
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 79846 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #90 on: 12. March 2024, 19:01:07 PM »
Chapter Thirty Six:

It was still almost an hour before they officially opened Monday morning when Dr. Brad heard a knock on his office door.  Before he could reply, the door swung inward and Dr. Andi entered the office.  Dr. Brad gave her a big smile and exclaimed "good morning!  You look wonderful this morning!  Excited for your first patient?"

Dr. Andi didn't even try to smile.  Behind the Miller headgear she was wearing a look of exhausted misery was etched on her face.  Without a word she walked over and sat down in one of the chairs facing Dr. Brad.  She said "ish eh ok eh I take ma heaggeh off thish morning?  It ish sho distracting.  I wah tah make sure my firsht inshtall goesh smoothly.  I am nervoush.  Could you sit over mah shoulder thish morning?"

Dr. Brad looked at her and replied "of course, you are an orthodontist after all.  If you think you need to take your headgear off, then certainly do.  Patient care is our absolute top priority here.  But you of all people know how important it is to get the necessary wear time in.  And I think you know what kind of message that might send to our patients.  But by all means, if you need to take it off, then take it off."

Andi looked at him as she weighed what he said.  Finally she answered "I know.  And I will wear it more ash I get more ushed to it.  If I get ushed to it.  But for my firsht inshtall, I am going to remove it.  Will you obsherve and help me?"

Dr. Brad responded "of course I will.  I was actually planning on it.  I just didn't want you to think I was looking over your shoulder.  Mrs. Grisham, er Alex's mom, is your patient."

Dr. Brad looked on as Dr. Andi worked at unhooking her headgear.  She pulled her glasses off and sat them on the desk in front of her. She next removed the four elastics that stretched from the hooks on her chincup to the hooks on her upper molars.  Next she unhooked the plastic modules that were attached to the facebow that was inserted in the tubes of her lower molar bands.  Once it was loose, she slid the facebow from her mouth and sat it beside her glasses.  With that done, she began loosening the wide black nylon strap that ran around the base of her skull and neck.  Each end of this strap was permanently secured to the plastic face frame that began at the curve in her jawline and followed upwards along the outside of her face, up and over her forehead, and then down the other side of her face.  The face frame was shaped somewhat like an upside down horseshoe, though wider than a horseshoe and it was made of white thermoplastic custom molded to her face.  The face frame was the core of the headgear, and what all modules and straps attached to.  This main strap she was working on held the frame securely to her face.  In addition to this main strap with it’s buckle, the face frame had several other black nylon straps that looped over the top and around the back of her head.  She didn’t need to loosen these, they had already been sized to hold the frame securely in place.  But until the main buckle strap was loosened, a patient could simply not remove the headgear.  Once Dr. Andi had the main strap free, she reached up and unclipped one of the plastic modules coming off the frame that held the oversized chincup firmly in place on her chin.  With everything free, she pulled the whole assembly up and off her head.  She let out an unconscious sigh of relief as she did.

With her headgear removed, Dr. Brad got a better look at Dr. Andi.  He noted the dark circles under her eyes and the haggard look on her face.  He asked "Did you have too much fun last night?  Go out partying?"

Dr. Andi gave a snort.  She replied "not funny.  I am misherable.  I have barely gotten a wink of shleep since Friday.  My mouth ish killing me.  I can't shleep with my CTO.  The headgear ish pushing and pulling at the shame time when I am not in bed.  And my tongue ish shredded."

Dr. Brad said "it will get easier.  I promise.  All the girls here have gotten used to sleeping with their CTOs.  Megan has too.  She wears hers almost full time now.  Maybe that would be a good way for you to get more used to it?  Wear it more during the day.  And I don't know why I haven't thought of this before.  Maybe I can consolidate everything and integrate the headgear into the CTO portion of the brace.  That way you would only have to get used to the one device.  And that gives me another idea.  To protect your tongue.  Let me work it out in my head, but I think it would be a good solution."

Dr. Andi replied snarkily "what, more shit in my mouth?"  She sat a moment and said "I am shorry.  I am jusht tired and hurting.  I thought thish was going to be no big deal.  I wash sho exshited about it.  It ish just a lot.  I know it will get better.  I will put my headgear back on later.  I jusht want to do the besht job I can for any patient.  And I better since thish firsht one is Alexsh mom."

As Alex walked across the waiting room, she had a huge smile on her face.  She was holding her mother's hand as she walked.  Alex' mom did not have a smile on her face.  Alex knew how nervous her mom Barbara was.  Alex said "mom, it will be no big deal.  Piece of cake.  You will be so glad you did it."

Barbara responded "I hope you are right."

The installation of the Miller appliance took almost an hour.  Dr. Andi was tedious and careful to make sure everything was perfect.  Dr. Brad noticed it took her twice as long to install the eight screws in Barb's mouth as he would have done it.  During the procedure, Alex assisted in the installation but also provided constant words of encouragement.  Alex knew having a cheek retractor in for so long couldn't be comfortable.  And as Barb's eyes clamped shut, a pained look on her face during the installation of the eight screws thru her palate and into her sinus cavity, Alex squeezed her hand and told her "you are doing great.  Steady breathing."

Finally, Dr. Andi leaned back, a look of relief on her face.  Her first Miller appliance installation was complete.  She smiled at Barb and said "you did sho good.  And now we match!"  Dr. Andi gave an exaggerated smile, her pistons and hooks visible in the upper corners of her mouth and her metal brackets with their violet ligatures visible on her lower arch as she did.  She repeated "you did sho good.  All that ish left ish for Alex to bond your lower bracketsh and get the archwire on.  Oh, and get your CTO fitted.  She is a pro, you know that.  You have to be sho proud of her.  Firsht though let'sh remove that cheek retractor for a minute and give you a little break."

As Dr. Andi had been talking, Barb had been exploring the huge device in her mouth with her tongue.  The roof of her mouth was completely numb so she didn't feel any pain.  But what she could feel felt completely foreign.  The tongue crib felt huge.  Even the simple lingual arch that ran along the backside of her lower teeth felt cumbersome.  But none of that could compare to the feeling of the huge expander screwed into the roof of her mouth.  She wondered if you could even see any of her palate or if it was just completely covered in metal.  It certainly felt that way.  And then there were the 8 screws.  They weren't sharp, but they were small and they poked her tongue mercilessly.  After Alex removed the cheek retractor, Barb could also feel the device with her cheeks and lips.  The bolts that held the telescoping pistons dug into her lips and cheeks.  The hooks poked her.  She hadn't even registered Dr. Andi's last comment.

Dr. Andi repeated herself "I know you have to be sho proud of Alex.  How cool ish it that your daughter getsh to inshtall your bracesh?"

Barb looked at her and said "ahm sho prou ah huh".  Barb's right hand shot up over her mouth.

Alex squeezed her mom's other hand and lied to her.  She said "you are talking so good mom!  Seriously, many patients have so much more trouble.  You know I still struggle some when I am wearing my crib.  But you sound great.  By tomorrow, you will be talking like normal."

Barb looked into her daughter's eyes.  Barbara was doing everything she could to fight off a panic attack.  She wanted to say something.  But she was afraid to try to speak.  Alex said "why don't we get you over to the sink so you can rinse?  And then I will get your brackets installed?"

As Barbara swished the water around in her mouth, Alex wrapped her in a protective hug.  Alex said "it takes a little getting used to. I know it does.  But I know you will.  And thank you."

After rinsing her mouth and spitting into the sink, Barb turned without speaking and hugged Alex back.  After a moment, Alex asked "can I install your lower braces now?"  Barb allowed Alex to lead her back over to the chair.

Once the brackets, archwire and ligatures were installed, Alex raised Barb back up to a sitting position.  As Alex held up a mirror for her mom, Dr. Andi arrived back.  Barb was smiling, or trying to smile, into the mirror when Dr. Andi excitedly exclaimed "Mrs. Grisham!  They look sho good!  Alex did a wonderful job.  And the blue ligaturesh completely match your eyesh!  Now, let's get you fitted for your CTO!"

It took fifteen minutes to get Barb's CTO sized to her.  With the brace tightly fastened to her, Barb had no choice but to sit up ramrod straight.  With two elastics exiting her mouth hooked to the posts on her mask, Dr. Andi said "that looksh perfect.  Now, you need to wear thish CTO for 14 hours a day.  But, over half of that time will be while you shleep.  And make two turnsh on your expander every day.  Alex will do your firsht two here and show you how everything worksh.  And I bet she even makesh house callsh for VIP patients.  Congratulations!  Do you have any questions for me?"

