

Is your girl friend / boy friend / spouse currently wearing braces?

yes, fixed braces
yes, removable braces or retainers
yes, another kind of appliance
no, does not wear braces
no real braces, but has got fake braces
I'm not married and got no girl friend / boy friend
(abstention from voting)

Author Topic: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?  (Read 165045 times)

Offline Cassandra

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #60 on: 30. May 2016, 18:30:58 PM »
I guess once it's your SO's braces you're so interested in, it isn't something you can really keep a secret, huh? Theology, KidFrost, you're lucky your partners are open to fakes. Mine would never be. His whole braces experience is something he'd prefer to leave behind him. He enjoyed the fact that I liked them, but it's not something we ever talk about anymore. If there are ever fakes involved, I guess they'd have to be fakes for me!

Offline KidFrost51

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #61 on: 30. May 2016, 18:48:55 PM »
You're right -- it's pretty difficult to keep it a secret. At the same time, I enjoy the way braces look on women in general and I know that's why she has worried in the past about how I would feel when the braces come off. This is her second time with them so she is far less worried, if at all. I do consider myself extremely lucky that she is open to the idea of wearing fake appliances just because she knows I like the way it looks.

Offline Thelog

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #62 on: 31. May 2016, 20:25:07 PM »
I completely agree that it's an impossible secret to keep from your partner - which is a good thing!
As embarrassing as I found the first time that I told someone, honesty really is the best policy. It seemed like such a big deal but to your partner it's just another aspect of them that you like. Like plaited hair or freckles :)

Cassandra, I'm sure you can talk your man into getting and wearing a retainer! Surely worth a shot ;)

Offline Cassandra

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #63 on: 01. June 2016, 02:20:09 AM »
Nope, thelog, he has retainers and does not wear them. Not even for me!

Offline KidFrost51

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #64 on: 01. June 2016, 04:57:47 AM »
Thelog, I agree with you that it's a good thing...even a great thing! I'll admit that it was awkward to bring up in conversation but it was very liberating at the same time. Of course, it helped that she was very receptive and understanding -- perhaps even to the point where I still felt awkward and she felt like it was completely normal.

Offline Mjdentist

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #65 on: 08. June 2016, 12:21:20 PM »
At the age of 24, my girl friend wear braces. She looks horrible when smiles.

Offline Cassandra

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #66 on: 12. September 2016, 23:03:50 PM »
My SO and I were talking about my teeth the other day and he said he wouldn't have tried to date me if my teeth weren't so nice. I was really surprised, because one, his teeth WERENT nice at the time (I mean, they were nice to me, he had metal braces!) and two, I don't really like how my teeth look. They're not symmetrical, and my chin sort of sticks out. It's not something that can be changed, because the un-symmetrical teeth are implants and my bite is correct, so if I wanted to look different it would likely require something like plastic/cosmetic surgery and new crowns, not braces.

But since he brought it up, I told him I wouldn't have tried to date HIM if he hadn't had braces on, and that sometimes I still miss them. This is not something that's a secret between us, but we pretty much NEVER talk about it. And he was pretty surprised that I said that, and his reaction was basically, "really? STILL? You're STILL stuck on that?"  Then he mused that he should see if his retainers will still fit, and asked if he should start wearing them to bed when he's in the mood.

I was astonished. But of course I said yes.

So you guys were right. I should've just asked him :)

Offline Thelog

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #67 on: 24. January 2017, 10:27:42 AM »
My SO and I were talking about my teeth the other day and he said he wouldn't have tried to date me if my teeth weren't so nice. I was really surprised, because one, his teeth WERENT nice at the time (I mean, they were nice to me, he had metal braces!) and two, I don't really like how my teeth look. They're not symmetrical, and my chin sort of sticks out. It's not something that can be changed, because the un-symmetrical teeth are implants and my bite is correct, so if I wanted to look different it would likely require something like plastic/cosmetic surgery and new crowns, not braces.

But since he brought it up, I told him I wouldn't have tried to date HIM if he hadn't had braces on, and that sometimes I still miss them. This is not something that's a secret between us, but we pretty much NEVER talk about it. And he was pretty surprised that I said that, and his reaction was basically, "really? STILL? You're STILL stuck on that?"  Then he mused that he should see if his retainers will still fit, and asked if he should start wearing them to bed when he's in the mood.

I was astonished. But of course I said yes.

So you guys were right. I should've just asked him :)

Cassandra, has your guy lived up to his promise and worn his retainers for you? If he can get into that, surely it's only a few suggestions away from fake braces!
My partner still hasn't had an appointment, it's been nearly 14 months now. She's lucky a bracket hasn't broken off in that time. Her teeth still look great though there's a some small gaps appeared, especially where she had molars removed. I guess the powerchains have lost all their elasticity. She'll have to face up to it and make an appointment soon, the matter of the fact is that there isn't an orthodontist anywhere near where we live! A long journey back to the old ortho I guess, he's probably never had anyone dissappear for so long!

Offline caster72401

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #68 on: 24. April 2017, 18:53:20 PM »
Me and my SO are both in active treatment at the time.

Offline MikeB

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #69 on: 25. April 2017, 02:53:23 AM »
My wife is currently in metal braces top and bottom, with bite stoppers now and elastics to come.

Thread about it here:'s-braces-journey/

Flickr with daily selfies here:

Offline Azbracesfan

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #70 on: 01. June 2017, 01:08:26 AM »
Mine doesn't, but I think he needs them. I always hope he'll say something every time he goes to the dentist

Offline ortho218

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #71 on: 16. January 2018, 20:41:05 PM »
my wife used to wear braces in her teens (before I knew her). she told me she also wore a 'plate' for a while (I haven't probed for further details) as well as headgear at nights. I've asked her a few times about it but the conversation never goes too far - I don't want to push it too far and close off the subject forever!

Offline bugbathe43

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #72 on: 16. January 2018, 22:41:52 PM »
I was very lucky that my wife and I had braces at the same time. over 30 years ago right after we got married we moved to a small town in another State since I had great dental insurance we mad the plunge, my didn't know about my thing for braces at the time. The orthodontist still used full bands which I was a perfect candidate because of my narrow arches and buck teeth. My wife also had full bands too, I was in heaven, I had to wear a headgear for 1year and expanders also. My wife just had to wear elastics. So after 2 years she had hear braces removed and I had mine for 3.5 years. I wore my retainers for 6 months and then lost them when we moved again. 30 years latter I had braces put back on again due my lack of retainer wear, this time I had a headgear again but for 2 years wearing 20+ hours a day and a tongue crib for 7 months.  My total in braces my 2nd time was 3.5 years. 

Offline bradhov

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #73 on: 17. January 2018, 01:43:11 AM »
my wife had braces a year ago  - ceramic both upper and lower for about 16 months.  now just wear retainer at night.  Both of our kids had them when they were younger and I'm getting ready to get them on me

Offline c214

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Re: Whose girl friend / boy friend / spouse is wearing braces?
« Reply #74 on: 20. January 2018, 13:57:30 PM »
My wife had braces as a kid (plus a headgear for most of her treatment) - now her lowers could use some help, and I’ve been encouraging her to look into it. She was very supportive of my adult braces a few years ago, but is less interested in having them herself. I continue to bring it up periodically- maybe she’ll go for it one of these days.