
Author Topic: What countries are the most "braced ones"?  (Read 30021 times)

Offline fullbracessamantha

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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #15 on: 19. October 2007, 16:25:59 PM »
More adults in Australia are getting braces, since getting mine last year i have noticed alot more adults when i have appointments, almost all of the women.


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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #16 on: 21. October 2007, 15:05:23 PM »
More adults in Australia are getting braces, since getting mine last year i have noticed alot more adults when i have appointments, almost all of the women.
Amazing Samantha.  I recently visited Australia and went to three main cities and think I saw only six or seven adults with braces.   I was expecting to see more, as my ortho told me that more adults in Australia and New Zealand are seeking orthodontic work.

Offline Raoul Duke

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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #17 on: 17. November 2007, 16:48:45 PM »
In Germany the "compulsory health insurance fund" pays for braces if you're under 18. This effects that most children and teenagers (today definitly more than 50%) get braces. Adults with braces are rare to see, but the number is increasing. I can't believe that the headgear is more common in Europe, last time I saw one is years ago.
12-16J: Brackets, Aufbissplatte, Elastics, Vorschubdoppelplatte, Bionator
29-31J: Bionator
34-??J: SL-Brackets, Bite Blocks vorn, Elastics
geplante Retention: Positioner, 2x fix, oben Hawley, unten Crozat


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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #18 on: 25. December 2007, 03:48:25 AM »
In Sweden it is rather common with braces on teenagers, as it is part of the national health plan although they have become more strict with giving braces to teenagers. Back in the 70s and 80s everyone (more or less) got them. Braces on adults are not that common.


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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #19 on: 23. April 2008, 02:43:53 AM »
In Serbia there is more and more adult people with braces. It becomes a bit trendy, but still they are not widespread among adults.

Offline gjnijenhuis

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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #20 on: 24. April 2008, 00:18:56 AM »
Also in Holland you see very much people with braces, as under 18 the insurance pays almost all costs.

Most of the times only normal braces are used, you rarely see someone with a headgear or activator or so on the streets.


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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #21 on: 06. November 2009, 00:49:56 AM »
In Canada now, some companies or groups have Orthodontic coverage in private health plan.  
There is no coverage under the national type of health care and nothing provincial either.
When I was in a city in the mid 1960's, there were only two people in my school having  dental work when I was threatened with this myself. (That is a story by itself!)
I moved to an isolated are but in the 1990's saw my first adult (women) with braces.
She had company insurance and decided on her 40th birthday to do this.
When a major mining company opened in my area, all the employees had insurance for orthodontic work through the company.
Despite the five hour drive one way to the nearest orthodontist, it looked like every family in town had several teenagers in braces.
I moved to a rural area in 2000, and saw one nurse with bottom lingual braces and upper metal.
Another woman I know locally, has ceramic brackets and colorful wires.
I have seen one man with a specialized retainer and lingual braces.
Also three teenage girls with orthodontic work ongoing.
If we had orthodontic coverage for all, I think a lot more would be in braces these days.


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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #22 on: 11. May 2010, 12:24:15 PM »
I think the US is the leader when it comes to numbers of people with braces. There are a lot of 'pretty people' there. And yes, it does seem like a lot of disposable income is spent on looks. Americans tend to spend a lot of money on everything though.

Offline edit

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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #23 on: 03. June 2010, 11:28:19 AM »

I'm from Hungary. In my country until you reach the age 18 the innsurance pays most of the costs - but only metal braces' costs are coverd by insurance. I see mainly girls in braces under age 18, and some boys. Of course there are a few ones who go in braces in their 20's or 30's - without a very few exceptions they are all women and regularly they wear ceramic braces. Men in braces in Hungary are extremly rare - but I do all I can for reach that my man became one of the braced hungarian men (see details in the topic What kind of orthodontic appliance do you suggest for my husband's training? in Orthodontic Treatment topic)

Offline teasy1869

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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #24 on: 09. June 2010, 23:44:04 PM »
Mexico is a very braced country - I never saw such a mass on braced adult women (at least in the big cities like the capital). This might have to do with the fact that there is no public health insurance plan covering the costs for orthodontic treatment for underage persons (and so you have to pay anyway).

Offline bernal1789

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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #25 on: 12. June 2010, 09:18:23 AM »
I don´t know why, but brazil is one of them.

I supose, that is the conjunction of people old who has not had treatement before, and the popularitation the the treatement.

Offline Beazalbob

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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #26 on: 10. August 2011, 02:53:28 AM »
My wife is from Thailand and I have been there about 8 times and there are tons on people mostly older 20's - 30's with braces almost always metal. Go to Bangkok or Pattaya and go into the bars and shopping malls. I had never seen so many beautiful women with braces! and they like to show them off. Braces started to become popular 5 or 6 years back when people started to have more disposable income. It soon became the COOL thing to do. Thailand even has a growing Non functional braces fad. You can get real braces put on by a real ortho but they dont move your teeth. You go every month and change the colors. You can have them for as long as you want. Costs about 90$ US to put them on and 10$ US per month. Real ortho treatment will cost around 1500$ US total. In the US it costs around 5000$ - 6000$ US total.

Offline blue_bio

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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #27 on: 12. August 2011, 00:21:00 AM »
From what I hear, the Netherland is the country where they apply the heaviest braces such as my favourites like Bionator, Activator and all combination with HG's, and it seems to be accepted by the people.
Does anyone know why and if it is still like this?


Offline jonjet25

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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #28 on: 08. May 2013, 02:11:37 AM »
Philippines is right up at the top

Offline jonot

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Re: What countries are the most "braced ones"?
« Reply #29 on: 16. September 2013, 09:54:57 AM »
In Russia it's getting more and more.