Barbara sat in silence absorbing everything.  Wondering if she had made a mistake.  She then did think of something.  She asked "how ahm ah gonna weh thish with ma CPAP?"

Dr. Andi looked at Barbara and said "oh goodness.  You wear a CPAP?  Oh dear, thish may be a problem."

Alex was disappointed in herself.  She knew her mom wore a CPAP to sleep.  She was kicking herself for not realizing that the CTO mask that her mom was being asked to wear was not at all compatible with the CPAP mask that she had to wear.  She said "mama, I am sorry.  I didn't even think about that.  Dr. Andi, what should we do?"

Dr. Andi sat in thought.  She finally asked "what kind of CPAP mask do you wear Mrs. Grisham?"

Barb answered "it ish a Philipsh. Ah doh nah exshactly wah model."

Dr. Andi asked "does it cover your nose and mouth?"

Bara replied "yesh".

Dr. Andi dug her phone out of her pocket and typed on it.  After a few seconds, she held the screen up to Barb and asked "ish it like thish one?"

Bara replied "yesh".

Dr. Andi smiled "good!  My husband ushed to wear the shame one.  He ish in a total facemask model now, but I know he shtill has a couple of these laying around.  I will she if I can't figure out how to integrate your CPAP mask into your CTO brace and sleep well mask.  And you know Dr. Brad ish quite the inventor.  I know he can come up with shomething.  But, in the meantime, I don't see many choices."

Dr. Andi sat thinking a moment.  She finally said "there really ish only one option.  Until we can get shomething figured out, you will have to wear your CTO during the day.  If you put it on at 7 am after showering and wear it until 10 pm when you get ready for bed, you will be able to get your time in.  Just think of it like a bra.  You put it on when you get ready for the day, take it off when you get ready for bed.  That is actually fifteen hoursh, so that will give you one hour to take it off for eating and hygiene.  So, that is the plan.  Wear your CTO during the day, wear your CPAP at night!.  Problem solved."

Alex read the look on her mother's face.  Alex hugged her and said "it will be ok mama.  Why don't we go back to the lounge?"

After Alex got her seated in the massage chair and turned it on, Barb closed her eyes and tried to ignore what a nightmare this was.  She was unaware of anything but the buzzing of the chair and the foreign feel of all the orthodontic devices she now was contending with.  She didn't notice Alex walk back beside her until she felt her hand on her arm and Alex' voice saying "look mama." Barb opened her eyes to see Alex standing over her wearing her own CTO brace.

Alex smiled at her and said "you look so cute, I had to put mine on.  I was jealous.  And I am not going to let you out do me.  If you are going to wear yours during the day, I am too!" 

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #91 on: 13. March 2024, 18:03:42 PM »
Chapter Thirty Seven:

Dr. Brad waited until all the ladies were in the lounge at lunch when he said "everyone, I want to put someone in the spotlight."  All eyes turned towards him.  He continued "I want to congratulate Dr. Bender on her first patient.  And her first installation of a Miller appliance.  She did an incredible job.  I think she deserves a round of applause."  After the soft applause died down he added "thank you Dr. Bender."

Dr. Andi, she was not wearing her headgear so her facial expression was evident, looked a little embarrassed as she said "oh gosh guysh, thank you show musch.  But I couldn't have done it without all of you."  She looked at Alex, who was still wearing her CTO, and said "or without an incredible patient.  Alexsh, pleash tell your mom what an honor and privilege it is to treat her."

Alex said she would.  With that said, everyone went back to what they were doing.  Dr. Andi opened the refrigerator and got a yogurt and water out.  As she went to leave, Dr. Brad stepped in beside her.  He said "why don't you stay and eat with us?"

Dr. Andi said "Brad, eating ish susch a nightmare for me right now.  I slurp and drool and it ish just agonizing.  And embarrashing."

Dr. Brad replied "there is no reason to feel embarrassed.  I promise you everyone here understands.  We have all been there.  But I have already put you on the spot enough.  How about we eat in my office?  I want to discuss some ideas I have on integrating a CPAP mask into our Sleep Well mask.  And I know your temporary office is cramped.  But have no fear, the contractors are supposed to arrive next week.  What do you say?"

Andi sat listening to Dr. Brad describe his ideas as she struggled to eat a cup of yogurt.  She really hoped it would get better, she didn't see how she could live like this for the next year.  Dr. Brad noticed her simply staring at the cup of yogurt in her hand.  He said "it will get easier.  So, what do you think of my idea?"

She looked up and said "it shoundsh like it would work.  So, if I understand correctly, you would have the patient use a tandem bow to attach the elasticsh from the hooksh in their mouth for protraction.  Then, to counter the backwards force of the tandem bow on the lower jaw, they next would attach elasticsh through the hole in the mashk to the tandem bow, putting a forward force on it, counterbalancing the force of the upper elasticsh.  How will the patient hook the elastics up though through their mashk?"

Dr. Brad nodded eagerly and said excitedly "yes, exactly.  The key will be the locking mechanism on the tandem bow.   Like some facebows have.  It will keep the tandem bow from being pulled out of the lower molar tubes.  And the patient will use a standard rubberband hook like we give all patients when they start elastics.  So, here will be the steps.  First, the patient would insert their tandem bow and lock it in place.  I will have to have the tandem bow fabricated to fit around the twin force telescopes, like with your lower facebow.  Then, the patient will attach their elastics from the hooks on their upper molars to the tandem bow, either two or four elastics depending on their treatment plan.  Then, the patient will hook two elastics to hooks that are fabricated on the outside of the tandem bow, spaced roughly as far a part as the hole in their cpap mask.  I will have them fabricated so they loop upwards and will hold the elastics.  That is what I would consider step one.  Then they would don their Sleep Well mask or CTO brace.  The CPAP mask will be attached to it via the forehead support of the mask to the top of our Sleep Well mask.  I think to avoid screws that would dig into the patient's forehead, we will be able to simply epoxy the CPAP mask to the forehead portion of the Sleep Well mask.  Once they have that on, they will reach through the hole in the mask with their tool and hook one of the elastics that is hanging on the front of the tandem bow.  They will attach it to one of the posts that I have placed in the air hole of CPAP mask.  There will be one on of each side.  Once they have the first elastic in place, they will simply repeat the process with the other.  That is step two.  Step three is the easiest one yet.  The patient will get comfortable in bed, attach the air hose to their mask, and turn their machine on."

Dr. Andi said "it soundsh like it should work.  I think I have a picture of it in my head.  But knowing you, you will have a prototype of it for me to see in no time.  But who ish going to test it out?"

Dr. Brad smiled before replying "I have a very willing and eager patient at home.  I have already called one of the sleep centers here in town and explained to the doctor there what I am looking to do.  He was very intrigued by the way.  I have scheduled Megan for a sleep study.  In fact, he is so intrigued he squeezed us in for this Thursday.  Regardless of the test results, Dr. Bovenizer understands what we are doing here.  He will fit Megan with a mask even before her study.  Then, while she is snoozing, we will burn the midnight oil to fit make the necessary modifications to the CPAP mask and attach it to a CTO brace.  Obviously I won't be able to fit it to the one Megan has been wearing as she will be wearing it.  But if this works, she will need two anyway.  One with an integrated CPAP mask for nighttime wear and one without for daytime wear.  Friday night, we are going to have her perform a second sleep test wearing the CPAP.  Just to see how her results compare with it and without it."

Dr. Andi asked "and she is onboard with thish?"

Dr. Brad smiled and said "oh yes, she is onboard with it."

That Thursday afternoon after work, Dr. Brad looked at Megan and said "this is so exciting kitten.  Aren't you excited?"

Megan demurely said "yesh sir."

Dr. Brad smiled.  He said "let's go ahead and get your expander turned.  And I am going to take your belt off.  You get to sleep without it the next two nights.  That is a nice little surprise isn't it?"

Megan replied "yesh sir."

After turning her expander twice, Dr. Brad locked Megans twin force telescopes.  He then applied her CTO brace and hooked her elastics in place.  He admired her for a moment before exclaiming "I will grab your overnight bag!"

Sitting on the edge of the bed in one of the sleep center bedrooms, Megan stared straight ahead in her brace as the sleep tech began hooking up the wires and straps needed for her sleep study.  Dr. Brad and Dr. Bovenizer stared at one of the screens in the monitoring room watching.

