
Author Topic: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)  (Read 66237 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #300 on: 09. October 2024, 17:38:42 PM »
Alex chimed in "Dr. Abby, Becky will be so happy that she isn't the only one in the office who wears a Milwaukee brace.  But I didn't think you were getting it until after we got back from the show?"

Andi looked at Alex and replied "that was the original plan.  But Dr. Morales was afraid that it would just be too much for Abby to get her appliance and headgear, her Milwaukee brace and her external fixators fitted in the course of one week.  So, she had Raphael push her brace to the front of the line.  It really is amazing the craftmanship he is capable of."  The truth is it had been Andi's idea.  She had approached Raphael and Olivia and asked if they could get Abby her brace as quickly as possible.  Raphael was happy to oblige.

Andi continued "he did such a good job on her brace. It is really a work of art.  And it fits her like a glove.  I know it will take her a few weeks to get used to, but I am so happy she can start this phase of her treatment now.  I know that she is too.  But it has been a long day for her just the same.  We don't want to wear out our welcome, so we will see ourselves out."  She looked at Tara and added "Tara, we are all just so glad you are ok.  And we are so sorry about what happened.  The office has donated $1,000 to each of the go fund me accounts, the one for your security guard's family and the one for Julie.  All of us have contributed individually as well.  I am so, so sorry for her.  For both of them.  I can't even imagine what they are going through.  Julie is just such a doll.  I was so excited when she started treatment.  And while insurance was covering most of it, do know that we will be refunding her the $1000 deductible she already paid.  It is the least we can do.  I don't know what else we can do, but if you think of anything, please just let us know."  Andi walked over and hugged Tara.  As she hugged her Andi said "I am so glad you are ok.  Everything will be ok."

Tara replied "thank you."

Andi released her grip on Tara and walked back over beside Abby.  Andi took Abby's casted right hand and said "Abby will be staying with Sam and I for a while, at least until she gets used to everything.  I know the arm casts will be tough.  Raphael integrated tamper proof locks into Abby's brace, but we aren't using them now.  She can't reach to take off her brace anyway.  It is the same for her new appliances.  While they are technically removable, my poor Abby here can't remove them.  But that is for the best anyway."  She looked at Jim and said "thank you so much for allowing us into your home.  And please, if there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to ask."  As Tara watched the pair walk away, Andi had a hold of Abby's arm helping guide her, Tara had a weird feeling.  The whole interaction had felt strange.  While she was so appreciative that Andi and Abby had stopped by to see her, she couldn't help but feel that part of the visit had been so that Andi could show Abby off.  Tara shrugged the thought off and turned her attention back to Alex, who was jabbering away again about New Orleans, Bourbon Street and the French Quarter.

Arriving back at her and Sam's home, Andi helped Abby inside.  Entering their home they found Sam standing there waiting for the pair.  He asked "Abby!  Welcome!  Your brace looks so good on you!  And your casts match your facemask.  How chic!"   He walked over and gave her a hug.  He then looked at Andi and asked "so, did the appointment go smoothly?"

Andi reached out her hand and ran her index finger along the side of Abby's face.  Andi said "it went great.  Abby's brace is magnificent.  It fits perfectly.  But I know she is tired and it must feel strange.  Let's try to get her comfortable."

Andi guided Abby into her and Sam's bedroom.  This surprised Abby.  She grunted "yah behroo?  Eh doh wah tah tay yah beh." (Your bedroom? I don't want to take your bed.)

Andi turned and looked her friend in the eyes.  She replied "you aren't kicking us out of our bed sweetheart.  You can sleep with us.  Unless you don't want to.  But I think it will be best for you.  After all, you are pretty helpless.  What if you wake up in the middle of the night and need something?  We will be right beside you to help."

Abby stared into Andi's eyes.  Finally she said "oh aye".  (OK.)

After getting Abby situated in the middle of their bed, Abby was laying flat on her back staring at the ceiling.  All she could see was the ceiling with the slowly spinning blades of the ceiling fan in her peripheral vision.  She heard Andi say "Sam darling, would you get Abby's cuffs?"

Abby asked "cuffs"?

Andi replied "oh babe, you said that perfectly.  You are such a good girl.  But yes, your cuffs.  Those two arm casts you have are dangerous weapons.  We don't need you rolling over and smashing Sam or I in the head with them in the middle of the night.  This will prevent that.  You can't really use your arms anyway.  And I promise I will unlock them in the morning."

