
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 81138 times)

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #75 on: 26. February 2024, 22:42:06 PM »
Again two nice surprises. Thank you!  ;)

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #76 on: 27. February 2024, 05:59:00 AM »
You have so many interesting things happening in the story.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #77 on: 27. February 2024, 18:10:04 PM »
Chapter Thirty Two:

The following Wednesday Dr. Brad sat on a stool watching intently as Dr. Morales and her assistant Mona fastened and adjusted the straps on Megan's new KAFOS.  It was amazing to watch he thought, all three women held securely and stiffly by their CTO braces.  Dr. Morales asked Megan "sho you she how we tightened those strapsh?  Make a note of how musch each ish tightened.  After awhile you will be able to do it by feel.  I want you to wear these all the time except while showering.  Swimming is also allowed, obvioushly remove them for that ash well.  It will take a couple of weeksh for them to feel normal, but most patientsh don't find them too musch of an inconveniencsh by the end of the firsht month." 

The assistant squatted down in front of Megan with one of Megan's tennis shoes in her hand.  She had already loosened the laces as much as she could and opened the shoe as wide as she could get it.  She slid it over Megan's foot and the attached plate the ran along the underside of her foot.  She quickly tied the laces and began to fit the other shoe.  As she did, Dr. Morales said "it ish best to stick to tennis shoes.  Especially at firsht.  I don't recommend heels at all.  There, it looks like Mona has you ready to take your first steps."

Mona stood and put her arm around Megan and helped her to a standing position.  As Megan stood Dr. Brad could see her mind spinning, comprehending all the new sensations.  Dr. Morales asked "do they fell ok?  Ish anything poking"?

Megan said through her locked jaw "tha ah show tight.  Ah they spose ta be thish tight?"

Dr. Morales replied "yesh, they need to be.  You will get ushed to the tightnessh.  Walk acrossh the room and back for me pleash."

Dr. Brad watched as Megan took her first uneasy, mechanical step.  Mona walked along beside her.  Mona said "ya are doin fine."  Dr. Brad noticed her mouth didn't open as she spoke.  Once back at the treatment table, Mona said "ya did sho well.  Sho musch better than mosht patientsh."

Dr. Brad added "baby, you did so good.  I am so proud of you." 

Out of habit, Megan replied "thank you shir."

Dr. Brad cocked his head at her as she realized her mistake.  She had broken one of their rules.  She said "thank you, shure feel resthrective."

Dr. Morales said "they do at firsht.  But in a week or two wearing them will feel completely normal.  So, any questionsh from either of you?"

Dr. Brad shook his head and said "no, not about the KAFOS.  You both did a wonderful job explaining them.  Mona, I do have a question for you.  Do you have your scopes locked?"

Mona said "yesh shir.  You toll me to keep them locked ash musch as posshible.  Sho I do."

Dr. Brad responded "oh my goodness Mona.  That is so incredible.  You are doing so well.  Maybe your dedication will rub off on Dr. Morales."

Dr. Morales eyed him as she responded "maybe Dr. Brad needs to be fitted for his own pair of KAFOS?"

Dr. Brad laughed before he said "touche!  Dr. Morales you are doing great too.  I am so happy to see you all taking such an active part in your treatments and wearing your appliances as instructed.  You will be in braces and then out of braces before you know it."  He looked at Megan and asked "baby, are you good?  Any questions?"

Megan said "no".

Dr. Morales said "than in that case, we are done.  You know how to find me."

Arriving back home, Dr. Brad helped Megan inside.  Dr. Brad's mother had volunteered to keep the baby for them, and as soon as they entered the house she rushed to Megan and gave her a hug.  She said "honey, how are you doing?"

Megan said "I am ok."

Brad's mother, Wanda, replied "I am so sorry this is all happening at once.  But I know between Brad and Dr. Morales, they will have you fixed up as good as new in no time.  I am going to stay with you the rest of the afternoon.  I insist."

Megan responded "thah ya.  How wash Chancsh?"

Wanda beamed as she said "he is an angel.  He didn't cry one time."

Dr. Brad said "I hate to run, but lunch is about over.  I have to get back to the office.  Mom, thank you so much."  He then hugged Megan.  Feeling the laces of her corset underneath her CTO would never grow old to him.  He said "baby, I am so proud of you.  You are such a trooper.  You are my inspiration and my rock."  By now, his mother had walked away to check on the baby.  Dr. Brad whispered "I will put your belt back on you this evening when I get home.  I know kitten must miss it.  I hope she is a good girl while I am away this afternoon."

Megan said "kitten will be a good girl.  Ish she in trouble for saying shir today?"

Dr. Brad said "no, she is not.  I know she had so much running through her mind.  And she recovered so well.  I am proud of you.  You are a good kitten.  And good kittens get treats."

Dr. Brad let go of her as his demeanor changed.  He was making eye contact with her as he said "I do love you more than life itself.  And thank you.  Now, I've got to run."

