well I have something else that will make you happy.  After we leave here we are going to swing by the office.  Since you are getting your appliances installed Tuesday, I am going to remove your current appliances and pop some spacers in.  You will have a few days of freedom.  And then, we are going shopping.  I need a new dress for the dinner.  And you have certainly earned one too."

Abby stiffly turned and wrapped her casted arms around Andi.  As Andi wrapped her arms around Abby, Andi whispered in her ear "I told you I would take good care of you."

Sunday afternoon, Brad pulled to a stop in front of the valet kiosk of the Hyatt in downtown New Orleans.  He was driving the practice's van.  Megan was perched stiffly in the passenger seat, her gaze held fixed by the neck ring of her brace.  Brad looked into the rearview mirror to see the rental van driven by Andi pull in and stop behind him.  Brad turned in his seat and announced "we are here!"

As the two van loads of people began to pile out, the valets were at the doors of the two vans.  Soon, they were joined by a host of bellmen with carts.  Brad had seen the looks on several of their faces, they were looks of shock.  But it wasn't every day you saw a host of people encumbered by so much orthodontic and orthopedic hardware.  The Milwaukee braces that Megan, Abby and Becky wore all got stares.  Megan and Becky were also wearing their headgears, as were Aubrey and Andi.  The headgear also got some long, quizzical looks.  But no one said or asked about them.  After all of their luggage was loaded up and the valets had the keys, the group made their way inside.  As they did, they got stares.

As they stepped up to check in, the young lady working the front desk looked up.  She then did a double take, her eyes growing wide.  She quickly recovered and said "welcome to the Hyatt New Orleans.  Are you checking in?"

Brad smiled and said "yes we are."  He gave the woman the names of everyone and the confirmation number that their reservations were under. 

As she typed in the information, the young woman, her name tag said Katie, said "you all must be here for the orthodontic convention."

Brad chuckled and asked "how'd you guess?"

The young woman replied "you have the special rate for the convention."  She went silent a moment before she said "and also, the braces and headgear kind of gives it away.  Gosh, I have checked in so many people with braces today.  And one huge group who were all wearing headgear too.  You certainly don't see that very often."  She looked up and smiled at Brad.  She then visibly bared her teeth before she said "I need them so badly.  But they are just so expensive."

Brad replied "yes, but it is totally worth it.  It is an investment for life."

Katie handed over a key card and said "Mr. Brad Miller and Mrs. Megan Miller, here are your room keys.  And you are right, but still, I can't afford it.  I had a consult and it was going to be $6,000.  I just can't afford that."

As she slipped another pair of room keys into the slot to encode them, Andi stepped forward.  She said "I couldn't help but overhear.  If you really want to pursue treatment, there is always a way."

Katie looked up after slipping two room keys into their sleeve and said "these are for Aubrey and Becky".  As Aubrey stepped up to the desk, Andi could see Katie staring at her headgear.  Andi wasn't sure if it was a look of intrigue or disgust.

Andi said "we are all in treatment.  Aubrey and I both wear Miller headgear full time.  Yes, it gets some looks.  But you can get used to it.   And it is vital for our treatment."

Katie turned to Andi and said "I mean, I know what headgear is.  But I have never seen any like you are wearing."

Andi smiled and said "it is new, this is Miller headgear.  It is a state of the art extraoral appliance that is the most versatile and effective headgear ever designed.  And you are in the presence of it's inventor.  Dr. Brad Miller designed it himself."

Katie was busy encoding more keys as she said "Is it not uncomfortable?  That other group was wearing the same kind.  Some of them looked like it was bothering them.  And here are Andi and Abby's keys."

Andi reached over and said "I am Dr. Andi."  She gestured towards Abby and said "and this is Dr. Abby.  In a couple of days, Dr. Abby here will also be wearing Miller headgear.  She is getting her appliances installed and her headgear fitted here at the show.  And that must have been the group from Orpsco that you checked in.  They are who actually manufacture and distribute Miller headgear."

Katie looked surprised when she replied "yeah, that was them.  Wait, so you are both orthodontists too?  And you wear headgear?  And they actually install braces at this show?"

Andi said "yes, Dr. Abby and I are not just friends, we are colleagues.  Associate orthodontists of Dr. Miller's.  We specialize in airway health and facial growth.  We help others, but we also help ourselves.  And as for the headgear, it takes some getting used to.  Just like anything.  And we are installing some appliances here at the show.  To demonstrate to other dental and orthodontic professionals."  Andi turned and continued "not only will Abby be getting her appliance installed here this week, Alex, Kristi and Kelly will be as well.  Then our entire office will be in treatment."

Katie looked up and said "oh, wow, that is hardcore.  Speaking of Kristi and Kelly, here are their keys."  As Kristi stepped forward, Katie said "well, I guess I can always dream about fixing my teeth."

Andi looked at the young woman and asked "do you really want to go into treatment?"

Katie replied "yes, of course.  But like I said I can't afford it."

Andi unzipped her purse and handed her a card.  Andi said "send me a text later.   I bet we can figure out a way to get you in treatment."

Katie took the card and said "wow, really?"

Andi smiled and said "yes.  But before we go too far down that road, would you be willing to wear headgear like I am wearing?"

Katie studied Andi's face.  Andi said "really, it is no big deal."

Katie smiled and said "yeah, ok, sure.  Why not?"

Andi winked at her and said "yay!  You will be so happy!  Ok, text me.  I need to let you get back to getting folks checked in."

That evening Andi replied to Katie's text while they were at dinner.  Andi's response stated "Katie, I have talked with a colleague I went to dental school with.  He works at a practice in Metairie.  He has agreed to a free consult for you.  But even more, he told me he would treat you for just the cost of your appliances.  How does that sound?"

Katie replied back "oh, wow!  Really!  That is so exciting!"  She put a big smiley face emoji at the end.

Andi replied with all of the contact info.  She then ended it with "contact them, you will be so happy!" and a smiley face emoji of her own.

Katie replied back "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!"

As Andi put her phone away, she wondered how happy Katie would be once she started treatment.  The reason Andi's colleague had agreed to treat a patient pro bono was that he wanted to gain some experience with all of the new appliances that Orpsco was introducing.  Andi smiled, knowing that Katie's treatment plan was going to include a Miller appliance with upper and lower expanders, upper tongue crib, lower tongue rake, full time Miller headgear using protraction rods as well as the new Nova functional appliance.  Andi thought about Katie, she was such a cute young woman, though she did carry a few extra pounds.  Andi felt certain that weight would fall off her once she had all of her appliances installed and the rods of her Miller appliance locked shut for a few months.  Andi looked across the table at Abby.  Andi couldn't wait to do the same with her.     


Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #305 on: 01. November 2024, 18:38:46 PM »
As the group made there way back to the hotel from Drago's, where everyone had stuffed themselves on chargrilled oysters and shrimp, Andi looped her arm through Abby's and asked "care to join me in the bar for a drink?"

Abby turned her head towards Andi and smiled.  Abby said "sure, I will buy!"

As the waitress sat the two martini's down on the small bistro table Andi and Abby were seated at, Abby noticed she was staring at Andi's headgear.  Andi seemed to not even notice.  Once the waitress was out of earshot, Abby asked "how do you handle the stares?  It is like you don't even notice them."

