
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 79838 times)

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #315 on: 08. November 2024, 07:45:06 AM »
I love it!

Offline annasun251

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #316 on: 08. November 2024, 10:51:12 AM »
As always thanks for writing and sharing!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #317 on: 08. November 2024, 18:52:07 PM »
It had been one of the longest days of Abby's life.  Her mouth was on fire and her face was sore from the pressure of her new headgear.  While Dr. Miller had told all of them who got their appliances to take as many breaks as needed, or even go back to their rooms to rest if necessary, Abby had buckled down and made her mind up she was going to make it to 6 pm when the show closed.  Things were made even worse from having to talk with all the people who had questions about the new appliances in her mouth and on her face.  It seemed that so many of the dentists and orthodontists at the show wanted to get the perspective of someone who was not only in treatment with them but was also an orthodontist herself.  She was so self-conscious of her garbled speech.  She had repeatedly apologized to those she was talking with throughout the day, asking them to please excuse her.  Everyone single person but one had told her basically the same thing, that her speech was incredibly clear to have just gotten so much installed in her mouth. 

The only person who had not said that was a hygienist and myofunctional therapist named Wynn who had stopped by in the morning.  As they had made their introductions, Abby had noticed that Wynn herself had a pretty severe lisp.  After Abby had asked Wynn to excuse her speech, Wynn had laughed.  She had then opened her mouth widely where she leaned her head back and then forward so that Abby saw she had a monstrously large marpe in the roof of her mouth and a hyrax expander in her lower.  Abby noticed that Wynn's upper expander had 8 tads instead of 6 like her own.  She also noticed hooks in her mouth and wondered if she also wore some type of protraction device.  When Wynn had looked back at Abby she had told her "shister, I towally get eh." Wynn had then explained she wore a Petit facemask for twelve to fourteen hours a day but hadn't had any real success with it getting her upper maxilla to move forward.  She wanted to ask Abby if she thought a Miller headgear with the protraction rods might be able to achieve the forward movement she needed.  After Abby had explained the pros to Wynn, Abby had taken Wynn over to the media desk where she had given Wynn a thumbdrive with all the technical information. 

She had then asked Wynn if she would like a sample of Miller headgear.  Wynn's eyes had lit up and she would be so appreciative of it.  Or at least that is what Abby had thought she had said, Wynn's speech might have been even worse than her own Abby thought.  Abby had then told her to ask her provider if they thought it was appropriate for her case.  Wynn had excitedly told her that her provider was her boss, and that he was somewhere else on the show floor.  Abby had watched as Wynn pulled her phone out and typed on it.  In just a few seconds Abby saw her screen light up with a response.  Wynn had looked at Abby and said "thah yah sho musch.  He'sh eh boof nineshixty.  Ah ahm gohta go she wah he sheesh rah nah."  (Thank you so much.  He's in booth 960.  I am going to go see what he says right now.)  It surprised Abby when Wynn leaned over and hugged her.

It was even more of a surprise when Wynn returned ten minutes later with a pudgy gray haired gentleman in tow.  As Wynn stepped up she said "Dr. Avvy, thish is mah bosh Dr. Carlisle.  He hash a few questionsh abou Miwwer headgeah."  (Dr. Abby, this my boss Dr. Carlilse.  He has a few questions about Miller headgear.)

Dr. Abby had spent 15 minutes with them, explaining all of the new Oprsco products, but really focusing on the headgear and protraction rods.  When she was done, Dr. Carlisle had rubbed his chin.  He said to her "very interesting.  Very.  It does seem like it would be effective.  But my concern is patient adoption.  Patients actually agree to wear it?"

Abby responded "yesh shir, jusht look around the boof."  (Yes sir, just look around the booth.)

He had looked around the booth and said "touche."  He continued "but what about patients that aren't being payed by Orpsco?  What about patients who are paying for their treatment.  They agree to wear it?"

Abby had nodded her head up and down before she replied "sho far, we are batting one hundred perchent.  Not a shingle patient has refushed to start or quit treatment over headgear.  It may be becaush sho many of ush in our offisch wear it ourshelvesh.  They shee that if we can do it, then they can do it too."  (So far, we are batting one hundred percent.  Not a single patient has refused to start or quit treatment over headgear.  It may be because so many of us in our office wear it ourselves.  They see that if we can do it, then they can do it too.)

Dr. Carlisle replied "well that is certainly true.  I have seen that patients seem to be more relaxed and more compliant since Wynn here started treatment.  Maybe I should get the rest of the girls in the office started too."  He had laughed before he turned to Wynn and asked "so, you really want to try this?"

Wynn responded "I woul lah to trah at leasht."  (I would like to try at least.)

Dr. Carlisle had said "well, when we get back to Topeka I will fit you with it.  That is if Dr. Abby will show me how to install it correctly."

Abby had smiled and said "there ish a video on the thumb drive.  And we ah having live demosh in the booth three timesh a day; noon, 2 and 4."  Abby then thought a moment and looked over at the treatment chair in the middle of the booth.  She turned back and looked at Wynn and then Dr. Carlisle and said "or, I could inshtall it for Wynn now and you could watch."

Abby had watched their faces.  Wynn said "yesh, shure, letsh do thish!"