Megan watched as the door closed before she turned to make her way to the baby's nursery.  As she took her first step, she wondered if she could really do this.  She loved Brad.  And she loved their relationship dynamic.  But this?  It was so much.  She tried to brush it from her mind.  For some reason, she thought of Emily.  She wondered if she had been wearing her facemask at work.  She thought 'if she only knew what some people had to wear'. 

Later that afternoon, Megan got thirsty.  She walked into the kitchen.  Looking in the refrigerator, she didn't see anything she really wanted.  She made a rash decision.  She walked stiffly into the nursery to find Wanda reading a book, sitting beside Chance who was napping.  Megan said "Mrsh. Miller, could I trouble you to go to Starbucksh?  I would love an iced vanilla latte."

Wanda looked up at Megan and said "of course honey.  I will be glad to go get you one if you think you are ok by yourself."

Megan said "thank you.  But I wash hoping we could go together.  I am going to have to face the world with my leg bracesh shome time."

Wanda looked at her uncertainly and asked "are you sure honey?  You just got them?  And you are wearing your CTO.  Do you want to  take it off?"

Megan said "I am shure.  I can do it.  And I don't want to take my CTO off".  She didn't mention to Wanda that she actually couldn't remove it with the hook covers closed.  She asked "Can you help me into my sling?"

Wanda said "are you sure you can manage the baby?  I will be more than happy to."

Megan said "yesh, I am.  And you have to drive."

Wanda looked at her.  She was clearly not convinced.  Finally she relented and said "ok.  It is just around the corner.  Here, let me help you."

Wanda walked closely beside Megan as they walked across the parking lot.  She said "you are doing so good honey.  And you are so brave.  I am so proud of you for facing this head on."

As she approached the register, she didn't see Emily.  She wondered if she was even working that day.  She did see the younger girl from her previous visit, Megan remembered her name was Kayleigh.  She had her back to them working on some drinks.  As she stepped to the counter stiffly, Emily emerged from around the corner.  Seeing Megan, her eyes grew huge. Emily stepped to the counter and said "welcome to Starbucks, can I take your order."  She thought for a moment and said "Megan." 

Megan said "you remembered my name Emily.  I would like a grande iced vanilla latte."  Wanda piped in "make that two."

After ringing it up, Wanda dug in her purse.  Emily looked at Megan and asked "are you ok?  Were you in an accident?"

Megan said "no, I have joint inshability.  This neck bracsh is part of my treatment.  Ash are my new leg bracesh.  This clear mask is for my protraction.  I wear it mosht of the time.  Not that daintly little mask I was wearing the other day.  Speaking of which, I wash hoping you would be wearing yoursh."

Wanda paid for their drinks with a card.  Emily seemed to not even notice.  She seemed stunned.  Unsure what to say.  She couldn't help but stare at the CTO that Megan was wearing.  She finally said "wow, you are so brave."

Megan said "you are too.  Going through treatment in college and all.  I sure do wish I had a little company in here though."

Emily said "ok."  She stepped away and said a word to Kayleigh.  When Kayleigh turned, she saw Megan.  Kayleigh's eyes got huge.

Shortly after, Emily emerged wearing her purple facemask.  Megan watched as Emily stopped and spoke with Kayleigh a few moments.  She couldn't hear what was said, but Kayleigh disappeared into the back.  Stepping back up to the counter, Emily said "your drinks will be ready in a moment.  We will bring them to you."

Megan smiled the best she could and said "thank you Emily."

Emily said "I can't believe I am doing this.  Again."

Megan said "you look so cute.  Again, thank you."

It had only been a minute or so, Megan was still trying to get comfortable in her seat as Wanda held Chance, when Megan heard Emily's voice say "here are your drinks."  Megan looked up.  She felt surprised.  In front was Emily holding an iced latte.  What surprised Megan though was Kayleigh who trailed along behind her, also holding an iced latte.  Megan's surprise wasn't simply that Kayleigh had brought one of the drinks out.  It was the fact that she was wearing headgear.  And not just a high pull headgear.  Instead, she had an intricate collection of blue straps running around her head, two white plastic c-shaped pieces running along in front of her ears, and a maze of elastics connecting the silver facebow emerging from her mouth.  Megan recognized it as an Interlandi headgear.

Megan smiled and said "oh wow!  You girlsh look great!  Sho cute!  Thank you.  I don't feel like the only one.  Seriously Kayleigh, it ish cute."

Kayleigh laughed and said "huh, whatever.  I just got it this week.  It is horrible.  I thought my old one was bad.  This is worse.  But Emily said I should put it on."

Megan looked at Emily and said "Emily is correct.  You should put it on if you need it.  Just like Emily should wear hers.  Kayleigh, how much do you have to wear yours?  I am supposed to wear mine all the time."

Kayleigh animatedly replied "that is the worst part.  I am supposed to wear this 18 hours a day.  Dr. Blakeney wants me to wear it to school.  Never, I won't do it."

Megan said "Kayleigh, look at me.  Would you rather wear it now?   And fix everything?  Or have to do it when you are grown?  Like me.  I can tell you it is better to do it now."

Kayleigh said "I'd rather not have to wear it ever."  She went quiet a moment before adding "but I guess now is better."