Megan had already changed into her pajamas.  The sleep tech, Darlene, stepped back and said "hmm, how am I going to do this."  She leaned in and examined the Sleep Well mask that covered much of Megan's face.  The tech said "well, we will do the best we can" as she began attaching the last few sensors to Megan's head and face.  Once done, the tech said "I am going to pull your top up ok?"  When she did she said "oh, wow.  You wear a corset to sleep?"

Megan replied "yesh.  I jusht had a baby.  I am trying to get my figure back."

The tech replied "well it is certainly working.  Wow, look at your waist.  And you just had a baby?  Dang, I am going to have to get me one of those things."

After wrapping the last of the straps around Megan torso, the tech helped her lay down in the bed, carefully lowering Megan's stiff torso down onto the pillow and lifting her KAFO wrapped legs into the bed.  She attached a monitor to Megan's index finger and then pulled the covers over her. She asked "does everything feel ok?"

Megan said "yesh.  Thank you.  And thank you for not making a big deal about my brasches.  I hope I can fall asleep, I am nervoush.  I really hope I don't have shleep apnea.  That would jusht be one more thing to deal with." 

The tech said "of course.  I understand about the brace.  I was in a pretty bad car accident in high school.  I graduated with a halo brace bolted onto my head.  I get it.  I understand you will be with us tomorrow night as well.  Maybe then you can tell me about your accident?  And do not worry about sleep apnea.  That is why we are here.  That is why we already fit you with a mask.  They aren't bad to wear.  I wear one myself.  I am not sure how it would work with the mask you are wearing.  But Dr. Bovenizer said there was a way.   But don't think about any of that.  Now it is bedtime.  Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!"  Darlene gave her a toothy, crooked smile as she flipped off the bedside lamp.

As Darlene entered the monitoring room, Dr. Bovenizer said "excellent job as always Darlene.  Thank you."

Darlene looked at the two and said "my pleasure.  I just feel so bad for her.  That has to be hard enough to sleep in without all the extra wires.  What kind of accident was your wife in sir?"

Dr. Brad replied "she was not in an accident.  Unfortunately, Megan suffers from joint instability.  The KAFOS, those are the leg braces, are to keep her ankles from dislocating.  And the CTO brace she is wearing is for cervical instability in conjunction with her orthodontic treatment.  Her facemask is solely for her orthodontic treatment."

Darlene stepped over and looked at the monitor as she responded "oh poor dear.  But as long as it helps her, good for her.  I have never seen anything like that mask she is wearing though.  Who is her orthodontist?  I have been thinking about getting braces myself.  I know I need them.  I want to know who to avoid."

Dr. Brad replied to the cutting remark with "actually, I am her husband AND her orthodontist.  And that mask is my invention."

Darlene looked up with a deer in the headlights look.  She turned and nervously said "I didn't mean, I just, it is just, I have never seen anything like it before.  I didn't mean anything.  Oh goodness...  I am sorry."

Dr. Brad laughed.  He responded "it's ok.  It is different.  But it works amazingly well.  Most patients don't like it at first.  But many actually come to, if not love it, at least be grateful for it.  Airway and tmj orthodontics is such a game changer for so many.  Yes, the treatment can be inconvenient at times.  I get it.  But long-term investments sometimes require short term sacrifices."

Darlene said "that is right. Again, I am sorry.  I am not sure what I can do to make up for that comment though."  She could feel her boss looking on judgmentally.  She added "really, I am sorry.  It was unprofessional.  And if there is anything I can do other than take the best care of your wife to make up for it, please let me know."

Dr. Brad replied "there is something you can do to make up for it.  You say you are considering braces?  Well, come see us.  We have an incredible new orthodontist in our practice.  She is great.  Dr. Andi Bender is young, enthusiastic, and most importantly a great orthodontist.  And she is accepting new patients.  Why don't you call and at least schedule a consultation with her?  Consults are free and there is no commitment.  What do you say?  And let me remind you that you did ask what you could do to make up for the comment."

Darlene felt trapped.  She said "umm, I guess I could do that."

Dr. Brad said "wonderful!  I will let Maggie, she is our scheduling coordinator, know to be expecting a call from you.  And we do offer a discount to those in health care as a professional courtesy."

Dr. Bovenizer said "there you go Darlene, no excuses now.  You have been talking about it for a while.  Sounds like it is time to bite the bullet and do it."  He looked up at Dr. Brad and said "Darlene doesn't need us here, why don't we go and work on mating a CPAP mask to a Sleep Well mask?"

As they walked down the hallway, Dr. Bovenizer asked "so you guys are accepting new patients?"

Dr. Brad replied "absolutely.  Heck, we aren't just accepting new patients, I am actively recruiting them for Dr. Bender."

Dr. Bovenizer said "when our girls were in braces, my wife mentioned she would like to fix a few things with her own smile.  She wears a mouthguard at night for her bruxism and our girls' ortho told her he could fix her bite so she didn't have to rely on it anymore.  But she never went through with it and the girls are done now."  They took a few more steps and he asked "You mentioned a discount?  What kind of discount?"

Dr. Brad answered "our standard health care discount is 15%.  But I have been known to work out trades before.  I am sure we could work out the details.  You should call and schedule an appointment for her.  We even have cute little gift cards.  You wouldn't be the first person to give orthodontic treatment as a present.  Surprise her!  I am sure she would love it if she was considering it before."

Dr. Bovenizer took a few more steps thinking before he replied "sure.  That would be fun.  Definitely a different type of gift.  Plus I bet she would look super cute with braces."

Dr. Brad said "I am sure she would.  Just look at how stunning my Megan is with hers."

Dr. Bovenizer said "I think Tricia, that's my wife, would be up for braces.  But do many patients have to wear something like the brace your wife wears?  I am not sure she would be willing to do that."

Dr. Brad said "a lot of patients do require some type of extraoral device.  But they adapt quickly.  No different that wearing a CPAP mask at night right?"

Dr. Bovenizer said "Hmm, I guess not.  And I already have Tricia in one of those.  I tell you what, I will call and make the appointment.  What's the worst that happens?  She says no?"

Dr. Brad replied "that's right.  Do you want your wife to receive treatment?"

Dr. Bovenizer said "well, if it would help her grinding.  And she would end up with a gorgeous smile too.  So that would be a win/win.  So yes, I guess I do want her to get treatment."

Dr. Brad smiled and said "well then, call and make the appointment.  And tell her you want her to do this, for herself.  If she knows you want her to do it, I am sure she will.  Spouses will do a lot for their partners.  I am sure she will be onboard.  Even if she does need to wear an extraoral appliance for a few years, or longer, like my Megan."

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #92 on: 13. March 2024, 19:42:37 PM »
Welcome Darlene and Tricia as future patients to this very nice story!  :)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #93 on: 18. March 2024, 17:38:39 PM »
Chapter Thirty Eight:

Dr. Brad and Dr. Bovenizer were successful in fitting a full-face CPAP mask to the CTO brace Dr. Brad had brought with him.  After the epoxy had cured, Dr. Bovenizer, or Dr. B as Darlene called him, and Dr. Brad had returned to the monitoring and fitting room.  Dr. Brad adjusted the CTO to fit Darlene.  While the facemask portion of the mask was molded to Megan and not Darlene, it was close enough to test it out.  Once Darlene was all strapped in, all she could mutter was "oh wow, oh wow".  Her voice was muffled through the CPAP mask.  They sized the straps from the CPAP mask around her head and hooked up the air hose.  Dr. B turned the machine on and it whirred to life.  As Darlene sat there, Dr. B checked the edges of the mask for air leaks.  After a minute he looked up at Dr. Brad and smiled.  He said "well I'll be, it seems to work.  No leaks.  I will be honest, when we started working on this, I didn't think there was any way it would work.  But no leaks.  You are a mad scientist indeed.  And quite the salesman too if you can get your patients to be compliant wearing one of these.  I struggle getting some of my patients just to wear their CPAP masks."

Dr. B turned off the machine and unhooked the air hose as Dr. Brad worked unhooking the CTO from Darlene.  As he worked on that Dr. Brad replied "well, most of my patients are pretty motivated.  Plus, a lot of my TMJ cases are in such pain they are willing to try just about anything.  And my poor, sweet Megan knows this is all for her own good.  She is such a good girl about it."

After placing the brace back onto the table, Dr. Brad looked at Darlene and asked "so, what'd you think?"

Darlene replied "oh my goodness, that thing is intense.  It is so restrictive."  She looked at the monitor.  While Megan had the covers pulled up to her chin, the facemask portion of her brace was visible.  Darlene continued "I don't know how she sleeps in it.  I could never get used to it."

