I wore fixed braces as a teen, back in the the 'Bad Old Days' of full bands, the real 'metal mouth look' of the late 60's. Spent a summer in nearly full time high pull HG wear (parents threatening a slow, painful death if I was seen out of it without permission), several months with elastics and a couple months in a horrible bite plate that almost filled my mouth and pushed my lower teeth forward (all but impossible to talk with it in, the were actually so 'kind' to schedule it during summer vacation so it didnt interfere with school). When I was 16 pr 17 I finally graduated to retainers, actually right when lingual 3 x 3 lower retainers were introduced - just my lower cuspids banded, and a wire running between them behind my teeth - removable on top, I would guess a hawley. After a few months graduated to night only year on top, and the bottom removed when I was 20.