Emily added "it is better than wearing it in college too."

Megan said "well, I guess that settles it.  You two are just going to have to wear them here at work."

Emily looked at Megan and asked "why do you care?  Really?"

Megan laughed and said "because mishery lovesh company?  No seriously, it ish because my hushband is an orthodontist.  He treatsh sho many adult patientsh.  It ish sho much harder on adultsh.  I mean, you two are, but you are still sho young.  The younger you are the eashier it ish.  I just don't want you to have to go through what I and so many other adult patientsh have to.  So, just wear it now.  Like you are supposhed to.  Will you?"

Emily looked at her silently.  Finally she said "I will try."  She turned to Kayleigh and asked "will you do it with me?  I know you were saying that if you don't, your ortho was going to move you to a non-compliance plan.  Whatever that is."

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #78 on: 04. March 2024, 06:20:39 AM »
This keeps getting better. Can’t wait for Tara’s update!

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #79 on: 04. March 2024, 23:13:06 PM »
I can´t wait either. This is for sure a very nice story.  :)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #80 on: 05. March 2024, 17:40:37 PM »
Chapter Thirty Three:

That Friday afternoon at the weekly staff meeting, Dr. Brad looked around at all the ladies.  As always, he was so proud of them.  Proud of how well they treated their patients, and also proud that they were all so good about wearing their appliances.  He gave them a big smile and announced "great week everyone.  Thank you all.  Dr. Bender, how was your week?  Getting settled in?"

Dr. Bender said "It was an amazing week."  She looked around the room and continued "I want to compliment you all on running such a tight ship.  I have never been in an office where everything runs so smoothly.  And thank you all for welcoming me with such open arms.  I am so excited to start seeing patients.  And I am excited to start my own treatment.  I had forgotten how much spacers suck though."  She gave a laugh as the ladies looked on smiling.  They could all relate.

Dr. Brad said "speaking of which, I want all of your input on the potential assistants we interviewed this week.  Today is election day.  Janice is going to pass around a ballot to each of you with all of their names on there.  Please rank them as to how you think they would fit in here.  Number one is your first choice and so on to number five.  Don't put your name on it, I want this to be anonymous.  And I can't guarantee that we will hire your top two choices, but I am going to consider them all.  Thank you."

Janice began handing out the ballots and pens.  She was about half-way done when Maggie said "remind me again who Katie was."

Alex chimed in "she wash the one who ish jusht about to graduate from dental asshisting school, the blond with bracesh."

Mandy laughed and replied "she would certainly fit in here.  All she needs is a CTO of her own" as Mandy tapped the brace she was wearing.

Becky responded "hey, we don't all wear CTOs here."

Mandy said "rub it in."

Dr. Brad looked at Becky and said "well Bec, we could certainly make that happen if you want."

Becky looked up and said "Nooo...  Please, I am so ready to get them off."  As she spoke the collection of elastics in her mouth stretched back and forth.

Dr. Brad smiled and said "just keep on wearing those elastics full-time like you are supposed to and you will."

Mandy asked "so how is it that the youngest person in the office is getting her braces off first?"  The comment drew a couple of laughs from the ladies.

After all the ladies had filled out the ballots in front of them, Janice collected them back up and handed them to Dr. Brad.

He said "thank you all.  Dr. Bender and I are going to review all this and make decisions over the weekend on who we hire.  We will let everyone know on Monday.  Also, Monday will be the first day for Janice's replacement Aubrey.  Welcome her with open arms.  I know you will.  Janice, thank you so much for staying on an extra month to show her the ropes.  I just don't know what we will do without you."

Janice tried to smile.  But the two pairs of elastics and the new facebow she had gotten that morning made it difficult and unnatural.  She said "it is my pleasure.  And you know I can't be a stranger" as she pointed up to her mouth and the complicated headgear that encircled her head.

Dr. Bender piped in "your headgear is amazing Janice.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  And in a week, you will have a little company.  Me!"

Dr. Brad looked at Dr. Bender and said "You are going to be such an inspiration to your patients."  He looked around the room.  Becky and Dr. Bender were the only ladies not wearing an extraoral appliance.  He smiled and said "Again everyone, great week.  As always. Enjoy your weekends.  And I will see you all bright and early on Monday."

Janice slid in beside Alex, Maggie, Mandy and Lisa at the counter.  They were all removing their CTO braces for the drive home.  Janice opened up one of the cabinets and grabbed her purse.  As she turned to leave, Alex asked "you aren't going to take off your headgear Janice?"

Janice turned and gave Alex her new, awkward smile.  She replied "no, I can drive fine with it.  It is so complicated to put on and take off, I might be here an extra thirty minutes.  Plus, this new facebow is going to take a little practice putting in and taking out.  I will practice a little at home this weekend."

By now Alex had removed her CTO.  She said "you are hardcore Janice."

Janice laughed before she replied "no, Alex, that is you.  This headgear really isn't that bad.  It doesn't hurt, and it isn't restrictive at all.  Well, except for eating and smiling.  No honey, you are the trooper with your CTO and leg braces.  But do you know something?  The way you are walking now, you can't even tell you are wearing them."  Janice stepped over and gave her a hug.  As she released her she said "have a great weekend!  I hope you and Marc have just the best adventures."