Dr. Brad smiled and said "it is amazing what a person can get used to, almost anything.  I have a number of patients now wearing my Sleep Well orthosis.  Most adjust adequately after a week or so and have no trouble falling asleep in it.  Speaking of sleeping, I need to run and catch a little myself.  Please take care of my wife."

Dr. Brad was back at The Sleep Center before the crack of dawn the next morning.  He had been dividing his attention from watching his beautiful wife peacefully sleeping on the monitor and answering Darlene's questions about orthodontics.  It seemed she was even more intrigued at the prospect of possibly getting braces herself this morning.  She said she had spent much of her night googling adult orthodontics, airway orthodontics, sleep dentistry and Dr. Brad's website and Facebook page.  She had a lot of questions.  He had answered her questions honestly while also trying not to scare her away from the idea.  She had been especially interested in the CTO brace that lay on the table.

At 6 a.m. Darlene quit talking about orthodontics and said "it's time to go wake her.  I assume you want to come with me?"

Dr. Brad replied enthusiastically "absolutely."

Dr. Brad gently shook Megan's shoulder.  She stirred and opened her eyes.  They had a look of confusion in them.  He said "good morning sunshine.  You are at the sleep center.  You did so good.  I am so proud of you."  He leaned in and gave her a peck on her facemask and gave her a hug.  He helped her up to a sitting position and helped swing her braced legs off the bed. 

Once she was sitting, Darlene smiled at her and said "good morning Mrs. Miller.  You did do well.  You slept through the night.  You hardly stirred."

Megan said through her clenched jaw "eh cah nah really tosh an turn musch."  She gestured with her hand from her face down towards her legs.  She gave a little grunt that Darlene thought was an attempt at a laugh.

Darlene was surprised that she could laugh about her situation.  Darlene couldn't imagine how anyone could have such a positive outlook when they were wearing leg braces, a corset, and a CTO brace with the integrated facemask.  Add to that the obvious mouth full of metal the poor woman was dealing with and Darlene wondered how anyone could do it.  But here Megan was doing just that.  And laughing about it.  Darlene thought back to Dr. Brad's comment that people can get used to almost anything.  Darlene said "I will leave you to get ready.  You are free to shower here or you can do that at home.  Most people want to get out of here as quickly as possible.  Please see me when you are ready to leave and I can let you out."

In about ten minutes, Dr. Brad walked back into the monitoring room with Megan in tow.  Looking at Megan, Darlene could see she had not showered.  But the other thing she noticed was that Megan was not wearing the CTO orthosis she had shown up wearing and had worn through the night.  Instead on her face was her bright red petit facemask.  Darlene smiled, her crooked crowded teeth on display, and said "I see you two are eager to get home.  I don't blame you.  I am too.  Just 45 more minutes and I can leave myself.  I can go home and crawl into my coffin."

Megan gave her a funny look.  Darlene said "I work night shift.  Like a vampire.  I joke that I sleep in a coffin.  I don't.  I have a regular bed and everything."

Megan gave her a polite laugh.  Megan said "ah, I get it."  When she spoke Darlene could see that her mouth was free to open.  And her lisp was much less noticeable.  Darlene knew Megan had a Miller appliance in her mouth.  She had watched Dr. Brad's Youtube video on it, Megan was his model, the previous night after he had left.  It had left her terrified.  But also very curious.  But she had forgotten to ask one question about it earlier.  She asked "so Megan, do you just have to lock your appliance at night?  I imagine it would be tough during the day.  And I assume you just wear your CTO at night too?"

Megan replied "actually, I keep my scopesh locked mosht days.  And I wear my CTO orthosis twenty two hours or more mosht daysh. Mondays and Fridays I have off though.  I just wear this petit mask."

Darlene seemed stunned.  She asked "so you wear it in public and everything?"

Megan said "of course.  It ish part of my treatment plan that my hubby has come up with.  I can't safely drive wearing my CTO.  But I am a stay at home mom, so I don't have to every day.  That is why I get Mondays and Fridays off, so I can do my running around.  But yesh, I wear the facemask in public.  I have to."  She looked at Dr. Brad, who's eyes were locked on her.  Megan continued "I need protraction full time for my case.  It is very important.  So, I do.  You get some looks, but so what.  I even met a young woman that works at our neighborhood Starbucks who wears a facemask.  And her co-worker wears an Interlandi headgear.  I even got them to wear them at work.  At least when I was there.  Speaking of which, I need to stop by and see if they are working today to check on them.  We have formed an orthodontic alliance."  Megan gave another laugh.

Darlene just looked at her.  Again, she was amazed that Megan just laughed it off.  Darlene couldn't even imagine how mortifying it would be to go out in public wearing the bright red facemask that Megan currently had on her face.  Yet Darlene realized that Megan seemed completely unfazed by it.

Megan said "so whatsh the verdict?"  She was looking at the CTO orthosis with integrated CPAP mask when she asked "is that in my future?"

Darlene replied "I don't diagnose.  Dr. B will go over your results this afternoon.  I understand either way you will be staying with us another night to test it out.  Correct?"

Megan smiled and said "that ish correct.  I hope it ish just one night.  But the way my luck has been lately I bet I end up having to wear it every night."  She gave Brad a sly, seductive grin.

Dr. Brad placed the overnight bag, the CTO orthosis sticking out slightly, onto the floor.  He stepped over and gave Megan a hug.  He then kissed her facemask.  He released her and said "if you do sweetie, it will be the sexiest CPAP mask in the world."  Picking the bag back up, he looked at Darlene.  He said "Darlene, thank you so much.  You have been incredible.  I owe you so much for taking such great care of this amazing woman.  And we will see you again this evening.  I will leave our modified CTO cpap mask in your care until then.  But in the meantime, please call the office and schedule a consult?  Please?"

Darlene didn't speak for a moment.  Megan smiled and said "seriously, do it.  You can be part of our orthodontic alliance too."

Darlene finally relented "ok, I will.  I promise.  I just won't make any promises on whether I will start treatment."

Dr. Brad said "well that is all I ask.  Just come see us.  I bet Dr. Andi and my staff will make the decision easy for you.  They are all wonderful."

As Darlene watched the pair walk hand in hand in the gray morning light towards their vehicle, she ruminated on what an unusual night it had been.  She still couldn't get over everything Megan wore.  But more than that, she was amazed at how she didn't seem to let it control her life.  Darlene didn't think she would be able to do the same.  Walking back into her workspace, she looked at the CTO mask sitting on the table.  She really didn't have anything to do until her shift ended.  She didn't know why, but she walked over and picked it up.  She held the front of it up to her chest and face.  She nestled her chin into the brace as the plastic mask pressed on her face.  No she thought to herself, I could never wear one of these every night.  She would soon find out that was not true. 

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #94 on: 19. March 2024, 00:28:31 AM »
Chapter Thirty Nine:

Mid-morning Megan dropped the boys off with Brad's mother Wanda.  Megan's first stop was for her hair appointment.  After signing in, she sat and scrolled on her phone.  She noticed the woman sitting across from her, she appeared to me in her mid fifties, looking at her uncomfortably.  Megan looked up at her and smiled.  Megan said "good morning."  The older woman said "good morning" and put her head back down into her magazine.  A few minutes later, Megan felt herself being watched again.  She looked up to find the older woman quickly averting her eyes.  Megan said "I know, it's not every day you see someone wearing one of these."

The women's face turned red.  She looked up sheepishly and said "I'm sorry."  After a moment she said "my daughter had to wear one when she had braces.  She was twelve when she got her expander and facemask.  It looked exactly like yours.  Well, except hers was blue.  She got braces about six months later but had to keep wearing the mask.  Altogether she wore the facemask for almost two years.  She hated it. But it worked and she is so glad she did it.  We both are.  She is 27 now and still has a gorgeous smile.  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare.  It just reminded me of her."

Megan gave her a big smile and replied "aww, that ish sweet.  I am so glad it worked for her.  I am hoping thish worksh for me.  I know it will.  It is easier for kids though that is for sure."

The woman said "I am sorry, I'm Liza.  And you are?"

Megan said "I am Megan!  Pleasure to meet you."

Liza said "I guess adult braces are in now.  I notice more and more adults have them.  Even people my age.  Mal has them too.  At my last appointment her and Kari were talking back and forth about them.  Kari was quizzing her on them, what it was like.  It sounded like she was considering getting them herself."

