
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 81203 times)

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #270 on: 01. September 2024, 01:47:19 AM »
Hopefully there is enough orthodontic content to still be interesting.

In my opinion, the mix of orthodpedics and orthodontics is perfect. I love how you combined cervical braces with orthodontics.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #271 on: 01. September 2024, 05:57:31 AM »
There actually does seem to be some research that implies a link between scoliosis and malocclusion.  Whether one is causative is not as clear.

Maybe that would be a good story idea?

Offline napacaster

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #272 on: 01. September 2024, 06:50:17 AM »
There actually does seem to be some research that implies a link between scoliosis and malocclusion.  Whether one is causative is not as clear.

Maybe that would be a good story idea?

Interesting; and a good story idea.

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #273 on: 01. September 2024, 09:59:48 AM »
Orthopedics and orthodontics may be linked very intensivly, because the Milwaukee brace gives a big pressure to the chin, so an orthodontic brace is necessary to avoid malocclusions and shifting teeth. And these orthodontic braces can make speaking impossible or at least give a large lisp. And a headgear may even make turning of the head to the sides impossible.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #274 on: 02. September 2024, 17:20:59 PM »
Chapter 102:

Out by the pool, Tara and Jim had moved over to a table where they were sitting with Alex and Marc.  Others at the party had also broken into other smaller groups.  Alex was chattering away about wedding planning when Dr. Brad, Megan and Thalia approached.  Alex quieted when she saw her boss approaching.

Dr. Brad smiled at the group and said "I don't mean to interrupt.  But we need to hit the road.  Before we left though I wanted to say again congratulations.  We are all so happy for you.  And thank you for this party.   It was a boat load of fun.  Great idea.  And it gives me some ideas for future office events.  Speaking of the office, Jim I would like to speak with you sometime about what would be involved in expanding our office.  Or building a whole new office.  We have run out of room.  But I don't even know where to start, the whole idea is pretty overwhelming.  Could I come by and sit down with you one day at your office?  Or could we meet in mine after your next appointment?"

Jim responded "of course.  Whatever works better for you.  I have an appointment in two weeks if you want to wait.  Or we can schedule something sooner.  Just let me know."

Brad said "it isn't anything urgent.  Let's talk at your appointment.  And go from there.  Again, thank you both so much.  And again, congrats.  I am so excited for you."  He turned and looked at Megan and Thalia.

Megan said "I couldn't have said it better.  Congrats you two."

Thalia chimed in "it was such a pleasure to meet you.  Thank you for this.  And like they said, congratulations."

Jim let Tara speak first.  Tara looked up and said "thank you all so much.  Thalia, it was such a pleasure to meet you.  And thank you for the tips on how to handle itching under my cast.  It is so annoying".

Thalia replied "I know right?  But baby powder does help." 

Tara continued "again, thank you for coming.  I hope we can visit again before you fly back home.  If not though, be safe getting home."  She shifted her focus to Dr. Brad and asked "Dr. Brad, what do I need to do about my protraction module?  Do you need to install it back on my brace before you leave?"

Dr. Brad looked at her and said "I can if you want me to.  But you have done so well.  And this is such a celebration.  I don't want to be too presumptive, but I thought you two might want to be able to kiss.  Do you still have your Petit facemask and elastics?"

Tara responded "yes, I do."

Brad smiled and said "well in that case, unless you just really want me to put you back in springs, let's leave your protraction module off for the rest of the weekend.  You can come by the first of the week and I can reinstall it.  Or Alex could do it for you.  In the meantime, just wear your Petit with elastics as much as you can."

Jim chimed in "thank you."

Brad said "you are welcome.  I get it.  I was so excited when my Megan got her halo off yesterday."  He leaned over and kissed Megan on the lips.  He turned back and said "I missed that so much.  You two have earned a little parole from protraction jail.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  Also, I have spoken with Olivia about your halo.  We will assess where we are with it.  No promises on when you can get it off.  But I will say you have made great progress."

Tara cut her eyes up towards Brad.  He could see the excitement on her face before she asked "so you think I might can get it off soon?  Please?"

Brad smiled back and said "we will talk about it.  You know I don't like to promise dates when it comes to treatment.  But I know you guys will probably want to have some professional engagement portraits taken.  And I don't think you should have to be in a halo for those.  So, we will talk.  Just keep your eye on the finish line and know you are doing great."  He looked around at the table and said "again, thank you.  Good night and congratulations.  We can find our way out."

As they watched the trio depart, Alex grabbed Tara's arm.  Alex said "yay!  It sounds like you might get your halo off sooner rather than later.  Oh my, this is such a great day!"

At another table, Aubrey had her head leaned back showing Cammie the appliance in her mouth.  Closing her mouth and looking back at Cammie, Aubrey said and "and my babe here has the same thing.  We are doing it together.  It isn't the most fun process for sure.  But I am so glad I am doing it.  That we are doing it."

Gesturing towards the headgear laying on the table Cammie asked "so, does everyone have to get headgear?  And what about actual braces?  Do you not have to get those if you get an appliance like that?"

Aubrey said "no, we will get braces eventually.  We just aren't there yet.  We are still expanding."  She smiled and pointed to her midline and said "see the gap.  It will keep getting bigger as my palate expands.  When it is where we need it, we will quit turning the expander and I will get my brackets."  She thought a moment and said "let me grab Dr. Andi and see if she will model, she just got her brackets bonded yesterday.  She also got protraction rods to replace her elastics and tads to lift her gummy smile.  I am sure she will show you what those are too.  Plus, I need to practice crutching."

A few moments later, Aubrey crutched back over with Dr. Andi in tow.  As Aubrey leaned her crutches against the table and began to carefully lower herself into her seat, she proudly said "Dr. Andi, Cammie here is interested in braces.  I thought you might want to give her an explanation of the process.  And show her what all you have going on."

Andi gave Cammie a big smile.  Cammie thought she had never seen so much metal in a person's mouth.  Andi said "oh of course!   I love talking orthodontics.  And boy do I have some orthodontics to talk about."  She smiled again before continuing "so you are interested in getting braces?  How great!  We always have time and room for one more.  Do you mind if I pull up a chair?"

Cammie said "no, I was just curious.  I don't think I could do it."

Andi pulled over a chair and sat facing Cammie.  She said "nonsense, sure you can do it.  Look around, we are all doing it.  All the cool kids are.  In fact, over 50% of my patients are adults.  It isn't just about straight teeth.  It really isn't about straight teeth at all, though you get those in the process.  It is about a better quality of life.  Yes, it is a process.  But it is an investment for life.  Let me tell you all about it.  I just got my brackets bonded yesterday.  Plus, I swapped out these rods for my elastics to pull my upper jaw forward.  I am still wearing these J-hooks on my lower to hold it in place.  Plus, I got six tads yesterday along my upper gumline to help pull my smile up.  I have a lot to show you.  But first, I will explain the whole theory behind airway orthodontics."

Fifteen minutes later Andi said "any questions?"

Cammie said "wow, that is a lot.  You can't take your headgear off?  How long does it take?  And how much does it hurt?"

Andi smiled "I can take the actual headgear off for bathing or showering."  She glanced at the pool before saying "or swimming.  But the rods are attached to the hooks of my appliance.  They don't come off.  That is just added motivation to wear my headgear.  I mean, if these things are poking out of my mouth they might as well be hooked up to my headgear so they are working.  The more you wear headgear, the faster you get it off.  As for how long, most standard orthodontic cases take two years.  But that completely depends on each individual case.  Some take less time, quite a few take longer.  And does it hurt?  I will be honest with you, at times it does.  But it isn't unbearable.  No pain, no gain right?  It is kind of like working out.  You are sore sometimes.  For example, these tads are a little bothersome right now.  But they will calm down in a few days. But it is a good type of sore because it lets you know you are making gains.  So, can I schedule you a consultation?  They are free.  You might as well."

Despite Dr. Andi's obvious enthusiasm, Cammie shook her head back and forth and said "no, but thank you.  I don't think I could do it." 

She was surprised when Paul said "sure you could.  Like she said, look around.  Everyone here seems to be doing it.  Even Jim.  I couldn't believe it when he got them, but he has managed.  Heck, he just got engaged with them on."

Cammie looked at Paul and asked "you don't think it is a little strange when adults have braces?  It isn't a turn off to you as a man?"

Paul looked her in the eyes and replied "absolutely not.  It shows that the person wearing them cares about themself.  And you may think it sounds goofy, but it shows they have hope for the future.  No, I don't think they are a turn off on a woman.  Just the opposite."

Cammie looked at him.  She was surprised by what he had said.  She cocked her head and said "so, if I had braces you would have still struck up a conversation tonight?"

Paul looked at her and replied "of course, how shallow do you think I am?"

Cammie said "no, I didn't mean it like that.  I am sorry.  It's just...  I don't know... braces at my age are terrifying.  Plus expanders, screws, rods, and headgear?  It just seems like so much."

Paul said "but it beats surgery."

Cammie thought a moment.  She turned to Dr. Andi before she replied "so a consultation is free?  And there is no commitment?"

Andi smiled and said "absolutely free.  No commitment."  Andi pulled out her phone.  As she scrolled on it she asked "what does your schedule look like next Tuesday at 10 am?"

Cammie said "I will be sleeping.  I am on nights currently; I am an ER nurse.  What about something in the afternoon?  I could do it before my shift."

Andi looked at her phone and asked "Thursday at 3 pm?" 

Cammie couldn't believe she heard herself say "yes, that would work."

Andi replied "yay!  I have you on the schedule.  What is your email and cell number?  We will send you appointment reminders, and we will go ahead and email over the new patient paperwork so you can have it ready when you get there."  Andi leaned over and hugged Cammie before she said "you will be so happy you are doing this!"

After Dr. Andi had left, Cammie looked around the table.  She asked "what did I just get myself into?"

Aubrey said "Dr. Andi is the best.  She will take the best care of you.  And it is just a consult.  But I bet you decide to do it."

Cammie asked "but what do people think?  What do they say about it?"

Aubrey replied "most people don't even notice.  But I don't wear my headgear out in public, just at work and around friends.  Like here.  I imagine I would get more looks and questions if I did.  It is pretty hard to miss, kind of like this cast.  But seriously, most people are too involved in themselves to worry about others."

Cammie looked at Paul and raised her eyebrows.  Paul said "I think it is such a grown-up thing to do.  When I see someone with braces, I think 'there goes a person who cares'.  It shows confidence.  And hope.  That is what I think."

Cammie responded "interesting."

An hour later Tim looked at Aubrey and asked "hey babe, are you about ready?"

Aubrey said "what time is it?"

Tim said "almost 10."

Aubrey said "it isn't that late."

Tim said "we can stay if you want.  But I am getting tired."

Aubrey looked at him and said "no babe, if you are ready let's go.  Let me see if Mona can cut this cast off."

Tim put his hand on the Aubrey's cast and said "let's not bother her with that tonight.  Maybe tomorrow?"

Aubrey looked into Tim's eyes.  She could see the same hunger that had been so obvious when she was having the cast applied.  She smiled at him and said "ok.  But first, let me go ahead and put my headgear back on.  Cammie, you can get to see what it is like."  Once she had her Miller headgear strapped on, she had turned her body so Cammie could see what she was doing, Aubrey said "next, I put on my two J-hooks.  Like this."  With the J-hooks attached to her lower jaw, she then shook a few elastics into her hand and said "and finally I attach my elastics.  Like this."  Finished with the process, she smiled at Cammie and said "it really isn't uncomfortable.  I have gotten used to it.  It actually feels strange when I'm not wearing it."

Tim smiled and said "and isn't she just so cute?"

Aubrey turned and put her hand up on the side of Tim's face, over the frame of the Miller headgear he had on, and said "baby, that is supposed to be my line."  She turned towards Paul and Cammie and said "isn't he so cute?"

Paul said "you are both adorable.  And I mean that in the mostly manly way possible."  Cammie gave a little laugh. 

Cammie said "you two are cute together."

Cammie saw Aubrey wink at Tim before she replied "I sure think we are."  Turning back she said "it was such a pleasure meeting you two.  Maybe we can do it again?"  Everyone agreed they would like that. 

Alone at the table, Paul looked at Cammie and said "they really are cute together."

Cammie was surprised that she thought they were too despite the matching headgear.  She actually thought they might be cuter together because of it.  She smiled, displaying her crowded canines, and said "they are.  They don't seem like they let it bother them.  In fact, they even seem to enjoy it."  She thought a moment and asked "did you really mean what you said earlier?  About what you thought when you see an adult with braces?  What if I got braces?"

Paul reached over and placed his hand over hers.  He said "yes, I meant it.  I respect the heck out of people that are willing to do it.  I know it is a pain and an inconvenience.  Yet they still do it.  To better themselves."

Cammie took it in.  She had to agree that what he said made sense.  She then realized he hadn't answered her last question.  She asked "but what would you think if I got braces?  They wouldn't be a turn off?  I mean, I don't want to go two years without a date."

Paul looked her in the eyes.  He said "no, I told you they wouldn't be a turn off."  He went silent a moment measuring his words.  Finally he decided to just tell her the truth.  He said "Cammie, you are sexy as hell now.  And you would still be sexy as hell with braces."  He thought a moment before blurting out "maybe even sexier, if that is even possible."

Cammie looked at him a bit shocked.  She wondered if she heard him right.  She asked "so you would think I was still sexy if I got braces?  What about headgear?"

Paul said "you are the sexiest woman I have ever seen.  But if you had braces and headgear...", Cammie saw the bulge in the front of his pants rise, "I might not be able to control myself around you."

Cammie just looked him in the eyes.  There was an uncomfortable silence.  Paul said "I am sorry.  No, that didn't come out right.  I mean, you would still look wonderful with braces.  I just..."