Dr. Carlisle had looked at Wynn and shook his head before saying "be careful what you wish for."  He then looked at Abby and said "well, you heard her."

Twenty minutes later Wynn stood up from the chair with pink Miller headgear permanently attached to her face.  The look on her face was one of turmoil.  Abby looked at her and smiled.  Abby said "it looksh cute on you."

Wynn had replied "itsh a lot of presshure in mah mouf."

Abby said "yay!  Then you know it is working.  Congratulationsh."

Wynn looked at Dr. Carlisle and asked "are you sure I should do thish?"

Dr. Carlisle replied "well Wynn, we need to move your upper maxilla forward a few millimeters.  And I certainly think this will do it.  Let's try this for a month and see how your scans look.  I want you to tell me what it is like.  And maybe we will start using it in our office."

Abby looked at Wynn.  She thought Wynn was regretting her decision.  Abby said "Wynn, you will be sho happy you deh thish.  I promish."  Abby had pulled out her card and handed it to Wynn and said "if you have any questionsh jusht let me know.  And maybe shtop by later today and let me know how you are doing?"

Wynn had thanked her, though Abby could see her lower lip seemed to be quivering a bit.  As the pair walked away, Abby could hear Dr. Carlilse telling her it had been her decision and that she was going to have to live with it for at least the next month.

At 5:15 Abby was doing her best to hide in a remote area of the booth to avoid having to speak with anyone else.  She had not noticed the man slip in behind her.  When she heard a voice say "excuse me ma'am" she had exhaled.  She was too tired and too sore to deal with anyone else.  The voice continued "I was looking for..."  She realized it was Justin's voice.  She instantly turned, the pain in her mouth forgotten.  She turned to see him standing there behind her.  It looked like he had come straight from the office.  He continued "the most beautiful woman in the world.  Oh!  There she is!"  He had then given her that big, blindingly white smile of his that she had already fallen in love with.  Without even thinking, she hugged him.

Justin wrapped his arm around her back and asked "how you doing?"

Abby had said "sho musch better now."

Abby then abruptly stopped the hug and stepped back.  She looked at Justin and said "shorry, we jusht met.  That wash weird."

Justin shook his head and said "no, it wasn't weird.  It was wonderful.  I know we just met.  But it doesn't seem like it.  Does it?"

Abby had looked at him a moment before she said "no."

Justin said "so, where is your purse?  I am busting you out of this place."

Abby replied "nah, thah showsh not over yet."

Justin said "Abby, for you it is.  Andi told me to take you back to your room and make you comfortable."  He reached up and gently put his hand on the side of her cheek.  The frame of her facemask blocked some of his hand, but the warmth Abby could feel made her shudder lightly.  He continued "Andi said your mouth is hurting.  I can't imagine what a long day you have had.  Come on, it's time for you to relax."  He removed his hand from her face, reached down, and took her hand.

As she entered her room with Justin behind her, Abby noticed an open bottle of wine on the counter flanked by two long stem glasses.  She asked "wah ish thah?"

Justin had been gently closing the door as he replied "it looks like someone called ahead to room service and had them deliver a bottle of wine.  You have earned it Abby.  Get comfy and I will pour you a glass." 

She stopped walking and turned to look at him.  She said "thah ish sho shweet.  Thah yah."  Again, she hugged him.

He held her a minute before he said "let's get you comfortable."  After fluffing up the pillows, he had also stolen the ones from Andi's bed, he helped get her propped against the headboard.  Then, he had tenderly removed each of her shoes.  He got up and returned a minute later with a glass of wine.  As he handed it to her, Abby saw it had a flexible straw poking out of it.  She said "yah ah shweet and thoufull."  (You are sweet and thoughtful.)

A moment later he returned holding a glass of wine for himself and a plush bathrobe.  He looked down at Abby and asked "boo, would you like to slip into a robe while I massage your feet?  And then your back?"

As he rubbed her feet, Abby watching him intently.  It felt so good, her feet were sore from being on them all day.  But what she enjoyed even more was the fact that he was doing it.  He was so cute she thought.  He was so focused on her feet.  It was clear that while he might not be a professional masseuse, what he lacked in skill he made up with determination.  Several times he had asked her if it felt good, or if he should be doing something different.  Every time she had told him it was perfect.  When he was done, he had rubbed her feet with lotion.  It felt like heaven.  Between the foot massage and glass of wine, Abby felt much more relaxed.  She even thought the pain in her mouth had subsided some.

He looked up at her and smiled before he noticed her empty wine glass.  As he took the glass he said "the lady needs a refill."  As he brought it back he smiled and said "now time for a back massage."

He had been gentle as he helped her to sit up.  He had turned her so that her back was to him and gently slipped the robe off her shoulders.   Abby had no clue how long he had been rubbing and kneading her back it felt so good.  When she finished off her second glass of wine though he said "ok boo, let's get you on your stomach."  Laying on her stomach, he could feel him pressing even harder on her back, kneading her tight, tired muscle.  When he had finished, he rubbed her back with lotion.  He had asked "did that feel good?"

Abby responded "Justin, it wash amazing.  Everywee thing feelsh better."

He said "standing all day is just the worst."  As she rolled over he continued "I hope that helps."

