
Author Topic: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~  (Read 111047 times)

Offline hercimur

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #30 on: 20. November 2020, 01:31:39 AM »
I'm a bit confused.  I re read the story and don't see the issue.  I guess it's your call.  Not trying to argue the finer points of why you decided to lock it.  Pretty sure my words or opinion wouldn't make much difference anyway.  My fear is that another new story poster will probably not be heard from again  :(

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #31 on: 20. November 2020, 05:56:54 AM »
Marty has his reasons for how the rules are set up. This is his group and he has the right to run it his way. Some of the members here are underage and the content of the stories has to take that into account.

If anyone has a story that they would like to write and post and it may violate the rules, they can always send it to me and I will probably add it to TheArchive.

Like Marty, I do have rules, but they are very relaxed. Anyone can send me a story and I will give my advice on the content of it.

Offline duncombec

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #32 on: 20. November 2020, 10:28:36 AM »
It's also worth remembering that Marty and the other moderators are German-native speakers, and I believe rely on Google translate to identify the content of the stories quickly (certainly always used to). It is possible that some nuances have not translated well, and sound 'worse' in German than they do in English.

Hopefully Marty will have been polite enough to tell the author why, so that the story can be adjusted and reopened (frankly, it would be very rude not to have done so!), or made clearer (perhaps as simple as the patient agreeing, despite her misgivings about her stepmother, to please her father).

Man sollte auch errinern, dass Marty und die anderen Moderators Deutsch Muttersprachler sind und soweit ich mich errinnere, nutzen Google Translate (o.ä) um den Inhalt der Geschichten schnell zu identifizieren. Es ist durchaus möglich, dass einige Nuancen schlecht übersetzt habe und 'schlimmer' auf Deutsch als auf Englisch klingen.

Höffentlich wird Marty schon kontakt mit der Autor/die Autorin, um er/sie 'warum' zu erklaren, aufgenommen (eigentlich wäre es sehr unhilfreich das nicht gemacht zu haben!), so dass der Geschichte geändert und neugeöffnet werden kann (z.B. trotz ihr Gefühle ihre Stiefmutter gegenüber, um ihr Vater zu gefallen stimmt die Patienten die Behandlung zu.)

Offline xxxforce

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #33 on: 21. November 2020, 17:05:02 PM »
Muss auch sagen das in dieser Geschichte meines Erachtens nicht zutrifft und er Rotstift hier zu schnell angeordnet wurde - denn die Protagonistin ist

A) 18 Jahre alt also Volljährig
B) Die Protagonistin wurde nicht gezwungen sich von Ihrer Stiefmutter behandeln zu lassen, (auch wenn der Vater es ihr "nahegelegt" hat) und zudem ist sie ja auch zum zweiten Termin freiwillig erschienen und die Behandlung erfolgt ja auch bei vollem Bewusstsein...

Ich denke hier waren andere Geschichten schon weit über dieser Grenze als diese hier..

I think in my Opinion this Rule-Point doesn't suit this story and the locking was not really necessary..

as A) the main charakter of the Story is 18years so She's full aged..
and B) She has not been forced to comply and letting her her stepmother examine her and providing her treatment.. She went there in by her own choice (even if her dad sharply advised her she should do it) Also she went in to the pratice on her own the secon time and the treatment began in her full mind not like she was sedatet or sg...

@cbraces522 - please get in contact with marty, adapt your story a little bit for the critical passages and continue this nice story. If it's not allowed to continue her please get in touch with Braceface2015 to add the Story to his private but open accessible archive to be published and continued there  :D

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #34 on: 21. November 2020, 18:13:32 PM »
I am always willing to add stories to my collection. I do have a few rules, but they are very liberal. If you are concerned about if a story will be added to my collection, just email it to me and I will read it.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #35 on: 22. November 2020, 19:44:45 PM »
There are enough people commenting on each story, so I am just going to make a general post and say that I am enjoying all the new stories. I am trying to add the chapters to TheArchive as they are posted and fall behind occasionally, which in my opinion is a good problem to be having. There is so much good material being written and from so many new writers.