Abby asked "uhlah em?"  (Unlock them?)

Andi said "yes silly, how else could I secure them to your brace.  Raphael integrated rings on your brace.  Like Olivia has on her brace.  That is what they are for.  Olivia too has long arm casts, so Raphael does the same with her each night.  Olivia says you will get used to it."

Abby was in shock.  The one thought that kept running through her head was "how is this happening?"

She couldn't see Andi or Sam, but she heard Andi say "thank you sweetheart."  Abby could feel someone grab first her left arm and then her right arm, but through her cast she couldn't feel Andi fastening the padded pink cuffs, each with a ring on them, around each of her wrists.  She felt Andi place her right arm against her side and heard Andi say "love, would you run the padlock through both rings?"  Abby heard the lock click shut.  She felt Andi and Sam repeat the process with her other arm, again the audible click of the lock signifying that Abby's arm was now securely fastened at her side.

Abby then saw Andi's smiling face appear in her field of view.  Andi said "see, that isn't bad is it."  From her position, Abby could see the roof of Andi's mouth and the mass of stainless steel that was anchored into her palate.  It made Abby think about her own upcoming installation.  She wondered if she would be able to get used to her appliance like Andi had.  She didn't have much time to dwell on it though as she saw Andi hold up a black sleep mask in front of her face.  It had yellow pineapples on it.  Andi said "I know you have a lot of new sensations you are dealing with.  This sleep mask will help you sleep."

She was helpless to stop Andi from slipping the mask over her face.  Trapped in darkness, Abby asked "wah ah yah doin is ta me?" (Why are you doing this to me?)

Abby felt someone, she thought from the softness of the fingers it was Andi, caress her cheek.  Andi answered "Megan told me that when she got her appliance and halo wearing a sleep mask really helped her be able to fall asleep."

Abby replied "nah, eh mea wah ah yah doing ah thish ta me".  (No, I mean why are you doing all this to me.)

Andi continued to caress her cheek.  Andi replied "because it is good for you.  It is good for your health.  And I think deep down you like it.  If you want me to stop I will.  Just tell me to stop."

A thousand thoughts ran through Abby's mind, each jockeying for position.  What did all this mean?  How would this affect her life, her job, her relationship with Andi?  Was Andi right?  Did she really want this? 

As she was thinking she felt someone lay beside her and wrap their arm across her.  Then she felt someone else do the same on her other side.  She heard Andi ask her "Abby honey, have you never noticed how much I seem to like pineapples?  I know you have seen my tattoo.  And surely you have seen them discreetly decorating our home.  Do you know what a pineapple stands for, especially an upside down pineapple?  Or did you think I just really liked pineapples?"

Abby was so confused.  She did know what an upside down pineapple meant.  But she had never put two and two together.  Sam and Andi were both professionals.  Surely they wouldn't be into swinging.  But at the moment it sure seemed like they were.

Abby asked "buh wah abou ush, we ah frens, an we wer toever.  Ah yah ah Sam ah mahed.  Eh wah be weir."  (But what about us, we are friends, and we work together.  And you and Sam are married.  It will be weird.)

Abby felt someone, again she was certain it was Andi, caressing her cheek.  She heard Andi say "we are friends Abby.  Best friends.  But I want to become even closer friends.  We can make this work.  It is weird, but everyone is weird.  This won't negatively impact our friendship.  Or our work.  Or Sam and I's marriage.  I want this.  Sam wants this.  I think you want this.  But more importantly my poor baby, I think you need this."  Abby felt another hand, this one was rougher, it must be Sam's she thought, caressing her thigh.  She was so confused.  She heard Andi say "my poor, poor Abby.  Let us take your mind off of everything.  Everything but pleasure.  Please?"

Abby would look back year's later and realize that her whole life had changed that night when she said "oh aye."

Offline Bracesx3

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #301 on: 15. October 2024, 06:37:31 AM »
Please don’t make us wait too much longer for the next chapter.

Offline ekaj123

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Re: Tara’s Misaligned Jaw (or TMJ for short)
« Reply #302 on: Yesterday at 20:47:30 »
This story is great. I hope you continue it soon!