Cammie put her finger up to his lips.  She said "shhh, quit talking."  She continued to look into his eyes.  She asked "why don't we get out of here?"     

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #275 on: 03. September 2024, 17:19:14 PM »
Chapter 103:

Jim saw Dr. Andi approaching along with her husband Sam and her friend Abby.  As she approached Andi said "congratulations you two!  I am so happy for you both!"

Tara spun her wheelchair slightly so you was facing them and beamed back at her.  Tara said "thank you so much!"

Jim added "yes, thank you so much."

Dr. Andi said "so, was this the official engagement party?  Or will there be another one?  I hope there is.  We all had so much fun."

Jim hadn't thought about it, but he replied "that would be a good idea.  Sure, why not.  Maybe we will wait a couple months until the weather cools off a little though."

Andi said "that would be great.  And we would love it if you would keep us in mind.  It is nice getting to know everyone outside of an office setting."

Tara said "it is isn't it?  Speaking of which, Sam and Abby, it was so nice to meet you both.  And Abby, congratulations on finishing up your residency and signing on with Dr. Brad and Dr. Andi."

Andi's friend Abby replied enthusiastically "thank you!  I am so excited.  I can't wait to get started!  Treating patients!  And myself!"

Jim asked "so when will you be starting your own treatment?"

Abby said "at the show!  Andi already did all my scans and worked up a treatment plan.  And I was planning on starting in three weeks, as soon as I start.  But Brad told us yesterday that Orspco wants to demonstrate the installation of the new appliances they are bringing to market at the AAO.  So of course I volunteered.  I will only have to wait an extra two weeks.  I will get everything installed the first day of the show.  I will be the very first live demo in the booth.  I am so excited to be the guinea pig!"

Andi laughed and looked at Jim and Tara before she said "we will see how excited she is the second day of the show."

Tara said "you will do fine.  But yeah, the first few days are a little uncomfortable to say the least."

Abby replied "hey, no pain, no gain.  I know it will be a little challenging navigating the show with new appliances.  But I will be one of the stars of the show.  I can't wait!"

Jim asked "so I assume you will be getting a Miller appliance?"

Abby beamed and said "yes!  A Miller appliance.  Plus Miller headgear like Andi here.  And I will also go ahead and get my brackets installed.  We won't install archwires until I am done with expansion.  But Orspco is bringing out a new line of brackets and bands.  So I am just going to go ahead and get everything installed at once.  I can model it all."

Tara said "it sounds like you will have a busy first few weeks."

Abby smiled and said "I really plan to hit the ground running.  I cannot wait until my first patient.  Then I will finally feel like all this work has paid off."

Andi glanced over at the table where Cammie and Paul had been sitting but saw they were gone.  Andi turned back and looked at Tara.  She said "Tara, did you know I talked your friend Cammie into scheduling a consult?  I am going to have Abby here manage her treatment if she decides to pursue treatment, though I will be involved too.  Tara, if you have any other friends that have been considering orthodontic treatment, be sure and put in a good word for us.  You too Jim.  It seems like we treat a LOT more adult women than men.  And that is a shame.  I wish more men weren't such big babies."  She turned and looked at her husband Sam pointedly.  She said "Jim, some men could take a few lessons from you.  Maybe you could talk to my man here and convince him to start treatment.  So far I have been unsuccessful." 

Jim looked at him and said "hey, you know what they say.  Happy wife, happy life."

Andi laughed and leaned in against Sam.  She said "that is right.  And I would be so happy if you would start treatment."

Sam said "baby, I told you I would think about it."

Andi said "you've been thinking about it for a year.  Come on now." 

Sam replied "I will think about."

Andi looked at Jim and said "see what I am dealing with.  You men and your hard heads.  But seriously, if anyone expresses any interest I would love the referral."

Jim said "hey, we already do that.  In fact, I think you already have a few patients that came in because of us.  Maybe you could let us have a weekend at the beach house?"

Andi looked at him and said "but we don't have a beach house."

Jim replied "you don't have a beach house yet.  But as many cases as you have started I bet you get one.  When you do, just don't forget about us, those who were here in the beginning."

Andi laughed and said "of course not!"  Andi turned her attention back to Tara.  Andi said "Tara, you are going to make the most beautiful bride.  And I promise, we will have you out of braces for your wedding day.  Even if you aren't finished with treatment, we will make sure of it.  Oh guys, I am so happy for you both."  She stepped over and hugged Tara and then Jim.  Stepping back beside her husband she said "thank you all for this.  We are going to get out of here, it looks like the party is winding down.  But again, congrats."

After they had left, Jim scanned the deck.  Only about half of the original attendees were left.  He noticed that a few seemed to have slipped out without even saying goodbye.  Alex said "can you believe that Aubrey left with that cast on her leg?  I think she kind of liked it.  I know Tim liked it, I could tell from the way he was leering at Aubrey."

Tara said "I don't know how that is possible.  If she had to wear it for real I bet she wouldn't like it as much.  And I know she wouldn't like a hip spica." 

Alex said "oh boo, it is just temporary.  And remember what Dr. Brad said, you will be getting your halo off sooner rather than later.  That is exciting."  She looked over at Marc and said "baby, we need to put our headgear back on.  Let me run inside and get it."

Alex reached down and put her hand on the doorknob.  She went to turn it and found it wouldn't move.  She tried again and got the same result.  She tried pushing on it and turning the knob.  Still nothing.

Inside the room, Keith heard the rattling of the door as he made out with Kelsey.  He stopped and looked at Kelsey, a guilty look on his face.  Kelsey looked over at the door.  When a knock came, Kelsey said "sorry, just a minute.  I came in here to change."  It wasn't completely untrue as most of her cloths lay on the floor beside the bed.

From the other side of the door Alex said "ok, I just need to get something out of the bathroom."

Kelsey said "just give me a few minutes please?  I will leave the door open when I am done."  She heard "ok" from the other side.

Returning to the table, Marc saw that Alex' hands were empty.  He cracked "don't tell me that someone broke in and stole my headgear.  I would just be broken hearted if I had to go a night without wearing it."

As Alex sat down she laughed.  She turned and looked at Marc and said "you don't get off that easy.  Someone was in the bedroom.  I think it was Kelsey."

Jim looked around the pool deck again.  He had noticed earlier that Keith had been by Kelsey's side the whole night.  And now he seemed to be missing too.  He said "huh, well what do you know?"

Alex arched her eyebrows and asked "what?"

Jim smiled and said "oh nothing.  But I wonder if Kelsey was alone."

Inside the bedroom Keith smiled at Kelsey and said "busted.  I feel like I am back in high school."

Kelsey took the comment the wrong way.  She spit back "why, becaush you are making out with a girl with brathesh?"

Keith looked Kelsey in the eyes and said "no sweetie.  That is not what I meant.  I meant getting caught making out."  As he looked into her face he noticed it soften some.  He said "you are the furthest thing from any girl I ever met in high school.  You are poised, professional, beautiful and so incredibly sexy."  He looked at her a moment before adding "your orthodontia doesn't detract from that at all." 

She looked at him.  Finally she asked "so you don't mind that I have a mouth full of metal?  And a lishp?  And headgear?"

Keith looked at her.  Finally he said "no, it is so hot."

Kelsey said "I certainly didn't expect thish reaction.  Maybe we could talk about it shome other time?  Like on a real date?"

Keith said "I would love that so much.  Maybe we could take this somewhere else tonight though?  So we can get to know each other better?  I mean, just so I know what the lady likes and dislikes.  So I can plan such a date."

Kelsey smiled "yesh, I would like to get to know you better.  And we probably do need to take thish somewhere else.  But I want to be up front with you.  I don't want to lead you on.  I am not the kind of girl that has shex on the firsht night.  I just want to be up front with you."

Keith leaned over and kissed her.  He said "whew, what a relief.  Because there for a minute I thought you were trying to take advantage of me."

Kelsey swatted his arm, but she was laughing as she did.  She said "you are funny and shexy.  Could you help me get dressed?  I am not sure I will be able to with one arm."

Keith quickly helped Kelsey get her bra and dress back on as he pulled his own shirt and pants on.  He slipped his feet into his own shoes before helping Kelsey slip her feet back into her sandals.  Kelsey found the whole exercise completely sensual and erotic.  She appraised herself in the mirror and said "I need to put my headgear back on sho no one thinksh we were doing the hanky panky.  But I can't with thish cast.  Would you help me?  I will talk you through it."

As Keith gently helped hook her back up into her harness, Kelsey could feel the fine hairs on the back of her neck standing up.  She thought Keith had to notice, though he said nothing.  She didn't realize it was also causing his hair, and one other thing, to stand up too.  Once he had the strap buckled around her delicate, beautiful neck he turned her so she was facing him.  He picked up the first of the two j-hooks and attached it to the archwire of her lower braces.  He used an elastic to connect it to the frame of her headgear.  He repeated the process with the other J-hook on the other side.  Finally, he attached an elastic to one of the hooks running along her upper gumline and attached the elastic to her frame.  He was so turned on.  He repeated the process on the other side.  Once done, he asked "did I do right?"

Kelsey leaned into the mirror and said "you did perfect.  Thank you."

As Keith said "you are most welcome" Kelsey turned and stepped into him. 

She looked up at him and said "you like my headgear."  Again, it was a statement not a question.  Keith looked a little embarrassed.  She put her hand on his arm and said "don't be embarrassed.  It is charming.  I am glad you don't find it all a turn off.  I was afraid I was about to be celibate for the next two to three yearsh."

Keith said "I know, it is a little weird."

Kelsey said "it is a little different.  But there are a lot of things much weirder that you could be into.  Plus, I am gonna be rocking the metalmouth for at least the next two years, probably three.  There are a lot worse people that I could have met tonight than a funny, handsome, successful engineer that isn't turned off by my metalmouth."

He had never been more stimulated than he was at the moment.  He looked at her a moment before he said "I want you to know though I am just not attracted to your braces.  I am attracted to you.  The orthodontia is just a little extra cherry on top."

Kelsey said "I am glad you like it.  Now, let'sh get out of here and try to slip back to the party.  And then we can bid our farewells before you take me back to your place."

He said "but what about that cast?"

Kelsey said "that other woman left with hers on.  You shared your embarrassing secret with me.  I will now share mine.  I like the way it feels.  And I REALLY liked the way it felt when you helped me get dressed.  I always wanted a cast growing up but never got one.  Now I have one.  Would you think I am weird if I kept it on tonight and worried about it tomorrow?"

Keith looked at her sheepishly before he said "I have another secret.  I like casts too."

Kelsey said "interesting."  She stuck her casted right arm out towards him and said "then in that case, would you escort a lady back to the party?  And then take her home?"

Keith looped his arm through hers, relishing the feel of the rough fiberglass and the idea that her arm was completely immobilized, and said "I have never wanted anything more."   

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #276 on: 04. September 2024, 17:07:24 PM »
Chapter 104:

Keith unhooked his arm from Kelsey's before they walked out onto the pool deck.  He didn't want to make it look awkward or embarrass Kelsey.  They walked over to the table where Tara and Jim were sitting.  Kelsey said "someone needed to get in your guesht bedroom earlier.  It ish free now."

Alex said "that was me."  She stood and looked at Marc.  She said "baby, I will be right back."

As she headed towards the house, Jim looked at Kelsey with a smile on his face and asked "is everything ok?"

Kelsey said "oh, everything ish great.  I changed into my bikini to shwim.  But then I had second thoughtsh, it ish already sho late and I am sure you two are ready for everyone to leave."  Keith was impressed by how smooth Kelsey was.

Jim didn't want to embarrass Kelsey.  But he did want to needle Keith a little.  Jim said "I imagine it was hard with that cast.  Did you find someone to help?"

Keith said "you know me Jim, I am always more than willing to help people."

Jim laughed before he looked at Kelsey and said "yep, that is it.  If anything, Keith here is always willing to help people.  Especially a beautiful young lady in need.  Anyway, I am glad you had some help.  And I hope you have had a good time.  But you don't have to rush off unless you want to.  I figure last call won't be for another hour or so."

Kelsey replied "well jusht the same, I don't want to intrude."  She looked around and found Mona and Becky sitting alone together at a table.  She said "I jusht need to go see that woman about getting this casht off."

Jim said "that's Mona.  Stay right here."  He stood and walked over to their table.

As Kelsey watched him, she heard Alex behind her say "here you go baby."  Kelsey turned to see Alex handing Marc his headgear.  Kelsey saw she had a facemask in her other hand.  Kelsey knew that Alex wore one, she had seen her wearing it at her appointments at Dr. Millers.   

Kelsey asked Marc "hey, you wear headgear too?"

Marc looked at her and nodded his head slightly before he responded "oh yeah, and I just LOVE it."

Alex laughed before she said "come on you big baby, it isn't that bad.  And you are so cute in it."

Marc turned towards Alex and replied "well, if it makes you happy baby..."  He turned back towards Kelsey and said "so yeah, I wear one too.  And no, I don't love it.  But when one is sleeping with his orthodontic assistant one must make sacrifices."

Alex swatted his arm and said "don't be feral."  Alex held her facemask up to her face and quickly attached elastics to it, securing it to her face.  She turned and smiled at Marc.  She said "it isn't that bad and you certainly aren't alone."

Kelsey had been able to see Keith out of the corner of her eye.  And she saw that he wasn't able to look away from Alex as she had been putting on her facemask.  She felt a brief tinge of jealousy before she said "oh, that ish just sho shweet.  He is sho handsome with his brathesh.  I bet that headgear really setsh it off."  She reached up and placed her hand on Keith's cheek and turned his head away from Alex towards her.  She said "you would be handsome with brathesh too Keith.  Maybe you would need headgear?"

Keith said "nope, no way."  He felt Marc staring at him.  He turned and said "no offense, I am sure it looks good on you."