Abby looked at him.  He seemed to have a thought running through his mind.  She asked "wah ish it?"

Justin said "oh, nothing."

Abby reached out and said "wah?"

Justin said "Andi told me your back gets sore.  It's just, well, I was wondering if your brace might help you?"

She looked at him.  She hated her Milwaukee brace.  She was so embarrassed by it.  But looking at Justin, she realized he didn't seem phased by it.  She even wondered if maybe it wasn't actually a turn on for him.  Either way, she remembered how it had felt last night when he had put it on her.  Part of her couldn't believe what she was about to say.  She smiled at him and said "it might, woul you like to help me put it on?"

She thought he looked a little embarrassed when he replied "well, if it would help your back, yes."

She put her hand on his chest and said "eh woul.  But I want to shtand in front of the mirror when you puh eh on me.  Show I can wastch."  He had simply raised his eyebrows as he extended his hand.

Unlike the evening before when she had closed her eyes, this time she watched every move he made as he latched and strapped her into her Milwaukee brace.  She couldn't understand it, but it turned her on so much.  When he had pulled her shoulders back, it sent a shiver through her.  As she turned he said "I hope that didn't hurt you."

She cut her eyes up and made eye contact with him.  She said "a lil.  I liked it."  She couldn't help but smile at the surprised look that came to his face.  She was so turned on.  Glancing down at the front of Justin's pants she could see he was too.  She leaned in against him and said "you like it don't you?  Your poor kitty, helplessh, strapped into all her metalwork.  Well, almosht helplesh.  I need one more thing from you Justin."  She meowed at him before she asked "kitty needsh a treat."  She reached down and grabbed his crotch.  She purred "will you give your kitty a treat?"

He said "Abby, I... I don't want you to think I am pressuring you.  I just want..."  He went silent as she began to unbutton his shirt.  He continued "Abby, I just don't want to move too fast."

Abby stopped.  She stood there in silence before she said "it'sh the bracesh.  I knew it."

She turned away, devastated.  He reached out and put his hand on her shoulder.  He stepped in front of her and said "Abby, it is not that.  No.  I... I think... I will just say it.  I think your braces are so hot.  You are so hot.  I want you so badly.  I just don't want to make a mistake."

She looked at him and said "I am sorry I put you in this situation.  I think you should leave."

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #318 on: 08. November 2024, 20:10:26 PM »
Oh dear, the old problem: Men come from Mars, women from Venus... ;D

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #319 on: 09. November 2024, 00:11:14 AM »
I missed a chapter again. This is chapter 123, and I am posting the chapter number so I can keep track of where I left off.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #320 on: 11. November 2024, 17:42:41 PM »
Justin stared at Abby for a moment before he said "Abby, I am so sorry.  I am so attracted to you.  I just don't want to rush what we have.  And what we can have."  He went to put his hand on her shoulder.  She jerked away but didn't say a word.  It was clear she was on the verge of tears.  Justin said "ok, I will leave if you want me to.  Do you want me to leave Abby?"

That is when the tears came.  She sniffled "ah doh know wah eh wah Jushtin.  Ah jusht doh wah to be in pain.  An ah wah tah fee pwetty again."  (I don't know what I want Justin.  I just don't want to be in pain.  And I want to feel pretty again.)

Just took a step forward and hesitantly reached out his arms.  Abby let him wrap them around her.  As he held her he said "sweetheart, I am so sorry you are hurting.  I won't pretend to know what you are feeling.  But sweetheart, you are pretty.  So pretty.  You are the prettiest woman in the world."  He simply held her as the tears ceased.  We whispered softly "what do you say we get you comfortable in bed and I get you something for the pain?"  Abby didn't say a word as she let herself be led to the bed.  After getting her situated in bed with the pillows, Justin realized how hard it must be for her to get comfortable in her Milwaukee brace.  It held her upper body as rigid as a plank while the shoulder straps contorted her shoulders back in an unnatural position.  Once Abby was laying down, he said softly "let me get you some ibuprofen, I'm sure Andi has some in her toiletries."

He felt a little guilty pilfering through the toiletry bags in the bathroom, but he felt it was more important to help Abby than to respect Andi's privacy.  A couple of the things he saw in her bag did make him raise his eyebrows.  Finally though, he found a small travel sized tube of Advil.  He shook two out and replaced the tube in her bag.  He turned the faucet on and filled a glass half full with tap water and returned to Abby. 

He helped her sit up and gently placed the two pills in her mouth.  Then he picked up the glass, inserted her straw from earlier, and held it up to her face.  He manuevered the end of the straw around her headgear and stuck it between the two protraction rods.  Abby didn't have to be told what to do.  She wrapped her lips around the straw as best she could and sucked on the straw, swallowing the pills in the process.  He said "good girl."  As he placed the glass down on the nightstand he said "let me loosen your shoulder straps."  Abby let him help turn her body so her back was angled to him.  As he relaxed the tension on first one and then the other strap, he thought he saw Abby relax some too, though it was hard to tell with her trapped in her Scoliosis prison.

He asked "better?"

She replied "yesh, thah yah."  (Yes, thank you.)

Justin then helped her lay back down.  As he looked at her he felt such guilt that he may have hurt Abby.  She had enough to deal with without him making it worse.  He said "I don't want to leave Abby.  But I will respect your wishes if that is what you want."