As Andi maneuvered the straw around her mask to her lips, she replied "oh, I notice them.  Every single one.  At first I felt very subconscious.  But then I realized what an opportunity it offers to talk about orthodontics.  It is certainly a conversation starter.  You've seen that."

Abby looked at Andi and said "I am scared.  I have that stupid milwaukee brace.   And Tuesday I will be getting my appliances and headgear.  I am just worried what people will think.  Will they take me seriously?  Will they laugh at me?"

Andi reached her hand across the table and laid it on top of Abby's hand.  She made eye contact with her and said "you will be fine.  People are just curious.  And if anyone laughs at you, I will kick their ass."  She gave Abby a smile.  She said "let's enjoy these drinks.  Then, speaking of your Milwaukee, we need to get you back in it."

Abby pouted and said "do we have to?"

Andi replied "you know we do.  And Abby girl, have you noticed how you move now?  I have been watching you all night.  The way you turn, the way you bend over.  It has been like you were wearing your brace the whole night.  Your body seems to want the brace even when you aren't wearing it.  It is amazing how quickly you have gotten acclimated to it.  It will be the same with your Miller, Nova and headgear.  And Abby girl, can I be honest with you.  I think you are just so cute in your Milwaukee."

Abby said "but why?  How?"

Andi said "I love you Abby.  No, not like I love my Sam.  But it is a love just as strong.  I want to take care of you.  You need to wear your Milwaukee brace.  You need to undergo protraction and expansion.  This I know from a purely clinical standpoint.  But it also makes me happy.  Maybe because it gives me an opportunity to pet you and take care of my girl.  Maybe I like to see your cheeks blush a little when you notice someone is staring at you.  Maybe it is none of that.  But whatever it is, I like it."  Andi greedily sucked down more of her drink before saying "I don't really understand it Abby.  But I think some part of you likes it too.  Do you?"

Abby had cut her eyes downward and was staring at her drink.  She slowly lifted her gaze and made eye contact with Andi. Softly, she said "yes, I do."

Andi said "you are such a good girl.  And I can't wait to find you a forever home.  With a man who will love, cherish and appreciate you as much as I do."

Abby replied "this is so weird."  Andi just looked at her with a soft smile on her face.  Abby said "but what man would ever find someone trussed up like a robot attractive?"

Andi patted Abby's hand and said "you might be surprised.  You are so adorable in your Milwaukee brace.  And your headgear.  Speaking of trussing you up, why don't we take our drinks back to our room.  We need to get to bed.  This is going to be a great week.  But it is also going to be a long week."

Abby looked at Andi and asked "do I make you proud when I wear my brace and headgear like a good girl?"

Andi said "yes, I am so proud of my girl."

Abby stated "I brought my original removable appliance with the protraction hooks and my facemask along with a bag of elastics."

Andi was surprised.  She responded "I thought you would like a little break from it."

Abby said "it has been nice not having to wear it out in public.  But I do miss it a little.  Would it make you happy if I wore it to bed until I get my Miller fitted?"

Andi said "It would make me so happy."

Abby smiled at Andi and said "then let's go to the room.  You can help me put my Milwaukee brace and facemask on."

The next morning, Brad and Megan made their way down the elevator and into the lobby.  There, they saw Thalia and Tom waiting for them.  Thalia was dressed in a yellow sundress.  The stainless steel of her Milwaukee brace was impossible to miss as the morning sunlight reflected off it.  But what really caught Brad's eye was the Miller headgear she wore.  In place of the standard white plastic, Thalia's was yellow and matched her dress.  As the pair approached Megan rushed the last few feet and wrapped Thalia in a hug.  As she did, the neck ring of her own Milwaukee banged against Thalia's.  The pair seemed to not even notice.  Megan said "oh love, it is so good to see you.  And what did you do to your headgear?  It looks so cute!"

Thalia hugged her back and said "I am trying to make the best of it.  But I will be honest, it was Tom's idea." 

Tom said "guilty as charged.  It is Charger's yellow."

As Megan released Thalia, she said "well whoever's idea it was I love it.  And I am so jealous.  We are totally going to have to do something about mine."  She looked at Brad and asked "that would be ok wouldn't it?"

Brad smiled back at her.  He said "of course dear.  You know how cute you looked in your little red petit facemask.  Maybe red would be a good color.  I know it is your favorite."

Megan grabbed the edge of the bright red sundress she was wearing and said "it is."  Turning towards Thalia she asked "how'd you do it?  How'd you get a yellow one?"

Thalia smiled and said "I don't know, the lab did it."  She turned towards Tom and asked "honey how'd they do it?"

Tom said "when they were manufactured they simply molded the plastic parts out of different color plastic."  Looking at Brad he said "that is one of the reasons I asked to meet.  We aren't just going to be introducing Miller headgear in white here at the show.  We will be offering them in a range of colors and patterns.  I started off with yellow because I had to get all the Charger girls fitted in time for the show.  We are calling the color that Thalia is wearing 'Canary Yellow', but is just so happens to exactly match the yellow of the Los Angeles Chargers."  He chuckled before continuing "that is quite the coincidence I'd say.  We have prototypes of all the colors here at the show.  There are nine of them to begin with.  We also have some extra samples to give out in a handful of colors, including candy apple red.  I know that color would look incredible on you Megan.  If you want, I could have one sent to your room after you girls get back from shopping.  Would you like that?"

Megan looked at Tom and said "yes!  Please?"

Tom laughed before he said "I just love a patient eager for headgear.  I wish all my girls had been as eager."

Brad asked "are some of the staff at Orpsco not a huge fan?"

Tom said "most of them are ok with it.  They may not be super stoked about wearing Miller headgear but they understand it is part of the job.  Afterall, they do sell orthodontic supplies for a living.  No, it was the Charger girls who were not huge fans.  Most of them hated it.  Most of them still do."

Brad cocked his head and said "the Chargers girls?  The Los Angeles Chargers cheerleaders?"

Tom nodded as he replied "yes, those would be the ones.  There were some very unhappy young ladies when I broke it to them they would all be receiving Miller appliances and yellow Miller headgear prior to the show."

Brad's jaw dropped open.  He stammered "wait.. you put the Los Angeles Chargers cheerleaders in Miller appliances and Miller headgear for this convention?  They are going to be here?"

Tom smiled and said "yes, they are going to be here at the show.  I guarantee you that Orpsco and your appliances are going to be the talk of this convention Brad.  It happens every year, a new product will be the buzz of the industry.  I know this year that product is going to be yours Brad.  Not many people can say that, so congratulations.  And as for the Chargers girls, I didn't just put them into appliances for this show.   I am having them all undergo full treatment.  And you know treatment often takes two years or longer.  No, most of the girls weren't too happy, but some were.  Some really wanted to fix their smiles.  And we are paying for it all, so that is like a bonus for them.  Also just by coincidence I am sure, when Dr. Rothstein examined them all he found they were all suitable for Miller appliances and Miller headgear with protraction rods.  Not only that, but he went ahead and fit them with our Signature gold brackets.  They look amazing.  I would show you a picture, but there is no need.  You will get to see them in person, up close and personal.  It took all of last week to get them all installed and fitted, well all but one.  Their coach, Beth, will be receiving hers here at the show.  I have decided we will be doing three live installations at noon, 2 pm and 4 pm each day Tuesday through Thursday.  Since Friday is a short day, we will just do one at noon.  That will be ten total installations.   We just finished with the last installation on the girls this past Friday.  So most of them are still pretty sore.  And boy are some of them having trouble speaking.  Especially the ones that needed tongue cribs or lower expanders.  Or both.  But they look amazing.  I have full confidence that by the time football season rolls around they will have come to terms with it.  In fact, this week will provide a great crash course for them all in living in Miller headgear fulltime."