Marc stared at him a moment before he laughed and said "no offense.  I feel the same way.  And I am the one who has to wear it.  But she likes it.  And I need it apparently.  Speaking of which, let me wrestle with it here for a minute.  It is always an adventure putting it on."  As he began to put it on, Alex stepped beside him and helped. 

As Kelsey watched, it reminded her of Keith helping her put hers on just minutes earlier.  It reminded her of how sensual the process had been.  She imagined Keith with braces and of her helping him put his own headgear on.  She was surprised that the thought turned her on.  Jim arrived with Mona in tow and interrupted her thoughts when he said "so Mona, I think Miss Kelsey here is ready to have you cut her cast off."

Mona replied "sure, no problem.  Let me go grab my saw."

Kelsey exclaimed "wait."  She was embarrassed about what she was about to say and was trying to figure out how best to say it.  Finally she said "it is sho late.  I hate for you to have to do it tonight.  Could we maybe jusht do it tomorrow?  That would be easier on you wouldn't it?"

Mona said "makes no difference to me.  But sure, we can do it tomorrow."  She smiled at Kelsey before she said "or some other day.  This is your first cast ever isn't it?  What do you think?"

Kelsey said "it is sho restrictive.  But it doeshn't hurt.  I thought it might."

Mona said "some people even like the way a cast feels."  She raised her eyebrows at Kelsey.

Kelsey said "I don't know if I like it.  But it ish interesting."  She thought a moment before she said "I alwaysh wondered what it felt like.  Maybe I am weird, but I kind of wonder what it ish like to sleep with."

Keith said "it's not weird.  People are curious.  Curiosity is healthy.  Well, except for the cat.  But don't worry about that cat."

Kelsey and Mona both laughed.  Mona said "that is right, let's forget about that cat.  If you are curious about what it is like to sleep with, I see only one solution.  I will give you my number and you can text me tomorrow.  I still need to remove Aubrey's too.  I can hopefully do both of yours at the same time."

Kelsey asked "that ishn't too much of a bother?"

Mona said "no, not at all.  It was my idea to start with.  I am glad you have scratched the itch of getting to experience a cast.  Speaking of itch, have you had any under your cast yet?"

Kelsey shook her head back and forth.  As she did, she felt the strap of headgear rubbing across her neck.  And she noticed that Keith couldn't take his eyes off of her, her headgear, and her cast once again.  She liked him being consumed with her.  And she had forgotten about the jealousy she had felt earlier.  She said "no, no itching."

Mona smiled and said "well then, you definitely need to keep it on tonight.  Itching under your cast is the best part of wearing a cast.  Right Tara?"

Tara had been watching everything.  She thought it all so strange.  Did this woman like wearing a cast?  And what about Aubrey?  She had left with not only a full leg cast, but Tara's crutches.  Did she like it too?  By now, she was pretty sure Alex liked wearing her facemask.  And she knew that she LOVED Marc wearing his headgear.  She thought it all odd.  But then she realized this whole thing called life was odd.  She thought of her engagement tonight.  Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would get engaged wearing a halo brace and hip spica.  She wondered if Jim liked her cast.  And she wondered what she would think if she found out he did.  She was jostled from her thoughts when she heard her name.  She had been just enough aware of the conversation to answer "oh why did you say that?  Now I am going to start itching."

Mona laughed before she said "sorry.  Maybe Jim can take your mind off of it."  Mona turned back towards Kelsey with her phone in her hand.  Mona said "what's your cell?"  She typed it into her phone as Kelsey listed off the numbers.  Mona hit call, and a ringing started coming from Kelsey's purse.  Mona said "that's me.  Just send me a text tomorrow.  If you forget, and I doubt that will be possible with that big pink reminder on your arm, I will send you a text."

Kelsey fumbled trying to get her purse unzipped.  The full arm cast was severely impairing her ability to get her phone out.  Keith loved it.  His first instinct was to help her, but he was enjoying her struggle so much he decided to just watch.  Finally, she got her purse unzipped and was holding her phone in her left, uncasted arm.  She used her casted right arm to type on her phone.  Keith thought it was the hottest thing he had ever seen, a beautiful young woman in not just a hot pink long arm thumb spica, but also the most extreme headgear he had ever seen.  And inside her mouth was so much metal.  He was in heaven.  Finally Kelsey got Mona's number saved.  Keith decided at that point to help.  He said "here miss, let me help."

As he helped her get her phone back in her purse and get the purse zipped, Jim said "see, what a gentleman."

Keith glanced up and said "that I am.  And like a gentleman, I am going to escort this young lady to her vehicle."

Kelsey asked "ish that a good idea?  I mean, with my right arm in a casht I don't know how safe it would be for me to drive.  Do you think you might could drop me off at my house?  Or I could take an uber?  And then I could come back tomorrow and get my casht off and get my car?"  She glanced at Jim and said "that ish if it ish ok to leave my car here overnight."

Jim smiled at her and replied "that would be perfectly fine."

Keith quickly added "and there is no need for you to take an uber.  I will be more than happy to drop you off at your home.  And I will give you a ride back tomorrow."

Jim said "well that sounds like a plan.  Keith, you be careful giving the young lady a ride home."

Keith smiled at him and said "oh, I will." 

Kelsey said "thank you sho much."  She was looking at Keith when she said it.  She then turned towards Tara and Jim and said "and thank you sho much.  For letting me leave my vehicle.  For thish party.  For everything.  It was sho nice to meet everyone.  And congratulationsh on the engagement.  I know we jusht met tonight.  But I would love to be invited to the wedding.  I love them, they are jusht sho romantic."

Tara said "of course, of course you will be.  We are friends now.  You two be careful getting home."

Keith extended his elbow towards Kelsey and said "mi lady, your chariot awaits." 

Kelsey giggled before she slid her casted right arm through his.  She said "my knight in shining armor."

Jim laughed before he said "you two have fun.  And tell everyone in Camelot I said hello."

Keith said "will do" before he nudged Kelsey and the two began walking.

As they walked through Jim's house, Kelsey said "I meant what I said earlier.  You would look ravishing with brathesh.  Have you ever thought about it?"

The question caught Keith off guard.  He turned his head and said "no, me?  Braces are hot on beautiful women, not middle aged nerds like me."

Kelsey said "firsht, you aren't a nerd.  Not at all.  Second, getting brathesh isn't about being hot.  It is about fixing your bite, your airway, and aligning your teeth."  They took a few more steps before she stopped walking.  Keith turned with a look of confusion on his face.

Kelsey said "smile for me please?"

Keith scrunched his face up and asked "what?"

Kelsey repeated "smile for me please?"

Keith hesitantly smiled at her.  She peered at his teeth a while before she shifted her eyes and made eye contact with him.  She said "yesh, you would be so hot with brathesh.  Why don't you schedule a consult with them?"

Keith quit smiling and answered honestly "because they would probably tell me I need treatment."

Kelsey looked into his eyes and said "guysh that look after themselves are sho shexy."

Keith was so confused.  He said "but braces..."

Kelsey cut him off "would be sho hot on you."  She thought of Jim and Tara.  She thought of Alex and Marc.  She found the idea of them doing it together such a turn on.  She said "your friend is doing it with his new fiance.  So are Alex and Marc.  It ish the cutest thing I have ever seen."

Keith repeated "yeah, but... We just met.  And you want me to get braces?"

Kelsey said "NO!  That ish not what I am saying.  That soundsh horrible like that.  I am not telling you that you need brathesh.  No, gosh that soundsh bad.  I didn't mean it to come across like that.  Not at all.  I am jusht saying that you would be hot with them.  And it is sho shweet seeing those couplesh do it together.  And I realize we just met.  That is why I told you about my 'first date' rule.  I am sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."  She started walking again.

After helping Kelsey into the passenger seat of his truck, Keith reached across her and fastened her seat belt for her.  He stared at her a moment.  He could not believe that such a hot woman; with a mouth full of orthodontia, headgear and a LAFS; was sitting in his truck.  He just took the image in, trying to burn it into his memory.  She asked "what is it?  Do I have a booger?"

Keith laughed.  He said "you are funny and sexy.  No, I was just thinking how incredibly gorgeous you are.  And I was thinking about what you said earlier in the house."

Kelsey said "I am shorry, I shouldn't have said that.  Or at least not said it that way."

Keith said "no, I like that you are direct and honest.  You really wouldn't think I am a complete dork if had braces?"

Kelsey looked at him and asked "do you think I'm a dork because of my extensive applianshesh and headgear?"

Keith just looked at her thinking.  Finally he responded "no, and I hope I have made that abundantly clearly.  Abundantly and embarrassingly clear."

Kelsey said "it ishn't embarrassing.  Like I said, it ish charming."

Keith asked "so, what would happen if I made an appointment for a consult?"  He meant what would the process entail.

He was almost knocked off his feet when Kelsey replied "you would need a condom tonight."

Keith replied "wait, what..."

Kelsey continued "because if you told me you were going to book a consult I wouldn't have any choice but to break my firsht date rule.  No, I wouldn't have any choice.  I wouldn't be able to control myself."  She smiled at him.  He was speechless.  She liked how this was going.  She said "that is if you told me you were going to schedule a consult.  I meant to ask you earlier when was the lasht time you had kisshed someone with brathesh.  I forget.  Let me make up for that.  Keith, when is the last time you had sex with someone with headgear and a full arm cast?"

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #277 on: 05. September 2024, 19:37:57 PM »
Chapter 105:

The next morning, Tara woke up with a smile on her face.  It was the first time she had awoken happy in a while.  In her peripheral vision she could see Jim spooned up against her and feel his body heat against her, his warm exhalations gently wafting against the side of her face.  She could see his arm draped over her chest.  While she couldn't feel it due to her halo, she simply enjoyed the thought of it.  It also made her remember what Dr. Brad had told her the evening before, that she wouldn't have to be in it much longer.  When Dr. Olivia, Raphael and Kylee had left together, they had briefly stopped to say goodbye.  Dr. Olivia had also confirmed what Brad had told her.  Olivia told Tara that her and Brad had spoken, and that Olivia wanted Tara to schedule an appointment in two weeks.

Tara just lay there, enjoying the feeling of being engaged.  The glow she was feeling was also due in part to making love with Jim the night before.  She had been the one that initiated it.  Jim had been very timid at first.  To start, he had to figure out how to make it work with Tara being in the double hip spica.  The bar between her legs had proven to be an impediment.  Eventually though, he had figured it out.  It was different.  But once Jim had figured out he wasn't going to hurt Tara, it had been wonderful.  As they had made love, Tara had realized that this was all going to be alright.

Tara just lay there.  She could see her casted legs suspended in front of her.  Previously, the image had made her want to cry.  But this morning, she was at peace with it.  No, she didn't like it.  And she couldn't wait until she was done with it.  But for the first time since she got the cast, she had hope.  She made the resolution to quit feeling sorry for herself.  She knew there were others that had it much worse than her.  People who had it much worse who didn't have a man that loved them curled up beside them. She just lay there replaying the previous evening's events in her mind, especially Jim's proposal.  Again, it was never like she had imagined it would be.  But in a way, it was sweeter than she could have ever imagined it could be.  Her thoughts were interrupted by movement beside her.

She could feel Jim waking, but she couldn't turn her head to look at him.  She couldn't wait to be able to do this.  She reached her hand over and blindly groped until she found his.  She said "good morning baby."

She felt the bed move and then she saw Jim's leg swing over her as rolled over.  Holding himself up with his arms, he was straddling her looking down into her face.  As he smiled at her, her focus was on his braces, clear brackets on top and metal on bottom.  She realized how much she was going to miss them when they were gone.  Jim said "good morning beautiful, did you sleep ok?"

Tara said "I did."  Jim maneuvered his face between the front uprights of her halo brace and kissed her forehead.  He then managed to support himself with one arm and removed her Petit facemask with his other.  He leaned back in and gave her another kiss.  This time it was on the lips.  It was a long kiss.  Leaning back up he said "I am sorry about the morning breath.  But God I have missed being able to kiss you."

Tara smiled at him and said "baby, I love the way you taste.  Morning breath or no morning breath.  And I missed kissing you so much too.  As well as other things.  Thank you for last night."

Jim smiled at her and said "baby, you never have to thank me for that.  Being intimate with the most beautiful, smartest and sexiest woman in the world is just the cross I have to bear."

Tara laughed and replied "you aren't right."

Jim laughed back.  He smiled at her again, Tara once again admiring his braces, and said "too bad, you are stuck with me."  He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss.  Raising himself back up, he said "it is going to be a beautiful day.  Let's go see what all it has to offer."

Jim helped her with her new morning routine.  The first thing he did was remove her sanitary brief.  She hated it.  But in a way, the intimate nature of it had helped prove to Tara how much Jim really loved her.  She thought it took true love for someone to not only help their partner with something so embarrassing, but to still find them attractive and desirable.  Jim disappeared from the bedroom to toss the brief in their kitchen trashcan. While in the kitchen he put a pot of coffee on.  When he returned he gently unhooked the slings that held Tara's legs aloft and helped her into her wheelchair located beside the bed.  Once comfortably situated in her wheelchair, Tara used the joystick to roll into the master bath with Jim following behind her.

The first thing he did in the bathroom was run a washcloth under some warm water in their sink.  After wringing it out, he turned and began to give her a gentle hand bath.  This was Tara's favorite part of the morning.  As he caressed her body, she said "baby, you made me get a little sweaty last night.  Take your time and make sure you don't miss any spots."  She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling.  Jim really was taking his time this morning.  When she felt him stop, she opened her eyes and said "done so soon?"

Jim said "no baby, but let me see if the coffee is ready."  He returned a few minutes with two steaming mugs of coffee.  Putting one down on the vanity, he handed the other to Tara.  He said "just like the lady likes, be careful though it is hot."  As Tara blew on the cup, Jim ran the washcloth back under the faucet to warm it back up and commenced to again rub her body.  As she sipped her coffee she realized he was going back over the same parts of her body he had already washed.  She loved it.  Done with her body, he washed her face.  Once he was done he tossed the cloth in the sink.