Megan said "that is how I met Mal!  It is why I started coming here.  My husband is her orthodontist.  Well, all of ours.  I was in the office one day and she overheard me complaining to Maggie, that's his scheduling coordinator and front desk boss, about my hair.  Mal was in the waiting room and overheard.  She introduced herself and gave me her card.  That is how we met.  And I am glad we did meet.  Isn't she just the best?"

Liza said "both of them are.  Kari is my girl, but when she is out Mal has done fantastic."

Megan said "yep, both of them are great.  And Kari was considering braces.  Was."

Liza gave her a puzzled look before she heard "Lishza dear!  Sho good to she you!"

Liza turned towards the familiar yet slurred voice.  There in the doorway stood Kari.  She had a big metallic smile on her face.  Kari said "shorry about my shpeech, I just got these lasht week.  I am just now feeling human again.  And I am shtill learning to speak around thish scaffolding."  She looked over and saw Megan and said playfully "thish is all your husbandsh fault.  At least he said no headgear until my next appointment.  But I will let Mal know you are wearing yoursh.  And that a spy is amongsth us."  She let out a hardy laugh giving a good view of the metallic framework on the roof of her mouth.  She said "Lishza dear, why don't we go on back." As she turned she said "Mal is jusht finishing up a color and curl.  I will let her know you are here."

As the older woman stood she said "it was a pleasure to meet you sweetie, I will see you in the back I guess."  Megan smiled and said "absolutely!"

About five minutes later a college aged woman emerged from the back, her fresh blonde curls bouncing with each step.  The young woman was exiting the salon door as Mallory, or Mal as everyone called her, entered the waiting area.  She was in her mid-thirties, curvy with a very pretty face framed by short bob cut black hair with blue highlights.  But what really stood out was the silver facebow coming out of her mouth, hooked to a black high pull headgear strap with dark blue modules that blended in well with the color of her hair.  As she made her way over, Megan noticed that the blue highlights in her hair exactly matched the shade of the headgear modules. As Megan stood she thought this was surely intentional.

Before she said anything Mal gave Megan a big hug.  When she did, she felt the corset Megan was wearing.  Stepping back Mal said "it is so good to see you.  It has been too long.  Congratulations on the baby.  Chance is just adorable.  So, let me see."

Megan quickly removed the facemask from her face, tilted her head back, and opened wide.  Mal examined everything in Megan's mouth and said "wow.  I thought I had it rough with my nance and the headgear.  So, how goes it with everything?  And is that a corset you are wearing?"

Megan said "and that is not all."  She pulled up her dress briefly and let it fall back.  As Megan put her facemask and elastics back on she said "I even got the matching leg braces to go with it."

Mal squatted down and with no shame pulled up the hem of Megan's dress.  She said "oh wow babe, what did you do?"

Megan said "apparently I have a faulty flux capacitor, because everything seems to be breaking down.  But the leg braces are to help stabilize my ankles.  Plus, between me and you, Brad likes them because I can't run away as easily."  Mal laughed at what she thought was just a joke as Megan continued "and yep, I am wearing a corset.  You may have even felt the matching belt".  Megan omitted exactly what the belt was for.  She continued "I am working on the baby weight.  But just between me and you, I really like wearing it.  The support it provides.  And let me guess, you just put your headgear on?"

Mal grinned sheepishly and said "guilty as charged.  Kari told me you were here wearing yours.  Come on, let's get you in a chair.  We have so much catching up to do."

Mal and Megan bantered back and forth while Liza and Kari did the same.  Much of the time the two conversations intertwined.  As could be expected, much of the talk was about Megan's baby and orthodontics.  All during the appointment, Megan noticed that Liza kept looking at her and Mal in the mirror.  At one point in a lull, Megan locked eyes with Liza in the mirror and said "It isn't too bad wearing it.  Especially when you are around other people who understand.  Isn't that right Mal?"

Mal laughed and said "I don't know about that.  It is pretty awful.  Why do you think I chopped off my hair?  Because of this stupid headgear."  Megan swatted her arm and said "it is not that bad.  And your hair looks amazing now.  You even colored it to match the headgear.  How glam.  And I promise it could be worse."

Kari said "she ish right.  At leasht you don't have six schrews drilled into your mouth Mal.  You can shpeak.  And eat.  And I am getting a new, bigger, better headgear than you have.  Lucky me.  But Dr. Miller says I only have to wear it at home."

Mal laughed and said "ha, at home.  I have heard that.  Just wear it at home.  For 14 to 16 hours a day."

Kari said defensively "well that is what he said.  And didn't you say that he mentioned you getting a Miller headgear at your next appointment if there wasn't more progress?  Hey Megan, you are the expert on this, how crappy is it to wear?"

Megan said "well, I haven't worn it.  It does look imposing.  But a couple of the women in the office wear it.  They seem to be ok with it.
 At least Brad says they are.  I know he is pretty proud of it."

Kari said "well, I will find out in two weeks.  I will make the best of it.  Whatever, as long as I don't have any more headaches."  After a minute she said "and of course my headgear will be bigger, I can't let Mal out do me."

Mal laughed and said "well, if I don't do a better job the next few weeks wearing mine, we might be matching.  Even if I know who will wear theirs with more flare."

Kari said "no way bish.  It is on."

Mal said "oh, so now you think you are a better stylist and will do a better job wearing your headgear than me?"

Kari said "I don't think so, I know so."  While the mood was light, Megan knew the two women were super competitive.

Mal said "oh no, NOW it is on."

Liza said "wait, what?  Are you two going to, well for lack of a better word, try to out headgear the other?"

This drew laughter from all three of the women.  Kari said "well, since you put it that way...  Yesh, that ish exactly what I am going to do."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #95 on: 19. March 2024, 18:50:39 PM »
Chapter Forty:

As Kari unwrapped Liza's hair, almost done with her appointment, Liza asked her "so, why did you decide to go with the metal braces?"

Kari replied "a couple of reashons.  One, Dr. Miller said I already have preexisting assymetry."  Liza examined Kari's face in the mirror.  Kari said "oh, you can't really see it looking it me.  But it wash evident in the scansh.  He said the metal brackets are shtronger and easier to work with.  Plush he shaid they are smaller and actually more comfortable.  He said it is unusual for him to install the upper bracesh at the same time as the MARPE, that'sh the exshpander, but he wants to use the bracesh to help regulate my expansion.  We are going to be turning more slowly than he normally doesh.  So it will take me a little longer, but I won't get a big gap.  I haven't even shtarted turning it yet.  I will when I go in for my next appointment.  Right now we are jusht letting my mouth get ushed to everything."

Mal chimed in "I plan on turning it just so you know."

Kari looked at Liza in the mirror and said "Mal wants to torture my poor mouth.  She is twisted."  Mal just started laughing.  Kari continued "so, that is the clinical reason.  But the truth is, I think the metal looks better.  I think I look cute with them.  Like jewelry on my teeth.  Plus, I was going to have show musch metal in there already showing with the expander and bands and hooks, I just thought the metal made more sense.  I can't say I love the exsphander.  But I like my braces.  They are cute."  She smiled into the mirror.

Mal jumped in and said "they are cute Kari.  I think mine are too.  Well minus this headgear"  She turned and gave Liza a smile.

Liza said "they look good on both of you."  She stopped herself and said "excuse me, all three of you.  Even the headgear.  I guess they might make some people think you are younger too."  Liza laughed and said "let me know if that is the case.  I might have to get some."

Kari said "actually, I have already gotten that comment.  From several.  Go check out my Facebook page.  I posted about them the day I got them.  I got a ton of responses.  Every single one positive."

Liza said "I was joking.  It would be silly for an old woman like me to get them."

Megan replied "nonsense.  My husband has patients of all ages.  It is not silly if you want to improve your smile.  Or your sleep.  Or your TMJ.  Or if you just want to get braces.  It isn't silly at all.  Call him."

Liza quickly backtracked "no, no.  I was just kidding.  They are expensive aren't they?  And they hurt too.  I remember that from forty years ago."

Kari said "pain is beauty.  But it is going to be worth it.  Speaking of beauty, let's look at this beauty's hair."  Liza looked in the mirror as Kari fluffed her hair.  Kari asked "so, do you like?"

Liza said "Kari, as always you amaze me.  Thank you.  Let me get you paid up."  As the two wandered away Megan could hear them talking but couldn't hear what they were saying. 

A minute later, Kari returned and said to Megan "you will never believe what she ashked me for."

Megan replied "what'sh that?"

Kari smiled and said "your husbands phone number.  Wait, that sounded bad.  She ashked for the number to the office.  I think she really is considering getting braces."