Brad stared at Tom as he unpacked everything he had just heard.  Brad asked "wait, you are going to have them wear their headgear while cheering?  On the field of NFL games?  On national television?"

Tom smiled at Brad said "of course. My goal is to not just make Miller headgear acceptable for patients to wear, but to make Miller headgear a fashion statement that people want to wear."

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #306 on: 01. November 2024, 22:02:21 PM »
I sure like this new development. I also really appreciate the new chapters. As always, superb writing.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #307 on: 01. November 2024, 22:47:56 PM »
I fully agree with TrainTrack.  :)

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #308 on: 01. November 2024, 23:47:15 PM »
I just know that Traintrack herself would look so fetching in some Miller headgear of her own.  And with different colors now available, she could pick one to match her own favorite team. Perhaps navy blue or purple?

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #309 on: 02. November 2024, 14:57:45 PM »
Monday, the rest of the staff at 'TMJ and Sleep Plus' had the day to themselves to enjoy as they saw fit.  The girls had split up into a couple of different groups to see the sights.  Andi, Abby and Alex were together.  They had gotten a leisurely start, not leaving the hotel until after 10 a.m.  It was Abby's and Alex's first time in New Orleans and Andi, having been there several times, wanted to serve as tour guide and show them the city while it was daylight and still fairly safe.  They started at Cafe Du Monde ordering beignets.  Neither Abby nor Alex had ever had a beignet, and certainly not a world famous Cafe Du Monde beignet.  Both the ladies loved them.   Abby couldn't resist having two.  She had excitedly told Andi that they had to bring some back to Texas with them.  Andi had just smiled and agreed, hoping that if her plan worked Abby would have ample opportunity to enjoy fresh beignets in the future.  Next, they had explored the French Quarter and Jackson Square.  The newbies had been blown away by the St. Louis Cathedral.  And everywhere they looked there was exquisite decorative wrought iron.  Upon visiting Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop, Andi noticed that Abby seemed particularly intrigued by the rough hewn iron shackles.  Andi had smiled and made a mental note of this.  Finally, tired and hungry, Andi had taken the trio to Pirates Alley Cafe for lunch.

After the pirate wench waitress had taken their orders, shrimp po-boys for Alex and Abby and a bowl of gumbo for Andi, Andi had added "and please bring us all an absinthe, one won't hurt."  Abby and Alex were absolutely enthralled by the city and they had so many questions for Andi.  In the middle of explaining the myth that Andrew Jackson and Jean LaFitte had actually met in this very place, Andi stopped talking abruptly.  She looked over towards the door and raised her hand, waving it back and forth.

Alex and Abby looked in that direction and saw a sandy haired man, he looked to be around 6' tall and trim, smiling broadly and waving back at Andi.  As he approached Abby asked "who is that?" 

Andi said "you are about to find out."  As the man approached Andi rose from her seat and said "Justin!  Thank you for joining us."

The man stepped up and gave Andi a hug, which Andi reciprocated.  He said "Andi, it is so good to see you.  And goodness do you look fetching in your headgear.  I am so excited to get a closer look at it and all the other new gadgets at the show.  And thank you so much for referring Katie.  She called and we have her all set to come in next week."

Letting go of the man, Andi said "that is wonderful.  I know she seemed excited when we last corresponded.  Hopefully she doesn't balk when she hears what her treatment plan entails.  But I don't think she will."  Andi then turned towards the table and said "gals, I would like to introduce you to Dr. Justin Jennings.  Justin practices here in Metairie.  He was a year ahead of me in residency, but we have stayed in touch.  He will be attending the conference, at least tomorrow."  She turned and looked at Justin and said "Justin, I would like to introduce you to Alex and Abby.  Dr. Abby."

Justin reached out his hand towards Alex, who accepted his hand.  As they shook, Justin said "Alex, such a pleasure to meet you.  Andi says you are the best assistant she has ever seen." 

Alex quickly said "it is a pleasure to meet you."  She then turned her head towards Andi and said "thank you."

Andi quickly responded "I only told him that because it is true."

Justin released Alex' hand and turned his attention towards Abby.  As they too shook hands, Justin said "Dr. Abby, it is such a pleasure to meet you.  Andi has told me so much about you I feel like I already know you.  But you are even lovelier in person."

Andi watched as Abby averted her eyes towards the floor and bit her lower lip.  Andi didn't even think she realized she was doing it.  As Abby cut her eyes up towards his face, Andi saw she had a little color in her cheeks, a slight blush.  Abby replied "it is so nice to meet you too.  Andi has been talking about me behind my back?"

Justin smiled broadly, displaying a perfectly straight and blindingly white smile, before he said "yes, and it was all good.  She told me what an amazing friend and orthodontist you are.  But she didn't prepare me for how beautiful you are."

Andi saw Abby's cheeks darken further.  This was going even better than she had hoped for.  Abby stammered "oh, well..  thank you."  Andi thought she seemed embarrassed and shy.  And it was adorable. 

Seeing as it looked like Abby was at a loss for what to say next, Andi said "I hope it is ok, but I invited Justin to join us for our quick lunch.  Is everyone fine with that?"

Alex had quickly said it was.  Abby again bit her lip before glancing back at Justin.  She replied "I would really like that."

Justin said "thank you.  And since you are guests here in my city, I insist on paying.  Have you already ordered?"

Andi replied "we just did, but I see our wench headed in this direction."

The waitress stepped up to the table and asked "sir, do you need a menu?"

Justin turned and smiled at the woman.  He said "no need, I will take an oyster poboy, dirty rice instead of fries.  And if the ladies here have not already ordered it, bring us a double order of the fried gator bites as an appetizer please."

As the waitress departed, Justin turned back to the table.  Abby asked "alligator?  I have never had it.  Is it not icky?"

Justin said "nope, it is actually really good.  I know everyone says everything tastes like chicken, but it tastes like chicken.  What about oysters?  Have you had them?"

Abby said "oh boy did we.  We ate so many of them last night.  I don't care for raw ones.  But those chargrilled ones last night were incredible."  She looked at Justin before she hesitantly said "and they say oysters are an aphrodisiac."

Justin smiled back at her and said "that is what they say."  Andi smiled.  It appeared they were flirting with each other.  And that is just what she had hoped for.

Andi changed subjects and said "so Justin, what do you really think about my headgear?  Could you see yourself integrating it into your practice?"

Justin turned and looked Andi in the face.  He said "I think it looks amazing on you Andi.  And kudos for wearing it in public.  I wish all my patients were as dedicated.  As for using it, if it is as amazing and versatile as you say, and I don't doubt you, of course I will integrate it into my practice."  As he stared at her more closely he asked "wait, those aren't elastics that are connecting it?  What IS that?"

