Ive been out (in England) wearing various casts and my neck and back braces (including a Lerman Non-Invasive Halo). Also, years ago, I also publicked in an expander and combination headgear I bought from The Braces Shop.
Generally, the thrill of being looked at furtively by members of the public is amazing although I am not so keen if someone is really staring; most people are too polite to actively stare though. I think it is also surprising how many people (especially men I find) seem fascinated (or even turned on?) by medical restriction e.g. casts, orthopaedic braces and orthodontic braces.
I have just ordered an blue Activator with pelottes, tongue crib and headgear tubes plus hi-pull & cervical headgear and facebow from The Braces Shop - I can't wait to publick in that!