
Author Topic: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.  (Read 14199 times)

Offline Jonny 12

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What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« on: 23. January 2018, 11:46:27 AM »
Hi,just throught I'd throw this open to discussion,this may have been discussed before,but here's the question,why do guys like women in braces or appliances ,why do women like guys in braces or appliances,or guys like guys in braces or appliances,women like women in braces or appliances.What is the attraction of braces or appliances.And just as importantantly why.Where does your like of braces come from.

Offline kelly-Marie

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #1 on: 23. January 2018, 18:53:45 PM »
Now theres a question! I'm  not sure exactly what it is but i think I'm attracted to a lovely silver smile and also the more complex the braces the more I'm interested also I find headgear very sexy  which I think comes from the fact that the first girl I was close to had headgear this was in the early 80 s  I just new I thought it was facinating. Later on in life I developed a bit of a bondage fetish so think the 2 are closely connected. I was just 13 or 14 when I knew this girl so just realised  she and her braces made me feel nice nothing more at the time

Offline radian

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #2 on: 23. January 2018, 20:21:57 PM »
I think only a psychiatrist or a psychologist could exactly answer this question but this is probably a kind of fetichism linked to SM universe, like it could be for the leather, heels or other things like that.

I am sure some of us are also attracted to others things which are supposing to create moral or physical pain or at least uncomfort. This question could be a topic !

As seen as the polls, most of us are more attracted for very visible, painful and uncomfortable devices (headgear, herbst...) than light ones (invisalign lol).

Why we are like that... no idea but this has to be related to our youth.

Offline ortho218

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #3 on: 23. January 2018, 22:43:28 PM »
I think only a psychiatrist or a psychologist could exactly answer this question but this is probably a kind of fetichism linked to SM universe, like it could be for the leather, heels or other things like that.

I am sure some of us are also attracted to others things which are supposing to create moral or physical pain or at least uncomfort. This question could be a topic !

As seen as the polls, most of us are more attracted for very visible, painful and uncomfortable devices (headgear, herbst...) than light ones (invisalign lol).

Why we are like that... no idea but this has to be related to our youth.

yes, I think you probably got it right there. For me I've no idea what triggered it but probably something in my past that I was only subconsciously aware of. Maybe there was a pretty girl with braces or something but I don't really remember anyone specific!

I would say that I'm not really into anything that specifically causes pain or discomfort or embarrassment to another person (I don't get off on that at all), but it's more the look and the experience for me I guess. Each to their own of course...

Offline thrownaway

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #4 on: 23. January 2018, 23:42:09 PM »
Don't even know if I have an answer. If I had to guess (for me personally), it was some of the girls I crushed on when I was young had braces/expanders and even a couple had a herbst. Then in high school as I said in another thread, some of the girls I was involved with had them as well. Now, I don't know if that was the main draw or just a bonus, but it was just attractive. A smile is what you notice on a person and for some reason when its all metal and complex there's something great about it.

Offline jay82

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #5 on: 24. January 2018, 00:58:17 AM »
I really don't know why I like braces.  I've often thought about that, but I've never been able to come up with a good answer.

When it comes to braces on other people, it's not that braces alone make someone attractive.  I'm a straight guy and I like women, so it's not like I would find another guy attractive just because he had braces.  That goes for women I see too.  If I don't already find them attractive for some reason other than having braces, then I wouldn't be attracted to them just because of the braces.  Braces are definitely a major bonus, but it's not the only criteria.

In addition to finding women with braces attractive, I also enjoyed having braces myself.  I can't explain it.

Offline Sparky

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #6 on: 24. January 2018, 02:50:47 AM »
I think that part of the attraction is that someone else has something that you are not "allowed" to have, which makes you want them! Plus a certain level of awkwardness / embarrassment.

Glasses, hearing aids also fit that description.

Offline ortho218

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #7 on: 24. January 2018, 21:15:19 PM »
I think that part of the attraction is that someone else has something that you are not "allowed" to have, which makes you want them!

hmm interesting theory, I would tend to agree!! Never had braces myself so curiosity must be a big part of it for me

Offline kelly-Marie

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #8 on: 24. January 2018, 22:36:44 PM »
I think hearing aids and legbraces are sexy too and glasses to a lesser degree I wear glasses and dont think they make me any more or less attractive I'm definitely NOT into the idea of a girl being in discomfort or pain I just like braces if we could have them without the pain and soreness that would be great. I think conventional braces are more popular because they are so visible invisilign are not clues in the name

Offline duncombec

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #9 on: 24. January 2018, 23:56:56 PM »
Very interesting question! I always refer to myself as being an outsider in two ways on this forum, in that firstly I don't particularly like the thought of having braces myself, and secondly when it comes to other people I prefer them on guys to girls.