Abby was trapped with nothing to see but the ceiling.  She strained to cut her eyes in his direction and said "wah yah hol me?" (Would you hold me.)

Justin didn't say a word, instead he walked around the bed and crawled in from the other side.  He positioned himself against Abby and wrapped an arm over her.  He could feel the cold metal of her Milwaukee brace through his shirt.  Abby said "ah ahm shorry abou thah.  Ya dint do ahthing wrong."  (I am sorry about that.  You didn't do anything wrong.)

Justin said "sweetheart, you don't need to apologize for anything.  I do."  They both went quiet a moment.  Justin then said "we will get through this."

Abby was feeling guilt.  She had not been completely honest with Justin.  She didn't want to lead him on any further.  She braced herself for how he would react as she said "Jushtin, thah headgeah an scholioshish bracsch aren't all.  Ah alsho hah a hip bracsh that attachesh to eh.  Ah haven't shtarted wearing eh yet.  An in a few weeksh I will be getting fishators schrewed into my leg.  I justh doh wahn to lead you on."  (Justin, the headgear and scoliosis brace aren't all.  I also have a hip brace that attaches to it.  I haven't started wearing it yet.  And in a few weeks I will be getting fixators screwed into my leg.  I just don't want to lead you on.)

Instead of a 'let her down easy speech', Abby felt Justin squeeze her tight with his arm.  He said "oh baby, I am so sorry you are having to go through this.  But I am not going to let you run me off this easy Abby.  We will get through it.  You can tell me all about it.  But not now.  Right now, I want to hold you."

Abby wanted to push back.  And she was on the verge of it when she remembered something Andi had told her.  Andi had told her not to let her headgear or scoliosis brace dictate her life.  Abby realized that as hard as it was emotionally, she needed to do just that.  So instead, she reached up and put her hand on Justin's arm.  She tried to block out the pain in her mouth and instead focus on his warmth.

Abby was on the verge of dozing off when Justin heard the door open.  Abby apparently had not, though it seemed loud to Justin.  A few seconds later Andi walked into view.  She looked over and saw the pair, Justin wrapped around Abby while looking in her direction, and said "oh my goodness.  That is just the cutest thing I have ever seen."

Andi came over and sat on the side of Abby's bed and looked down at her.  Andi asked "how you feeling boo?  You looked pretty tired there at the end of the day."

Abby said "my mouf hurtsh pretty bad."

Andi said "well, I have some ibuprofen in my bag."

Justin looked at Andi and said sheepishly "um, I already gave her a couple of Advil.  I stole them from you.  I apologize for going through your bag.   But Abby here was hurting.  I felt I had to.  But I apologize."

Andi just looked at Justin a moment.  She knew he had to have seen the other things in her bag.  But she did not mention it, instead replying "that is ok.  Anything for my Abby girl."  Andi then had a thought.  She asked "Abby, when is the last time you ate something?  I haven't seen you even try since yesterday morning.  I know how hard it is after getting an appliance and headgear installed.  I know first hand.  But really, you need to eat something."

Abby responded "nah, eh caht eat." (No, I can't eat.)

Andi said "yes, you can.  You have to.  Come on, get up lazy bones.  Let's go get us something.  Obviously, Justin you need to come with us."

Abby fought "nah, rewee, ah doh wah to."  (No, really, I don't want to.)

Andi leaned over so Abby could see her face.  Andi smiled before she said "boo, I'm telling you, not asking you.  I will grab you a dress to slip on."

When Andi returned, Justin had already helped Abby up to a sitting position.  Andi could see he was about to start helping her to take her Milwaukee brace off.  She rushed over and gently swatted his hand as she said "no, she needs to keep it on.  She is getting a break from it at the show.  But she is supposed to wear it 23 hours a day."

Abby looked at her pleadingly but didn't speak.  Andi said "Abby, you are so cute in your brace.  I can't wait for you to understand that."  She cut her eyes towards Justin and said "and I know that Justin feels the same way.  He thinks you are just the sexiest thing in the world."

Justin wrapped his arm around Abby's midriff and said softly into her ear "it is true.  You are the sexiest woman in the world.  Your brace just frames you all the more elegantly."

The trio returned to the room two hours later.  While Abby had been uncomfortable, due to her mouth but also from the looks she got, she did feel better after having a little food in her stomach.  Even better, Justin had been right by her side the whole time helping her and giving her encouragement.  And while she had felt so self-conscious about the looks from strangers, Justin had paid them no attention.  Furthermore, while Abby was embarrassed by how she looked, she sensed Justin was not in the least.

After getting Abby propped up comfortably in bed, Andi said "you guys didn't finish that bottle.  You should."  Andi collected the two glasses and disappeared into the bathroom.  Justin could hear the faucet turn on and then off.  Andi returned with the two glasses and filled each with the remaining wine.  She handed one to Justin and the other to Abby.

Abby said "eh nee a shraw."

Andi replied "no, you don't.  Hang on."  She slipped a pair of stainless steel dental pliers from her pocket.  She looked at Justin and said "don't leave home without them.  But if you looked through my bag, I guess you saw that.  Among other things."  She turned towards Abby and said  "as your orthodontic provider, I think you need a break from your headgear for the next hour or so."