Andi smiled broadly before leaning over towards Justin giving him a closer look.  She said "you can touch them if you want" before giggling.   She continued "I mean my rods."  As she pointed up at one she explained "these are protraction rods.  They take the place of elastics.  Instead of using the force of elastics, which can be inconsistent, I have protraction rods installed.  They are turned, much like an expander is.  They are consistent, and we can provide as much or as little force as desired.  And I have a good reason for wearing my headgear in public.  I can't take it off."

Justin seemed enchanted by what he saw.  He actually did put his hand up and run it along one of the rods before he said "oh, wow.  I see.  So you turn them?  And they tighten up?  Yeah, I can see how this would be more consistent.  But how painful is it?"

Andi said "I wouldn't say painful.  I would say there is discomfort after turning.  Like after turning my expander.  Or when you install a new, stronger wire on a patient."  She looked at him and asked "would you like to see them turned?"

He looked at her and asked "could I?"

Andi said "of course."  She dug into her purse and pulled out the wrench for her rods.  She looked at Abby as she extended the wrench in her direction.  Andi asked her "Abby, would you mind coming around the table and turning them for me?  Just a half turn each though please."

As Abby took the wrench, Andi thought she saw a look of disappointment on Abby's face.  Andi realized she had interrupted the obvious flirting that had been going on between her and Justin.  Andi said "would you come around here and turn them please?"

Abby stood and made her way around the table.  She stood there a moment before trying to squeeze in between them.   Justin said "woah, hold up."  He scooted his chair back a bit and asked "would it work better if you sat on my knee?" as he patted his thigh. 

Abby looked him in the face and asked "would that be ok?"

Justin smiled back "it would be wonderful."

Abby tentatively lowered herself onto his leg and asked "is that too heavy?"

Justin replied "no, that is just perfect.  I have a beautiful woman sitting in my lap about to engage what may be the most incredible orthodontic appliance I have ever seen."  Andi saw he was looking up at Abby, though she couldn't see him.  Justin then cut his eyes towards Andi and asked "it may be a big ask, but could you also turn your marpe?  I would love to see how that goes too."

Andi laughed before replying "no, of course not.  But first things first.  First my rods."  She nodded towards Abby, who reached down and seated the wrench on the first rod and made a half turn.  She repeated the process on the other rod.  Once she was done, Abby went to stand up.  Andi reached out her hand and stopped her, saying "stay where you are at, you still need to make a turn on my expander."

As Abby had made the turn on Andi's second protraction rod, Justin had noticed a fleeting grimace on Andi's face.  He asked "so just discomfort?"

Andi chuckled before saying "yes, just discomfort.  But I guess that is different for every patient."  Justin just nodded in agreement.  Andi took the wrench from Abby, deposited in her purse, and pulled out the wrench for her expander.  As she handed it to Abby, Andi said "these were first production, going forward we are going to produce them so that the same wrench can be used on both the marpe component of the Miller appliance and the protraction rods."  Without a word, Andi leaned in closer, tilted her head back, and opened wide.  Abby reached in and seated the wrench on the appliance and gave one turn.

As Abby withdrew the wrench from Andi's mouth, she heard Justin say from behind her "wow, that is just amazing.  Really Andi, it is just incredible.  I know it can't be all that fun, but I am so blown away by your dedication.  I don't even exactly know how to say what I mean, but it is really incredible."

Abby turned in his lap and asked "so you, as a man, aren't repelled by all the metal?  By the headgear?  The fact Andi can't take it off?"

Justin seemed caught off guard by the questions.  He looked at Abby and said "well, first of all, I know Andi is happily married."  He went quiet a minute, seeming to try to gather his thoughts.  He continued "so, I mean, you know, I wouldn't ever try to, you know, hit on her or anything.  But no, I don't find it a turn off.  Not at all.  I think it is incredible she is going through treatment.  It shows how much she cares about herself.  And how much she cares about Sam too.  That she is willing to undergo some short-term inconvenience, and I will say pain instead of discomfort, for a lifetime of better health.  So no, as a man, I am most definitely not repelled by it.  Not at all.  Just the opposite."

Abby stared at him "really?"

Justin replied "really."

Abby seemed to be lost in his eyes before she suddenly blurted out "oh, I am sorry.  I am probably crushing your leg."

As she stood Andi could see she was flustered.  She was glad when Justin said "no, you most definitely weren't."  He smiled at her and said "I liked the way it felt."  This made Abby blush once again. 

Andi interjected "Abby dear, my wrench?" 

Abby turned and said "oh, sorry."

Andi smiled at her and said "no need to apologize."  As Abby handed the wrench back to her, Andi said "Abby, maybe you want to tell Justin about your upcoming treatment?"  Abby looked back at her and widened her eyes, like she hadn't wanted her to say that.  Andi continued "Abby, it is ok.  I bet Justin will find it fascinating.  At the very least.  Why don't you take your seat and tell him about tomorrow?"

As Abby made her way around the table back to her seat, Justin asked "your upcoming treatment?  Tomorrow?"

Andi looked at Abby as she took her seat.  Andi said "Abby, tell him.  It is so exciting."

Abby seemed to be studying the table as she softly said "tomorrow, I am having a Miller appliance and Nova appliance installed.  And I will be getting Miller headgear with protraction rods.  Like Andi is wearing."

Abby couldn't see Justin's face light up.  But she heard him say "oh wow."  She felt sad, she had been immediately attracted to this man.  And she just knew the idea of her wearing headgear would be repellent to him despite what he had said earlier.  She was surprised when she heard him say "that is amazing Abby.  Extraordinary.  Inspiring.  You are getting it installed tomorrow?"

She tentatively looked him in the face.  The look on his face wasn't one of revulsion.  He was looking directly into her face.  She thought the look on his face was one of excitement.  Maybe even desire.  She brushed that thought away as wishful thinking on her part.  But regardless, he didn't look repulsed.  This instinctively made her smile.  Feeling a bit more confident, she said "yes, tomorrow.  We are doing live demos in the booth.  Dr. Brad will be installing Kristi's and Kelly's at noon and 2 p.m.  Then Andi here will be installing mine at 4 p.m."

She watched Justin's face as he said "that is SO exciting.  Congratulations Abby."  Abby thought he looked happy.  She wasn't sure how to respond.  He continued "oh goodness, Andi had told me she would be doing an installation in the booth at 4.  And I had already planned on being there.  But now I wouldn't miss it for the world.  I am so happy for you Abby."

Abby said "I am so nervous.  I know I am going to be sore.  And talking will be such a challenge.  And eating?  Hah, tonight might be my last solid meal for a while.  But mainly I am worried about the headgear.  And what people will think."

Justin gave her a smile.  He said "well I can't speak for others.  But I know you will just look amazing in your headgear.  And I hate it, but you are right.  You probably will be sore tomorrow, for the next few days actually."  He stared at her a moment before "perhaps you would like to join me for a few drinks tomorrow after the show closes?  Maybe I can show you a little more of my city?"

Abby blurted out "you mean like a date?"

Andi laughed, she was so happy this was going so well.  She found Abby's awkwardness endearing.  And from the expression on his face, so did Justin.

Justin replied "yes, like a date.  If you would like that."