I suppose for me, a lot of the interest surrounds the "loss of control" aspect. The fact that at any age, be it a teenager right through to an adult, you are obliged to accept you are not in charge of everything any more. That's not just in the pure aspect of what is on your teeth, but the changes in speech, the changes in how you act, i.e. the "social" side as well as the pure orthodontic side. I try and explore this at times in my fiction, with the popular jock getting the heavy metal, for example, or where an adult finds themselves in an awkward situation.

Offline Jonny 12

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #10 on: 25. January 2018, 02:22:29 AM »
Hi,so far the replies have been very interesting,just throught I add to my own question.i have been analysing why I have this braces fetish and I believe it's all down to the treatment I recieved when I had braces,the discomfort of having six or eight teeth removed ,can't remember which,but I can remember being very frightened of that,then being embarrassed having to wear them for three years,hating them at first,but strangely liking them later.So far it's pain and discomfort,embarrasment.maybe having the teeth removed by gas having a mask placed over my face was not nice then,but the more I think about it,the more it seems like it's connected to bondage.I think maybe all those things together really do heighten arrousal.that could be why I now have this fetish.What do you all think ?.

Offline c214

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #11 on: 25. January 2018, 02:24:05 AM »
I really don't know why I like braces.  I've often thought about that, but I've never been able to come up with a good answer.

When it comes to braces on other people, it's not that braces alone make someone attractive.  I'm a straight guy and I like women, so it's not like I would find another guy attractive just because he had braces.  That goes for women I see too.  If I don't already find them attractive for some reason other than having braces, then I wouldn't be attracted to them just because of the braces.  Braces are definitely a major bonus, but it's not the only criteria.

In addition to finding women with braces attractive, I also enjoyed having braces myself.  I can't explain it.

This pretty much sums up my feelings.. when I was younger, some of the first girls I made out with definitely had braces - but I wasn't attracted to the braces specifically, they just added a little something.

As I got older, the interest in braces has never waned. I'd always wanted braces myself, and when my childhood dentist told me I didn't need braces, I was disappointed, but didn't think much about it after that one appointment. I do remember that appointment clearly, and wish I had said I was unhappy with my teeth - if I remember it correctly, he sort of gave me an opening to say I want to fix this or that.

I ended up getting braces when I was 31 and wore them for 2 years. It was an awesome experience, and now (2+ years after they've been removed) I am looking for a reason to go back and see if I could do with another round of braces. My midline has shifted a bit, despite wearing my retainers religiously...

For me, more than anything the interest has always been about the feeling of braces for the wearer. What would it feel like to walk out with a new mouthful of metal.. with a new headgear that you're supposed to wear 14+ hours a day.. with a herbst or an expander that just looks like it would be so bulky and uncomfortable..?

Offline jay82

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #12 on: 25. January 2018, 18:53:26 PM »
I sometimes wonder if maybe my interest in braces has anything to do with girls I had crushes on when I was a kid.  There was one girl who I kind of liked when I was in 5th or 6th grade and she got braces, and I guess her braces sort of made me like her more.  I can't say it was just her braces though, because I had a crush on her before she got braces.  There were other girls who had braces that I never had any interest in.  It's pretty much been that way ever since, through high school, college, and my adult life.  There definitely has to be something else about women to spark the interest, but then the braces heighten the interest.  Wish I could explain why.

Offline Thelog

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #13 on: 25. January 2018, 19:05:43 PM »
I first noticed braces when a girl in my primary school was asked to speak up in assembly. She couldn't speak properly, everyone laughed and a teacher remembered something and excused her. I saw her later and she had a few wires and a mass of plastic in her mouth, a 'brace'. I like this girl anyway, as an 8 year old I had an innocent attraction to her. This new addition was very exciting, I was hooked. I can't pinpoint why.
I later discovered fixed braces and found those very attractive and incredibly interesting, a passion strong in me now. I have little or no interest in bondage or S & M, glasses do something for me, as do body braces and hearing aids.
Oddly, I feel the repeated pattern in braces has something to do with it - I find plaited hair very attractive, also pleated or certain patterned (womens) clothes attract me.
Whatever the psychological reason, I enjoy indulging my desires!

Offline YBNO

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #14 on: 27. January 2018, 20:26:44 PM »
Good question, with a lot of different answers I guess.  And all of them will be right in their own way :)

My fascination started quite early in school seeing some of the older kids wearing braces and even some of them headgear.
When I was around 11 I went to a local orthodontist myself as I was told I needed braces.  The ortho was a older guy, that I was actually related to.
I thought I'd get braces straight away at the first visit, so was a bit disappointed when I came home with nothing.  I had to have a tooth pulled, had to wait a while for the appointment for that.  And after that we moved to a different place, and the original ortho retired.  So eventually when I was 13/14 I went to see a new orthodontist, he said I ideally neeeded braces, both upper and lower.  I didnt have that many friends back then, and was very self conscious.  Some of the other kids in my class were getting theirs off, so I protested and never got them.  To this day I still regret that decision, but not sure what it might have done to my braces fascination.