As Janice walked away, Alex wondered what it would be like to wear the new Miller headgear.

That night at Jim's, Tara slid in stiffly beside him on the couch.  Jim had cooked dinner for them and they had finished cleaning the table and kitchen before each put on their CTO braces.  They were now settling in to watch a movie they had both decided on.  As they watched Tara said "this is an exciting evening baby, this is the last night you are supposed to wear your CTO for 17 hours a day.  You have done so good.  I am so proud of you."

Jim replied "I did it for you baby.  Seriously." 

Tara ran her hand up and down Jim's thigh as she said "I know you did.  And it is the sweetest thing.  Is it weird that I am looking a little forward to our appointments next week?  Maybe you will be done turning your expander and can get your braces?  And maybe I am close to being able to get my expander?  It terrifies me.  But I am also eager to just get it over with.  Plus, I want to be able to go through it with you.  Together.  Is that weird?"

Jim put his arm around Tara's shoulders and squeezed her "no, it is sweet.  We both seem to have committed to this."

Tara wondered what he meant by 'this'.  Was he referring to orthodontic treatment?  Or to them as a couple?

That following Friday, Tara and Jim walked in for their appointments.  After checking in with Becky, Tara and Jim took a seat.  A few minutes later the door to the treatment area opened.  Tara's friend Aubrey walked over to them with a big smile on her face.  Tara stood and gave her a hug as she said "my appointments here just keep getting better!  How was your first week?"

Aubrey sat in the chair beside Tara describing her first week.  It had been quite a change from the world of accounting, but Aubrey said it was so much more interesting than just staring at spreadsheets all day.  After they had caught up, Aubrey said "well, I guess I better get back to work.  There is so much to learn.  But Janice is so wonderful."  As she stood Tara asked "so, when are you getting braces?"

Aubrey looked down at Tara and replied "haha, real funny.  Thanks, but no thanks."

Tara smiled, the silver hooks just visible in the corners of her mouth, and said "hey, why don't we get together this weekend and catch up?  This wasn't long enough."

As Aubrey smiled at her, Tara noticed how narrow her friend's upper arch really was and how she had some crowding on bottom.  Aubrey said "that would be fun.  Lunch tomorrow?"

Tara smiled and said "and maybe a little shopping.  Jim has an open house for his new residential development the next few weekends.  And I would just be a third wheel.  So let's do it.  I will call you tonight."

As Aubrey walked away Tara realized two things.  One, she checked out everyone's teeth since she had begun treatment herself.  And two, she thought it looked like Aubrey could actually benefit from braces herself.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #81 on: 05. March 2024, 22:02:30 PM »
Welcome Aubrey to the braces team.  ;)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #82 on: 06. March 2024, 01:28:52 AM »
Who knows?  Dr. Bender is going to start seeing patients of her own soon.  She seems very enthusiastic about all of Dr. Miller’s inventions.  And it sounds like she will be getting to learn all about them first hand.  I wonder who her first patient will be?  And what his or her treatment will involve?

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #83 on: 06. March 2024, 09:51:55 AM »
Who knows?

You know!  :)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #84 on: 06. March 2024, 19:30:24 PM »
Chapter Thirty Four:

After a five minute wait, the treatment door opened.  Alex called out "Tara, Jim, you can come on back."  Tara turned her head and looked at Alex.  The first thing she noticed is that Alex did not have anything on her face.

When Tara got within easy earshot of her, she excitedly asked "are you done with your CTO?"

Alex replied "no.  But, I am done with it while working with patients.  It might add a little time to my treatment, but it is worth it.  You can't even imagine how difficult it was leaning over working on patients when you can't bend over.  I do have to admit though, my back pain is better though since I started wearing it.  Come on back!  I have someone for you two to meet."

As Tara followed along behind Alex, she noticed how effortlessly she was walking.  She could tell she had her leg braces on, they did print against her scrubs every once in awhile.  Nonetheless Tara asked "are you not wearing your KAFOs either?"

Alex stopped and turned.  She pulled up the leg of her scrubs and showed the steel and white plastic that encased her legs.  Alex said "sadly I am.  I am not sure if these won't be with me a while.  Maybe forever."  She had a frown on her face.

Tara said "well, I couldn't even tell you were wearing them.  And I am sure it won't be forever."  Tara was glad that Alex' frowned turned into a smile.

Approaching one end of the row of treatment chairs, Tara saw the same mother with her two daughters from her previous appointment.  The two girls were sitting side by side, each wearing their pink facemasks, as they watched Maggie work on mom's braces.