Abby said "even with me in all my metal and my headgear?"

Justin locked eyes with her and said "especially with all your metal and your headgear."

Online Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #310 on: 03. November 2024, 06:58:50 AM »
Thanks Mr_90proof. What a pleasant surprise to come home to. I’m enjoying this story very much and can’t wait to see where the next adventure leads.

Offline ekaj123

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #311 on: 04. November 2024, 18:55:42 PM »
Great chapters! Can’t wait to wait to read about the rest of the conference.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #312 on: 05. November 2024, 16:45:39 PM »
Brad had his head down looking at the map on his phone as they rounded the corner.  He looked up when he heard Andi say "there it is."  There, in front of the restaurant, was an A-frame sign reading 'Closed for Private Party'.  Brad stopped walking as got to the sign and while still holding onto Megan's hand turned towards the group.  He looked at everyone and thought they looked fabulous, though it was a bit of a contrast seeing the ladies dressed up in evening dresses yet wearing their orthopedic and orthodontic appliances.  Before he spoke, he leaned in and kissed Megan on the cheek, or more accurately he kissed the candle apple red frame of the Miller headgear she was wearing.  He had swapped it out after Thalia and her had arrived back from their shopping trip.

Looking over the group he said "you all look incredible, we are going to have to dress up and go out more often.  I know everyone will have a good time.  And I know I don't need to say this, but just remember this is a formal business affair.  Alright, let's go mingle!"

As they entered the waiting area of the restaurant, Brad was blown away by what he saw.  There, lined up against each wall flanking the hostess station, were the Los Angeles Chargers Girls.  They were wearing matching powder blue tight short shorts and tight sleeveless tops that accentuated their bosoms and showed off their toned midriffs.  But what was most amazing to Brad is that each one of them wore a bright yellow Miller headgear on their face, each attached with protraction rods.  While he knew they would be wearing them at the show, he didn't know they would be here.  And he certainly wasn't prepared for how incredible they looked in person.  As the whole group squeezed into the restaurant the cheerleaders in unison shouted "Welcome to Orpsco!" and threw up their pom poms and began shaking them.  Brad simply looked around the room in amazement until he heard "yay, you made it!" 

Brad looked over at the hostess stand where there were two women standing, one older and one younger.  Like the Chargers girls, both of them were wearing Miller headgear, though theirs were basic white.  And while the younger lady had protraction rods, the older one had J-hooks attached to hers.  Brad instantly recognized the older of the two.  She smiled at him as he racked his brain for a moment.  Then he remembered it was Shirley, Tom William's personal secretary.  He smiled at her and said "Shirley, so good to see you.  Hey, I love your Miller headgear.  It is so much cuter than your old combination headgear if I do say so myself."

Shirley laughed before she said "well, I don't know about that.  But thank you.  We are almosht all in Miller headgear now, whether we like it or not.  And shpeaking of being in Miller headgear, thish ish Lizzette" as she gestured towards the younger woman "and she will be eshcorting you in.  Have fun you guysh!"  As she had been speaking, Brad could see while she may have had new headgear, she appeared to still have the same aggressive tongue crib hanging down below her front teeth that she had when they had previously met.

Following along behind Lizzette the group made their way towards the bar.  Open entering, Brad was once again blown away.  It appeared everyone there was wearing Miller headgear.  Taking a second look around, it looked like every single person in the room except restaurant staff, Tom Williams, and Dr. Rothstein were in some configuration of Miller headgear.  Most appeared to have protraction rods, though a couple had J-hooks, and one particularly miserable looking woman had double J-hooks and a mass of elastics stretching from her headgear into her mouth.  Standing beside Tom was Thalia.  Brad thought she looked amazing, but after all she was a former model.  Upon seeing Thalia, Megan shrieked "hey girlie!".  She let go of Brad's hand and hurried over towards her, wrapping her in a hug.

As Brad approached he could hear Megan say "I had so much fun today!  And look, I got matching headgear too!" as she pointed toward her bright red headgear.  She stepped back and did a twirl, her red dress billowing out a bit as she did.  Brad smiled.  It made him happy to see Megan so happy.  Despite being locked in an orthopedic brace from literally head to toe and wearing a massive orthodontic headgear she couldn't remove. 

As Brad stepped over and stopped, Tom Williams said "welcome Brad.  What do you think?"

Brad shook his head and said "honestly, I don't even know what to say.  It is all amazing.  Despite you telling me about it, I don't think I was prepared for seeing the Charger girls in person.  And this?  This is amazing.  Is everyone here wearing Miller headgear?"

Tom said "yes, the Charger girls are amazing.  And yes, all of the employees I brought to the show, well other than Dr. Rothstein and I, are in Miller headgear.  Dr. Rothstein made sure of that.  By the end of the week, all of your staff except you will be in Millers too won't they?"

Brad nodded and said "yes, that is correct."

Tom nodded his head and said "good, good." 

Brad said "but you don't want me to wear it, correct?"

Tom replied "no, I think it best you don't.  After this show, I have a feeling you are going to be very busy teaching continuing education classes to other dentists and orthodontists.  I don't want the headgear to be a distraction.  Plus, I think you not wearing it while all of your staff does places you naturally in a position of authority.  So no, I think it best you don't wear it.  If you do need it for your own treatment, confine it to your home.  But there is no reason for you to model it, we have an ample supply of models.  And we will have a few more this week.  But enough business talk, why don't you all grab a drink?  This is a social hour, not a business hour.  We will eat in the adjoining dining room in about an hour.  I hope you weren't expecting steak though, with so many of my employees having new appliances in their mouths, I chose a menu of the easiest to eat foods."  He looked around the room before saying "but I think that is a small price to pay for getting to enjoy such an incredible scene."  He turned towards Brad and asked "wouldn't you agree?"

Brad looked around the room before looking at Thalia and Megan, who were chatting away seemingly oblivious to him and Tom.  And seemingly oblivious to the Milwaukee braces and headgear strapped to them.  He looked back at Tom and said "it is pretty amazing."

The next afternoon, Justin grabbed each of Abby's hands and looked into her eyes.  He said softly "I know you are nervous.  But Andi is going to be so gentle.  And I will be right here."  Up on the stage Dr. Brad Miller was giving his third explanation of the day of the Miller appliance and Miller headgear, the large monitors behind him showing close ups of the appliances as he spoke.  There was a large crowd assembled in the booth, spilling out into the aisles, watching.  Justin continued "Kristi and Kelly's installations went well.  Your's will too."

Abby looked at him and said "Kristi had to go back to the room because her mouth was hurting her so much."

Justin said "I know.  But Abby, you are an orthodontist, you know people react differently to appliance installations.  I know you are going to be a champ.  And you already got the shots to numb you, that was worse than the installation will be.  You've got the worst part out of the way."  Abby did not hear Dr. Brad mention her name or announce that Dr. Andrea Bender would be performing the next installation on their very own colleague Dr. Abby Lee.  Justin had heard it though.  As all eyes turned towards them, Justin said "it is time.  Come on, you are going to do great."

Andi was standing beside the treatment chair that was installed in the middle of the booth as Justin led Abby over.  Abby looked terrified as Justin helped her get settled in the seat.  Once she was seated, he leaned in and whispered "you are going to do great."  He squeezed her hand before he straightened up and moved out of the way.