Justin watched intently as Andi worked on Abby's mouth.  He was surprised at how quickly and efficiently she had been able to remove the protraction rods from Andi's mouth.  She left them attached to her headgear.  She next unbuckled the strap from around Abby's neck and carefully slid the headgear up and off of Abby's face.  She smiled at Abby as she said  "that feel better?"

Justin saw the look of relief on Abby's face.  Abby said "sho musch better.  Thah yah."  (So much better.  Thank you.)

Andi replied "good, enjoy it.  We will need to get you back into your gear before bed though.  But don't think about that right now."  She then turned towards Justin and said "so Justin, did you see anything in my bag that caught your attention?"

Andi laughed when Justin's face turned a bit red.  Andi said "I take that as a yes.  I am not embarrassed about it though."  She stood and made her way towards the bathroom.  She returned a moment later holding a fuzzy tail with a tapered plug at one end in one hand and a fuzzy headband with matching kitty ears in the other.  She sat down on the edge of her bed, facing Justin who was sitting on the edge of Abby's bed and said "I imagine seeing this caught you off guard."

Justin didn't really know how to respond.  He said "yeah, that caught me a little off guard.  But whatever floats your boat."

Andi looked at Abby and asked "Abby girl?  Can I tell him or do you want to?"

Abby swallowed once before she said "Jushtin, thosh aren't Andi'sh."  Justin turned and looked Abby in the eyes.  Abby swallowed hard again and diverted her eyes downward before she added "thosh ah mine."

Justin was peering into her face smiling.  He didn't say a word until Abby briefly cut her eyes up to look at him.  When she did Justin said "they are just the cutest.  You are just the cutest."

They were so focused on each other they didn't notice Andi place the items on the nightstand and head back towards the bathroom.  As she walked away, Abby hesitantly asked Justin "it'sh nah too weir fah yah?"  (It's not too weird for you?)

Justin shook his head back and forth and said "no Abby.  It is so sexy."

Abby replied "reawee?"  (Really?)

Justin didn't answer her verbally.  Instead he scooted over closer to Abby, leaned in, and for the first time kissed her.

Andi stopped when she rounded the corner and saw the pair locked lip to lip.  She simply stood there watching, a big smile spreading on her face.  She was happy for Abby.  When the pair was done with the kiss, Andi slipped over and placed the small bottle and foil wrapped packet down beside the other two items.  She looked at Justin and then Abby before she said "you guys drank all the wine.  I am going to go down to the bar to get a drink.  You two stay here.  I insist.  I will be back in two hours."

As the door clicked shut, Justin looked at Abby and said "I have never wanted anything more than I want you right this second."  He reached over and picked up the headband.  Abby let him place it over her head.  He said, seemingly to himself, "that is so hot."  He then eyed the tail.  He leaned in and kissed her again.  As he did, he began to caress her body.

Abby kissed him back as passionately as any woman had ever kissed Justin.  It felt feral and wild.  When he leaned back and looked at Abby she said "Jushtin, eh nee yah."  (Justin, I need you.)  He leaned in again but she put her hand up and stopped him.  He looked at her questioningly.  She said "buh firsth ah nee mah tail."  (But first I need my tail.)

Justin looked at her and said "what my kitten wants, my kitten will get."

Offline ekaj123

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #321 on: 27. November 2024, 16:53:24 PM »
I hope we get another chapter soon. Great story!

Offline annasun251

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #322 on: 31. December 2024, 09:32:17 AM »
This story just keeps on giving. I hope it gets continued soon!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #323 on: 14. February 2025, 17:07:26 PM »
Elise sat reclined back in the chair.  Her foot had been tapping nervously the entire appointment.  She had watched as Dr. Brad had examined her older sister Savannah and announced that she needed to continue to wear her facemask for 14-16 hours per day.  Elise felt her fate would be the same.

She felt certain of this when Dr. Brad had picked her facemask up, it’s pads permanently contoured to her face, and held it to her face. He said “hmm…?”

He was still holding the mask on her face when he asked “Elise dear, do you like wearing your facemask?”

The question caught her off guard.  She shifted her eyes towards his and replied “umm, yes, i know it is helping me.”

Margarent Stone swelled up with pride, amazed at what a positive attitude her girls had towards both their orthodontic and orthopedic care.  She had been amazed at how well they had handled it.  Even better than she had.  But she realized, even as much as she hated the Milwaukee braces and facemasks they all wore, she was grateful for them.  Because they, the experience of having to wear them as a family, it had brought them so much closer together.  But more than that, she knew it taught them all so much.

She was lost in her thoughts when she heard Dr. Brad say “ Elise, you have done so good.”  He looked around and said “you all have” before turning his attention back to Elise, his left hand still holding her mask against her face.  He continued “Savannah needs to wear hers at night for a while longer.  And your mom will likely need to continue to wear hers too.  But what if you stop wearing yours?”  He lifted the mask off her face and gave her a warm smile.

It took her a moment to digest what he said.  She them beamed in his direction and said “I am done with my mask?”