Next he picked up a bottle of lotion and began rubbing the lotion on her body.  It felt even more incredible that the cloth had felt.  Once done, he asked "do you need to use the bathroom?"

She sheepishly replied "yes."  As he helped her out of her wheelchair and onto the toilet he whispered in her ear "this is nothing to be embarrassed about.  No, I feel like the luckiest man in the world that I am the person that gets to help you.  It is the biggest honor I have ever felt."  As she took care of business, Jim stepped over to the closet.  He did so for two reasons.  One was to get a brief.  The second was to give Tara a little privacy.  He heard when she was done and then heard her flush.  He cleaned and dried her without a word.  He then picked up a bottle of baby powder and sprinkled it on her bare skin as well as around the top edge of her cast.  Once done, he slipped the fresh brief between her legs and fastened the tabs.  Before he helped her back into her chair, he hugged her.  He always did this.  He knew how mortified she felt by this whole process and he hoped the hug helped.  He hoped it would get easier for her.  He was certainly trying to make it easier for her.  He smiled at her before he added a new step in their morning ritual.  He leaned in and kissed her.  He told her "you are the most beautiful woman in the world.  Now, let's get those toofies clean."

Jim stood beside Tara as they both brushed.  Jim hurried so that he would finish before her.  Once he was done, he took his water flosser and gave his mouth a quick wash down.  Putting his flosser down, he picked up a fresh dry towel.  Once Tara was done brushing, he held the towel under her chin and ran the water flosser in her mouth, catching the cascading water with the towel.  The absence of the protraction bar running in front of her face made it much easier.  Once done, he smiled and said "fresh and clean!"  Placing the towel in the sink and water flosser back in its cradle, he picked up the wrench for Tara's expander.  Without a word, she opened her mouth.  It had become second nature to Jim.  He inserted the wrench into Tara's mouth and got it seated by feel.  He then slowly made one turn on her expander.  He studied her face for signs of distress.  But she was so used to the feeling of pressure from turning her expander, she made no facial expression.  Once done, he removed the wrench and told her "you are such a trooper.  I am so proud of you."

Jim hugged her and said "you know I am not makeup rated.  I will let you finish that up, and I will go start on breakfast.  I will be back shortly."   Ten minutes later, Jim turned the eye of the stove off and moved the skillet to a cold eye.  Entering the bedroom, he found Tara facing the doorway waiting on him.  The first thing he noticed was how much care she had taken with her makeup.  For the past week it had worried him that she didn't seem to put much effort into it.  It wasn't that he didn't find her beautiful either way.  In fact, he might have found her more beautiful without make up.  But he worried that her not seeming to care about her makeup was a sign of a deeper problem.  He didn't need to worry about that this morning though.  Seeing her he said "oh my goodness, you are so ravishing.  What do you want to wear?"

Tara gave him a smile.  She said "why don't you pick baby."  Jim looked through their closet and pulled out a blue and green floral print summer dress that Jim had gotten her when she had her halo installed.  Turning towards Tara he held it up and raised his eyebrows.  Tara said "that is perfect baby.  It is even more perfect because you gave it to me."  Jim slipped the dress over her halo and pulled it down her body.  Tara used her arms to hold her bottom up, the weight of her plus her cast and halo was significant, while he quickly pulled it underneath her and around her casted legs. 

Satisfied, he stepped back and admired his fiance.  He was making eye contact with her when he said "God you are beautiful."  Tara simply smiled back at him.  Jim said "I have breakfast ready baby.  Won't it be nice to eat without your protraction module?"

Tara hadn't even thought about that.  Her face lit up.  She excitedly said "oh goodness... yes.  I don't even know if I remember how to eat like a normal person anymore."

After getting Tara situated at their dining room table with a plate of cheesy bacon scrambled eggs, he refreshed her coffee.  He said "let me go and see if Becky and Mona are up."

Stepping in front of their bedroom door he heard giggling from inside the room.  He then heard a "ohh.. umm."  He didn't know exactly what was going on inside, but he had a suspicion.  He considered knocking softly on their door and announcing "yoohoo, if you are awake breakfast is ready."  He then heard a soft moan come from inside the room and decided he would leave them undisturbed; it sounded like they were enjoying what they were doing much more than they would have enjoyed a plate of eggs.

Returning to the kitchen, he made him a plate and settled in beside Tara in the dining room.  She asked "were they not awake?"

Jim looked at her and smiled.  He said "yes, they were awake.  But it sounded like they were busy."

Tara replied "they were busy?  Ohhh."

After depositing the plates in the sink, there had still been no sign of Becky or Mona, Jim suggested "what do you say we go out back?  I would like to just sit with my fiance and enjoy the morning before it warms up too much."

Tara said "I would like that.  To sit with my fiance."  Upon completing the statement Jim saw a huge smile break out on Tara's face.  He just looked at her, so glad to see that she was happy.  She surprised him when she asked "but first, would you do me a favor?  Would you go get my facemask and elastics from the bedroom?"

Jim looked at her and replied "of course not baby.  Do you want to put it on though?"

Tara said "I need to.  Plus, and maybe this is weird, it feels strange without something sticking out of my mouth."

Jim gave her a mischievous smile before he said "well if the lady wants something sticking out of her mouth..."

Tara gasped and said "stop that you perv!  This isn't the time for that."  She added "but later might be" and gave him a wink.  She continued "now I need to put my facemask on."

Jim returned with her facemask and held it up to her face.  Tara had her teeth bared and he quickly attached elastics from the hooks in her mouth to the bar of her facemask.  He adjusted it on her face so it was straight and centered and asked "better?"

Tara placed her hand up to the forehead pad and said "yes, it is."  Jim wondered what she meant by this.  But he didn't probe, instead he said "well, you look ravishing.  I have missed your adorable little facemask."  She gently slapped his hand and said "don't make fun of me." 

Jim looked at her earnestly and said "baby, I am not.  I mean it."

Tara stared at Jim and was reminded of her thought from the night before.  She wondered if Jim had a "thing" for this.  She knew some did.  She tried to brush the thought away, she felt certain Jim loved her regardless.  But just the same, she decided she would ask Alex about it.  She noticed Jim glance up right before she heard Mona.

Mona said "good morning you two lovebirds."

Tara turned her chair to see Mona entering the kitchen followed by Becky.  Each of their Milwaukee braces were on full display, strapped on over the white camisoles and shorts they wore.  It looked like they had just gotten out of bed.  It was the first time that Tara had gotten a full look at their braces.  They looked incredibly restrictive.  She wondered if they weren't worse to wear than a halo.  Mona's was more intense than Becky's, with her full leg braces connected to her Milwaukee brace.  Unlike Alex' leg braces and her own that she had previously worn, she saw that Mona's even had a hinge at the ankles.  She could just see the plastic plate under each foot where they disappeared into the bedroom slippers she wore.  With the facemask she currently was wearing, she realized that Mona really was braced from head to toe.  But she didn't seem to pay it one bit of attention.  Even more surprising to Tara, Becky too seemed to be oblivious to her brace and her headgear with its four j-hooks.

As the pair made their way towards Jim and Tara, Mona said "you won't believe the text I got this morning."

Tara said "and what was that?"

Mona said "it was from Aubrey.  Maybe I shouldn't tell you about it.  But I bet you find out eventually either way."

Tara said "well, what?  Don't leave us hanging with suspense.  What did she say?"

Mona stopped walking and said "not so much what she said as what she asked.  She asked me if it would hurt if she wore her leg cast a few more days.  I told her it wouldn't, other than being a pain to get around in.  She then asked me how long she could wear it.  I told her most people wore a cast, a real medically necessary cast, for six to eight weeks."  She held up the phone she was holding and said "I haven't heard back from her yet."   

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #278 on: 06. September 2024, 16:59:57 PM »
Chapter 106:

A little after 3 pm, Jim heard his doorbell ring.  He had been expecting it.  Opening the door, he found Kelsey and Keith standing on the front landing.  Kelsey was wearing her Miller headgear.  Jim smiled and said "welcome!  Mona is waiting on you."

Keith sat beside Kelsey as she placed her casted arm on one of the tables surrounding the pool.  Tara and Becky were inside watching television, but Jim had volunteered to be Mona's assistant in case she needed any help.  As Mona had turned on the cast saw, Jim had glanced at Keith.  Jim thought he saw a look of disappointment on his face. 

Before Mona started to cut, she explained "you will feel a lot of vibration.  And it may seem scary, cutting the cast off, but it can't cut you.  Just stay calm and still."  As Mona placed the vibrating saw at the top of Kelsey's cast, she asked "so, what did you think about having a cast?  Was it like you thought it would be?  Did you hate it?"

Kelsey said "strangely, I didn't hate it.  I wouldn't want to have to wear one for months, gosh that would make life hard.  I don't know what I thought it would be like really.  But it wasn't what I expected.  I thought it would be horrible.  But it really wasn't.  When I woke up this morning, I even forgot I had it on.  Until I tried to move my arm that is.  But it was a neat experience.  Thank you."

Mona smiled at her and said "it is my pleasure, really.  I am glad you got to experience it."

Kelsey stared at her arm as Mona ran the saw down it.  Once Mona had finished one side, she instructed "ok, turn your arm for me best you can please.  I will get the other side."

Kelsey had to shift her whole body to turn her arm 90 degrees.  As Mona began to cut the opposite side of her cast, Kelsey asked "were's that other woman, um her name was Aubrey right?  I thought you wanted to remove both our casts at the same time."

Mona replied "Miss Aubrey decided she wanted to really see what it is like to wear a leg cast.  She is going to keep hers at least a few more days."

Kelsey replied "I could have worn this a few more days?"  She realized how weird that sounded and quickly added "I mean, that wouldn't have hurt my arm?"

Without taking her eyes off of what she was doing, Mona said "oh, of course you could have.  It certainly wouldn't have hurt for a few days.  I mean, we use casts to help mend people.  Now after a few weeks, your muscles can start to weaken a little.  And if one were to wear a cast too long, muscles could even start to atrophy.   But a few days?  That would not have any noticeable impact.  You certainly could have worn this for a few more days."

Kelsey said "oh no, it would have made my job too hard."

Mona thought of Alex.  Alex had told Mona of how hard and awkward it was for her trying to assist wearing her CTO and leg braces, especially the first few days until she became more acclimated to it.  With that in mind, she responded "no doubt it would have been an adjustment.  But I bet you would have adapted.  It is amazing what people can adapt to and overcome.  When I got my halo brace installed it was a huge change.  I am pretty active working with patients.  And then poof, I couldn't move my upper body.  But I got used to it.  Like I am getting used to this brace I have on now.  I honestly don't even know what to call it.  I mean, it is a Milwaukee brace.  But it also has the hip, knee, ankle orthosis.  I guess I will just call it my body brace."  As she finished cutting the other side of the cast Mona added "but I guess the good news is there isn't much more Dr. Morales and Dr. Brad can prescribe, the only thing left are my arms.  And there we go, both sides are free.  Jim, can you hand me those shears?"

Mona pried the cast apart, cutting when needed, until Kelsey's arm was free.  As Kelsey and Keith examined Kelsey's arm, Mona looked at Kelsey and said "some people like to save their casts as a souvenir.  Do you want to keep yours?"

Kelsey looked up, a shy smile on her face, and responded "actually yes."

Suspecting that Kelsey had actually liked wearing the cast, Mona explained "obviously I have cut the cast in two.  But it is still molded to your arm.  It would be possible to put the cast back on and wrap an Ace bandage tightly around it.  It wouldn't be quite as stable as it was originally, but it would be pretty close.  I'm just saying."

Kelsey replied "oh no, that's not why I want it.  I just think it is cool."

Mona smiled and said "it is cool.  Casts are cool."

Kelsey looked at Mona a moment before she responded "I guess they are in a way.  Anyway, thank you.  I guess we can get out of your hair now."

Jim responded "you aren't in our hair.  We aren't doing anything but having a leisurely Sunday.  If you would like to visit a minute, I would love it.  I think Tara would too.  She had so much fun last night.  How about you guys?"

Kelsey smiled and said "yes, we had a blast."  Jim noticed she had replied we instead of I.

Jim prodded "so Keith was able to get you home safely?"

Keith quickly answered for her "of course."  Wanting to redirect the conversation Keith continued "hey, how about we go inside and visit with the newly engaged lady of the house? Plus, I have some questions for you Jim.  I want to know what is like having braces as a guy."

Jim was a bit surprised by this.  He said "are you considering it?"

Keith said "yes, I have decided to schedule a consultation.  I am just nervous about the idea of braces."

Jim nodded and said "yeah, it is a pretty intimidating idea.  But really, the braces aren't a big deal.  Now, the expander I still have drilled into my palate was a huge deal at first.  As was the reverse pull headgear and CTO brace I had to wear during that phase.  But after expanding and wearing all that, man the braces seem like a piece of cake."

Keith raised his eyebrows and said "you had headgear?  I had no idea."  Jim noticed Keith look at Kelsey.

Kelsey said "see, I told you it wasn't just women.  Guys do it too."

Jim said "yep, I had headgear.  I didn't exactly advertise it.  But obviously I lived through it."  Jim noticed that Keith might not have even registered what he said.  Kelsey and Keith were locked eye to eye, seemingly oblivious to everything but each other.  Jim said "hey, why don't we go inside.  I will tell you all about it."  This broke the trance they were in.

The group had been chatting away in the living room for 15 minutes, mostly about the party and the engagement, when Jim announced "I am going to go to the garage and get a beer.  Does anyone else want one?  Or something else to drink?"

Keith said "yeah, I'd like one.  What you got?"