Andi looked down and smiled at Abby and said "hey boo, I am going to take the best care of you."  She could see how scared Abby was.  So, she said "hey, why did the deer need braces?"  Abby just looked at her.  Andi said "because he had buck teeth."  Abby didn't react.  Andi then said "what does an orthodontist do on a rollercoaster?"  Again Abby didn't respond.  Andi said "she braces herself."  Andi laughed at her own joke.  She then said "knock knock".  Finally Abby reacted by saying "who's there?"  Andi replied "dishes!"  Abby asked "dishes, who?"  Andi answered "dish is how I speak since I got my own appliance."  She laughed and then added "you are going to be fine.  We will be in this together."  Abby gave her a brave smile as Andi reclined her back.

That night Justin looked across the table at Abby.  He had intentionally chosen a small, darkly lit upscale bar to take Abby.  He could tell how self-conscious she was.  And how much discomfort she was in, both physically and emotionally.  He was happy that she had seemed to relax just a bit after her third drink.  He looked across the table and said "I have had such a good time tonight Abby.  Thank you.  And again, for the thousandth time, you look incredible with your new appliances and headgear.  And you are speaking so well.  Thank you, and I hope we can do it again?"

Abby replied "thah yah fah tahkin me ou.  Ah doh wahna be scheen, bah ah doh hah musch choisch ah guessh.  Thah yah fah tryin ta tah mah mine off eh."  (Thank you for taking me out.  I don't want to be seen, but I don't have much choice I guess.  Thank you for trying to take my mind off it.)

Justin said "you are most welcome, but you don't have to thank me.  Really, the pleasure is all mine.  And I do hope we can do this again.  Would you join me for a drink tomorrow night?"

Abby averted her eyes and replied "yesh... Buh I doh know wah yah wuh want to shee me lah thish."  (Yes... But I don't know why you would want to see me like this.)

Justin said sharply "Stop that!  Do not do that.  You are an incredibly smart, funny and beautiful woman.  I am so lucky that Andi introduced me to you.  No, do not do that again."

Instinctively Abby replied "yesh shir." (Yes sir.)

Justin smiled at hearing this.  As she looked back up, he made eye contact with her.  He said "you are amazing Abby.  Your new appliances and headgear don't change that.  If anything, they just make you more amazing."  She didn't speak, instead just looking into his eyes.  He continued "I have had such a good time tonight Abby.  And I can not wait to do it again.  But I guess you need to get back to your room.  Andi told me not to keep you out late.  Plus, you need to put your brace on don't you?"

The color in Abby's face drained away as she died a little inside.  As soon as she had met Justin the day before she had already been scheming on how to keep him from finding out about her Milwaukee brace.  Her eyes went wide on her white face as she said "yah knah abou mah bracsch?  Oh gawd..." (You know about my brace?  Oh God."  She began to softly cry.

Justin got up from his seat across from Abby and scooted into the booth beside her.  He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and said "stop that, please, stop that."  As he reached up with a napkin and dabbed under her eyes he said "I am sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.  I told you yesterday that Andi had told me so much about you that I felt like I knew you when we met.  I thought you knew that she had told me.  Please, quit crying."  He waited a moment, thinking about some of the other things that Andi had told her about Abby, and said forcefully "no, I demand you quit crying."  The tears ceased.  He squeezed her to him and said "Abby, it is nothing to be ashamed of.  Like your orthodontics, it is something to be proud of.  It certainly doesn't detract from how attracted I am to you, it only adds to it."

Abby was still confused and hurt.  She turned and asked "reewee?  Yah woul dah a woman who had tah weah a Milwahee bracsh?" (Really?  You would date a woman who had to wear a Milwaukee brace?"

Justin looked into her eyes and replied "of course I would.  What kind of shallow monster do you think I am?  Abby, I know it doesn't make any sense.  We just met.  This is a first date.  But I am smitten with you."  He felt her relax some under his arm.  He continued "but I am a gentleman, and I know the lady needs to get back to her room.  I know you are still self-conscious, though you shouldn't be, so I will get us a cab to the Hyatt."

Abby thought a minute before asking "coh we wah?  Mayee yah cuh hol mah han?"  (Could we walk?  Maybe you could hold my hand?)

Justin said "nothing in the world would make me happier."

Justin had kept a close eye on Abby during the four block walk back to her hotel.  Several times he had noticed people stare at Abby.  She had seen it too and he had felt her tense up and look down.  He had squeezed her hand the first two times.  The third time he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and whispered "you are the most beautiful woman in the world, who can blame them for staring".  He had kept his arm around her all the way back to the hotel lobby, up the elevator, and to her room.  There he let go of her and turned to face her.

Taking her hands in his he looked into her face.  He said "I had such a great time tonight Abby.  You are so amazing."

She looked up into his face and said "thah yah." (Thank you.)  She locked eyes with him as neither said a word.  She finally said "ah wish ah cuh kish yah."  (I wish I could kiss you.)

Justin said "I wish I could kiss you too.  But you know, I am an orthodontist.  Maybe on another date, I can take your rods off for a moment and we can?"  He then leaned in and hugged her.  The door to the room opened abruptly. 

There standing in the doorway was Andi in her PJs.  She had removed her contacts and was wearing her glasses.  She smiled at the two and said "oh goodness, what do we have here?  Did you two have fun?"

Justin released Abby from the hug and said "I had the most amazing night.  I was just telling Abby goodnight."

Andi smiled and said "well, I am so glad you two have hit it off.  I thought you two would be perfect together.  And I do believe I was right."  Andi looked at Justin and said "perhaps you would like to step inside?  Perhaps you could help Abby put her brace on?"

Justin was looking at Abby as Andi said it, and again he saw the color drain from her face as she looked down at the floor.  He loved how expressive her facial expressions were.  He put his finger up under her chin and lifted her face up towards him.  He said "remember what I said Abby?  It is nothing to be ashamed of.  Please?"

Abby said "nah, eh ish too embarashing."  (No, it is too embarrasing.)

Justin was saying "no Abby, it isn't anything..." when he was cut off by Andi.  She said sharply "No Abby.  Bad girl.  Come inside and let Justin help you with your brace."

Abby jerked her head in Andi's direction and looked at her pleadingly.  Had Andi just scolded her "bad girl" in front of Justin?  She knew she had.  She felt mortified.  She then looked into Justin's face to see what his reaction was.  He found he was just smiling warmly at her.  He said "Abby, Andi has told me about that too.  Abby, I love that about you too, just like everything else I know about you.  Please let me help you put on your brace."

Abby was so confused.  She had no idea what she should do.  But what she did do was simply say "oh aye".

As Abby stood there in the middle of the room in nothing but her bra and panties, she felt like a science experiment.  This was not how a first date was supposed to go.  But as Justin put her brace on following Andi's instructions, she simply closed her eyes.  After he had screwed closed her neck ring, she felt him attach and tighten the two opposing straps that wrapped around her torso.  As she felt him pulling on the straps that pulled her shoulders harshly back, she had a revelation.  She actually liked the feeling of Justin trussing her into her brace.  As Andi announced that he had done a great job, she opened her eyes and stiffly turned around to face Justin.  She found the same look in his eyes she had noticed at lunch the previous day.  Only this time, she was certain it was a look of hungry desire.  Abby cut her eyes up towards him, unable to move her head, and asked "am ah a goo gahl?"  (Am I a good girl?)