She was watching Maggie, who like Alex was not wearing any type of extraoral appliance, install a power chain on the woman's brackets when Dr. Brad's voice startled her.  She turned in his direction when she heard him boom "Mrs. Reynolds!  Mr. Phillips!  Wonderful to see you."  Tara looked at him and saw the woman standing to his side and slightly behind him.  Tara saw she was wearing a white coat with 'Dr. Bender' embroidered on it.  Dr. Brad said "we are growing!  I want to introduce you to Dr. Andrea Bender."  As Dr. Bender shook Jim and Tara's hand, Dr. Brad continued "Dr. Bender, or Dr. Andi as she likes to go by, has been with us a couple of weeks.  She will sit in and observe your appointments.  And then on Monday, she will start seeing new patients herself."

Dr. Andi said "it is a pleasure to meet you.  Dr. Brad will still be your ortho, but I will be available to help in any way possible.  Maybe Dr. Brad can finally take a vacation.  And thank you for letting me sit in on your appointment.  I am so eager to start with my first patient on Monday morning."  She looked up at Alex as she said this.  Tara saw that Alex was silently clapping.  Tara wondered what this was all about.

As if reading her mind Alex looked at Tara and excitedly said "my momma is going to be Dr. Andi's first patient.  I get to put braces on my momma!"

Dr. Andi added "it is exciting Alex.  You can show her the ropes.  Maybe even turn her expander for her."  Turning her head to towards Tara and Jim she said "but she won't be the only one getting a Miller.  I am getting my own set of appliances this afternoon at the end of the day.  I am excited.  But hey, you can't work in ortho and not go into treatment right?  Or I guess in my case, three times.  Once as a teen, once in dental school, and now once again.  But this time it is so exciting.  What Dr. Brad is doing is amazing.  The Miller appliance and his new extraoral devices are just amazing.  I can't wait to get my own.  Anyway, enough of me babbling.  You can tell I am excited.  It was a pleasure to meet you."

Dr. Brad just smiled as he listened to Dr. Andi ramble.  Once she was done he added "and we are all excited for you Dr. Andi.  Now, how about we get you in the chair first Jim."  Looking at the bags Tara and Jim each were holding, he said "I see you both brought your appliances.  Good job.  And I assume you have been wearing them as prescribed?"

Jim handed the bag with his CTO in it to Alex.  As he sat down in the chair he replied "yes, I have.  We both have.  I am so glad I am only having to wear it 14 hours now.  Three hours doesn't seem like much.  But those were the longest three hours of every day."

Dr. Brad said "I am so glad you were so dedicated.  And I am sure it paid off.  Let's take a look and confirm that."

As Dr. Brad examined Jim's mouth, Tara heard laughter coming from the other end of the room.  She looked down there to see the two teens leaning on each other laughing.  Tara noticed that the mom was now sitting up in the treatment chair and was wearing her matching pink facemask.  Tara hoped the girls weren't laughing at their mom.  When Tara saw mom give a slight smile and then laugh herself, she felt relief.  Somebody must have just said something funny she thought.

She was splitting her attention between Jim and the trio when they all stood.  After Maggie shook mom's hand, the three turned and began walking in her direction, all three wearing their matching pink facemasks.  As they approached, Tara stood and took a few steps towards them.  She didn't know why, maybe it is because she had worried they had been making fun of mom, but Tara said to the trio "you three are just the cutest.  You all match!  I wish my CTO brace was pink.  I am so jealous."

Mom stopped.  The look on her face was a mix of confusion and embarrassment.  But not wanting to be rude, she replied "thank you.  The girls are cute in them.  Me?  Awful."

Tara said "no, not at all.  I know you have seen a CTO brace."  She held up her bag.  Tara continued "me and my boyfriend each have to wear one.  Now they really are huge.  Your facemasks are cute.  Really."

The mom said "well... thank you.  The girls here have taken to them like a fish to water.  It has been a real struggle for me.  The weekends especially.  We are supposed to wear them pretty much full time then.  It intrudes on life so much.  But the girls stay on me about it.  It's funny, I thought I would be the one that had to stay after them.  But they are doing so well.  I'm the cheater.  But I just can't bring myself to wear it in public like these two.  And it hurts my chin after four or five hours."  She went quiet a second and said "how rude of me."  She stuck out her hand and said "hi, I am Margaret.  These are my two girls Savannah and Elise."  She pointed to each one as she said their names to identify them.  "It is a pleasure to meet you."

Tara shook her hand and responded "Margaret, I am Tara Reynolds.  And my boyfriend over there is Jim."  Tara turned her head to the girls and said "and it is a pleasure to meet you two as well.  And I mean it that you both look adorable.  And you wear them in public?  Go girls!"

Both girls said hello.  Then the taller one, Savannah, said "it really isn't that bad.  I mean, we don't wear them to school.  But I am not going to stay locked inside all weekend either.  I wish mama wouldn't lock herself away either.  I even wear it in front of my boyfriend."

The shorter, younger of the two Elise pouted before she replied "rub it in."  She looked at Margaret as she said "mom won't let me date until next year when I turn 15." 

Margaret said "Elise, that is not true.  I just won't let you date unsupervised."

Savannah said "you will be fine Elise.  And at least you are doing this now.  Maybe we will be done with these by then.  Do you know how weird it is to be in high school and have to wear this?"

Tara couldn't help but laugh.  She replied "try wearing it in your thirties.  Right Margaret?"