Megan said "the more the merrier."

Kari said "now you know you owe me and Mal a referral fee right?"

Mal chimed in and said "and a weekend trip to the beach house our braces are paying for."

Megan said "I wish.  But I will offer thish.  How about I treat you both to lunch?"

Mal said "I am on a diet.  But thank you."

Kari snickered and said "and I am on a diet too.  A liquid diet.  Not by choice."  She bared her metal bound teeth in Megan's direction.

Megan said "the first week is hard.  But it getsh sho musch easier.  At least you don't have to navigate food around a tongue crib.  Now that doesh take some practice."

Kari said "not yet.  I hope not ever.  But your husband did mention it.  Ugh."

Megan said "it will be ok.  If you do, I will share all the tricks I have.  Since you two are being rude and turning down my offer of lunch, how about I treat you to coffee at least?"

Kari looked at Mal and shrugged.  Mal said "sure, you are our last appointment before our brunch break.  But we have to be back before noon. Normal lunch times are some of our most coveted appointment slots and busiest time."

Megan replied excitedly "yay!  There is a Starbucks I like.  They have the sweetest barista there.  Here name is Emily.  And guess what?  She has braces and wears a facemask too!  I fit right in!"

Mal asked "so she wears her headgear at work?"

Megan said "not exactly.  But I have been trying to convince her too.  Her and her coworker."

Mal replied "well, they are making me look bad."

Kari cackled and said "they aren't the only one."  Kari laughed as Mal glared at her.  Kari added "I mean by wearing their headgear.  You better believe I will wear mine here if I need to.  I won't be a big baby about it like you."

Mal gave a snort before replying "we will see how you feel about that once you get it."  She turned to look at Megan in the mirror and said "so, I went ahead and took a few liberties with your color.  I hope you aren't mad."

As Mal began removing foil from her hair Megan responded "uh oh.  What did you do?  I mean, I told you to do your thing.  But you didn't do anything crazy did you?"

Mal finished removing the last piece of foil and said "no, but you complimented the blue in my hair.  So, I did something similar.  Instead of just the highlights we normally do.  Let me get you rinsed and we will see."

After rinsing, drying and fluffing Megan's hair, Mal said "close your eyes."  Megan's back was to the mirror and she couldn't see what it looked like, but she obeyed and closed her eyes.  She felt Mal spin her in the chair.  Mal said "open up, see what you think."

Megan took in the sight of her mane.  In addition to the normal blondish highlights she normally sported, there were also some brighter red highlights.  Megan responded with her first impression "I love it Mal."  Then she realized something.  She said "wait, you matched the red to my facemask.  Like you did to your headgear.  Oh my gosh, it is so cute.  Not the headgear, my hair."

Mal placed her hand on Megan's shoulder and said "I am glad you like it.  And for the record, your headgear is cute.  So, how about those coffees you owe us?"

Megan placed her hand up on Mal's and said "absolutely.  I will drive.  And I promise I will have you back on time."

As Megan paid Mal, Kari disappeared to the back.  She returned shortly with both her and Mal's purses.  She handed Mal her purse.  Mal promptly turned and headed towards the front door.  Kari sang out "you aren't going to take off your headgear?"

Mal turned and said "no, absolutely not.  Not after your comment about me being a big baby.  Come on weinie."

Walking across the parking lot, Kari was in the rear.  As she watched Megan and Mal walk, she realized what an odd sight it was to see two people wearing headgear in public.  And not just youngsters, but grown thirty something year old women.  She thought of her own upcoming appointment and headgear fitting.  She wondered if Mal was right, whether she would have the courage to do it herself.  She brushed it from her mind, she would worry about it in two weeks.  She was just entering the door that Mal was holding open for her when she heard Megan exclaim "yay!  Emily!  You are wearing it!"  She watched as Megan dashed over to the front counter.  There stood a young woman wearing a blue cloth facemask.  But emerging up from behind it was a silver bar that ended in a purple plastic pad anchored on her forehead.

Megan's excitement was evident as she said "Emily, I am so proud of you.  I don't know why this makes me so happy, but it does."

No one could see the sheepish smile on Emily's face as she replied "well, I did some thinking.  And you are right ya know."  She lowered her voice and said "plus, I met a boy last week.  We have been spending a lot of time together." 

Megan said "oh my gosh, that is sho exciting.  Good for you.  Ish he cute?  I'm sure he ish if a knockout like you is interested in him."

As Mal and Kari made their way up behind Megan, Emily noticed them.  She did a double take when she realized Mal was wearing headgear herself.  Emily laughed and said "I didn't realize headgear was so in right now.  I wish Kayleigh was here to see; she is at school.  She still won't wear hers like she is supposed to."

Megan said "Emily, I want you to meet two of my friends and the best stylists in the world; Mallory and Kari."

Mal stuck out her hand and said "everyone calls me Mal.  Nice to meet you."

Next, Kari stuck out her hand and opened her mouth for the first time.  She smiled at Emily, her new braces and hardware on display.  Kari said "Hi, I am Kari.  And headgear is sho in right now I am getting shome myself soon.  To go with theesh new bracesh and thish awesome lishp."

Emily laughed and asked "expander?"  Kari just nodded her head affirmatively.  Emily reached up and pulled down the mask covering the lower half of her face.  She tilted her head back and opened up, point to the roof of her mouth and the hyrax expander lodged there.  Emily looked back down and said "I get it.  But it does get better.  Get you a waterpik."

Kari said "already done.  Actually Mal got it for me."

Emily looked at Megan and asked "so, can I take your orders?  Or did you just come to check up on me?"

Megan said "no, we absolutely want to order.  And I am paying.  Unfortunately we are in a bit of a hurry.  Which sucks because I want to hear all about thish new boy."

Emily blushed and said "well, to answer your earlier question he is cute.  But since you are in a hurry, what can I get you all?  We are slow, I may can visit a minute when your drinks are ready."

Megan and Mal both ordered from the menu as Emily punched it in.  When it was time for Kari to order she said "I don't see tequila on the menu."  This drew a laugh from Mal and a confused look from Emily.

Mal looked at Emily and explained "Kari has been whining nonstop about her braces since she got them last week.  And self-medicating with margaritas for the pain."  Mal looked at Kari and said "but not at work.  I will fix you one though as soon as you get done with your last client.  I promise honey."

Megan looked at the two.  Kari had an exaggerated pout on her face while Mal looked at her... lovingly?  She knew how playful and feisty they were with each other.  And she had noticed in the past that sometimes their gazes lingered, or that sometimes they would just happen to rub up against one or the other or lay a hand intimately on the other.  But she had never considered...  Her thoughts were interrupted by Kari saying "well boo.  In that case I will take a pineapple passionfruit refresher.  Maybe the cold will help."

As Emily entered the order, Megan watched Mal lean over and hug Kari protectively.  Mal said "I am sorry my baby's mouth is hurting."  Megan had an epiphany.  Mal and Kari were not just partners in their little hair salon.   Mal released her grip on Kari as she added "but I bet a little passionfruit will help."  Megan noticed Mal discreetly wink at Kari.  Kari was not as discreet.  She leaned in and gave Mal a gentle peck around her facebow.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #96 on: 19. March 2024, 18:52:43 PM »
Sorry, I had to do it.  And I started to call them Mal and Jen, in honor of our two prior tragic figures.  I went back and changed Jen to Kari in the last chapter, but if I missed one that is why.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #97 on: 20. March 2024, 01:08:28 AM »
As long as no more characters suffer an untimely demise, you can name your characters however you want. ;)

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #98 on: 20. March 2024, 06:08:20 AM »
I won’t make any promises. ;D

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #99 on: 23. March 2024, 15:58:45 PM »
Chapter Forty One:

The trio had not been settled at a table long before Emily brought them their beverages.  As she handed them out, Megan asked "so, will you tell me about the boy?"

Emily smiled and said "his name his Braxton.  I met him in bio lab.  We got teamed up as partners.  He is so good looking.  And so sweet.  And we have been doing a lot of studying together lately."

Megan smiled and asked "studying?"

Emily smiled coyly said "and maybe a little kissing."

Megan said "I am so excited for you.  What does he think about your braces and facemask?"

Emily pursed her lips and replied "well, I am never going to wear this" as she pointed to her facemask "in front of him.  I have done my best to hide my braces from him.  But he did tell me I have a pretty smile.  I made a comment about hating my braces, and he told me they were cute and they suited me.  So I don't really know what he really thinks."

Kari chimed in and said "well, you should take him at facsh value.  They are cute and they do suit you."