Justin said "you are the best girl."

They were looking into each other's eyes when Andi said "you ARE perfect for each other.  Now, Justin, Abby girl needs her rest."

Justin leaned in and hugged her.  As he held her he caressed her back, following the lines of her brace, with one of his hands.  With his mouth beside her ear he whispered "you are the most amazing woman in the world."  As he straightened up he said "Abby, I can not wait to see you tomorrow."  He winked and headed out the door.

That night as Abby slept fitfully, the new hardware in her mouth and strapped to her face was bothering her significantly, Abby dreamed when she was able to fall fully asleep.  She had one recurring dream.  The dream that she kept having was one of her being led by Justin on a leash in a park while she wore her ears and her tail.  Each time she awoke from the dream, despite the pain she was experiencing physically, she found she was happy.     

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #313 on: 07. November 2024, 18:36:40 PM »
Andi and Abby entered the lobby of the Hyatt on Wednesday morning 15 minutes before they were scheduled to meet the rest of the group to head over to the show.  As they walked they continued the conversation they had been having that morning.  Andi said "Abby, you just let me know when you are ready to wear the hip component of your brace.  I know you have so much new going on, I am not going to pressure you or shame you about it.  But I promise you, Justin won't care.  Really Abby, he is crazy about you."

Abby replied "ah jush cah beweeve he ish ok with eh."  (I just can't believe he is ok with it.)

Andi said "boo, he is totally fine with it.  Trust me."  As they entered the lobby, Andi scanned the area and saw they were the first to arrive.  She then looked over towards the front desk and saw the receptionist Katie checking someone out. As the guest walked away, Andi made her way over, Abby by her side.  Katie had not seen them and had turned so her back was to them as they approached.  She turned when she heard Andi say "Katie!  Good morning!"

Katie jumped a little in surprise before she turned.  Seeing Andi and Abby, Katie said "good morning.  Is everything ok with your stay?"

Andi noticed that Katie's eyes had immediately gone to Abby's headgear.  Andi saw her staring at it as Andi replied "everything is wonderful with our stay.  I just wanted to stop by and say congratulations.  I spoke with Dr. Justin and he informed me that you had called and scheduled your consult.  That is so exciting.  Good for you!"

Katie turned to face Andi and said "thank you so much.  I am still so nervous though.  I really want to fix my teeth.  But I am scared too."

Andi said "that is understandable.  Anything new can be a little scary.  But I promise you, no matter what Dr. Justin says may be involved with your treatment, it will be worth it.  And I guess you already noticed that Abby here got her new appliances and headgear.  She is excited about it, isn't that right Abby?"

Abby tried to smile.  Andi saw she still needed a little practice.  Abby said "ah am eshisted.  Itsh jush gowen tah tay shome tahm to geh ush to."  (I am excited.  It is just going to take some time to get used to.)

By now, another guest had arrived behind Andi and Abby.  Andi turned her head in his direction to see him staring at them.  His eyes were practically bugging out of his head.  Andi smiled at him and then turned back to Katie.  Andi said "Katie, just do it.  You will be so happy in the end.  Now we need to get out of the way so you can help your next guest."

As they walked away, Andi could see from her peripheral vision the man behind them had not stepped to the counter.  Instead he was craning his head watching them.

Later that morning, just before noon, Dr. Brad was once again on stage giving his presentation.  Towards the end of it he gestured towards Alex, who was standing by the side of the stage, and said "our next new patient will be my lead assistant.  Alex here has already gone through one round of treatment with a standard Marpe and protraction headgear.  It helped her tremendously.  But we didn't reach the full potential of her airway.  Alex has been so blown away by the transformations she has seen in others with the Miller appliance and Miller headgear, she practically begged for another round of treatment.  Isn't that right Alex?"

Alex spoke loudly so that hopefully everyone could hear "well, I wouldn't say I begged.  But yes, I did ask if a Miller appliance would be right for me.  And guess what, it is.  The Miller appliance is effective in just about any treatment plan.  I am excited to begin this next phase of my airway journey.  And I am glad you are all here to see me embark on it."  She gave the gathered crowd a big smile.

Up on stage Brad said "Alex, you are such an inspiration.  I think I speak for all of us when I say we too are glad we get to see you take this next step too.  What do you say we get your appliance installed?"

Reclined back in the treatment chair, a lip retractor and suction rod in her mouth, Brad looked down at Alex as he held her appliance up in front of her.  He smiled and asked "ready?"  His image was shown up on the screens above him so others in the crowd could see what he was doing.  They saw Alex nod and say she was ready.  Brad narrated for the crowd, his voice being amplified by the small microphone he had clipped to his coat "As you can see, Alex' appliance has a six screw marpe integrated into it for her top palate, a standard hyrax integrated into it for the bottom, the standard locking telescope arms, and hooks for protraction.  And finally as you see, it also has an upper tongue crib.  Alex here was previously a tongue thruster.  While we were able to break her of that habit during her previous round of treatment, we have found that the introduction of so much metal can sometimes cause relapse.  Just to be safe, I decided to integrate a tongue crib back into Alex' treatment plan.  But she is an old hand at wearing a tongue crib so I know it will be no problem at all for her.  We removed her spacers when we numbed her up earlier, so now I will just check the fit."

After a few minutes, Brad looked into the camera and said "perfect, it fits like a glove.  Every single appliance we have ever gotten from Orpsco has been an absolute perfect fit."  The camera man turned his camera from Brad and zoomed in on Alex' open mouth.  Even though everyone in attendance was a trained dental professional, Brad heard one gasp when they saw how much metal was in Alex' mouth.  He commented "yes, there is lot going on.  But that is what makes this appliance so amazing.  We can treat so many issues, all at once.  And patients will become acclimated to it.  Now that we have checked the fit, we will remove the appliance and apply cement and get this thing bonded into Alex' mouth.  Then, we will install her tads."

After curing the cement, Brad said "and now comes the taxing part.  I will install Alex' six tads.  As a provider, you have two choices. You can use a powered tool to tighten them.  Or you can tighten them by hand.  The powered method is faster and is less work on me.  However, I prefer the old fashioned method, doing it by hand.  I feel it gives me more control over the process.  And after using both methods on a few patients, it seems must patients prefer hand tightening.  It isn't pain, they are numb, but the vibration and sound can be a little unsettling.  Just something to keep in mind."  He looked down at Alex and said "ok dear, I am going to start at the back and work my way forward."

While he had narrated what he was doing on the first tad, the next five were largely repetitive.  One thing he had repeatedly stated was to stay involved with the patient, checking on their comfort level.  This was he said as much mental as physical.  Brad told the crowd they could always take a little break if the patient needed it.  Alex though had never needed one.  After about 15 minutes, Brad looked into the camera and smiled.  He said "and now Alex' appliance is fully installed."  The camera again zoomed down into her mouth.  Brad let them get a good view of everything before he removed the suction rod and then the lip retractor.  He asked Alex "how was that dear?"