Margaret smiled a real smile.  It was the first time Tara had seen one from her.  Tara saw that she had metal braces top and bottom with lavender power chains on both arches.  Margaret answered "absolutely.  And I wish I were still in my thirties.  Thank you Tara."

Tara said "you are welcome.  And I would never have guessed.  But seriously, Savannah is right.  You shouldn't let orthodontics slow you down."

Margaret asked "so you wear yours in public?"

Tara cocked her head and replied "no, I haven't.  But I totally would.  Especially if it were just the facemask and not a whole upper body brace."

Margaret looked at her with sympathy.  She said "you poor dear.  I guess I don't have it that bad."

Tara replied "really, the CTO isn't that bad.  We have both kind of gotten used to it.  Well, it was wonderful to meet you and chat.  And I guess we are on the same schedule."  Tara saw the confused look on Margaret's face.  Tara added "we were both here at the same time at our last appointments."

Margaret responded "oh, wow.  I am sorry.  I was in such daze getting this."  She pointed up at her facemask.  She continued "all I could really focus on was the silver bar running in front of my face.  But you know what, I really don't even notice it now."

Tara smiled and said "nothing to apologize about.  I just hope maybe I will see you at our next appointments.  So you can tell me how everything is going."

Margaret said "well, how about I just give you my cell phone number.  It would be nice to be able to talk to another adult going through this.  Would that be ok?"

Tara smiled and said "absolutely!  I would love that.  And are you on Facebook?  I will look you up and send you a friend request."

Margaret smiled and said "I am.  And I will totally friend you."  She smiled at Tara after saying this.  She then gave Tara her phone number and last name as Tara entered it into her phone.  Tara shot her back a text.  Margaret said "got it!  Tara thank you so, so much.  You have made me feel so much better about this whole thing.  I hope your appointment goes great.  Maybe shoot me a text and let me know how it goes?"

Tara smiled and said "I totally will."

Before she departed Margaret said "again, thank you.  And you know what?  I just decided I am going to wear my facemask all the way home.  Why not?"

Tara smiled.  She replied "yay!  Why not?"  She watched as Margaret led the two girls out of the treatment area.  Unlike the previous appointment, Tara noticed that Margaret was holding her head up proudly, facemask and all.

Tara stepped back over beside Jim and took her seat.  She whispered to Alex "does everything look good?"  Alex shook her head up and down.  After a few seconds, Dr. Brad leaned back.  He looked at Tara and said "everything looks great."  He turned his attention back to Jim and said " you really have done a great job.  And your dedication has paid off.  I want to have Alex do some imaging to make sure.  But, I think you are done turning your expander Jim.  Not only that, I think it is time to cut the arms off your expander and get you into some braces."

Tara squelled "oh baby, that is so exciting!"

Jim didn't look as excited as he asked "today?  Right now?" 

Dr. Brad said "maybe.  I do want to take a look at your CBCT scan first.  If it looks good, and I am pretty certain it will, I can do metal or ceramic brackets today.  You would be a candidate for Invisalign.  I personally hate Invisalign, but if that is what you want we can go that route.  If we do though, it will take a couple of weeks to get your aligners in.  In that case, I won't remove the arms from your expander until then.  And it will be several thousand more dollars."

Jim looked at Tara and said "I'm not worried about the money.  What do you want sweetie?"

Tara said "I want whatever you want.  But you would look so cute and handsome with brackets."

Jim looked at Dr. Brad and asked "Tara isn't a candidate for invisalign is she?  She will have to get brackets won't she?"

Dr. Brad replied "that is correct.  Tara has some occlusion issues that Invisalign just can't address.  She will need braces."

Jim looked at Tara and smiled at her.  He said "well, I am not crazy about the idea of having braces.  But we are in this together.  I guess I am getting braces today."

Tara couldn't contain herself.  She hopped over and gave Jim a big hug.  She said "thank you baby.  You are the best."  She whispered "and you are going to be so sexy with braces."  She then kissed him.  She said "next time we kiss, you will have braces!  I am sure we will need to practice.  A lot.  I know I sure plan to."

Jim thought to himself 'maybe having braces won't be too bad afterall.'

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #85 on: 07. March 2024, 19:00:36 PM »
Chapter Thirty Five:

Dr. Miller looked at Tara and said "why don't you go ahead and hop in the chair?"  He looked at Alex and asked "Alex, will you take Mr. Phillips back and get those images made?  By the time you get back, we should be wrapping up here."

Once she was seated, Dr. Brad quizzed Tara on how things were going and if there were any issues with her appliances.  Tara told him everything had been going well.  He leaned her back and said "let's take a look".

After he had examined her mouth with her daytime appliance in, he asked her to swap to her nighttime appliance.  He gave a thorough evaluation of it in her mouth, taking a few measurements and feeling her TMJ joints as she opened and closed her mouth, and said "everything looks great.  I am not even going to ask you to put on your CTO.  I can tell you are doing a good job wearing it."  As he raised Tara back to a sitting position he asked "do you have any questions or concerns?  How is your pain? Any headaches?"