He didn’t say a word at first but instead just nodded his head up and down. As he began to speak she bolted out of the chair, he wasn’t sure how she even did it so quickly, and wrapped him in hug.  She practically screamed “yessssss!!!”  As he wrapped his arms around her Dr. Brad said “you did so good, you earned this”

Dr. Brad hugged her and said “you did this Elise.  This as the result of all your hardwork.  I am certain there were times you wanted to give up.  But you didn’t. We are going to keep everything else as it was.  Except for you facemask.  Congratulations.”  She began to cry.  Margaret Stone did too.  She slid over and wrapped her arm around her youngest.  Margaret squeezed her and said “I love you so much honey.”

Dr. Brad smiled.  This is what he lived for.  He lived for happy patients.  He said “well Elise, since you are off the hook, and your dear sister Savannah needs another six weeks, let’s see what mom needs”.

Dr. Brad raised Margaret back up to a sitting position.  He asked again “so, what do you think?”

Margaret looked at him solemnly and said “thank you, thank you so much.”

Dr. Brad said “a twentieth anniversary is incredibly special.  I am going to make sure you don’t have to wear your facemask next weekend. We will get this facebow removed from your mouth. And then you can go back to 12-16 hours per day with elastics. Just like you had before.  Just like Savannah has now.  But do not let wear time even enter your mind during your anniversary weekend.”

That Saturday night Margaret looked into her husband’s eyes and said “baby, it isn’t anything to be embarrassed about”.  Her husband did not agree, an embarrassed red hue visible on his cheeks.  She rubbed her hand on his arm as she continued “we have had a lot to drink.  Baby this night was perfect.  I think…”

He cut her off “i am sorry….”

She rolled over, placing her naked body on top of his and said “do not.  Do not apologize.  This is perfect .  You are perfect.  We are perfect.”

He protested “no, it’s not.  I am so sorry.”

Margaret leaned closer and bit his ear sharply.  He gave a little yelp.  She said “no this isn’t your fault.  We have two beautiful daughters that prove that. Is there anything I can do baby?” She reached down and stroked his manhood.

He turned his head and looked at her eye to eye.  He said “I love you more than life itself.  But….”

He stared into her eyes a moment before she asked “but…?

He cut his eyes away from here before he said “it’s just, well, your expander and braces,  they are such …”

Margaret took her left hand and placed it beneath his chin.  She raised it so they were face to face, yet his eyes where still averted.  She asked “what is it baby?”

He cut his eyes up and made firm eye contact.  He said “baby, this is… please don’t be offended… I don’t know how to say this….will you put your facemask on for me?”

She looked at him.  His discomfort was an aphrodisiac for her.  She asked “my facemask?  For my braces and expander?  The one that caused us so many problems with some types of intimacy.  That one?”  She could tell from the beet red blush of his cheeks that was it.  She but her hand on his chest and stiffly pushed herself up, trapped as she was in the Milwaukee brace she wore 23 hours a day.  Without a word she disappeared from the bedroom into the bathroom.

A few moments later she walked around the corner back into the bedroom.  She wore nothing but her Milwaukee brace and her pink Petit facemask. She had intentional attached it with matching pink elastics.  As she stiffly climbed back into the bed she whispered “does it turn you on?”  She could see the change in his demeanor.  And the involuntary reaction from his body.  She knew the answer. She snuggled up against him and reached down between his legs as she said “I don’t want you to just make love to me.”

She stroked his manhood in her hands as she felt it swell. It felt like it might burst.  She stiffly leaned in and bit his ear again before she said “I need you to give me a proper thrashing”.

He looked at her and smiled.  He said “oh my, my dirty little braceface.”  He flipped her over roughly and rolled over.  She could see the intensity and hunger in his eyes.  He said “yes indeed, you do, it has been too long.”

She closed her eyes and focused on the sensations.  She couldn’t help be be aware that she was wearjng a Milwaukee brace and a facemask attached to a mouth full of metal.  But as she lay there matching his rhythm she had an epiphany.  It was clear her brace, or at least her facemask, turned on her husband.  What really blew her mind was the realization that it turned her on too.  As they made love she imagined that she was also wearing leg braces.

After they finished round one they shared pillow talk.  Margaret asked “you don’t find my Milwaukee brace too big a turn off do you?” 

Her husband Charles responded “no baby, of course not.  Why?”

Margaret asked “what if I had to wear leg braces too?”

He cocked his head and said “oh baby, did Dr. Olivia say you might need to?  Either way, you will be the most beautiful woman in the world.”  He looked at her in silence before saying “that is not true baby.  About me being apathetic about it.  No baby.  You Milwaukee brace is such a turn on. Leg braces would just make it that much hotter.  I don’t know why I feel this way.  It is embarrassing.  It is weird.  I know…”

She put her finger to his lips and said “shhh.  Don’t talk, it isn’t weird.  It turns me on too.  Instead of talking, imagine I am wearing stainless and plastic leg braces attached from my Milwaukee to the tips of my toes.  Show me how much that would turn you on.”

Round two was even more intense than the first time.  Margaret made up her mind that whether she needed them or not, she was going to get leg braces too.  She wondered what else she might need in her treatment.  She decided she would call and talk to Dr. Olivia about the pain in her legs and arms on Monday.  As the couple made love again, Margaret wondered what Dr. Olivia and Raphael might add to her treatment plan.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #324 on: 14. February 2025, 17:28:00 PM »
Glad you are back and with a great chapter, too.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #325 on: 14. February 2025, 17:39:46 PM »
Thanks, I am sure there are some errors.  I will go back and try to correct them later when I have a chance.

