
Author Topic: What do you do when you go out in public wearing your appliances or headgear?  (Read 22536 times)

Offline libtech

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Just curiouser what some peoples objectives are when going out in public wearing your braces, appliances, headgear etc? How often do you do it? Where do you go and what do you like to do?

Offline retained

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Strangely I had to think long and hard about this to come up with any sort of answer.
The simple answer is I don't really do anything unusual!
I have probably covered most of my thoughts before, and I may be in the minority here because I don't really wear beaces etc to be noticed by others.
I somehow want to feel that I have become fully used to wearing something which changes sensations but is totally optional and I chose to do. I could stop at any time but it is a challenge to see if I can carry on with it.
I was going to continue to say that there  is no force or necessity involved, but when I think about it, I like the idea that if i am around the same people for any length of time and they do spot my appliances, I can hardly take them out and I have to continue with them.
Also as I suggested in one of my posts, it is the way that if I wear them long enough and become so used to them that it may be more difficult to be without them. (speaking / eating etc). At one time after I had become totally used to wearing a thick bite plate for a long period of time, I took it out and left it in the car whilst I went to meet some business contacts, just to see what it would be like not to becwearing it. It was very difficult to speak without tripping over my words and I was so self-conscious that I went back to the car and put it in again. So, I suppose I had made it so there was some necessity involved, nothing permanent of course.
If it were to be permanent or really enforced, I am sure I would loose interest quite quickly!
Again.....thoughts from others would be interesting.
Not sure if this makes sense to anyone else?

I suppose these exact thoughts could apply to other items or would be interesting to hear from others here.

Sorry, usual long ramblings and you have probably got bored reading this, but just trying to get the discussion started....

Offline libtech

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Thank you for your posting. I am stoked that someone put out the time to answer something that I posted. It seems as if there aren't a lot people on this forum anymore. Thanks for your answer

Offline bugbathe43

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I had to wear my headgear for 2 years, I always would go out in public with it on. I really enjoyed wearing my braces, the best thing was toward the end of my treatment I had a tongue crib for 7 months. I traveled to worldwide during the 2 years of wearing my headgear, going through security wearing it was quite interesting, I did set off the metal detector, which I enjoyed the attention and stares.

Offline andys

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I had to wear my headgear for 2 years, I always would go out in public with it on. I really enjoyed wearing my braces, the best thing was toward the end of my treatment I had a tongue crib for 7 months. I traveled to worldwide during the 2 years of wearing my headgear, going through security wearing it was quite interesting, I did set off the metal detector, which I enjoyed the attention and stares.

I'm the opposite in that I both enjoy the thrill of going somewhere with my headgear, but the thought of being the center of attention is too much. I know it's a lot to ask....wear something so unusual, but also want to sort of blend in and have people treat it like no big deal...

Usually I go somewhere where there isn't a lot of people. I'm more willing to go to busy places when I'm away from home, but there's still the worry that my picture ends up on the web (and I have to explain it to people I know...)

Offline ukbraces

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Interesting question.  I just wear mine.  but I'd LIKE to go out in headgear for sure.... though think I'd prefer to share that moment as opposed to do it myself....

Any others tried public headgear?

Offline DemBones

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yeah, going out "by yourself" is not fun.  you need to share the experience with a friend.  Done it exactly twice now! :-D  Went to a coffee shop and a pub and just had a few drinks with my buddy.

Offline Miketehcat

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I've never tried headgear before, but have hawley retainers right now. When I do wear them in public, I like to try and blend in, even though they do affect my speech somewhat. I mostly continue about my life as normal, running errands and shopping and such. I do like when I have to repeat myself, or when people notice my appliance. I haven't gotten any questions about it, though.

I have only done this once in awhile in the past, usually when I had to run an errand out of town or meeting people farther away from where I live. However, I very recently came out about this interest to my partner, and she is interested in exploring this with me, which I'm fairly excited about. I am also looking forward to buying twin blocks from the braces shop and giving those a shot in public as well  8)

Offline libtech

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I have gone public with mine but either only at night or answering Tuesday door of my house to someone I do not personally know. Someone asked me an interesting question a while back and asked me "what is the thrill, significance, motive, feeling you gain going out in public with your headgear on"? I really didn't know what to tell them except the fact that they would probably only understand if they had a significant feeling for Headgear/headgear fet...

Offline ukbraces

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was it full headgear you wore in public too? for how long?

Offline libtech

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Idk who that question is for

Offline Miketehcat

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I just went out in public with my twin block this weekend! My partner and I were in an airport, and we had a 2 hour layover, so I asked her if I could wear my twin block in the airport and she said yes! It was a little scary, as it was the first time I had worn my custom device in public, and I had a very huge lisp, but it was also really fun. We just talked as normal, I don't think I got too many stares. We also ordered food, we looked at the menu together and picked something out, and then she stepped back and asked me to order  :-X ! It doesn't seem like a lot, but having to tell a stranger what I wanted when my speech was so lispy was definitely scary, but also very exciting and fun! I'm hoping to do more adventures like that, now that I have some experience.

Offline Miketehcat

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I can wear my hawleys in public without too much of a problem, my speech isn't affected at all, but I like the lisp that the twin block gives me  :D  It was definitely a big rush and I enjoyed it a lot!

She does know I like braces, it's a fairly recent development, but we've been exploring it for the past month or two and she is enjoying the experience! She's even trying to push me to be more open about it and bring them out into public more often! I'm taking small steps.

It feels great to wear these appliances in public, and i hope you can work up the courage to wear headgear!

Offline brace666

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Same for me ...   :-[

Offline libtech

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Awesome you guys great job to all of you! The thrill of wearing our orthodontia in public is unexplainable and regardless of how vast our device is, whether something as simple like just a top Hawley removable or as heavy as double combination HG with biteplate and lipbumper, depending what our Device or Devices of choice are, the feeling makes us feel as if we are on top of the world. It's a high in itself.
I am seeing a girl on the weekends due to out work life, I hang put with her fully Geared every weekend. I didn't know we would start basically seeing eachother but a few weeks ago we were texting (Friday night) tell her my day was horrible after receiving a How Are You from her. She Asks Why. I tell her I got braces due to slow relaps of jaw surgery. She says well braces aren't bad (she is not full knowledge on significant Orthodontics). I tell her they are what you think. She says I'm coming over to comfort you and make you happy. I tell her no seriously it's a huge metal orthodontic device that wraps around my head. She says well how many hours a day do you need to wear it? I say (I Went For It) It's perminantly wired in and I just hate life now! She says ohh you poor thing well  sure your still handsome :). I say No I'm awkward looking. She doesn't text back for 20 mins then "Knock Knock" on door. I gear up to play the role walk to the door with heart pounding. I yell out "Who Isth Itk" with a lisp. It's her. I cover my face with my shirt open the door and as she steps in she demands me to show her. I tell her NO! She then pulls shirt from my face and Sighs loudly followed by "Aww I still think your handsome" she smiles while putting her high hand on my cheek which was basically a hand full of Gear and straps then hugs me.  If anyone would like I can continue this or keep you posted on my weekend 24/7 headgear fling!

I'm living a fantasy although I feel bad for this too. We hang and sleep over every weekend and I'm always Geared and she is always talking and asking about it which is fun and arrousing. She kisses me and plays with my gear when we cuddle to a movie. It's amazing :)