Offline napacaster

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #36 on: 23. November 2020, 05:28:43 AM »
I have to agree with Braceface2015 about all the great stories lately. The only writing I have ever done is technical manuals and documentation, and have no ability to tell a fictional story in writing. Those that are writing these detailed and compelling stories have a gift than many of us don't have. Thank you to them!

Offline GarotaFakeBR

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #37 on: 16. December 2020, 06:04:46 AM »
After a while I'm feeling like writing a new story and as a matter of fact I do have some ideas although  I haven't written anything for a while now. I just wish I had feedback before posting it.
It's hard to know when a story should end or which ways the writer should take especially when writing in a language that sometimes makes you change something or else it might be misunderstood. I wrote a new story a couple of months ago but I'm not sure if it is good enough to be posted.

Maybe I'll write something new, or improve something I've already written. I guess this post is just because I miss working on a new story and stating that I've been thinking about it  will make me actually go for it.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #38 on: 16. December 2020, 10:24:03 AM »
Any new story is always appreciated. My advice is to just post it.

You should write about what interests you. If you aren't happy with what you write then it won't be your best effort. each writer has their own style and way of writing.

When you feel that a story should end, find a way that you are happy with.

Offline duncombec

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #39 on: 16. December 2020, 10:26:52 AM »
I've always said that as the author, it's your decision which way you take the story and where it should end. I've written some fairly lengthy things in the past and end up getting bored with them because it seems as though I start every story as though it should be a novel. Writing 'scenes' had been a good way of training me how to write shorter stories!

I'm sure there are plenty of members here who would help you out with English. I'm happy to do so for sure, and I know Braceface2015 had helped others. Just ask  :)

Any story, even one that it a bit rough round the edges, is better than no story at all!

Offline acornjohn2001

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #40 on: 16. December 2020, 16:32:44 PM »
I agree with Duncombec - any story is better than no story! If you feel like writing, it is good, do that. We are your friend and we tell you if it is good or not sincerely. I am sure everyone will do it in a nice way. I would like to go on writing. It is no problem to set the characters but I am not good at continueing - I mean that I don't know what the main person should do next. And what is worse, I like lisp and I use it in my stories maybe more than necessary, lol. If here is someone who likes it too, let me know.

Offline GarotaFakeBR

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #41 on: 16. December 2020, 16:54:04 PM »
Thank you for the advices. I'll go for it. This week I'm a little busy but I have an idea and I guess it might be a good story.

I also think I use lisp more than necessary lol. As if I needed to make writing more difficult.

Maybe I will start with a scene and depending on the comments I go on.

Offline acornjohn2001

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #42 on: 16. December 2020, 18:38:25 PM »
Great, I am looking forward to it!

Offline m1090y

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #43 on: 17. December 2020, 14:07:33 PM »
@GarotaFakeBR, please don't lose your idea.  They tend to come at you when it is least possible to write the story and then when you get to writing it, you realize half the ideas that flashed through your mind as you came up with it are lost.  It really helps to keep notes on your SmartPhone to prompt you when you get to writing it.

And then as often happens, before you can write it, an even more exciting idea comes to you.  If you've taken the notes as the ideas came to you, the list becomes what some self-improvement business trainers call an 'Idea Reservoir'.  When you come back to it later, you take ideas for whole stories, or perhaps just an idea to juice up a scene.  Mine goes back to 2012 and has 75 story or scene ideas, none I have gotten around to using yet, as they get deleted when used.  Some story ideas even contain a length story summary, not just the core ideas.

Offline Boheme

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Re: ~*~ BracesStorys ~*~
« Reply #44 on: 19. December 2020, 00:40:47 AM »
I miss the stories that used to be online in the early 2000's/90's. That makes me feel old, lol.

I'm trying to get the guts to write one myself. I love the more realistic ones that make you nervous it could happen to you.