Offline TrainTrack

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #326 on: 14. February 2025, 23:34:59 PM »
I am so happy that we have another chapter. Great addition, I hope you continue.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #327 on: 15. February 2025, 05:37:03 AM »
So do I hope.  :)

Offline schwarz

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #328 on: 15. February 2025, 17:14:47 PM »
weiter so

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #329 on: 15. February 2025, 18:16:17 PM »
Dr. Brad finished the weekly Friday afternoon team meeting upbeat as always.  He gave one more look around and said “Dr. Abby and Dr. Andi, would you please stay behind.  Everyone else have a great weekend.  I guess I can’t say ‘see you all Monday morning’.  But I know things will run as smoothly as always without me here.  No, strike that, they will probably run smoother without me here.”  This drew a few laughs and chuckles.  He continued “thank you all for what you do.  Now get out of here.”

Everyone but Dr. Abby and Dr. Andi began gathering their things and making their way out of the lounge.  Brad was smiling at Dr. Abby as she shuffled over towards him.  Abby had amazed him over the previous three weeks.  The external fixators she had installed on her left leg looked agonizing.  Yet he had yet to hear her complain.  She had modified her scrubs to hide the extensive metal work surgically implanted in her body, but it still printed against her pants.  And while she had ditched crutches after only 10 days, her new gait was more of a shuffle.  Still, considering what she was dealing with, she amazed him.

He smiled at her as she stopped a few feet from him.  He then turned a gave Andi a smile and said “well, next weeks a big week. My first week out teaching continuing education.  I am so nervous.”

Andi said “I promise we will stay afloat here.”

Brad said “You will do more than stay afloat.  No, you, Abby, everyone here are completely capable of running this place without me.  Don’t think I don’t know that.  I am nervous for me.  I will be pitching our ideas and products to other orthodontists.  Obviously they are interested as they have signed up.  But what if they don’t like what I am presenting.  What if I am not a good teacher?  Or a good salesman?  I need to be both.”

Andi stepped in front of him and said “I don’t know if this is professional or not.  If it isn’t then I don’t want to be professional.”  She said “come here” as she wrapped him in a hug.  She continued “you are going to knock it out of the park.  Everytime.”  She rubbed his back and said “you are going to fundamentally change the field of orthodontics.  I feel so blessed to be associated with all this.  And with you.  No Brad, you are going to kill it.”  As she let go of him she gave him an awkward smile.  With two protraction rods and four stainless J-hooks extending out of her mouth her smile was always a bit awkward.  But still endearing.

Brad said “things certainly have changed over the past six months.  Heck, they have changed a lot over just the past month since the AAO show.  Speaking of which…”. He turned his attention to Abby and asked “how is Justin?”

Abby beamed before she said “he ish jusht the besht thing to ever happen.  He ish picking me up thish evening to take me on a surprish weekend getaway.  He won’t give me one hint.  The anticipation ish killing me.  But it is perfect.  He is perfect.”

Brad looked at her with a fatherly pride and said “no Abby, you are both perfect. And I think you are perfect together.”

The timing couldn’t have been better.  From the hallway the trio heard a voice say loudly “yoohoo, Abby?”

They instantly recognized it was Justin’s voice.  Abby had immediately turned, shouting out “in here baby.”  She had only managed a few steps when he appeared around the corner.  He was holding flowers.  Abby stopped as he rushed towards her.  He immediately wrapped her in a hug and said “I missed you doll.”

Abby hugged him back and said “I mished you too.”

Letting go of her, Justin took a step back and extended the flowers.  He said “they are not nearly as beautiful as you.” 

Abby took them and held them against her chest and replied “they are perfect.  Thank you.  Let me grab my bag.  I know you said we need to be on the road by 5.”

He said “I will get it.  In your office?”

Abby said “no baby, I will get it.  I am not an invalid.  Visit with Andi and Brad.  I will be right back.”

Justin turned and watched Abby shuffle out of the room.  He turned when Brad said “a surprise weekend getaway.  How romantic.”

Justin smiled and said “I hope she enjoys it.”

Andi said “I don’t think it would matter where you are taking her she would love it, but what do you have planned?”

Justin said “I rented a little cabin up in the Ozarks for the weekend.  I made sure it has a great view.  And it will be a little cooler than the Louisiana and Texas heat.  I don’t have a full schedule, just tickets to a show and dinner in Branson tomorrow night.  That is about a 45 minute drive from the cabin.  Mainly I just want to spend time with Abby.”

And let out an “awww” as Dr. Brad said “that sounds incredible.  I don’t know if it comes naturally or you have to work at, but you certainly know how to court a lady.”

Justin smiled and said “I am just following my heart.”

Andi said “oh stop it!”

Justin turned, confused, and asked “what?”

Andi said “stop it before I melt.  You are such a romantic.  But I already knew that.  But you ARE perfect for her.  For each other.  And I am so happy for you both.”

They all turned when they heard Abby say “you three talkin abou meh?”