Jim said "why don't you bring your lazy butt with me and see for yourself."  As the two stood, Jim again asked if anyone wanted anything.  Kelsey said she would like a water if he had one.  Jim said he most certainly did, straw and all.

As they entered the garage away from prying ears Jim asked "so, this orthodontic consultation doesn't have anything to do with that young lass inside does it?"

Keith stopped and looked at him in silence.

Jim said "come on, I could see you two were inseparable last night.  And I see how you two are looking at each other today.  You two seem to have really hit it off.  And if I were a betting man, I would bet you took her home last night.  But not to her home."

Keith said "well, first off, a gentleman doesn't tell.  And second, yeah, it might have something to do with her.  But that is between us."

Jim said "understood.  But it was her idea wasn't it?"

Keith said "yes."

Jim said "I won't tell you what to do.  Especially since you two just met.  But, going through treatment with Tara has been incredible.  Now I still don't like all this shit in my mouth.  But doing it with her makes it ok.  In fact, I met Tara because of my treatment.  Which then in turn led to me having the party last night, where you met Kelsey.  I am not saying there is some master plan there.  But maybe there is."

Monday morning, Tim held the door of 'TMJ and Sleep Plus' open for Aubrey as she crutched into the lobby.  Becky was already at the front desk.  Upon seeing Aubrey, Becky dramatically and a bit sarcastically asked "oh Aubs, whatever did you do to your leg?"

Aubrey crutched over and said "I had an accident this weekend at the pool.  And I ended up in this cast."

Becky played along and replied "oh no, you poor thing.  How long will you need to wear it?"

Aubrey stopped crutching.  She looked over at Tim and said "I am not sure.  My doctor told me at least a few days."

Becky said "well, I hope your doctor is taking care of you while you are in your cast."

Tim smiled and said "he is doing everything he can for her."

Becky laughed.  She said "you guys are weird.  But so cute.  You two have the matching headgear.  What about matching casts?  What is good for the goose is good for the gander."

Aubrey crutched over closer to the front desk and said "but seriously, if anyone asks, well besides everyone here that already knows, I did have an accident."

Becky said "of course.  In fact, I went ahead and told everyone you 'had an accident' and would be showing up with a cast today.  So maybe they won't give you too much of a hard time about it."

Aubrey said "I know it is weird."

Becky agreed "yes it is weird.  But it certainly isn't out of place here.  Gosh we are just an office of weirdos aren't we?  At least you don't have a Milwaukee brace shining like a beacon around your neck."

Aubrey said "Beck, you're just the cutest with your Milwaukee brace.  I know it has to be a pain in the you know what, but it gosh it looks good on you."

Becky said "thank you."  She glanced at Tim before she added "I bet you would like to see what one feels like wouldn't you.  And I bet someone would LOVE to see that."

Tim smiled and said "I just want what is best for my beautiful, amazing girlfriend."

Becky smiled back and said "I am sure you do.  You are cutting it close on time.  Go get clocked in."

Tim followed along behind Aubrey holding her purse as Aubrey turned the corner in the hall leading to her office.  Dr. Brad was just closing the door to his office.  Seeing the pair, Dr. Brad said "good morning you two."  He stood at his door blocking the hallway as the two approached.  Aubrey stopped a few feet from him and said "good morning sir."

Brad said "you know I am Brad or Dr. Brad, not sir.  So Becky told me you would be wearing that cast for at least a few more days."

Aubrey replied hesitantly "um, yes.  But it won't affect my work.  I promise."

Brad looked at Aubrey and then over at Tim.  He thought of his relationship with his wife Megan.  He said "I am sure it won't.  And as long as it doesn't, I have no problem with it.  I mean, you had an accident" he winked "and have to wear a cast.  I can't be mad about that can I?"

Aubrey said "thank you."

Brad smiled and said "of course."  He looked at Tim and said "and I am glad to see our patient here is being so diligent in his appliance wear.  You seem to be a good influence on him.  Speaking of which Tim, do you have a few minutes?"

Tim said "just a few, I have to get to my office too.  It is a good thing we start seeing patients thirty minutes later than you guys or I would be in the doghouse."

Brad said "understood.  Get Aubrey settled in her office, and stop and see me in the treatment area on the way out."

Brad had Tim reclined back in the chair.  Tim had a cheek retractor in, his headgear laying on the tray beside him.  Brad was examining his mouth, poking her and there.  Once he was done with the visual exam, he had used the digital scanner to scan Tim's mouth.  It all took just a few minutes.  Once done he raised Tim back up to a sitting position.  Handing Tim his headgear, Brad said "everything is looking good."

As Tim started to put his headgear on, he replied "well that is good, I really have been wearing this like I'm supposed to.  Aubrey won't let me cheat at home.  And my girls certainly won't let me cheat at the office."

Brad smiled at him and said "I can tell.  That is good.  But it is harder to move things around in adult males than it is with younger patients of both genders and in adult females.  Can you stop and see Becky on the way out and see if there is a time this week that is available that works for you to schedule an appointment?  The appointment should take about an hour.  I want to add a couple of things to help move things along."

Tim asked "what kind of things?"

Brad put his hand on his shoulder and said "don't worry about it, I will show you at your appointment.  But if you don't already have one, I would recommend you get a blender before the appointment."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #279 on: 08. September 2024, 18:13:20 PM »
Chapter 107:

Tuesday morning Tara's phone rang.  Looking at the screen she saw the call was from 'TMJ and Sleep Plus'.  Instantly she realized she had forgotten to call Dr. Brad the day before to discuss her protraction module.   She answered the phone to Dr. Brad's cheerful voice.  After they exchanged pleasantries, Tara apologized for not calling the day before.  Brad said "that is ok Tara.  You certainly have a lot on your mind.  You have a wedding to think about.  I didn't call to berate you.  I called with good news.  I have talked with Dr. Olivia and she wants you to schedule an appointment week after next to have your halo removed.  That is exciting isn't it?"

Tara said "yes, I am so ready to be able to be able to turn my head again."

Brad said enthusiastically "I bet you are.  Now, I will want you to go back to wearing your CTO brace at night.  But only when you sleep.  You can wear your mask by itself during the day.  That should make life easier for you.  In the meantime, I did want to see what you wanted to do about your protraction module.  This is a little different for me, asking the patient what they want their treatment to be.  But you have earned it.  We have three options.  The first is what I am guessing you want.  And that is to just wear your Petit mask.  That is if you promise to get in your 16 hours."

Tara volunteered "I am wearing it now.  And I have gotten in more than 16 hours per day, I have been wearing it pretty much fulltime."

Tara could almost hear the smile on Brad's face when he responded "I just knew you were.  Tara, you are a model patient.  You make my life easier.  That is why I am letting you choose this.  The second option we have is to have your protraction module reinstalled.  I could put the protraction rods back on.  I know you didn't have them long.  But I am not upset about that.  I understand how much they were bothering you.  If we put the module back on, we could get you back into springs.  In terms of effectiveness, the rods would be most effective.  But you have done so well that we could get by with the mask and elastics.   Most patients cheat on their wear.  If I tell them to wear their protraction gear 16 hours, I will get 12 hours.  If I tell them 12 hours, I will get 8 hours.  But not you, you have been going over your number.  Which is great, the more you wear it the more effective your treatment will be.  Once you get your halo off you will be able to wear your sleep well mask again during the day and the CTO at night.  In the mean time do you just want to keep wearing your Petit until you get your halo off?"

Tara couldn't even believe she was thinking about it.  She surprised herself even more when she asked "so the rods would be more effective?  And I would only have to wear them two weeks?"

Brad responded "yes to both."  There was an awkward silence.  Brad asked "are you still there?"

Tara replied "yes, I am just thinking."  After a few more seconds she said "if they are going to be more effective, I would like to have the rods reinstalled.  It is only two weeks.  I think at this point I can survive anything for two weeks."

Brad was surprised but elated.  He excitedly said "Tara, you amaze me.  If there were a hall of fame for orthodontic patients, you would be a first ballot inductee.  So, about the logistics of this, do you want to come into the office?  Or do you want Alex to do it.  Or, and don't tell other patients, I would make a house call for you."

Tara again surprised Brad when she replied "I am going stir crazy cooped up in this house.  I need to get out.  Would it be ok for me to come into the office?"

Brad said "absolutely.  We would all love to see you.  And to make it easier on you, just come by when you feel like it.  Sooner is better of course.  Just swing by and I will get you right on back.  No appointment needed.  It won't take long.  And again Tara, thank you.  Thank you for making my life as an orthodontist easier.  You are going to have exemplary results because you have put so much into this."

As Tara hung up the phone, she couldn't believe what she had done.  She called Jim to tell him.

Late that afternoon, Jim had just arrived home when Tara got a text from her boss Beverly.  The text simply read "are you and Jim home?  I have a surprise for you."

Tara had replied "yes, we are.  What kind of surprise?"

Beverly responded "well it is a surprise.  You will see in about 20 minutes."

Twenty minutes later, Jim opened his front door to find Beverly and her husband Tim standing there smiling.  Beverly was not wearing her mask, just the metal wire of her retainer was visible across her top teeth.  But it surprised Jim to see that her husband was sporting clear brackets.  As Jim looked closer he also noticed hooks running above the archwire, ended at his canines, and the unmistakable silver of molar bands further back in his mouth.  Jim said "welcome you two!  Such a happy surprise.  Please, come in a minute."

As Jim escorted them into the living room, Jim asked "when did you start treatment?"

Tim responded "two weeksh ago.  I don't have the full Monty, a Miller appliancsh, but I do have an upper quad helix and lower lingual arch.  Talking and eating hash been a challenge for sure."  Jim knew what the hooks had to be for, but since Tim had not mentioned having to wear any type of facemask he didn't ask.  He remembered how self-conscious he had felt about it.

Instead, Jim replied "well you will be happy you are doing it."

Beverly said "and so will I.  This already seems to be helping with the snoring some.  I was about ready to smother him with a pillow at night."

Entering the living room, they found Tara turned in her wheelchair looking at them.  Jim said "look who I found!  And look who has new braces!"

Tim smiled at Tara.

Tara said "oh, don't they look good.  You look so distinguished."  Tara hadn't noticed the hooks.  She was just joking as she pointed towards her own and said "all that is missing is the facemask."

Tim's smile disappeared and said "oh no, I got that too."

Beverly squeezed Tim's arm.  She said "and he is such a hottie with it."

Tim turned and said "it is awful."

Beverly laughed and said "you big baby."  She kissed him on the cheek.  Beverly turned back and said "Tara, would you and Jim please come outside?  I have a surprise for you.  But I couldn't figure out how to get it through the door."

As Tara rolled out through the front door following Beverly and Tim she wondered what in the world Beverly had done.  As soon as she made it outside she saw.  Parked in their drive was Beverly's black Mercedes.  But in front of it was a white Ford Transit van."

As soon as Beverly saw that Tara had seen the van, Beverly said "surprise!"

Tara cut her eyes towards Beverly and said "no, no way. No, too much."

Beverly stepped over and squatted down beside Tara, grabbing her arm in the process.   Beverly said "no it is not.  I told you anything you needed, we would provide.  When Jim told me how awkward and difficult it is for you to get in and out of a vehicle, I knew what I had to do.  And before you try to argue, no is not an option.  Come, see your new ride."

After Beverly had proudly shown Tara the van, she insisted that Tara try it out.  The lift gate at the side door made a humming noise as it lifted Tara in her chair even with the interior of the van.  Once it came to a stop, Beverly said "that worked perfect.  Now, just turn your chair and move where the passenger seat was."  Tara powered herself to where the front passenger seat had been before it was removed.  Jim had the front passenger door open, standing there blocking the doorway.  He was waiting to help Tara and to make sure that she couldn't possibly have some type of accident and fall out.  He was there to catch her if she did.

As she came to a stop, Jim said "perfect baby."  He then looked at the four straps integrated into the floor, each with a hook at the end.  Jim turned his head towards Beverly, a questioning look on his face.

She said "oh, I forgot to explain those.  Here, look."  She nudged Jim out of the way and grabbed the furthest rear hook.  As she pulled it out and slipped the hook over the wheel of Tara's chair she explained "they are seat belts.  And like a seat belt, if you pull on them slowly you can pull them out and extend them to clip them in place.  And they will retract back until snug."  Done with the first strap, she grabbed the second rear strap.  She pulled on it smoothly and then gave a sharp jerk.  The strap didn't give.  She said "see, like a seat belt they lock if you yank on them.  If you have to brake suddenly, these will hold the chair in place."  She hooked the second rear strap to the other rear wheel of Tara's chair.  Satisfied that Jim understood, she moved out of his way and said "you do the next two."

Once he had finished with these two, he looked up at Tara.  He asked "how you doin' up there babe?"

She said "better than if you had just stuffed me in the back of your SUV."

Beverly said "this will be much better.  We are going to leave you this van before Tara tries to fight me on this.  I know you will take care of it.  It is the firms.  But use it as long as you need it."  She turned to Jim and said "you two really should go test it out.  Maybe take a trip around the block.  Or maybe go to the overlook."  She winked at Jim and said "who's knows what you two could find to do up there?"

Jim turned to Beverly and Tim and said "thank you both, thank you so much."

Beverly smiled and said "it is my pleasure.  Now take it for a spin."

As Jim watched the pair walk to their car, Jim leaned in and looked up at Tara.  He said "that was an excellent idea Beverly had.  What do you say we go watch the sunset."  They did and Jim took full advantage of Tara's last night of freedom from her protraction module.