Mal added "that is right.  And some people even find braces really cute on others.  Especially people they are already attracted to".  She smiled and made eye contact with Kari.

Megan noticed but didn't stare.  Instead, she looked at Emily and said "Emily, there is no reason to be embarrassed by your braces.  Or your facemask.  If Braxton is worthy of you, he will be fine with it.  It sounds like he is totally fine with your braces already.  You really shouldn't try to hide it from him.  If your relationship does blossom, you will have to tell him eventually won't you?  I mean, and I am not advocating you do this, but what if you stay with him overnight?"

Emily's face turned a little rosy as she said "I just didn't wear it that night."

Megan said "so that is what you meant about wearing it here.  So you don't have to wear it in front of him.  I am not going to tell you what to do.  But don't let a silly little piece of metal and plastic dictate your life."

As Megan had been talking, a couple had entered the store.  Emily looked at Megan and said "I gotta run."

After finishing their drinks and tossing them in the trash, Megan swung by the register and told Emily "Emily, if it is meant to be it will be.  But again, don't let anxiety get in the way of your treatment.  I am certain he will be fine with it.  I don't know how I know, but I do."

Emily had pulled her cloth facemask back up to cover her Petit mask the best she could.  She simply said "ok."

Megan decided not to push it, and instead said "thank you for wearing your mask here.  It really does make me feel better."

Emily said "it was terrifying, is terrifying.  But I guess the more I wear it the sooner I will be done with it?  And the better my results will be?  That is what they tell me at least."

Megan smiled and said "that is exactly right.  And I will totally be back to hear all the juicy gossip about you and Braxton."

Megan pulled into a spot in from of Divas Hair Salon.  She looked over and said "and with 10 minutes to spare."

After Mal and Kari had exited the vehicle, Mal leaned in through the open passenger window while Kari pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her purse.  This was something else that Megan did not know about the pair.  Mal said "thanks for the pick me up.  And I hope you like your hair."

Megan said "I love it.  Absolutely love it.  Hey, I realized something.  I have liked Diva's facebook page.  But we aren't friends on facebook.  Are you guys on it personally?  If so, I would love to send you both friend requests."

Mal said "absolutely.  I am certain Kari will be ok with it."

Hearing her name, Kari exhaled a plume of smoke and stepped over beside the window.  She asked "Kari will be ok with what?"

Mal said "being friends with Megan on facebook.  And I have told you that we have to quit.  But since you haven't."  Mal reached over and took the cigarette from Kari and took a drag.  Megan thought it looked like Mal had some practice smoking with her facebow in.  As she blew smoke out, Mal said "just shoot us both requests.  And we will see you in a couple weeks?  I hope you aren't a stranger like you have been.  But I guess having a baby is a good enough excuse."

Megan said "absolutely.  Kari, congratulations on starting treatment.  They really do look cute on you."

Kari gave her a big metallic smile before answering "thank you!  I was worried whether someone would like them, but she seems ok with them."  She looked at Mal.

Back across town at Dr. Miller's, Becky came to Dr. Brad after they closed for lunch.  Becky asked "Dr. Brad, how long until I can get my braces off?"

Dr. Brad looked at her and replied "well, you know I don't like to make promises.  There is a small chance we could have them off in two months.  Three months is more likely.  You are so close to being done."

Becky asked "is there any way I could get them off in six weeks?  My sister is getting married and I am in the wedding.  I really would love to have them off by then.  Is there anything we can do to make that happen?"

Dr. Brad rubbed his chin as he thought for a moment.  He said "yes, there is.  But I am not sure you will want to do it.  We are trying to settle your bite now.  That is the reason for the elastics.  If you let me put springs on in their place it will speed things up.  And I would fit you with headgear.  If we do that, I promise you we can get you out of braces in six weeks.  Would that be something you would consider?"

Becky said "could you not just take them off temporarily for the wedding?"

Dr. Brad said "I really, really don't think that is a good idea.  Just removing them for a week would extend your treatment time by months.  It would be a little different if we weren't so close to the finish line.  And what kind of message would that send to our patients.  No, I don't want to do that."

Becky asked "how many hours a day would I need to wear the headgear?"

Dr. Brad answered "unfortunately, with the time crunch you are asking for, it would be fulltime wear.  I would need you to wear it twenty-four hours a day to make this happen, even eating and drinking.  Obviously you could take it off for bathing or showering.  But that is it."

Becky took a gulp before asking "and how long would I need to wear it?"  She thought she already knew the answer.

Dr. Brad said "the full six weeks.  If you want to do this, we need to start immediately.  Today."

Becky went silent thinking. 

Dr. Brad looked at her and said "I will not try to influence you either way.  It is completely up to you.  Headgear and springs for six weeks or your current treatment plan for twelve weeks.  You just need to let me know before we leave today."

Becky made a rash decision.  She said "I will do it."

Dr. Brad looked at her and asked "are you sure?"

Becky said "yes, at this point I don't even care if I have headgear.  I just want to be done." 

Dr. Brad said "well ok then.  Let's get you back in the chair.  I will handle the installation, I don't want to interrupt everyone else's lunch."

It took fifteen minutes to get Becky's springs installed and the facebow fit.  Dr. Brad raised her back up to a sitting position as he explained "so, it takes a little time to fabricate the face frame of the Miller headgear.  Time that we don't have.  I will have one made, but it won't be ready until next week.  Until then, I will fit you with standard combination headgear.  As I am transitioning over to the Miller, we don't have too many choices in straps.  All we have currently is hot pink and lime green.  Which do you want?"

Becky asked "we don't have anything less obvious?"  As she spoke, she could feel the tension of the springs on her jaw.

Dr. Brad said "no dear, I am sorry."

Becky said "I don't care, just whatever." 

Dr. Brad said "pink is so cliche, let's do green."

After fitting the straps, he said "all done.  You look great."  He held up a mirror.

Upon seeing her reflection, Becky's face dropped.  The lime green straps were so bright and obvious.  Dr. Brad read the change in her expression.  He comforted her "really Becky, you are doing the right thing.  It looks great.  And we are only talking six weeks.  And you are setting such a good example.  Why don't we go back to the lounge?  I know the girls will be so excited.  And what better place to have your first meal in it than right here.  I will grab you a straw."

As she followed along behind Dr. Brad they walked by a mirror.  Becky caught her reflection in it.  She stopped and looked at herself.  She thought 'what have I done?'   

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #100 on: 25. March 2024, 19:34:48 PM »
Chapter Forty Two:

Dr. Brad inserted the tandem bow into Megan's locked mouth as he explained "so, this is a modified tandem bow.  It slides into tubes on Megan's lower molars.  And it has locks on it to keep it from sliding out."  Darlene looked on feeling sympathy for the woman.  Dr. Bovenizer seemed utterly intrigued as he asked "so I am still not sure how this is supposed to work".

Dr. Brad looked at him and said "it will make sense soon my good man.  So, now that I have the tandem bow inserted, I will reach in and lock it in place.  Like this.  The patient will be able to do this easily with just a little practice.  Now for the elastics."  He pulled back Megan's lip and said "see these hooks here?  This is where Megan attaches her elastics.  Would you show them how easy it is for you to attach them sweetie?"  Megan obediently attached an elastic to each hook.  Dr. Brad continued as he attached the elastics to the tandem bow "normally, she attaches them to her CTO or the facemask she was wearing earlier. But this tandem bow will take the place of that.  So, we attach the elastics to the tandem bow.  Like this.  And finally, I will place two additional elastics to these outside center hooks on the tandem bow.  We will use them in just a minute.  But now we are ready for the CTO orthosis with the integrated CPAP mask.  Honey, would you put on your CTO for us please?  Darlene, would you help her with the straps for her CPAP mask?  They are new for her."