Andi gave her a smile and said “of course.  We were talking about you AND Justin.  You two kids get out of here and have a great weekend.  I know you will.  Abby, I will see you bright and early Monday.”  She stepped over and hugged Justin and said “and you take good care of my Abby girl, I know you will.”

After they had all said their goodbyes, Abby shuffled out of the lounge, Justin’s arm wrapped around her waist.

Once they were out of earshot, Brad turned to Andi and said “you did that didn’t you?  Set them up?”

Andi beamed as she said “guilty as charged.”

Brad said “I am so glad for Abby.  I was really worried about her.  About everything she is undergoing in her treatments.  But despite everything, I don’t know if I have ever seen anyone happier.  Hey, speaking of happy, let’s get out of here.  Megan and I have a 7:30 am flight in the morning and I haven’t even begun to pack.”

Brad searched the row of drivers standing at the entrance to LAX baggage claim until he saw a sign saying “Miller”.  He walked over to the man in the black suit and said “Hello, we are the Millers.  I am Brad and this is my wife Megan.”

The man looked at him and said “my name is Marcus.  It is my pleasure to be your driver.  And I will help you with your bags.”  He then turned to face Megan.  It was the first time he had really taken her in.  Brad could see the slight look of shook on his face when he saw the shiny Milwaukee brace emerging from her dress encircling her delicate neck and the translucent and steel Miller headgear she had permanently affixed to her face via protraction rods.  The look quickly disappeared as he regained his composure and said “Mrs. Miller, it is a pleasure to be your driver.  And let me say how lovely you look.”  Megan smiled.  She liked the attention.  The driver continued “your luggage will be on carousel 4.  Let’s make our way over and you can point out your bags.”

Entering Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills, Brad thought it had to be the most elegant hotel he had ever stepped foot in.  He had his arm around Megan’s waist as he said quietly to her “wow.”  He didn’t have long to admire the view as Marcus said “there is no need to check in, Mr. Williams has already taken care of them.  Please follow me to your suite.”

Arriving at room 12-101 Brad realized they were at a top floor corner suite.  Marcus knocked softly.  Moments later the door opened.  Tom Williams smiled and said “Brad!  Megan!  So wonderful to see you.”  He quickly shook Brad’s hand and turned to Megan.  He gently grasped her hand, held it up and kissed it.  He said “Megan, you look amazing!  But you didn’t like your yellow Miller headgear?”

Megan said “I did. I do.  But yellow isn’t my color.  I honestly thought it clashed with my hair.  I hope you aren’t upset.”

Tom laughed and said “upset?  How could anyone be upset in the presence of anyone as lovely as you.  No, that is exactly why we are offering it in all the different colors and patterns, or just plain translucent like you have.  There is sure to be one to match everyone’s style and personality.  Speaking of style and personality, please come in.  I have some people I would like you to meet.  Marcus will attend to your luggage in your bedroom.  And we have a little impromptu meeting in the den.  Come, this is exciting!”

As they followed Tom he said “Megan, Thalia and her friend Josie are here.  I figured you gals might like to go out and get into some shenanigans this afternoon.  Brad, I want us to meet.  Instead of doing it at headquarters, I thought we could do it here in a more relaxed setting.  I want to show you our marketing plans and sales projections we have and get your input.  My personal assistant and secretary Shirley is here.  Also here are Elyse Stevens, my VP of marketing, and Kimberley Ragsdale, my VP of sales.  You met them at our initial meeting.  Elyse has come up with what I feel is an ingenious marketing campaign.  You need to see it more than hear it.”  As they rounded the corner to the spacious den Brad took in the scene briefly before stopping in his tracks.

There standing before him was Thalia.  She was wearing a yellow sundress, her shiny Milwaukee brace on display, her matching yellow Miller headgear affixed to her face.  He was not shocked by her appearance or the fact Thalia squeeled “Megan!” as she made her way over towards his wife to hug her.  No, what was shocking was that every other woman in the room was also held stiffly by their own Milwaukee brace.  And each was wearing yellow Miller headgear.

Tom turned and saw the look on Brad’s face.  He chuckled before he said “oh, I forgot to mention, I have decided to venture into orthopedic devises.  Orpsco will now have a division focused on orthopedic aids.  Our first product will be the Morales Milwaukee Brace.  You know I believe in our employees proudly wearing our orthodontic products.  The same goes for our new orthopedic line as well.”

Brad was stunned.  He didn’t reply immediately.  Tom gently slapped his back and said “if this has you speechless, just wait until you see Elyse’ marketing campaign.  Isn’t that right Elyse?”

She shifted her eyes towards Brad and bared her lips before she spoke.  Or tried to speak.  Brad could see a large yellow splint in her mouth.  He focused on it and realized her jaws were wired shut around it.  She said “ya shah.”

Tom said “excuse Kimberly, Elyse and Shirley’s speech.  Dr. Rothstein was wary of how their new Milwaukee braces would interfere with their orthodontic treatment.  So he developed a cushioned splint that can be worn in conjunction with a Miller appliance and Miller headgear.  To find out how patients tolerate it, he is wiring it into to all of our employees mouths.  But they are managing.  No, they are thriving. Now, let’s get down to business.”