That Friday at their weekly afternoon team meeting, Brad had gathered everyone in the lounge as usual.  Only this week there were three additional faces.  After he had done his weekly review, he said "I guess you guys all already know we are growing.  We will be moving into a new, larger, even more state of the art facility soon.  I have signed all the paperwork.  We have a new lot and plans are being drawn up now.  We need a bigger office.  Because I want to introduce you all to our newest orthodontist, Dr. Abby Lee."  He glanced at Andi as he said "I know some of you already know her, and others have met her.  Starting tomorrow, she will be full time.  And since you assistants carry us orthodontists on your shoulders, I would also like to introduce you to two more new colleagues."   Brad gestured to the shorter, blond haired young woman and said "this is Kristi."  She waved and gave a big white smile.  He gestured to the other woman, a few years her elder, and said "this is Kelly.  She already has 7 years experience in general dentistry and comes to us from Dr. Usher's office."  The slightly older and taller brunette waved and smiled, also displaying a smile unadorned by orthodontia. 

She said "I am so excited to work with you all."

Brad turned and said "I want you all to welcome them with open arms.  I know you will.  And Alex and Maggie, I am going to lean on you to show them how we do things around here.  In fact, I think right now would be a good time to get started with that.  Would you mind giving them the grand tour and explaining how everything works?  I will join you.  And Becky would you come along too?  Once we are done back in the treatment area, we will go over our system up front.  I would like them to be cross trained.  The rest of you, do your thing."

As the group split up, Andi walked over to Abby and asked "would you come with me Dr. Abby?"

Abby turned and smiled at Andi before she said "I like the way that sounds.  It sure took long enough.  And of course I will Dr. Andi."  She giggled.  Andi could see she was happy and excited.  Andi wasn't sure she would be happy and excited about what she was about to hear.

Sitting down across from Andi in her office, Abby asked "what's up?"

Andi said "well first off, we are short on space here.  Until we move into the new building, we just don't have room for you to have an office of your own.  If mine is open you can always use mine and then we also have the lounge.  I hope that is ok with you."

Abby smiled and said "not a problem.  Dr. Brad already explained all that.  I am perfect with it."

Andi said "good, I just wanted you to be aware.  Next, your treatment.  You will be getting your appliances at the show.  But there has been a slight change to your initial treatment plan.  We are going to use protraction rods instead of elastics right off the bat.  Which will mean 24/7 wear of your Miller headgear.  It takes some time to get acclimated to.  I want to go ahead and have you start wearing it now, this afternoon, so you can work your way up to 24/7 wear by the show.  You are going to have enough new stuff to get used to, I at least want you to be used to the headgear component.  I have had a removable appliance fabricated for you."  She pulled open her drawer and withdrew a pink retainer case.  Handing the case to Abby, Andi asked "will you see how this fits?"

Abby briefly examined the appliance.  It was just a Hawley retainer with the addition of two hooks.  Abby realized it was the same design as Alex wore.  As she placed it in her mouth, Andi said "I didn't know what color you wanted, and it is just temporary, so I went with clear.  I hope that is ok."

Getting the appliance seated in her mouth, Abby replied "yesh, it ish ok.  Oh boy, what a lishp.  You want me to wear thish full-time?"

Andi replied "for this first week, wear it around the house and while you sleep.  You will get more used to speaking with it.  Then the second week, try to wear it full-time except when eating and brushing.  I want you to wear your headgear anytime you are wearing it.  Including here in the office of course.  The first week, just use two elastics.  The second week, use four elastics.  This will help get you acclimated to the additional force the rods will provide.  So, that is the first change."

Abby asked "the firsht change?  What ish the second?"

Andi said "I am going to go ahead and install your spacers this afternoon.  I want you to have an extra week with them, because we need to make a lot of space.  Orspco has their new bracket and band system as you know.  We are going to fully band your lower arch."

Abby look confused.  She said "nobody ushesh full bandsh anymore do they?"

Andi said "it is very rare, bands are primarily used on molars and premolars.  Some patients do require them on individual teeth that have had prior work done to which brackets won't adhere well.  But remember that your installation also is a marketing event.  They want to use full bands on your lower arch.  Honestly Abby, you are going to have so many other things going on in your mouth you won't even notice the difference between bands and brackets.  The worst part will be the spacers.  Now for the third change."

Abby said "wait, there is more?"

Andi said "yes, there is.  Orspco is also bringing out a new appliance.  There is nothing exactly like it on the market.  There will be a  fixed and removable version.  It serves the same purpose as a Frankel appliance, but it is an improvement.  It is not a one-piece design.  It is a two-piece design, somewhat similar to a twin block but with the addition of the acrylic cheek and lip pads of the Frankel.  Also, it is more versatile.  It can be fabricated to be compatible with an expander or other palatal and lingual devices.  In your case an upper MARPE, lower lingual expander, and upper tongue crib."  She pulled her drawer open again and pulled out an additional plastic case.  She sat it on her desk and opened it, removing two bulky flesh toned acrylic and stainless appliances."  She said "this is Dr. Tim's new appliance.  He is having it installed in the morning."  She held it up and explained "see the pads here on the sides and in front, between the teeth and lips?  This is to keep the cheeks and gums from pushing against the teeth."  She placed the two appliances together.  She continued "and see how they mate together?  See how these metal struts mesh together?  They can be used to adjust the occlusion over time with the adjustment screws.

The two-piece design allows patients to open their mouths much easier than the one-piece Frankel.  This means it is possible for a patient to eat with it, which is why it is possible to use it as a fixed appliance.  However, as you can see, the appliances do cover the rear molars top and bottom.  See, the front teeth cannot meet.  So while eating is possible, it will be difficult.  The wearer will not be able to bite with their front teeth and instead will have to cut everything.  Your treatment will include one of these, a fixed version.  We will install it all at the show.  I didn't want to surprise you with it.  Abby, it is going to be a lot to deal with.  It will be hard.  But you will be ok.  I know how excited you are about your treatment.  This is just more to be excited about."

Andi saw Abby just staring at the appliance in her hand.  It seemed she was speechless.  Andi again encouraged her "seriously, you will do great.  You will get to see one in action tomorrow when we install Dr. Tim's.  I do have one more thing I wanted to discuss with you Abby.  I was hesitant to bring it up now.  But I think I need to.  Would you stand and slip your coat off for me please?"

Abby looked at her.  She asked "what?  Why?"

Andi said "your back Abby.  Your hips and your shoulders aren't level."

Abby asked incredulously "what are you talking about?"

Andi said "your hips and your shoulders aren't level.  Stand up, take your coat off, turn around and I will show you."

Abby was still in a daze from hearing about the new additions to her treatment.  The last thing she wanted to think about was her back.  Yet she complied.

As she stood with her back to Andi, Andi took several pictures with her phone.  Once she was satisfied, Andi said "please come around here Abby."  Abby moved in beside Andi and looked over her shoulder.  Andi pointed at the screen of her phone and said "see, your hips and your shoulders aren't quite even."

Abby said "they have always been like that.  It hasn't caused me any issues.  I am fine." 

Andi said "If there is one thing I have quickly learned, what we do will cause any back to hurt.  Abby, at least have someone look at it.  We work closely with the Morales, you met them at the party.  Go see Olivia and at least find out what is going on.  I have already made you an appointment for tomorrow.  Olivia was gracious enough to agree to see you on a Saturday.  When we finish up here tomorrow, we will go see her.  I will come with you for moral support."

Abby protested "no really, I am fine."

Andi said "Abby, it is important that we practice what we preach here.  I will go with you.  At least meet with her."

Abby looked like she was pouting.  She said "fine" and crossed her arms.

That night Abby struggled to fall asleep with the intrusive and uncomfortable headgear strapped to her head.   When she finally did manage to fall asleep, she had a nightmare she was wearing a Milwaukee brace like Becky and Megan wore.  She woke up and thought "thank God, it was just a dream." 

Offline anton08

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #280 on: 09. September 2024, 06:42:25 AM »
There are dreams that have become truth...  ;D

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #281 on: 13. September 2024, 20:12:35 PM »
Chapter 108.

Abby walked into Dr. Andi's office Saturday morning to find Andi smiling at her from behind her ever-present Miller headgear.  Andi cheerfully said "good morning!  How are you?  And where is your headgear?"

Abby had tried to hide the bags under her eyes that morning from lack of sleep with makeup, but she suspected she didn't look rested.  She looked at Andi and said "I am tired.  I slept like shit.  I couldn't ever get comfortable with the headgear.  And I had bad dreams."

Andi said "I am sorry.  Headgear does takes some getting used to.  That is why I wanted you to start now.  You know, you really should wear it as much as you can during the day.  It will make sleeping in it easier.  And I know you just got it, but it really would be good if you wear it while here in the office.  Not only will you get your hours in, it sets an example for our patients.  How can we ask a patient to do something we won't do ourselves?  Did you bring it with you?"

Abby said flatly "no".

Andi smiled and said "no big deal, just try to make a habit of bringing it with you.  Even if you don't wear it on the ride to work, you can still put it on when you get here.  For this morning, let's just fix you up with a Petit mask.  All of the patients we are seeing this morning are in some type of extraoral appliance.  You should be too."

Ten minutes later Andi smiled at Abby and said "the green looks awesome on you Abby.  It really compliments your eyes.  So many of our patients seem to just go with blue or pink, I wish they would be a little more adventurous with their colors.  Brad and I are both seeing patients this morning.  This morning, why don't you observe Brad?  He is installing Dr. Tim's appliance that you will be getting.  And Mrs. Stone is coming in.  I want you to see how we help patients that have problems getting in their time with their headgear."  Andi thought a moment.  She looked at Abby and said "you know, that might not be a bad idea for you." 

Abby said "how do we help patients who are having trouble wearing their headgear?"

Andi smiled and said "we install a modified facebow they can't remove.  And then we attach it to their facemask with springs that they also can't remove.  It makes compliance easy for them then.  They don't even have to think about it."

Abby said "they can't take it off?"

Andi smiled and said "nope, and they have great results.  Do you want to see what it is like?"

Abby replied "no, really, I will do better."

Andi smiled and said "you know, it would be great if Mrs. Stone saw that one of us was undergoing the same treatment as she is.  Take your mask off and retainer out Abby."

Leaned back in the chair, Andi looked down at Abby and said "you know these molar bands are going to be a tight fit.  You've only had spacers a day.  You may feel some pressure."  Abby clawed the armrests of the treatment chair as Andi forced the molar bands over her teeth.  She finally just closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on her breathing.  She could feel Andi working in her mouth.  She heard Andi say "it will probably take a few adjustments to get the facebow perfect.  Be patient."  Finally, after four adjustments, she felt Andi slide the facebow in for a final time.  She then felt Andi tugging and bending on it.  Andi announced "yay!  It looks great Abby.  Now all we have to do is get your mask installed."   She felt Andi place the mask on her face.  She felt immediate pressure when the first spring was attached from the facebow to the mask.  The pressure increased when the second spring was installed.  After quickly crimping them closed, Abby felt Andi seat her existing retainer back in her mouth.  Andi said "you will still be able to wear your retainer with the molar bands and facebow.  To make things simpler, just wear it all the time except when eating and brushing.  And there, we are all done!  You look great Abby!"

Abby opened her eyes to see her reflection staring back at her in the mirror Andi was holding.  The lime green mask and stainless facebow were all she could focus on.  She couldn't take her eyes off them.  She asked "really, can I not just wear my headgear like we talked about initially?"

Andi said "Abby, really, this is best.  It will help you become acclimated to it so much faster.  Come on, don't be a baby.  You are going to be doing this to others.  The least you can do is see what they are going through.  It's no big deal.  Let's go, we have patients to help."

Brad escorted Margaret Stone back to the treatment area.  As he walked with her he said "It is great to see you this morning.  How are the girls?"

Margaret said "they are great.  They keep us running wide open.  How are Megan and your two?"

Brad said "they are great.  Megan got her halo off.  She is excited about that.  She did have to transition to another brace, but she can take it off for a few hours a day.  She is happy about that.  And her orthodontic treatment is going well.  She is almost done with her first expander.  We will be getting her into her second one here shortly."

Margaret said "there is more than one expander?"

Brad said "there can be.  There is only so much expansion that can be accomplished before we max an expander out.  Sometimes patients need a second.  I have never done it, but I have heard of some patients needing up to four over the course of their expansion treatment."

Margaret asked "will I need a second one?"

Brad smiled at her and said "we will find that out this morning."

Brad raised Margaret back up.  She looked upset.  Brad said "Mrs. Stone, really it is not a bad process.  We will simply remove your current appliance and replace it with a new one.  It won't be nearly as uncomfortable as the initial installation.  I promise.  We will get it knocked out in no time at your next appointment.  You might not even feel it.  And I will make you a deal.  Keep wearing your facemask like you are.  At your next appointment I will obviously have to remove your mask, springs and facebow.  I won't reinstall the facebow in your new appliance.  I will trust you to wear your mask as you should, 16 hours a day.  You will be able to take it off and get some breaks.  That will be exciting won't it?"

Margaret said "yes.  I will be honest, I was hoping you would do that today."

Brad smiled at her, the blue petit mask he wore shifting slightly on his face, and said "just one more appointment Margaret.  You are doing great."  He pointed at Abby who was seated on the other side of the chair and said "and look, you aren't the only one."  Abby tried her best to smile but it was obviously very awkward.  Brad said "Abby, why don't you escort Mrs. Stone out.  Maybe you two can compare notes?"

When Abby returned, she found Dr. Tim seated in the treatment chair.  Aubrey was seated on the stool she had previously occupied.  Tim and Aubrey were matching in their Miller headgears.  As Abby approached she heard Brad say "you know, not all of our patients are lucky enough to get the VIP treatment.  They don't have their own office to wait in nor does our financial coordinator hold their hand during their appointments."  Noticing Abby, Brad said "Dr. Abby, would you pull up another stool?  I am going to show Dr. Brad his new appliance.  He hasn't seen it yet."  As she rolled a stool over, Brad said "Dr. Abby here is joining us.  And Tim, she will be getting a Miller appliance as well as a new Orpsco appliance called the Nova Functional Appliance.  Tim, as you know, correcting the bite in adult males is difficult without surgery.  Difficult but not impossible.  This new appliance should make it easier.  Let me show it to you."