After Megan had donned her CTO brace Darlene wrapped the straps from the CPAP mask around the back of Megan's head and clicked the buckles in place.  She then checked the fit of the mask on Megan's face.  She gave a thumbs up and moved out of the way.  Dr. Brad said "so, this will be the part that will take a little practice."  He held up a plastic tool and said "using this little tool, we give them to all patients when they start elastics, I will snag one of the elastics hanging on the tandem bow.  Like this."  He reached in through the hole where the air hose would go and grabbed one of the elastics.  He pulled it taught and hooked it onto a post he had installed inside the hole, far enough back that it would not interfere with the hose once it was attached.  He looked up proudly and said "first try.  Now, I will do the second."  Again, he succeeded in grabbing the elastic and getting it attached to the corresponding post.  He said "and now Megan is back in protraction.  The elastics running from her upper molars to her tandem bow are slowly and methodically pulling her upper arch forward.  But, since every force has an equal and opposite force, that is pulling her lower arch backwards retracting it.  We don't want that.  The elastics running from the outside of the tandem bow to the CPAP mask counter act this.  Thus, we are pulling Megan's jaw forward to increase the size of her airway and heal her TMJ joints.  All that is left is to attach the air hose."
Darlene checked the fit of the CPAP mask covering Megan's mouth and nose again as Dr. Brad and Dr. Bovenizer looked on.  Megan was seated on the edge of the bed, held stiffly upright by her CTO brace.  Once Darlene had checked the fit of the straps from the CPAP mask that wrapped around Megan's head, Darlene asked "does that feel ok?"  Through the plastic mask, her mouth locked shut by her twin force scopes, Megan gave a muffled "yesh".  Darlene explained "I am now going to hook up the air hose and get you comfortable".  Once Megan was in bed, Darlene helped pull the covers over the stiff body laying in front of her.  Darlene smiled and said "and now, I am going to turn the machine on.  You will feel the air pressure.  It is normal."

As the machine whirred to life, Dr. Brad looked down with pride at his wife.  He leaned over and kissed the plastic that covered her forehead.  He whispered "I am so proud of you.  You look so amazing, the most beautiful woman who has ever lived.  Sweet dreams kitten.  I will miss you beside me tonight so much.  I love you and I will see you bright and early in the morning."

As the trio departed the room, Darlene turned the light off and softly closed the door behind them.  Back in the monitoring and fitting room, Dr. Bovenizer said "Darlene will take good care of her.  As I explained earlier, Megan does have mild sleep apnea.  I am glad she seems to have accepted the idea of wearing this new mask so readily.  I will admit it has me very intrigued.  I wonder if it would have some applications for some of my other patients?"

Dr. Brad said "I am certain it would.  And Megan knows it is for her own health.  I am just so glad I was able to find you so that you could help her.  Speaking of health" he looked at Darlene, "Maggie said you didn't call today.  That is ok.  I went ahead and made you an appointment for a consultation.  This upcoming Wednesday at 9 a.m.  That is right after Tricia's 8:30 consult.  But if you two want to do it together, that would work too!  That is why I scheduled them consecutively like that.  I will let you all work that out.  Here is your reminder card.  I promise you will be so glad you came in.  You will love all the ladies.  Now, I have to run, I have to pick the boys up from Mom's.  But again, thank you all so much!  I will see you in the morning!"

The next morning, Dr. Brad greeted Darlene with a big smile and a cup of coffee.  He asked "how is my favorite sleep tech?  And how did my amazing wife sleep?" 

Darlene said "thank you.  I am good."  The truth is, she had spent much of the night staring at Megan in the monitor, wondering how on Earth she was able to sleep so peacefully.  The rest of the time she had surfed the internet about adult braces, expanders, and protraction; her anxiety growing by the minute.  Darlene remembered how much of a struggle she had when she first got her CPAP.  It had taken her over a week to feel comfortable with it.  Yet, Megan had not seemed to notice the new device at all.  Darlene said "Megan slept like a princess all night.  Let's go wake her, I am sure she is ready to get home."

Dr. Brad bent over and gently nudged his wife.  As she stirred he gave her a big smile and said "good morning sunshine.  I missed you so much."  He bent over and hugged her.  He then helped her to sit up.  Darlene stepped over and turned the machine off and then removed the air hose from the mask on Megan's face.  As she did Darlene asked "how did you sleep?   How do you feel this morning?"
Megan's muffled response was hard to understand, but Darlene repeated back "your face is sore?  The mask will take a little getting used to.  I will loosen the straps a little for you.  I didn't think about the elastics pulling the mask against your face."  As she unclipped the buckles she said "let me warn you, the mask usually does leave some red marks.  Mine does too.  But they quickly fade."  She looked at Dr. Brad and said "um, can we take off her CTO?"

Dr. Brad smiled and said "of course! Do you remember how Megan put it on?  It comes off the exact opposite.  Maybe you would like to do it for Megan?  It might be good practice."  He handed her the little elastic tool.

Megan fumbled getting the first elastic off, it snapped and hit Megan's lip.  She let out an "oooff".  Darlene apologized "I am so sorry. I will be more careful."  She managed to get the second elastic off without it snapping.  Once the mask was free from the tandem bow, Darlene unbuckled the straps holding the brace onto Megan.  Once everything was loose, she carefully removed the huge monstrosity and laid it on the bed.  There was a visible red mark on Megan's face where the mask had been.

Dr. Brad reached in and said "honey, I will take your tandem bow off for you."  Darlene looked on as he first removed her elastics, then unclipped the metal bow and slid it from her mouth.  He leaned in and kissed her.  He then said "how was your first night in your new brace?"

Megan said "mah facsch feelsh puffy.  And my mouf ish sore." 

Dr. Brad hugged her and said "I am sorry kitten.  But anything new often takes a little while to get used to.  But you look so beautiful and refreshed this morning.  Let's get you in the bathroom so we can get you unlocked and brush.  That will make you feel better." As he stood and helped Megan up he looked at Darlene.  He asked "perhaps you would like to join us?  To see how her scopes work?  And how she hooks up her facemask."

After unlocking the scopes that held her mouth close, Megan began the time-consuming process of brushing and flossing.  As she did, Dr. Brad picked up her red petit facemask from the counter and explained to Darlene "this is Megan's facemask.  She wears it anytime she isn't brushing or wearing her CTO.  Protraction is hard to achieve in adults and does require quite a commitment from the patient.  But my Megan is just the most committed patient."  He held the facemask up to Darlene's face as he continued "to get the best results, patients really need to wear their protraction devices fulltime.  Most won't, so we do the best we can.  But the success of the treatment is as much in the patient's hands as it is mine." 

Darlene had not focused on this last part.  Instead, her attention was completely on her reflection in the mirror.  She blurted out "Dr. Miller, I don't think I can do a consultation."

Dr. Brad lowered the facemask and said "why in the world not?  It is just a consultation.  There is no commitment up front."

Darlene responded "I just, it is just so much.  I don't think I could wear one of those."

Though he knew otherwise, he replied "an extraoral appliance might not even be in your treatment plan.  We might can fix everything in just a few months with invisible aligners.  At least come in.  Please?"

Megan had overheard and after she rinsed in the sink she said "do it.  Come in.  I promise you that you will be glad."  She reached over and took the facemask from Dr. Brad.  She turned towards Darlene.  Without even needing the mirror she quickly attached her facemask with fresh elastics.  Megan said "Adult braces are cool now days."

Darlene looked at Megan who was smiling at her.  Darlene softly replied "ok, I will."

Megan hugged her and said "yay!  You go girl.  It will be the best decision you ever made."

As they walked to the car, Dr. Brad carrying Megan's new CTO CPAP, Megan said "she doesn't look like she would be a candidate for clear aligners.  From what I can see she could definitely benefit from protraction herself.  She is clearly class III, has a narrow upper maxilla, and an obvious crossbite.  She will need expansion and protraction won't she?"

Dr. Brad said "that will be Dr. Andi's call.  But yes, you are correct."

Megan said "good.  And it would be a shame for her to go through the process alone.  Maybe Dr. Bovenizer's wife will need extensive treatment too?  It would probably be a good idea for them to see Dr. Morales as well.  Poor Darlene is awfully pigeon toed.  I bet Dr. Morales could fix her right up.  And I am sure that Tricia could benefit from some orthopedic bracing as well."

Dr. Brad wrapped his arm around Megan's waist, her stiff corset obvious to the touch, and said "it sounds like that would make my kitten happy.  And I will do anything to keep my kitten happy."

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #101 on: 25. March 2024, 21:38:27 PM »

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #102 on: 25. March 2024, 22:12:07 PM »
Hmm, I wonder if Dr. Brad’s apparent goal of fitting as much orthodontia in patient’s mouths as possible isn’t to satisfy his own desires, but to satisfy his wife’s?  That would be an interesting twist.

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #103 on: 26. March 2024, 04:25:09 AM »
Hmm, I wonder if Dr. Brad’s apparent goal of fitting as much orthodontia in patient’s mouths as possible isn’t to satisfy his own desires, but to satisfy his wife’s?  That would be an interesting twist.
:o :o :o :o :o

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #104 on: 26. March 2024, 08:39:45 AM »
Or maybe it is to satisfy the desires of them both?  :)