
Author Topic: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.  (Read 14201 times)

Offline bracessd

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #15 on: 05. February 2018, 18:08:45 PM »
I have been attracted to braces since middle school. I think seeing my friends get expanders, braces and appliances intrigued me, especially because I didn't get braces when everyone else did. One of my friends brothers had quite a few different removable appliances and I was fascinated by them. There was something about the thought of having an appliance or braces that got to me and the sight of a girl wearing braces, especially with power chains or elastics, is very attractive. I finally got braces and part of my treatment included a jones-jig and nance appliance. It was very satisfying to have a metal contraption with acrylic on the roof of my mouth. That was followed by full ceramic braces, power chains and elastics. My ortho gave me an upper essix and lower hawley retainer. I has always wondered what it would be like to have an upper hawley, so I ordered one from the braces shop. What a feeling that is and I can't wait to order something like a twin block to see what it feels like to really have a mouth full of metal and plastic.

Offline Jimmy m.

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #16 on: 05. February 2018, 21:29:53 PM »
I'm not sure what exactly is it with braces but I think it's mostly the feeling and the awkwardness .

Offline michaelm

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #17 on: 20. July 2020, 01:00:12 AM »
It's about not being in control. No matter what personality you have, once you have braces you have to sit at the orthodontist with your mouth open and have no choice but to accept what someone else is doing to your mouth. Not knowing what is going to happen in an appointment. You might end up with some sort of elastics, sometimes a thicker wire or other stuff. But many times you will only find out while you are sitting there with your mouth open.

Offline Headgear-compliance

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #18 on: 20. July 2020, 09:41:31 AM »
It's about not being in control. No matter what personality you have, once you have braces you have to sit at the orthodontist with your mouth open and have no choice but to accept what someone else is doing to your mouth. Not knowing what is going to happen in an appointment. You might end up with some sort of elastics, sometimes a thicker wire or other stuff. But many times you will only find out while you are sitting there with your mouth open.

Ypu described my experience so well. The length of my treatment only came up after the fixed braces were applied and wired. The headgear I received was never discussed and simply installed. I remember stepping out of the office into a full waiting room with my headgear, just waiting for the ground to open up and swallow me. It didnt, instead it created vivid memories and probably the reason I'm on this forum.  ::)

Offline nyar

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #19 on: 17. August 2020, 23:23:05 PM »
It's definitely the awkwardness and embarrassment part for me. When I was in primary school making fun of a kid with braces would give me a rush, and as soon as the age of innocence was over, I realized they made any guy much more attractive than they would be to me if they didn't have a metal mouth. And to this day I love going out with guys with braces and hearing them complain about their treatment and being in braces in their 20s! Idk they're just so endearing :)

Offline sleeper

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #20 on: 17. November 2020, 17:35:25 PM »
For me, I think, it's the slight imperfection in the beauty of a woman (I like people who have braces, but don't want to wear them by myself). I also like crooked or slightly stained teeth.

Maybe it's easier to understand using another topic as an example: modern/contemporary classical music is often dissonant, but very interesting to listen to. Perfect aesthetic "too much" beauty tends to be boring, divergences give each one of us his_her individual charme. Excuse my bad englisch, I'm not a native^^

Offline hercimur

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #21 on: 18. November 2020, 00:51:53 AM »
I agree with the notion of a "slight imperfection."  When trying to explain my interest/fetish (which I've only done once except anonymously) I feel the need to add that you can't just put braces on just any face and I'll suddenly be attracted.  It's something that accentuates a face I already find appealing.  I like the notion of "mouth jewelry" even thought that doesn't explain it all. 

I also like the transformative process.  I find them more beautiful when the teeth get straighter.  However, the "just got braces" look has an appeal all it's own.  It's kind of a dichotomy.  I like the look of when a braced smile gets close to the end of the process, but that also means that they'll soon be off.  Also like the way it effects self confidence and like seeing a girl/woman that used to hide their smile become more confident in showing their smile.  Finally, I am truly happy and pleased when someone gets their braces off.  Just miss the braces a little down the road.

So, in a nutshell, I guess it's "the process."