Abby watched and listened as Brad explained it to Tim.  It was all very similar to what Andi had told her the day before.  When he was done, Tim asked "so it will still work with my Miller?  I mean, I am still expanding?  This will still allow for that?"

Brad smiled and said "excellent question.  Yes, this will still allow you to expand."  He held the appliance up and said "see here in the upper appliance?  The palatal section is open, the two halves are connected by these two free floating stainless steel rods."  He pushed the appliance together and then pulled it apart and continued "so yes, this will still be compatible with your current Miller.  Now, it will be more for your tongue to navigate around, so it may slightly impact your speech.  But you will adapt quickly.  The biggest change will be in the position of your lower jaw and how you eat.  This will hold your lower jaw forward.  You may feel tension at first.  I will be conservative at first, and we can adjust the appliance over the next six months to get more forward movement of your lower jaw to hold it in the correct position as we pull your maxilla forward too.  Think about it, if we weren't able to also regulate your mandible while we bring your upper jaw forward it would leave you with an overbite.  This was always a challenge in the past.  That is the whole reason for the scopes on the Miller.  This will help even more.  But because the appliance does cover your molars, you won't be able to completely close your mouth.  There will be a gap between your front teeth.  Eating will be a challenge at first.  You will find you won't be able to bite but will instead need to cut up all of your food.  Let's get this installed."

Fifteen minutes later, Brad raised Tim up.  Aubrey had been by his side the whole time holding his hand.  Brad said "so, how does it feel?  Anything poking or prodding?"

Tim felt around inside his mouth.  He replied "nah no poeing ah prahing.  Eh fees sho beeg though.  Cah takh."

Brad said "well almost all intraoral appliances have some impact on speech at first.  This one is no different.  Now this Nova along with a Miller is a mouth full.  I get it.  But your speech will get better.  Now, let's get your protraction kicked into high gear.  Tim, I am going to install protraction rods in place of elastics.  As I mentioned, it is harder to get movement in adult males.  These protraction rods will be much more efficient.  All the gals in your office will be so jealous."

Tim's eyes went wide.  He asked "but yah caht tay off protracshion rohs cah yah?  They ah permneh ahnt deh?"

Brad said "no, they are not permanent.  We will eventually take them off when we get your maxilla where we need it.  I am hoping that we can accomplish that in six months.  Then, we can just use part time wear with elastics to act as a retainer of sorts."

Tim said "nah, absholully nah."

Brad said "Tim, please?  Try it.  We aren't getting any movement with elastics.  The other option is jaw surgery."

Tim sat staring back at Brad.  He then turned his head towards Aubrey.  Aubrey looked into his eyes and said "try it baby?  For me?  I don't want you to have to go through surgery." 

Tim said "I doh nah eff eh cahn."

Aubrey said "you can baby.  I know you can.  And I will be by your side the whole time."  Aubrey sat staring into his eyes for several seconds as Brad and Abby looked on.  Eventually Aubrey turned and looked at Brad.  She asked "can you give us a few minutes in my office?"

Brad said "of course."

Ten minutes later, Aubrey led Tim back to the chair.  Abby noticed that Aubrey was carrying her headgear in her hand instead of wearing it on her face.  As they got closer Abby noticed there was some of Aubrey's lipstick smeared on the corner of Tim's mouth.  Tim and Aubrey stopped beside the chair.  Aubrey said "we will do it.  Tim has agreed to try.  So I am, I am not going to let him go through it alone."

Tim turned and said "nah baee, yah doh haf to."

Aubrey said "I do."  She leaned in gave him a long, slow kiss.  Leaning back she said "I love you.  And I am in this for the long haul.  I am going to miss that.  But I plan on having many years to catch up."  She leaned in and kissed him again.  Then she sat down in the chair and said "I will go first."

It took twenty minutes to get first Aubrey's and then Tim's protraction rods installed and their first turns made.  Immediately they had each felt intense pressure in their midface.  Brad looked at the pair and said "oh my gosh, you two are so cute.  Just made for each other.  You two are going to feel a lot of pressure today.  Go home and relax."

As they walked across the parking lot towards Tim's car, Aubrey squeezed his hand.  She said "thank you baby."

Tim said "nah thah yah.  Thish leshp esh sho embarrashing.  Ah wha ah peopuh gonna thehn abou ush weahin heahgea eh public?"

Aubrey again squeezed his hand and said "first, your lisp isn't embarrassing.  It is so, so sexy."  She stopped walking.  As he turned towards her she hugged him.  She said "and who cares what anyone thinks.  Baby, the only person in the world whose opinion matters to me is yours.  Baby, I am sorry, I know you are sore. Do you remember what you whispered into my ear at the party?  I have a surprise for you at home.  I bought you a few gifts.  Maybe we can play with them and help take each other's minds off our mouths?"

Tim stepped back and looked at Aubrey who wore a mischevious smile behind her now immoveable headgear.  Aubrey thought he looked speechless.  Aubrey said "our mouths may be off limits for a few months.  But we can explore some other things."

Tim said "really?"

Aubrey rubbed up against him and said "just go slow, this is all new to me.  But having that cast made me realize I like being immobilized.  At least with you.  Mona just cut if off yesterday and I miss it.  So I bought some casting supplies.  Mona agreed to come over this afternoon and show you how to apply a cast.  Or casts.  Two long arm casts like Dr. Morales has would really make me helpless.  Especially if you use some of the other toys I bought to handcuff me to the bed.  I didn't tell Mona about those other toys.  But I bet you will like them." 

For the first time since he sat down in front of Brad, Tim smiled.  Aubrey saw his demeanor had completely changed.  He seemed to have forgotten about his new appliance and permanent headgear.  That is exactly what she had hoped for.  He said "We hah ah wee end ta eshplore."

Aubrey took his hand.  As she started to walk towards the car she said "that better be a promise."

Inside, Abby was not as excited.  After they finished up with their last patient, Andi had asked Abby back to her office.  Andi asked her what she thought of her first day.  Abby had told her it was great, but that the headgear was distracting.  Andi had assured her she would quickly get used to it.  Abby was not sure of that.  Then Andi asked her if she was ready to go see Dr. Morales. 

Abby said "no, I am scared.  I had a nightmare last night that I was wearing a brace like Megan and Becky have.  And that nurse from Dr. Morales."

Andi interjected "a Milwaukee brace, they all have Milwaukee braces."

Abby said "I had a nightmare I had to wear a Milwaukee brace.  It was so scary."

Andi looked at her friend Abby.  She imagined that she was seated erect, her shoulders held stiffy back, with the neck ring of a Milwaukee brace encircling her neck.  She didn't understand why, but she liked the idea.  Andi smiled and said "it may be nothing Abby.  But you need to find out.  And if you did have to wear a Milwaukee brace, it would not be the end of the world."

Abby said "don't say that."

Andi asked "what, that a Milwaukee brace isn't the end of the world?"

Abby replied "no, that I might get one."

Andi said "oh come on, don't be so dramatic.  There are a lot worse things in the world than a scoliosis brace."

Abby did not realize at that moment that soon she would find out that Andi's statement was very true.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #282 on: 16. September 2024, 03:19:02 AM »
Chapter 109:

Andi could see Abby nervously tapping her foot.  The look on her face was one of dread.  Andi suggested "Abby, let me drive.  Then I will treat you to lunch.  What do you say?"

Abby snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Andi, the metal bar of her facemask visible in her line of sight.  She had realized when she got it that it would be a constant companion until the convention, when it would be replaced by an even more intrusive extraoral appliance.  She said "yeah, sure, whatever."

Andi said "come on Abby, cheer up.  We are lucky that we have Dr. Morales to collaborate with.  You met her the other night but didn't really get to know her.  You'll get a chance to today, you will love her."

Raphael held the door open as Abby and then Andi entered the office.  Dr. Morales was standing there with a welcoming smile on her face.  At least Abby thought it was a smile, it was hard to see behind all the metal.  Olivia said "ladies, welcome!"  She looked at Abby a moment and said "hey, you got a facemask!  I love the color!  It is so festive and cute!"

Before Abby could respond, Andi answered for her "Abby just got it this morning.  She isn't a fan of it yet, but she will get used to it.  She may even grow to like it.  She will be going into full treatment soon and I wanted to at least let her get acclimated to the protraction portion of her treatment.  She will be getting a Miller appliance, Miller headgear with rods like me, as well as the new Nova appliance that Orpsco is introducing soon."

Olivia said "oh wow, how exciting! Congratulations Abby!  It will seem like a lot a first, but it will be so worth it.  I just wish I could wear a facemask instead of this protraction module."

By now, Raphael had closed and locked the door behind him.  He interjected "but it is the best option for your treatment honey."

Olivia replied "I know it is.  It would be nice to get a little break from it is all.  But Abby I actually like the rods better than elastics overall."

Andi interjected "I do too!  The rods are more comfortable than elastics.  It sounds crazy, but it is true." 

Olivia continued "Well yes and no.  The rods do hurt more when they are turned.  But they don't irritate my lips as much.  And I know they are more effective."  She changed gears and said "so, I understand you wanted to us to take a look at your back.  Andi mentioned your hips and shoulders aren't level.  I can see it from here.  Let's get you back and see what is going on."

After a thorough physical exam followed by extensive imaging, Olivia had led Abby back to the original treatment room.  Raphael had actually performed much of the exam as Olivia simply was not able to physically with her full body brace, halo, and double long arm thumb spicas.  Andi had been by Abby's side as best she could to provide support and encouragement.

As they waited, Abby was withdrawn.  Andi had tried to get her talking, but her efforts had proven futile.  Finally she gave up and simply sat side by side with Abby, hoping simply her presence would help reassure her.  Eventually, Raphael returned to the room and gave the pair a big smile.  He asked "would you two ladies accompany me to Olivia's office?  She wants to discuss what is going on."

After welcoming the pair into her office and having them sit across her desk from her, Olivia launched right into her diagnosis.  Raphael stood at the ready to hold up images.  Neither Abby nor Andi understood all of the terminology that Olivia had used.   But the problem was clear.  Abby's left leg was a half inch shorter than her right.  It had likely been like this since she reached adult hood.  This was problematic.  But even more problematic was that her body had naturally tried to compensate for this, which had led to a curvature in Abby's spine.  Abby had scoliosis.

As Olivia had been talking Andi had paid more attention to Abby than to Olivia.  By the time Olivia was done with her diagnosis, it looked like Abby might cry.  Andi leaned over and wrapped her arms around Abby.  She held her awhile before she said "it will be ok boo.  I bet Dr. Morales has a way to fix it.  And I will be here for you the whole time."

The room was silent as Andi continued to hug Abby.  Finally Abby composed herself and asked "what can we do?"

As Andi released her hold on Abby, she turned towards Olivia.  Olivia said "it will be a process.  We have two things we need to address.  We need to address the leg, but also your spine.  We have two options for your leg.  The first would not be a fix, but only a Band-Aid of sorts.  We could fit you with an orthotic, or buildup, for your left foot.  You would wear it in your shoe.  It would keep your body from compensating, but it would not fix the issue.  You would need to wear an orthotic for the rest of your life.  The second option is we lengthen your leg.  It would be a six to twelve month process.  But it would be a permanent fix.  I warn you it would be fairly invasive and uncomfortable if not downright painful at times.  But Abby, you are young.  You have your whole life in front of you.  Fix this now and just be done with it."

Abby asked "how would you fix it?"

Olivia said "with Taylor spatial frames, basically external fixators.  We would install two.  One would be affixed to your tibia and fibia of your lower leg.  The second would be attached to your femur of your upper leg.  The two frames will have pins that are actually drilled into the bone.  Then we will cut the bones.  You would not feel any of this.  Then over the course of 6 to 9 months months we will slowly turn and adjust the frames, essentially stretching and lengthening the bones in your leg.  Once done, we will keep you in the frames as your bones fuse and harden.  Once done, the frames and pins will be removed and your legs will be the same length."

Abby closed her eyes and said "oh gawd that soundsh horrible."

Olivia said "it will be temporary.  If you don't fix this Abby, this problem will become worse.  Eventually it will incapacitate you.  You need to do this.  You will be so glad.  Doing nothing is not an alternative.  And the longer we wait, the harder it will be to correct your spine."

Abby opened her eyes up and asked "would I still be able to work?  Or would I be confined to bed?"

Olivia said "oh no, you would be able to work.  You will still be able to walk.  The frames will be bearing all the weight, so after an initial recovery period of a couple of weeks on crutches, you will be able to walk.  So no, you would not be confined to bed.  You would absolutely be able to work.  You will probably find the treatment for your scoliosis impacts your day-to-day life more than the frames."

Abby asked "and what would the scoliosis treatment entail?"

Olivia responded "I always try to avoid spinal fusion at all costs.  I would fit you with a scoliosis brace.  You would wear it concurrently with the frames.  Then we will evaluate where you are at when the frames come off.  I would anticipate you would need to be in the brace another 12 to 18 months afterwards.  Of course, it is harder to predict how an adult will respond to bracing.  Surgery would always be an option, but again I would like to avoid that.  But with the frames and either a brace or spinal fusion, we can completely heal you."

Andi again wrapped her arms around Abby.  Andi said "I am sorry boo.  But you need to do this.  Like Olivia said, we have the rest of our lives ahead of us."

Abby asked "what kind of scoliosis brace?"

Olivia responded "I would start you off with a Milwaukee brace.  If we don't see the response we hope for, we would then try halo traction.  Like I have."  Abby didn't respond.  She seemed to have withdrawn into herself.  Olivia said "really it isn't that bad."  She looked at Raphael and said "maybe I can show you how I turn my own brace?  To prove it."