Tara went to speak "ahm nah havin..."  She had forgotten she was wearing her nighttime appliance.  She quickly pulled it out, a string of saliva stretching from it to her lip.  She put it in its case, and she popped her daytime appliance in.  She said again "I am not having any headaches.  And very little pain.  I get a little achy if I talk a lot.  But unlike before it is manageable.  Thank you.  So, when do you think I will done with my splints?  When will I get my expander?"

Dr. Brad said "you are making great progress.  You are progressing so fast.  But I still want to give your TMJs more time to heal and decompress.  I'm not sure if you can tell, but your bite is shifting.  The way we want it to.  You are not ready for your next appliance yet however.  But I do think you will be ready sooner than my original projection.  Keep doing what you are doing and we will see how things look at your next appointment."

Tara's mind was focused on the word appliance.  She looked at him and asked "Dr. Brad, what appliance will I be getting?  Will I be getting a Miller appliance?"

Dr. Brad smiled at her and said "that would be the best, most efficient way to treat your case.  So yes."

Tara's heart sank a bit even if that is what she expected to hear.  She asked "will it have a tongue crib?  With my new job, I talk to a lot of people.  I am not sure if having a tongue crib will work for me."

Dr. Brad said "I do want to incorporate a tongue crib in your treatment plan.  It will be beneficial for you.  I find that when we make craniofacial adjustments, some patients actually develop a tongue thrust during treatment that they didn't have before.  And it is harder to break a bad habit than it is to prevent it from ever becoming a habit in the first place.  So yes, you will need a tongue crib if you want the best treatment outcome.  Do you want the best treatment outcome?"

Tara said "of course, of course I do.  But a tongue crib?  I am not sure I can do it."

Dr. Brad tried to calm her saying "how about this?  We try it.  If you can't tolerate it, I can remove it and fit you with a removable one.  It will extend your treatment time a bit, but you will be able to take it out for important meetings.  But as well as you have done with this phase of treatment, I think you will do great with phase two.  I don't like to talk about my patients.  But, you know both Lisa and Maggie have Miller appliances with tongue cribs.  Have you spoken with them recently?  They are speaking so well.  Now it is different for different patients, but most adapt.  And I find that patients with a fixed tongue crib tend to speak much better than patients with a removable tongue crib.  That I think is because of the extra acrylic of the removeable.  I know you are friends with Alex.  I am sure you have noticed she still has trouble saying certain words when she is wearing hers.  And she always will.  By now, her speech has improved as much as it will while she is wearing it.  So, why don't we try the fixed crib first?  See how it goes."  Tara sat silently thinking.  Dr. Brad looked over at Dr. Andi.

Dr. Andi said "Tara, I completely concur with Dr. Brad.  If you have anxiety about getting the appliance, I bet that Maggie and Lisa would be happy to talk to you about it.  And I know I will.  I am getting mine this afternoon before we close up shop.  Mine will have a fixed tongue crib on top.  And just to be sure my tongue behaves, I will have tongue spurs on my lower arch.  I know this weekend will be an adjustment.  But I plan on practicing my speech a lot.  I am sure that I will be just fine by Monday morning.  I will be sure to tell you the good, the bad and the ugly.  But I think it will be mostly good!  So when the time comes, why not just try it?"

Tara meekly said "ok, we will try it."

Dr. Brad said "that is a great attitude.  Let's try it.  If it doesn't work for you, we can find a solution.  But I know it will work."  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Alex.  He turned his head towards her and Jim who was following along behind her.  Alex was holding the images she had taken.  Dr. Brad said "speaking of trying it, let's see how that CBCT looks."

Alex handed Dr. Brad the images.  He held them up one by one and examined them.  Handing them back to Alex he looked at Jim with a smile and said "Mr. Phillips, everything looks great.  You are ready for braces.  Have you decided what kind?"

Jim said "I spoke with Alex about it.  And I have actually spoken with some people outside of work who have Invisalign.  If I go with Invisalign, will I need a mouth full of attachments on my teeth?"

Dr. Brad nodded his head as he said "yes, you would need a number of attachments on your teeth, at least while we are really moving things around."

Jim said "ok, so they really wouldn't be invisible.  One of the agents I work with has a mouth full of attachments, and they are pretty noticeable."  He looked at Tara.  He said "I think I will do clear brackets on top and metal on bottom.  That is what Alex recommended.  Would that be a good choice?"

Tara and Dr. Brad went to speak at the same time.  Tara stopped and said "you first." 

Dr. Brad said "I think that would be an excellent choice.  Probably the very best choice."

Tara then said "sweetheart I am so proud of you.  And you are going to look so cute.  Such a manly hunk."  She winked at him.

Dr. Brad said "well then, let's get to work."

It took about ten minutes to remove the arms from his expander.  Dr. Brad even removed his molar bands with their hooks.  He and Dr. Andi stepped away to meet with another patient as Alex applied the brackets to each of Jim's teeth.  Tara sat beside him holding his hand.  After she had placed his new molar bands and all his brackets she cured the adhesive with UV light.  She asked "ok, time for your wires.  What color ligatures do you want?"