Offline cbraces522

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #22 on: 18. November 2020, 08:24:35 AM »
I think it’s the control aspect for me. I don’t really like the idea of having braces but it’s something medically necessary that is controlled by someone else who is basically in charge of your comfort.

Offline metalfoxy

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #23 on: 19. November 2020, 02:43:41 AM »
It’s definitely the control and a little bit of fear too. Like something you are afraid of is something you would also love?
I’ve always been shy about anything like this and remember being so embarrassed with my braces and having different people picking around in there. You definitely feel helpless and the element of surprise when walking out with something else added was always a thrill

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #24 on: 19. November 2020, 04:23:15 AM »
I have autism and that could be why I love hearing aids, dentures, retainers and eyeglasses with very thick lenses?   I am 29 and have my own backyard playground with 5 slides and a 12.5 foot tall commercial grade swingset.  . 

Offline Jock1

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #25 on: 06. January 2021, 18:37:05 PM »
For me it’s the embarrassment of being made to wear braces in public and making me lisp. I find it exciting and fearful at the same time.
It started for me when I was a kid and the dentist said I need braces as my teeth were bad. I never got braces as a kid but I was fearful that if went to the dentist I would be made get them. I avoided the dentist for year because of this fear. This is where my obsession started.
Eventually I got braces in my 30s which I loved. I now have hawley retainers which I love to wear in public when I can.

Offline Jock1

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #26 on: 06. January 2021, 18:39:30 PM »
I also convinced my wife to get braces which was great. She doesn’t feel the same way about braces as I do which is unfortunate.

Offline prahm

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #27 on: 08. January 2021, 09:27:06 AM »
For me it is the lack of control and vulnerability, along with the social aspects of it.

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #28 on: 10. January 2021, 00:34:36 AM »
Its a very difficult question to answer, although I have tried to explain it at various times in other posts I suspect.
Firstly I like removables, basic Hawleys etc really.
It started at an early age maybe around 10, possibly earlier. I do remember my grandfather and then my father getting dentures and somehow I wondered how that would feel.
I remember someone in my class at primary school getting a 'brace' (retainer as I know it now).
I moved to a different town aged about 11 and was given a desk to sit at next to a boy who wore a retainer. I dont remember much about that except he would take it out for pe lessons etc.
I remember thinking it would be interesting to wear something like that and see what it felt like. Especially what it would be like not to be able to feel the roof of my mouth and what it would be like to talk or eat.
Others began to get similar 'braces' (retainers). I remember one who took two out of his mouth but at that time I dont think I realised there were top and bottom retainers available. Some had brackets and wires, ie. fixed braces, but apart from slight interest they didnt really hold any appeal to me.

I discovered that a closer friend had to wear a retainer at night. He came round to our house wearing it one day. I wanted to ask about it but didnt.

I think I used to experiment by chewing up toffee or other chewy sweets (candy) and pushing it in to the roof of my mouth to see what it was like.

And so the interest went on. Always it was a case of seeing what it was like to have something different. I willed my parents to decide that I should have a 'brace' (retainer) and my teeth would have benefitted as they were not perfect, but no one ever really thought of it and I could hardly suggest it!

Then there was a long gap until I discovered the internet and I found a company to make me what I wanted. I acquired one, then a few others. I wore one plate, which didnt show, for a number of years full time and the others when I chose...and still do. I enjoy the 'different' sensation and the fact that it is something to 'get accustomed to and deal with' but unlike many people here, its not really a case of letting them show to others or even much about others being forced to wear them. It is something about learning to adapt to them.
A lisp is something to be overcome and, in fact, I really enjoyed the fact that after some years of wearing the quite thick plate, I found I couldnt speak clearly without it and without lisping and tripping over my words.
I took it out one time, just before going into someones house to talk to them. It was so difficult that I had to make a quick excuse and go back out to the car and put it in again.

Did I explain that well? I am not sure.
Sorry if I have said it all before.
Anyone else think the same way?

Offline Flaneur

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Re: What is it about braces & appliances that people like.
« Reply #29 on: 11. January 2021, 00:10:34 AM »
For me it is the lack of control and vulnerability, along with the social aspects of it.
i agree. Feel like you