Raphael's face lit up.  He said "that is a great idea honey.  Let me grab the wrench and I will be right back."

After he had left, Olivia asked "Abby, what are your thoughts on this?"

Abby, still wrapped in an Andi cocoon, looked at her and said "it sounds horrible.  Are there no other options?"

Olivia said "one option would be to do nothing.  And you will be bed ridden by the time you are forty.  For your leg, there really are no other options.  For your back, you could elect to just have surgery.  But the potential risks of spinal surgery outweigh any of the discomfort or inconvenience of a brace.  That is why I always urge my patients to try the brace first.  Abby, you really do need to address this.  The sooner the better."

Abby quietly said "but my job...  the convention...  how I am going to do it with all this?"

Andi rubbed her hand up and down Abby's back and said "with our help is how you are going to do it.  Abby, if anyone will be understanding it is Brad.  I know he will make whatever accommodations are needed.  And I promise you I will."

Abby said "could this at least wait until after the show?  I don't know if I will be able to handle everything at once."

Olivia said "yes, of course.  This is not an emergency.  I am not going to wrap you in a Minerva cast before you leave here.  This has taken years to develop.  Another month won't make much difference.  It will take some time to have your brace fabricated.  And I will need to work up the detailed blueprint of your leg lengthening procedure.  Even if I wanted to start immediately, it would take a few weeks.  So waiting an additional two to four weeks won't hurt.  You need to do this Abby.  Can I go ahead and take the scans and measurements I need?"

Abby was resigned.  She said "it doesn't sound like I have much choice."

Raphael reentered the room triumphantly and asked "ready honey?" 

Olivia shifted in her seat and replied "yes dear."

Olivia had done her best to remain stoic and hide the pain she felt as Raphael lengthened each of her halo brace struts.  Once he had completed all four turns he smiled at the ladies and said "voila!"

Olivia turned towards Abby and Andi and said "see, no big deal."

The truth is, Abby had thought it looked horrifying.  And Andi had thought it looked barbaric.  But just the same, Andi couldn't imagine how incredible it would feel to turn on someone else.  She looked at Abby and smiled.

Andi had her arm around Abby's shoulders as they walked to Andi's car.  When they reached the vehicle, Andi opened the passenger door for Abby.  Before she let Abby sit, she turned Abby so she was facing her.  Andi said "your car will be fine at the office overnight.  I am taking you home with me.  You have had a rough day, you don't need to spend tonight alone.  Sam and I are going to spoil you rotten tonight."

That evening, Andi and Sam helped a very tipsy Abby to their guest bedroom.  They had done their best to try to get Abby to forget about her day and what lay ahead of her.  Andi had felt some guilt watching Abby try to eat for the first time with her facemask.  But she reminded Abby she was doing it herself and helped coach her through it.   Andi assured her it would get easier.  Plus Andi added, it was best for her treatment.  She promised Abby that she would be glad in the long run.  Abby had much less difficulty drinking the stiff mixed drinks that Sam had been mixing, though she of course had to drink them through a straw.  She would have to drink everything from a straw now.  After getting Abby tucked in under the covers, Andi leaned down and kissed the already passed out Abby on the forehead pad of her facemask.  She said "good night princess."

The next morning around 8 a.m., Andi cracked the door of their guest bedroom open to check on Abby.  Abby was laying on her side, curled up facing the door.  Immediately Andi did not like what she saw.  Abby was sucking her thumb.  She had immediately recognized that her friend sucked her thumb during her initial consultation.  She had not said anything, not wanting to embarrass her friend.  She knew that Abby knew she shouldn't do it.  She was an orthodontist after all.  Andi hoped that the facemask would eliminate the habit.  It clearly had not.  While it looked awkward, Abby had still found a way to get her thumb in her mouth around the center bar of her facemask and the two protraction rods.  As Andi looked at her friend, she realized Abby likely wasn't even aware she was doing it.  She debated on what to do.

She decided to wake her.  Leaning over her in the bed, she gently shook Abby.  Abby just groaned.  Andi shook her again and Abby opened her eyes and looked at Andi.  Andi said "good morning princess!"  At that moment, as the cobwebs cleared, Abby realized she had her thumb in her mouth.  She quickly pulled her thumb out of her mouth, seeming to try to hide it under the covers, and said "oh gawd..."  The look on Abby's face was a mix of embarrassment and terror.

Andi gently reached under the covers and placed her hand on Abby's still moist thumb.  Andi said "it's ok boo.  I knew as soon as I did your consult.  You don't need to feel embarrassed about it.  But we do need to correct the habit."

Abby said "I know.  I just can't.  I tell myself not to before I go to bed and still do it."

Andi tried to be understanding as she said "I am sure you do.  But we do need you to stop."

Abby asked "how?"

Andi said "you are an orthodontist, you know."

Abby closed her eyes and exhaled.  She said "yes, I know.  I need a habit appliance."

Andi rubbed her friend's shoulder as she said "I will help you.  I will get you a replacement upper retainer made immediately with a crib on top.  And we will get you a lower retainer with a rake on bottom.  And I will have them integrate the same into your Miller.  I also have an ace up my sleeve."  She held her friend's delicate hand out and said "it isn't just your mouth that is being naughty, these thumbs of yours are too.  We will teach them to behave."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #283 on: 19. September 2024, 16:10:53 PM »
Chapter 110:

Andi patted Abby on the shoulder and said "go ahead and get a shower.  Meet us in the kitchen, we will have breakfast ready for you."

As Abby sat up she asked "but what about my facemask?  I can't take it off."

Andi smiled at her and said "water won't hurt it.  Just be sure and dry it off good.  Hurry up, I am hungry."

Fifteen minutes later, Abby walked into the kitchen to find Andi with her back to her at the stove.  Sam was sitting at the kitchen table with his head down reading an actual print newspaper.  Abby said "I didn't even realize they still printed newspapers."

Sam looked up at her and smiled before he said "they certainly do.  Some of us old dinosaurs still like to start the day with this" as he held up the section he was reading.  He continued "how did you sleep?  How do you feel?"

Abby tried to smile and said "I am a little sore."

Sam asked "is that because of the vodka?  Or because of the headgear?"

Abby replied "both I think.  My head because of the vodka.  My chin because of the headgear."

Sam laid the newspaper on the table and stood.  He said "let me get you some Excedrin.  And do you prefer coffee, milk, OJ, Coke or water?"

Abby said "if it is not too much trouble, could I have a water to wash the pills down?  And a coffee to wake up?  And a couple of straws?"

As Sam walked towards the kitchen he replied "no trouble at all.  Have a seat at the table and I will get it for you."

As he opened the cabinet to grab a glass and a coffee mug, Andi turned towards her friend.  She said "almost done.  Grits, eggs, bacon and there is some fruit in fridge if you want it.  So, how was your first shower with your facemask?"

Abby responded "it was weird.  I mean, it felt weird stepping under the running water wearing something."

Andi replied "it takes a little getting used to.  But all of this does.  That is why I wanted you to just jump right into the deep end of the headgear pool.  You will be completely used to it by the time you get everything else installed."

As Sam poured Abby's cup of coffee he interjected "don't let her fool you Abbs.  She talks a good game.  Yeah, braces and expanders and headgear and everything else are no big deal.  And I am sure I will be in trouble now, but let me tell you my poor baby here was absolutely miserable the first week she got all of her stuff."  He stepped over and kissed Andi on the cheek and said "but I don't think it bothers her too much now.  I just miss kissing her on the lips so much though."

Andi looked at him and said "I do too baby.  But remember, short term pain for long term gain."  She put her finger up to his lips and said "I just wish you would join me."  She cocked her head at him.

Sam ignored her and walked towards the kitchen table.  He said "ok Abbs, two Excedrin, a coffee, a water and two straws.  There is cream and sugar there on the table so you can fix it how you want it."

As they finished eating, Sam said "babe, you did the heavy lifting cooking, I've got the dishes. You go brush and floss and I will handle this.  Then I guess we need to turn your expanders and your rods."

Andi said "thanks pooh.  Abby needs to brush around her new molar bands too and wash her retainer.  And then she can pop her retainer back in.  Abby can watch me be in a little discomfort for a change as you turn my expanders and rods."

Five minutes later, Sam entered his and Andi's master bathroom to find both Abby and Andi at the sink.  Abby was rinsing her retainer under the faucet while Andi was flossing.  Andi said "that was quick.  Just a few more minutes and we will be done."

Sam stood back and just watched his wife in the mirror.  He didn't know why, but he enjoyed watching her perform her oral hygiene.  Finally Andi pulled the floss out of her mouth and turned towards him with a smile on her face.  She said "squeaky clean." 

As was their routine, Sam stepped over and opened the top drawer.  As he withdrew the wrench, Andi tilted her head back without a word and opened wide.  Abby watched as he inserted the wrench into Andi's mouth and seated it on her upper expander.  He quickly made one turn and pulled the wrench out of her mouth.  Andi kept her mouth open but lowered her chin downs towards the floor.  Sam dropped the wrench into the open drawer and withdrew the blue expander key with the stainless pin.  He placed the pin into the hole of Andi's lower expander and made one turn.  He gently wiggled the key free and pulled it from her mouth.  As Andi raised her head and closed her mouth, Abby said "you know, they should make the appliance so one tool will turn both expanders."

Andi looked at Abby and said "wow...  That is true.  I can't believe neither I, nor Brad, nor Orspco has thought of that."  She thought a minute and said "maybe they want us to have to buy different tools.  But seriously, you are right Abby.  Because there is a third tool we need to use on my rods.  Doesn't seem very efficient does it?"

Abby shook her head as she said "no, really it doesn't."  She looked at Andi a moment before she asked "what's it feel like when you turn your expanders?"

Andi replied "there is pressure.  But now that I am down to just one turn at a time, it isn't really painful.  Now at first, I was doing two turns morning and two turns evening.  And that second turn did hurt a little at first.  But once my suture up top opened, the pain went away.  Now it is just pressure.  Speaking of two turns, I am going to have Sam turn my rods twice since we didn't turn them last night.  Yay."

Sam picked up the key to turn the protraction rods and quickly made one turn each on Andi's rods.  Andi smiled at Abby and said "see, piece of cake."  Sam smiled at his wife and said "I am going to turn them once more.  If you want to take a break before the second turn just let me know."

Andi replied "yes sir, but I am good."

Sam carefully made a second turn on each on Andi's protraction rods.  He looked at her and asked "OK?"

Andi exhaled loudly before she said "shit, those second ones hurt.  Gawd I can still feel it in my face.  But I guess that is good, that means they are working. 

Andi squeezed Abby's shoulders and said "pop your retainer in and come with me.  I want you to try something on."

Abby followed Andi out of the bathroom.  They didn't go far, stopping in Sam and Andi's bedroom.  Andi instructed Abby "sit down on the bed boo."  Abby wasn't sure what Andi had in mind but she obeyed.  As Abby sat on the bed, Andi opened up the drawer of her night stand.  She withdrew two black velcro wrist braces.  She placed one down on the bed beside Abby as she explained "my wrists have been hurting me off and on for over a year now.  It really got to worrying me when I would wake up some mornings and my hands would be tingly or numb.  It is the onset of carpal tunnel I know from working in patients mouths all the time.  I wear these at night to keep it at bay.  Stick out your right hand."

Abby stuck out her right hand as Andi slid the brace over her hand and wrist.  As she did, Abby noticed the brace not only covered her wrist, it also covered her thumb, holding it immobile.  Once in place, Andi pulled and fastened each of the velcro straps, tightening it and securing it in place.  Abby immediately realized she couldn't move her wrist or thumb.  Andi said "hold out your left hand."  Abby complied.  Andi repeated the process, fastening the other brace on Abby's left wrist.  Satisfied, Andi smiled at Abby.  Andi said "they fit perfect.  I thought they would.  We just need to get you a pair.  I want you to wear them every night.  It will help."

Abby said "how long do you want me to wear them?"

Andi said "well, at least through treatment.  But I bet you will run into the same thing I do eventually with the carpal tunnel.  You may just want to keep wearing them indefinitely."  After quickly unstrapping them and removing them from Abby's wrists, Andi placed them back in the drawer of her nightstand.  Andi looked at Abby and said "let's go."

Abby said "now?"

Andi said "sure, why not.  Walgreens is open on a Sunday morning, that is where I got mine."

Sam had been watching the whole time.  For some reason he again didn't understand, he had enjoyed watching Andi strap Abby into her wrist braces.  Thinking that Andi would want for Abby to try them on again in the store, Sam volunteered "I will drive you beautiful ladies.  That is if you will have me."

Andi walked over and looped her arm through Sam's and said "my knight in shining armor, to the chariot" before laughing.

Abby followed the pair to their front door.  As Andi and Sam stepped outside, Abby stopped dead in her tracks.  Andi turned and looked at her a moment.  Abby just stood their frozen.  Andi asked "what is it, did you forget something?"

Abby said "no.  It's just...  I just realized I won't just be wearing this facemask at home and in the office.  I will be wearing it everywhere."

Andi said "yep, just like me.  Come on, who knows we might drum up some business."

Abby didn't see any choice.  The day before, she had just had to go from the office to Andi's car and then from Andi's car to inside her home.  She had not had to face any strangers wearing the bright lime green facemask now permanently attached to her face.  She knew that was about to change.  But she knew she couldn't hide inside for the rest of her life.  And she wasn't about to ask Andi to take it off.  So, she took a deep breath and tried to mentally prepare herself for the looks she knew they would get.  As she took her first real step out into public wearing her facemask, she didn't realize it was just the first day of over 3,500 straight that she would be wearing some type of extraoral appliance out into the world.

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #284 on: 23. September 2024, 10:45:16 AM »
wait wait... 10 years? :O