Jim asked "what is the least noticeable?"

Alex replied "I think shmoke ish.  You would think clear would be, but they get dishcolored sho quickly.  White ish a good choice, but it shtains too.  Jusht not ash bad ash clear.  Smoke ish the answer if you ashk me."

Jim replied "smoke". 

Tara gave him a smile and asked "no fun colors baby?"

Jim said simply "no".

Alex quickly placed his wires and ligatures, first the bottom then the top, and pulled her mask down.  She gave him a big smile, showing off her own metal brackets with their teal ligatures, and said "all done!  You did great.  And now you have braces.  All the cool kidsh do."

As she raised him back to a sitting position, Tara watched as he maneuvered his lips around his new braces.  She also watched him stick his tongue out and run it along the front of his top teeth feeling the rough ceramic brackets.  She thought it was one of the sexiest things she had ever seen.  She was so occupied watching him, she didn't notice Dr. Brad and Dr. Andi had come back over until she heard Dr. Brad ask "so, what ya' think, how do they feel?"

Jim looked at him and said "they feel strange.  But they don't really hurt."  Alex thought to herself 'they don't hurt, yet.'

Dr. Brad smiled and said "excellent.  They will feel strange for a few days.  But you will get used to them in no time.  You may feel a little discomfort over the next few days.  But regular Tylenol should handle it."  He looked at Tara and asked "what do you think about them?"

Tara said "I love them.  I would love them even more if he would give me a smile."  Jim looked over and tried to smile.  His lip got caught on one of the hooks on a bracket.  He tried again, this time pushing his lips out away from his teeth.  Tara made eye contact with him.  She seemed to have forgotten she was in the middle of an orthodontic office amongst others as she said "God you are so hot."

Jim's smile turned a little sheepish.  He said "I am glad you are ok having a boyfriend with braces."

Tara didn't say a word before you leaned in and kissed him.  She leaned back, then kissed him again.  Finally she said "I think I can deal with it" and gave him a big smile.  She added "but we are definitely going to need to practice kissing."  She looked up at Dr. Brad and asked pleadingly "are we done?"

Dr. Brad laughed and said "I think we are, whether I was ready or not.  I was going to have Alex show you how to brush, but we have a video on our youtube channel that will show you how.  Before you run though, Tara keep doing what you are doing.  Jim, I want you to continue to wear your CTO.  But you only need to wear it for 10-12 hours a day now.  Mostly while you sleep.  You have new molar bands, the old ones may have had sharp edges where I cut off the arms of your expander, but they have little hooks on them too.  Hook your elastics there.  They are a little further back in your mouth than before, but you will get the hang of it in no time."

Jim said "How long do you think I will have these?"

Dr. Brad said "I think we can have you out of these in 12-14 months."  He noticed what he thought was a look of disappointment come over Tara's face.  He added "but if you really want to be sure that things don't relapse, we should probably keep them on a few extra months."  He noticed a smile came back to Tara's face.

Tara snatched her bag up off the floor.  She looked at Dr. Brad and asked again "are we done?"  Dr. Brad laughed and said "we are done.  You are dismissed."  Dr. Andi laughed. 

As Tara drug Jim by the hand out of the treatment area, Alex saw the bag sitting on the floor beside the treatment chair.  She looked up and shouted "hey, aren't you forgetting something?"  Alex picked the bag up and ran over to the couple.  As she handed Jim the bag with his CTO in it, Alex said "you might need this."

Jim replied "thank you."

Tara echoed this.  She then added "and look at you running.  What leg braces?"

Alex seemed surprised.  She replied "wow, I forgot I was even wearing them.  Finally."

Tara reached over and gave her a one armed hug and said "see, I told you.  Now I have to run.  I need to get my poor baby here home and make sure his mouth isn't hurting."

As Jim and Tara walked away hand in hand, Maggie slid in beside Alex and asked "what was that all about?"

Alex turned and gave her a mischievous smile.  She said quietly "Jim almost forgot his CTO.  Which would have been no good.  Because his braces seem to have had quite an effect on Tara.  I am worried that after what Tara is about to put him through, he may need a neck brace."

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #86 on: 08. March 2024, 02:42:06 AM »
Thanks for not leaving us hanging too long between chapters this week. Still intrigued to see what extremes will be experienced by everyone.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #87 on: 08. March 2024, 03:18:19 AM »
Well, I may disappoint you.  I am going to be slammed tomorrow, and I hope I am not in front of a computer this weekend.  But I will eventually get the next chapter typed.  It may be a long tough weekend for Dr. Andi though.  She may not be as enthusiastic about everything on Monday as she is today.  And Alex's mom probably doesn't really understand what her treatment really entails.  She decided to do it because she does have a few teeth that bother her a little, but mainly because it made Alex so excited.  But she just had a little tune up in mind, not a full overhaul.

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #88 on: 08. March 2024, 04:34:35 AM »
This sounds very promising! Hope you get to enjoy some of your weekend and not work too hard.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #89 on: 08. March 2024, 09:57:09 AM »
Take all the time you need for recreation!