Alex did her best to smile into the camera as she said "nah bah.  I knew ah woul hah a lishp.  But tha procshess wash painlessh.  Jush pressure.  Mah mouf fees weir.  Buh ah know ah wee geh ushed to it." (Not bad.  I knew I would have a lisp.  But the process was painless, just pressure.  My mouth feels weird.  But I know I will get used to it.)

The camera was still on Alex when Brad said "not only is Alex an extraordinary assistant, she is also an extraordinary patient.  Now, let's get her fixed up with her headgear.  Alex chose one of the new colors that Orpsco is offering.  She chose this beautiful new floral print."  The camera panned over and zoomed in on the headgear as he picked it up and held it.  Brad continued "with the new color options from Orpsco, we now have options to match a patient's personality and style."

He narrated what he was doing as he loosened the straps that would go over Alex head and he completely unbuckled the strap that would go around her neck.  As he placed the frame onto her face, he said "and to make sure that there is a model to fit any patient, Orpsco is offering three standard sizes; small, medium and large.  But, if you find a patient with an unusual face, Orpsco is also offering custom 3-D printed models.  Of course, there is an additional fee and lead time associated with a custom mask, but there is literally no one in the world who we can't fit a Miller headgear frame to.  This is not a custom model, this is just a standard medium.  Look how well it hugs the contours of Alex' face."  After giving the camera a few moments, he said "now all we need to do is size the straps that go over the top and back of her head and then buckle the neck strap."

After a few minutes of working on the straps, Brad announced "and there, we have sized the headgear to fit Alex perfectly.  Alex will not need to worry about the top straps. They are now sized to fit her.  If she were going to wear the headgear for less than 24 hours a day, if she were wearing this with elastics, she would only need to worry about unbuckling or buckling the neck strap.  She would then just slip the headgear on and off the top of her head."  He looked at Alex and asked "how does that feel dear?"

Alex said "eh fees goo."  (It feels good).  She meant it, she did like the way it felt.

Brad continued "we do have a feature designed in that can be used to help patients who might struggle with compliance.  Again, it is optional."  He slipped the lock through the neck strap and audibly snapped it shut.  He continued "but Alex here will not need it.  First, I know she would be compliant.  But second, we will be installing protraction rods which are not removable by the patient."  As he unlocked the small, discreet lock he said "well, not removable by a normal patient.  Alex here is trained to install them and remove them, so I guess she could."  He laughed and said "on second thought, maybe I should integrate the compliance lock."  He looked at Alex and asked "but that won't be necessary will it?"

Alex smiled back as best she could and answered "nah shir."  (No sir.)

Brad smiled at her and said "I know it won't."  He looked into the camera and said "and now we will install her rods."

It took less than 10 minutes for Brad to size and install each of Alex' protraction rods.  He had narrated along the way until he said "and there we go.  Alex is ready to begin a better, healthier life.  There is one last thing to do.  Let's go ahead and engage her rods.  I will remove the slack first."  As he made a few turns he instructed "you will feel it, it will be almost like hitting a wall as you turn.  Like there..."  He took the wrench off the first rod and repositioned it on the other.  Once done he said "remove any slack from each rod before you actively engage them.  I will make one turn to each of her rods.'"  As he made the turn on first one and then the other, Alex could feel the pressure in her midface.  She actually liked the way it felt.  Once Brad was finished, he smiled at Alex as he raised her back to a sitting position.  Once she was sitting up she turned and faced the crowd.  On most faces she thought she saw a look of awe.

Brad asked her "so what do you think Alex?  That wasn't too bad was it?"

Alex shook her head before replying "nah, piesch of cake."  (No, piece of cake.)

Brad held a mirror up in front of her as he said "Alex just looks wonderful, don't you all think?  And didn't she do great?"  As Alex stared at her reflection she heard murmurs of encouragement and agreement in the crowd.  She then heard someone begin clapping.  Soon, there was a crescendo of polite applause. 

As the gather crowd applauded her, Brad asked Alex softly "so what do you think?"

Alex cut her eyes up from the mirror towards Dr. Brad's face.  She answered honestly "ah wuv eh.  Thah yah."  (I love it.  Thank you.) 

As he helped Alex up from the chair, Brad covered the microphone with his other hand and said very softly into Alex ear "thank you Alex, you are amazing."

With her standing by his side, Brad turned towards the crowd and raised Alex' hand.  He said "yes, Alex deserves a round of applause.  And I know she would be ecstatic to talk to you all about her Miller appliance and headgear.  And how you can begin treating patients, or yourself and your staff, with a Miller appliance and Miller headgear too."

A number of people in the crowd rushed towards them.  In front was a middle-aged woman wearing a blouse embroidered 'Dr. Melanie Shield' positioned above 'Kid's Dental World'.  She looked at Alex and Dr. Brad as she said "oh my gosh, how amazing.  How do I get this for myself and my staff?"

Brad said "I know we can make that happen.  Let's talk." 

He was interrupted by a tall, beautiful blonde woman.  She said "hi, I'm Dr. Michelle Canton.  I want to explore this for myself too."

Brad smiled and said "that is an excellent idea."  He looked at the 15 or so people surrounding him and Alex.  All but two were women.  He asked "so, who all here is interested in going into treatment themselves with a Miller appliance and headgear?"  About half of them raised their hands.  Brad smiled and said "well, you came to the right spot.  We can make it happen.  And if you are really eager, we still have one slot open for an installation tomorrow afternoon at 4 pm.  Orpsco is amazing you know.  They would be able to overnight an appliance if we got you scanned today.  Would anyone be game?"

Dr. Michelle Canton and Dr. Melanie Shield both answered simultaneously "I would."  Dr. Brad smiled and thought a moment.  He looked at them and said "you know what, I think we could fit you both in.  What do you say we get you in the chair right here and get you scanned?  Who wants to go first?"  The two women looked at each other.  Brad said "well, let's do it alphabetically.  Dr. Canton, why don't you have a seat."  Brad put his hand up on Alex shoulder and gently squeezed it.  He said to the rest of the crowd "Alex here, or any of our booth staff, will be able to help you with any questions you may have.  I am going to get these wonderful ladies started on the road to better breathing and better sleep.  If anyone else is interested, let's just start a line."  He was joking about the last part.  He was surprised by what happened.  The small crowd looked around at each other.  A woman, her jacket said 'Dr. Emily Richardson', shrugged and got in line behind Dr. Shield.  She was soon joined by three other ladies.  Brad looked at them and said "the more the merrier."

Tom Williams had emerged from one of the meeting rooms about halfway through Alex' installation.  He had just finished his meeting with South America's largest dental supply distributor.  It had gone well and they had agreed to purchase 1,000 units of Miller headgear per month for the next year in exchange for having exclusive distribution rights in Latin and South America.  He knew with that many units on hand, they would find a new home for them.  On the faces of patients. 

He had been watching and listening during the conclusion of Alex' installation.  Due to Dr. Brad's microphone, he could still hear everything that was being said.  He was happy that so many of the professionals in the booth seemed eager not just to use these new appliances in their practices, but on themselves as well.  He smiled.  His plan to get every woman in the world wearing Miller headgear seemed to be working.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #314 on: 08. November 2024, 01:16:34 AM »
Hopefully there is enough orthodontia to suit everyone’s tastes.  It sounds like Tom Williams has a plan for even more.